The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, November 08, 1877, Image 1

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Vol 3.
Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Morning, November 8, 1877.
No. 133.
'. i . j j tnTi1 -u .-j, .i i' n f '. i
Tfni 1
T T Jy
S&c gsxltj stac&ra,
(Monday Excepted),
Aiduriaii Skiildlivf -Cass Street.
Terms -of Subscription :
fcerved by Carrier, per week 25 Cent?
,?entby mail, ibur months S30 mail, enc year. !)&)
.Free of Postage to ub?eribcrs.
fiSy" Advertisements inserted by the year t
ijie rate of SI .VJ per square per month.
TraiiHcnt adverti'-ins, by the day or week,
fifty cents per square for each insertion.
To City Subscribers.
There are such frequent chanjres in the rci.
denco of our city patrons that we shall feel
obliged to any who make such changes if thej'
will report the same to thisolHce. Others ise
wo i-hall not be responsible for failures of the
carrier to deliver the paper promptly and
regularly to them.
Read J. new 'ad.
Who is Henry Ol&en, and what
jus present address ?
Everybody is rushing to J.Sti: auss
new grocery store.
Tlie Pizzaro came down from Port
land about half loaded yesterday.
. .
.. Stkauss sells the nicest, hest
rfind cheapest goods in town.
The Aherystwith Castle is at Fla
vel's dock, discharging her cargo of
Fully 2Ti ier cent saved by buying
t J. Strauss' new grocery store.
The Walla Walla Watchman now
sends out a lively daily, issued in the
J. Strauss will pay the highest
sash prices for fresh eggs and butter.
Friend "Bates left a pear on our table
.yesterday that it would be hard to beat
It would challenge the admiration o,9ld
man Bartlcttjwmself.
S2 40. Tou cap buy the best coal
-oil in patent faucet cans, at J- Strauss'.
The Elia for Valparaiso, and the
ihifuE. Wood for Qucenstown are at
Anchor below Astoria, ready for sea, and
will probably go out to-day.
Something for laundrys to look at.
'Chemical Olive soap, .v0 cents a box. at
J. Strauss'.
The Xorth Bend got away yestcr
iay 0. X., in tow of the Brenhani,
Capt. A. D. Wass, the true and tried vet
eran of the bar, at the wheel.
Just received fresh Berlin. Wis
consin, cultivated cranberries, at J.
a. u. iunmmus or l'oruanu, in a
note to Mr. J. O. Fruit of this city, in
forms the public that he will he here to
Aldressthe labor world Saturday eve
ning. The meeting will be held at the
Court house.
Salem patent baker's -Hour, Impe
rial, Magnolia and Albany fiour, very
cheap for cash, at J. Straus'.
i . n
About a ton of hawser came ashore
near point Adams a few days ago. which
was secured by Capt. B. M- Lowe, and
he hauled it over to Skipanop and the
Sam delivered it on the docjc jhere yes
terday. Sugar cured bacon at prices that
.defy competition; also, Chicago sugar
-cured hams and breakfast baeon, the
best in the world, at J. Str.tss'.
The National was taken .to Portland
by the Alice towing, Perches pilot, on
the 5th. The Garibaldi, Snow pilot
Wonder towing, ou the Glh. Abby Cow
per, Johnson pilot, Chief towipg, ou the
Jth. Hazard, Gilman pilot, Edith tow
ing, on the nth.
.... Strauss will give half ;a pound
more sugar for one dollar than iy other
store in.the city. All the same in coffee, j
beans, peas, and rice as with sugar, at J.
We near from Knappa that Messrs.
A. II. Stone and James Brown have
driven all the elk out of the prairie, and
arenow going for the fall salmon. We
loojef or Mr. Stone in town, again in a
fewjdays, ater he succeeds ;in getting
-alhthe elk hrps he has .qjiptsed, outqf
;tlie TTffOQds.
The Gay Season.
The key note of the gay season was
struck at Astoria when Cornarfc gave
his opening 2)arty a Liberty hall,
Monday evening. The advertisement
of Rescue engine company !No. 2, for
a fireman's grand dress ball at Liberty
hall on the 29th, appears in another
column, to-day. This the boys pro
pose to make one of the most reclicr
clie affairs that lias ever been given in
the city. All prominent citizens are
interested, and the fair sex make this
the chief topic xif their conversations.
''What shall we wear' concerns them
immensely at present. 2 o doubt they
will appear in full force brilliantly ar
rayed and capable of withstanding the
critical judgment of a special reporter
we have engaged for the occasion.
Thanksgiving conies but once a year
and we presume all will make the
most of it. Now that the social en
tertainments are well under way, we
trust they will not falter for want of
an appreciative public. " Keep the
balls a rolliug," gentlemen.
Devlin & Co. shipped 500 cases of
beef last evening for the outgoing
Mr. Stickles passed through Astoria
to attend the Pacific county Commis
sioners Court on the 4th. Mr. John
AVoods, who was badly used up by the
boiler explosion at South Bend, is ex
pected to be able to take his seat as com
missioner. Astoria is ahead'of all other cities in
the matter of police. Yesterday chief
Ross took the valley thief Geo. McDai -iels
into custody in Kalama, and return
ed him to Portland. Time was too short
to get a requisition from Gov. Ferry,
but our chief did n't need one.
Capt Merrim an, U. S. N., Inspec
tor of the loth Light-house district, in
forms us that it would be impossible for
the Astoria Fire Department to secure
that fog bell at Fort Canby. It is prob
able that the boll will be removed, but
it will be relocated at some other point
in the district. Capt Mcrriman has a
bell however, which he will loan to the
Chief Engineer of this tdeparrment, on
The Good Templar; assembled in full
force Tuesday evening to assist in the
initiation of several new converts, after
which the following officers were in
stalled for the term ending January 31.
1S7S: W. C. T.. Edward D. Curtis; Vf.
V. T.. F. E. Warren ; W. S-, X. D. Bay
niond; W. T W. M. McCormick; W. C.
B.B.Freeland; W.M., Will McGregor;
W.D.M., Clara C. Munson; W. I. G.,
Clara B. Adams ; W. O. G., II. F. Chance.
Trustees elected tor the ensuing year: J.
E. Bozarth, A. E. Withers, and B. B
Freeland. Messrs. A. Van Duscn and I.W. Case
were last evening appointed by the coun
cil as trustees to dispose of the city
bonds of Astoria for the purpose of
raising funds to pay Messrs. Bain &
Ferguson for the construction of the
new city hall, engine house, and jail
building. These trustees are not expec
ted to work for nothing, and a vote will
;lc taken upon the proposition generous
ly tendered by councilman Brown, to al
low Messrs. Van Duscn and Case 20 per
cent, of the salaries of the mayor and
councilmen, as compensation for their
trouble as trustees.
...Avery large stock of can goods.
. such as table and pie fruit, jelly, jam,
honey, tomatoes, corn, beans, sugar peas,
oysters, corn beef, condensed milk, etc
at priees to suit the times at J. Strauss'.
The longshoremen are on a strike
in Portland.
J. Strauss has just received a
large lot of Alden dried apples, pears,
plums, blackberries, raspberries and
pitless cherries, which he will sell verv
low;, to make room for more which will
; arrive on the steamer Chester.
- Wilton!s dramatic troupe are soon to
open-at Astoria for the winter.
.....For-20 days only, I will .sell crock
ery, lamps, glassware, table ajl pocket
cutlerj' at San Francisco wholesale
pricesjn order to make room for one of
the largestandbestselected stocks of the
.same kin -qf .goods .now on the way
from Naw York, for 3, Strauss., Squth
.siae of .&famus strH;diiagan.
apples 75 cents; cooking
r0 cents
to cents: eggs oo cents,
g in proportion at Be
nd satisfy yourself.
and ev
Uamps, and the best of oil
rc Lo. s.
.sold at B. Alexander &
xt 30 days at San Fran
ks compressed corned beef
amook -clams at retail at E. S.
Larsen's and Hickmott & Bailey's.
Mrs. Arrigoni is furnishing good
rooms with board at from G to 7 and
upwards per week, according to location.
Choice new sets of crockery, very
unique and novel ; also the self-righting
''spittoon," that alwavs keeps upright,
just received and selling at prices to
suit the times, at I. W. Case's. $
You can always get fresh oysters
in every style and at all hours, day or
night, at the Central Coffee Saloon. Cou
comly street, between Benton and" La
fayette. Thos. McFarland, proprietor.
Dry goods, millinery and notions
cheap for thirty days at the Bee Hive.
The Dance of Life, an answer to
the Dance of Death, at the Circulating
Dr. F. P. Hicks, dentist, rooms in
Dr. Welch's building, on Squemoqha
street, offers his services to the public of
Peter Buney is still in the market
with all kinds -of building materials in
his line. Has just received 100,000 lath.
2,000 bushels of sand, and a large stock
of first quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street
Stoves and fall goods for house
keepers in great variety at L. P. Bich
man & Cos.
The "Dance of Life," an answer
to the Dance of Death, by Mis. J. M.
Bowers. For sale at the City Book Store.
Single men feel like marrying
when they sec the Medallion range at
Magnus C. Crosby's.
Board and lodging by the day or
week at the Astoria Beer Hall, Main
street, Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro
prietor. ...Fresh oysters in every style at
White wire goods in every style,
at Magnus C. Crosby's.
. . . :Dr. B. B. Freeland has located per
manently in Astoria for the practice of
dentistry. Office in Shuster's building,
on Cass street, next door to The Asto
vaxs office.
ISO-Photographs! The latest styles
taken at Shuster's new gallery, Cas st.,
next to the Astorian office.
JZB For clean towels, sharp razors.
and an easy shave, go to Gillespie at Par
ker Houfis Baths. Hair cuttiDg, sham
pooning, and dyeing.
After this date, coin will he .used for
change, and tickets -dispensed -with ; all
drinks and cigars fke and ten cents, at
the Chicago House, Main street, Astoria.
Astoria, Oct. 3, 1877.
For Glassware, Crockery, Powder and
ShotyGun Wads, Percussion Caps. in
fact everything that is useful as well as
ornamental, go to J. W. Gearharr, who
sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered
free of chanre.
Canary Birds. for sale at Gilles
pie's, Paiker hou'-e baths.
Sinr-MASTER's Beading B.oom. Mr.
Peter Wilhelni has permanently fitted
up a ship-master's reading room in con
nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria.
The latest shipping papers and home
ward and outward bound shipping lists
are kept on file. Telegraph onlce next
. J. Strauss is fully prepared to sell
you the best of teas cheaper than you
have ever bought on this coast.
The English mind is still inter
ested on -the subject of Polar discovery.
The failure of Captain Nares to find
the open Polar sea is not considered
conclusive as against the existence of
such a body &f water. Sir Allen
Young is among the number of uncon
vinced, and has announced his inten
tion to fit out the ste&mer Pandora for
another northern expedition. There
will not be much faitJi in his ability
to penetrate to the pole in the face of
so many failures, unless he adopts the
Howgate plan whioh. he does not
seem to propose of establisliicg a
provision depot on the land as far
north as he can get one season, so as
to be ready for the sledge journey on
the earliest opening of the next spring.
The sequel will show, however wiiat
he can do.
There is a good market in Oregon for
agricultural products, owing to short
transportation to the Pacific Ocean, and
direct exportation to all parts of $be
world. Railroad fcoilitie. 2avirbU
I river, Anunf tfciJFSrt (.tambia.
's Calll
lor the we
Common Council Proceedings.
The council were all present at the
meeting on Tuesday evening.
Mr. Hope B. Ferguson acted as
Clerk pro fem., performing the work
in a very satisfactory manner.
Petition of the Police force was
referred with instructions, to health
and police.
Petition of the sexton of the ceme
tery was referred to the committee on
ways and means.
The ways and means committee
reported matters concerning the taxes
of Warren estate back, to Mr. Chas.
The same committee were granted
further time to report an ordinance
concerning payment for proxierty, etc.,
lost by fire June 2d.
Committee on health and police made
report concerning bonds of the city,
which was referred back for final re
port to-morrow evening.
Ways and means committee were
allowed further time to report on
street lamps petitioned for.
The committee on streets and public
ways reported with reference to work
on Jefferson street sewer, etc., accept
ing the same, and report was adopted.
The same committee reported on
hatches for the use of fire department,
placed in certain crossings, which re
port was adopted.
The committee on wharves and
water frontage reported on petition of
Welch estate for wharfing privileges,
submitting an ordinance which, was
read the first time in regular order,
and laid over as unfinished business.
Reports of various city officers were
read and placed on file.
The following report of the city
engineer with accompanying paper
marked A, was read and referred to
the committee on fire and water:
Office of Chief Engineer, )
Astoria, Ogx., Nov. 5, 1877. j
To the Honorable Mayor and Common
Council of the City of Astoria
Gentlemen :
In accordance with recommendation
of your committee on fire and water, 1
hand you herewith a proposition from
Messrs. Arndt and Fcrchen to construct
for the Astoria Fire Department a hook
and ladder truck and apparatus. It is
the only proposition I have received and
ironi uie uesi lniorinaiion x can gee win
answer our city all that will be required
in that line for"man v years. The price.
$900.00, in comparison to those furnished
in the east, is I think less; owing to the
plain style of finish they are compelled
to use here. The truck, ladders and
everything else that can be, will be man
ufactured here.
And 1 would respectfully recommend
the acceptance of the proposition.
I would also report that at a trial of
Astoria engine company Xo. 1, after
having it repaired under the supervision
of Mr. F. Ferrell,I find that the engine
works well and is now ready for duty.
During the trial one length of the hose
purchased from Mr. J. liuchtel bursted.
I would also recommend that some
definite action he taken in reference to
the custody of the Astoria engide Xo. 1.
The company of that name not claiming
the engine as I have been informed by
the foreman. Still I do not, under the
circumstances, feel authorized to emnloy
any one to take care of it. And I lope
the company will conclude to arcept and
run the engine as she is now capable of
doing good service.
Rev. P. A. Ilylaml has given me his
consent to use the bell of the Episcopal
church as an alarm heir in case of fire,
until the city can procure one, and I will
have ropes pur up during the week so
that it can be rung in proper alarm style.
Respectfully submitted,
J. n. D. GRAY, Chief Eng., A. F. D.
To the Chief Engineer, Astoria Fire De
partment: Dkar Sir : We will furnish for the As
toria Fire Department 1 Hook and Ladder
truck 22 feet long.on the pattern and style of
the truck of the Corvallis Fire Department,
wirh a great many improvements.
1 extension ladder 4T feet long
1 4 " .40 ,4 "
0 It .1 g
i Poof !Z".'.!!"!:::i4
1 ' 12 " "
1 large prapel hook with chain : G small
grapel lioolcs ; 1 pole for gnipel hook : 4 fire
axes ; 2 crow bars ; 2 Babcock fire extinguish
ers ; 200 feet of rope, one Inch ; 6 water buck
ets, leather or rubber ; 2 lanterns ; 1 gong ;
G torches.
Ail articles mentioned above will he made
of the West and most suitable material ; and
we will 'charge for said apparatus Sdoo. We
would like two hundred dollars cash when
material for said apparatus is bought, three
hundred dollars when the same is delivered,
and ballance in city tprip payable March 1st,
1S7S. Very respectfully yours.
Aiixdt & Fercjiks.
An ordinance to amend ordinance
No. 233, was read second time and re
ferred. Warrants were ordered in payment
of claims as follews:
Trenchard & Upshur S 53 75
Witness fees to G.W.Wood, i)Al.
Welch, S. Kinsey, Jno.W. W elch
in case of Sands 6 80
Morris & Chappel 337 GO
Burke and Ferrell, repairs to en
gine C8 00
J. O. Frnit and II. B. Parker,
teaming 73 87
S.G.lngans 13 00
Henry Gallou 10 00
Masonic L.&B. A 10 09
B. B. Franklin, filing saws 1 GO
O.S.N.Co freight 7. 1 IX)
F.J. Taylor , jSifjS
ueo, r3ftel ffff
Claims against the city were referred
as follews:
M. Dillon $40 00
Morris & Chappel 472 00
F. -J. Taylor 51 00
The two first bills were ordered paid
last evening, also bills for construction
of crossing to connect Olney with Sque
mocqha street. Rep.
Mr. Trullinger submitted a propo
sition for creating three wards of the
city, with a representation of nine
councilmen, which was duly consider
ed and referred to committee of the
Upon motion, the chief engineer
was instructed to tender the hand fire
engine to No. 1.
On motion the board adjourned.
Disturbers of the Peace.
The Comet, the recognized organ of
the California branch of the national la
bor union, publishes the following re
buke to the agitators who are seeking to
incite the workingmen to acts of vio vie
lence: The street corners in the most densely
populated parts of the city have been re
sonant nightly, for weeks past, with the
blatant bosh of a band of the most shal-low-pated
demagogues that ever disgrac
ed an intelligent community. Com
munism itself, with all its attendant
horrors, is innocence, when compared
with the designs of these demagogues,
as explained by themselves the com
munist aims tb level the inequalities ex
isting between the rich and the poor.
These demagogues appeal to the worst
passions of the worst classes, to incite
them to disgrace American civilization
by making our streets flow with the
blood of the Chinese, whom our govern
ment stands pledged to protect.
The wickedness of these instigators
to murder and incendiarism would not
be so niischevious, were it not that they
profess to represent the working classes,
and thus bring the odium of their infa
my on those who are the staunchest up
holders of law and order. The real
workingmen of San Francisco the men
whose well trained minds, brawny arms
and calloused hands have made our city
a marvel of rapid development can
have no sympathy with those who would
destroy and disgrace the beautiful works
of their hands. American freemen,
raised and matured on the soil consecra
ted to Liberty, whose hearts overflow
with kindness and pity toward those less
fortunate, can have no feeling in com
mon with those Avho, themselves born on
a foreign soil, would disgrace our na
tional institutions by sheading the blood
ot another race of foreigners.
The Chinese in our midst are a curse to
our country, but God forbid that it should
everbe recorded that the working-classes
of America had degenerated into as
sassins and incendiaries, to correct an
evil which they have the power to rem
ed by lawful means.
The blatant demagogues' to whom we
allude do not represent the working
classes. They are mere adventurers,
having nothing to lose and much to gain
bv a raid on the Chinese quarter. It is
tlie duty of the city and state authori
ties to preserve the peace of the commu
nity by silencing such wretches. If con
finement in jailis what they desire, to
make of themselves martyrs, by all
means place them there. The abuse of
the liberty of speech most unquestiona
bly disturbs the publicpeace and brings
them within the power of the law.
A Ruffian vr ell Served.
From the INewYork Tribune,
The latest and most effective coun
terblast against tobacco was deliver i
by a lady on a Sixth avenue car ou
Saturday. One of these noble speci
mens of manhood who chew the weed
and with impartial mind distribute
the saliva on everything and every
body within range, was sitting opposite
the lady. From his capacious mouth,
at regular intervals a stream of amber
juice fell upon her dress. Her look f
blank amazement soon gave place to
one of wrath; a frown blacker than
mid-night gathered upon her face...
Patience ceasing to bo a virtue, she at
last rose, carefully gathered up her
dress, so as to lose not a drop of the
fragrant liquid, and, leaning vis-a-vis.
wiped his face with, the garment he
had desecrated, and then deliberately
resumed her seat. The astonished
man roared with rage and pain, vainly
tried to wipe the tobacco juice from
his smarting eyes and at last rushed
from the car, followed by roars .of
laughter from the passengers.
We see by Salem papers that a
stock exchange board has been organr
ized at that place. Mining quotations
are given ont and regular transactions
carried on daily. Tins is enterprising,
and if the Capitol of the state has not
exhausted itself in thi3 effort at pro
gress, it will prove beneficial to Oregon
interests by thu3 advertising its vast
mineral wealth abruad. May tJheT
iPnterprisebe permanent succegs.
'' y -"
J&zf&-ati exchange: -'Any family
man yho Bji iaeittopoor-tolAke ajhwi
troer should be iadiated for ebtamhut a
SO J fciaijj fler tyn&&m ' ' '