0) rwtm'if.'M.mz Vol 3, Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, November 3, 1877, No. 129 !gm gjuilrj sftfxumx, ISSUED EVERY MORNING, (Monday Excepted), AiurioM Building, Cos Street. Terms of Subscription : Mjrvtul by Currior, per week 'Si Cent? Bunt hy mail, juiir months- 58 W tienr by wmll, cue yo:ir.... V Ut) Free of i'ustni;e to .Sultearibuis. t&T Advertisement5: inertcl by (ho year at ike i:ie of i .": w square per month. Ti:i'-jejit julveiti-in. by the day or week, fifty cents. jim r tuare for oavh in-citioji. To City Subscribers. There arc wh frc iuent chanpe in the resi lience of our ei patron that wo shall feel obliged to any who make u-h chunge. if thev v.-iU report the ame to thiosiiee. Utheiuie wo shall not be r.pon-sble for failure of the . oi'iiei n urnrur uiu pajer inompiiy anu regularly to them. ..1 iiad J. S'rnArss" new ad. ..-..T. Srn.rss sells the nicest, best, stud chesipest goods in town. The cannery enterprise at Tillamook its a success. Fully 2. per cent saved by buying iii ,T. Stiia v&C new grocery store. If you want a fine article for a cold lunch try Kinney's compressed corned beef. It i a much better article than the Chicago btvf- SuU' cured bacon at prices that dcly competitien: also. Chicago sugar cured hams and breakfa&t bacon, the best in the world, at J. Stj:auss'. Capt. Poole has lost most of hi.s tourphii adipose depooit. Left it at Xew Orleans, but it will come home to 2h again in Oregon aficr a while. S'rnArss will give half a pound more sugar for one dollar than any other ,iore in the city. All the same in ci)tfee, beans. Has, and rice as with sugar, ai .1. -Stu'auss. We have been informed that cod fish can be caught within 40' miles of "tills city, jnt outside the bar. Cod-fish, weighing .10 pounds each, are caught in Seattle bay! CaptL. W. Poole Jft at. our office yesterday a phial filled with a choice ar ticle of tobacco seed which he wishes us ifo distribute among farmers for a test of production in Oregon soil. Avery large siock of can goods, juch as table and pie fruit, jelly, jam, honey, tomatoes, corn, beans, sugar peas, oysters, corn beef, condensed milk, etc. at nrices to suit the limes at J. Stiiavs The bark Dawn formerly of this poit, arrived in San Francisco on the until ult., 17 days from tiie Arctic ocean with GOO barrels of oil, one ton of bone, one ton of ivory. The trip was not a profitable one. The vessel like most others that seek the whale in those bleak and icy bound latitudes, was consider ably damaged by the ice. Many immigrants are constantly ar riving amongst u.s, who arc generally disposed to make this their home. jut most of them know but very little of this country. Many incline to ramble and hunt for common work. It is certain that work cannot be given all of ihem. The country surrounding us on all sides invites settlers. We want as many land holders here as possible. This will give us permanent citizens. Many land agents and others who speculate in lands, are tardy in giving information to new comers about vacant or congress HmR but there are thousands of acres of such lands open to' settlement in Clatsop. Tiliameok, Pacific and Wahkincum counties. The Standard says there is employ ed at the SL Charles Hotel in Portland, in the capacity of clerk, a young man named Thomas Bulfinch. grandson of the discover of the Columbia river, Cap Tsiin Charles Bulfinch. ofthogood ship Columbia, which sailed from Boston harbor in 17S7. He was accompanied in that expedition by sailing master Gray, after whom Gray's Harbor is named. Captain Bulfinch was not exactly the .discoverer of Oregon's great river, but he it was who gave it the grand old title which it is destined to bear through all future ages. His lineal descendant is an .-energetic and intelligent young man, who feels justly proud, pi his lionored patronymic, X.OCAI1 JOTTINGS. Itomember 1J. S. Worsley's auction sale to-day. See advertisement. ....Salem patent lmker's Hour, Impe rial, Magnolia and Albany Hour, very cheap for cash, at J. JStuauss. Some of the boys on the police force arc thinking of going to work at steve doring to raise g; ub money. We understand that the next thing in vogue is a candy scrape. Victims names not yet ascertained. Shippers will find all the outward forign manifests, part manifests, and drawback blanks they want at this office- The tobacco .seed Mt villi us .by CnpL Poole for distribution will require sandy soil, but on Mich ground will pro duce the very best of smoking tobacco. Col. J. M. Wilson yesterday visited Fort Stevens for the purpose of making a personal investigation of the erosions at Point Adams and the condition of (jie lnoakw Slier Sit tliat point From the amount of side-saddles and fixings we observed yesterday in a prominent locality, we infer that some body is preparing to cater to the wants of those who desire to cultivate eques trianism. The people of Linn and Benton coun ty have bet the people of this county a good example as to how they ought to proceed to start a local enterprise. A long pull, a strong pull and a puli to gether, generally fetches things. It. Alexan ler & Co. yesterday put into their office a nice, large new safe. They say they have no money to put into it hence are determined to sell lower than ever for the next sixty days., in order to get Mime ca&h. Eev. C. W. Kigg. a Weslcyan minis ter from New Zealand, who lately a:- rived as passenger in the ship Pomona, Capt. Tannock. and whose interesting account of a vibit to the Pilcairn Islands we recently published, has consented to preach in the Congregational church to morrow. (Sunday), morning ami even ing. For 20 da3S only, 1 willsell crock ery, lamps, glassware, table and pocket cutlery at San Francisco wholesale prices, in order to make room for one of the largestand best selected stocks of the same kind of goods now on the way from New Yoik, for J. Stkauss, South side of Chenamus street, Astoria, Oregon. The grand complimentary benefit at Liberty hall to-night, tendered to Kes cue engine company io. 2. by the Astor ia screnaders will be a good thing. The first part consists of an Overture; Op ening chorus; Little sunshine; Quit that tickling me; Mother is the Old Home lonely ? (original); Now York society; Mable Clair, (new and origi nal), and the Grand finale. Part second, grand tumbling feats, and The Stranger; part third, song and dance; and last but not least, the whole to conclude with the new and laughable burlesque of lrouiu7 -elsforiu !n, 450 Minutes, bj the screna ders. Co, by all means. M r. Poison informs us that none of the farmers in Yamhill county, able to hold their grain, have sold yet. The Sa lem Statesman says: ''Fanners have not, up to this time, seeded as much land to grain as has usually been the case in former years. The same acreage has not been summer fallowed in many places, hence the decreased sowing. Lttst j car much new land was sown for the first time, and will be sown again for next ear. This line weather is very opportune, and every plow team is in the field. The prospect for a good crop next year is good, for from present indi cations the usual amount of grain will be planted, though not in summer-fallow. In Washington county, plows ran all last week notwithstanding the rain." Our readers have perhaps heard of the man who tried to buy si money-pur.e on credit. The Mercurv tells of a blind man buying a watch in Salem on t'.ck. The Mercury says: '-Because of his phy sical misfortune, people gsive him a hearty welcome and a liberal support. We have recently learned certain fstcts concerning him which cause us to be lieve him a fraud. A short lime since he went into the jewelry store of Mr. J 11. Ifasis. on Commercial street, and pur- chased a fine watch and chain amount ing to $0?. He paid $30 down, and in formed Mr. Haas that he was going to Portland to give a musical concert and that on his return he would pay the bsd anee. On arriving at Portland, instead of giving a concert, he boarded one of the outgoing steamers and sailed for Cal ifornia. We hear also that he has left a number of other creditors in the lurch, among whom are several saloon keepers jpf tbiscity.' 1 CITY ITEMS. OrKXixo. I will open my I aclrmy Witn a graiut sociaoie 1S77. Tickets 'Si 00, to be had at ir.ni on ,jiuiiuii mulling, L's drug store and at Cornart's . ;, V ""v , Vl-i-SV It. V-V4. .V.I. A e Havana cigars. SpUiO per 1.000 Alexander cc Uo s. .Orockervsold at 11. Alexander & Co. 's for the next 30 days at San ran- j cisco cost. danfeltc ;i at IMfcrt Xofl ' i wm .cjAhi- tfA .... The best cookine ami eating apples J books from all sources, paid out money and pears in the citj Ure to be found at;fl.M111 nw nwn flllirl AnTlfl ,. c BozorthV, who also ktfeus a full stock of fresh vegetables constantly on hand at the lowest prices. CalHand be convinced. Kinney's compressed corned beef and Tillamook clams at retail at E. S. Larsen's and liickniott & Bailey's. Mrs. ArriJioni ik furnishing good I rooms with board at from So to 7 and upwards per wceic, according to location. Choice new sets pf crockery, very unique and novel : alstf the self-righting snitloon.' that always keens unrizhr. just received and seifing at prices to suit the times, at 1. W.ICases. Board and lodging can be had at Mrs. Munson's at reasonable rates. You cin always get fiesh oysters in every st le and at iM hours, day or night, at Hie Central CtftTee Saloon. Con eomly street, between JBenton and La fayette. Tlios. MeFarl&nd. proprietor. Astoria LiqA&r Store, 11 Marx & Co.. proprietors. aoV akenis fr Charles liebstoek & Co.. StvljOf is. 3k. Ameri ca's finest Stonewallhvljky Snow Hill fire, Cooper whisky.lFor sKr by ail gen eral dealers and saMmikei)ers. 'Depot and Branch House of fiarx. & Jorgen sen, Portland, Oreim. J- Dry goods. niiSliiiwy and notions cheap f.ii thirty days a$the Bee Hive. The Dance of Lifc? an answer to the Dance of Death, at .the Circulating Library. Dr. F. P. Hicks, dentist, rooms in Dr. Welch's building, on Sqwrnioqlia street, offers his services to the public of Astoria. Peter lluney is still in the market with all kinds of building materials in his line. Has just received 100.000 lath, 2.HM) bushels of sand, and a large stock of first quality of brick at his warehouse foot of Benton street. i Stoves ami fall goods for house keepers in great variety at L. P. Kich man & Co's. The ''Dance of Life.' an answer to the Dance of De:?th. by Mrs. .J. M. Bowers. For sale at the City Bookstore. Board and lodging "Cy the dny-or week at the Astoria Beer Hall, Main street, Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro prietor. Single men feel like marrying when they see the Medallion range at L. P. lticlimau Co's. ...Fresh oysters in every style at Schmeer's. White wire goods in every style, at L. P. Piichman & Co's. Dr. 13. B.Freeland has located per manently in Astoria for the practice of dentistry Office in Shuster's building, on Cass street, next door to Tin: Asto uiax office. jRSfPhotographs! The latest styles taken :it Shuster's new gallery, Cuta fct., next to the A-torian office. 0 For clean towels, sharp razors, and an easy shave, go to Gillc-pie at Pau kki: House Baths. Hair cutting, almm poonmg, and di'eing. ANOTHER VICTORY GAINED IN FA VOR OF SPECIE PAYMENTS. After this, date, com will be used for change, and tickets dispensed with; sill drinks ami cigars five and ten cents, at the Chicago House. Main street, Astoria. X. WEIMAX. Astoria, Oct. :i, 1S77. SOMETHING NEW. For Class ware. Crockery. Powder and Shot. Gun Wads. Percussion Caps. in fact everything that is useful as well as ornamental, go to .J. W. (learhart, who sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered free of charge Canary Biros. for sale at Gilles-piu'.-, Parker hoin-e baths. Snir-MASTi:ns 1?i:aiixo Boom. Mr Peter Wilhelm has permanently fitted j up a siiij)-iiiJiMcrN reamim rumu in cuu ncction v. ith the Gem saloon in Astoria. Tin l:tost, shinnhi"' ii:irers and homr- ward and outward bound shinoing lists j are kept on file. Telegraph olllce next door. J. STJsAUsjns fully prepared to sell you the best of teas cheaper than you have ever bought on this coast. &A business man should regard alvertiing a an investment which will always bring many fold leturn-, though siune time di-taut; and thU investment -hnu Id not hi' di.-coutiniicd, unlet he wihes to diminish his tiadand IK others? occupy the. nld. While it it. readily con ceded that advertising of some kind i an actual necessity, it cannot be. denied that the be-t medium is a permanent now.-pa-per. There is no other method by which the Mime number of persons can he cached, or which has s-o much influence upon thobo who He the advertisement. jsHSTewspaper advertising promotes trade, for in the dullest times advertisers becureby far the .largest share pf what is being done. Plan for a Library. Astoria, Nov. 2nd, 1S77. Editor Asteria: -n.. o.. tt:. i.r.i - . r . om.-iiuvuig uuuceu ;ui ar- tlclc m vonr mner about lormmcr a ' i . reading of papers, hooks, etc., free of j -&..V AAVA.....J , Iwa.A. U&tJUllU &14 ,lllJJ charge. I will state that I have formed such an institution at Port Townsend, W. T. The way I went to ! work about it was thus: I gathered from my own funds, and got some books, chessmen, checkers and domi noes from different parties. There were thirteen newspapers subscribed for, which came regular every week. There were twenty-five postal cards and SI 50 worth of writing material furnished for the benefit of those hav ing no means, and for the use of the library. We had three rooms. In one corner I had my barber shop, the books were all in that room. If any one chose to have a book I would hand him the book list. After the number was selected I would furnish the book, then he would pass from, my room into the reading room. The rooms were arranged thus: First room Barbershop, with books enclosed. Second room Playing room, chess men, checkers, dominoes, etc. Third room Beading and writing room. At four o'clock the children of the town would come for books, which they got in this manner. Each child would have to get a writing from some business man or person in good stand ing, then it was signed by the parents, the book was then loaned. Every week all books outstanding had to be brought in so as to enter them for the following week. I put the name, num ber of the book, and the name of the child, &c, down, in what I termed a record-book, therefore there were no books lost. At that time there were a great many soldiers up sit what is called the stsition. They were furnhhed books silso, the conditions required were these, they hsul to leave a sufficient sum to cover the expense of the book, if lost. Some termed it J. Korter's library; but it wsis gotten up for the benefit of the little folks and adults, i free of charge. Sly business support ing me, salsiiy therefore, was unnec essary. Yours, etc., J. Koktek. The Seattle Tribune ssiys the past month has been one of tragic events in that community. First, csime the hanging of John Thompson ; next, the shooting of Peterson; third, the fall ing dead of Ri Lee in the county jail; fourth, the same in the case of Wm. Strong; and fifth and last, the murder of Ole Haagenson. Last Sunday morning the Occi dent's wheel got into a mus3 with a drift log and bent the eccentric The boat wa3 got ashore at Lincoln and the engineer went to Mr. Witten's house to get the use of his forge to straighten the bent article. Mr. W. in reply to the request said: "I can make :i living without working on Sunday and so can other folks," and refused the use of his forge. The mountineer learns from Mr. Phelps, of the firm of .fhelps & Wsid leigh, csittle, raisers in the Yakima country, was just down from ncsir the l'ne of British Columbia, that the in disms sire all quiet and peaceable, but little inclined to believe that Joseph hsul surrendered. He Ixad a talk with Moses the great chief of this upper country who can command from 1,500 to 2,000 wsirriors-and Tound him peace ably inclined and only sisked to be let iilone where he was. Asubteimnesm Ltkcor river was tapped by some men who were boring for coal at Goe, Vernon county Wis., a few days sigo. When they had pen etrated seventy feet they hoard a hesivy rumbling noise which wsis imme diately followed by a rush of water, filling the six-inch tube, which raised the drilling machine, weighing some seven hundred pounds, many feet. On moving the dialling apparatus a volume of water was thrown into the air twenty feet, and continued to rise seven or eight feet, when it spread out into jets like an artificial fountain, It is estimated that it discharges vf barrel a minute. ?Jie wate,r. js purp- land cold. It is doubtful whether the reign of gas will last much longer. At the present time nearly every shop in Brooklyn is lit, ana orniiantiy nt, wit , . .... -. .-, i-, . ith. .! L ,i:i kerosene, wiuiuub iuiv uisiiyreeu. 0(lor beinS perceptible; while a few months ago the authorities in the large city of Exeter, England, would not enter into new gas contracts as they anticipated the use of electric lights, and at Bristol, England, the authori ties have lately resolved to advel'tise for tenders for lighting the whole or part of the city otherwise than by gas, in the event of no satisfactory arrange ment being come to with a gas' com pany. t A case of some interest was lately decided in the United States district court in B.dfcimore. It was brought by some merchants in Italy against a grain house in Baltimore. The libel lants had chartered to the respondent the Italian bark Olivia Spiecosa to carry a cargo of grain from that port. At the time of the charter the bark was in the port of Genoa, from which port it was stipulated by the libellanta thstt she wsts to sail ''with dispatch." The evidence disclosed the fact that she delayed there one month, having gone into the drjr dock for repairs. Judge Giles decided that the bark hav ing gone into the dry dock for repairs sifter the chsirter, did not sail "with dispatch," from which term would be inferred that she was to sail at the time of the charter, and therefore the libellants had not complied with the chsirter, wh;ch justified the respond ents in refusing the vessel when ten dered. The libel was therefore dis missed with costs. Civil service or some other reform is imperatively called for, ssiys the Commercial ISews, in thsit hrsmcTi of the government which allows public money expended in the purchase of unwholesome mesitjn the east and the shipment of the sstme to this coast for naval supplies. "We understand that dealers in this city are prepared to fiirnish good merchantable provisions to the government at prices as low or loweif than they can be purchased in the east. Our merchants. sire now rep resented hi congress by one of their own number, whose election wsis large ly due to the mercantile community. This gentleman has now an excellent opportunity of obliging his constitu ents and the public by demanding from the authorities at Washington sm im mediate inquiry into the scandstlons proceedings we hsive referred to. The United States authorities as purveyors of inferior provisions present a specta cle which however gratifying to crooked contractors, is by no meaii3 one of either dignity or profit." A question is likely to come to the surfsice with respect to the desert lands entered by Shearer, at Des Chute3, where the fish propogating compsmy wished to hatch salmon. A Washington dispatch yesterday says; The commissioner of the gmersil lai.d office, acting tinder direction of secre tary Sohurz, to whom he referred the msitter, will shortly issue additional instructions regarding the investiga tion of suspended desert entries. These supplemental instructions will provide that notice for taking testimony shall be served by mail upon the person in whose name tli3 entr3T was made, :f his residence is known, and by publi- c ition in a newspaper in the ci unty embracing the tract, if his residence is, not known. They also require inquiry to be made whether the applicant knew the character of the land before entry was filed, and if so, for how long a period; whether he, himself, psiid the first installment, or if it was ad vanced by smy other person, and by whom, and whether he has conveyed, assigned or mortgaged or agreed to convey, to assign or mortgage the land ; if so, what consideration. Local land offices axe furthermore specially inr structed to obtain testimony as to the character of the land, from other per- I sons fckan. ttyos? applying to entey iWem, x '