r CO i 9BHt&HUfaUb Yol. 3. Astoria, Oregon, "Wednesday Morning, October 31, 1877. tfo. 126. j'vzzu-juu j'?:,h M fit t- tnviim ISSUED EVERY MORNING, (Monday E.eeptel), Atturuin BuUdiny, Cass Sired. terms of Subscriptien: ervcd by Carrier, per week .21 Cents Sent by mail, four months ..$$ 00 Scat by mail, cne year. 'J 01) .Free of l'tstnxe to Subscribers. RSF" AdrcrUceinents inserted by the year at the Tf.toof$i ."W per ii:iro per month. Transient .tdverti'-injr, by the day or week, fifty ents per square for each in.-cition. To City Subscribers. "Tncre arc such frequent chanpes in the rei Sence of our city pations that wo shall feel obliced to any who make such ch:uie if they will roport the same to thisollicc. Utheiwisc wo .ha.ll not b res;.oniblo for failure of the carrier lo deliver the paper promptly and J regularly to tuenu The new city Mil is walking right .along. It is an outrage that silver is not worth :is much a' gold. - Capt, kludge imported his fire wood -for this winter. It came from New York in the Santa Clara. TJie meeting of fisherman to-night at Liberty hall will he one of importance io every citizen of Astoria. After this the range lights at St Helen Avill be lighted every night. Mr. .Lanibon has charge of the same by order of the light-house board. The fishermen's meeting to-night at Liberty hall is for the purpose of taking .measures to offset the injury likely to be put upon Astoria by the Portland board trade. A performance will be given at Lib erty hall in this city Saturday evening, tor the benefit of Rescue Engine com pany No. 2, at which the best amateur talent of the city will appear. Among the passengers by the Ajax due to-morrow, we note the name of our tfellow citizen, John Badolett, Esq. The Aneon is due also to-morrow. Both isteameis luive large lists of passengers. Perhaps the Oregonian is better ac quainted with the facts as to where Mrs. .Dodge resided before her marriage than tr.Dodge him.elf. Otherwise the item is -correct, us stolen from Tin: Asfouiax. The Santa Clara wjll go to sea to-day, drawing 2 fut't When will Portland cver.be able to send a ship to sea as deep in the water as that. Yet they insist up there that Astoria is not entitled to a customs collection district. Referring to a notice of the work of 2Ir. James Stewart in this city, the Olym nia Transcript says: ''The above from the Astorian, and is a just tribute to a worthy mechanic. Mr. Stewart lives on ihe Wishkah river, at the head of Gray's Harbor, but executes work wherever re quired. , - The Astokiax says : "The City of York stuck in the Willamette. Why ' jiot take the dredger in your own collec tions district, brother PortlandersV' After you get done using the dredge to deepen your harbor so tliat vessels will not sticlc right in front of your town, we w.ilhcheeviully accept the services of the same. Oregon hm- Thank ye, Mister Oregonian, we've no 'Beed of a dredger .right in front of our ,own town. If your Board of Trade will desist from recommending men for pilots who have no more-sense than to anchor a vessel in two fathoms of water we guess the Astoria harbor will net-ask the use of your dirty old dredger. There now-;stick in the mud, dry up. --And now comes the Sunday Wel come, and says: "Astoria was visited by another high old wind, causing consid erable consternation among shipping. The British bark West Riding was car ried on a sand spit but got off without injury. The American ship Santa Clara dragged her anchor and got aside of a large chain of the luf us E. Wood dam age not known. A French vessel was also injured." The West Riding was anchored in a bad place by the Captain who brought her inas coast pilot from San Fraucisco. A man whom Mr. Wm. Reid, and other Portland colonial gents urged the Board of Pilot Commissioners to give a certificate .Gf branch pilot on the bar; Capt. Clements. The balance af the above item has tie usual number .of falsehoods which a,r,e expected in . .-every item that ;appeacs n that pawner iconcerojhyj jHiJinfis .about Astoria.. NEWS OF THE KORNING. When a notice appears on a bank door in the States "absent, will beback in ten days," people begin to know that the concern is busted. Complete access has been obtained to both pits of the High Blantry col liery near Glasgow, and it has been ascertained that 250 persons perished. Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, the dis tinguished philanthropist and million aire, has been elected president of the New York liberal club, formerly pre sided over by Horace Greeley. On the 2Sth, a body of Russians carried a Turkish position at Telische, west of Plevna. One pasha, several ofiicers and seven companies of Turk ish troops were taken prisoners. Three cannons were captured. The President has appointed the 29th of November :is a day of national thanksgiving and prayer "and I earn estly recommend that withdrawing themselves from secular cares and la bors the people of the United States do meet together on that day in their respective places of worship, there to give thanks and praise to Almighty God for His mercies, and to devoutly beseech their continuance." The condition of Senator Morton is not so hopeful as it has been for a week past. His stomach has retained nothing that has been taken into it for the past 24 hours, aaid as a conse quence he has grown veaker. He has been kept up in part by administra tion of opiates and nutritious aids by the hypodermic process. His attend ing physician, Dr. Thompson, does not think there is :uiy probability of his immediate death. It is evident that he cannot hist long unless there is a change in the condition of his stomach. Private letters from a highly re sponsible source in Japan state un equivocably that the secret negotia tions between England and Japan on one side and Russia and Japan on the other have embraced these points and results, viz: England insists -on shar ing all of Japan's advantages in open ing Corea, and Japan refuses to con cede the demand. .Russia consents to support Japan's refusal to any extrem ity if Japan will waive her claim to the northern port of entry and choose 1 one further south. A Yictoria dispatch of the 29th, says the steamship California, from Cassiar and Sitka, arrived this morn ing, bringing 150 passengers and 110, 000 in gold dust. The revenue cutter Olu er "Wolcott arrived at Sitka on the 17th. The Chilicut Indians had ar rived a few days previous to partici pate in the potlach given by Sitka Jack and his tribe. The cutter arrived just in time to prevent the Indians from demolishing the barricade around the town. They had already com menced,, and had pulled down some 200 feet, being protected by seventy armed warriors from any interference by the whites. The citizens seem to think tliat the timely arrival of the cutter was the means of preventing the Indians, during their drunken rev elry, from murdering the whites. There is much alarm amongst the citi zens, and nearly all of them are too poor to abandon what property they have and leave the country. Some of the storekeepers are making prepara tions to remove to Wrange1. Col. De Alina, the recently appointed collector, has returned on the California just as we predicted, and, it is said, will not return to Sitka unless the government furnishes the proper protection neces sary for the safe prosecution of the business of the customs department. Tha steamer California took up three guns for the oollector. The military department left 30,000 pounds of pow der infche magazine, whifi is considen .ed safe from the Indians -jsiile .there is a cutter in the bay,. ITEMS. Xotioi:. By, equest of many citi- zens I will ancing Academy at Libertv about November 1, and modern stvle 1S77. All of dancii taught by first class dancers ance to ting up private. usie will be in atlend- classes. Parties get club can have lessons qix'a class Saturday af ter- noon, am everv baturuav even ing, rorlurtlier particulars, inquire or. CJeo. W. Cornart, at Cornnrt's music store, Chenamus street, next door to Dements. Kinney's compressed corned beef and Tillamook clams at retail at E. S. Larsen's and llickmott & Bailey's. Call on Hamburger for cheap dry goods. See advertisement. Anything you want that is nice in the stationery line, can be found at Ad ler's at the cheapest prices. Those brackets are neat and cheap at Adlers. Money is scarce but you do not need much money to trade at Adler's. Mrs. Arrfgoni is furnishing good rooms with board at from $( to .TV and upwards per week, according to location. Choice new sets of crockery, very unique and novel; also the self-righting 'spittoon,' that always; keeps upright, just received and selling at prices to suit the times, at J. W. Case's. Hoard and lodging can be had at Mrs. Munson's at reasonable rates. The best cooking apples and pears in the city are to be found at Bozortlfs, who also keeps a full stock of fresh veg etables constantly on hand at the lowest prices. Call amf be convinced. You can always get fresh oysters in every style and at all hours, day or night, at the Central Coffee Saloon, Con comly street, between Benton and La fayette. Thos. McFarland, proprietor. Astoria Liquor Store, II. Marx & Co., proprietors. Sole agents for Charles Rebstock & Co., St. Louis, Mo. Ameri ca's finest Stonewall whisky, Snow Hill lire. Cooper whisky. For sale by all gen eral dealers and saloon keepers. Depot and Branch House of Marx & Jorgen sen, Portland, Oregon. , Dry goods, millinery and notions cheap for thirty days at the Bee Hive. The Dance of Life, an answer to the Dance of Death, at the Circulating Library. .... Dr. F. P. Hicks, dentist, rooms in Dr. Welch's building, on Squemoqha street, offers his services to the public of Astoria. Peter Runey is still in the market with all kinds of building materials in his line. Has just received JlX),iXK) lath, 2.000 bushels of sand, and a large stock of first quality of brick at his warehouse foot of Denton street. Stoves and fall goods for house keepers in great variety at L. P. Rich- man tc to s. The ''Dance of Life,' an answer to the Dance of Death, bv Mrs. J. M. Bowers. For sale at the City Book Store. Board and lodging by the day or week at the Astoria Beer Hall, Main street, Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro prietor. Single men feel like marrying when they see the Medallion range at L. P. Richman & Co's. ...Fresh oysters in every style at Schnieer's. White wire goods in every style, at L. P. Richman & Co's. Dr. B. R. Freeland has located per manently in Astoria for the practice of dentistry. Office in Shuster's building, on Cass street, next door to Tim Asto iciax office. SSPhotographs! The latest styles taken at Shuster's new gallery, Cntsst., next to the Astorian office. 33 For clean towels, sharp razors, and nn easy shave, go to Gillepie at Par kek House Haths. Hair cutting, sham pooning, and dyeing. S?T.iitle Van has reestablished himseif at the old corner, refreshed by his late journey lo the Atlantic slntes, and will a formerly attend to all orders in his line as general jobber. ANOTHER VICTORY GAINED IX FA VOR OF SPECIE PAYMENTS. After this date, com will he used for change, and tickets dispensed with; all drinks and cigars five and h'n cents, at the Chicago House, Main street, Astoria. X. WEIMAX. Astoria, Oct 3, 1877. SOMETHING NEW. For Glassware, Crockery, Powder and Shot, Gun "Wads. Percussion Caps. in fact everything that is useful as well as ornamental, go to J. W. Gearharr. who sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered free of charge. Canary Birds. for sale at Gilles pie's, Parker house hath;:. Smr-MASTEKs Reading Room. Mr. Peter Wilhelm has permanently fitted up a shipmaster's readinir room in con nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria. The latest shipping papers and home ward and outward bound shipping lists are kept on file. Telegraph office next door. Com. Xutt and troupe are pa he Ajax. rKinney received 160 head of fine calr $le direct from Th Dalles this yp eefc cmr liar ivuii u xj iit .i ri t70ll O lw lMfn-Jf- VI Will II f IZnrui ivf ill of tb6 1 nrivai IChilr isjfirei "Is a Salmon a Salmon? " Tlie Prize Fish tlic Columbia Spring Silver Side. Other Varieties in the Waters of Puget Sound. AN INTERESTING PAPER FROM 3!R. JAMES G. SWAN. The most importaut fish taken in "Washington Territory, both as to quantity and extensive use made ot it by the natives and settlers for food, as well as tor the valuable branch of business of export purpo ses in the salmon, of which includ ing the trout, there are sixteen va rieties as enumerated by Cooper and Suckley m their reports on the zoology of the territory, and bT B.iird. Girard, St. John Kichardson and other authorities, who have written upon the ichthyology of the i.orihtt'esterii coast. Dr. Suckley, with an originality quite commendable in him, has adopted indian names for new va rieties which are more readily un c1erlood by the people ot the ter ritory than the im pronounceable Greek and Latin names commonly used in scientific descriptions, and his names hive been adopted by all subsequent writers. The finest salmon taken on the Pacific coast are the spring silver salmon ol the Columbia river, of which the choicest are taken near the mouth of that river, and are known as Chinook salmon, from the fact that the early fisheries were principally located at that point. This salmon is named ( salmo qmnuat). an evident corruption of the name of a delicious variety, fouud in the Quin-nai-ult river, near point Crenville. l.ortli ot Grays harbor. The salmon qumnat en tered the Columbia river in May and June, and generally abundant when the salmon bery (rubus spec tablis) is ripe, say about the 10th of Juno. The spring salmon of the Colum bia reach a jjreat size, fifty pounds bein": not an unusual weight for them to attain. Some even reach ing to sevent3T-five pounds. They are excessively fat when they first enter the liver, but after ascending to the upper waters, they become thin and lose their finest flavor. They are in their best condition when they first come in from the ocean. The most delicious variety I have tasted in the territory are taken iu the Quinnaiult river.and are known as quinnaiult salmon in distinction from any other variety. They rarely attain ten pounds weight, but they are very fat and ut the most delicate flavor imaginable. The names and varieties of sal mon and salmon-trout in Washing ton territory, as given by Dr. George Suckley, as given in his zo ological report to Gov. Stevens are as follews: 1. Salmo Quinnat, Spring Silver salmon, May and June'. 2. Salmo Quinnaiult, Auril and May. 3. Salmo pancidens, weak tooth salmon, May and Jim. 4. Salmo Tsuppitch, while sal mon, September. 5. Salmo Truncutus, silvery win ter salmon, or t-quaretailed salmon, mid-winter. 6. Salmo Gairdinori, spring sal mon, May and June. 7. Salmo Confluentus, Niqually salmon June. S. Salmo Seoul in, hook nose sal mon, September and October. 9. Salmo Pro-ens, bump back salmon, September and October in alternate years. 10. Salmo Canis, dog salmon, or spotted salmon, October and No vember. 11. Salmo Gibsii, black-spotted salmon-trout, May. 12. Salmo Spectablis, red spot ted salmon-tioutj Mid Summer and Autumn. 13. j3alm,o (Fario) Aurora, or ange spotted trout. 14. Salmo Clarkii, brook trout or Clark's pajmon. There are several other varieties of trout, but, as yet they have not been properly defined, and in some instances are known to be the young of other fish. Young salmon called by the English grilse, or yearlings, are of ten taken on the waters of Puget sound and called trout by inexper ienced persons, and of the trout proper, there is but little doubt that the young of some species have been classed as new varieties, from being different marked than the adults. As an almost invariable rule, the best varieties of salmon frequent the large rivers, while the inferior kinds, like the hook nose and dog salmon frequent the smaller streams Those two last named varieties en ter the rivers of Puget sound in immense numbers in the fall, par ticularly the dog salmon or spotted salmon, which run up the smallest streams, in vast shoals, even run ning out of the water upon the shores in their blind eagerness to surmount impossibilities and reach head waters ot the stream to de posit their spawn. It i not my intention at the present time, nor will the limits of a newspaper article give space to a description of all these varieties and the rivers they frequent, but I would suggest to those engaged in the business of canning, and partic ularly those person who think that "a salmon is a salmon," to examine into this matter and they will find descriptions of all varieties in the zoological works of Suckley and Cooper, and in part 2 ot vol. 12 Pacific railroad reports. There is quite as much difference in the quality of our salmon as between the fat eulachon and the dry smelt, or between extra number one mackerel and "tinkers," and those establishments who pay the most attention to to the selection ot the best varieties will find the market demand will give them the prefer ence. The present editor of the State Journal gives notice that he is past sixty years of age and never attempt ed newspaper work before; hopes for forbearance and lenity from his breth ren, and" says there is no fight in him, bnt more fun than would lie on a ten acre lot. Senator Booth has introduced a bill to authorize the secretary of the interior to declare forfeitures of rail road grants in certain cases. It pro vides that in all cases where railroad grants have expired, or where such grants may expire by limitation of law, it shall immediately be the duty of the secretary of the interior to declare all such lands included in such grants which have not been patented by the United States to the grantee where the grant has been made to a corpor ation, or which have not been lawfully disposed of by the state where the grant has been made to a state; for feited to the United States, and after such declaration the lands thus declar ed forfeited shall be disposed of the same as the other public lands of the United States. Several editions of the Ajstobian, (Daily, "Weekly and Sunday), never insert advertisements known to b.e of an immoral or swindling character, "We refuse many dollars offered, for 3iich advertisements every year, but always throw out advertisements sus pected of being of this nature, Nevertheless we cannot hold our selves responsible for the good faith of our advertisers, nor undertake to relieve readers from the need of ex ercising common prudence on their own behalf. They must judge for themselves whether the goods ad vertised can in the nature of things be furnished for the price asked. They will find it a good rule to be careful about extraordinary bargains, and they can always find safety in doubtful cases by paying for goods only upon their delivery, SWho wants to know about th$ great Slate where the exports equal in value 375 per head of the entire popula tion, sen4 1 00 to D. G, Ireland for Thk Astoriav, the only Oregon paper, pubr hed wfrff) te intercut of pregon, V V -