-YD' V ht.-,MB-pfliiL,.-o -.f. ,.. gfv -.? -;i.J&i.. ?&4&??y8'jW&& J-. , . . Vol. 3. Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning, November 4, 1877. - vt"i No. 130. jfe JW'Jr Jr Jill & Jr JH Jv JyJUl' I ly ' jt tV !& Sails sitfrisro. ISSUED EVERY MOANING. (Monday Excepted), I. G. IRStAM) : : PUBLISHER. Aztorkm Building, Cass Street. Terms of Subscriptien: fconred by Carrier, per wtsfc .........25 Cent? Sent by mail, four months............. S3 00 Seat by mail, cno year. SJ 00 I'reo of Postage to Subscribers. 83F" Advertisements insortod by the year at the rate of $1 50 per sjiuire per month. TrainMent advertising, by Uie day or weok, fifty cents per square for each insertion. To City Subscribers. There are such frequent cbanpes in the resi dence of our city patrons that wo shall feel obliccd to any who uiako such changes if they will rcrwt the same to tbistlfice. Otherwise vre shall not be reepnnsiblo for failures of tho carrier to -deliver the per promptly and regularly to them. Read J. Strauss1 new "ad."' The Rulus E. "Wood is loaded and draws 20 feet. Everybody is rushing to J.Strauss' new grocery store. Capt Reed, piloted the Glenrosa to Portland, Ordway towing. J. Stral-s sells the nicest, besi. and cheapest goods in town. There will be a meeting of the Com mon council to-morrow evening. Fully 25 per cent oiived by buying at J. Strauss' new grocery stoic The lliver Lune went up the river yesterday, -.owed by the Ocklahaina. J. Strauss will pay the highest cash price? for fresh eggs and butter. A consciencious mariner refused work on a scow yesterday, claiming that no man could serve "two uTasters." $2 40. You can buy (he best coal oil in patent faucet cans, at J. Strauss'. The wealher promises to be favora ble for he exhibition of new hats, bon nets and attract,! ve weai ers, to-day. . Something for laundrys to look at. Ciiemical Olive so.tp, 80 cents a box, at J. Strauss'. La (rberi's cornet band are practicing zealously and propose to exhibit their proficiency by Thanksgiving day. Just received iivsh Berlin, Wis coiuin, cultivated cranberries, at J. .Strauss'. TMm -f vnvi" li(tln cfvnmnr oivi oi-f away from her dock yesterday morning I loaded to her guards for Skipanon. Salem patent baker's flour, Impe rial, Magnolia and Albany flour, very heap for ca.-h, at J. Strauss'. Mr. W. Newell will hear of some thing decidedly to his interest by calling at this office on his return to the Colum bia river. Sugar cured bacon at prices Ih.'fc, defy competition; also, Chicago sugar .cured hams and breakfast bacon, the best in the world, at J. Strauss'. Mr. BozprFi lips commenced the manufacture of sauer kraut and will soon be prepared to sell the same "with other fruits' o Steapss will dive half annunil more sugar for one dollar than any other .store in the city. All the same in coffee, beans, peas, and rice as with sugar, at J. STRAUoS1. A semi-occasional correspondent says one of his lady friends has become a devoted vegetanarian. Raw carrots .are her favorite at present Avery large stock of can goods, such as toble and pie fiui, jelly, jam, honey. 'o.ii. toes, corn, beans, sugar pes, oysters, coin beef, condensed milk, etc., at prices to suit the times at J. Sit aus .'. Bear in mind Cornart's sociable at Liberty hall, to-morrow evening. You can encourage a very laudable under taking in our city by attending. Special invitations have been issued. ...J. Strauss has just received a lajjgelotof Alden dried apples, pears, plums, blackberries, raspberries and piiless cherries, which he will aell very low, to make room for more which will arrive on the steamer Chester, LOCAL JOTTINGS. The "Wonder towed the Francis Thorpe to Portland. Capt Ferchen took both the River Lune and Woodhull to Portland, on the 2d. J Strauss lias a very large and complete stock of groceries gtl route by the City of Chester. The flags of this city were display ed half-mast yesterday, out of respect w the dead. Senator. Morton. TheElIer Bank has not yet arrived. It was a mistake made in some unac countable manner announcing her as in, The G. Broughton left for Portland on the 1st, towed by the Edith, piloted by Capt Gilman, and arrived on the 2d. Capt James Strang is now again fully initiated as a river pilot He took the Ullock up on the 1st, in tow of the Columbia. Messrs. G. W. Weidler & Co. have appointed Mr. Peier Wilhelm special agent to look after their steam tug and barge interests in Astoria. Mr. Klser dried his clothes at the Parker House yesterday after taking an involuntary bath by walking off the dock at one of the steamer landings. Anxious Inquirer wishes to know if acanneryisa place where a man can can if he can As we can not we can not answer him candidly. Who can ? One of the Astoria police showed that he is a dexterous hand at the inaa'y a.t of ''skulling a boat" A laud lubber fell over-boaru trying to do the same thing, yesierday. It was one of The Astorian sub scriber", living near Oregon City, Mr. P. M. Rinearson, who raised the mammoth squashes that took the first premiums at the Oregon State fair. One weighed 177 lbs., and the other 1G2K lbs. A report has been circulated to the effect that the old rates of fare had been fixed again on the California steamers. The agents here inform us that there is no truth in the report Round trip tick ets can be secu ed f orlu 00. Rev. C. W. Rigg, a Wclcjan minis ter from New Zeil?nd, who lately ? rived as passenger in 1 he ship Pomona, Capt. Tannock, and whose interesting account of a visit io the Puc.irn Islands we recently published, has consented to preach in the Congregation.' 1 clinch this (t u.iday), moining and evening. The City of Chester sailed for As toria on Friday from San Francisco. Lieut J .icary is a passenger. Mrs. Capt. White, and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ilanthorn are also retu; ing by this steamer, and Grand Rep. Ezra St John, thus conies home from his labors in Baltimore where he attended the national grand lodge of Odd Fellows. Encouraging. Mr. Holden informs us "" " vef!;y flsb Snaii h proached on the subject of the content' plated free public reading room, realized the importance of the undertaking and the happy influence such an institution would exert in our community sufficient ly to subscribe tan dollars per month un til it is permanently established. ....For 20 days only, I wiU ,ell ciock cry. lumps sKis,w.ti liable and po kofc cutlery at San FiancL o wholesale prices in order io m. ke rconi for one of the large.5tandb?ot:selccicdsL"cicsor i!e same kind of goods now on the wi' y from New Yoik for J. S'a::ai s bouih sde of Chen.-m ps , eel, Aotoria; Oregon. The steamship companies now sell through tickets from San Francisco tw Walla Walla, at reduced rytes. The Treasury department is prc- paring a circular instructing collectors of customs that it is their duty to re quire sail and steam vessels to be pro vided with bells to give alarm in fogy weather. - The law only prescribes what the fine shall be for the neglect to ring a bell in such weather. Four lare London tirraR have beeu invited to compete for the snpul) of corrugated iron for huts, to contain 100,000 Russian soldier?. They aro to be delivered at Ant werp and sent direct thence to Bucharest. Orders have also been issued for eight railroad stations for strategic railroad. They are to be complete in every respect, and provided with a heating ap paratus. Oregon has every edvantaco enjoyed in dvilized countries. Liberal law, .Good Tchool. Moderate taxes. Only nominal Sute debt. CITY ITEMS. rcJ&I Graxd Op wiU open ray dancing ac.ulem a grand sociable at Liberty n onday evening, Nov. 5, 1S77. Tickets 00, to be had at Demenfs d store. d at Cornart's W. Cornart. ....Choic are. S18.00 per 1,00 at R. Co's. ....Croc w Alexander & Co.'s forth s atJSan Fran- cisnn rO"L The beJteookjiig arid eating annles and pears in tfJTclty are to be found at Bozorth's, who also keejuta full stock of fresli vegetables constantly on hand at the lowest prices. Call and be convinced. Kinney's compressed corned beef and Tillamook clams at retiil at E. S. Larsen's and II ickmott & Bailey's. ....Mrs. Arrigoni is furnishing good rooms with board at from $6 to $7 and upwards per week, according to location. ....Choice new sets of crockery, very unique and novel ; also the self-righting "spittoon," that always keeps upright, just received and selling at prices to suit the times, at I. W. Case's. Hoard and ledging: can be had at Mrs. Munson's at reasonable rates. .. ..You can always get fresh oysters in every style and at all hours, day or night, at the Central Coffee Saloon, Con comly street, between Benton and La fayette. Thos. McFarland, proprietor. ....Dry goods, millinery and notions cheap for thirty days at the Bee Hive. The Dance of Life, an answer to the Dance of Death, at the Circulating Library. .... Dr. F. P. nicks, dentist, rooms in Dr. Welch's building, on Squemoqha street offers his services to the public of Astoria. Peter Runey is still in flie market with all kinds of building "materials in his line. Has just received 100.000 lath. 2,000 bushels of sand, and a large stock of first quality of brick at his warehouse foot of Benton street Stoves and fall goods for house keepers in great variety at L. P. Rich man & Co's. The "Dance of Life," anarswer to the Dance of Death, by Mrs. ,J. M. Bowers. For sale at the City Book Store. ....Board and lodging by the day or weeK at the Astoria Beer Hall, Mam street, Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro prietor. : Sincrlp. men fenl lilrft mnrrvinf when they see the Medallion range at L. r. iticuraan cc uo's. ...Fresh oysters In every style at Schmeer's. White wire goods in every style, at L. P. Richman & Co's. Dr. B. R.Freeland has located per manently in Astoria for the practice of dentistry. Office in Shuster's building, on Cass otreet, next door to The Asto hiax office. ;sSPhotograplis! The latest styles taken at Shuster's new pallery, Cass t, next to the Attorinn office. SS For clean towels, sharp razors, and an ca.-y shave, go to Gillespie at Par kkk House Batiis. Hair cutting, bham pooning, and dyeing. ANOTHER VICTORY GAINED IN FJ VOR OF SPECIE PAYMENTS. After this date, coin will be used for change, and tickets dispensed with; all drinks and cigars five and ten cents, at the Chicago House, Main st eet Aston.;. N. WE'MAN. Astoria, Oct 3, 1877. SOMETHING NEW. For Glassware, Crockery, Powder and Shot, Gun Wads, Percussion Caps, in fact everything that is useful as well as ornamental, go to J. W. Gearhart, who sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered free of charge. Canary Birds. for sale at GiPes pie', Parker hou'-e baths. Ship-master's Reaping Room. M . Peter Wilhelm has permanently fitted up a ship-master's reading room in con nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria. The latest shipping papers and home ward and outward bound shipping lists are kept on file. Telegraph olfice next door. .... J. Strau-" is fully piepared to sod you thebe.-t of teas cheaper limn you have ever bought on this coa-t House, a Bremen cigar manufactur er, has published a book in which he says that cigar coloring is becoming common. Most smokers prefer strong and dark colored to light and bright colored e; gars, while the color of raw tobacco tends rather to bright than dark. Hence the temptation to resort to coloiing, since poor cigars can thus be passed oif for good. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER! The White House is just receiving a large assortment of all the latest novel ties and specialties in dry goods, cloth ing and fancy goods, boots and shoes, &c. Reason for being out so late is be cause Mr. Schlussel lias been very ill and had no chance to go to market, but all is right now and you can buy the latest styles of goods for the least money of Schlussel & Kant Any friend who teels an interest in theprof sjrity of this region, is authorized to act as Agent Tor this paper, in procuring subscribers. tfwitl pit on m -IK store an i Geo! Havana cfc JHexander &f rvsold atft dbiext SO lit1 Free Pufcllc Reading Room. Astoria, Oregon, Nov. 3, 1877, Editor Asterian: As anticipated my communication of the 1st inst., and your hearty en dorsement of the same, has evoked a degree of interest and inquiry on the subject which is highly gratifying, and to my mind insures the success of our efforts to establish a comfortable and respectable free public reading r.oom. The plan I have in view, and which I have submitted to many of our citizens, has received very courteous and favor able attention, and nearly all have been pleased to predict thab it would be a 8ttccess; and farther, they promis ed to book their opinion by their countenance and support. I promis ed publicly to announce the plan pro posed. The object of a public reading room is to provide a pleasant and com fortable resort where the residents and sojourners of a town can drop in at any reasonable hour of the day .or night, and without cost, have an op portunity profitably and pleasantly .to enjoy their leisure hours. To accom plish the end desired, and this be a success, the following advantages are essentially necessary: The room must be inviting an! comfortable, there must be space enough to meet all its requirements, it must be provided with books, papers, magazines and periodicals, also chessmen and check ers, ani it is very important that it should be situated in a favorable locali ty. My plan is this: I have conclud ed to receive no more consignments of goods, but to employ my time alto gether in office business. One corner of the store I have so long occupied will be sufficient for my u&e; the re mainder I propose to convert into a public reading room, to be open from 9 a. 3i. till 10 p. m., free to all who will comply with the rules, which will simply be "to maintain order and be have with decorum." There will be a sDacious room in the rear for the use f smokers so that no strict rule against smoking maybe needed to pro tect, those in the main reading room to wtyoru, smoking is objectionable. Hav ing my office in the main room, simply paHidried off by a railing, there u will always be somebody present to main tain order. A v Now as to its suppori. It is pro posed to make it a public institution and not a private enterprise or specu lation, and therefore it will look to the public for support and maintainance. It is intended to be thrown open to strangers, to all classes of onr citizens male and female, old and young, rich and poor, without regard to the civil, political, religious or social opinions of any individual, as long as they "maintain order and decoram." I have faith to believe, Mr. Editor, that the public generally will endorse this as an effort in the right direction, and that on this basis with proper manage ment it will be a success. Now as to the mangement and prob able cost. As this communication is al ready too long, I will simply say: I propose to solicit contributions, this done, call a meeting of the contribu tors, let them appoint, say five, direc tors to co-operate with me on the foundation of the institution, and the expenditure of the contributions, and by your courtesy, we cn report progress through The AsTOGiiv. E. C. Holder. The philanthropist in New Ha ven. Conn., who has for live ears supplied the Post Office in that city with stamps to forward unstamped letters has been notified by the Pvt Office Department that here after all letters dropped into the office without stamps must be for warded to the dead letter office. L. these five years he has senc 16,. 627 letters, at an expense of $406. From persons benefited he has re ceived $222, besides pome thanks and a few handsome presents. JZSA business man should regard advertising as an investment which will alwn' bring many lold return , though some Lime distant; and this investment should not he discontinued, unless he wishes to diminish his trade and IK others occupy the tiId. "While it is readily con ceded that advertising of home kind U an actual necessity, it cannot be denied that the best medium is a permanent newspa per. There U no other method by which the same number of persons enn Iim reached, or which has so much influence upon those who see the advertisement. iS?Newspaper advertising promotes trade, for in the dullest times advertisers secure by far the largest bhare of what is being done. ar-What is a dollar when yon can get ThbAstorian for it four month, regularly, including a pamphlet telling you ail about the great State of Oregon, NEWS AND NOTES The Madras Railroad Has had to order 20,000 tons of coal from Eng land, from which it may be presu med that the line will not pay high dividens just at present. A curious fate seems to be in store for the Isle ot Elba. It is to be visited shortly bv the Italian ministers and marine, who contem plate establishing a large peuai colony. Toads are getting a commercial value in Europe, some one, proba bly in the toad trade, having sne ces8fulliy promulgated the theory that if a toad has a weakness, it is for Colorado beetles. Four steel steamers of light draught have been ordered from England by the Egyptian Govern inent, for the use on Lake Nyanza, and for opening the navigation of central African rivers. They are at work now on the Straits of Dover tunnel. The tun nel will belong . to its proprietors for thirty years; then the two governments will be able to take possession of it on certain condi Lions. The cultivation of tobacco in Germany occupies some 5 ,0U0 acres, principally in the southern States. The crop is worth about' $45,000,000, hnd m spite" ot the enormous home cou?umplion, a considerable quantity -is-exported eery year. It is proposed to build a Merch ants' Exchange iu Havana. The building is to be of iron and masonry, ot large size, and hand some in desigu. Jt will receive the associated press of New York and will have asteni of telegra frtiKrcoiDmuiiications with such of the large business houses of Hava na as desire to have an instrument on the premises. King Ludwig of Bavaria is re ported to have at his summer resi dence a little boat covered with mother-of-pearl, built in the shape of a nautilus shell, and large enough for two persons. It is lined vith scarlet velvet, and the rowlocks are of coral. Another whim of his is to have in his gar den a kisque, so arranged with in genious candelaora as to cause, when lighted, a reflection of stars and moons on the ceiling. Hard times aro prevailing in Bueius Ayie. Although money is cheap and in abundant supply, hundreds are going down under obligations greater than they can bear. The theatres are shut up' for want of support, one of ihe trunk tramways is embargoed, an cestral properties are falling into the hands of the sheriff, 102 steam ers and ninety sailing vessels are lying in the Tigre, and a general feeling is prevalent that the bot' torn has not et been reached. Private letters from India speak of a growing anxiety amoiiij Euro pean residents, who are atienth ening the volunteer corps according ly. The Calcutta volunteers lurn out 700 strong, armed with Natio nal Henry lilies, and very shortly a cavalry corps of at least 100 sabrea will take their place beside the in fanlry. At Cawnpore, Bombay, and oLher places the same sponta necus movement is observed, and it is encouraged by the Gov. eminent. The repealed reverses sustained bv the Russians have given rise to the very iilogical de duction Jthat i he Asiatics are gener fey a match for the European. The Hindoos openly acknowledge their synipathy with the Moham medans; and assign as a reason that it is natural they should take the side of an Oriental power and people. In some parts, especially along the nouhwestern frontier, the bearing of the Mussulmans has become insolent and provocative The Ameer or Oabul is credited vrith all sorts pf insane project and furiously Teseptathe prtiK&QGT of an English force st Queita, i-0i g