t c? j wblmu wLMimeiJeiuysmm y " p& kils s&xixfam. iwr &STORIA. OREGON: 'jb.C.IRiiLAXI 'TnuitsbkV.- Ertlior. .TfuWo, 187D THE SEWS. "We take some pride in the fact that the dispatches which we pub lish to-day show some considera ble sign of an improvement. Tile -Astorian is "a very readable paper this morning. The report of the decision of the supreme court in -the celebrated Polygamist suit from Utah, will be hailed with sat isfaction everywhere. It is virtu ally the first nail that has yet been driven "home" in the?ooin of that accursed blot in the 'fair name of America. Lei us hope that no rest will be given the saints until 'this relic of barbarism is thoroughly 'wiped out. The news generally will be found very interesting to dav. The Astoria Railroad. The agitation upon the subject of a railroad to connect the Wal lamet valley, and that division cf the state commonly denominated on the map as "Western Oregon,'" with the sea port of the state at As toria, is having the effect of reviving the interest of the Oregon Central railroad, commonly called the West side company, and we learn in cidentally in a. sort of semi-official way, that the Oregon Central peo ple have not given up the idea of running the west-side road to Astoria. That is all right. We are glad to hear it. But there is this about the business; the time has arrived when it is necessary to do soAiething! and whether it is narrow xauin) or broad 'gauge, he company that steps to the front first will be more certain of success than to wait for coming events to cast their shadows before. A High Example. Bayard Taylor, who died a few few da3rs ago, while American min ister to Berlin a position only one degree lower in honor than 'that of the president was a self-made man. He never attended a college, hut commenced life as a printer hoy, and in a printing oflice re- ocived the rudiments of that edu cation which gave him high rank as a scholar and literary writer. He could speak, "It was said, no less than seventeen lansniaes, all of which he acquired by hard ap plication to study. So. prominent mm jh; uuuuiui; ixinuii" iusc'miiLi- men, that he needed no recom mendations for oflice. President Hayes appointed him minister to Berlin without solicitation on the part of Mr. Taylor or any of his iriends. Looking to this high ex ample, let no ambitious youth be discouraged by the surroundings of poverty. Intelligence, energy and perseverance will accomplish -the most brilliant triumphs. Consulting the Stars- A London astrologer named T7iflinfl h;ic: rrivon 'flir nnlitiril ,. ,r , , opponents of General Grant much pleasure by predicting that his star will not be so bright in IS80. In Raphael's almanac for IS-?!) may ! be found the foilowmo;: The most important birth f:r nished us is that of -x-President Grant. Like the other rulers given in last vear's almanac, he was born with five )lanei5 rfciir the vernal ,e"piin"ox. He is spoken o for election in ISS0, but as tha sun will not then be free fiom the beams of Saturn and Uuranus, it is J very doubtful if he will be elected. , We doubt very much if the ,rrnrrnl will rive the beams of JD v, vv " ..... w-..w -... .w... - Saturn and Uranus much consider ation if the Republican National Convention should Select him as ihe standard-bearer 'of the party -Cor -1880. The World's Doirnrs. Voluminous Telegrams Boiled Down to 3!crc "Whispers of tlie Wires. Work' on the East river bridge will soon be suspended. Blaine, looking tolSSO, announ ces himself in favor of restricting Chinese immigration. The steamer Glamorgan, from China and Japan, via the Suez canal and Bermuda, has arrived safelyat New York. Half of the cargo of the steam- i ship State of Louisiana has been saved. The passengers have all returned to Glasgow. Sacramento, December 26th was the coldest which has et been ex perienced. Ice formed 2jr inches in thickness. Several of the Philadelphia build in"; and loan associations are in trouble through bad investments, and the Sepreciati&n of values. The house committee on rail roads will report a bill authorizing the construction of a narrow-gauge road from tide water to 'St. Louis and Chicago. Boston is s;6in2; into extensive improvements. A million dollars has' been voted for sewerage, and a projected court house will cbst an other million. Both houses of the Michigan legislature met on the 1st, 'and after the election of officers, the ca pi tol" building was dedicated. It cost $1,505,000. Early New Year morning a large flouring mill near Dubuque, was burned to the ground, probably from an explosion of gas in the patent flour apartment. Loss 25, 000. Mayor Ely, of New York says: "I shall never again be a candidate for an elective office. I have had twenty years of hard work. Now I want something quiet, and gen--llemanlj-. - '- ,. The annual report of the Union Pacific railroad company shows that during 1S7S there were G-1,400 through emigrants for California over their road. ii 1877 there were 47,300; in 1S7G, 52,300; and in 1S75, 53,400. An Illinois justice's jury found 'a verdict, but the jurors refused to make it known until their fees were paid. The cash was not forthcoming, and as there was no way to force them to disclose their secret, they were discharged. Ex-Congiessman Owen Jones started from his residence at Wyn ne wood to visit a neighbor, and was found before midnight frozen to death by the roadside. The de ceased represented the fifth Penn- j sylvania district in the forty-fifty Merchants and ship owners of New York and other cities -arc signing a memorial to congress, com paining of the alleged fnethods of Pacific railroatis and Pacific Mail Steamship company in form- jinff an injurious iv.cmopoly in the j r,r..:ntr ;,.nri0 l J Returned raiders give thrilling accounts of their experience among the mountains of Fentress county, Tennessee, in hunting illicit dis tillers. "While on the march they were overtaken by a violent, snow storm, followed bv rain and then freezing, making the mountain trails absolutely impassable. One man slid'thown a fifty-foot incline, stopping on the brink of a 150-foot chasm. It was finally decided to return and wait formilder weather. . r m i . (-r i itev. Air. lairnage, 01 JLirook: h'li. New York, has marked out for himself a broad field of active labor. The plan he lias adopted -of visiting thetddns 'of vice, in order to become personally ac quainted with what there trans pires, has afforded him so much matter for his sermons that he an nounced his intention of extending 'his investigations for the attain ment of information of a varied character, to Boston, Washington, Philadelphia and Chicago. His brother clergymen do not entirely approve of his new departure in pastoral visitation; the press is caustic in criticising it. while the police force of New York is down on jMr. Talnuige to a ftfon, for ex posing their official delinquencies after the7 had shown him so much courtesy in accompanying him on his rounds. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wilson & Fisher PE.YLKKS IN LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL. PAINTS AND OILS. Round, Square and Sheet Patent Rubber Packing, etc. PftOVISIOSS, .MILL PEED, 'GARDEN 'SEED, G&ASSSEED. Which will be exchanged for country pro duce or sold at lowest prices. Corner Chenainus and Hamilton Streets ASTOKLV, OREGON. Notice to All Concerned. Ftfeh "and Boys ftftust be As well as to have toys for Christmas. Christmas is Over ! ItUT I has XOT And now invites the attention of every body to his Full and Complete Stofk, Consisting in part of A FULL pi OTUJSJP FOR MEN LINE OF ULO I IIiRU AND BOYS. Gents Furnishing Goods; vlso : Large Stock of Family Groceries; Ganneid Fruits, Etc.; also : Watches, Jewelry, Marine and Opera Clashes, etc.; Besides a ehoiee lot of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, "Wholesale and Retail. Call and see. MAIN ST., - - - ASTORIA, OGX. Three Schooners for Sale. TWO schooners, -vith eAder boards 12 tons each, and one without center board, five ton., all fully equipped and in good or der, will be sold cheap for cash. Apply 10 "WATSON" BliOS., 07-tf Astoria, Oregon. CITY BOOK STORE, MAIN ST.. ASTORIA. CKAJS-'STJEVESS & SOTt Invite the attention of purchasers to their stock, just laid in FOR T1TE HOLIDAY TRADE. The Finest Selection ! The Cheapest -Prices! The Greatest Worth! DECEPTION" POCKETS; LADIES' DTAKIES AND PURSES COMBINED: COMB AND BPFSII POCKETS: CUTLEPvY, JEWELRY, CHARMS, ETC. ETC. LADIES"' FANCY BOARD. ETC.: j GOLD PENS AND PENCILS; I' AIN'T l'ENCILS, UUITA 1'iiKUUA GOODS; EXCELSIOR DIARTES. BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. K3TA11 good sold at lowest cash prices. CIt AS. STEVENS & SON. City Ufnk Sifcre to Main street, two doors from the Pioneer Ilestaunutt. opposite the bakervof Mrs. C. Hinder REDUCED PRICES. TOlt THE NEXT TIIIttTY DAYS IKS. JU II. A. Derby will sell her goods at Re duced Prices HATS SMIOM SI ."50 ITWARBS. AND Other Goods Proportionately IiOv! This is a fine stock of MILLINERY (HMDS, embracing everv novelty in vogue iu the Millinery hue. I Also, a large stock of Corsets, 'Embroideries, ?ies, Kid Gloves, Rucliings. And other goods too numerous to inention. MAIN STREET, Between Squeinofdie and Jefferson street. A jARE CHANGE. T WILL SELL ANY OK. ALL. OF THE jl loiiowmg d( mg described property, viz 160 Acre, Sec. 2 T. S, X. of It. 9 west, southeast quarter. Also, in Olneys Astoria lots 1,"5,S, ami 4, in IJIock 79; Lois , 4. Vaiiti c, m itiock ico; 'lots 2 hk(1 4,'?nIock'f30; and Lot 8, 7n Klock 132; ortUiiair oflock 8,-2 1-2 acres. 'DAATD INGALTi. Astoria,t!0iegon,Dec.l0r18T8. &-Qm BUSINESS CARDS. r F. BELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Notary Public and Commissioner orDeeds for California and Washington lerntory. Astoria, Orcson. OFFiCE-Corner of Squemoeqlm and Cass streets, up stairs, over E. S. Larson a, store. .1. av. noim. C v. rU!,Tox.i Attorneys-at-Lail', Collecting and Real Estate Agents. "Rooms Xos. l and 2, Dr. "Welch's new build itc, Squemocqlm street, Astoria. ' Tjl D. WJNTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ouico in City Hall Building. ASTORIA. OREGON. DK l. W. . ISAIHSR. (Late Surgeon U. S. Army-) O (II re Corner Chenainus and Main sts., over "White House store. Brown's building D 11. I. M. SEVERN, Graduate University f Pennsylvania. PIIYSICIA.X ASI) SBBCEOS. EXAMINING SURGEON OF PENSIONS. 0 1 11 civ La ren's building. . Ofllre iroiirs.-S A. m. to 10 A.M.nml 6r m. to S i 31. At night can be lound at Tnr pin House. Astokia, Okkoojt. rR. F. CRAXG, PHYSICIAN AKDSURGEON, ASTORIA, OREGON. Oflice Room ino. 7 over C. L. rarfcer's stoic, Opposite Dement's drug store. 1J. F. DEKXISOX. F. J. TAYLOR DENNISOK" & TAYLOR, ATTO It X K Y SH AT X. A W. Astouta, Oi:koox. Ofiicr Up stairs hi I'arlcer's huilding, comer Chenainus and Benton streeK OTTO DITXKIC. WATCHMAKER AND JETELER. ii vs KKMOvnn to Main street, Parker's building, ASTOBfA, - - - - OKEfSON. STEWAI6T, Stone and Marble Cutter, ASTORIA, - - - - -- OREGON. 'All kinds of building work, and monumen tal work attended to promptly5 :uul to order. Satisfaetion guaranteed. It. .1. Y. OLIVEU, 11030:0 PATiiisT, HavinK permanently loeated in Astoria, tendoi's his services to the'eiticus of th; place. Office. For the present at his residence iii'Col. Taylor's house. Cedar street. Hu GH bl'001 CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND GENERAL JOBBER ASTORIA, OREGON. RSTlIoues built to order, and satisfaction Rifaranteed. Shop on Squemoeqha street, next door to the"Episcopal church. , - - - Special Holiday Sfotioe! BY E. S. LASSEN, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. will sell for cash for the next two weeks any article in my line at GREATLY REDUCED TRICES. This I propose to do in AVder tojrive every body a chance to celebrate Christmas and New Year fur very little money. My stock of is complete Froh and desindde.and not excelled by anv house in the suite for PttTGKS, QUALITY CR QUANTITY. Thc-larKest and most eoiripletc stock of CROCKERY, GLASS, and YELLOW WARE, A choice assortment of CHINA TEA SETS, MOTTOE AST) LUSTACnE CtTPS. 'REAL'BOHEKIAN VASES. And a complete stock of PLATED "TAKE, Latest designs and best make in the country. JUST RECEIVED. EGG JUMBLES, COC(5NUT CAKE, . 'PLAIX AND FANCY ICANDIES Also a great reduction in COFFEES AND gUGAll. . , Also, a great variety ol WOOD AND tvILLdWAVVllE. i All of which T-will respectfully- offer for vour . inspection and purchase. Yours truly " a . r. , -U- i'AKSEN, Astoria. Oregon. Dec. 17. 187s. WILLIAM EDGAR. Corner Main and Chenamos Street. ASTOltLv OREGON. BK.VLKK l.V CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND THE GENUINE WOSTENHOLfil and other English Cutlorj-. g-vtt r rmr--TWTT - SuCATTOKEY 5 ; FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PEwq i i AHO Genuine meersnauiii Pipes, etc. ! A fine stoek of iVatolies aiut .Towel rj-. Miiyyi n,i Breecli Xeading: Sliot ;,, Kc'9lver, Pistols. Parlor ltjfl ymd Ammunition. c' MISCELLANEOUS. Washington market, Main Street, Astoria Oregon, BEJIGMAN a JBEBRT "OESPSCTFULLT CALL THE ATTEX Xt;on of the public to the fact that tht a5.Jlarket "" flT88 be supplied with a FULL VAJR1ETY BEbT QUALITY OK w5-Ri.ES-SvA,,iP CRE3 MEATS ! hicn will be sold at Iowei-t rates, wholesalo and retail. Special attention dven to supitfy ng shins. li. K. Warrkn-. C. A. McGvrste Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamnsaud Cass streets ASTORIA, OREGON. WARREN & McGUIRE, Proprioror (Successors to Hobbon d: Warrr. Wbolcsalo and Retail Dealers in all klnas v Fresh and Cured fVleats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. vr Butter, Eggs, Cheese, etc. constantly on hand. - Ships supplied at the lowest rates. IT IS A POSITIVE TRUTH That housekeepers enn do hetter bv dealin with J. K. WrRT. on :,Iain street, :us he keeps the best of FRUITS, CANDIES, NUTS. LIQUORS AND CIGARS, SMOKED SAKUOM, BOLORNK SAUSAGE, JERKED ELK MEAT, And also from Clatsop every other day FRESH BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, CLAMS, DUCKS, CHICKENS, And everything that 'is needed in the cook ceok coek ing: line at the lowest linna prices. Call and examine before nnrili:mfnr oUr- v-here. .5. li. wiliTr. Arndt & Ferchen. milE BEST V&SLJik- ,-r In the city. T' jSnine. Cannery and J?(eanibo:it "Work proiuntlv attended to. GEORGE MACLEAX, BLACKSMITH, Water Street Rondtvuy, Near Hume's Cannery. Astoria, Oregon. Horscshocins ofBlacksraith der. Satisfact and all kinds ing done to or- ion fevaranteed ALL SHIP AND ENGINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E.s- MERRILL & CO., Blacksmiths and machinists! Capt. ROGERS' OLD STAND Near Exprc Office, ASLUK1A, - UKliUUiN. AH work in our line, heavv orlisht, doneuith neatness and dispatch. Korseshoeingj Wag- cte . on and Farm iSff WOE'K A SPECIALTY. HAYING SECURED THE SERVICES 07 Mr. S. A. (lainos of Ky., an experienced Farrier of 2") years in the buines. and yll kuoti'to Astoria horsemen, we are prepared to if in horses entrusted to our eare. rt"AH work warranted and at reasonabla rat os. A GlllL "WaNTED.-To do general lioiisc- tX. work In a small family Address : P. O. BOX 75. Astoria. Oroson. 1-tf Astoria Stem Laundry. ,T. T. BO HC I IE US Proprietor. Astoria. rcs:ii. No nibhing or .senihoing. and no thrashing vourelothes'too ph-ees. Buttons sewed on and elothes mended. ?"Neat work at reasonable prices. Givk us a call. T. S. JEAVETT. E. S. KI3IBALL. Draying & Tracking, STOItlA TRUCK & Dll AY CO, Squemucqhe St., between Cass and Main, Contracts for jn;yinp made and satisfaction piuranteed. Order Ml at the Occident Ho tel or received by mail promptly filled. JEWLTT.tKLMUALL. IIN THK ASTOIUA' I'.L'ILUIKG) HAS JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF XEAVt goods; cOiiistin;; of LIEN'S AND UOYS CALF AI-JD HI? BOOTS.. Buckle and Congress Gaiters, ' Wfriien, Misses and Children's jaxrxoOT Bonis, Which will be sold at the very lowest prices. j7 m D. GRAY, Wliolcsalc and retail dealer in. OYSTERS, by the SAJK. Hay, Oats, Strav, Wood, Etc General storage alld TT-harfage unreasonable- terms. 4mw&' v. BLACKSMITH fjft-Mi&& and Xc3iffcr machine Shop9- g.33ffii&& &sMim& J3l Kintt ti i,.i.:-.-i if ?5Sji 4 . 4U.