U-) J'ii mJii'J " 'r.fwrrr JIIMtLJjaUJLLVVlJWJtJJB'M'TMeU.-.?: TSLus2rssrs.Tt:rri r? js.vj rrc ilxje teiXs &58vimi. ASTORIA. OREGON : . B. G. IItIiAXI Etlitor. SATURDAY Nov. 24, 1S77 ZST"! tec were abundantly supplied tcith coin ire should not ask patrons to remit, but one of the very hardest things to do in this world, is to run a printing office on "proMtvcs." Our busi ness is all in small amounts, and it is about as easy to pay one tiiw as anotJier, hence we trust 4hat our patrons will freely respond to our calls Jor the sums due us n account' The Thirteenth District. Capt. E. C. Merriman, inspector of the 13th light-house district, returned from Portland by the Chester and cali .ed upon us yescerday for an interview respecting the rumored change of the "buoy depot from Tongue point. Capt. Merriman informs us that for various 1 reasons it has been recommended that .the buoy depot be changed from "'Tongue point. He is aware of a move ment on foot to change the depot to Albina, but is of opinion that it will not succeed. SVitL respect to the Port Townsend matter, Capt. Merriman states that he h;ts for some time past hcen negotiating for a wharf and piece of land there to be used for storing buoTs that belong in that part of the -district, but never lias considered that as a suitable point for a depot for the j entire district, and has not so recom--mended. He is quite plain and deci ded in favor of Ast6ria as headquar ters for the district, and informs us "that the late order permitting him to remove to Portland with his chief -clerk, in no way touches headquarters -of the district, and does not make the change felt in that particular. He is very anxious to secure a, steamer for -.ihe district, and we have heretofore exerted our feeble efforts in that be--Iialf believing that a steamer is in dispensably necessary for the use of the district, which is now only partly supplied, as the Shubrick has to do the work for the Twelfth as well as the Thirteenth district. We are glad that vre mentioned the circumstance yes terday with regard to the buoy depot, because we have called the matter to Capt. Merriman's iiotice, as well as to the notice of the public. We never make such statements in our columns Minless they are based on reliable data, and the information which we had. re ceived which prompted us to make the remarks we did yesterday were from a -reliable source, and the statements of Capt. Merriman corroborates the mat ter in part Our Informant would not lead us into errors of tJiis kind igno rantly nor wilfully. Just who it is that is making the movement in favor of Albina we are not at present fully advised, but without the co-operation of Capt. Merriman we feci certain that the movement will not succeed, and he positively and emphatically as suies us that lie would oppose any such movement. And for the very good reasons that the extra expenses attendant upon efficient service would simply be enormous, at a tine when I the departments are striving to keep down expenses. We hope to be aile to keep track of this subject, and if possible will expose any schemes which have a tendency to rob Astoria of what she has justly earned ;utd is entitled to. The statement which we published yesterday is substantially true. Since Oakc3r Halls mysterious dis appearance from New 5iTork, his mys terious manner of living in London and his subsequent mysterious return to New York, the gossipers have been wonderfully puzzled to find any pal pable reason for his strange actions. The Pioneer Press undertakes to ex plain it, but finally arrives at the eon elusion that his conceit has resulted in a slight aberation, which shows itself in these surprising forms. The Aetorian clainis that ifne bill i for oxtension of time to the Forest Grove and Astoria branch of the West cide jaib'oad should be so annded that the company taking the benefit of its provisions would be compelled to commence work at Astoria, or -at both J ends of the road, and continue the construction till the road was built. This'ls.a reasonable demand, and ,q " Lqinsi wiil Hot baoinsiderod askisg toiaiucii7Mo batotedaisnii-i. Bee. Our Houseless Population. Under this head the Palouse Gazette gives forth timely warning that, immi grants would do well to heed. The unprecedented immigration and the prosperous times, have caused an ex cessive demand for lumber in all this country, and the result is that lumber yards are barren at a time when they are usually fully full. A thousand feet of seasoned lumber can not be procured in that city, nor in'fact can a thousand feet of any kind of lumber be obtained at the present time, ex cept by giving an order to a mill man and waiting for him to cut it. The Gazette says: "The immigration to the Palouse country has been so unu sually large this season, notwithstand ing the indian scare, that no kinds of manufactures have kept pace, and the result is we have about four consum ers to one producer. This is more no ticeable in the article of lumber. The three saw mills in this county have not supx)lied the demand for lumber, and never can. Lumber has been sell ing all the season at from 1G to 30 per thousand, and at no time has the demand been supplied. There are now more than one hundred families in this county without a shelter for winter, because lumber cannot be had to build, and at the present rate of immigration there can be no telling how many will be obliged to burrow in the ground like a coyote, and if this winter should be a severe one, there will probably be some suffering. Every wood shed or shelter of any kind is occupied for a dwelling house; build ings that were expected to be com pleted before this time, are unfinished for want of lumber. People intend ing to come here will do well to delay until spring, when it is hoped that saw mill men will see the golden opportu nities in this and Stevens counties, and improve them. Col. Hob. on Temperance. Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll says that the only "temperance speech" he ever made was in what was known as the Munn trial in Chicago, when he made these few remarks on alcohel: I believe, gentlemen, that alcohol to a certain degree demoralizes those who make it, those who sell it, and those who drink it. I believe that from the time it issues from the coiled and poi soned worm of the distillery until it empties into the hell of crime, dishon or and death, it demoralizes everybody that touches it, from its source to its end. I do not believe that anybody can contemplate the subject without becoming prejudiced against that li quid crime. All we have to do, gen tlemen, is to think of the wrecks upon either bank of the stream of death of suicides of the insanity of the poverty of the ignorance of the destitution of the little children tug ging at the faded dresses of weeping and despairing wives asking for bread, of the men of genius it has wrecked of the millions struggling with im aginations produced by this devilish thing; and xvhen you think of the jails, of the alms houses, of the asylums, of the prisons and of scaffolds upon either bank, I do not wonder that evcrythoughtful man is predjudiced against that damning stuff called al cohol. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. iT ANTED For six months on ipproved V V security, S5CQ. Apfi& iy to U 1". storia P. O. 144-lw or; For Freight or Charter. TTNTirFUKTIIEK NOTICE the .schooner r r -rr -w l w i . . - J.JaJLKJ 0 Will be in readiness to -S! liyj utuwi'i-fi flsiura mm -" pojnts.on tiurbay at reasonable rates. For fnighftnr charter apply on board or to lTJ ."...... !..!...?. ...I -.11 ix. v.j?u;smsk, "XJOTICE. Tim copartnership heretofore 1 exlsiin&imdcr the firm name of lira.lley. Davis & Co.. is tins dav dl'tsolved by mutual consent, John Davis; Jr. and Thomas Davis retirijur frojSi said firm. .TNO. A. BRADLEY, THOMAS I) WIS. JOHN DAVIS. Jr. Astoria. Nov IP, 1S77. d.tw-lw y -- rpo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. NolieeisherchyKiVentliat all persons are forbid trcssiwing ujkuj, or in:y wav oecnpvivr ;iny portion of Umj land or beach snrro'.kidiiisr TONGUE TOINT. or unon anv Iarl of t'e Heniy Margin land claim m Clat- sop cousty. Mate oi iregoa, -vvuisout enrus sion ivani the undersigned ; and also from sett inc out tires upon said claim, wherebv the standhy' timber may in any wav be injured. YAX DCSEN & BROWN. Per A. VanOuskx. Astoria. Oct. 5. 1877. ti DEAIiER IX Fresh 'Fruit, Vegetables, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. Comer o Maine and Snuemoeqlia streets, A STOMA, OJKEGON. i3receiver. regularly from steamers everything in the fruit and vegetable line fresh from the gardens and orchards of Cali farjjacuid O"ogon. Housekeepers will find i'MvrLiilhcj .r.iut attliis yiwc at Jov.eit J tTj,. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TlieAstorinn has a A Hwart ieinT larger circulation on the f nUVCI Llolllgi Columbia river thau'any other state paper. NE"W RULE! THE CASH PRINCIPLE! On and Arrr.it decemree si. istt, tin free list will he "suspended in this ortice, and none of our various editions of THE DAILY ASTORIAN, f WEEKLY ASTOaJA?'!, SUNDAY ASTORIAN, Will be sent to any person FREE. Subscribers pajinir arrearages and a year ad vance, can have the paper at reduced rates for 1S7S. C3TAVp are sending out postal cards to debtors as fast as the statements of account can be prepared. All who respond favorably to these uls will be credited with a reduc tion on ensuing account of subscriptions for next year. -ST"Wi are in want of CASH ! We can not borrow it in Astoria nor Portland : we have tried friends and enemies alike. If all that is due us was paid promptly we should not be obliged to lxrrow. If the paper and our work . wonfi anvtliim; it is worth paving for. Respect fully yours, D. C. IRELAND. Pacific Coast Steamship Co Tor San rrancisco IHrccf. STEAMSHIP IDAHO, Wgyil-ygai AXEXANDKR Commoner. Will Leave Astoria for San Francisco, on SUNDAY. November 23, 1877, A as o'clock A. M. frofcht orfpas?agc apnly Jo J ? 1 1 lTO'Pr t.M For U tl.VJ. MllOtUliU, 2 Agent Astoria. Tt Tc&vnsend, Victoria, Nan- For Poj airao, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA Ui v-pry CHAS. THORN Commander. Will leave the Orcsron Steamship Com pany's Wharf at foot of F street, fur tho above uorts on SATURDAY, Dec 1, 1S37. At 7 o'clock, T. M. For I'reicht or Parage apply at the Office of the Company, corner of Fund Frontstreets. (JEO. W. WE1DLEK. AEcnt. THE CHEAPEST PLAGE J - ' 111 1IL 1 WJ r Stoves and Tinware J35 rr op mi. !.-t:t Zt PRESSED WARE W GRANITEWARE ETC. IS AT W ANTED. At The Astoria Laundry, CONCOMLY ST., AST01S1A. OUECON A white man or woman who understands washing, ironing and liming. Apply to J. T. ROKCIIEKS. Proprietor. Astoria. Nov. 17, 1877. "OATHS, EATIIS, Hot, Cold, Shower, Steam and uz&ftS5r -:. rjJa n U..H ti . t : :- SULPHUR Baths Occident Hotel Shaving Salcon. 2f 1KDEUAUKK & UllLKKlIAUT, l'uorniKTui.s. CK"Special attention pnid to LADIES' and ClULDItEVS JlAlli CI L'i'ING ttST Private Entrnno.efor Ladies?! HULLESS OATS. Thus variety of oats is claimed to he a hybrid between the Cal ifornia "Wild Oats and the common English Oats. They are well adapted to the climate and soils of Oregon. From two pounds I re ceived two years ago from Mr. Fisher, of Perks county, Pennsylvania, I have raised One iluntlrcti ami Xlnely-iwo Ku.slicls. The first year 1 drilled them in ; the .second year I sowed them broadcast. They are two weeks earlier than any vaiiety yet intro duced In this valley. In heavv rich soil thev will not lodge, because they grow strong anil solid at the roots, and taper towards the head and will stool out equal to wild oats. Twen ty pounds to the acre will be ample for rich and clean soil. Sold in parcels to suit custo mers at 25 cents per pound, and sent bv mail or express to all parts of the State and "Wash ington territory on receipt of the moncv. AELEN McDONELL; lin-d&w ' Albany, Oron. FIREMEN'S GRAND DRESS BALL. &&& DRESS -TO BE RESCUE STEAM FII1E -ON- Tlmrsday EYeniiig, LIBEI1TY HALL, rilusic by IRO F. II. '. HOXOiSAIlY HON. W. D. HAKE. CAPT. E U.JIKKitUIAN, CAPT. GILMAX, CAPT. P .IOI IN SOX, DR. I. M. SEVERN, MR. P. WU.HKLM. COL. JAMES TAYLOK, COL. R. R. SPJEDDEN, C. A. McOCIKE. RON A. VAN IJUSEN, DR. M. D. JENNINGS, MR. J. STEERS. MR.YVM. 1IEAD1NGTON. MR. A. W. MR. JOEIN RADOLLET. 1FOSORARY COBPOKATIO.V COM3IITTKI:. Hi Honor, D. C. IRELAND. Mavor, CAPT. GEORGE FLAYEL. CAPT. HIRAM RROWN, MK. D. K. WARREN, MR. F. FERRELL, MR. C. U. PAGE, MR. J. C. TRULL1NGER. J. IT. D. GRAY. Chiff Entjinwr A-ton: Fire Departmou FRED FERC1IEN. 1-t A-Mnnt ChiiiEnftimvr V-Uiria I'.ire Dip:utren- C J. THEN CHARD, 2d As-i-t-mt CKiot Enijiiu'er... F. J. TAYLOli, Pn-i(Tnt Do:ml ot'D.-logatk E. D. Cl'lHTs. S.'crcUirv lntirt of Dili:its C S. WRIGHT, Trftis-urer Pnmi ofDek-sute fuoji r.oAwti or ii:l,i:;ates astokiv j'iki: DKi'AirrjiKNT : I. W. CASK, Wat. CHANCE. (ML STOCK TON. ,T. W. SUIli'UEXANT N. CUXTO.V, C. W. FUM'OX. 15. VAX DL'.SKX. CHAS. IT. STOCKTON. II.COFFALV. . CLINTON, J. K. FEIUH'bOX, P:V.nALT2S". Its:'Ei'rZJX CO .77311 JTEK. Iu T. COFFMAN. J. 1L SII EI'PAKD. .1. W. SC KPKEXANT. ' (J. F. VAIIKEK A. .McKLNZIEr (I.W. 1IEA, U. MEXDLESOX. It. ..KliUTHEUS. C'323ZZTTa:S 4)X IXVITATIOH J. II. IX GTIAY, Cliii'f Engineer. Astoiia Fire Department ; J.II. LYONS, Cl:ief Enineeir. i'ortlaml Fire OepartiutMit ; .oe. WEI1FU. Chief Engineer. Albany Fire Department: C. WKKiHT, Chief Iliigincer. Sstl-iii Fire Impart meat : J. D.'PKAT. CnioC E:i giucer. Olympia Fire Depaitment : M. W1XTLEK, Chuf Engineer. Va:)H.ver Fire Department ; Oi:o. MFXCiEK. Cliief Enjinevr. Dalles Fire Depart ment : (5 ico. I. VKE Chief Engineer Corallis Fire Dcixirtniout. C. IL STOCKTON. It. ATJ2X-VNOEIS. 1. S. FOX, A F. JESSCP. GEO. "V. KOS:- .1. "W. W I LDEIt, J5. II. TU KLEY, . W. FEKt 1 L'SOX. TieZteis Admitliiis: Lidy nml cnt. i n . i.nii. i f apn and Carnage Siflj). Squoniucih.i street, between Wushingtou and Polk streets. AST0IlrA Oil EG ON IIX2XRY kAcjIjOJ. Proprietor. J'Kepairint; piompUyattentleil to none, but the bet material lused. All work war ntutrtl. tHIMacksmitliing and ship work iriuptly att1 nded to GEOKGE MACLEAN, BLACKSMITH. Wutor Street iloiulway, Near Hume's Cannery, Astoria, Oregon. J Horseshoeing 7 VTcf an( aU kml,s of Pdaeksmith iTv ingdonotoor dei. Satisfact y"l on yl arantccd Ship & Eiu.ae Vorlc a Specialty. ARWDT & FERCHEra, BLACKSMITHS AND MACHINISTS jrf Foot of Washington Street, x-? jAf? near Kinnes' Fishery. J1?t o HAVING SECU11ED AN ENGINE AN I Lathe, and tho best or workmanship, we t are now propared to do ALL KIN PS OF CAiN iN EllY WOKK. ENGINE AND STEAMBOAT "WORK OF ANY DKb- CUIPTIOX. ft"B" Horse-shoeing, repairinj;, and all kinds of blacksmUhing promptly attended to nt rei- sunablo iate. Tf S. MEIUULL Jc CO., Blacksmiths and Machinists. A Capt. UOGEUS OLD STAND .7 . ear express umee, NTr ? ASTUitlA, - OllEOON. sr-fty All vork in our line, heavv or Keht, done with noatnes- and di-pat'h. HOUSESHOEING. WA60X, AND Eai m Work a Specialty. HAYINO SECURED THE SERVICES OF .Mr. S. A. Gaines of Ky., an experienced F:uricrof2"i yeats in the business, and well known to Aorm horsemen, wearcpreparcd to do shoeing in a. manner to care lameness or pre vent it in horses entrusted to our care. iu.11 work warranted and at rcsisonable rnes. JParher House Hotel, Cornor Main and Coneomlv streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. K. 3. Parser, Proprietor. rnillS IS TnE LARGEST HOTEL IN AS X toria. new ana uuw furniture, furnished in first dims-style. Tho tabic will b&supplied with tho best tho market afibrds. Accomodations to suit the times, from Si 21 to S2 3'i per day. Steamers and sail boats leavo tho wharves and slips near tho Hotel, daily for Fort Ste vens, Fort Canby, Skipanon, Fort Clatsop Sea Side. Ocean Beach, Knappton, Chinook, Unity, OysfeorviUe and other places of resort in this vicinity. i5S"Thero are iiovf fivo largo salmon can neries in Astoria, which employ over 1200 per rons in tho various-branches of tho business, making Astoria as itnow is, a point of intorost to visitors, independent of Us;ool invioYatiug suuHuer climate BALL. Gn'EN BY- IEW C0MP18Y 0 $J3 NoYember 29, 1877- AT ASTORIA. OREGON. ItAT'S OrvliCbtra ISand. CJ3I3TTEK. COL. JOHN ADAIR, 31 k. E.S. LA KSEN, CAPT. G. REED. DR. S. A". DODD. MR. A. J.MEGLEK,. 3IR. I'.H. BAIN". CAPT.N.F. MUDGE, FERGUSON, .Astoria Fre Department. ...A-toriu Fire Depaitmeni: ...A-toria Fire Dei artment ...At)ria Fire Department 1 ZO i Tiekets -. he promretl of nay member of the eomp;aiy. tth tL'i'.Jigi'i'-i't-wixcTTnmyfojgvrcr AUCTIOX SALES. E. C. HOLDEN, AUCTIONEER and CQMMtSSiOU AGENT CHENA.MUS ST. ASTORIA. OKKGOX. Consignments respectfully s&licited. bills eot- lccted and returns promptly made. Ie;rii3nr Kales lay. &itnviay, Rfer by permission to C.V.T.IOHT. WARREN Si McSUJRU Jlos..L Q.A. ROWLRT A. VAN DUSEN. .T.V.'. GEARHART. T.. C. 2eOIi2KX. Auetaoncrr. B, S. "WOKSLEY AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANT OiKco, on Main street .opposite Washiugto .Market. From 7 to 9 o'clock P. M. Regular Stiles Day, Saturday, at SO O'clock A. :S Will purchase and sell real estate, merchan dise, furniture, etc. Consignments respectfully solicited. Diagram and terms to behudonappUcntiVm to the Auctionue?. L, S. WuRSLhY HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. UNION HOUSE. Cor. Siiiiemocqhu and .afa ette Streets. ASTORIA, ORKtiON- 1HIS HOUSE HAVING BEE newlv vc-painti'il aud furnisln( thrnuhout is now open to the accommoda tion .f tne public. t:. The boube being in mx hands now can guarantee satisfaction. 3So:irtI and J.odjjJ!ijr per H:y $1 Oft Single ileal " MRS. M. E. TTRNER, Proprieties.'. o CCIDENT HOTEL, A. J. MEGLER, C. S. Vf RIGHT, I'ropsidtors. Astoria.) Oregon. The Proprietors are happy to announce tha the abo -re 1 i otel has boon REPAINTED AIvD REFURNISHED Adding, greatly to tis-e comfort of its guests AND IS NOW THE BEST HOTEL NORTH OF SAN FRANCISCO. OYSTERS ! SERVED fN EVERY STYLE AT SCIZJSJaEIty G03kFF.CTf OXERlf AND REFRESHMENT SOLOON. All kinds of French, German and American Candies constantly on hand, wholoale and retail at the lowest cash price. ALSO Wedding cakes made to order on short notice. The patronage of the public is rcsueutally solicited. 9 OYSTERS I