The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, November 24, 1877, Image 1

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Tol. 3.
Astoria, Oregon, Staurday Morning, November 2,4 1877..
No. 147,
1 ll
grhz a$frj gvstorimx.
(Monday E.cciitcd,
Attorian JlniUVmfa Com Street
Terms of Subscription :
orved oy Carrier, jer week 2" Ccnls
"cnt by inai!. fimr months ?' OK
tSeut by mail, enc yenr ! 00
lYee of Postage to ."-uocri"ors.
fc A lvcrt'icir.ont inserted by&OFcnr at
the rate of $1 ") pci iixurxi per nimilli.
Transient nth'erti-inir, by the i$;jv or week,
fifty cents ! ?UKie fw each in-orwo:i.
To City Subscribers,
There sre5uch fio jiient chnnjrcssn the rc-i-WMiee
of -our eitv pa'tion tliaf wo .-hall feel
xblird toanv who iiiakc neh c"i:ingt if they
tviII report the same to tlu-otiioe. Ulhe: wi
we j-hall not be re.-j.oniLle for failure- of the i
carrier to deliver the pajier inoniptly audi
regulail.' to them. i
Fully 'Jo per cent. aved by buying
s( .I. .Stuai'ss new grocery store.
"That Wife of Mine, and other new
Ijooks for sale at the Bee J live.
1. Strauss will ay he highest
-jji3i prices for fresh eggs and butter.
glf you have a broken baby-
wagon take it to Henry Gallon's wagon j
shop and have it repaired at once. He
loes good work and warrants it.
ESTThe public will do well by exam
ining the new slock of holiday goods at
ihc City Book .St ore.
John Mnguire, formerly connected
with Bert's opera troupe, is giving en
"tertainments at Boise city, I. T., as
sisted by local talent. The papers
speak well of him.
.....sugar cured bacon at prices that
lefy competitien: also. Chicago sugar
'tired hams and breakfast bacon, the
best in the world,.a,t .J. Stj:au.
The committee having in charge
the .celebration or the Jotn anmver- i
rciry-of Chemeketa Lodge, Io. 1, I.
O. 0. F. , to occur on the Gth of De
cember, have made arrangements with
fche hotel keepers of Salem to keep all
visiting members at red'iced rates
while they may sojourn in the city for 1
the purpose of .attending the eclebra-1
iion. A number of invitations have
already been sent out and assurances
given of a large attendance from abroad
upon that occasion.
Avery huge stock of can goods.
uch as table and pie fruit, jelly, jam.
honey, tomatoes, corn, beans, sugar peas
oysters, corn beef, condensed milk, -etc.
,cit prices to suit the times at .I.Strauss
The San Francisco Chronicle says
sl new swindle lias appeared in that
city m which a lot oi rascals canvas
ilie city pretending to be artists and
-solicit .patronage for their skill. They
offer to produce pictures at very cheap
rates, to be paid for on the installment
plan, demanding the first installment
of two or three dollars in advance.
The victims to the cheat never see the
pictures or the pretended artists again.
It would be well for the people of this
state to be on the lookout for such
Gcalawags, as they are liable to put in
an appearance at airy time.
The Walla Walla Statesman says
Tvnock-downs and reports of knock
downs and robberies are becoming
quite frequent. About two o'clock on
WednesdajT night a man with bloody
nose and bruised eye appeared at the
St. Louis Hotel and claimed he had
been knocked down1 at Main street
bridge and robbed of $22- Investiga
tion revealed the fact that he had been
on a jamboree, and entering the office
of one of our hotels had taken posses
sion tof the sofa. When - the night
watchman attempted to rempve him,
he got angry, showed figlii ,-and -as a
result came off second best.
Just received per Chester New
York-cream cheese, the best jihe mac-,
ket, aJ. Strauss'.
EF27ic Duly Astokiax will be tcuthy
in a il at 2T cent a week, free of jxttaac. Head
er. who contemplate absence from the citu can
have The Astokiax follow them, Daily,
AVkkicly or SriAY to any x)it-oJfice with
out additional a'pcnc. A(ldrcci man tie
changed ris often ox desired. Leave order at
Uic counting room.
The Idaho will take a mail from
toria to-morrow.
3Bev. Dr. Crang will preach at the
('jwtgrealional church to-morrow.
.J. Fred Binder, traveling agent for
the Cosmoi .ditan Hotel, San Francisco,
went out on the Chester ve.sicrday.
The Uilching-5-Bernaid opera com
pany left us by the Chester y es tenia j,
but it required considerable engineering
to serure berths on the steamer.
J. O. llanthorn t Co.. 4tt uper As-
own are engaged in putting lip er;
.. , ' ,' .... , ,f tr, ...
pressed cooked corn beef. They will
fairly under wav about nest week.
Kinney is putting up some of his
meats for the Paris exposition. They
challenge the world to produce a nicer
article of compvesed corned beef and
- .
Among the masters of vessels visit
ing this port in the past two years may
be mentioned Captains Black. "While.
Green. Bcddic. .Some are blue over pres
ent prospects of getting to sea.
The tides yesterday were again very
high in this vicinitv, and the effects of j
these tides tuc to clear the beach of
many an old sawyer that reposed quietly
on the banks for a long time, partienl.uly
on the upper town trail.
The City of Chester got off in good
shape yesterday with about as large pas
senger list as ever left the Columbia
river. Berths were at a premium among
passengers, and we hear of one man who
paid the fommale posessor of a bcrJi
&!0 00 for the use of it during the
Mr. .Sam Harris, of this city, is not
the Sam Harris whose photograph N to
appear in the San Francico Police ("a
zeWe. We were not aware until yester
day that there was a man by that name
in Astoria. The Sam Harris referred to
is another person, lately in the employ
of Messrs. Mendelson Bros., clothiers, on
Main street.
V nn iilfooil in rofnnl 1k ii(.f !
of Mr. E. u Wales, in his boot and shoe j
manufacturing enterprise at upper As-1
toria. We are informed that he ;s turn-i factuie and sale of spirits. "What!
ing out a spk'ndid anicle of every kind, I and let the poor man die of colic, or
lor sale to the trade. We hope he will j sunstroke, or the chills', or prove dis
be able to slop importations to the state. m. :mnni:t fn ,,ir1 fr:mwlQ?
Tl'e .sum of &fi000 or i00jWX) is paid
out yearly by Oregonians for boots and
shoes that ought to be made at home.
...Ship masters will find log books,
charts, manifests, and nautical alma
nacs, at the Citv Book Store.
The Carpenters Brigade.
The first job of work that we got on
landing in Portland, fifteen years ago,
w:is to cut and split twenty cords of
wood for Capt. A. P. Ankney. We
did it with our own hands, every bit
of it; times were hard and we could
not find any other work to do. There
are in every community now Chinese
monopolizing this business, and wJiite
men dread to tackle that kind of work,
but here in Astoria we botist of men
who have the pluck to do any honest
job that comes along, and Messrs. M.
F.. Sessions, Fox, Badger and Church,
have fitted themselves out for wood
sawing or other odd t jobs, from build
ing a hall to storing. a wood- shed.
When you have work of this kind to
do, givejt to the Carpenter's Brigade.
Orders may be left on the bulletin
board, at A. G. White's cigar store, on
Slain street.
Lilipjilians To-night,
A real genuine treat await all who
attend the Lilliputian Opera company's
performances this evening at Liberty;
hall. The programme has been. pub-,
lished, and.for cast of characters, seel
the advertisement in another column.
1 They will arrive to-day by special.bgat
from Kala.rmfc .
The Palouse Country.
Uklr. James Benton, one of the ear
liest settlers on the Palouse, informs
the Walla Walla Statesi lan, that im
migrants continue to pour into the
country. One day this week one hun
dred persons were' counted, all heading
for Colfax. He states that nearly all
the bottom lands are t.vken up, but
back toward the mountains there is
any amount of good lain 3 open to set
tlement. They have tiv saw mills on
the Palouse, three of tnem operated
by steam power, and yet such is the
demand for lumber Ihatithe
mills re
fuse to take new orders. The
comers will have to goback to the
timber and build log hugs in which to
pass the winter. Four (flouring mills
will be ready for grinding this fall.
Immigrants now coming n have means,
and many of them desif to purchase
improved farms. As a rule the set
tlers are satisfied with? -their claims,
and it is very rare that "man is found
willing to sell. At the resent rate of
progress, Whitman will" soon be tlie
empire county of the tei itory.
Temper an c
Upon the temperance ' pic the Port
laud evening Telegra says: 2so
other is so contempt ;is the man
who goes to his bed evel - night full of
stimulating drinks, indices in hatred
of himself every niorit .ig until he
makes unto himself k promise to
"q-nii," and tSien goes o'tt and allows
himself to he persuaded either by the
J cravings ef: his own a etite, or the
invitations of boon com .uiions, to be
filled up again. But ev n he is ready
with his excuse to his co. science. He
met an old friend, win .told him he
must taper, -and sociability also re
quired it, or the colic s ruck him or
perhaps it was a wet daand he feared
a chill, or a very hnt'l - .mil he was
in danger of a sunstroke. These are
the excuses he makes to his wife and
family as well as to his conscience.
He does not plead appetite, for he will
not concede that he is under such
slavery. But his family, even while
accepting these frivolous 'excuses from
their lovecl one ",sisfc th:lt he can olllv
e reformed by prohibiting the manu-
The very remedy insisted upon shows
that they have no faith in his truth
fulness; that they see his hypocrisy,
and that they know that he litis sunk
his manhood in his passion for drink.
The onty practical remedy for this
state of affairs seems to be the impres
sing upon the mind of a man a deep
sense of his individual responsibilit'
to his family, society and his Maker,
for his acts.
Something for laundrys to look at
Chemical Olive soap, 80 cents a box, at
J. Stiiauss'.
Beoantly the valley papers spoke
of a nice eight-foot "bed that Mr. S. F.
Matthews, the landlord of the Chem
eketa hotel, found stowed away in. the
attic of the hotl, and rigged up for
the accommodation of Ool. Ruth Go
shen, the giant, who performed here to
night ith Commodore Nutt and
the Liliputian opera- company. The
Record has since, learned that the
beadstead was made to order for
R. P. Earhart, when he was
landlord of the hotel, for the express
purposed giving Hy Smith, of Har
risburgj.nd Patterson, of Eugene, a
good, oonifortable night's rest when
they registered at his hotel. He had
the bed fixed up in one of the best
rooms jn. the house, and whenever an 1
extxa-iallv fellow came, along he was
booked. ipr it, and Rocky says the
number of,, lengthy, customers rhqljt greats. Pricej 75 cents per ;popy .
have tried it are legion, and all went
away "complaining'of haying had,,a
good nishcB rest.
From the Watchmau, Nov. ictlu
Mr. John Jack closed his theatre,
after a very profitable season, last Mon
day night. He certainly is deserving
the liberal patronage of any communi
ty, and sustains a world famed reputa
tion, not as a celebrated actor, but
that of an honestgeDtleman. Success
attend thee, Mr. Jack, where e're you
may go. We shall see him again on
Thanksgiving day, when he will give a
good bill.
What a glorious idea it would be
if some of our enterprising farmers
would join. in and start a little forest!
The outlay would be hut a trifle com
pared to the incalculable benefits which
would be derived in after years. Talk
the matter over during the, winter as
you sit by the fireside of home, and
then, perhaps, when springtime comes
again you may take a notion to plant
trees by the wholesale.
Ninety passengers, mostly men in
search of new homes, came up on last
Sunday's train. We fear many come
rather at the wrong season, will per
haps stay and "rough it through the
winter, and then when spring comes,
just at the tune everything looks in
viting, they will rush off and curse
the country and everybody in it, be
cause we have no California climate,
African diamond diggings, and no
place where to strike oil, but we have
thousands upon thousands of acres of
land which will bring forth its golden
harvest when the proper time comes.
But remember, strangers, winter is not
our harvest season, hence don't feel
disappointed if you should meet with
si cold winter, though such are excep
tions. Get your claim and sack to it.
If you can't get the lumber in time to
build your winter quarters, dig a hole
in the side hill and sweat it through
Is ext spring when you get you dwell
ing up you can turn your temporary
abode into a root house, but hang on
to your land, for the day will come
when you will thank us for these words
of encouragement, no matter what you
think about them now.
Northern Idaho.
From the Lewiston Teller, Nov. 3d. i
Mr. Bhike, of Gen. Howard's com
mand, arrived in - town on Thursday
just in time for an appointment as
timber inspector for Washington terri
toiy, awaiting him.
Martin Maulie was in town this
week making out his statements of
losses in cattle, hogs and other prop
erty from the indians sifter the Clear
water fight, and while Howard was
dallying in camp. The amount fckts
up to upwards of S,000.
We learn that many of the first lo
cated farmers, north of us, have ppid
off their arrearages and are now com
naratively free from debt, and some of
them have money on hand, besides
stock and well improved farms.
Much of the timber for the con
struction of the building for- the new
saw mill of the Lewiston lumbering
company is already on the ground,
and they hope to have their mill in
operation before the expiration of.
next month.
We are informed that parties who
are interested to know, have taken
steps to have a complete census taken
of all the indians on the Nez Perce
reservation. It will be completed this
month, and be authentic and no guess
work or'interested estimate.
L. W. Davenport, Esq. , was in town
this week from Pine Creek, he tells us
that liis oats this season" yielded 110
bushels per acre of measured ground,
and that his wheat uveraged 45 bush
els per acre. He further says that im
migration is flowing into that section
of country very rapidly, that much of
it is from California, and many of ihe
newcomers are men of means sufficient
to make a good start in improving
t their lands.
ThXHazard," which received some
very rouglitreatment near 'the Colum
bia river bar n- short time ago, is being
furnished "with maiy ..spars. Standard.
The sticks that grow out of the mid
dle of a ship are- called masts, Brc. L
: -We are in receipt of a new pub
lication from A. Roman & Co., San
Francisco, entitled ""The Sun Wor
shippers of Asia," by Charles D. Pos
ton. It is a neat volume . of .over a
hundred pages and is replete' with .in
formation upon the subject uponawhicb
r Salem patent baker's flourj Impe
rial, Magnolia and Albany flour, very
j heaiKf ox cash, at J. $ntA.-uss' ..
...."That Wife of Mine," and "My
Mother-in-law", for 40 cents, at Acller's...
Just see the new and pretty things
at the Bee nive! A carefully selected
stock of millinery, ladies' and children's
merino underwear and stockings, and a
choice lot of material for fancy work.
Call and see the new goods for sala-by..
M. H. Steers. ,
Leave of Absence. After -a few
clays Mr. Slmster will be absent from
AstoritMintil next summer.. .
.....7. Olsen will receive for the holi
days, the finest lot of jewelry ever of
fered in Astoria, and at San Francisco
prices. Don't forget the phicevCauffeld's
Drugstore, Chenainus. street.
Wm.JtfcCor.mick, dealer in fruits
from the farms of Lewis river, has a
choice lot of apples to-day. Corner of
main and Cheiiamus streets.
Eating apples 75 cents to $1 00;
cooking 30 cents; pears 75 cents, at Bo
zortlfs. Call and satisfy yourself.
Splendid lamps, and the best of oil
at R. Alexander & Co.'s.
Crockery sold at R. Alexander fc
Co.'s for the next &) days at San Fran
cisco cost. .
Kinney's compressed corned beef
and Tillamook clams at retail at E. J.
Larsen's and II ickmott & Bailey's.
Mrs. Arrigoni is furnishing good
rooms with board at from 6 to 37 and
upwards per week, according to location.
Choice new sets of crockery, very
unique and novel ; also the self-righting ?
'spittoon," that always keeps upright,
jiust received and selling at prices to
suit tlie times, at i. v. Case s.
You can always get fresh oysters
in every style and at all hours, dav orm
night, at the Central Coffee Saloon, Con
comly street, between Benton and La
fayette, Thos. McFarland, proprietor.
Dry goods, millinery and notions.
cheap for thirty days at the Bee Hive.
The Dance of Life, an answer to
the Dance of Death, at the Circulating
Dr. F P. IIicksr dentist, rooms in
Dr. Welch's, building, on Squemoqha
street, offers his services to the public of
Peter Runey is stiil in the market
with all kinds of building materials in
his line, lias just received 100,000 lath,.
2.000 bushels of sand, and a large stock
of first quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street.
The '-Dance of Life," an answer
to the Dunce of Death, by Mrs. J. M.
Bowers. For sale at the City Book Store-
Single men feel like marrying
when they see the Medallion range at
Magnus C. Crosby's.
Board and -lodging by the dav or
week at the Astoria Beer Hall, Main
street. Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro
prietor. ...Fresh oysters-in every style at
... White wire goods in every -style, ,
at Magnus C. Crosby's.
Dr" B. R.Freeland has located per
manently in Astoria for the practice of
dentistry. Office in Shuster's building,
on Cass street, next door to The Asto
liiAN office.
J2f For clean towels, sharp razora;
and an ca!?y shave, go to Gillespie at Par- -keu
House Baths. Hair cutting, sham-
pooning, and dyeing.
After this date, com will be used for
change, and tickets dispensed with; all
drinks and cigars five and ten cents, at
thb Chicago House, Main street, Astoria.
Astoria, Oct. :, 1877.
Lupulinj yeast gems, unique flower
noiS; crockery and glassware, chinaware.
holiday goods, fcc, &c. Besides the best
assortment of groceries, dried fruits and
other things too numerous to mcntio.ii.
Sold cheap for cash. J.W. Geawiart.
Canary Birds. for sale at Gilles
pio'a', Parker house baths. '
J. Stj:atjss is fnlly prepared to sell ..
you the best of teas cheaper than you .
have ever bought on this coast.
Ship-master's ILeadxxg Room. Mr: ,
Peter Wilhelm has permanently litte'd ?:
up a ship-master's reading room in con
nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria
The latest shipping papers and home
ward and outward bound shipping lists
are kept on file. Telegraph office next
door. J. Strauss has just received a
large lot of Alden dried apples, .pears, .,
plums, blackberries, raspberries and '
pitless cherries, which he will sell very
low, to make room for more which will i
arrive on th&stcamer Chester.
SpirituaiISi& Prof.Robt Allen, the
renowned clairvoyant, ,. medium and
phrenologist, wilM Hectare at Liberty
hall, Sunday cveingjJNovember 25tU
1877, on spiritualismvand $hren(l0gy.
Will describe deceased frieMs andjftgiv
tives and will examine heads 'in. public ,
He will claim in. this lecture that thcr?'- r.
is no resurrection of the hovSy, and any-
preacher thinking that there is, wiiJK
"please accept this assertion as a chal
lenge to a public debate. The professor v
'will lecture'for the benefit of the lyeeum. .,
Admission, 50 cents. Doors open at 7K v :
o'clock. JResrved seats fa? Jadiea.;,
m &.