() H $fae aitg xidvu ASTORIA Nov. 20. 1877 a? Temple Lodge, No. 7, A. F. A. !. Regxda. Communication first and third Saturdays in each moBth, at 7 v o'clock, p. m at tho Hall in Astoria. Members of tke Order, in p9od standing:, aro invited to attend. By ordoi of the W. M. Beaver LiOdge No. 35, L O. O. F. Moet every Friday, -evening. 2ijjfe. a7 o'clock, in the Odd Fallow's gj?3PN HalUcor. of Cass and Chenamus '3TW streets, Astoria. Membors of the Order are invited to attend. By order. N. G, Astoria Lodgre No. 40L O. G.T. Regular Meeting every Tuesday Evening HtV o'clock, attGood Templar's JlallChena mue Street, A'stpria, over.d.L. Parker's store. Membere ofoOrderin good stand ing, are iDvitod to attend. Dogroe mooting 1st Monday each month. By order W. C.T. Common Council. Regular moetings first and third Monday -avonings of each month, at 7 o'clock tjSJ- Persons desiring to have matters actod XLptm by tho Council, at any regular meeting must presont tho samo to tho Auditor and Clerk on or beforp the Friday evening prior to tho Monday on which tho Council holds its tegular moetings. By ordor.pf tho Council. F.J. Taylor. Auditor. Astoria Engrine Co. No. 1. Regular monthly mooting will behold at the hall of tho Company, on tho secondTuesday 'of each month, at 7 o'clock p. m. S"Menibors aro oxpoctcd to attend prora- JrU if not tho usual fines trill bo.imposed I :ittinsfc,lheai, unless JegaL excuse is offered. "Cxoalflr of thp Company, A. VAN DUSEN, President.. It. ST.&iKVAHAX, Secretary. JECcscnt Engine Co. No. 2. i&Ktnlas nicotines will be held iffcise o the company on .MJ2trsday of each month, JLD.MERIIYMAX. Pros. ; F.lVtKKKK, See. g- - --- Cemetery Notice. file undersigrjed Sexton of the Astoria Cem try, in view of the fact that the cemetery ifouiicjarjs now permanently located, wishes iiVirersons owning lots m the grounds to re worl the number nud block to him ; also, all npreons who have buried friends in, the grounds at any time, ait requested to :ul trcss him through the Post-office, or call upon him at his office, and furnish him with :t list, embracing the name of dcce;ised, age. when buried, the lot or block upon which the burial was made, and such other information. us will enable him to bring order out of cltaos. F. FERRELL, City Sexton. Astoria. Oregon, Sept. 20. 1877. NQJJPJLI2 SH,P msTERS- The undersigned respectfully desires to inform "M.ijt.rK nt vefispls entenii!r the Dort of Abioria that there actually exi&t such as real live stove dors right here ut Astoria, without their being obliged to travel a hundred miles up the river to find one. and in the end be compelled to take the man particularly pointed out to them by the Port land ring whether agreeable to the Captain or not, take him he must. I remarked they were corn pulled to take the man pointed out to them and I repeat it: for, the shipmasters once in the sancto riuni of the Portland ring has no choice but pa tiently to submit to the one man concern. It is a well known fact that stevedore uills con stitute one of the principal items of ships bills in all commercial perts: but under the present v tematic arrangements ot the Portland ring mana gers, the Captains opinion on tliat subject, thore. is never called into question or consulted, every precaution being studiously taken, and every avenue to approach tne Captain on that subject by outsider being zealously guarded by the toters an"d wire-pullers of the lingleaves no alternatives, but. for tn Captain submissively to accept the conditions held out by them. But I will bere take the liberty to state, for the cr.ar.;..! it..nifit nf shin Masters, and 1 am able to urove my us-ertiou, mat! cm save to any ship j Captain or owner tUe xound sum ot tnree Hun dred and four dollars in U. S. gold com. on every l.OUl) tonsot wheat or ilour that may go into their ships here at Astoria, and it ship .Musiors ohoso to accept my proposition. I'll guureuirt tho best sat jsfactionai figures propoitioually nominal com pared to Portland rates. . Under tho present system of employing steve dores ut Port-land tne Master of a ship is com pletely at the mercy of tne consign e agent, or charter-part... wiio inaEOj it their business to point out their mail .JacK. and the Captain i of necessity compelled to accept the communis nold out by t,neni, the utmost care being tauen and tender solicitude oxnibitd towards the Captain, innrdrLi jruard and urotect hiai from all dan ger of approach or contact with outside parties, tor fear'uf opposition, as from an epidemic, he is never to." a moment lost siut of by the toters and button-holers of the rinj:. troui the moment be .sets foot ui terra firma. until he's got his clear ance 1.1 ins pocket and on his ay out. Hut three hundred and tour dollars on every l.OMi tons can be deducted lrom any snips u ponses in tne port of ytstoria oy my system of yteveorjiig, which otherwise goes into t be capa cious pockets ol tbe so-called Portland boss-rig-itav j.ufi t-'vdnrfi. liut 111 Here trespass on your patient.-- a .d venture to reinarc.and -ill bacK my J opinio., at any time or placi. tna. ueitner ot tne partif uemoustiatiiig inemsolves riggers, and palm tnjiiiseivesoU as sucn. possess the ability to even nj, a plunger or cut a toot ripe tor a royal yard. Tar less rig a slnp. 1 laake this assertion be-caus-' La ii positive ot wuat tsy or sueas. hav-lag-lf-fi tjotn in pons ut the Atlantic states, on the I'-.tibc coast and tor a matter of ten years on the Columbia rivt-r engaged in steveUor iig my self, an., consequently am pretty well posteU as to the aouitjes ot most ruej in tnat particular braucti ot business around nere. Having bad am ple o, ;n.i-t unities to test them all: Xho parties re ierrwl to may be able to cross top-gallant yards with pi,K atoms, but nerer did nor never will kao.v u-ivk to cut a set. of rigging for. or rig a ship. As rtca-xlt tan loading ot s.ups. 1 can bore sat Jv st..tti. ai.d defv any one to contradict it, tbat ifter deducting the labor bill irouitne sum total j uts∈. i'V ly i.mi tons at iroriiaou raivs auu L,Tiait: tnree bundled aud iour collars uass in to w.o hand of the oos '-rigger and sU-veaoro as a ru.ih.U4rrai.0n for tho use otuisscuuts. ten dollars vorthot lumber, wiucuiiiuy oe Drought into re r.uwiiuu .r liicv snips Without deteriorating a .ai-ti... o Liiir oriifinal value. Tnree hunarcu cJ :-ui J liars for uvyry twenty houis work or Mut iL-irscnuw to slide some sacks ou.sj vzti swHi inairobt na icn dulUrts ot capital ia- viMtcc, irhj. it knocks spjis olt i.il your bonanza j JtoUHM. acu stocKUroiting bpocui auiuis ia America. tiat. ftij-t, sarpribos one most is bow slnp Uap nuini Hi (M-riiiit uiciaselvcs to be bamuoozifd icl ili't-x ?d ova hct ot oily lonued saucmuoniou& iauuhcxi1 latiicr than deal wiui ajuare iuaitcr of i.iot iacn. lean p.-ovi iny aoihtj uud competence of bsi.i,' throughly cuavtsnut with ibe busi--imm i .-t:er to, fand "prepart-d to prove to anv Cir 0tit.-iiii huw a fid in uuat iiinniier 1 can ro- lat U.-ir tsttvodore bills to the amount of tlie j '.sv miitio;iod liures, and load their snip wtU. eqHJi dispatca. promptness and precision s n:o Percnd i.vcdore. piovided C'jptaius cUose to tioiHiuit .! on tile bCUjecc. UUAiCLES YOUNG. J'ar Tforonce. Pct-olHee box in), Astoria, Oregon OOBKECT PRINCIPLES KJ Demand that bill lo rendered promptly, and to do it nicely, get your Jlill jjksjhk: aal Statements printed at . ' ; Tliii AIVJUAN Office, BUSIieESS CARS. F, D. WINTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in "Warren &; McGwire's Building, ASTORIA; OREGON. J. W. KOBB. C. W. FULTOX. KOBB A FUZ.T09T, Attorneys-at-Luiu, Collecting and Real Estate Agents. Booms Nos. l and 2, Dr. Welch's new build ing. Squemocqha street, Astoria. r P.BELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for California and Washington Territory. Astoria, Oregon. Office Over Wells. Fargo k Cos Express Office in Van Dusen's building, cor. Cass and Jefferson streets, R. I. M. SEVERN. Graduate University i f Pennsylvania. Office, Rooms No. 7 and 2 LARSEN'S BUILDING, CASS STREET Astoria, Oregon. M. DALLAS JENNINGS, Physician Surgeon and Obstetrician, OFFICE ON CASS STREET, ASTORIA, Nexrdoor to Capt. Rogers. A.LL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED jtk-to, day or.njcht. D R. F. CRANG, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ASTORIA. OREGON. Office Boom. No. 7 Brown's building cor ner of Main and Chcnamus streets. Dr. Crnng will, in future devote his whole time to the practice of his profession. M RS. DR. BURR, Homeopathic Physician and Electrician. Late of San Francisco, and Graduate of the Homeopathic School. Treats all chronis diseases and the diseases wompu-and children. Midwifery a specialty. Of fice at her residence, four doors below Libert; Hall. M RS. WOODHAM, Laiqof tho City of Paris. Dress and Cloak Making, and Cutting and Fitting, in the Latest. Styles. EsF-Cass street, opposite the Congrega tional church. TTUGII STOOP, CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND GENERAL J03BER. AS'! ORIA, OREGON. flSTHouses built to order, and satisfaction guaranteed. Geeat Seduction IN AT t THE PIOftEER a. ootqeshq Corner of Gas and Squemocq'na streets. ASTORIA, OREGON. FOR THE lEXT THIRTY BAYS I WILL SELL ALL 3IY LARGE MESS', BOYS', STOCK 0? LADIES', MISSES AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES At a considerable reduction from previous prices, many kinds AT COST! C-J- SJV33TH, Prop. 20". XiOEB, tVIASN ASTORIA, 2vear the Invites atten tion to his Clothing, STREET, OREGOH filobo Hotel. Ftock of vases.jcwelry and toys. General Merchandise Boots andshoos Groceries and Provisions, Selected with special reference to tho .As toria trade. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Highest price paid for Furs. New Gooils by Every Steamer. II. LOSS, ..- 0RE(0N ASTORIA. SALEM WOOD PUiVlPS. rTr-IT?RE PIT,T?S AT?F 8 7 , , , x- -vxvi M. RECOI- X uiendea t tanners and all other in want of :i cheap and durable article. MTFor saie uv JACKINS & HA".VKS. d&wlf Astoria, Oregon. & Sl'EITlRn. C. H. STOCKTO.N, atoof Oorvalli. Ltn,4! ot Kalaiua. SHEPPARD & STOCKTON.. HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE. AND ORNA MENTAL PAINTERS. ASTORIA OREGON. GRAINING ASpkcialty. KALS0M1KXNG, MAHBLIXG AND GLAZING .done to order with neatness aud dispatch. A2-,LeaveIyour orders at tho iS'E' fciiOP, on. Main steoct AstorLi. Oroson. " MISCEUiAKEOUS.. PACIFIC fflUTUM. Life Insurance Company OF CAUFQRN!A. J. C. CAIIROLL... Geo.il. MOORE.. . ....President ..Vice President ASSETS SOLD COIN BASIS - $1,300,000 Tola! Dealt) claims paid, m - - 700, HOME OFFICE, 41 SECOND STREET, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. BRANCH OFFICE ASTORIA, OREGON. OFFICERS: I.VT. CASE President C. S. WRIGI1T Vice President C. BROWN Secretary J. Q. A. BO WJjBY Attorney 31. D. JEXNIXGS... Medical Examiner EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : R. It. SPEDDEN, C. J. TRENCIIARD, D. K. WARREN". J.W. GEARIIART, R. AI.EXANDER. Dir.ECTor.s : I. W. CASE, C. S. WRIGHT, C. BROWN. J. W. GEARIIART, R. ALEXANDER, R. R. SPEDDEN, C.J. TRENCIIARD M. D. JENNINGS, C. P. UPSHUR, W. 11. TWILIGHT, D. K. WARREN, J. Q. A. BO WLBY, F. D. WINTON. II. P.GEAR1LVRT, C. A. McGUIRE, Applications for Insurance may be made to any member of the Hoard. All receipts of this office loaned in Astoria. No provision for our heirs is adequate that Is not immediate, for death may oe imme diate. Life Insurance tends to reduce taxation by its reduction of pauperism and possibility of crime. It is a national blessing and will at no distant day be universally adopted. The Life Insurance companies of the coun try disbursed over STG.000,000 to their patrons in 1S7G. Death Claims, Dividends and Ma tured Endowments. Policies issued by the Pacific Mutual are free from the usual rertrlctions on travel. C. BROTCV. Resident Agent, j . IV. CAKEY, General Agent. Salem,-Ogn. A. K. COV.VLT. Portland. Oregon. General Manager Northwestern Department. Astoria, October '2, 1877. nm BARBOUR'S IRISH FX.AX THREADS AND SALZIOy JSrET TJV1XJSS. I5arl:our ISrotlicrc. j It) Pine stroet, San Francisco. Henry IoyIc, Manager. d.w.tf WEST SHORE MILLS, J. C. TRULLDGER, - - Proprietor. of tho above JliU Is now prepared to fill all order?, largo and small, fur every kind of BUILDING LUMBER On satisfactory terms. W. E- DEMENT, g DEUGGIST. If ASTORIA. - OKEGOX. Carries a full Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Prescriptions filled with care Day or Night. ti&T jranufneturor of Fishermen's "Relief. A sure preventative of Chapped Hands, and j cure for 1'ish Wounds. tV3Deuient's Florida Water. irice 50 cent'. PA1N.ERADICAT0R, The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Age! The 1Vor!l Cloves, ami I'nless -ne 5ro. grejts iyc izn IJackvnnl. Sutiilnz llemalns Maliouarj. Put up in large bottles, :n! for sale bv J druggists aud dealers. If yoa hapiuvi to bo in a locality where STEEi.K'a US EitADl- OATOR cannot bo obtained. send to the near est wholesale druggist, or the A gouts. CEANE & BKlGKAM Wholesalo Dniggi-'ts. San Fnmcisco. flFor salo jn Astoria by R. e. Caufield and V . E. Dement. (Jeaeles Hbilbobs, lANUFACTCltEIl OF! ts1 And Ddwin FURNITUREand BEDDING. ALSO lMPOltriiK OF CAPwPETS, OIL CLOTHS. "WALL PAPER, SHADES, ktc. o ESA11 kinds of repairing iiron-.ptlj at- tnnden to. :uul fiiniituri m:iilp tti order. A full line of picture mouldings and frames, brackets, window cornices, etc. EsFull stock and lowest nrices. comer of SHUexuocuha, iind Maineet, Astoria. ,4gllf!'ltS$P rotof illPffe cocoMLy 1 llSliiiSfiM? Attprin, Oregon K3y22JT- rLZr lji 3XKZUB "WTK ARE AdAXXfll WM TI Vith a complete and elegant stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Consisting of a full invoice of Dreis Goods, Dry, Staple and Fancy Goods, A fine assortment of knit -woolen -ware for LADIES and GENTS. A large assortment of Men's aad Boy's Clothing. Overcoats of all Styles, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. 8 v W CO CO o SOOTS, SHQES, HTSOAJSJ Donrt fail to call on us before making your purchases, as yon will find il money in your pocke;. " " j KespecMuuj' lours, SCHLtTSSEL & KANT, Con Chenamus and Main streets, Astoria, Orison, A. VAN DUSEN & CO, TlALL PAPER, CHINA MATTING, AND HOUSE LINING In quantities to suit, foryftlo cheap at A. Van DUSEN & Co.'s yyHlTE LEAD, BOILED OIL, TURPENTINE, AUO- NAILS AND SPIKES Suitablo for street work. All for salo cheap at A. Vah DUSEX & Co.'? -TUST RECEIVED. Tho bc?t in tho World. Outside nd insido win c, and a great vari ety of shades in quart, one gallon and five gal lon tins at A.VaxDUSEN JfcCCs. Cass street. Astoria. Great fieinctioi in Prices ! SEWiNO b'ACH!i-:S DOWN! New family Singer old price SG"i 00 Keduccd to 30 (JO Nbav family dinger, with droj) leaf, drawers and cover, old price To (0 lieduced to 00 00 Other sJyles reduced in firoportion. In. addition to tho above reduction a diswmnt of 10 per cent, will bo made on CASH SALES. Machines sold on tho installment plan on liberal t rms. A- Van Dusen-& Co,, Agents. ASTORIA, OREGON. UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. Suieniocihn street, noxt door to Astorian building, Astoria, Oregon. xvaAH work done in a skillful manner, on short notico and at reasonable prices. HENRY SEfDLEfGEE, DEALER IN B- B Franklin, ST.OYES AITO THffWASE.iRl JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 82KE On Squemocqha strqet. between Main and Cass street. Astoria. Oregon. !? m. EDGAK, Corner Main and Chonaraus Streets,. ASTOItlA , ..01tE00T. IIKAI.RK IN T11KCUOICKST IIK.VNOS OP Tobacco aud Cigars, and the Gen uj ne W o s-t e n h o I m, and other English Cutlory. ttrnuinr .l!(er.shniiui B'lpcs a Succiallty. ir Fairahilds Gold Pens, anu all sorts, of ! Stationery, Motions. Etc. J. EL D. GrRA.T?T j "Wholesale and retail dealeriin. I j FLOUR,., FEED, OATS, HAY, STDSAV. "VOOI. ot., Also wholesale dealer in i Shoalwater Bay OYSTEBS, : Reeeivi'd fresh from the bed four times a week. On the wharf foot jif Ronton .street, . Astoria. Oregon. T. S. J15WUTT. U. S. laMHALL. Draying & Trucking, fh" undersienoa hnv- ""lyr-t-ir-cVTi. ig pm chased the inter- -. ' ..vi of tho Szi ASTOKIA TKUCK & DRAY TjJ.y raas$- - -- -'--g t ucluding Teams, Ycheclcs, etc., respectfully mentor immediate use. Families and kuop I .innouiice that we arc proparod to t crs of public housos proinitly and regularly rj.ijju VLiIj UlvUCno NVLiil . ROM !'TN ESS. IN A CA REFUL MANNER I W Orders may be left at tho Occident I Motel. J EW KIT & KIM BA LL. F. S. MEADE. 'MEEGEANT TAILOE -Axn- SoD SFnrnMlll,S CIIKXAMUS ST., ASTORIA, OREGON PKENCH, ENGLISH and AMERICAN CLOTHS, OASSIMERES and VESTINGS, CONSTANTLY OMHAD. . i j -I'd ! jffiti WSM Hoiisi tnl CD t3Si u j' MISCELLANEOUS?. I. W. CASE, Wholesale and Retail DEALER IX- .ASSORTED IiERCilANDBK ot nvery Description. BOOTS, SHOES. AND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENTr C03IPRISIKG OYER SIXTY CASES, Or THE BST QUALITY AT LOW EST POSSIBLE RA'.VES. -W4. CASS, 'OREGON BAKERY, Ilollailay'a Wharf. Main Sfrect. Sstorfci.'sB. BKEADf C'AKKS IMES, PAbTKY, UIJ A CKEKS,ETC. WILL BE SERVED TOPATltOXh" of the Oregon Bakery of which C. Bindor deceased, w:3 proprietor, She same . usual, by Mrs. UH A KLEo 1UNDKI;. I'irst Class liaker eumloyed, and pesfee'? ?atisfaction guaranteed. 41$ orders. large ix small, promptly filled on shnrt notice. Pat rouage of the public is respeetfully solicited. MI.H. C1IAS. l'.lMiKli, D. Ii. Wahrkx. C A. Mt Guucr.- Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus anil Cass streets. ASTOItlA. OKKGUX. "VTABREN & McGUIRE, Proprietors. (i(ccexors to iJobtton iv itarn'n,) Wholesale and lleJail Dealers in all Kindt oj Fresh and CLared Ieats! t A lull line d1 l'simily GnH-fiK, 'CANNED FUU1T, VKGETABLLVS ETC. I iKo" Butter. Esks. Cheese, ote. eoitaatkr on hand. itn& Ships supplied at tbe lowest rates. Washington T&arket, Ma It Street, Astoria ')-e(fovr JiEJlGMAN tt' BERRY ESPECTEULLY CALL THE ATTEN- t:on ff tho public to tho fact that the I abovo Market will always be supplied with a ! PULL VAK1ET Y BET QUAUTY FRESH AND CURED MEATS I Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesafe and retail. Special attention given to supply ing ships. BU2LD2NG &1ATER3ALS. JUST. ARRIVED: 40$G0 BEICK; iCO WWTBOWS; AND- 200 BOOKS; WHICH WILL RE SOID AS LOW ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. AS BAIN & FERGUSON, Astoria. Oregon. I joiin burke. ! (Successor to Yarwig Jfc Uurle). Hunter, Gas ant Steam Fitter AND DKALKR IX IRO?r AND BRASS GOODS. Also Agen for W. C. Wilcox FlaycPs Warehouse, Asiorja. j M. : IEYJSR, iSTOlllA BJOSWimX, Having all the necessary machinery for first class work, skillful Brewers, and. using none butlho best quality of materials, tbo Proprits tor is prepared to manufacture LA(ER BEER I rnl unji mit uti in f.nul i-nmlirinn fir tsliiii. ' 3UUPUeU. u. lUdirjH. rrouneior. j "Ml Desperandum," BMCSi:. 1 Als-piaster and Marl)le Bust' AS CHEAP AS CAN BE LAMB Can be had III ASHffllH in any quantity at my wiiarf. JK5"Agonlfor salo of San Juan Lime. PETEPvUNEYrt Astoria. I -s-fe)ife