The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, November 07, 1877, Image 1

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Yol. 3,
ristoria, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, November 7, 1877.
STo. 132.
JBt;,.llilK.iV. jki.
ioi,u: . x.-.t
l.H - I.J....' -uj. J1
a "Its HSvfei ffvvv
8? L I I ill i h a 1
i v.
(.Monday Exce;ied,
-ala&ra Bntldiny, Cos Street
terms of Subscriptien:
Carved tjr Carrier, ior wntk , Si Cant
30Jlt, bj lll, cue .vu. . .. V6
1'rue of losue te .Suiwerets.
tiSf.Atlvoriieaicit? icortl by i bey oar at
tke rate o 1 .V por s mare jwr iwojiih.
Trcin-ifint ah't'r(iimj, ty the day or tveok.
fifty cunt er s juxi e tor ocli i::Wliow.
To City S?jhcribrs.
Thorc are siu-h freiuoiit chances in the resi
dence of urei!y ;ntUitf :tm. h'? shall feul
rt,:,Ked i:!v Hj! make h:Sic1ijis irtfcor .
vu sii:iu tuit re.louile for failure- of th j
carrier U deliver the :tjcr inounxly Hiul
i -oij; mom
..Kead J. Sn:Arss n -ad.'
Mr. Morriswi, one of the pioneers of
.-... . :.: :i ..i ....
liverylxxiy is rustim to J.STitA!.
iH'W grocery store.
Di:nngSeitemlcraitfl (October lust
imoti'e vessels arrixod at Astoria tlum ever
.arrived Iw'loie in lhroe ifKntlis.
.LJ5Ti:ais sells the nictist, l)est,
suui clieaicst gouls in town.
The crossing on Ohicy street, at the
intersection of W:tll and Court streets,
5s notuiy ready for teamsters.
i'ully 'ifi per vnt. saved by buying
ait J. STJtAi'ss new grocery store.
The Idaho eine up yesterday on her
iirst trip since the repairs, which makes
bar equal U any new shi of her class.
J. Stkatss wild pay the highest
crush prices for fresh eggs and butter.
. . .
Craw-ushers complain of j
.intmniej's and saws under new buildings
in process of construction along the
. . . . $2 -00. You can buy the best coal
oil in imlcut faucet cans, at J. Urn a rss.
Hop Kce has transferred his doiues
ik and mercenary squabble to Portland,
unci has taken our police judge and chief
. jyf police there to iestify in the case.
Ti'hey will return Ut Astoria to-day.
Something for laundrys to hxkau
'i.'hemical Olix-e soa,0 cents a box, at
'J. jStj: a rss.
Tlie bar tug i3rcnhani, is noxv in
splendid condition. Added to the Asto
jtin and Columbia there can be jio more
CsniplAints of a lack of attention to the
bartoxving and pilotage business here.
r'- Just receirod fresh iierlin, Wis-
vo0nsin, eulrivated cranbcivies, at J.
The Kufus E. AVood, Capt. Davis,
cleared Tor Qaeensioxvn yesterday xvith
34,840' centals of wheat, valued at iil
a7i.87. Capt. Davis lias his crew on
board, and xvili proceed to Full Stevens
this morning, prepared to go to sea the
first favorable opportunity.
Salem patent bakers iiour. Impe
rial, Magnolia and Albany flour, very
cheap for cash, at J. Sri: xrss.
The lie- h. cinvined in proving tht
the Oregon and Washington Trust
and Investment company is a fraud on
.Oregon. It is a little remarkable that
the manager of that institution has such
a morbid doiie to tax everybody else, by
iishing laws, pilot laws, etc, and at the
same time is most wonderfully anxious
to secure legislation that will remove
xvhatfexv restrictions already exist in
Oregon and "Washington territory to en
able him free scope for his operations.
Sugar cured bacon at prices that
defy competition; also, Chicago sugar
cured hams and breakfast bacon, the
best in the world, at J. Stiiauss'.
The State of California is the name
of a new iron steamship to be built for
f loodall, Perkins & Co.'s line by William
Cramp & Sons of Philadelphia, the cele
brated ship-builders of America. Wil-.-
liam ST. Cramp, of that linn, came to San
1'rancisco txxTo weeks since to make a
contract for .tins ship, and went east on
the 2d inst,.t;o commence work at once
on the-ship, xxiiich will be completed in
seven months
The editor's on the jury.
Tin local's gone to the show,
The de il is yelling like fury
For eopx'"iown beloxv.
Why do women talk less in Foi
ruary than in any other month. Be
cause it is the shortest month in the
It is saifl. to le a solemn fact that
x, 3'onng mail is good for nothing until
his aelF-ooueeti; lias left mm. What
a lot of useless boys there is in this
world !
Parties with small catal are ad
vised to take :t rhroe-acre sand patch
in Virginia, and raise five thousand
dollars worth of peanuts on it. It lias
been tried with success.
The President appoints all post
masters whose salaries sire .above
81.000. The railroads pavfor the do-
! livery of all imuls at terminal Doints.
,yt other places the government pays.
- A ijood one is told of Judge Chris-
tian, of Lawrence, Kansas, who niar-
j rwd a couple the other daj and took
his fee in butter. The parties be
longed to tne cream of society.
A New York paper tells of a Gen
eral in the army who hasn't been out
of debt for thirty-sex en years. There
are dead loads of dxvellers in these
parts who x?otld make superb Gen
erals. It must mafee some men jus mad'?
blazes to read of five, ten and txx-enty
million dollar steals in Wjishington,
when they realize that they xvere. put
ting in time at $2 00 a day xvhen it
Here's an adx-ertisement in a
'.Frisco paper for "a good girl to cook,"
xvhich shows that canibalism nourishes
right under our very noses! and sug
gests the query, "are our girls not lit
for something else than to be eaten ?"
STJtAuks xxill give half a pound
ininy. amgui f or-oue dqljarhiuuni&iliher
stoj iti-the ci?-. A'H thesamern coffee.
bean-, peas, and nee as xvith sugar, at .1.
The soiree dansante xvas- the most
successful social entertainment of the
season and lilwrally iatron"ized by the
elite of this city. xvhich is assure gnaran-
j tee of its future success and prosperity.
It xvas ex'ident from the manner in
xvhich the dances xvere arranged and
comlueled that a master hand had con
trol. It is pleasant to note that at last
xvc are assured of having some refined
j pleasure at convenient periods. Every
thlu: was lirst class, iihimc perfect, host
and hostess genial and attentive, and
et ryone appeared to enjoy themsclxvs
hugely. We trust all who can enjoy the
supreme pleasure there i in tripping the
light fantastic xvillste.p forxvard and ex
tend substantial encouragement to Mr.
Cornaru xvho deserves nni'-li credit for
the responsibility he has assumed and
the accomplished manner in xvhich he is
proving his capability to do all he has
V very kygc stock of can goods.
such as table and pic fruit, jelly, jam.
honey, tomatoes, corn, beans, sugar peas,
oysters, corn beef, condensed milk, etc.,
at prices to suit the times at J.Stkauss.
j&Says an exchange: 'Any family
man who s-ay.- he i.- to poor to take a nuv;
jvftper sdtoukl tip indicted for obtaining a
fftinily under false )retenes."
. -
J. Stijauss has just receixed a
large lot sf Alden dried apples, pears,
plums, blackberries, rasjiberries and
) eherrie-?. xvhich he will sell very
ioxv. to make room for more, xvhich xvill
arrive on the steamer Chester.
. There i a good market in Oregon for
agricultural jnoducls, owing to short
transportation to the Pacilic Ocean, and
direct espottatisn to all parts of. the
xvorld. Jbiihoad facilities. Navigable
ravers, including the great Columbia.
For 20 days only. I xvill sell crock
ery, lamps. glassxare. table and pocket
cutlery at San Francisco wholesale
prices, in order to make room for one of
the largest and best selected stocks of the
same kind of goods noxv on the xvay
from "Ncxv York, for J. Sti:aiss. South
side of Chenamus street. Astoria, Oregon.
The love of life', this desire for health
and passion for xvealth, are three of the
strongest laws that operate in the breast
ot the human family. "Wherever life can
be most prolonged, health bo-t secured,
and xvealth most easily acquired, there the
tide of em ignition and population is as
sure to flow as the. needle points to the
north pole. It is the groxv'mg knowledge
that all this is t:ue ot-Qregon that is caus
ing it to attract so much public attention
and draxv s0 many farmers, emigcanU,
tourists and capitalists lojcome ap.dTenjoy
,y.ud profit by them.
lamns, aiullhe best of oil
ived at Qjrnnrt's, "My
tJie Jatestffiook out.
nart's another, lot of that
lack ink." use3 by Hayes'
iiriate secretarx. ?
Crockery sold at It. Alexander &
Co.'s for t he next '50 days :(t San Fran
cisco cost. ''
The iK'st ctokiDgande:iiing apples
and jKMtrs in the citx are tbe found at
IJozorthV, xvho also Iceeps a,full stock of
fresh vegetables constantlVon hand at
the loxvcst prices. Cail andJe convinced.
Kinney's comjiressedorned beef
and Tillamook clams at rKRiil at E. S.
Larsens and liickmott crS;lHcys.
Mrs. Arrigoni i funwshiii'jr good
rooms xvith Imnrd at from &J to 7 and
inwards per week, according-to location.
Choice uexv sets of crockery, very
unique and nevel: also the $clf-rghting
-pititMn."' tlwt alxx'avs kefeps upright,
just received ami selling tit prices to
suit the times, at I. W. Case's.
Hoard and lodging can be had at
Mrs. Munson's at reasonable rates.
You can always get fresh oysters
in every style and at all ho'vfrs, dav or
niuhu at the Central CciTce Saloon. Con
comly street, betxx'een licntou and La
fayette. Th'.s. McFarland, proprietor.
Dry goods, millinery and notions
cheap for thirty daxs at the JSee Hive.
The Dance of Life, atf ansxx'er to
the Dance of Death, at thoGJrcuIating
Library. jj ,
Dr. F. P. Hicks. ik-ntSstroonis in
Dr. "Welch's building, c6tf Scpiemoqha
street, offers his serviccs'tffyie public of
Astoria. ?, '
Peter Ituney is still in the market
xvith all kinds of building- materials in
his line. Has just received 100.000 lath,
L'.uiX) bushels of sand, fitdn large stock
of first quality of brick at hi:fxarehouse
foot of Benton street.
Stoves and fall "oods for house-
keejiers in great viriety at L. 1. Kieh
man & Cos.
The "Dance of Life." an ansxx'er
to the Dance of Death, by Mrs. J. M.
Dowers. For sale at the City Book Store.
Board and lodging by the day or
xx-cek at the Astoria Beer Hall, Main
street, Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro
prietor. .Single men feel like marrving
xvhen thev tee the Medallion raiment L.
Biclnnan cxr.Co's
. -Fresh oysters in every stx'ie at
White wifehoods in every style,
at L. P. Kichman & Cos.
Dr. B. R. Frecland has located per
manently in Astoria for the practice of
dentistry. Oilicu in Shuster's building,
on Cass "street, next door to Tjik Asto
kian office.
yfcsJ-Piiotographs! The latest styles
taken at Shu.-ter's new gallery, Cats si.,
next to the A-torism ofiice.
fair For clean toxvels, sharp razors,
and an ea.-y shave, go to Gillc-pie at Pak
kkii House Baths. Hair cutting, sliam
jKuming, and dyeing.
After this date, com xvill be used for
change, and tickets dispensed xvith: all
drinks and cigars live, and ten cents, at
the Chicago House, Main street, Astoria.
Astoria. Oct. .. 1S77.
For Glassware. Crockery, Powder and
Shot. Gun Wads, Percussion Caps, in
fact everything that is useful as well as
ornamental, go to J. W. Gearhart, xvho
sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered
free of charge.
Caxaky Birds. for sale at Gilles
pieri, Parker hou-o baths.
Sinr-MAsTi:j:f5 Rkadixg Room. Mr.
Peter Wilhelm iis permanently fitted
up a ship-masters reading room in con
nection xvith the Gem saloon in Astoria.
The latest shipping papers and hoine
xvard and outward bound shipping lists
an? kept on file. Telegraph otflee next
J. Stkai'ss is fully prepared to sell
you the best of teas cheaper than you
have ever bought on this coast.
To Our Readers.
If all who xvrite us in regard to sub
scriptions and business will, observe
the following rules they will prevent
annoyance and misunderstanding by
all cencerned:
1. Always date your letter or postal
card, giving postoQice and state.
2. xVhen you xvant the address of a pa
p'r changfd give us the name of the po-t-ofiice
to xvhich t: e paper is sent as xvell as
that of the one you wunt it changed to.
3. AUvavs write the names oT subscrib
ers and their postoflice addresses so plain
that they rcay be easily read.
4. Alxvays seal your letter before hand
ing it IX to the postoflice.
5. Never send currency in a common
letter. Either register your letter or send
by express; r xvhat is bettor, purcha.-e a
money order. The expense is insignifi
cant compared xvith the risk run in send
ing currency in an ordinary letter. This
is at least our judgment, based on the
great numbeV-df yonhiipts xve receive in
regard to letters vflIicjLtie. writers say
they mailed tarn, but xvhich sveiieyr received.
... HmendhS
at It. AKxandj
...lust rep
-.4. At ijr
A 2Iine Caving In.
There is a lively alarm among the
people residing at the notch, a suburb
of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Last xveek
some of them living near an old cath
olic church were surprised to find that
their residences and the church were
severing from the foundation walls.
Upon examination it xx'as discovered
that two fissures had opened in the
surface of the ground, caused, it is
supposed, by the giving way of the
wooden pipes in the mine beneath.
One house, that of a man named
Langan, has swerved to one side to
the extent of about eight inches, and
the cellar walls are falling away from
the building. Props have been placed
against the end, but no contrivance
can save the house should the iissures
These cracks run directly across the
street from the church, and under sev
eral houses; they extend a distance of
at least an eighth of a mile. The
basement walls of the church have fal
len axx'ay at one corner of the building
at least three inches, and one of the
xvalls. is cracked in several places. The
ground in the space between the xvalls
has sunk about four inches. The door
cannot be opened. In twelve houses
the xx'alls are beginning to sink and
crack. A correspondent says:
Yx'hen I visited the scene yesterday,
some ten or fifteen men xvere discus
sing the danger. One man fcold me
that the people are actually afraid to
xvalk oxfer the sinking street, as the3r
feel that they are in momentary peril
of being buried alive, "We're al
most afraid to stay in our houses at
night," said another, "the prospect
of xvalking up in the mine is not a
inarrvimri.,i..; . nn,, n ':.. i. :
i'--"o - "i .-
cinity have became dryv Some of the
people are moying, axvay.
The miners say' that, xvith the first
heavy rain, the water xvill penetrate
into and widen the cracks, and the re
sult xvill be that the endangered houses
xvill go down a distance of at least ten
feet. One miner said that the cracks
may remain as at present until spring,
but xvhen the soil begins to loosen af
ter the winter frosts, the threatened
district xvill be an extremely unsafe
place to live in.
The "Wlicnt Market.
From the Standard, Nov. 2.
When termers xvere obtaining
the other day 2 10 2 12 for
round lots of wheal delivered Here,
cargoes afloat could be sold at GOs
Gd, cost of freight and insurance,
for iron vessels to the United King
dom. Now 57s Gd is the nominal
price in England, but it is a ques
tion, whether 57s could be obtain
ed, ii forced upon the market. This
is a drop of 17s per cental, but
freights have declined to the extent
of 5s per ton, equal to live cents a
cental, leaving; a net decline of 12
cents per cental on wheat, nolxvitb
standinor xvhich facts and rigmc,
there are fsom eccentric buyers,
xvho somehow or other, yet manage
to pay the full jVice, s-ay 32 10
2 12. Now a word of caution to
the tanners. These extreme rates
have iu most instances, been paid
under circumstantial compulsion,
by parties who feared that they
would be unable to complete car
goes or till up vessels according to
contract. There is only one iron
vessel in port disengaged, with no
prospect of any pletliora of ton
nage at present rates ot freight, as
owners xvill not send ships to this
port at a reduction on 3,nlt hough
the City ot Madras xvas secured at
2 15.-. Therefore, if freights are
not likely to fail, bow can i resent
asking prices for wheat be main
tained i i face of the present state
ol the Liverpool market for car
goes afloat or to arrive? Wo were
told to-day by an extensive farmer,
that be bad felt the market here,
and found the leading operators to
be out of the market unless at a
reduction on previous prices paid.
Azy friend who feels an interest in .the pros
perity of this region, ia authorired to act as
AjgojoiXox ihis paper, in procuring subscrjoaxa-
The "Xeiv Steamers.
From the Alta California, Sox. 2d.
The Pacific Coast Steamship company
by their agents, Goodall, Perkins & Co.,
yesterday signed a contract xvith "Win.
Cramp & Sons, the celebrated iron ship
builders of Philadelphia, for the con
struction of a nexv steamship for their
Oregon route. As she xvill unquestiona
bly be the finest vessel in oui waters, a
brief outline of xvhat the contract calls
for xvill be interesting to our readers and
the traveling public. She xvill be 310
feet long, 37 feet 0 inches beam. She
xvill be a three deck ship, of about 2500
tons register, capable of carrying 2000
tons of freight, in addition to her coals,
on a draft of U) feet of xvater. The
builders guarantee an average of 11 knots
an hour, and a capability of 10. This
guarantee xvith Cramp & Sons is ample
assurance that the vessel xvill perform
it. as all their vessels built heretofore
have performed more than the speed
guaranteed. She xvill hax'e accommoda
tions for 2."i0 cabin and 2.0 steerage pas
sengers, and xvill be linished up with
hardxvood. in the magnificent style of
the late City of San Francisco. She is
to haxe t-xvo bilge keels, to prexrent the
uncomfortable rolling motion noxv so ob
jectionable in the prbpellors previously
built, and xvater ballast is to be used
xvhen required. Her propelling poxver
consists of the compound direct acting
surface-condensing engines ; the diame
ter of the high-pressure cylinder, 42
inches, and of the loxv, 73 inches; 51
inch stroke. The propeller, 10 feet in
diameter, 24 feet pitch. She xvill have
six boilers. The vessel is to be built ac
cording to the requirements of British
Lloyd's. This is sufficient to shoxv that
the vessel is to be A 1, and xvill cost -S350,-000.
The superintending engineer of the
company, Mr. Pusey, is' to proceed east
shortly to superintend her construction.
Work has already been commenced, and
she is to be delix'ered here next July.
With this brief sketch" xxe hope our
readers xvili be content, but xve cannot
close xvithout a slight tribute to the con
tracting firms. Goodall, Perkins & Co.
are so well kuoxvn here as managers of
the steamship lines, and their good treat
ment of the public extending back for a
long series of years, makes vit superflu
ous" to praise them much; sullice it to
say that the firm has groxx'n up xvith our
young state, and that they are xvhole
souled Californians in every sense of
the xvord. Asa mark of respect to the.
state they call their nexv steamship the
State of California. Neither ship or
state can be excelled. Messrs. Cramp &
Sons, the builders, have been 15 years .in
the business of ship-building, first as
builders of wooden vessels, and then
seeing that iron xvas shortly to obtain the
mastery, they turned their attention to
that branch. Instances of their success
are numerous on the Atlantic. Here xve
have but to point to the St. Paul, one of
the most perfect specimens of naval
architecture ever seen in our xvaters.
With the contract iu their hands, xx'e
xvill undoubtedly hax'e in the State, of
California perfection. And xvith Capt.
Johnston in command, both Oregonians
and Californians may almost expect to
-go through by daylight."
Next in order comes the Idaho, just
out of the hands of the mechauies, atter
an expense of 670,000. Since the com
pany started at this vessel, she litis been
entirely rebuilt. Nexv and massive sister
and bilge keelsons have, been put in her,
as xx-'eli as knees, etc.. without limit, all
strongly fastened. She has been com
pletely replanked, nexv decks, spars, etc.,
put in, and no labor or expense has been
spare(tto make her as strong and sub
stantial as anything on the coast. She
has ample accohunudations for 150 cabin
and l6u steerage passengers. A fine so
cial hall and smoking room on the upper
deck and a beautiful saloon below xvill
undoubtedly make her a faxorite xvith
travelers, she has had nexv compound
engines, of 500 horse poxver, put in:
diameters of cj Finders, 2t and 40-inch,
and :i4-inch stroke. They xvere built by
the Itisdon iron xvorks, and on the trial
xvorked to perfection. Her propeller is
a four-bladed one lljf feet in diameter,
13 feet pitch. The boiler is also nexv.
built by McAfee, Spiers & Co.. and is 12
feet in diameter and 10J feet long, capa
ble of currying 70 pounds of steam. The
machinery is first-class in every partic
ular and fitted xvith all the modern im
provements. The Idaho is expected to
average about ten knots, and Captain
Alexander, her commander, is a capable
one. She sails for Portland to-morroxx.,
xvhen xve are sure that our Portlanu
neighbors xvill be gratified at the pros
pects of having good and comfortable
steamers on the route xvhich is noxv the
most important on the Pacific.
3?"Repp, Damask, Satin-enameled
Porcelain, Transparent-cm bo-sed, Mar
hie, and a great x-ariety oi tinted Bri.-toL
board, suitable for elegant cards for ladies,
and hnnd.-ome cards tor business men.;
just received at Tue Astokian office. ,
Call upon our Frank and I cave your order.
The San Francisco pro-?- hfiys: "Work
done in The Asoiuak office will stand
alongside ot any cit3 work. It is our in
tention to do ju-t as well by our patrons
as any city, give iw the work to do..
Every dollar made in the office i invested
in the city. PaUonizc home industries iu
every line of trade, if 3011 would have
3"our city prosperous.
fiSTThe Cincinnati Gazette says;
"The publishers ot American newspapers,
if they xvould follow the example of the
Times, would largely increase their reve
nues: and xvhy "not ?. "Why should not
candidates for office, xvriters of compli
mentary resolutions, heros of cane pre
sentations, and the like, p:iy for the space
they ccup3, as business men do ? There
is far too much tree advertising in the
reading columns of American ne.wpapei8
for the good of the publishers or the ben
tit of subscribers- "We commend this
! suggestion ito.otir friends . of the pres."