cv f MtMMm ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY MORKCfG. OFFICE IN THE ASTORIA? BUILDING, CASS STREET. D.C.IRELA5D - - PUBLISHER. s TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SeWed by Catrier per month 25cts One Copy, four months- 1 00 One Copy, twelve months- - 3 00 Advertisements inserted by the year at the rate of 1 50 per square per month, For less time than one year, $2 60 per square for the first insertion, and $1 oo per square for each subsequent insertion will be charged. TELEGRAPHIC. NEWS OF THE MORNING. Erzeroum, everybody knows Erze routa, well Erzeroum has fallen. At a banquet to Grant in Paris Tuesday evening 350 covers were laid. Anna Dickinson is seriously ill with congestion of the brain, at Eliza beth, New Jersey. Senator Page expects $100,000 for a post-office at Sacramento. That's all right, if he can get it. The Fairy Queen and Three Sis ters, from Shoalwater bay, arrived at "San Erancisco on the Gth. Kinney & Co. , Cincinnati, bank ers, failed on the 7th. This don't af fect the standing of Kinneys at Astoria one "jot or tittle." t The Columbia representative in congress has been indicted for accept ing a bribe, but it doesn't matter a bit. The last heard of him he was in Canada. They talk of sending Col. Bob. In gersoll to Germany as a minister-plenipotentiary. Won't old Bob faunce when he finds out this leedle game? We guess so. Election news from Maryland, Virginia. Nebraska, Minnesota, Wis- consin, Illinois, PennsTlvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Mas sachusetts, and seven or eight other states is pro and con. In a few days we ehall get the facts by mail. Dan Voorhies steps into Senator Morton's shoes, but he can no more Ull the vacancy than the pigmy whom the Cincinnati Gazette sent to Oregon by the barkentine Tain O'Shanter, now at Knappton, could pay an honest bard bill. He knows that we know what this means. Notice of the death of Howard C. "Northrup in yesterday's morning pa pers fell upon us like a clap of thunder from a cloudless sky. Only so recent ly that he was here full of life and vi vacity now cold in the silent city of the dead. Hespected by all who knew him, his death Avill be universally mourned. To the friends and the family we tender our heartfelt sympa thies. Temple .Lodge, No. 7, A. F. A. M. 1'ogular Communications first and L third Saturdays in each month, at 7 fiv o'clock. i'. m., at the Hall in Astoria. Members of tho Ordor, in good standing, aro invited to attend. By ordei of tho W. M. Beaver Jbodse No. 35, L O. O. P. Moot every Friday evening, ppm at 7 o'clock, in the Odd Fellow's JIall, cor. of Cass and Chenamus 9mfR fltroots, Astoria. Members of the Order are invited to attend. By order, X. (?, Astoria Lodge No. 40, 1. O. G. T. - "Regular Mooting every Tuesday Evening at 7 o'clock, at Good Templar's Hall, Chcna- linus street, Astoria, over u. ii. ranter s to"re. Members of tho Order, in good stand ing, aro invited to attend. Degree meeting 1st Monday each month. By order V. C. T. Common Council. Regular moetings first and third Monday .evenings of each month, at 7 o'clock C Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by tho Council, at any regular meeting, must present tho same to the Auditor and Clerk on or before the Friday ovening prior 'to the Monday on which the Council holds its regular meetings. By order of tho Council. P. J. Taylor. Auditor. Astoria Engine Co. No. 1. Regular monthly meeting will bo held al'vo hall of tho Company, on tho secondTuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock p. in. iF8fMeinbers aro expected to attend prom ptly, if not tne usual fines will bo imposed against them, unless legal excuse is offered. By order of tho Company, A. VAN DUSEN, President. K.N. Carnahan, Secretary. Rescue Engine Co. No. 2. Uegular meetings will be held at the House of the company on -Jtlie lSt Thursday of each month, .at7& o'cloclcp. m. J. D. MERSraiAN, Pres. G, F. PAiiKEB, Sec. Jfy. BUSINESS CAKDS. F. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in "Warren fc McGuire's Building, ASTOBIA, OREGON. J. W. KORB. C. VT. FULTOX. KOBB fc FUIiTOX, Attorneys-at-Lutvf Collecting and Real Estate Agents. Kooms Nos. 1 and 2, Dr. "Welch's new build ing, Squemocqha street, Astoria. r E.BELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for California and Washington Territory- Astoria, Dreon. Offick Over Wells. Fargo &. Oo.'s Express Office in Van Duson's building, cor. Cass and Jefferson streets. M KS. DR. BURR, Homeopathic Physician and Electrician. Late of San Francisco, and Graduate of the Homeopathic School. Treats all chronic diseases and the disenses women and children. Midwifery a specialty. Of fice iX her residence, four doors below Liberty Hall D R. I. M. SEVERN. Graduate University f Pennsylvania. Office, Rooms No. 7 and 2 LAfiSEX'S BUILDING, CASS STKEET Astoria. Oregon. M. DALLAS JENNINGS, Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician, OFFICE ON CASS STREET, ASTORIA, Next door to Cnpt Rogers. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED to, day or night. TR. F. CRAXG, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ASTORIA, OREGON. Office Room No. 7 Brown's building cor ner of Main and Chenanius streets. Dr. CnuiKWill in future devote his whole time to the practice of his profession. WM. H. HATCH. iV H. HATCH. iM. D. Physician Surgeon and Accoucheur, Graduate of the Royal College of Phj-sicians. England. Member of the Univesity of California. Oflice Squemocqha Street, near Cass, ASTORIA, OREGON. M RS. WOODHAM, Lato of the City of Paris. Dress and Cloak Maklne;, and Cutting and Fitting, in the Latest Styles. SSPCass street, opposite the Congrega tional church. TTUGH STOOP, CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND GENERAL J03BER. ASTORIA, OREGON. Xv35Tioupes built to order, and satisfaction guaranteed. A. BOISON. WATCH. MAKER AND JEWELER. Main street. Parker's Building. Astoria. HAS JUST RECEIVED A FINE As sortment of Jewelry of the latest styles, also a fine pssortment of Gold and Silver Watches, which will bo sold at lowest prices, and warranted from two to ten years. jS"Particular attention paid to repairing. Geeat Eedtjctiozst IN PRICES!! AT THE PIONEER B O'OT & SHOE Corner of Cas and Squemocqha streets. ASTORIA, OREGON. FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS I WILL SELL ALL SIY" LARGE STOCK OF MENS', BOYS', LADIES', MISSES AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES At a considerable reduction from previous prices, many kinds AT COST! G.J-SMITH, Prop. I)UIS "WILSON. F. A. FISHER. Wilson & Fisher BEALEItS IX HAY, FEED, GROCERIES, AXD .Hr-LX"77"-A.lEtS3. Wharfage and Varehouse Storage. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets, ASTORIA, OREGOX. GERMANIA BEER UALL AKD BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Ch kxamus Stuket. Astouia. Tho public aro invited to call and leave their orders. Splendid Lager 5 cents a glass. Free Lunch every night. Wtf. BUCK Co., Proprietors, MISCELLANEOUS. ' PACIFIC MUTUAL Life Insurance Company OF CALIFORNIA. J. C. CAHROTjIu .President Geo. A. 3IOOKE Vice President ASSETS GOLD COIH BASIS - $1,300,000 Total Death claims paid, oner - - 700,000 HOME OFFICE, 41 SECOND STKEET, SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA. BRANCH OFFICE ASTORIA, OREGON. OFFICERS: I. W. CASE President C. S. WRIGHT Yice President C. BROWN Secretary J. Q. A. BO WLBY Attorney 31.1). JENNINGS... Medical Examiner EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE I R. R. SPEDDEN, C. J. TRENUIIARD, D. K. WARREN, J.W. GEARUART, R. ALEXANDER. DIRECTORS : I. W. CASE, C. S. WRIGnT, C. BROWN, J. W. GEARUART, R. ALEXANDER, R. 15. SPEDDEN, C. J. TRENCH ARD M. D. JENNINGS, C. P. UPSII UR. W. II. TWILIGHT, D. IC. WARREN, J. Q. A. 130 WLBY, F. D. WINTON. II. P. GEARUART, C. A. McGUIRE, Applications for Insurance may he made to any member of the Board. All receipts of this office loaned in Astoria. No provision for our heirs is adequate that is not immediate, for death may oe imme diate. Life Insurance tends to reduce taxation by its 1 eduction of pauperism and possibility of crime. It is a national blessing and will at no distant day be universally adopted. The Life Insurance companies of the coun try disbursed over 76,000.000 to their patrons in 1S7C. Death Claims, Dividends and Ma tured Endowments. Policies issued by the Pacific Mutual are free from the usual rertrictions on travel. C. ISKOITO, Resident Agent. C. IV. CAltEY, General Agent, Salem, Ogn. A. 15. COYAIiT, Portland. Oregon. General Manager Northwestern Department. Astoria, October 2, 1877. 3m BARBOUR'S IRISH IXAX THREADS AXD SALMON NET TWINES. Uarbour Brothers, il9 Tino street, San Francisco. Henry Boyle, Manager. W. E. DEMENT, ff DBUGGIST. g ASTORIA OREGON, Carries a full Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Prescriptions filled with care Day or Night. KB" Manufacturer of Fishermen's "Relief. A sure preventative of Cbapiicd liands, and euro for Fish Wounds. BiS'Dcinent's Florida Water, price 50 cents. PAIN ERADICfATOR, The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Age I The lVorltl Moves, ami I'nless we Pro gress e s Itaekwartl. XotliiiiK liumaiiis Maiiounry. Put up in largo bottles, and for salo by drugKiste-nnd dealers. If you happen to bo in a locality where STEELE'S PAKN EUAD1 UATUK cannot be obtained, send to tho near est wholesale druggist, or tho Agents, CRATTE & BRIGHAM Wholesale Druggists. San Francisco. ftS"For salo in Astoria by R. F. CauGeld and V.E. Dement. SALEM WOOD PUMPS. THESE PUMPS ARE RECOM meiulrd to farninrs and all others m want of a cheap and durable article. iMTFor sale by JACKINS & HA WES. d&vrtf Astoria, Oiegon. 3MESS BEEF. A Iteally Fine Article for Sale Xiow. BY CAPT. JSARBETT, ILYACO. CS"For samples and particulars inquire at Trenchant & Upshur's or at Sibbon, Hanul ton & Higglns, Astorhu (Jhakles HeilborNj MANUFACTURER OE t Ana juenier in FURNITUREandBEDDING. ALSO IJIl'OHTEIt OF CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. "WALL PAPER, SHADES, ktc. E-All kinds of repairing promptly at tenden to. and furniture made to order. S3-A full line of picture mouldings and frames, brackets, window cornices, etc. SFTFull stock and lowest prices, comer of Squemocqha and Main street, Astoria, TWENTY WTTT urTTrUAw E1VE CENTS j-Three Copies of the Weeilj Astorian ' OF SEPARATE DATES7 HERE WE ARJ52 A&AlLmil Ev.Twirrf ( A 10111 "With a complete and ill jUutp s cr CD Jb'ALL AJND WINTER, WOODS Consisting of a full invoice of Dress Goods, Dry, Staple and Fancy Goods. A fine assortment of knit woolen ware for LADIES and GENTS. A large assortment of Ken's and Boy's Clothing. Overcoats of all Styles, GEXTS FURXISHIXG GOODS. BOOTS, SHOES, SATS, C2AS, CD o o S3. CO CD 2, Don't fail to call on us before will find it money in your pocket. J SEE Respectfullv Yours, i-l SCHLUSSEL & KANT," Cor. Chenamus and Main streets, Astoria, Grcon- A. VAN DTTSEN & CO. T17ALL PAPER, CHINA MATTING, HOUSE LINING In quantities to suit, for sale cheap at A. Vak DUSEN & Co.'s YXTBITE LEAD, BOILED OIL, TURPENTINE, ALSO NAILS AND SPIKES Suitablo for street work, All for sale cheap at A. Van DUSEN & Co.'s. J UST KECEIVED. rubber, &&xm& Tho bet in tho World. Outsido -nd insido whi 0, and a great vari ety of shades in quart, one gallon and fire gal lon tins at A. Van DUSEN & Co.'s, Cass street, Astoria. Great fieinctioi in Prices ! SEWING MACHINES DOWN! New family Singer old price.. S6" 00 Reduced to 50 CO Now tainily binger, with drop leaf, drawers and cover, old price CO Reduced to bO'OU Other styles reduced in proportion. In addition to. tho above reduction a discount of 10 per coot, will bo niado on CASH SALES. Machines sold on tho installment plan on liberal tc rms. A. Van Dusen & CoM Agents. ASTORIA, OREGON. B. B. Franklin, UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. Squemocaha street, next door to Astorian building, Astoria, Oregon. BSTAll work done in a skillful manner, on fchort notice and at reasonable prices. HENRY SINDLMGEK, -DEALER IN STOVES AND TOTWARE. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SHOP On Squemocqha street, beivoen Main and Cass street", Astoria. Oregon. TATM. EDGAR, Corner Main and Chenamus Streets, ASTORTA OREGON. DKALKR IX THKCIIOICKST ISICVNDS OF Tobacco and Cigars, and the Genuine Wostenholm, and other English Cutlory. Genuine aiccrihaum 1'ipvs a Spcclalltj'. iZ5 Fairchilds Gold Pons, ana all sorts of Stationery, Notions FAe. J. H. D. GRAY, "Wholesale and retail dealer,in. FL0JJR, FEED, OATS, HAY, STKAir, VOO!, etc., Also wholesale dealer In t Shoalwater Bay OYSTERS, Iteceivcd fresh from tin! bed four times a week. Onthewhaif foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. T. S. JEWETT. B. S. KntBAUj. Draying & Trucking. The unddrfigncd hav dr purchased tho inter ejt of the ASTORIA TRUCK & DRAY CO., .ncluding Teams, Vehecles, etc, respectfully announce that we aro prepared to EILL ALL ORDERS WITH sqiOMPTN'EfeS.lN A CAREFUL MANNER S" Orders may be left at tho Occident Hotel. JEWETT .t KIMBALL. F. S. MEADE, MERCHANT TAILOR AND Dealer in Gents Fine Furnisliiiig CHENAMUS ST., - - ASTORIA, OREGON 3 (Bl ERENCH, ENGLISH and AMERICAN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and YESTINGS, ggjjggf t&zzS!t!is& ssr CONSTANTLY ON HAND. er mm. elegant stock of PC? ctl and CTO tJ making vour purchases, as von MISCELLANEOUS. I. W. CASE, Wholesale and- ReUdts DEALER IN ASSORTED SlERClIASTDISK oi overs Description. BOOTS, SHOES, AND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT,, COMPRISING OVER SIXTY CASES, OP THE BUST QUALITY AT LOW EST POSSIBLE RATES. 3L W, casS, 0REG0U BAKERY, llolladay's AVharf. Main Mrect. - rorisi, jn. BREAD, CAKJhS, 1MKS PASTRY, CRAC KH.E'J (T. WILL BE SERVED 'iO PAThfcE-'K of the Oiegon BakiM.v of whiwh C IJinde7 deceased, was proprietor, the saaio aj usual, by Mrs. CHAULES B1NUEK. First Clas3 Baker employed, and parfec satisfaction guaranteed. All orders, liirgo or small, promptly tilled on short notice. Pat ronage of the public is respectfully solicited. MKS. C1IAS. BINDER. D. K. Warrkn. C.A. McGwirk. Astoria Market I Corner of Chenamus and Cassstreets, ASTORIA. OREGON. WARREN & McGTJIRE, Proprietors, (Successors to Jfobson & Warren,) Wbolesalo and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats! A lull line of Family Groceries. CANNED FRUIT. VEGETABLES, ETC- S3 Butter, Eggs, Cheese, etc. constantly on hand. A5T Ship3 supplied at tho lowost rates. Washington Tffiarket? Main filreet, Astoria Oregon, BEJIGMAN 0 JSERRY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the public to tho fact that tho above Market will always be supplied vnith a FULL VARIETY BEST. QUALITY FRESH ANDCURED MEATS! "Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supply ing ships. BUILDING MATERIALS. JUST ARRIVED: 40,000 BEICK; 100 WINDOWS; AND 200 DOOES; WHICH WILL BE SOID AS LOW AS AIS'Y HOUSE IN OREGON. BAIN & FERGUSON, Astoria, Oregon TOHN BURKE. (Successor to Varwig & Burko). AND DKALER IK IRON AND BRASS GOODS. Also Agent for W. C. Wilcox Flavel'a Warehouse, Astoria-, M. MEYER, ASTORIA BREWERY, Havinsr all tho necessary machinery for first class work, skillful Brewers, and using nono but tho bes$ quality of materials, the l'roprie tor i3 prepared to manufacture LAGER BEER in any quantity, from a single bottle to a bar rel, and put it up in good condition for ship ment or immediate use. Families and keep ers of public houses promptly and regularly supplied. ' M. MEiER. Proprietor. " NH, DESPERASJDm " Lime7 Brick, Sand -L33lc3. TiATH; Alia Plaster anfl larWe DM AS CHEAP AS CAN BE LANDED -IN ASTORIA. Can be had in any quantity at my 'wharf. JiyAgentorssaloof San Juan .Lime v ,w---PETER KUNEY, AstoriJU m&mm t - .s. L