CV wmajLVfi&i&cir7TteK2rzxmijJt. n. 'f t ilicjFMitojitftin'tt FIVE COLUMN QUARTO FORM. I-UEI EVERY sr Y. OFFICE IN THH ASTOHIAN BUILDING, CASS STR-iC3 I). C. IRSI.AXE) - ?ri3I,VSIffEK TFit i: or subscription. Served !y Carner p-r itionih 23cts JmmjI b Mail. ".x itsontly. ... 1 2T m f.-ir : . . .. z ?"jlvirtw,iienl.shtstrte(l at tfc usual iral. Front table? of United States Ooxf 1 Survey. High Water. luff Water. Day. a. m. r. m. i a. a. r. M. itIZZ- s2s .72 4; 8 i io ii :&.. .. 4 it 2 ao; i 40 10 .TO as. r. o3; 4 i io :w n 44 t7 i ir: 5 -?! U 42 3SR.-. G f: H 54 J 0 . 0 ft! 2! 7 ." - (! 1 :'A 2 07 se r, . i. 2 27 :; 20 1 ii -hi 10 2.V : Ltt 4 2 j, ?. 2-r 11 :x' -4 i r, :v V. II 07 J Z, 10 C 27 PG?,T OP ASTORIA. glbajia:ci:f a::d dhpaiiti'iiks. CI K i:i:ii. Vtfi.Eufi. IJr bk.7.!l ton. Qin&town. Nov 23. Xnslewood. Mr. fclc, 1I77 tons, Crockinbf.nk, Fal- itKititli. N2H. Wijjion. lir lk, l(5ini, lla.dv.iu. Cork. Iov i5 Stiver Xith Hr ah. 1 ItiS tn. IfcichariK Cork Nov 15 Fivrr. IJr, bit. 131 Cohi CwH later, t)uuj:istoin. Mrtie MacJfar. LJ: 238 to:s Pope, Honolulu Nov 14 15"RsffH. IJr li. k'WtOHB ?(JuIloeb. Qweansiown Nv 14. 4cr.-HK Tliorj'e, Ur fit. 1346 tHS,lJnck,Cork Nov 13 Far GranvilJ.'. lir. bk. U tons, Keddie, Queens- luwii. Nov. 13. Mum. fJr bk, 81 tour. LuViinei'r, Qucenetoun. Nor. !'. ilufuk E V.rood. s-hij, 1477 lis. Ivin, Queenstoun Nov. - sn.r City of Obiter, sir- llOBtnnK. KfjHe.e.'S. F. Nov 23 TVineliaK, I!r si. IS tens. Airoy, Qceontftoun, Nov. 20- ASUIIVALS FROM SEA. 5 d.iholr77 tons Alexander, S"F Nov. 22 Siarra NcjhIs, bk tons. Newcastle. N. S V. Nov IS ' JajuA. Falkmburg. bktSOOtons, Hubbard, Ilono ruhi, No li Unttenaere. Hr bk 121 tos, Osihnc. S. F. Nov 12. isle nfkn:ii,lx. lir bk 7.V) tons, Griflith, fm Aus tralia. via M lor orders, Nov. fc. Abby Covp"r. Hr bk, 72G tons. Care, 4fi days f rotn Slifinchai Nov . (i J ittard, bri k, '-& tons. Walker. S. F. N ov. T J Hrenhssn, bur tws, "Was". SF Nov .r Garibaldi, bk. JJ70 tons. Forties. S. F. Nor 5 Vlii,ttor, bk SIS tons. Ilotchkiss, SF Nov 4 .Modoc, mj!i. 42" ton-?. ("hriUanen. SF Nov 4, Yr sh. SSI tont Jlaton. S F Nov 4. Tain O'Sbifiiter, bktfllU tons, Patterson. M'Nov 4 Taranaca, U.Sh fnt New Zealand, Nov 3. Hher Luno. !JrSb 1172 toiih Itolon, SF Nov. 1. ijllock. Hr bk. Hongkong. Nov. 1 Ci IJmuKbton. iJr bk, ions. Fdkins, Auckland. NZNoi I, Abervstwjtb l4lo. IJr. h. tons, Harrifi, Ncw ct,t!e. N. S.W.Nov. 1. Olonro-a, lir, bk. IV.lmer S F Oct 31 AJ.swchithK, lrbk, 301 1 ton-s, HiKsin, llonskong, Oct. 2!l -Stratberrn, JJ-. 1. 1153 tons, Anderson. Oct. 2$. Pomon-i. Ilr-H 1251 tons, Tannock.Q'ort Clialra ers N.Z. OcL27. Lowo-swater. lirbk, lloHckonj;. Oct 2fi. "West Ilidinc Urish !fJ tB-. 3Uore, SF Oct 2fi. Kdwaid Janice, bk 52a tus. C'Bricu, Honolulu, Oct 2k City of York. Rr bis, llJtetons, Auld, SF to load torluroi Oct Ji. Oity of IVIadrasa, lirh &9fl tons. Giaingcr, N. Z. Oct, 21. Pil&iiin fibij. it tons, Fowle, Honckonsr. Oct 17 JLeadinp Viud, Am sh. 1'iOS tons, Hincklej llL'K- kon Oct 13. JNiubus,iliip, 1302 tons, Leonard. Hongkong, Oct 1 SpritiKfiold. sbip 1W3 tons, Peart, Hongkong Sep tember 90 J'ato, Hr. .sch. S5 tons. Hritisb Columbia, Sept 2fl .Jufv-,ie Telfair, sir, 413 tons. Gaidiner, fm Sitka Feb. 2b. Laid up in Portland. I'XSSELS OA TUK WA Y. Huzat'tic 5'orts. JJndinc, schooner, S. F. Nov. 28. Ancon, btr lolt) ton, Debney. S. F. tleo. W.Elder 17tW tons. Com. Connor. S. F. Ajax. str 13."h tons. Mackie. S F Nov. 8. 'Quickstep, bkts."0 tons. Fake, New York. Fortt2:i Ports. Uonofactor, bk GOU tone, Hajden, lionckeng, Aug 21 -Fscort. IJr bk, Ilonpkong Sept S. Gibralter Swc bk 7t4 tons Eriksen fm Hull Eng land. JMelpomene. Hr h, 1439 tons, Blackee, S. F. .Mount Lebanon, Hb Hall, from Hongkong, May 14 TRBNCIM1B & UPSHUR Successors to Capt. Geo. Flauel PROVISIONS, JR0I, STEEL, COIL, IBuilders5 asd G-sneral Hard ware, j 5Q L2 .i' Well known Stand OF G-EOKGE FLAVEL, Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. nnn-TiUP 1 EQrAX.TOTIIEBEST.AND PRlhTlHG f Choap a the Cheapest, at POREIGN EXPORTS. In lieu of our table we present the follow ing aggregate value of shipments foreign from Oregon, since the beginning of the current j'car, Septomber 1, lb77. which include ex ports to Honolulu, Australia and China: SKPTKMRKK. Eight vessels cleared with S3ll,3U 5S OCTOBKR. Twenty-one vessels cleared with... 1.302,9I3 'At Total valuos Sopt. and Oct-... .NOVKMRKK. 1 Qhcch'Uohw. per JlcurifMc: Whoat from PortlHiid 17,0"1 ctl?, " Astoria 12.SW3 . Sl,C14,SUTi 14 $3t,17 00 27,07o 00 Total 29,W8 4,92 00 r To Quecnateio. iter Unfits E. TJ'wmZ; Wheat from Portland 23,52 ctls... $43,711 00 " Astoua 21,01 " . .")0,i:ij 7 Totals 41, SIS S4,17 S7 C To YaljxiraiM). per Ella: Lumber, Laths and Pickets from Knappton.. S2,3s7 50 ft To Quccx-oltHvn. per Alma: Wheat from Portland l.".0!0 ctls " " Atoriu 12,i 1 1 " . :,nj; 00 27,170 00 Totxl .. 17,S17 m vx 00 0 To (Aicctu4own, per Pem-haw; Wheat from Portland 3e,3is cite. Astoria 5.UW . 5-13.0 0J) i2.i."io oy Tt:ils 25,IKTT $.rw,750 00 13 To Cork, iwr Francis 'Thorpe; AVlieat Iixmji Portland 25.460 ctLs... $.13,400 00 " Astoria 0.90 " ... 14.33S 00 Totals 31,830 $G7.S1S 00 13 To Quecmtotm, tcr Earl GranrlUc: Wheat from PorUatid 2U75 ctls... SRUS9 00 " AsltHia 12.74S " ... 2S.777. 00 Totals 37,124 $77, m 00 14 To Honolniu, par -JaMc ZTavlciiy: Value. 25 CafR laid S lti 00 8 Ub'is jiork 1-.0 00 Id libl- iieef..... Ill) 00 300 00 151 W . 328 0 ) IN) 0! , !" 0i) .. 2-kS 00 30 ; o- 721 CO 7M Ihilf bbls lton.. ." i? butler JU Hoe Hpplcs &JMJ0 Sliingles "0 JJbls fSMlmon S UhU beef. 34 Kbls tlion vl Cords stave bolt.--.. Total 11 To QurcHntwti, icr JllcnyfcU: :3,li)7 00 Wheat fimn Portland 21) l ctls. Astoria 11.052 " . .i,r-i 00 2.J.2U IK) S74,SJTi 00 Totals 35.IHJ1 17 To Cork. er IVjgMm: Wheat from 1'ortland 21,72 ctls. " A.4oria 1,W7 " . smjass, 00 2,UiS 00 $51,b.fJ 00 ToUl? .... 25,750 17 To Cork, per Hirer Silk: Wheat fxom Portland 27,."irt ctls.. Abtoiia 10,182 " .. Totals - 37,1M5 17 To Quccn(own, per Plzarre: Wheat from Portland 30,021 ctls " Aitori.i 17.015 " .. 557,S5 00 21,010 (JO S70,7y3 00 $53,SO' 00 36 .009 00 Totals. 47.010 ?100.108 00 20 To Falmouth, per wpJi'ictftW: Wheat from Portland 2S,"y"i ctls.. " " Aotoria 0,5 .. SKI. ISO 00 14,100 00 1 Trials Si,H3 S75.5S) COMMERCIAL ASV SHIPPING. Ilwaco Bteam lav. o. UNTIIi FURTHER NOTICE. THE I LWACO STEAM X AY. . CO.'S Xl'EA.M KIl S? GEN. CANBYg Will leave Astoria on .JouiIay, Tnc.sIay., SVStJays i .Saturilays At 8.W A. M., sharp, lor Fort Stuveits, For! Canity, anil liwnco. V.INTKlt KATIES : Fare to Foit .Stcvpns 50cts t'anby and Ilwaco $1 r.o Connecting with L. A. Loomis stages for Oys terville. EOll TICKETS, TOWAGE, Oil CHARTER, Apply either at the oflico of tho Company, Gray's wharf, foot of Ronton street, or to tho Captain on board. J. II. D.GRAY, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. By order of tho President, L. A. LOOM IS. B ROtVN t McCAUE, ilx STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS, Portland and Astoria, Oregon. pis" On all buir.Pj.s entrusted to our care, .satisfaction guaranteed. J. G. FAIRFOWL & SON, STEVED0RES AND RIGGERS ! Poxt3nnd, Oregon. Refer by pcrrniion to Rogers. Movers & Co., Allen k. Lewi. Co oitt .V Machuv, Portland, Oregon. QQBSON, HAMILTON & IIIGG1NS. Prev: Oommission Merchants, Cor. Concomly and Benton treet. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. For Towinof. Tn j?. S'rP wr Tirn L X L. I Wt.-iJJ-Vil.- &r L .u.-.ajL'i. a jdJi9 -J A si. B0CUAU Master Will attend to all Kinds of Towing on the Co lumbia river and tributaries. ttcSOIiico in Portland at Corbitt & Macleay 's at Astoria. Gem Sailor n. oron board. SHEETS. . BEEF, A Keally Fine Article for Sale Low. BY CAPT. NARBETT, ILWACO. &5TFor samples and particulars inquire ?t Troarliaiii & Upshur's or at Sibson, II.utkI ton & Hrins, Astoria. Skip Chandlers. &. ision and General XAbd- AX UNUSUAL FUSTE Waterproofs I Waterproofs II- Waterproofs ! ! ! ALL SHADES AD PRICES. Our stock of DRY GOODS is the best of assortment and lowest in prices to be found in the city. i?"Cash customers can fully save 25 per cent, by buying at our establishment. 3I)ue notice will be given of our Holiday Goods now en route. xiwr We are selling cheap for cash. Our motto we will not be undersold. Spoeial attention is called to our well selected stock of ladies FTNE DRESS GOODS. Give us a call and inspect our stock. 15. IIAMBUHGEIt. Main street, next to corner of Cliennnms ----- Astoria, Oregon. R. ALEXANDER. R. ALEXANDER & CO. IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN Clothing and EnrnisMng Goods. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, CROCKERY, AND Carrathcr's ISuiltlsn, IVater Street ASTORL1. lYtT'Aiso will attend to a general shipping and commission business. itAgcnts for tho bet brands of California puro Xiiuors. P. S. Country produce, taken in exchange. :es: j. "v es just recemd a new invoice op GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE LAMPS AND FIXTURES o k4 Q YHI01I AVE OFFER AT A BARGAIN FOR CASH, i t"1 -SOXX3. &JJX FEED, j J CORNER OF .MAIN AND SQUEMOCQHA-STS., j ASTOR8A, OREGON. j CJ J&. 1L L DEALER IN j?Jo-fexo2Q.s a,23Lc3. Toys, ALL THE LATE STYLES OF FINEST NOTE PAPERS, ENVEL OPES, Etc., ALBUMS, MUSIC BOXES, NOTIONS, TOYS, Etc. Chcnamus street, As-toria, Brown's Building, next door to tho Whito IIouso. VST GOLD J'BXS AXJ) PESCILS A SPECIALTY. .aszm: (Successor to L. P. Richman & Co.) DEALER IN HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, STOYES, TIN WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, WOODEN WARE, TOYS, ETC. JolHI in Til, Coper aid Sleet Iron, a Specialty. Keep also Lead Pipes, and 1,000 other things too numerous to mention. When you want a stove, trimmed from top to bottom in first class style give me a call. Orders from abroad will receivo prompt attention. You will find mo in Young's new build ing, north side of Squemocqha street, Astoria, Oregon. 5. PAPMAHL & CO., PROPRIETORS, ASTORIA, OS.ESCS-3jKr- rjnE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETORS OF TPIE COLUMBIA BREWERY -L just eivcted and placed in operation at Astoria, wish to inform the public that we are now prepared to till all orders for asplendid artirlo of w- y ,nTn Having every facility for doing . B " J-JtLaTtL, THEVEKV UKSTCllAKACTEIt Of WORK ( Ar1 154-1 DT?1?'P f Mr. Papmahl being an Experienced Bi ewer, ( iiHU JjUbllcCl OJuXllEL . tMTThe COLl MD1A BREVERY WILL WARRANT SATISFACTION IN FILLING ALL Orders. Give us a trial. E. PAPMAHL & CO., Astoria, Oregon. sscezn i rafcik. i r 'u i uiuhui't itnt - .i.iiji TP O "55: trT'-T J TT CA3STOY FACT 0EY. rpHSUNnKKSiNEll TAKE PLEASURE TO J. ANNOUNl'K TO TIIKIR 1'ATRONS ANI DiCAl.KKS IN cnNEKAL THAT THKV HAVE LATELY LAi::KLV 1NCRKASK1) THEIR EAC- TOXY AND AUK NOW PREPARED TO l'UU- N1S11 AS 001) AN A."vORT..lKNT IN TIIKIR LINK AS AN i HOUSE ON THE COAST. SPKUIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH CUSTO- i MS15S. j E. t. I5ox (U. 103 5'ir SJri'Ct. Fnciory on Aider SSrccJ, between I'lisi an (2 Seo:jt! SirecS, I'ortland, Oregon. c. ii. .in-. A. V. l'KKGL'SOK. BAIN 8l FERGUSON, ARCHITECTS A2sB BUILDERS, ASTORIA, OREGON. ARE NOW PREPARED with increased facilities to Furnish Plans J'Jrrc. and Specifications. ttirr&ZT- contract, orect bulidincs, and do all first claa3 work in . superior manner. iSST We keep on hand, and will furnish to order, all k? Ids of BUII PING MATERIALS, Rustic, Po -ring, Finishing Lumber, Mould ings, Sash, Doors, Noivcis, Balusters, etc., etc. "tSAll kinds of Job work done .t our S;eam I Mill, corner of Gcneucvo and As-ior straits. HAND HAILING at rOilTL'AND Prices. ggljgg It TT III ASSORTMENT OF E. X.OEBENSTEEN. !, TO 9p ABLEIR, sbsTi n i.iu.uu.rmmBBKmaMBmiis ' louis viLsox. Y. A. FISHER. ! Wilson & Fisher DEALERS IN KAY, FEED, GROCERIES, AND- . ., , ., ,T, J T -. fi-Z A 3 feV V. $?5 , " , Wharfage and Warehouse Storage. Corner Chcnamus and Hamilton Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. HENRI' SIKDLINGEE, DEALER IN STOYES AND TINWARE. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SIIOl On Squemocqha street.' between Main and Cass streets Astoria. Oregon. W 7"M. EDGAR, Corner Main and Chonnmus Streets, ASTORIA :. f....0REG0N. DEALER IX THE CHOICEST BltAKDS 01 Tooacco and Cigars, 'and the . Ge.nifi n e TV" osteifbolm, and other English Cutlory. slnc 52ccrlxuKi I'lpvs a SnecJalKy. s? Fairchild' Gold Pon, cna'alls,or'tsof Stationery, Notioss, Etc. 1. AMUSEME2CES.- uib&ii 1 I nAkb; v-t. ONE NIGHT ONLY SATURDAY, Nov. 24th. 'DEAKIVS XJOPUTIAX. GOMiG OPERA COMPANY !:! Comprising the Largest and Smallest people iu the world, in the Amusing Opera of "Jack the Giant Killer," Produced in a style never before attempted . XiOolc at tlic Cast. Jack, the Giant Killer Commodore Xu'tt 30 in. high, weight 331bs, aged 32 years. Fin McConn.the Giant -Colonel Goshen 4 ic. 4 111. ingii, wt. 000 ids, aged 50 years. rthur English, Embassador Ella Kirtland 33 in. lush. weicht4G lbs. aced 32 vears. Ulric, father of Jennie Major Nutt 00 111. iijgii, eij;uL oo ms, agcu -m years. Jennie, Jack's affianced Jennie Quigley 28 iu. high, weight 32 lbs, aged 31 years. Gertrude, Arthur's affianced Sarah Beiten 32 in. high, weight 34 lbs, aged 33 years. Dora, Jennie's mother , ..:Maior Houghton 33 in. nigh, weight 33 lbs, aged 25 years. J3FReserved seats (without extra charge) at Dement's Drug store. 4td 4 waasi3SYTs Dancing J Academy By request of many Ladles and Gentlemen of this city, I will open my Dancing Acade my in B'mmser's new building, opposite Schmeers' Confectionary, on SATURDAY, NOV.' 17th. Having had fouryears experience in teach ing large classes, satisfaction.' will be guar anteed. Gents class per term, 20 lessons - - 1000 Ladies class per term, 20 lessons - - 2 50 afternoons from 2 to 4 o'clock. Private less-ons will be given for term tui tion. Childrens class "Wednesday and Satur day afternoons from 2 to 4 o'clock. Soiree every Saturday evening from 8 to 11 :43. Free for all scholars. Those not being members of the school will be charged SI 00 per couple for soirees. Positively no admit tance on lesson evenings. A general invitation is extended to the public Good musie will be furnished. B. S. WORSLEY. . MISCELLANEOUS. rpo RENT. One Store and several OfHce in Smith's Kiiildin on the roadway. For further particulars inquiro at L. K. G. SMITH'S cigar stand. 7-21-dtf Cor. of Main and Chenamus. Astoria Brewery Saloon, AND BOTTLED BEER DEPOT. MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. R UDOLPJET BjiRTH, MICHAEL MYERS, Proprietors. Tho BEST QUALITY LAGER BEER FIVE CENTS A GLASS. tW Tho patronage of tho public is rospect fully solicited. Orders for Lager, or Bottled Beer, in any quantity, .promptly filled. E3 Free Lunch day and night. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. 'Cukn'ajIus Stkekt. Astoeia. Tho public ore invited to call and learo their orders. Splendid Lager 3 cents a glass. Free Lunch every night. WM. BUCK & Co.. Proprietors. airs: -Roans but the jvew FLORENCE, SEW1HG MACHINE, m BEST - - WORLD Eor sale at the 40ity Book Store. ONOT PAH"to send for our Hey Catalogue. It cou-'- tains valuable Infor mation for every person, contem plating the pur chase of any article rn.iuircnnol flTTlllv jricultural use. Frco to any Address. ' TttONTGOMERY AVAItD & CO., , Original Grange Supply House, . ' 22? t6 229 WaUtsh Acct CEICAGO, III. For Passengers and Towage. O-i. Tho New Tug . ?L KII' VA3T WINKLE, feS W.iLWlntcomb Mabar. Having nccommodations for passengers, and capacity for first class towing, is ottered for business to all point 'on tho Columbia river andjbay,at reaconablo rates. JSy'For particular apply to Allen Lowls. Portland, or to Treuhard & Upihur, Astoria, or on board. o7tf Astoria, Clatsop, Youngs River and Knappton. Until further notice tlia oteaui Launch A. C.FISHER Master. Will leave Fisher's wharf, foot of Hamilton "street. Astoria, dally except Sundays. FOltSIOTANON LANDING at 8 O'clock x- in., retumiug same day. The SAT cnr be chartered for frcihi r towi:ijs,to any part of the bav. Xr l?or ;;artlciilard Jpily un besrd. I .u;- ,-i A