O) 'r r W limits &laxtoxvu ASTORIA Not. 22, 1877 Temple .Lodge, No. 7, A. F. A. M. Rogular Communications first and third. Saturdays in each month, at 7 o'clock, p. m., at tno iiau in Asipna. Mombors of the Order, in pood standing, are i nvitod to attend. By ordei of the W. M. Beaver .Lodge No. 35, L O. O. P. Moot every Friday evening, .jUjjgfe. at 7 o'clock, inthoOddTollow'ssNKij Kail, cor. of Cass, and Chpnanius. "-"wilf streets, Astoria. Members, of thp Order aro invitod to attend. By order, N. G, Astoria Lodge No. 40, L O. G. T, Regular Meeting every Tuesday Evening at 7 o'clock, at Good Templar's Hall, Chena mus. Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker's Store. Members of tho Ordor, in good stand ing, aro invitod to attend. Degree meoting 1st Monday each month. By order W. C. T. Common Council. Rogular meetings first, and. third. Monday yonings of each month, at 7 o'clock C Persons desiring to havo matters acted upon by tho Council, atany regular, mooting must present; tho same- to tho- Auditor and Clerk on or. before the Friday evening prior to "tho Monday ca which tho Council holds its regular mooting? By order of tho Council. F. J. Tjlylob. Auditor. Astowa Engine Co. No. 1. Regular monthly meeting willbohclel at the hU of. the. Co.mpany, on tho socondTuesday oi.xxa.cfenjsOath, at,7 o'clock p. m. jEsmbtfirf ejo oxpocted to attend prom tjifa i .(f3.oi the usual fines will bo imposed '.jwzffrchcra, unless legal excuse is offered. 'Raider of the Company, A. VAN DUSEN, President. 3. N. Carxahan, Secretary. lcuei-Epgine Co. No. ftagal&wsctinijs.will be held aWBKfett&sXt-iie ini,any (savatflVRjduy of each month, frS'o'cSocKii .m. .7. T). MKIiRl'MAN. Pros. G. F.arkek, See. Cemetery Notice. hc uiulcioUaied Sexton of the Astoria Cem $iry, in view of the fact that, the cemetery founds are now permanently located, wishes persons, owning lots in the grounds to re port tjie number and block to him ; also, all person who have buried friends in the grounds at any tinia, :ue requested to ad dress him through the Post-olUcCj or pall upon him at his oilice, and furnish him wjth a. list embracing the. name of deceased,. age, when buried, the lot or block upon which the burial was made, and such other information as will enable him to bring order opt of chaos. F. FEHHELL, City Sexton. Astoria. Oregon, Sept. 20. 1877. mO WHOM IT 3LAY CONCERN. I Notice is hereby :ire forbid tressnasslii! rtiy given that all persons sing upon, or in :myway oceunvinjr :uiv portion ot tin land or beacn surrounding TONiU'K POINT, or upon any part of the Henry Marlin land claim in Clat sop county, State of Oregon, without permis sion, from the undersigned ; and also from .setting out fires upon said claim, whereby the standing timber may in any way be injured. VAN DUStiX & 1JKOWN. Per A. VanDusen-. Astoria, Oct. 5, 1877. tf INFORMATION WANTED. NOTICE is herebv given that on tho fith day of November, A. I)., 1870, a leather valise lull of clothing v:is sent from Astoria to Oyslerville, W. T., addressed to .TOIIX HAG AX, SoutlLlJend. There being no such person at that place at present and parties being unable to learn any particulars of his whereabouts. Any person, able to furnish infoimation regarding him, will please send the same to the undesigned. His valise contains an AltMY D1SCILUKJE. DATED AUG. 12, 1S72. Which stated that he was a man 27 years of age, 5 feet 74 inches high, light complex ion, l)lue cys, brown hair and that he. was a sergeant in companv Jl Jith regiment of cavah v. .IOHN 11. GOULTEIi. Oysterville, YiT. Oct. 23, 1877. 121-1 m HULLES5 OATS. This variety of oats is claimed to be a hvbrid between the Cal iiomia Wild Oats and the common English Oats. Tliev are well adapted to the climate :md soils of" Oregon. From two pounds I re-, ceived tvo years ago from Mr. Fisher, of Berks county, Pennsylvania, I have raised Ojac Ilzmdrvti and XincJy-tivo IJnsacls. Tiie first year I drilled them in : tjie second year! sowed them broadcast. They are two weeks earlier than any variety yet intro duced in this vallej . In heavy ricli soil they will not lodge, because they grow strong and xsolid at the roots, and taper towards the liead ;md will stool out equal to wild oats. Twen ty nounds to the acre will be ample for rich " and clean soil. Sold in parecLs to suit custo mers at 25 cents per pound, ami, sent by mail -or express to all parts of the State and W:ish iiigton territory on receipt of the money. ALLEN McDONELL, tm-d&w Albauy, Oregon. jOTICE. "Whereas the city of Astoria has by or dinance directed and authorized the issuance of .?T,717 50 .in bimds payable on or before tnree, years after date, with interest at the Kite of ten per cent, per annum, payable quarterly, and payable in U. S. gold coin, which bonds are to be receivable for all spe cial taxes, and are issued in payment of the contract for the building of the CitvHall ami .7ail. and at the times :ts follows : "One. third -of even date herewith, one tldrd when the nuiuung is enclosed ami tne remaining one, uuruwnen me imiuung is innsheil and ac i nro- ii'JOuoiui .-am iniiiuiliun uww llltlll J.IIUI- dny, JJoveiuher , 1ST7, .it 12 o'clock M., at tJle .store of either one of the understood in Astoria. Oregon. Proposals will he leceived for bonds from so up to Use full -:imouut :md nuust stntc the highest sum on t!ic dollar parties will t:fKertlie s:ime for. 2sTo proposals will he outertAiuQd at less than K, rjnU. Bonds to he paid for and delivered as issued by the city. syjjfds should lie scaled, and indorsed aoposals for City Ronds."- t?..lf? 4t L'of .3 li,l. mhh ....... .....:i fik.... A. V. UVSli. I L W. GAw Astoria, Nov. 8, 1S77. - - Trustees. tni .l it-iu.v 2?!7tWJM BUSINESS CMUS.- F. Pi WINTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW... Office in "Warren & McGuires Building, ASTORIA, OREGON. J. , ROBB. C. K. FU1.TOX. ROBB & FUIrTOX, Attorney s-at-Luw, Collecting and Real Estate Agents- Rooms Nos. 1 and 2, Dr. Welch's new build ing, Squemocqha. street, Astoria. o. P. BELL, ATTORNEY AT LAY, Notary Public and. Commissioner of Deeds for California and Washington Territory. Astoria, Oregon. Office Over Wells. Fargo & Co.'s Express Office in Van Dusen's building, cor. Cass and Jefferson streets, D R. I. M. SEVERN. Graduate University if Pennsylvania. Office, Rooms No. 1 and 2 LAPvSEN'S BUILDING,CASS STREET Astoria, Oregon. M. DALLAS JENNINGS, Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician, OFFICE ON CASS STREET, ASTORIA, Next door to Capt Rogers. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY A1TSNDED to, day or night. D R. F. CHANG, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ASTORIA, OREGON. Office Room No. 7 Brown's building cor ner of Main and Chenamus streets. Dr. Crang will in future devote his whole time to the practice of his profession. M RS. DE. BURR, Homeopathic Physician and Electrician. La to of San Francisco, and Graduate of the Homeopathic School. 4 Treats all chronic diseases and the diseases women and children. Midwifery a specialty. Of fice at her residence, four doors below Liberty iiall. ME RS. WOODHAil, Late of tho City of Paris. Dress and Cloak Making, and Cutting and Fitting, in the Latest Styles. E3TCass street, opposite the Congrega tional church. TT-UGH STOOP, CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND GENERAL J03BER. AST OltlA, OREGON. flsrlloupcs built to order, and satisfaction guaranteed. (xreat Reduction IN PRICES AT THE PIONEER ? t Boot & sloE Corner of Gass and Squemocqha streets. ASTOEIA, OREGON. FOR THE InEXT THIRTY DAXS I TLL, SEIL AIVL 3tfY LA11QE STOCK OF VIEWS', BOYS', LADIES', aUSSES AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND HOES At a considerable reduction from prcTiou3 prices, many kinds AT COST! C-J- SFWSTH, Pror. :bq". LOBE, MAIN ASTORIA, Near tho Invites atten tion to his Clothing, Boots and shoes STREET, OREGON Globe Hotel. Ftoefc of va?es,jivvelry and toys. General Merchandise Groceries and Provisions, Selected with special reference to tho As toria trade. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PKOFITS. Highest price paid for Furs. Xew Goods by Every Steamer. ASTORTA OREGON $: SALEM WOOD PUMPS., 4 rnriESE pumps are eecom- JL meniled to farmers and all others in waut of a cheao and durable- article. j&trFor sale by JACKINS & HA WES. d&wtf Astoria, Oregon. J. It. SFF.l'PARP. Lat of Corvallis. C. H. STOCKTON. Late of Kalama. SHEPPARD S STOCKTON., HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE. AND ORNA MENTAL PAINTERS. ASTORIA OREGON. I GRAINING A Specialty. KALSOM1NING, MARBLING AND GLAZING r rrt ft ..Xs .jin . r-9a nMrl dispojQh, IV SHIM, Ijfc4-kl .nnrA vntlr t Hava of tiA V I?W i ' IUIJI .AUQtdCV VUVl 4.&4II on Mayistroet Ajtn?.Orogon. MISCELLANEOUS. PACIFIC MUTUAL Life Insurance Company OF CALIFORNIA. .T. C. C Alt ROM- .President Geo. A. MOORE .Vice President ASSETS GOLD Dill BASIS - $1,300,000 Tolal Death claims paid, over - - 700,000 HOME OFFICE, 41 SECOND STREET, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. BRANCH OFFICE ASTORIA, OREGON. OFFICERS: I.W. CASE President C. S. WRIGHT Vice President C. BROWN Secretary J. Q. A. BO WLBY Attorney 2L D. JENNINGS... Medical Examiner EXECUTIVE cemmittee: R. R. SPEDDEN, C. J. TKENCIIARD, D. K. WARREN, J.W. GE ARHART, R. ALEXANDER. DIRECTORS : I. W. CASE, C. S. WBIGIIT, C. BROWN, J. r. GEARILVRT, R. ALEXANDER, R. R. SPEDDEN, C.J. TRENCH ARD M. D. JENNINGS, C. P. UPSHUR, W. H. TWILIGHT, D. K. WARREN, J. Q. A. BO WLBY. F. D. WINTON. IL P.GEARHART. C. A. XcGUIRE, Applications for Insurance may be made to any member of the Board. All receipts of this office loaned in Astoria. No provision for our heirs is adequate that is not immediate, for dcai may oe imme diate. Life Insurance tends to reduce taxation by its reduction of pauperism and possibility of crime. It is a national blessing and will at 110 distant day be universally adopted. The Life Insurance companies of the coun try disbursed over S7C.O00,Ot)O to their patrons in I87fi. Death Claims, Dividends and Ma tured Endowments. rolieies issued by the Tacikic Muti-ai-are free from the usual rertrictions on travel. C. I52SnY3r. Resident Agent. .(J. W. CAUCY, General Agent, Salem, Ogn. A. 15. COVAXT. Portland. Oregon, General Manager Northwestern Department. Astoria, October 2, 1S77. Sin BARBOUR'S misn :fx,ax threabs AD SsLZMOX XBT TWINES. ISai'bour Brother. ill) 1'ino street, San Francisco. ICcnry Doyle. Manager. d.w.tf WEST SHORE MILLS. Foot of CONCOMLY Street ltOADWAY Astoria, Oregon J. C. TRULLINGER, - - Proprietor. of tho above -jM ill Is now proparcd to fill all orders, largo and small, for every kind of" BUILDING LUMBEE On satisfactory terms. W. E. DEMENT, DRUGGIST. ASTORIA, - Carries a full - - OREGON, Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Prescriptions fdled with care Day or Night. CS" Manufacturer of Fishermen's Relief. A sure preventative of Chapped Hands, and euro for Fish Wounds. fii"Dement'5 Florida WatCK, price 50 cents. PAIN ERADICATOR, The Most Wonderful Discovery oi the Age! The. lYorlcl 3Ioves, and S'nli'ss vc Pro cress ve ko IfcicItM;irl. XoShinp; Itcmain.n Stationary. Put up in largo bottles, and for salQ.oy drugzists and dealers. If you happen to. 00 in a locality wheroSTEELL'n PAi. hltADl OATOK cannot bo obtained. send to the near est wholesale druggist, or the Aycnts, CEANE & BSIGHAM Whola'alo Druggitc. Snn l'ranciseo. J3For salo in AiUria by R. b Caufield and W. E. Dement. (JHAELES Jl'BILBORN, rAUFAGTURDR OF, And Dealer in FURNlTUREand BEDDING. ALSO IMI'OIETKK OK CARPETS. OIL CLOTDS. "WALL PAPER, SHADESrKTC J-All kinds of repairing promptly at tenden to. and furniture made to order. JS-A full liao of picture mouldings and frames, brackets. window cornices, etc. ISy-Eull stpvand lowest prices, corner ot kUUl UVtlO iU(U iXLtllll OUW'lvilUi 1 1 11 cyygsgajgtg a.r XSS1&I2 33 "With a complete and elegant stock of FALL AM) WINTER GOODS Consisting of a full invoice of Bress Goods, Dry, Staple and Fancy Good3. A line assortment of knit woolen ware for LADIES and GENTS. A large assortment of Hen's and Boy's Clothing. Overcoats of all Styles, CEXTS FURXISIIIXG GOODS. BOOTS, SH:OKSw HATS, C2k3?SS, CD 63 o C9 D3 CO a CD O. Don't fail to call on us before will find it money in your pockei. Respectfull' Yours, SCHLUSSEL & KANT, Cor. Chenamus and Main streets, Astoria, Orison. A. YAN DT7SEN & CO. TXALL PAPER, CHINA MATTING, AND HOUSE LINING In quantities to suit, for sale cheap at A. Vast DUSEN & Co.'s OfHITE LEAD. BOILED OIL, TURPENTINE, ALSO NAILS AND SPIKES Suitablo for street work. All for salo cheap nt A. Vast DUSEN & Co.'?. "TUST 21ECEIVED. Tho best in the World. Outsido :nd inside whi'e, and a great vari ety of shades in quart, one gallon and live gal lon tins at A. Van DUSEN & Co.'s. Cass streot. Astoria. Great Miction in Prices ! SEWiNG MACHENS DQWf;! New family Singer old price S61 00 Kcduced to oO 0U Now lamily binger, with drop leuf, drawers and cover, old price 7" CO Reduced to UO 00 Other styles reduced in proportion. In addition to tho above reduction a discount of 10 per cent, will bo mado on CASH SALES. Machines sold on tho installment plan on liberal terms. A- Van Dusen & Co., Agents. ASTORIA, OREGON. B- B. Franklin, UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. Squcmocoha street, next door to Astorian building, Astoria, Oregon. xt3"AH work done in a skillful manner, on short notice and at reasonable prices. HENRI' SINDLMGER, DEALER IN STOVES AND TINWAEE. JOUDING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SISOP On Squemocqha street, between Main and Cass street", Astoria. Oregon. "yai. EDGAR, Corner TJain and Clicnamus Sircots, ASTORIA OREGON. DKALKR IX THECHOICKST mtANDF OP Tobacco aucl Cigars, and the Genuine W o s t e n h o 1 m, and other English Cutlery- Genuine .lJccr.,h:iiiiii Pines a Speciality. csr Fairchilds Gold Pons, ana all sorts of Stationery, Notions. Etc. J. H. D. GRAY, "Wholesale and retail dealerin. FLQUB; FEED, OATS, HAY, STRAW, WOOB. etc., Also wholesale dealer in Shealwater Bay OYSTERS,. Received fresh from the bed four times a week. On the wharf foot of Renton street, Astoria. Oregon. T. S. JEWETT. B. S. KIMBALL. Draying & Trucking. Tho undersigned har o purchased tho inter act of tho ASTOPvIA T?J?UCK & DJRAY CO., ncluding Teams, Vcheclcs. etc., respectfully announce that we aro propared to FILL ALL OIlDEKtf AVLTH HOMVTNESS.IN A CAKEFUhMANXER Mr Orders may be loft at tho Occident ilutel- JEWETT .t KLMUALL. F. S. MEADE, MSECHAHT TAILOE ANI Icalcr in Gciitn Fine Farnisliinj; CILEXAilUS ST., - - ASTOKIA, OREGON PEENCII, ENGLISH and AMERICAN CLOTHS, CASSBIERES and TESTINGS, CONSTANTLY O H.HAND. 'W& AIRm JEkt&&H&ll WW JElJiyBiw JlAU lliMLIgBplg? IF S2 and 3 CO fcd making your purchases, as yon MISCKLLAJfEOUS. I. W. CASE, Wholesale and Retail DEALER IN ASSORTED IiERCiIANDISE oi p. very Description. BOOTS, SHOES, AND SLIPP23H.S, A COIMPLETE ASSORTMENT, COMPRISING OYER SIXTY CASES, OE THE BEST QUALITY AT LOW EST POSSIBLE RATES. X, W, CASE, OREGON BAKERY, Ilolladay's AVharf. Main Street, Astoria. Ojin. JIREAD, CWKKS, VTES, PASTRY, CIJACKERSETC. WILL DESERVED TOPATKONS of the Oregon Bakery of which C. Binder deceased, was proprietor, the sanio as usual, by Mrs. CHARLES 1UXDEH. First Class Baker employed, and perfec satisfaction guaranteed, ah orders, large or small, promptly filled on short notice, i'at- ronage of tho public h respectfully solicited. MKS. C11AS. liLXUKR. J). K. Warrkn. C A. McOuin.s- Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus anil Oassstreets, ASTOKIA. OllEtJOX. 'WA.'RREN & McGTJIRE, Proprietors, (Succcxsors to Ilobxmt it- "Warren,) "Wbolesalo and Retail lealcrs in all kinds oJ Fresh and Cured bleats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FKU1T, VEGETABLES, E'! rc. v&r Uutter, Eggs, Cheese, etc. constantly on hand. ifir Ship3 supplied at tho lowest rates Washington Harket Main Street Astoria Oregon, BERGMAN 0 BERRY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN t:on of tho public to tho fact that tho abovo Market will always be supplied with FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH ANDCURiD MEATS ! "Which will be sold at loArest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supply ing ships. BUIL.D3NC MATERIALS. JUST ARRIVED: 40,000 BEICK: 100 WINDOWS; -AND- 200 DOOES; WHICH WILL BE SOLI) AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. BAIN & FERGUSON, Astoria, Oregon. TOllN BURKE. (Successor to Varwig & Burke). Hiiter, Gas anfl Steal litter AM) DEALER IX IRON AND BRASS GOODS. Also Agent for W. C. Wilcox S-X-EiklC -i&mL'&g?, Flavel's Warehouse. Astoria. M.3 MEYER, ASTORIA BREWERY,. Having all thoncccssary machincryfor first class work, skillful Growers, and using nono but the best quality of materials, the Proprie tor is prepared to manufacture LAMER UEEK in any quantity, from a singlo bottle to a bar rel, and put it up in good condition for ship ment or immediate use. Families and keep ers of public houses promptly and regularly supplied. M. MEYliK. Proprietor. "Nil Desperancluin ?? X.RFE. SAITO, i5fe. BKICK., sss IAT5L Also Plaster and HarWe Bust. AS CHEAP AS CAN BE wm 11: mmik. Can be had in any quantity at my wharf. HAgent for salo of San Juan Lime. PETER RUEY, I Agtpwa. m urvc m li wcti f - A