The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, November 25, 1877, Image 1

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Vol 3.
Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning, November 25, 1877."
Fo. T48I
f i
(Monday Excepted,
uL.Atrifttt JjiuldAiig, Cass Strict.
Terms of Subscriptien:
fcrved'by Carrier, i!r week 25 CcnJ
"ontliy mail, four months 53 (
iSeat-by mail, cne year. - i V
Tree -of I'trftaso to Subicri'jurs.
rti5" AdvertimenLkncri8d ty tfio rear at
ctiio rale of $1 "') per square per month.
TraiiMcntadrcit"iiij:flcy"tlic.djiy or vreek,
fifty cents per square for evicb insertion.
To City Subscribers.
There arc s u-cl: frequent chnn?e;in (lie resi--dcnou-f
our city pnirous (hat vyo shall feci
oblijrba to Tiny who make such ch.-ingos if they
vill report the sanie i thzsotiice. Other wise
wo .efciill t ho reu.onstblc for failures of the
carrier tt deliver the nuper promptly and
regularly to them.
Fully 25 per cent saved ly buying
xit J.'ss' new grocery sum?..
SSTThal Wife of Mine, and other new
books for sale at the Ike Hive.
.1. Strauss .will pay lie highest
cab prices for fresh eggs and butter.
:2If you have a broken babjr
wagou take it to Henry Gallou's wagon
hop and bave it repaired at once. He
-does good work and warrants. it.
SSfThe public will do well by exam
ining the new stock of holiday goods :ii
the City Book Store.
Sugar curedbacon at prices thai
vilely competitien: also, Chicago sugar
best in the world, at J. Stila vss'.
The morning subject at the Baptist. rSqucinocqha streets was read and re
fhureh i onlay will be: 'Eternity.' j ferred to committee.
Evening subject:
Seats free all are
'The CJreat Crisis."
Just received per Chester Xew
York cream chete,1be beiit in the mai--lket,-:it
J. ijti-auss.
-Parlies owning property over llic
water, AvfekU is used by the public,
shttuld sec to it that the railings along
the roadways are kept in repair.
z-- . .- - --
.Avery large stock of can goods.
such as table and pie fruit, jell v, lain,
.Jioney, tomatoes corn, beans, sugar peas
.x.ysters,eorn beef, condensed milk, etc.
uit rices to suit the times at .J. Stk.vuss
-' -- " -
The schooner Fannie Beil was lost j
.In the gale of the itfth, coining out of j
the Wal lacut with a cargo of wood. SI13 (
grounded on the sands, and lay there
until the return of the tide at JO j). in
when she went ashore in a fearful blow,
and was a total wreck. Xo live.? were
J. Stkauss is fully prepared to -sell
yos the best of teas cheaper than you
have ever bought on this coast
Mr- J- R. Sheppard has furnished us
-with a full account of the masquerade
:it Corval lis, costumes, etc, but we re -
gretour inability to publish the same
for want of space. Our thanks are ten
dered Mr. Sheppard for his kind remem
brance. Salem patent baker's Hour, Impe
rial, Magnolia and Albany flour, very
-cheap for casli, at.J. Stkauss'.
A. C. Wirt of Skipanon, one of the
pioneers of Oregon paid us a visit yes
terday. Mr. Wirt reports that the water
melon has turned its business over to
mince pies and buckwheat cakes on the
ESFlf jou want a nice piece of jewcl
.rv and a good article, call on G-. Olson,
lie has now received -aiine assortment
for the holidays, consisting of ladies
and children's necklaces, "ladies gold
lockets, ,gohl chains, -etc Ladies gold
watches, gents andiadies gold rings of
'the latest stales. .Remember G.Olson at
Caufielus drug store.
Quite 2. commotion was ereated in
our composbig rooms yesterday at the
-LisnppcsiKuscfKjf'oue of our composi
tors. He lisd renn?w5 fronilimcheon at;
the usual time; but in a few moments
nothing could be .seen of him except his-
jHumenlionjibles, hanging over the back.
Hjf .2. chair. 1 lis Jiame ytns called, lie
inswereii. c .seitrcjiqu. . u c iUU,114,cbarter.
iiim : buL-siadcs of a great man ! lie
Irad donned ah extra pair of the editor's
pantaloons. 'Editor. ylg)i 2- lb?.; rn ior. tne couecxion c-ueAn-mp-2941)i..'
" " snent Uxe XJft.thf.roll.of 187-K.
tSZ-The Daily Astouiax will be .sent by
mail at 25 cents a weeh. free of jyostagc. Head
er tcho contemplate absence from Uie cily can
hate Thk Astohiak follow them, Daily,
"Weekly or Sunday to anu pmt-ofjice ciUi
out additional crpcnue. Addrc&trjt maybe
rhangctl as often ax desired. Leave orders al
the counting room.
The mail boat was way behind time
hist night
A shawl found In thestrect, awaits
an cwuer at litis olhce.
The highest tide of the season, at
ihrefo'clock i. m. yesterday.
Com. Xutt and the great company
got through all right. Belter late than
Teaming was suspended througli
out flie city yesterday in consequence
of the storm.
The Maiiie Maclcay got aground
yesterday on beef bones thrown over
board from the gallej
Trees on the opposite side of the
peninsula from Astoria went end over
end in the storm of yesterday and night
before last.
At the next nieetinirfof Beaver lodire
To. .. I. 0. 6. F., EriOay evening offi-
ccrs are to be elected, f Afull attendance
is desired.
Members of the Astoria gymnasium
K-club are n'flu esteO to. meet at the police
court rooms on Monday evening at 7
o'clock, November ifttli, U877. By order
of the president
Cowmen Council Proceedings.
The common council held its regu
lar session on Friday c veiling.
Petition of citizens to change the
names of Concomly, Chenamns and
Proposition of J. 3J. Shively to put
in fire plug -oivSquemocqha street,
near the city ball, was referred.
Committee on health and police re
ported alterations in the city jail, dis-
" reusing with one cell and ceiling the
rest, at no extra cosUto the city, Avhich
, was allowed.
Report of city officers wercrcad and
placed on files.
R fc of cifc aya: mQi &A
... , . ,, , , ,
of 'est-ninth street was received and
j referred for ordinance. AVluch was
reported and passed the second reading
J in its order.
An ordinance regulating fees of po
lice judge, etc., passed the second
Warrants were ordered on the
treasury in payment of various claims
as follews:
J.'W. Gearhart S M
Astorian 43 25
R.R.Spedden 1 50
Trenchard, & Upshur 28 5G
A. Wing 2125
G.W. Hume 204 :
J. C. Trullinger 51 50
F.J. Tavlor 51 :r
. 3lirje & Vanv ', '.'. '.'. '. 1
GeaFJavel 15 80
...!!..."no5 00
. Morris & Chappel
A resolution was adopted requiring
the Auditor and Treasurer to prepare
an exhibit of the financial work of the
current year for publication.
An ordinance passed allowing the
heirs of James Welch, deceased, to
build a a'harf, etc., on the north end
of lots ltnnd 2, iblock 120, and south
end of lots 1 and2, block 133, Shive
l3T,s Astoria.
The report 'of the commissioners,
Messrs. Jno. Hobson, C. A. McGuire,
and A. Montgomery, on the widening
of Concomly and. Chenamus. streets,
was received, am' uporu. motion was
aocepted-jmdrof erred to the committee
on streets and public ways and the
"city attorney, for an ordinance to -carry
the xeporc into execution. We shall
publish the report entire as soon as
possible. Possibly on Tuesday next
It is too long for our columns to-day-Rep.
The Audii was instrsefced to give
ihe requirsMlien ylays notice of th
J juunicipal jeguired hv ihe
The Auditor was instructed toj&gue
ia ,i ,. r j t
Finnucinl "
Legal Tenders in AstoriafeayingSS; sell
ins U7.
Silver 2&A per cent disco t
Coin exchange on San Fraacif co 3 prem.
Currency exchango on SaaEtanciico por
cent premium. 3
Coin exchange on New Yoijci per cont. pre
mium. Telegraphic transfers on ifcw York 1 per
cent, premium. a.
Currency exchan geo& Nefr York J per cent
Wheat. Wheat afloat ot
In store at
Astoria is always par with
store at San Franrisco.
afloat or In
Flour. Sujierfiae Stf oOdl; Extra $8 50
7 50. Corn Moal cwL $Wi Buckwheat tl
cvL Sli .K)g7 50.
3Iill Fkkd. Bran $25 QkTK ton; Shorts
S5 00; Middlings S40 Xi; fcria.
Uats. According to quAMf. prtecs range
from Uo to 70 cts tS bushel
Vlgetablks. Potatoes tWyoe " bushel;
(hr.ons 2c B . Iff
Eggs. 30g35cts "?, dozciti;Chiekc&5. S35
t? dozen. vT
Mkats. Bacon 14clGc 9f sides; LOeSlSc
Tor hain:: 12c for should; smoked beef
'llj; corned beof $7"ri bbL; eornod
pork 10c V Ik
Laedl In tins and caddies I520cts "ft lb.
Buttkr. Choice roll 30cl; Eastern in tuTss
20e; Oregon iacked 25 ct4. H. Cheese
18(52) cts '$ lh. f
Fruits. Apple?, green, fe? bor 6275;
Dry a lb Sets; Alden dried "1 1(5 cts; Plums
rilb IScts; French Prunes fkR 02.cts: Zan-
te Currants nl2Jets; Citron " lb 37 cts;
Peaches ti lb 10S121 cU ?
Sau "Francisco Markets.
By oor-latcstiidviccs by wail quotations for
leading.tirticles of Oregon production aro as
follows :
Flour SupcrGno. $5 005 50; shipping ox
tra, SO 25"j75; Extras in Jobbing lots 37 00
g7 00 ?. bbl. p
Wheat Shipping $2 2022'i; Milling S2 Si'
2 40 3 ctl. Sales of extraacks shipping at
$2 35.
Lumber $ld2 for rough ; Sl18 for
dressed. Ilcdn,ood-csrso rates aro for rough.
$17i8; 2.jg2J for dressed; 3032 50 for rus
tic: Rustic, :No. i, SM; So. 2, SIX); Siding,
S22 50; Battens and Purfing, 1x2 ti lineal
foot, c
Lcufher Light solo Leather 22g25c; mo
dium de.'iJJc: heavy 'do. 2o(j2Sc; choico tan
nages, 1(:1 50c extra; Harness light, 2S;0c:
medium. VQ32c; heavy Trace, 34(g37 50c; ex
tra descriptions rango 2 50gSc in excess of
these figures: Wax, 14(jtl7c Q foot; Finished
CalfSkins. IMMfe3 lb.
Oil Alaska Cod Liver Oil, 00c: Dog Fish
LivcrOil.Ojc: Shark do, (H; Tanner's Oil
Hides Dry Hides, 17c; Dry Kip and Calf,
121'te; Salt Hide?, light 7; heavy Steers,
fee; do Kij), 0;7c; Salt Calf. SlOc.
Oats Quotations for all grades are JTrom
SI 8g2 00 fl ctl. as to quality.
Wool Sales for the week about 1.500,000 lbs.
There ha-s'becn a very active demand all tho
week, so that now the market is swept nearly
bare of all excepting Oregon and soraeNorth
rn Wools. Oregon Wools'aro selling at 19
Potatoos Si 0532 oO.per'Cental.
Onions 10&55 cts per cental.
Mill Feed $22 per ton; Middlings $34.
Hops Choice old 10,14 cts; new 12J(gl5
por lb.
Provisions Hams 1231 ic; Bacon 1213c;
Shoulders 9c; extra mess perk clear S2I 50
25. Beef do. 10 50&10 75 per bbl.; Eastern
rcOnod lard in tcs l3J14c; fancy pails 14c;
10 lb tins i:i14c per lb.
Tallow V&VAz '$ lb for ordinarj't and t
(c in shipping orer.
Honey -Choice white ia frnraos 15lGc; No.
2,12illc; dark. lOSllc; strained, 10212
Seeds-Flax. nSe: Timothy. 810 ? lb.
Brooms Common, $3 50. 53 00, S3 50 for
the three numbers; extra, Si 00, 4 50, 3 00;
Ship. S3iO0;MilI. $5 Q0&S7 00.
Bags and Bagging Standard English 8c;
iBurhip. 45-inch 8c; Flour bags. 5oc for
quarters and UglOj for halves; Twino, 35c for
grain, 45e for flour. Calcutta gunnies. 15c
Coffee Costa Kica, l'.Ki20c: Salvodoro and
Ouatemala 18J.l'Jc; Java 25c; Kona, nomi
nal atl'Jc; Manila, 19c; Boulyno, nominal
at 18xl'Jc; Bio lUc V lb.
BhiB Mixed $5 80g5 00: No. J CJuna, $ 5 15
50; Hawaiian, S(i; Japan, S5 2-3.
Susar For lots in barrels, California (A)
I patent cube, 12, (A) Crushed. 15; Exita
jioivderod, 13c; Fine crushed. 12c; Extra.
granulated, 12Jc; Golden C1D: Extra do,
iVic: Half bbls, jcind boxes c Hawai
ian grocery grades, Slic.
Case Goods Salmon Ono lb tins aro quota
ble at Si 70&1 72 for export, 2-lb fins and
2-lb tins S3 00&3 25 for the formor and S3 50
for tho latter, according to brand; 'bbls and
balf bbls. $9 00010 00 for former And S 450
5 50 for latter. Moats Canned beeLinJJj-tb
tins. SI IK) V-doieo, 4rftHns, $7 DO .jlozeq;
(Mb aixi J&10 & dozenrBoiled beef, Wb.eane
10c V- lb;:Boilcd mutton, 0-tb cans. 12$ &
-Speci&LratcRon goods for exporL
-...J-.Straurs nas just .received ts.
largiotof Aldan dried apples, ;pearsJlt.
pliinw, blackberries, raspberries and
pitless cherries, which he will sell very
low, to make room lor more which. wih
arrive oa .the flteaoi;Cheater
Ckurok Directory
First Coxgrkg.ytioxal Church. Serrices at
11 a. v., and 7p. y. Sunday school after
morning serWcos. Seats free, and cordial
invitation is extended to all.
First Prksbytkriax Church. Organized May
5th. lbit Supply expected from tho Board
of Domestic Missions. Sunday school every
Sunday at wo o'clock r. il, at upper As
toria school iouse.
Grack (Eimspoiul) CacRcn. Rev. T. A. ITy
land, Hector. Services at 11 a. m., and 7
r. it Sunday school at 9 o'clock a. m.
Chaprl op thk Holy Inxock.vt8. Services
(upper Astoria) alternate Sundays, at 3
o'clock p. .. by tho Kcv. T. A. Ilyland.
Sunday school every Sunday atO o'clock a.m.
Star of thk Sra Church. Rev. Father
Mackcn Pastor. Services at li o'clock a. m.
Sunday school at 3 o'clock i. M.
First Baptist Church.- Rev. J. Q. Burchott,
Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m.
In tho notv church on Astor street Sun
day School immediately after morning ser
vices. All aro invited.
MKTiioniST Servicks. Rev. F. Elfiot, Mctho
dist minister, will preach in tke Congrega
tional church.
Progressive Lyceum. Children's Lyceum
held at Liberty haU at 2 o'clock u. m., under
the auspices of the Society of Friends of
Progress. A.A. Cleavland, conductor. Ser
vices at 7 p. m.
Dr. Crang will preach in the Con
gregational church at 11 a. nwto-day,
by request of .Mrs. Capt. Keorrrer and
The subject of the Eev. T. A, Ily
land's sermon this morning will be
"Woman's Influence."
The Cause of Hard Times,
An eastern exchange, in puffing a
water-wheel says: "It is estimated
that turbine water-wheels have, since
their invention, saved the country
over 8300,000,000 in the one single
item of fuel." But the paper does
not calculate how many families have
been driven to the verge of starvation
by those same labor-saving inventions,
300,000,000 taken from the wood
choppers of the country is a big item,
and if the proportion due to ihis vi
cinity could be -equitably dilTOuted
it would relieve the presenj dgpres"
sion in business. The turbpe theel
fellows ought to be compelledricdo dis
Krainuth Sirer.
The Yreka Journal referring "to the ,
Klamath river says:
We cannot see why Klamath rivar
would not alFord a profitable enterprise
in the salmon canning business, as
that stream abounds with this fish.
We suppose the difficulty is in get
ting into the river from Humboldt
bay, with vessels for shipping, but a
late successful effort by a small steam
er, promises to make the stream ac
cessible. The Klamath is "the largest
stream in California, and carries
an immense body of water from
the mouth of the Scott river to the
coast, and is quite a Jarge stream all
through this country up to the Big
and Little Klamath Jakes, in southern
Oregon, which feed 5t.
From what we know of rfihat river
and its tributaries we judge it to be
one of the most productive uivers an
that line on the coasfc.
The Standard is informed, on
what it considers good authority, tket
the Grangers have notified their stock
holders tth at a meeting will be called
to sell l&eir steamers, the S. T.
Church, and McMinnville, and close
out this branch Jf .their business, and
also to attend to othor matters which
may require their consideration.
Brownsville, a town-of .five or six
hundred inhabitants, can boast of
more snap ,and business tact, whou
it comes to looking after her indus
tries, than many a town of five times
her number.
Several iugus went to pot, and sun
dry panes of window glass were broken
by the fall night before last and yestci
dapuiasning by the storm, which was
unprecedented in this latitude. A chi
uesc wash house sigu was found sticking
in the wild of Astor street, having Iieen
carried nearly a block by the winds, and
over the tops of houses.
: CsTDement has a splendid .article sit
Aihe City Drug Store for cleaiwUjc.clotiies,-
ioves, carpets, etc. it is .soui on uau
tpint bottles at 25 cents. It Is a .N 0. 1 .ar
ticle for what it is rceommmied awl
will save many dollars worth ofig(tlH
hj proper use. Try a sample .buttta at'
call for "cleansing .fluid."
iPeople wlw dvertie only onc-lrBhJpwj
'rmmtiis lorgct bat roost -lorxn caa4 -
. . . . Anv
ian or woman must confess. -
fectinir the lnerrv davs--or'
nd playthings, that CarflAd--
ler has.
hnest lot 01 clioice tojs ever
tins city, jusugo ana see
his 11
1 toys and you wiltb
Ship masters will find log bookV
charts, manifests, and nautical alma- -nacs,
at the City Book Store.
. . . .Just see the new and pretty things
at the Bee Ilive! A carefully selected
stock of millinery, ladies' and children's
merino underwear and stockings, and a
choice lot of material for fancy work.
Call aud see tlie new guods for "sale by
M. II. Steers.
Jeave of Auskxce. After: a few
days Mr. Sinister will be absent from
Astoria until next summer.
Win. McCormick, dealer in fruifc"
from the farms of Lewis river, has-a:
choice lot of apples to-day. Corner of
main anu unenamus-sireets.
Eating apples 75 cents to SI 00;
cooking 50 cents ; pears 75 cents, at, Bo
zorth's. Call and satisfy yourself.
Splendid lamps, and the best of oil
at R. Alexander & Ca.s.
Crockrja-y soldat R. Alexander &
Co.'s for the next no dfcysat San Fran
cisco cost
Kimiey's compressed corned beef
and Tillamook clams at retail at E. S.
Larsen's and Hickmott & Bailey's.
Mrs. Arrigoni is furnishing good
rooms with board at from S(5 to $7 and
upwards per week, according to location.
.. ...Choice new sets of crockery, very
unique and novel ; also the self-righting
-spittoon." that alwavs keeps upright,
just received and selling at prices to
suit the times, at I. W. Case's.
You can always get fresh oysters
in every tyle and at all hours, day or
night, at the Central Coffee Saloon, Con
comly street, between Benton and La
fayette. Thos. McFarland, proprietor.
. . . .Dry oods, millinery and notions
cheap for thirty days at the Bee Ilive.
The Danced Life, an answer to
the Dance of Bentih, at the Circulating
.... Dr. F. P. IRcks, dentist, rooms 111-1
Dr. Welch's building, on Squemoqhh.'
street, offers his services to the public of .
Peter Runcy is stTTl "hi the- market
with all kinds of building materials in
his line. lias lust received .100,000 lafcb,
2,000 bushels of sand, and a large stock
of first quality of brick at his warehouse -foot
of Benton street.
AAJ5,-;bmgie men leel like marrying
I IIJtV.ll vv I .IV W 1111 .1.U1I1UUII AClll.iiVi
Magnus C. Crosby's.
Board and lodging by the day or"
week at the Astoria Beer Ball, Main
street, Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro-
Fresh oysters in every style at
White w"r?e good in every style,
at Magnus C. 'Crosby's.
Dr. B. R. Ereelsnfl. has located per
manently in Astoriaffor the practice of
dentistry. lfiein Shuster's biiildiajj,
on Cass streoi, next door to The Asto
p.ian office-
3?- For clean towels, sharp razors,
and nn easy shave, go to Gillespie at Par
ker House IJatiis. HurncuUing sbam
pooning, and dyeing.
After this date, com will be used for
change, and tickets dispensed with; all
drinks and eigars five and ten cents, at
the Chicago House, Main street, Astoria.
2f. WE1MAX.
Astoria, Oct 3, 1877. '
Lupulin yeast gems, unique .tlower"
ots, crockery and glassware, diirunnvre, -dliday
goo&s, '&c.r &ck- Besides the best11
assortment of groceries, dried fruits and
other tilings too numerous to mention.
Sold cheap Tor cash. . J. W. GEAitriAivr.
Canary Birbb. for sale at Gilles
pie's, ParkvrrtiouWfenihR. .
SitiFrsr aster's RbAmxa Koosr. Mfr
Peter." Wilhelm has. permanently fitted .
up a-ship-nuuster's reading room 'In cou
nectioitiwith th'o. Gem- saloon invA'storiao
The latest' shipping papers andSiome -ward
land outward bound shipping lists-. .
are kept on file. Telegraph, otucenexti .
We present to-drfy nearly 20'coiiVmn3 '
of Isolid-and entertainiag readmg matter, .
extra tf rem the-usual amount, for which
no extrachiicge is made to our daily pa- -troiis.
- "WeVrtxike subscriptions to the
Suxd act AftioiaAX at S2 50 per annum
or win 'deliveriit weekly by carriers,
regularly, at 25 centeroer -month.
, .
SPiniTrAT.iSM. Prof.!Rdlit. Allen, the
renowned clairvoyant, medium sand
phrenologist, will1 lecture at Tilberty
hall, Sunday evening,. November -23tb :
J 1877; .onspiEitualisian and I phrenology.
Will describe deceased friends and rela
tives and .will examine heads In pnblir.
Be will eldiwiaxtMi lecture. -that there
i$Morrarrftetion-of-thB Tbndt. and any
preacher thinking that there is, will .
peae accept this asjsertion as a chal-'
leiiRH to a public debate. The professor. .
will lecture for the benefit of the Wee urn.:.-
1 Adaiissiou, SO cento. .Doors open at 73iv;
o.Yyr? xvcinrcuM vi.j9rl.
' t