(e) - " S&e ails Qstexxmu ASTORIA. OREGON : D. G. IREI,AXI Elitor. FRIDAY f Nov.2, 1877 Tiie Lick Estate Compromise. The particulars of the compromise made by the trustees of the Lick estate have been published. The ar rangememt was made to avoid pro tracted and expensive litigation. All the devisees of the estate agreed to the compromise, except the Academy of Sciences. As this body refused assent, the trustees of the estate filed a bill in equity, asking the court to con firm the compromise. To this bill the defendants demurred on the ground that the trustees were not a legally constituted body. This demurrer, Jud ge "Wheeler has overruled. The decision sustains the trustees as a legal body, and foreshadows incidentally, the deision on the main question "Courts of equity are disposed to favor compromises," says the Judge. It is difficult for most people outside of the Academy of Sciences to find any good reasons for thus arresting the execution of this trust But some of the mem bers of that body think they have a case, and its merits can now only be determined in a court of equity. The next decision will either ratify or an nul the compromise wliich the trustees have made. Improvement of the Mississippi. The Mississippi river inprovement convention, assembled at St. Paul, Minn. , recently, and was attended by a large and influential body of delega tes, about 100 m number, from cities tn the Mississippi, from New Orleans to St. Paul. The Hon. Joseph Brown, of St. Louis, was chosen president, and a vice-president from each state rep resented was also chosen. The res olution udopted urge upon congress the pressing necessity of passing such acts and. making such appropriations as will in the shortest possible time, and in the most economical manner in all seasons of the year, secure a good navigable stage of water from the falls of St. Anthony to the gulf of Mexico, and if practicable, give a minimum of about five feot from St. Paul to St. Louis, about eight feet from St. Louis to Cairo, and about ten feet from Cairo to New Orleans. They urgently request congress to adopt such legislation as will best and most speedily secure the end in view; and insist that in all acts providing for the appropriation of money for internal- improvements, the improvement of the navigation of the Mississippi river to be kept most prominent as a distinctively national work. Jokn Bright on Steam Navigation. There is one public man in Eng- land who never says anything which is not worth putting in print and re ad ing over many times. John Bright always has something to say worth hearing. He recently distributed the prizes to the successful students of the art and science classes at Hochedale, when he recalled the first ocean steam ship ventures in 182S, when two steam ships" left England for tho United States: When the Sirius came in there was the greatest excitement to see her come steaming in and the smoke from her tunnel. They knew that she had crossed the Atlantic, they knew it was & great thing, and while the whole city of New York was in excitement it was announced next morning that another huge steamer was also entering the harbor; and thus these two vessels, coming within a day of each other from ports in England, at once forever fcettled the question of the possibility of free navigation of broad oceans by steam power and from that time to this the progress has been rapid even beyond what could have been expect ed by the must sanguine inventors of that day. There is one company now of which you have all heard the Cu nard company-T-which has, I believe, nat less than .fifty .steamships. I am told the company has more than 1, 000,000 tons of tonnage, and that they have -more than 15,000 horse-power in their .fleet of steamers, and that after traversing the Atlantic for thirty-five years they cull say with, & just satisfac tion th;& not a passenger nor a' .single letter has l?oen.latv aiiy accident at eea to,aay a:Waf &Sk,ys&ife( h.v." There an average of one steam ship a day now leaving NTew York for Europe. The average departures of steamships from San Francisco, coast wise and foreign, exceed one a day. Steamships which come into this port, says the Bulletiu, from China and Australia, having .performed voyages of five and seven thousand miles with out coaling, now attract very little at- j tention. Forty years ago everybody was talking about the voyage of the Sirius across the Atlantic. Now the arrival or departure of a five thousand ton steamship excites no particular in terest. But these last forty years cover the whole period of ocean steam ship development, and constitute one of the most interesting epochs of mod ern history. NEWS OF THE MORNING. The funeral of General Forrest took place in Memphis on the 31st. The Turks are accused of luring the Russians into fearful losses by dis playing the white flag. No more indiscriminate loaning of money will be tolerated by the Ne vada bank, San Francisco. Stevens' battery has not been sold to any one, the World says. How for tunate, yet how very unfortunate. Senator Morton's condition re mains about as previously reported. A dispatch of yesterday states that he might not live till this morning. The house refused to table E ing's motion for reconsideration of the vote to repeal the resumption act on the 31st. The committee on banking and currency have decided to recom mend the passage of Ewing's bill. In reference to a successor for Senator Morton the Sun's Washington special says: "A conference of promi nent democratic senators and repre sentatives, from both east and west, was held yesterday in anticipation of Senator Morton's death. Gov. Wil liams, of Indiana, being present, indi cated liis readiness to be guided by the sentiment expressed at the confer ence relative to Morton's successor in the senate, and it was determined that the vacancy, when it occurs, shall be tendered to Thomas A. Hendricks, who, it is said, will accept. Dan Yoor hees' name was presented, but Wil liams is understood to be pledged now to Hendricks." It will be funny if Morton dies knowing who is to become his successor. On Friday last the secretary of the interior heard the argument of the Northern Pacific railroad company for permission to change the route of their branch line so as to make it leave the main line at Wallula and run thence to Tacoma instead of the pres ent location by way of Pen d'Oreille lake. Col. Gray, attorney for the company, advocated the proposition, and delegate Jacobs of Washington territory opposed it. It appears from statistics furnished by the commission ers of the general land office that there are some five and a half million acres of land withdrawn by the gov ernment along the present branch route and that only two would have to be withdrawn for the benefit of the company along the proposed new route if the change of the route is authorized. The lands now with drawn would be restored, and would be public domain. As the society for the prevention of cruelty to children, in New York, was started by individuals wno were very much in earnest in the matter, it is not surprising to find success follow ing their efforts. During the past six months, according to the secretary's report, three hundred and sixty-one complaints have been investigated, one hundred and fifty-four cases of cruelty prosecuted, and about two hundred children have been sent to homes of institutions. The cases tried have brought out many sad experi ences children beaten by their par ents, starved in attics,' begging for shiftless fathers,1' or thrown out into the street altogether. The society has only just entered upon its career, lout if the good work is well supported, as no doubt it will be, "many a wretch ed chUd will findin thitf most' benov- Jen.t MRfetntioii tiic -powciwii or .Wich it lias boen'ghixfe JL I I'MPUMW NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. QregonfSteamship Company. v ? r San Francisco Direct, Carrinir the United states Mails and kYells, Fargo & Co's Express. s Freight and Passage at Reduced Rates. A 1 Steamship AJAX, i svET"rT:-" !-3I LCKIJS Commander. Will Ieavo W. T. fc 1. Co.'s dock Astoria for above port on SUNDAY, November 4 1877. At l o'clock, A. M. For Freight or Passage, apply at the office of tho W. T. & Locks company. C. P. UPSHUR. Agent Pacific&oast Steamship Co- Far San Francisco Direct. STEAMSHIP .;... - JT-h Aivrnnivr. mm&u DEBXEY jr. Commander. Will Leavestoria for San . Francisco, on SUNDAY, November 4, 1S77, At 6 o'clock A. M. For freight or passago apply to J. G. HUSTLER, Agent Astoria. E. II lers Arsons knowinir themselves in- 'lT e Astoria Laundry, A STR., ASTORIA. OREGON. icsted to aill anil settle the same. jnts make lone friends. ; J. T. BORCHEKS. Proprietor. Astoria, Nov, 1, 1877. BEEF. tielc for Sale XiOiv. Y ETT, ILWACO. md particulars inquire at ur'a or at Sibbon, ilnnui- oria. WOOD PUMPS. THESE PUMPS ARE RECOM mendrd to farmers and nil others in want of a cheap and durable article. war For sale by JACK1NS & HAWKS. Astoria, Oregon. d&wtf iX'l'OIXE 3IORLIX, DKALKK IN' Fresh Fruit, Vegetables, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. Corner of Maine and Sqiienioeqha streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. 1ST Receives regularly from steamers everything in the fruit and vegetable line fresh from the gardens and orchards of Cali fornia and Oregon. Housekeepers willllnd just what they want at this store at lowest rates. B. S. "WORSLEY. AUCTION & COMMISSION MER0HANT. Office, on Main street opposite Washington .Market. SXJJSS "DAILY From 7 to 9 o'clock P. M. Regular Sales Day, Saturdnj', ut lO O'ClocIc A. HI. Will purcbaso and sell real estate, merchan dise, furniture, etc. Consignments respectfully solicited. Diagrams and terms to no had on application to tho Auctionoor. B, S. WORSLEY SPECIAL SALE. Saturday Afternoon at two o'clock. 1 Black Walnut bed-room set; 1 Marble top Maple bed-room set ; 1 choice Library of Books, 300 volumes, at Brumscr's new store room, next door to L. P. Richman & Co.'s. B. S. WORSELY, Auctioneer. HEW GOODS, NEW GOODS. Prices Lower Than Ever. GEORGE W. CORNART, Is constantly receiving the finest assortment OF BLANK BOOKS. STATIONERY. OFFIGE FIXTURES AND NOTIONS. ALL THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS OF SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL tXSTItUHKXTS. Agent for Sherman fc Hyde's Pianos and Organs sold on Installments. ALSO FIXE IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS AND TOBACCO, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. North side of Chenamus street, between Cass and Mam - - - Astoria, Oiikgox. LOUIS WILSON. F. A. KISIIEK. Wilson & Fisher DEAIXRS IN HAY, FEED, GROCERIES, AND isi-A.niD'vsr.A.mE!. Wharfage and Warehouse Storage. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. J. R. SPHPFAIW. Late of Corral I is. C H, STOCKTON. Late of Kalama. SHEPPARD & STOCKTON. HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE. AND ORNA MENTAL PAINTERS. ASTORIA .". OREGON. GRAINING A Specialty. KALS0M1NING, MARBLING AND GLAZING " f done to ordor with ndfdness and' .dispatch. ferj&enve your orders W the 2Jw SlWiW on Muin.iire&t, ilstorlnV&ctfuo ' " r gjBSzZaZ N f x debteo cotfeoan Are isenl Miorticcui J"UpE7(?i A Iterfly Fine At CLVPT. N"ARB C3EfFor samples Triili:inl .fc IMisfti ton a Hieeins. At SAi&M ajRTAr u.-gtt3catf COMMERCIAL AND SHIPPING. For Tillamook.' A STEAMER "Will leave for Tillamook, on Satukday, XOVJSXBER 3t 1877. Freight received at Kinney's cannery at SG oo per toiw Passage 3 oo. Apply to AUG. C. KINNEY . Astoria. Ilwaco Steam STav. Co, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. THE ILWACO STEAM NAY. CO.'S STEAM Ell GEN. CANBYaS Will leave Astoria on 32 on days, Tuesdays, Friilajs A Saturdays Atb.oO A.M., sharp, for Fort Steven;, Tort C'aiiby, ninl Ilwnco. AVITEK KATES : Fare to Fort Stevens- COcts Canby and Ilwaco $1 50 Connecting with L. A. Looniis' stages for Oys tcrville. FOR TICKETS, TOWAGE, OR CHARTER, Apply either at the office of tho Company, Gray.'s wharf, foot of Benton street, or to tho Captain on board. J. II. D.GRAY, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. By order of tho President, L. A. 1.UU.M1S. B ROWN tfc McCABE, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS, $& Portland and Astoria, Oregon. pST On all buir.eb entrusted to our care, satisfaction guaranteed. T G. FAIRFOWL & SOX, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS Portland, Oregon. Refer by permission to Hogers.Meyers.fc Co,, Allen & Lewis. Corbitt & Macleay, Portland, Oregon. s IKSON, HAMILTON & HIGGLES. Ship Chandlers. Provision and General irfcyy-r-rv Commission Merchants, Cor. Concomly and Benton streets. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. TRENCHED & IfPSHBR Successors to Capt. Geo. Flauel DE.ILERS IX SbipObwdkryi, PROVISIONS, IROtf, STEEL, COAL, Builders' and General Hard ware, SASH AND. DOORS. STAIIiS, AttheOldEstaMisIictl Well known Stand ov- GEORGE FLAVEL, Chenamus Street, Ajtoria, Oregon. For Port Townsend, Victoria, Nan airao, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. " THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, CIIAS.THOR : Commander. Will leave tho Oregon Steamship Com pany's Wharf at foot of E street, for tho above ports on THURSDAY, Nov. 1. 1811. At 5 o'clock, P. AI. For Freight or Passago apply at the Office of tho Company, corner of F and i ront streets. GEO. W. WEIDLEK. Agent. For Towingr. o THE STEAM TUG V ji. B0C11AU Master Will attend to all kinds of Towing on tho Co lumbia river and tr b'utarics. i.0ftice in Portland at Corbitt & Macleay 's at Astoria, Gem Salo.n. or on board. For Passengers, and Towage. 0 The Now Tag BIP VAX WINKIiE, W. H. Whitcomb Master. Having accommodations for passengers, and capacity for first class towing, is ottered for business to all point on the Columbia river and bay, at reasonable rates. tsFor particulars apply to Allen k. Lewis, Portland, or to Trenchard & Upshur, Astoria, or on board. U7tf Astoria, Clatsop, Youngs River and Knappton. Until further notice tno Steam Launch A. C. FISHER". Master. AVI11 s FOR m., returning same day. The SAM yan. be chartered for freight or xi jrv-'r purriculars puy ou hoard, v,,, "- r"3C iuff.' rr - r tmssi isxGsssstaBm AUCTION SALES, E. C, HOLDEN, AUCTWNEER and COMMISSION AGENT CffAIUS ST. ASTORIA. OKEUUN. Conaignittents respectfully solisitotl, bills coif ittrfod and return? promptly mace. RcTnlnr Sales liny. SritayrfHy, Refer y permission to U.S.WRIOI1T, WARREN , JVrffrUIRE JIon. .J. Q. a:iwujy A. VAX lFSEN. .l.W.r.EAKHAHT. HOTELS AND RESTAURANT. Pavlier Hous& Hotel, Coner Slain and ConcomV ."treets", AS10RIA, UKEUUN. H. B. Parker, Proprietor- nIIIS IS THE LARGEST HOTEL IN AS A toria. nevr anu nor furniture, furnished in firit class stylo. Tho table will bo supplied with the best tho market afford;". Accomodations to suit the times, from SI 21 to i'l'M pur day. Steamers and sail boats leavo tho wharve.i and slips near tho Hotel, daily for Fort Ste vens, Fort Canby, Skipanon, Fort (Jlatsop SeaSide, Ocean Bench, Knappton, Chinook, Unity, Oysterville and other p!accs of resorS in this vicinity. iHJ'Thero aro now five lartye salmon can neries in Astoria, which employ over 12UD per sons in the various branches of tho business, making Astoria as it now is n point of interest to visitors, independent of its cool invigorating summer climate. UNION HOUSE. Cor. Sqiicmocqlm and Lafa. ettct Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. rilHIS HOUSE HAYING BEEK JL newly re-painti'il and furnishetf.' throughout is now open to the accommoda tion of the public. JS-The house being in new liandsnow can guarantee satisfaction. ISonrrf ami Lodjjinjr per Day. $1 oo. Single Meal 'ic- MRS. M. E. TURNER, rroprietre-vs. QCCIDENT HOTEL, A. J. MEGLEU, C. S. "WRIGHT, Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. The Proprietbrs aro happy to announce tba tho above Hotel has been REPAINTED ATD REFURNISHED Adding greatly to. the comfort of its guests AND IS NOW THE BEST HOTEL NORTH OF SAN FRANCISCO. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS I SERVED IN EVERY STYLE AT SCIOIKERS COIVFJBCTIOaiERY AND KEFKESjKMENT SOLOOG7. All kiwis of French. German and. American Cundfrs constantly on hand,, wholesale aial retail at the lowest casa price. ALSO "Wedding cakes m.-wle to order orashort notice.. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. CALIFORNIA XESTA.SJEANT. WATER STREET' ROADWAY. Opposite Oregon Steam Navigation Company's Wharf ASTORIA ...0REG0N The above new Restaurant Trill bo open, from and after to-morrow, Sunday. January 7th, lSTii, D. BUb'AXJLCli & CO. Proprietors. lap anyarriap Slop, Squomocqha street, between Washington and? Polk streets. ASTOR'A OREGON HENRY GALLOU, Proprietor- ERepaIring promptly attended to nono;. but the best material used. All wod&a routed. teS-Blacksmithine and ship- worlt pAjmpttJ atttuded to GEORGE MACLEAN, . BLACKSMITH. Water Staect Roadway, Kear Hume's CannosyAstorra, Orogon. Horseshoeing ofRtacksmith del. Satisfaci and all kinder ing- done to or- ion j,C3KW3toear-. Siip &: Ehgfire "Wrk a Specialty, ARNDT & FERCHEK, r BLACKSMITHS AlSTD M ACBISISTSJ g-jgr root oi asumgton street. pPoPx near JVKnes' jrisaerv, ' 8oC ASIURIAUUEGO-N.- HAVING SECURED AN ENGINE ANC Iiatho. and the best of workmanship, we are now propared to do ALL KIN DS OF CANNEKT "WOKK, ENGINE AND STEAM BOAT "WORK OF ANY DES CRIPTION. KB Horse-shoeing, repairing, and all kinds of blacksmithing promptly attended to at rea sonable rates. E. S. MERRILL d- CO., Blacksmiths and machinists. Capt. ROGERS' OLD STAND riear Exjiross Ouico; ASTORIA, - OREGON. AU work in our line, heavy or light, done with. , iiuuuios una aispaicn. HORSESHOEING, "WAGON:, AjND; Farm "Work ft Specialty ,t HAVING SECURED THES.RYICESx-OKi JSlr. S. A. Gaines of Ky.an erperiencbd; i'arrierof 25 years in tho business. an:d well: known to Astoria horsemen, wqAr.eprepared tpc dohoeinsinamannertocureJamonessorpTe vent ic in norses entrusted. tq qur iT-jvll work Tvarr.mted and a a.nl a.t.reasoivabl care. raes. "s ' pryf-yr, -viS nrtt? rjST ANlS J Ts.5 A ' .c OtTics,. ,M i 9 'J W V ,r ,w-