The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, November 09, 1877, Image 1

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Vol. 3.
Astoria, Oregon, Friday Morning, November 9, 1877.
No. 134,
xz gftilxj ysi0:cisro.
(Monday Excepted),
Advrian Building, Cass Street.
Terms of Subscriptien:
served by Carrier, per week 2-1 Cents
Sent by mail, four months i$ 00
ent by mail, cue year. 9 00
Jfieo of Postage to Subscribers.
K3T Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of SI "') per ? jiuire pur month.
Transient adirticini;, by the day or week,
fifty conts pers.juarolbr each insertion.
To City Subscribers.
There are such frcpicnt changes in the resi
dence of our city patrons that, wo hnll feel
obliged toAny who niauo such change if they
will report the fame to thiolliee. Uthoiu ie
lvu hhall not be rvpoiiBiblo for failure of tho
canier to deliver the paper promptly and
regularly to them.
.Read J. Strauss' new ul.
iS"Astoria rats are educated. You
cannot catch them in ordinary traps.
Everybody is rushing to J.Sti: aitss
new grocery store.
S-The Orizaba
and put upon the
will be repaired
lower California
.1. Sthauss sells the nicest, best;
-and cheapest goods in town.
S"B. S. Worsley's dancing acade
my is another evidence of the ap
proach of the yv season at. Astoria.
... -Fully 2."i per cent, saved by buying
at J- Stkauss' new grocery store.
35-The Poi land steamers will here
after toot but one whistle in the mor
nings, five minutes before starting.
J. Stkauss will pay the highest
cash prices for fresh eggs and butter.
-CfThe holiday season has already
opened at Adler's. His mechanical
.gymnasium and old cully's plantation
fiance attract crowds.
$2 40. You can buy the best coal
oil in patent faucet cans, at .. Stj:auss
;2?There is one confounded dirty
crossing that had better be drained
(before the second Wednesday in De
cember), at the intersection of Cass
and Astac streets.
Something for laundrys to look at
Chemical Olive soap, S0 cents a box, nt
J. Strauss.
33-Me. Schlussel of the firm of
oSchlussel & Kant. Vidte house store,
will probably return within a week.
This firm are preparing to materially
increase their store room, on Mr.
Schlussel's return.
Just received fresh .Berlin, "Wis
consin, cultivated cranberries, at J.
Ja3Al large amount of rich agricul
tural lands in eastern Washington ter
iitory are being taken up under the
timber culture act That will be the
garden spot of the United States in
side of ten years.
Salem patent baker's Hour. Impe
rial, Magnolia and Albany flour, very
cheap for cash, at J. Strauss'.
tf&M. C. O'Connor, known as "Red
handed Mike," the champion light
weight of the west, is coming to Asto
ria on a "professional tour" and will
give some boxing exhibitions
He was in Albany on the 5th.
Sugar cured bacon at prices that
defy competition; also, Chicago sugar
cured hams and breakfast bacon, the
lest v v Jla at J. Strauss'.
jpSS'-'V e vonng ladies of Astoria will
give a nJi- -Id entertainment at Lib
el ty hall on next Thursday evening,
for the benefit of the Congregational
church. A fine programme of select
vocal and instrumental music will be
...Strauss will give half -a pound
ntoe sugar for one dollar than auy other
" s6re in the city. All Hie same in.noffee,
heans, peas, and rice as with sugai;, at J.
'n.nnrmiek. dealer in Iruits
from th
ins of Lewis river, ,has a
.choice lo
pples to-day. Corner ot
The raunjcipal election in Astoria
wiU occur on Wednesday, December 12,
R. M. and E. C. Spedden are delight
ed with the new homes in the Walla
Walla country.
At a meeting of council Wednesday
evening considerable unfinished busi
ness was fin soed.
The Canby evidently met with bad
weather on her trip to Tillamook yes
terday, and returned.
The Is'e of Angles!., coal laden
from Newcastle. N. S. W., to Capt Geo.
FLivel oC ifoJs.cLy, came s,i yesterday, in
tow of the tugs Breoram and Astoria.
Pilot Staples had been on board of her
three days.
City sir vcyor ITaydcn Gearhart his
rciu.icd rom the Walla WaMa region,
lie went pp into tiie Spokane region,
aud was within twenty miles of Lewis
ton. He says he never saw richer soil
in any coun.ry. nor finer lands for agri
cultural pursuits.
An accident occurred to Mr. J.J.
Joplin yesfeday at the embankment on
Wet-uMiih street, the Catholic
church, which will be like'y to ct.use
him to keep his room for some time.
The accident occurred by the caving of
Lhc bank catching him, and nearly bury
ing him alive befoie he cou'd be got on!.
No bone were I roKcn, but the body was
considerably bruised.
South Bend Letter.
SorTii Li:xd, W. T., Xov. 5, 1S77.
En. AsTOiiiAN:
We have a de;.rtii of newsatprcsanf.
Schooner H. L. Tiernan. Capt. flitch
ell, arrived Oct. 31st, having on board
new boilers and material to replace
those destroyed by the explosion.
The frame work of the mill has been
fully replaced, also a large boiicshed,
new blacksmith shop, etc. The com
pany litis also built quite an addition
to the store, which, by the way, wv
very much wrecked. Watson & Bro.
pulled up stakes and left for home en
the 1st instant. The steamer Gen.
Canby came around for them. They
have not been very successful in secur
ing fish, but what they did get were
fine. We are sorry that they did not
have better success and hope that they
may be more successful next year.
Robert Watson and 3. P. Bannon
have made many friends while stop
ping here, and we expect to see them
back next August. James Miller
came up as a passenger on the Tier
nan, says lie had a fine trip. Our
weather litis been fine for some time
but the change came ttvday, we are
now having a little moisture br way
of a change, or more plainly, a gentle
introduction to what we may expec
for the next five or six months, s.
Avery large stock of can goods,
such as table and pie fruii, July, jam,
honey, tomatoes, corn, beans, sugar pe.s
oysters, corn beef, condensed milk, etc.,
at prices to suit the times at J. Strauss .
SSajTs an exchange: "Any family
man who snv- he i- to poor to taUe a newt
anpr should he indicted for obtaining a
family under false pi etM)ec."
1. Strauss has just received a
large lot of Alden dried apples, peais,
plums, blackberries, raspberries and
pit less eherries, which he will sell very
low, to make room for more which will
arrive on the steamer Chester.
Any friend who leel? nn irfereat in the pro1--poiitv
of iliip icyoa, is puJ'o cd to act a
Agent for this nope-- in procurlns subset ibcrs.
For 20 days only, I will sell crock
ery, lamps, glassware, table and pocket
cutlery at San Francisco wholesale
prices, in order to make room for one of
the largest and best selected stocks of the
same kiiul of goods now on the way
from New York, for J. Strauss, South
side of Ohenamus street, Astoria, Oregoa.
For 01 ass ware. Crockery, Powder and
Shot, Gun Wads. Percussion Caps, in
fact everything that is useful as well as
ornamental, go to J,. W. Gearhart, who
sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered
free of charge.
Canary Birds. for sale at Gilles
pie5, Parkr houe batfiF.
Peter Wilhelin has permanently fitted
up a ship-master's reading room "in con
nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria.
The latest shipping papers and home
ward and outward bouuo. shipping lists
are kept on file. Telegraph office next
-.. . J. Stbauss is fuUy prepared to sail
you the best of teas cheaper than you
ive ever bp.ught on Qs eost
Proceedings of tho Fishermen's
pccr.isiiED in authority.
Astoria, Oregon, Nov. 7, 1877.
Editor Astorian :
At an adjourned meeting of the Col
umbia river fishermen held at the Court
house in this city, the meeting was call
ed to order bv James Williams. cha;r
man. The minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved.
The report of the committee on rules
was then read and on motion was .adop
ted. Report of Committee.
To die Fislurmcn of Astoriaavdvlcln
.fty, in mass meeting assembled:
Gextlkmen: The undersigned, your
coni.nittee appointed at a mass meeting
held at the Court .louse, in Astoria, on
tie evening of October 31st, 1S77, for the
purple ot reporting and submitting
resolutions and i.ieasuies exp'essive oi
Hie sense of the said lisherien respect
ing the action ot the boa-d or trade of
Portland, Oregon, upon ihefis.iiiig inter
ests ot the Coi nubia river, respectfully
submit the following p. otcst, to be
to Hie Congiess of the Unued S.atis rt
WVsiiigion. accoi.i- nied by a bill or
leasu e rcco i tended to 'je passed by
Cong.vr.s -or t'le ent'tC regi hviou of the
iishi'-g business, untU comet'iljg "jester
can iie de'std.
All or which is : especlfully submitted.
W. W. PAUKriR, Cliairuan.
Tne remonstrance tu;ainst the salmon
bi i ot the roitituut ootini oi trade was
Jien read, and on motion was unani
mou'y auopted and signed by over uOO
members p.esept.
To ihc JTo.ioivrh'c Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress usscmblccl:
The undersigned, your petitioners,
citizens of the Cined Su'tes and of the
sitile of Oregon, or of Washington terri
tory, do most lespectailly but earnestly
protest and renioiisuate against the en-
:u tinent by your honorable bodies of two
cer.ain bilis'or Measures, recommended
by the biaid of tr'de r some salmon
fishing association of Portland, Oregon.
One of which measures providing for
all fishermen and boats engaged in fish
ing salmon on the Columbia river to
be licensed at an expense of five or ten
dollars each, for each season; and the
other measure providing for certain
sized meshes of nets and. seins to be
usad; Tor no fishing io be done at certain
pevioi's, and limiting the fishing ground
to the Columbia river and tributaries
above a Hue across the rivtr from Smith's
point, near Astoria, to Scarborough point
near C'lnook, in Washington territory.
We do not know of, nor can we imag-
rc a plausible reason for prohibiting
salmon fishing below the said imagina
ry line, even to the mouth of the river,
or outside the river entirely, o.i the bar,
in the breakers, or beyond in the open
ocean. The, the lion. Hudson's
bay company their employes since
t.linir il!!irri Tvoin Hh o.mnon.iv. :inl
Hw. a (lr;,.,. c.tinro oi.d dirivn.w- ..iwuit
iw. mmii-i nf iho r-nhii ihm ri.r..f "ii-.ivn
alwtns listed on all the g.-otuid below
said line, above namtd. ivo.n the earliest
times of thei-settlement here.
The extent of good lishing ground be
low the sdid l:,ie a nl wUnin Hie limitc
of the Colum'jiti r.ver, is over l.lOsquare
miles am1 eub.-aces several good sta
tions that have been used for scores of
ye.v". The temptation to fishermen to
('riiu acioss the line when hauling ii
their nets iu the usual i.ia iner; and I o
unavoidtible necessity of t . i "ting acr
it and taking salmon bc'ow it, when, o,i
attempting to tal.e in their nets as tley
near the line, ith a five or eight knot,
tide riiuning- t-'ey find tneir nets e.itan
gled, or f"i': vishdr uAiOod, snags, stur
geon, sens, sea lions, etc.. which are of
irequent occer.ence wih result in in
numerable violations of the law aud con
sequent proseee.ions.
"No sucn ii.niii-iarv line should be es
IIIV i'lUIH-I 9 VV -' AA..V& W
tablished, there or elsewhere, across the
lhcr, with penalties roi lislpng below it.
Jt is well known that the salmon in
thebest. condition for immediate con
sumption or for pieseivition when Uiey
first a- i ive in the river j .o n the ocean ;
and the fish heretofoiecat'ghi upon tlrs
very prohibited ground Coy tfe said
boaid of it-tule bill) and a- the station
just ac the line, on boLi sides of it,
"Chinook," are famoi s hc world over as
the very best of fish (t e '-Chinook sal
So, another clause in the said bill,
which pi oh ib? is fishing in the month o.
Ap-il, is an unnecessary and unjrsb re
striction. Not many sa'mon come in
mat month, aud only a portion of them
arc caught, as they ri'n in tne deepest
water and are very hy; but they are
usually the fattest and besc fish of the
season. They are three months in ad
vance of the spawning season and the
few that can be caugnc will not decreae
tjie an.iual salmoa supply in the river.
Without better infoi nation relative to
what is necessary to be done in order to
keep up the annual srpply of salmon in
the CoUunbia river it may be best io pro
hibit fishing in the months of August
and September of each year, and such
prohibition (especially if five or six days
of the last ot July be added to the nro-hibited-tsrm),
will be amply sufficient to
ensure enough of the spawning fish in
the upper waters of the i iver, withou
prohibiting fishing iu AniW.
The.i.e of meshes for the seine or
drag net, as.prescribed in the said board
of trade bill, is too large, so large that
such seins would be almost wortliless.
The meshes of such nets might be as
small as five inches f jrom corner to cor
ner diagonally when extended. The size
of meshes of the pjjl net, to-wit; eight
and one-fourth inches diagonally across
when extended, is about right, as named
in said board ot tracie bill.
The most objectionable feature of the
first named bill or measure, is ttuit which
provmes lor an nsnermen anc. an ooatS
engaged in fishing for salmoa in the
Coluaibia rivei, io be licensed at an ex
pense of five Oi ten dollars, or more, to
each mm and to each boac
Theideaof requivlig a fisherman to
pay for a license for himself and for an
other for his boat and another still ?Oi
his net, is to say the least of L, prepos
terous. Sca.celv aoolher occi.. ;on
can be named as labo ious, a hazaidous,
or as urcertain in it results as that of t
fisherman on tie lower Columbia r'-ver.
With, greater reason mih- the sbovel
ers, the graders aad longshoremen of
our cities, or the miners or the lum
bermen, or co l farmers, be licensed
to puisue their seveial avocations.
The excuse oifced, that of riising
money with which to p.iy the expense of
propagating the salmon, so as io keep
. up tne annual supply, is a very poor one,
especially as tie burden of taxation
would fall very unequrlly mon the per
sons taxed; causing tl'ose tne let-stable
and those entirely unable, to pay as
much as the mot prosperous.
Jf a revenue for proJe?tin and piopa
gating the fish is required, a rea-onab'e
and sensible mode oe raisirg it would
be taxing all the salmon erred 'ireseiv
ed or packed, after it is so erred, pre
sented packed and. we would rec
ommend a slight tax for that purpose,
levied in that man ler, and m be collec
ted by the government officers already
existing in uie districts boidering upon
the Columbia river.
We submit herewith a plan of a b;ll
or measure for raising a revenue for the
purposes above named a
ing to some extent He
and for legulat
salmon fishing
business on the Coli'inbhi river and trib
utaries, which we repicn.ully request
your honorable bodies to enact as a law.
(or something better adt.pced to the case)
in lieu of said two mer uires or bills
proposed by the bo.-rd of trade or Sal
mon fishing association of Portland, On -gon,
and, as in duty bound, we will ever
Proposed Eill to Congress,
Wji ereas, In con cquence of a general dis
regard bv the fishermen of p.oier rego'ations
and coadi. ions necc sary to proteet ilic :m
nr.d spawn of .he ; tuul m conrcqrcnce
n'ttie noKuiionot the "v.itei"sof thevano'is
rci-s, and s'tore "Jes of the bays of t'ae At
lant c c trt. by saw ipJ''s iptmufacturing cs
tt.b'ishmenis, and the diaicage of iowrs a?ul the ivmber' and sn.ip.y of sahnon in
the rivers of t'leAfanfc sea coast have so
largely deciea edas to be now of 1 tt'e conse
(picnce, greatly to tne detriment of com
merce and the beit mtereds of all people ;
"Whereas, There m dagger of the numoer
and suppiv oXf almon In the Columbia l.vr
and ).s 'rlbL'U.rie", now so pleoi. tul, suffer
ing a s'milar decrease within a few years, un
Jes" M'table laws and regulations are mads
aim encored to insure the requisite puity of
thewtite 3ofstJa vers, and the annual dc
poit of f sh spawn therein. Therefore,
Be it twcUxl hy the Senate and Hcxuse of Rep
resentatives of the United States of Ameri
ca, in Congress assembled:
Section 1. Taat it shU not be lawful to
caVi orfls'i for salmon in the waters of the
Co'ambia river, o- its tributaries oy auy
mciein whatever, m any year, from the 2Jtb
day of Julv to the lht da.' of October of each
year; sucn period behg best portion of
ihc spa lMi):; season in said river and its
tributarie. Any person violating the pro-
itiois of this section, on conviction Thereof
slia'l be fined not lcasPian one thousand dol-, nor more than Intern hund.ed dollars
for the first ; aud for auy subsequent, shall upon conviction ie linen not
less than fiflcn hundred dollars, and may be
imprisoned at the d's relion of .hecounnot
e.xcc eding t .vei ve months.
She. 2. It shall not be lawful to catch or
lWiforsalmop in the Columbia river or its
tributaries, from the 1st d.iy of April to the
l!Cih day of July of each year w"u fP1 nets,
tie . .esouj ot win -u le.s than e.ght and
one font ih hiches irom o e corner to the op
posite (diagonal O. when emended; no1
. Ith sriue3 the inrshcs of which a e los than
five uu'he" f'om one corner to the other (dt
j gonany), when extended ; nor with well or
.n.s. .lie slat of whien are IcTthan three
lrncs tpart on the pocket or seine pond.
'.d du. ing said closed sealum,to-it : Joni
the 2UJi day of July to the 1st da of October
ct" eac.i year, theie snaMbean opjiiing at
le:.t ibree feet square thrjugii tne pocket of
ne nip loieiiuesainiou pajireeo uiitius11
Anvnctsoiior netsons vioiatimr the provis
ions of this section, or encounrging its vio'a
t "on bv purchasing c a' mon knowingly so un
lawfully uiught, snail be deemed guilty of a
ni'sdemeanor, and, upjn conviction thereof
sh'll be fined for the first offense no less
th.-n five hundred dollars, nor more than one
thousand ilo'.l.irs, ajd for each subsequent
offense shall on conviction be fined not less
than one thousand dollais, to wm'ch may be
r.ddod imprisonment for not nibre than
i vve mo"ths. at the d-.screJion of the cour.
Src. 3. Be it further enacted, lliat for
the jnirpose of raising a revenue to be e.i
petu cd n tie n otclion of sidmon spawn
anil in main ainmg establishments for the
propagation of sahnon in Ue Columbia river
and its trjbo.a.Ie3, under the direction of
t escc.etaryof the treasury or fish commis
sioner for the Pacific cost of tho United
SJaJcj, a ..r x snail be 'evied and collected on
a" a mon in the Columbia liver and
its iributar'es, aad cured or ireserved for
sa'e or exportation, in amouut as follows, to
wit: Umou all salmon cured or preserved
and pac ed in tin cins cr cases, one twelfth of
one cent upon ea:h pound so cured or pre
ceeved and packed. Uuwia1! sahnon cured
and preserved and packed Jn tters. barrels,
halfor quarter barrels, one twentieth ot one
cent per puuud, upon each pound so cured, or
preserved and packed. Upon all salmon
caret? or preseived and packed in kits or
packages of 'ess lhan fifty pounds, two and
one half cents ner kit or package. Upon all
sa.mon cure:, by dryh? and sa.ting for sale,
c-,c twentieth of one cent psr pound. And
itshallbe the duty of the secretary of the
t'-cniry to piesci'be te necessary rules,
lobulations and directions, for ascertaining
the quanli y of salmon so cured or preserved
and packed each vear bv all persons, or es
tablishments on the Columbia river or its
tributaries ; and for the collection of the said
taxes bv sue respective collectors of eustoms,
or of internal reve me taxes whose respective
u si nets embrace the Coljmbia river ana us
tributaries ; and for the disbursement of said
moneys to the proper persons towards the ex
penses of s.dd propagation o salmon and the
inalntainance of such pror agatiug establish
ment:. And all fines, penalties and forfeit
ures collected from any person or persons for
violating the provisions of fbis act. shall t3
p: Id over to the secretary of the treasarer,
and be by him dlsbu'isefl W Uke manner with
ihe other avenue arLIng under this act.
Skc. '. Tins act shall not be so constructed
as to prevent any person or persons from
taking salnon for the purpose of securing
the spawn, or of propagation of the same in
kaid Columbia river or )t tributaries.
Sec 5. It shall not be lawful for any person
or eroos to throw, cast, or depc It saw
di?:t from any saw-mill, or recuse or waste
iqud, lulr. lime-water, tan-water irom any
hide or leather tannery, or po;-onous waste
liquid, or cj.npound mineral, or chemical
"quids, or, substance from any wcolen, or
ccAc.i factory, or dyeing, or chemical, or
gas works, or establishment, iuto the Colum
uia river or aiy of It3 tributaiies from the 1st
diy of July to the 3lst day of December, of
any year, and every person guilty of violat-
g any of the provisions of this section shall,
on conviction, bs fined not less than five
Iimdrcd dollars for each and every such
Sec. 6. The United States district court for
t le district of Oiegon, and district courts In
the err.tories of Washington and Idaho,
sha 1 have jurisdiction, eacn wihln Its rev
psc ive dbiritt. of all of violation of. or
otherwise a.ring under the provisions of this
Sec. 7. Any person or persons who stall
firs - inform t:ie United Statt s district attor
nej "and through whose infonnation a con
iction shad aftsnvards take place," of a
"iolaMcn of any of the piovisiDns of tVs aci,
fir i be entuled to half of the line which the
pi. son contravening the law shaM be com
pelled to pay.
Sec. 8. Any United Stated district attor
ney wiio sha fi'l, on infor-nation of a viola
lion of any of the provisions of this act, to
tnKe pi oper action to secure the arrest and
cmv'ction c f the offender or offenders, shaU
be deemed geilty of a mlsdemeu aor in ofllce,
an shall be fined five bundled dollars for
each offeire.
On motion the propossJ bill to con
gress was read, and article by article ex
plained and each in its turn was voted
on, and upon motion the same wa3
The foil owing members of the finance
eemmiuee were instructed to take charge
of the remonstrance aid oill to congress,
and see that theyweie printed in the
Daily and Weekly Astoria, and
pay for any bill due tlm job printer for
job pri.i Jug done for this body.
B. A. SEABor.a,
James W. Welch,
Brxjamin Young,
Emanuel Minor.-
Finance Committee.
On motion the meclng adjourned
sine die.
Jas. Wuliamr, Chairman.
Tnos. Dealey, Secretary.
....Eat in
les 75 cents; cooking
30 cent u)
and ever:
cents: eggs 50 cents,
i proportion at Bo-
zorth's. C
atisfy yourself.
ps, and the best of oil
at K. Ale
Id at li. Alexander &
Co.'s for t
SO days at San Fran-
cisco cost-
Kinney's compressed corned beef
and Tillamook clams at retail at E. S.
Larson's and Hickmott & Bailey's.
Mrs. Arrigoni is furnishing good
rooms with board at from G to $7 and
upwards per week, according to location.
Choice new sets of crockery, verv
unique and novel ; also theelf-righting
'spittoon," that always keeps upright,
just received and selling at prices to
suit the times, at 1. W. Case's.
You can always get fresh 03stcrs
in every style and at all hours, day or
night, at the Central Coffee Saloon, (Uon
coinly street, between Benton and La
fayette. Thos. McFarland, proprietor.
Dry goods, millinery ami notions
cheap for thirty days at the Bee Hive.
The Dance of Life, an answer to
the Dance of Death, at the" Circulating
Dr. F. P. Ilicks, dentist, rooms in
Dr. Welch's building, on Squemoqha
street, offers his services to the public of
Peter Runey is still in the market
with all kinds of building materials in
his line. lias just received 100,000 lath,
2,000 bushels of sand, and a large stock
of first (inality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street.
Stoves and fall goods for house
keepers in great variety at L. P. Rich
man & Co's.
The uDance of Life," an answer
to the Dance of Death, by Mrs. J. M.
Bowers. For sale at the City Book Store.
Single men feel like marrying
when they see the Medallion range at
Magnus u. Crosby's.
Board and lodging by the day or
week at the Astoria Beer Hall, Main
street, Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro
prietor. ...Fresh oysters in every style at
White wire goods in every style,
at Magnus C. Crosby's.
Dr. 15. R.Freelandhas located per
manently in Astoria for the practice of
dentistry. Office in Shuster's building,
on Cass street, next door to The Asto
iiian office.
;S?-Photographs! The latest styles
taken nt Shuster's new gallery, Cuss at.,
next to the Astorian office.
iSf For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an easy shave, go lo Gille-pie at Pak
kkk House Baths. Hair cutting, sham
poontngj and dyeing.
After this date, com will be nced for
change, and tickets dispensed with; all
drinks and cigars five and ten cents, at
the Chicago House,Main sireet, Astoria,
Astoria, Oct 3, I877r
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