a) M&mtMtmaaMum k to gailxj QstBxinn. ASTORIA. OREGON: B. C. IIIELAXB ...Editor. FRIDAY Nov. 9, 1877 1 XTRA COPIES Of this edition of The Astobian can "be had at the business office. Price ten cents. Salmon andXegislature, . i Following is a copy of the bill, as it passed the territorial assembly, regula ting salmon fisheries on the waters of the Columbia rivvr: Whekjsas, It is "well known that the salmon of the Coiunibia river aud tribu taries are rapidly diminbhiug in num bers, to the. injury of the public, and threateuiu"", if not aveitid to materially prejuuica-tne interests of trade and com merce, therefere: Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of 'Washington, That it shall not be lawful to Uike or fish for salmon in the Columbia river or its tributaries by any means whatever in any year he: carter, during the months of March, April, August, and SepuMitbe:, nor at tlie week ly elosetimes in the months of May, June and Julv, that is to say, be-wcea the houis of six o'clock in tne afternoon of each and eery Saturday, until six o'clock in the afternoon of Sunday fol lowing. Any person or persons catch ing saiinon in violation oiihe provisions of this section, or purchasing salmon so unlawfaUy caught, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum of not less than five hundred dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars for tne first offense, and for each and every subsequent of fense, upon conviction thereof, sha'i be fined not less thau one tuousand dollars to which may be added at, the discretion of the court, imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding one year. Sec. 2. It shall not be lawful to fish for salmon in the said Columoia river or its tributaries during the s?.id mo.iOs of May, June and July, witn glll-nelr, the meshes of which are lees liaa iou and one-eight inches square nor with seirs whose meshes are leis faan tluee inches square, nor with weir or fish traps whose slats are less than tlree and one half inches apart. Nothing herein con tained shall prevent fisning in said river j or its tributaries with d'p-nels during i tha fic'iinrr cncnn ne i;'rhKcliifl iin I defined by sect'on one of this act Ever trap or wer shall have in that part there of where the fish ae usually taken, an opening at least three feet wide, extend ing from the bottom to the top of the weir or trap, and the netting, Siats and other material used to close such apei ture while fishing, shall be taken oat, carried upon shore, and there remain during t.ie said months of March. April, August and September, and the week'y closetime in tne months of May, June and July, as prescribed in section one of act, to the intent that during said close time the salmon may have nee and un obstructed passage through such weir, trap or other structure, and no contriv ance shall be placed in any part of such structure which shall tend to hinder 'such fish. In case the inclosure where the fish. are taken is furnished with a board floor, an opening extending from the floor to the top of the weir or trap shall b.e equivalent to extend the said opening from bottom to top. Any per son or. persons violating the provisions of this section, or encouraging its vio lation by knowingly purchasing salmon so unlawfully caught, shall be deemed guilty df misdemeanor, and i.pon con viction thereof, shall be fined for the first offensefnofc less than live hundred ; dollars nor more man one uiousami dollars, and for each subsequent offense shall on conviction be fined noless than one thousand dollars, to which may be ! added imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding one year. Sec. X. It shall not be lawful at any time during the year nor by any means whatsoever, to fish for salmon for the ! purpose of trade, bai ter or sale, on the I water of the Columbia river west of a line drawn from ine wharf at Fort thence' noi therly to the Northeast Hue j oi tne reservation au iape xfisapiiuini- ment. And any person or persons bartering, selling or otherwise disposing for purposes ot gain, any salmon so un-j lawlully caught below the line Herein j established, or any person or persons knowingly purchasing such salmon so unlawfully caught, or otherwise un'aw fully encouraging sa'mon fishing in such prohibited limits, shall be fined in any sum not less than fifty or more than one hundred dollars, ana justice of the jpeace shall have jurisdiction to try and determine all complaints for the viola tion ot the provisions of this section. -,Sec. 4. The pers.on or persons mak ing complaint of any violation of the provisions of this act, shall upon the conviction of the offender be entitled tD one-half of the fine lecovered, and any prosecuting attorney who shall upon complaint being made to him of llvj violation of this act fail to prosecute the ;party accused, shall be deemed guiUy of tt'iaisdeineanor in office, and upon con viction thereof, be fined the sum of five .hundred dollars for each and every such offense. . Sec. 5. This act shall not be so con strued as to interfere in any way with .any establishment or enterprise for the propagation of salmon, (whether by the United States government, or any reg uiarly organized company or society for that purpose,) located or operated upou said river Columbia or any of its tribu taries. . Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for the proprietor of any sawmill on the Columbia river or any of its tributaries, or anyemplove therein to cast the saw dust made byauch mill, or suffer or per mit such saw dust to be thrown or dis charged in any manner into said river or its tributaries. vFor each and every wilful violation of this section, the par ty guilty of such violation shall be lia ble to a fine of "fifty dollars for each aid every such offense, to be recovered before a justice of the peace of the proper count-. m ' . Sec. 7. Any party convicted of any violation of the provisions ot this law shall be sentenced to pay the fines and costs adjudged, and in default of pay ing or securing the payment thereof he shall be committed to the county jail until such fines or costs shall be naid or secured until he shall have been impris oned one day for every two dollars of such fine and costs. Lot execution may at any time issue against the property of the defendant for whatever sum may be due of such fine or costs. Upon pay- ment of such fine and costs or thef bal ance after deducting the commutation by imprisonment, or seeming the same, the party shall be discha ged. All fines and penalties collected for violation of this act shall be paid into the treasury of the Oregon and Washington Fish Propa gating company, and be expended in the maintenance of hatching houses for the propagation of salmon. Sec. 8. No section, proviso or part of this act shall be considered as valid or operative until the legislature of the state of Oregon shall enact a similar section, proviso or act in whole or in part, and from and after the p?ssage of such a law by the state of Oregon, such parts hereof as shall be so enacted, shall immediately go into full force and effect, and the governor of this ieiritory is hereby requested to transmit an attested copy of this act to the governor of the state of Oregon, requesting him to sub mit it to the legislature of that state. To-morrow we expect to receive an engrossed copy of the bill that passed as a i,ubdivute for house bill No. 107, ''providing a revenue to assist the Oregon and Washington fish propaga ting company." "We are informed by Messrs. John Adair, jr. , of Upper As toria, and J. G. Megler, of Brook field, that the Portland board of trade bill did not pass, as it was in direct conflict with the constitution and laws of this country, and recent decisions of the supreme court of the United States, a synopsis of which was pub lished in Tub Astorian Sept. 16th and 22d. Messrs. Adair and Megler inform us that notice was printed in the Oregonian for a meeting of fisher men, cannerymen and all others inter ested, to meet in Portland, but that nobody came to the meeting. Per haps this was owing to the limited cir culation, not giving fishermen and cannerymen generally an opportunity to leavn the facts. It is always best to put such notices as that in The Asto eian, and call such meetings as those to meet at Astoria, because here it is that all the fish come in the first place after they enter the river; here it is the fish all pass out in cases, whether to domestic or foreign ports; here it is that ninety-nine out of every hundred fishermen on the river make their headquarters; here it is that a meeting of one thousand men can get together on three days notice published in The Astoria. Portland is simply a side show affair in this connection, and it is perhaps unfortunate that the meeting was called to meet there, to consider an Astoria subject. S5Tlie historian who writes the commercial hfetoiy of the nineteenth cen tury, mu.t di vote ; chapter of his vork lo the mighty influence of the modern ncwpnper upon I'ie world's buTnes ntlair. Invest h.'io.i. we think, will re veal thi fret th:u:-l rncienl niL'ilmi of the trade nave b ei evolutioni d during the nat uftv ye. .-. na Unit the louern newspaper ha- done .. "Printers' ink" is as new saiy novi,:v to the successful business m mi : hi. &.Je.-ni:n arc, ind the menure of l.'- rftwys i exactly or ual to the extent oi his advertising. The day is past when the nieichauL can n if. his store and expect thin, hi- signs wih suf liee to ntlinct.iMi-int'--!iii-eslnMUhment. W! do noi .iced lo :uuu ih point with reflecting men. Ili;strn lions o uie fact mnv be found in everv city nicl even villngeoftlm land.. fiSSTThe ( incinnati Gazette savs: . Ihe puhli-liers ot American nt"vf papi'rs, " iny wouuj loumv uie example oi me lime-, wnuici mrgeiy mcrre ineir revo una-: ana wny noty why should not candidate- lor offioe, writers of compli mentary resolutions, heros of cane pre sentations, and the like, pay for the space they occupy as busine men do ? There is far too much five advertising in the reading columns of American newspapeis for the good of the publisher or the lene flt ol subscribers. We MMvmend this suggest'on to our friends of i'e preaV NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. reai the city of Astoria has bv or- irectedaud authorized the issuance 50 In bonds payable on or before its after date, with interest at the en per .cent, per annum, payable ana payaDie m u. 5. gold coin, ; are iu ue receivaDie ior an spe id are issued in payment of the the building of tlie City Hall and Jail, and at Jthe times as follows : One third of even date herewith, one third when the b alldin" is enclosed and the remaining one thi-dweu the building Is finished and ac cepted. Now, therefore we the undersigntd, Tjustees appointed for the purpose, hereby gve public notice that we shall receive pro iK)sals for said bonds from now until Thurs day. November 22, 1877. Proposals will be -eceived for bonds from SCO up lo the full amount ana must state tne nignest sum on the dollar parties will take the same for. No proposals will be entertained at less than 92 cen s. Bonds to be paid for and delivered as issued by the city. A.VANDUSEN1- ,c. no L IV. CASE. Trustees. Astoria, Nov. 8, 1877. 134-td N OTICE. A Airjrersons Knowing themselves in debted to-y The Astoria Laundrv. COXQOMLY STR. ASTORIA, QREGOX, Are ref uestcd to jtall and settle the same. Short aclounts inaRe long friends. JT. BORCHERS, Ironrietor. AstoriaXovfi, 1S77. NJUFS2 VIM dlnl-X-M itiogⅈ T?JhP Qtl'-itft.V A'IUn)0!fcJS ArnaFra.ips.Vi f eodtratftiof MOi. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oregon Steamship Company. Fr S&rtknclsco Direct. Carrying tjp Gnite States Mails and WeliFargo &lCo's Express. FreignVand Passage at Reduced Kaies. 1 StpfiniQliln - 70SKB&& y ot Ln&ter, Bolle r. Commander Will leavo W. T. & I. Co.'s dock Astoria for above port on FRIDAY, November 9, 1877. At G o'clock, A. M. For Freight or Passage apply at tho office of tho W. T. & Locks company. C. P. UPSHUR, Agent Pacific Coast Steamship Co- For San iTTiiiaTTKPircct, STEAMSHIP AXEXANBER ..Commander. Will Heave Astoria for San rranciscox on SatnrdhhJfmlier !0, 1877, At G o'clock A. 31. For freight or passage apply to J. G. HUSTLER, Agent Asioria. N0'- TICE. "We the undersigned Comnussoners ap pointed by Ordinance No. 224 and 225 to as sess the benefits and damages caused by the Vt 'denhi? of Coucomlv and Chenanius streets, do he vby give public notice, that we shall pioceed to view said proposed widening and to assess said damages and benefits on the iMih day of October. A. D.. 1877 ; and that we slu'i meet attheolllce of the Citv Attorney vv leu: clock in the forenoon of said day. when anil where all parties interested will appear van attend. , r - JOHN 3IOBSOX, C. A. McGUIKE. ALMARIX MONTGOMERY. Astoria, Oct. 12, 1877. lll-td Tue Board stands adjourned to meet at the same place on "Wednesday, the 31st day of Oe.ebttr: 1877. at ten o'clock a. in -.', JOHN HOllSOX, C. A. McGUIRE. A. MONTGOMERY. Astoria, Oct. 24, 1877. The Board Stands adjourned to meet at the some place on Wednesday, the 7th day of November, 1877, at ten o'clock a. m. JOHN HOBSON, C. A. McGUIRE. A. MONTGOMERY. Astoria, Oct. 31, 1877. The Board stands adjourned to meet at the saniep!aieonVirednesday, Nov. 21, 1S77, at ten o'clock a.m. JOHN HOBSON. C. A. McGUIRE. A. MONTGOMERY. Astoria, Nov. 7, 1877. JUST RECEIVED AT THE Jc3 JEuS JELi ifrrt JL frm 9 XEW MILL1XEU1 UOODS, Consisting of hats in all the latest styles. Real French Flowers, Ostrich and Fancy Feathers. AIno Zcphyra. Canvas ami Xotlons. A fine assortment of Ladies and Cluldrcns Underware. Please call and examine our stock. Mns. M.H. STEERS. 131-1 w Cor. Cass and Squcmocqha sLs. DKALEIi IN' Fresh Fruit, Vegetables, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. Corner of Maim and Squeniocqha streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. 5? Receives regularly from steamers everything in the fruit and vegetable line fresh from the gardens and orchards of Cali fornia and Oregon. Housekeepers will find just what they want at this store at lowest rates. NEW GOODS, HEW GOODS. 1 Prices Lower Than Ever. GEORGE W. GQRNART, Is constantly receiving the finest assortment OF BLAX1C BOOKS, STATIONERY. OFFICE FIXTURES AND XOTIOXS. UX THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS OF SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL 1XSTJlU:iI!2XTS. Agent for Sherman & Hyde's Pianos and Organs sold on Installments. ALSO FIXE I3tPORTp:D AXI) DOMESTIC CIGARS AND TOBACCO, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. North side of Chenanius street, between Cass and Main - - - Astoria, Oregox. Astoria Brewery Saloon, AND BOTTLED BEER DEPOT. MAIX STREET, ASTORIA. RUDOLPH EARTH, MICHAEL MYERS, Proprietors. Tho BEST QUALITY LAGER BEER FIVE CENTS A GLASS. 53-Thepatronneo of tho public is respoct fully solicited. Orders for Lager, or Bottled Beer, in any quantity, promptly fdled. tfcfi" Free Lunch day and niirht. BUY KONE JBUT THE UOEW FLORENCE . SEWING MACHINE, THE BEST - - WORLD Eor sale at the City Book Store. CORRECT PRINCIPLES Demand that bills be rendered promptly, and to do it nicely, got your Bill paper &nl statements printed at . . - THE ASTORlAN'Offide FIREMEN'S GRAND DRESS BALL. HtdBN DRESS -TO BE RESCUE STEAM FIRE ENGINE COMPANY NO. I ON Thursday Evening, November 29, 1877, AT LIBERTY HALL, ASTORIA, OREGON. juo.v.-it.wt HOX. W.D. HAKE. CAPT. E.C.MKKimiAN. CAPT. OILMAN, CAPT. P.JOHNSON, DR. I. M.SEVERN, COL. JAMES TAYLOR, COL. R. R. SPEDDLN, C. A. McGUIRE. HON A. VAN DUSEN, DR. M. D. JENNINGS, MR. J. STEERS, iMK. P. WILHELM. xMR.WM. HEAD1NGTON, MR. A. W. MR. JOHN I3ADOLLET. IIONOItAKY COllPOUATIOX COMMITTEE. His Honor, D. C.IRELAND. Mnvor, CAPT. GEORGE FLAVEL. CAPT. HIRAM BROWN, MR. D. K. WARREN, MR. F. FERRELL, MR. C. H. PAGE, MR. J. C. TRULL1NGER. HONORARY FIKE DEPARTMENT COMMITrEE. J. H. D. GRAY, Chhf Engineer Astoria Fire Departmont- FRED FERCHKN, l?t A-i?tant Chief Engineer Astoria Fire Department- C. J. TRENCHARD. 2d As.itnnt CKIet Engineer. Astoria Ftk Department F. J. TAYLOR, President Board of D.'lgate Astoria Fire Department E. D. CURTIb, SK;retarv Board of Delegate. ., Astoria Fire Department C. S. WRIGHT, Treasurer Board of Delegates..' Astoria Fire Department FEOM BOAKD OF DELEGATES ASTORIA FIltE DEPARTMENT : LW.CASE, IVm. CHANCE, C. H. STOCKTON. J. W. SURPBENAXT, x. clintox, c. w. fulton, b. vax dusex. managing committee, chas. h. stocktox, l. d. coffman. x. clinton, j. e. ferguson, f.w. dalies. keceptiox committed l. d. coffmax, j. r. sheppard, j. w. surprenaxt. g. f. parker, a. Mckenzie, g.w. rea, b.mendleson, r. carruthers. committee on invjtatiox. J. H. D. GRAY, Chief Engineer. Astoria Fire Department ; J.H. LYONS, CWcf Engineer, Portland Fire Department ; Joe. WEBER. Chief Engineer, Albany Fire Department ; Eph. OL1NGER, Chief Engineer, Salem Fire Department ; J. - PRAY. Chief En gineer, Olympia Fire Department ; "V. "NVIRTLER, CMef Engineer, Vancouver Fire Department ; Geo. MUXGER, Chief Engineer, Dalles Fire Department. FLOOR MANAGERS. C.H. STOCKTOX, R.ALEXANDER, P. S. FOX, A. F. JESSUP, GEO. W. ROSS J. "W. WILDER, B. B. TURLEY, F. W. FERGUs6x. Tickets Admitting ady and Gent. $1 Wagoi aijarnie Slop. Squemocqba street, between Washington and Polk streots. AST0RTA OREGON IIJBXRY WATiliOU, Proprietor. Repairing promptly attended to none, but the best material used. All work war ranted. ' ttS-Blacksmithing and ship work promptly attended to GEORGE MACLEAN, BLACKSMITH. Water Street Roudwny, Xear Ilume's Cannery. Astoria, Oregon. Horseshoeing ofBlackstuith del. Satisfact and all kinds ing dono to or- ion bvarantecd Ship & Engino "Work n Specialty. ARNDT & FERCHEN, BL ACKS MITHS AND MACHINISTS x-rE- root of W asmngton Street, 5k? k near Ivinne s' ! ishery, KT r Abl'OKlA.UKEUU. HAVING SECURED AX ENGINE AND Latho, and tho best of workmanship, we aro now prepared to do ALL KIN DS OF CANNEKY WORK. ENGINE AN D STEAM BOAT ' "WOBK OF ANY DES CRIPTION. ESTTIorse-shocing, repairing, and all kinds of blacksmithing promptly attended to at rea sonable rule.. Tp S. MERRILL & CO., Blacksmiths and Machinists. Capt. KOGEKS OLD STAND ear Express Omco. ASTORIA. - OUEGON. All work in our lino, heavy or light, done with neatness and dispatch. HORSESHOEING, AVAGON, AND Farm Work a Specialty. HAVING SECURED THE SERVICES OF Mr. S. A. Gaines of Ky an experienced Farrierof 25 years in tho business, and well known to Astoria horsemen, wearepreparod to do shoeing in a"manner to euro lamoneiS or pre vent it in horses entrusted to our care. JBST"A11 work warranted and at reasonable raes. Pavlier House Hotel, Corner Main and Coneoraly streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. H. B. Parker, Proprietor. riMIIS IS THE LARGEST nOTEL IN AS X toria. new and now furniture, furnished in first class style. Tho table will bo supplied with tho best the market affords. Accomodations to suit the times, from SI 25 to S2 50 per day. Steamers and sail boats leavo tho wharves nnd slips near tho Hotel, daily for Fort Ste vens, Fort Canby, Skipanon, Fort Clatsop Sea Sido, Ocean Reach, Knappton, Chinook, Unity, Oysterville and other places of resort in this vicinity. 3?"Thero aro now fivo largo salmon can neries in Astoria which employ over 1200 per pons in the various branches of tho .businoss. making Astoria as it now is, a point ofinter est ifj YipiLura.uiuupt3uuuuvuiiMi;vii Uiviguruimg summer climate z , jt, w . w w tJU .5 4 It IU liM 'S -t ! BALL. GIVEN BY- i OtULiii j'i::. COL. JOHN ADAIR, Uh. E.6. LARSEN, (J.APT.G. REhD. DR. S. W. DODD, MR. A. J. MEGLER, MR. C. H. BAIN, CAPT.N.P. MUDGE, FERGUSON, SO Tickets can he procured of any member of the company. AUCTION SALES. E. C. HOLDEN, AUCTIONEER and COMMISSION AGENT CilENAMUS ST. ASTORIA. OREGOX. Consignments respectfully solicited, bills col lected and returns promptly made. Regular Sales Day. Saturday, Refer by permission to C S. WRIGHT. WARREN k McGUIRE Ho.v. J. Q. A. ISOWL1SY A. VAN DL'SEN. J.W. GEAHHART. T:. . 3IOI.DEN. Auctlcnipor. B, S. AVOKSLEY", AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANT. Office, on Main street opposito Washington. Market- SAIJBS 1AII.Y From 7 to 9 o'clock P. M. Regular Sales Day, Salurflnr, at 10 O'CIoek A. HI. Will purchase nnd soil real estate, merchan dise, furniture, etc. Consignments respectfully solicited. Diagrams and terms to bo had on application to tho Auctioneer. B, S. WURSLEY HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. UNION HOUSE. Cor. Squemocqha and Lafayette Streets,. ASTORIA, OREGON. T1HIS HOUSE HAVING BEEN newly re-painted and furnished throuL'hout w now open to the accommoda tion of the public ES-The house being in new hands-now oan guarantee satisfaction. Board aad Ledslag per Buy.w :..$! H Sialic Meal. 25 MRS. M. E. TURNER, Proprietress. QCCIDENT HOTEL, A. J. MEGLER, C. S. WRIGHT; Proprietors. A8tQriay Oregon, The Proprietors aro happy to announce iha tho abore Hotel has been REPAINTED AND REFURNISHED Adding greatly to tho comfort of its guests AND IS NOW THE BEST HOTEL NORTH OF SAN FRANCISCO. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS SERVED IN EVERY STYLE AT SCHSf JEERS COIIFECTIOSJEITy AND REFRESHMENT SOLOON. All kinds of French, German and Americaar Candies constantly on Iiand, wholesale ' and retail at the lowest cash price. ALSO "Wedding cakes made to order on short notice. The patronage of the public ds-respectfully solicited. . ' . i A