01 Vol. VIII. Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Morning, January 9, 1879. No.. filly I IS J0OJttll ,. 7 Telegraphic Hews. Special DI:atchcs to The Daily Astorian THE EIKST THROUGH TRAIN FOR CHICAGO. THE. "Cr. P. R. CO. GET AWAY "WITH UNCLE SAM. DEMURRER SUIT SUSTAINED DISMISSED. AND THE CREDIT lOBILIES; "WINS. FALL 0? A BRICK WALL AT A EIRE "WITH PATAL RESULTS. ONE MAN KILLED, TWO PA TALLY AND PIVE BADLY INJURED. LOSSES BY THE CHICAGO PIRE $110,000 QUICKSKIPPING TREASURER. PIKE COUNTY, PA., MINUS TEN: THOUSAND DOLLARS. PEATI? OP A VETERAN EDITOR. ANOTHER DISASTER PROM LO COMOTIVES EXPLODING LOSS OP LIPE UNKNOWN. ATTEMPTS TO PLOW A "WAY OVER THE N. Y. C. 11. PUNERAL OP CALEB CUSHING. SKATING IN GEORGIA POR THE PIRST M.E IN &h - -WENTY6YEARSr - ?" GREAT SUFFERING AMONG THE POOR.. THE PIRST ICE THAT "WAS EVER PACKED IN ATLANTA. Cleveland, Jan. G A through passenger train for Chicago, the first one to start since last Thursday, will leave Buffalo about one o'clock this afternoon. New York, Jan. 7. In the United. States supreme court this afternoon, decision was rendered in the case of the United States vs the Union Paci fic railroad Co., and others, commonly known as the Credit Mobilier case. The decision of the lower court was sustained. Demurrer to the bill in equity is affirmed, and the govern ment suit is ordered dismissed. New York, Jan. 7. Wlile the fire department was working early this morning at a burning building, No. 73 to 79, Vesey street, the east wall of No. 75 fellwith a crash kill ing one fireman, injuring two perhaps fatally, and five others badly. Chicago, Jan C. Total losses by the Saturday night fire it is thought will not exceeed 110,000. Port Jarvis, N. Y., Jan. C. Jas. W. Quick, treasurer of Pike & Co. Pa. , whose term of office expired to day, is missing. Pears are entertain ed that he has absconded with $10, OQO or the finances of tho county. Philadelphia, Jan. 0. Martin M? Michael, proprietor of the Philadel phia North American, and ex-mayor of the city, died this evening. Batavia, N. Y., Jan. G.As tlje heavy snow plow and five engines on the New York Central railroad were trying to force their way through deep jmow drifts, the plow and four loco motives jumped tho track, four miles east of here tq-day. Two of the loco motives exploded, killing two em ployes, hree pr four other persons are missing.. It is not yet known how great was the loss of life. NEJVBURYroiiT, January 6. Caleb Cushing's funeral was as plain as tliat of the commonest citizen in rural towns. Hundreds of people visited at the house to view the remains. The residence was crowded during the ser-. vica. Very many distinguished per sons were present. Atlanta, Ga. Jan. 7. There is skating on ice in Atlanta to-day for the first time in twenty years. Thous ands of pounds of ice are being cut and packed here.. This is the first time such a thing ever was known here. There is great suffering among th,e poor, all(l cy s relieving nsnch want. Foreign. News.. Special Dispatches lo the Daily Astorlan THE PLAGUE IN ASTRAC?AN SPREADING DEATHS REPORTED. PRESIDENT GRANT IN LONDONDERRY. THE STRIKES IN ENGLAND. EX TEND TO THE "WIRE TRADE, SHIP YARDS, COACH TRAD ETC. THE KING, OF HOLLAND MARRIED. St. Petersburg, Jan. G. The plague at Astrachan is assuming serious proportions, aic fugitives have carried the contagion to three adja-. cent valleys. Quarentine has been proclaimed by the doctors. There have been four hundred deaths from; HhuTclisLase up to January 4th. Londonderry, Jan. 6. Ex-Presi-. dent Grant arrived to-day, and was formally presented with the freedom of the city. A grand banquet will be given in his honor to-night. London, Jan. 7 The strike of mi ners in south Yorkshire and north Derbyshire vll not be nearly so ex tensive as was anticipated. Not more than half th,e operatives expec ted will go out. Another strike has begun in the wire trade at Warrington, which may assume serious proportions. Rasters contend for a reduction of wages or else the works must close, as German wire can be obtained cheaper than the English can manu facture. Tho men say that the re daction iR excessive. Pifteen hundred men are engaged in the Midland railway strike; 5Q0 coach builders have struck in Liverpool against an increase of their lours of labor. Simultaneously similar strikes have occurred in, inany- large towns. In Lancashire and Yorkshire five hundred shipwrights employed i the Middleton ship yard have struck against a reduction of wages. The men were paid off and the yard closed. The Bollivian iron works, at Middle ton have closed, throwing two thousand men out of employment The Midland railway employes at Carlisle have yielded. Arolsen, Jan. 7. Tho king of Holland wsa married to the Princess Emma, of Waldeck at Piermont this evening, with great solemnities. A good deal of fun has been poked at Beaconsfiehl for his sup posed careless classification of Cal ifornia among the British colonies. Here is an account' of what he saidi "On his return from Berlin he was much gratified at the rec ognition his efforts received from the colonies, but this testimonial from British residents of a great country like the United States was especially pleasing." What is there wrong about that? Wrestling With the Saints J THERE IS A GOD IN ISRAEL. THjE PIRST NAIB,IN THE COP PIN OF POLYGAMY DRIVEN HOME. Special DIsnatch to Tho Dally AMorlau. "Washington Jan. 7. A decision was rendered, thjs afternoon by the United States supreme court in the famous case of George Reynold against the United Statea, brought hereby anpeal from tlje supreme court of Utah territory. The case involv.es the v.:hole question of Polygamy in the territories, and the constitution ality, of the laws passed by congress for its suppression, Reynolds was in dicted by the grand jury in the United States court for Utah for contracting a bigampus marriage. He was. tried by the qourt in Utah, and was found guilty.. Ho appealed his case to the supreme court of tho territory, and finally to this court,. -which now af firms the judgment ofrthe lower tribu nal and decides that congress has, the Iower to pass laws prohibiting polyga mous, marriages in Utah, and that such law. are constitutional. Pacific Coast News. Special Dispatches to The Bally Astorlan OAPT. HOWARD SUSPENDED POR NEGLECT. JOHN HAGAN CONVJCT03D OP FELONY". NED, BLIVENS. PASSES, -IN HIS . . CHECKS. SAN JOSE TO, ASTORIA REET-. ING TRAGEDY EOR A TRAGEDY. A WORD POR THE SUICIDjE "f. N. CASTLE. AlURDR Aft THE WILLOWS. ANOTHER CANDIDATE POR THE GALLOWS. Sax Francisco, Jan. 8. United States Inspectors Freeman and Hill man, who have investigated the cir cumstances attendant upon the loss of the steamship Georgia have submitted their report to supervising inspector Bemis, attributing the loss of the ves sel to want of sufficient care in navi gation on the part of Capt. Howard. His certificate as master has been sus pended for two years. Sax Francisco, Jan. 7. Jolm, H gan, ex-superintendent of streets and late contractor for cleaning severs, who was indicted by the grand jury for felony was convicted this afternoon. Sax Jos, an c- -e Blivens, a low saloon-keeper, was killed in a drunken row early this morning. He was found with his throat cut, and a bullet through his head. Other par ties in the saloon were too drunk to tell how the affair occurred. A woman named Annie Jannon has been arres' ed on suspicion. She tells a story about a sailor naned Harny quarrel ing with Blivens about the latter's former wife. This woman says she ran out of the saloon for help, and on returning, heard a shot fired, and met Harny and EUivens' wife running away, Harny has not been found. Sax Jose, Jan. 7, The city coun cil meets to-night to appoint a city clerk in place of the absconding clerk, Castle, suicided in Astoria. City treasurer Lotz knew of the deficiency two months ago, but made no report. One of the council also knew of it, but aided in shielding Castle until he I made his escape. WlLL0WS cni.,jan.r.-Atan ai- uei Milium nore, in a aive last nignc oe tween "R. B. Magness and J. W.. Morrow, in a scuffle Morrow shot Magness in the leg, Magness ran out of the saloon. Morrow following closely, firing several shots, one of which, topk effect, the ball entering the breast causing instant death. Moi-. row was comrajtted to jail to wait ex amination. The Scientific. American holds that if present market pri ces of all articles of necessity and luxury, that go to make up the cost or living, be cempared: with the prices that obtained "when waes were higher, it will bei oun.d that wages have held their own. It says that the laborer of the pres- ent day can buy more with his wages than hjs father could, that, in fact, his wages are higher. All this is true in America, and if so here it is perhaps so in Great Britain,. But it is not easy to make the laboring man believe it, and he naturally protests or rebels against any reduction of his wages. In England, that is. in York and Derbyshire, where the proprietors of the collieries were compelled to a reduction of wages, because forced to reduce the price of coal, one Hundred thousand men enga ged in, the colleries are on a strike. It is difficult to convince them Ijhat theii;. wages at the proposed re duction will still be on a par with what they have to purchase, which Ipas fallen, proportionately. BACKUS 3 AND INSURANCE.. ASTORIA, OREGON.. BROKER AND BANKER. DEPOSITS RECEIVED IN COIN OK cur rency subject to check at sight. x5"Sight checks issued on Portland, availa ble in any part of Oregon and Washington territory. iS3"Sight checks issued on San Francisco, available m any part of the Slate of Cali fornia. ess-Sight checks issued on New York city, available in any part of the Eastern States. Approved bills discounted. Loans made on available security. Collections made promptly. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL ASD LONDON AND QLOBE, N02TTI BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OP HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Koprcsenting a capital of SG7.000.000. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. Hflie Mutual IpiDce Co., OF CALIFORNIA, J. F. Jlorc.HToy.. Presiden Cu.3. 1J. Stoky ."."..Secretary HAMILTON BOYD. I. . . - nrnimn Geo, L. Stoky. ) Agents rei: Oregon OFtfjoE Northeast comer of Stark apil Ifisslt streets, Portland, Okego Net Cash received for Fire Prem iums in 1$77 335,511 04 Assets. Jan. l, 1878 - oTS,C65 So LiabilHic Lossps "'iipuid- $3.ras .TT Dividends " ;.:.....; lcff 00 5.JIT. 37 Surplus for Pront-rty Holders So72,470 47 Losses paid in Oregon in six years$i4il6 72 I. IV. OASra. Agent. 3-2Gtf Astoria. Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Kie Chung. Kle Too. Pang Toe and Lim Sam, under the firm name and stvle of Qunng "Wing Co., pawnbrokers, Astoria, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be carried on by Lung Wing Co., hp will pay all debts of the late Arm. Qlta'g Wing Co., Lung Wixg Co., ' Fug Lap. Duck Fon'g. Astoria, Oregon, Jan. l, 1879. j5-2v CHARCOAL ! CHARCOAL. ! THE UNDERSIGNED, WELL KNOWN to the Columbia river eannerymen, wishes to say that he is now prepared to deliver promptly, to order within 14 days, charcoals of the best quality in quantities from 500 to ),000 bushels at the lowest living rates, to any point on the river between Eainier and Astoria. PETER JOHN. tj-17 Cathlamet, W. T. MISCgifLANEOUS; NBW 8TQ0KI "AVING JUST RECEIVED A new stock . consisting of a splendid assortment of Dress Goods,, Fartjcy Articles AND Gents FUfflSHlli GDIS. Hate) Gaps, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Jewelry, Etc., Etc We respectfully invite the public to call and. inspect the same. We have also receved a large stock of fine,. CIGARS a TOBAGGft "Which we are ottering at San Franclscq, wholesale prices. Very repectfully. A.. VAN-DUSEN & Co., Cor Cass & Jefferson sts.. -. Astoria. Ogn" If Yxm Want fca Select a Suit 0$ From the very best stock in the city call a A.VANDUSEN&Go.'s. VAN DUSEN & CO., HAVE A SPLENDID STOCK OF,- Consisting of a gicat variety qf goods Sor both ladieand gentleman. VANDIfSEN&Co., Are Agents in Astoria for the SINGER and the WHITE SEWOT MACHINES, Large stock constantly oniiand. rpo WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. jsqtice is Hereby, given thai all persons. are lorom tresspassing upon, oi; ia. a any way occupying any portion oif the land or. beach, surrounding. TONGUE POINT, or upon any y the land or. be part of the Henry Merlin land- clain) hj, Clat sop county, State of, Oregon, without permi sum irwv. tne. undersit;jea; aiuh a;4y rroni setting out fires upon said claim, vhtcebj the standing timber may in any way be Injured, VAN DUSEN & SHOWS. Per A. VakDusejt. Astoria. Oct. 51877, A. L. Bancroft & Co. SAX FBAXCISCO. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DOING ALL kinds line printing, such as SALMON LABELS1. FRUIT LABELS, ETC,. And Engraving and Printing by Anything to ordev. wHI be. received by W. R. Bancroft, room 10. Occident Hotel, or after he leaves by D. C. Ireland, Astoriau. ofllce. 7G-tf 1832. 1878. Hardwood Lumber, OAK, ASH, HICKORY, WH1TEW00D LUMBER.. Carriaia 5 ap Material' A SPECIALTY. Orders for lumber for boat or ship vvork. promptly attended to. Address alt ordyr E. i. NORTHRUP & CO., Cor. First and Main streets, Portland, Ogn, W. E. DEMENT, DEUGGIST. ISTORTA OREGOX, Carrios a full Assortment of Drugs Patent Medicines, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS Prescriptions filled with care Day or Night. . C37 Manufacturer of Fishermen's TCeliof. A sum preventative of Chapped lladtf, inoj curafwr-i Wpunds. Uharles Heilborn, aiaV?AC!TUK5:? OF And Dealer in FURNITUREandBEDDING. ALSO IMPORTER OF CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, "WALL, jPAPER, SHALXES, etc. PAll kinds of repairing promptly at tended to. and furniture m,adato order. 5A full lin,$ of uictura mouldings amf flames, brackets, window cornices, etc. S?Full stock and lowest pi ices, corner of Sviuemocaha and Main street. Astoria. s PILES. Tho undorsicned is pr spared to furmf a largo number of Spiles and Spars at thi placo on short notice, at reasonable rate. Apply to ' C. G. CAPLES. Columbia City ggv-p r