. CD. -tnM Mri -i.. e6J 4 IHU o J ' . Vol. Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning,. October 28, 1877. No. 124. u. raiaax.uJu1w.w. AJtTrurijgsAiurauueiJi...: an p , . f JA ' A ' ' K TO' ,LP IV WV yT JW 1MAW & KW r JT N7 r rr 3 N7 - v y j- y glxs gsiJg gvstoximx. ISSUED EVERY MOBNIEG, (Mondsy Excepted), f3. C. IHT.IaA.'SR : : 1UH&1S2IES. Advrian Bwldiivj, Cats Street. l erms of Subscription : -ktwI by Garrwr, per week .25 Ccj(f jBuh! lr unit!, i'our uMMtiis - Pi OH 4imit by mull, cio year. - U 00 Pice of l'Miiice U .Subscribers. jtW Advertisements inportcd by the year at .k rate of SI ."i'J jer iirc pur month. Transient advertising, bv the day or iroelc, Hfcy cents jcr iure for each insertion. .To City Subscribers. There are 3ueh fie iucnt chanjros in the resi dence of our iU v i-ntrciiH that trc shall feel obliged to anv who make such changes if they will rejKjit the nme to thisohice. Otherwise wo ."hull not bo reiin-iMo for failures of the earner to de-liver the paper jiromptly and regularly to them. Cai-eful observer declare that the custom of carrying an extra cigar in the vest pocket has gone out of fashion. Mr. 0. A. Dodge, of Glen Ella, is in Vermont, where he lend Miss Katie A. Smith of Leicester, to the hymenial altar -on the 12th nit. The Akbm Bcssc will take back to hina 00 celestials who have either made their little fortunes or become dis gusted with wehfoot. No 2 Company have a fine alarm bell. Through the court e.sy ot Mr. .Job J Joss. Jt is a historic bell. It was used several hundred years ago at a cathedral in .south America. Capt. Davis of the Jin f us E Wood has concluded to mit following the sea. and .f 10.000 or mwo wiili-etUc him on a Jarni in tlie Wallainet' valley somewhere befoi'e another oar. . -.&. The Oregon and "Washington sav ings bank (Win. Reid). asked the Wasli injgtoa Tci-ritorial Assembly to askCon gresv to remove restrictions on foreign hanking in tlie territories. Articles of incorporation for tlie ean "Wave Tin Min located in Doug-la- county, have been made out and fill ed.4The principal office is in Salem: the capital stork is ;mxo, and the incur- porators are Win. Manning. Frank Cooi r. A. B. Farrer and T. 15. Jackson. Tlie Cani)2." has now made three triiis iii to ihe lrftaittok bay from Astoria this ft.,1. As the next ii ,p will mlmhly , 'the .astuiM until spring, shippers j Ml'WIlH DC hUf L" UU'ir llTlglll IS Oil lUUMl -in time. At last advices tlie salmon veuc running faiilv. Portland is lull of thiee,, sharpers, swindlers and confidence men of liigh .and low degree, whose necessities have -harpened their wits, and who take ad vantage of every cirr-timstance that may .arise to imiose uksii tlie public. Thcy willbe here in full force pi.sibly, lx;fore leaving the .slate. The Telegram didn't come to time with its cockle-burr, and has completely J .ew. in lhis eitv People in the east discomfited us. hear the man: uThe; crn states scarcely believe these things, urepou frieaai - a igauoneompany have a right to run their boats where ar.ct when they please. This settles tie mat- j tor." Xow don't you fly the track. Mr. j Telegram, if fhe.y finally conclude to send the Wide West on to the Astoria route. v Rev. Fv Elliott, appointed to Astoria at the last session of the Oregon confer ice. has resigned his pastxirate and will jeinovc liis family to Portland. The Advocate says: Bro.( Elliott has been sorely tried with dangerous illness in his family ever since his appointment - Rev. W. C. Chatun. late of California, has consented to take his-pjace. and we suppose the appointment will be made. Dr. Aug. C- Kinney left at our office yesterday one of the first cans of corn ptessed corned beef 'put up at Kinney's Astoria cannery. We are not n confirm- ed follower of Epicurus, but from the limited opportunities afforded us to iK. dulgeinthe luxuries of the bible, we i. vrir wiiiiito- fo niiniu iht x- !..,,. ...- --.j ........0 .. . ... v..... ..v, uuiiy nver seen a staple article of 1 cuet an- iiii;..w nuine lux - , . n f " . T11 ?. diet an- proach more qlosely toward go uries than the contents of th meat. It is a splendid article, and should ne-m every nouse in sue lanu. usoneiess. i . J.V. i -1 : mid -prepared as it ia,ve frnink it will be found cheaper for family use, Ihau-meats usually purchased at the market btock. The cannery istoow in successful-opera- Stipn. " 3LOt!AI JOTTINGS. Harvey Pike will contract to paint tills weather. The Pomona yesterday reports four vessels outride, bound in. Capt. Mudge is preparing for a weeks hunt on the Molalla. six The new bell for the Catholic church In this city has arrived and is on the dock. Yesterday forenoon the sun shone at 8:.T.. !) :10, and 1 1 :0l. We make this note that people may understand the truth. ' The name of A. C. Kinney appeared in the out going tfst of passengers. This was not our Dr. Aug. C, who is now in Astoria. The City of York struck in the Wallawct. Why not take the dredger in your own collections district, brother Portlanders ? Mr. M. J. Kinnev was around yes terday attending to business just as tho ugh he had not been away to the sunny land of California. The Gen. Canby had to leave tor Ihvaco before time yesterday morning in order to be able to make ihe landing lclow on a favorable tide. The cost to the company the past few days in broken linesjrying to make landings in rough water, amounts to more than freight comes to. The Pomona, CapL Tanneek, like an old friend, dropped in upon us suddenly yesterday, without any notice whatever. We are greatly pleased to meet Capt. T.. ami friends who have accompanied him to Oregon on the voyage from New Zea land. The passed near to Pitcairn Is land and have furnished us with an xnr teresting sketch of the visit of those people, to the Pomona, which we shall publish on Tuesday. The .Sociable for the benefit of Mrs. Coe was a decided success, many f our most prominent citizens availing them selves of the opportunity to combine charity with pleasure. Mr. Peter Fox the floor manager attended to his duties with becoming dignity and grace, and was appreciated. .Several officers from the forts Ik'Iow were on hand and execu ted the Went Point step to perfection. j Even one appeared to enjoy themselves which is a sure guarantee that more pleasure of the kind would be appro- l,rinlel-v lionized Tiu; AsToniAX is in bad repute in certain (juartcrs .and sometimes our .statements are dis)utcd, but we never iuii a l ui iti isTij ib trimw iiirlv iiiirf.iii'i- flenting anx tliiiis?. K Job Poss would COHie hto 'our 0C(t juul teI1 lls aiat hu c0l.M j.dw-e jlcars Gf the foiirUi, fifth and sixth cnp, together Avith blossoms for a seventh cro". and the budding stem for bh ssoms (f the eighth crop tills season, we might say that we scarce ly believed him. But when he brings the fruit, and the blossoms, and the buds, that is oecuhir proof of the fact. This he did do, yesterday. Besides Pears, Mr. Poss laid on our table blackberries of the fourth, fifth and sixth crops, and blossoms and buds for the seventh and eighth cros from his vines in the same yard where the pears alwve referred to j but whcn Wc. a?e i)roHgilt t0 witness the fact we are compelled to make the slatc- ment. Last week Mrs. Ross preserved blackberries from the same stem from whieh the fruit was plucked that she preserved lat August. It M just a year since Dr. Rtrous- ! borer's difficulties cuhninn.tid. nnd now it is stated that he is deputed to "o and manage, in tJie interest of his creditors, the vast property which he formerly owned in Bohemia. Dr. 1 Strousberg's offences do not seem to i have been of a kind which are regard- ed as very heinous in a commercial country. He borrowed heavily from a joint stocK Dank m Moscow, and when a shrinkage in value took place it was found tb;s,t his securities would not nearly meet the advances made on j them. The shareholders were furious wj1 tne directors, and these in turn ' with Strousberg. lie ews to have ! lmide two rmrt crror3'- J?irst, he did ' noi pi'ovide for uiiforsecu contingeu- ...,,, ; ln snaP or a war, and, sec- ,, , , , , ' . ' .. ? ondly, he had far to many irons u i .1 t. i ,J , ! the fcre; but no was entirely apan from nncLibove the class of mere vul lii t inere gar adventurers. His history is a ro- ntmnn rtf i:fV ,i i, M. ,i ,u throng the British embassy at Berlin on gala occasions will for many a day look at its saloons with curious inter- est as the whilom Jiome of ihe Euro- . pean fyfont.e Cristo of speculation. ' CITY ITEMS . Bv the rcoucsf?of many citi- zensJrVfl LihAjHi I open'a Dancing Academy at all. on or about November 1, the latest and modern styles g will he taught by first class Good music will he in attend- all of the classes. Parties get ting tin a private club-can have lessons pri ate. Children's chiss Samrday after noon, and soiree every Saturday even ing. For further particulars, inquire of (Jeo. W. Cornart, at Cornnrt's music store, Chenamus street, next door to Dement's. Hamburger ffllr cheap dry Ivertisement. . g vou want Uiiit is nice in line, can bo found at Ad- apest prices. io.se 'jrae'ccis e.re neaiana cneap at A( v is scarce but vou' do not need much monev to trade at Adler's. Tillamook caiuicd clams lor sale at E. s. Larsen's. Mrs. Arrigoni is furnjshing good rooms v. it h board at from . to 67 and upwards per week, according to location. Choice new sets of crockery, very unique and no el: aJso the self-righting 'spittoon."' that ahvavs kt&ps upright, just received tuid'seiling at pfjees to suit the times. afc,JW. Ca.e;s. Hoard ami lodglngcan be had at Mrs. Muiwnfs at reasonable rates. The best cooking apples and pears in the city are to be found at Bozorth's, who also keeps a full stock of fresh veg etables constantly on hand at tlie lowest prices- Call and'be convinced. You can always gel fresh oysters i .every style and at all hoifrs, day or night, at tlie Central Coffee .Saloon. Con comhy street, between Benton and La fayette. Thos. McFarland, proprietor. Astoria Liquor Store. II. Marx & Co.. proprietors. Sole agents for-Charle. Penstock 6z Co.. St. Louis. Io. Ameri ca's finest Stonewall whisky, Snow Hill fire. Cooper whisky. For sale by ail gen eral dealers and saloon keepers. 'Depot and Branch House of Marx & Jorgen sen, Portland. Oregon. Dry goods, millinery and notions cheap for thirty days at the Bee Hive. ....The Dance of Life, an answer to the Dance of Death, at the Circulating Library. Dr. F. P. Hicks, dentist, rooms in Dr. Welch's building, on Squomoqha street, offers 1ms services to the public of Astoria. Peter Runcy is still in the market with all kinUs of 'building materials in his line. Has just received l()o,C00 lath, J.WK) bushels of sand, arieSi large stock of first qualify of bnelrarjiis warehouse foot of Benton street. stoves and fall goods for house keepers in great variety at L. P. Rich man Sz Co's. The '-Dance of Life," an answer iothe Dane of Death, by Mrs. .). M. Bowers. For sale at the City Book Store. Board and lodging bv thedav or week at tlie Astoria Beer llyll. Main street. Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro prietor. Singh men feel like marrying when they see the Medallion range at L. 1. Richman & Co's. ...Fresh oysters in every style at Schmeer's. "White wire goods in every si vie. at L. P. Richman & Co's. Dr. . R. Freelandhas located per manently In Astoria for the practice of dentistry. Office in minister's building, on Cass street, next door to Tin: Asto iuax office. jKrPhotogrnphs! The latest styles taken at Slnister's new gallery, Catb si., next to the Abtorian office. .C- For clean towels, sliarp razors, and an ea-y shave, go to Gillespie alPAit kki: House Baths. ILiireutting, sham poiining, and dyeing. fJtSTLittle Van has reestablished himseif at the old corner., refreshed by hi late journey to the Atlantic states, and will a formerly attend to all orders in hia line a? general jobbr.r. siJS'OTIlEll VICTOIiY GAINED IX FA VOR OF SPECIE PAYMENTS. After'this date, coin will be used for change. and tickets dispensed with: all drinks and cigars five and ten cents, at the Chicago House, Main street. Astoria. X. WEIMAX. Astoria, Oct. .'J, ls77. SOMETHING XE1- For til ass ware. Crockery, Powder and Shot, dun Wads. Percussion Caps. in fact everything that is useful as well a ornamental, go to J. W. Gearhart, win io sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered fiee of cliarsre. Can'ahy DiiiDS for -sale at Gilles-pie's-, Parker hou-e baths. The latest shipping papers and homo- ward and outward bound shipping lists are kept on file Telegraph olllce next door. . ;Merchants wishing the popular j customer and merchant, obviates any di- tinted claims, and in many waj-s makes It it:most.deirabl mode of transacting a vcndtt business. ,Try u dftm.. ictd ....CaWCwi goxls. ee ; . ...-JU1MIUB the -.ttionent ler- ;k the clif III CIS. Shir-masti::: ? Rkatuxo- Ropn.-Mr. ror, &m Francisco, concludes a eier ilhehn has permanently fitted ur to heP j0Hrnai descriptive up a shipmaster s reading room m con- n;., , fv tWi' rir ,, i,:itl ( ..";:,... .;n. -!., n. i. :,. i ,.t.. ...t.. tlvinn tt IP to ROSeUlirg, Willie "credit cheek" can purclnw them at Tub ; snow-canned meuntains: her int AhTORiAX othce, at loa than Chicago hanstible forests; her green and for- aaae"' pnce. the checks are rapidly growing tnnv..iiVR . tvJrsWl bv such irreat 0eth n favor. 2,o busmen man who has ever nn, h -trfnl r:rprs nR ;,: mhmihui dough tried tie. system win ever ananuon it. it ,;; ,. ; . .i . . p-.Vp o i..i. i :.. i.. ... i.... and W:dhim.ir. ton in with fish: cixe a cai'rik. uiui . ki'f'iiiiiir. wiiuiiu in.w in rifirit -vr ---- - r - -w .-3 -i .xi-.--i ..... .- , wrnj OREGON NEWS AND NOTES. A. R. Shipley, of Oswego, has been appointed acting Master of the Oregon state grange during the absence of V'm. Cyrus at the national grange, which meets at Cincinnati, on the 21st of November. The Standard says that there is a large number of unemployed men in Portland seeking for work. If they would go out into tlie country and take contracts of clearing up farms so that fanners could afford to have the work done, they could get all tlie work they want. Hardin Nolan, who eloped with the wife of his cousin in Washington couiviy last summer and was captured in Astoria, pleaded guilty at the pres ent term of the Circuit court, in Mult nomah county and found guilty of adultery and sentenced to the peni tentiary. The Yamhill Reporter says: all kinds of fruit and vegetables may be seen, almost any day, in almost any stage of growth. In one garden near here are potato vines bearing blossoms as well as fully matured potatoes; in another we find blackberries ripe and luscious besides blossoms and green berries, while almost any of our farm er's orchards will show numerous ex hibits of the same kind among apples. Has the vegetable instinct predicted that our moderate seasons are going to be perpetual, or what are they try ing to do? The Hillsboro Independent says: 1-1,000 bushels of wheat, stored in the Hillsboro warehouse company's build ing was brought last Monday by L. L. Williams for $1 10 h per bushel with sacks. The price has dropped since to 1 1G1 17. Harrison Humphreys, who now lives near Scholls ferry, says a man in that neighborhood hauled a load of wheat to Portland this week and sold it for 1 25 without eacks, and another man from the same neigh borhood hauled his in the same day sold it for 1 23. So it would ap pear that wheat has not declined at Portland. Among those who suffered from pickpockets at the State fair, were Hon. Hiram Smith, $15; Mr. Dufur,' 120; It. Imbrie, $1S0; Tom Morgan, a 250 gold watch; Mr. Beck of Port land, 11;- Geo. Ooggins of Portland, 100. It is said that Coggins pulled out his money and boasted that the scalawags could not get it and before a half hour they had it. They also captured Mr. Perkins of Yamhill by selling liini a buggy, in a wagen shop, while the owner was out, and took his check on a bank in Portland for 1,500 paj'ing him the difference and then got him into a little game and captured check, money and all, but payment on the check was stopped by the bank. The McGibony family were ad vertised o sing in Grass Yalley, Cali fornia, on tlie 13th of this month. They have received many complimen tary notices from the press of that state. The" government snagboat has ar- J rived from the upper Wallamet and will be tied up for the winter, the ap propriation being exhausted. Over 1,000 snags, stumps, etc., have been removed from the Wallamet hy this craft the past season. Dora DarmoreoOtbe Mission Mir- let of a on a smfc visit to tlys state, as follows, j "In conclusion. lean truthfully say that Oregon has morcnatimil advan tages, and a combination of pictures- iie landscape superior to any ytato- which 1 have ever seen. Her lofty, ;x' ber moist and equable climate, ami fruitful soil, make her one of the I most desirable states in the union 1 .in. which to n-aHe.a homo" NEWS AND NOTES. The Dutch are still at war in Achen, and lately lost .tAvo oflicers and sixty men, while eighty were wounded. Tne Achenese lost only thirty-eight killed and wounded. There Is to'be an exhibition of fine arts in Turin in 1879, and the Minis ter Public Instruction has offered sev eral prizes for the best works in paint ing and sculpture. One Harvard 'student is paying his way through college by turning his room into a stationery and book store, and another, a graduate from Wes leyan University, is meeting his ex penses at the laAV school by working m a barber's shop. Laieiy in the Lembcrg assembly (Austrian Galicia) Count Krufcowinski said: "We farmers are all "bankrupt; there are not ten persons in this as sembly who are an exception." Mortg ages bearing interest at 10 and 12 per centum have brought matters to this pass. A number of old cast iron carron ades, which have for many years been regarded as obsolete and unserviceable, ave being utilized by the British" war department. A full battery has been sent to Dover Castle, and many more are being modernized at the royal gun ' factories. A Swedish Moody, a young man of 24:, E. A. Skosberg, by name, has been conducting a series of most sue- cessful revival meetings in Minnesota. He is said to be a speaker much like Moody, simple, earnest and eloquent, of fine personal appearance, and a giftsd singer as well. The rapidity with which the Ger mans adopt every improvement in means and methods of warfare is shown by the fact that all the guns carried by the sliips of the Cerman navy, or mounted in the fortifications on the shores of Germany, are breech loading rifled ordnance. The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railroad company have paid for sixty-five of the eighty-one lives lost at the Ashtabula disaster, at a rate averaging 5,000 a piece. The most expensivelifa sacrificed cost the company 9,000, and a 'newly-married couple were appraised at only 3,000. -Dr. Pv. Beverly Cole of San Fran cisco possesses an interesting relic in the shape r f an onyx snuff-box, lined with gold and bearing on tha lid a mosaic representing a landscape three inches long, and consisting of 9,000 pieces of stone, so artistically put to gether as to resemble a delicately finished picture on ivory. The box was presented by the Empress Jose phine to her surgeon, whose grandson, gave it to Dr. Colo. ' Another turf scandal lias occurred in France. At the Lyons races, Daron de Roehetaiilee, ruling his own horse Compere, was observed palpably to be pulling him hard ten yards from the post. Ho was hooted on tlie . course by the losers of bets. The Lyons racing committee holding the meeting interdicted him from running horses for ono year. This comparatively ciomsiy; senten.ee is grounded on the fact that he had no bets against his horse, -but wished 'not to win so that Compere might not have to carry extra weight m a coming race for wluch he was entered. At Kanthlai, Ceylon there is a magnificent tank on a scale so enor mous that it would cost more than live million dollars to erect it. Jt was con structed about A. D. 275. Still more remarkable is the great store tank of Kalowewa. Its circumference is sup posed to have been hardly less than thirty miles, and it was kept full by two rivers. Channels extended from it over fifty nles, which conveyed an unfailing supply of water to certain, large store tanks and thence to minor village tanks. The Ceylon govern ment propose to gradually restore many of these great works. Heie we see -how the ancients prevented famines. Since .the beginning ,cf the war three large manufactories have been established in Russia for the prepara tion of .condensed forage .fqr the cav alry horses of the J&ussian army. In the establishment at j3t- Petersburg there are five large ovens, capable or" turning out over 30.000 'pounds in 24 hours. The food is composed of oat imeaL per.-fiour, rye-meal, and ground linseed, a small quantity of sa't being . inf. constituents are kneaded er iji large wooden trougln, the being afterward rolled. out hi 'a bout as thick as a man's finger, iuitui mro aiscnraoi uiree ami a hair inches diameter. These ae tliep . dried in tlie ovens, and finally strum? 1 on wiresf or transport. 4. ; a $ r. V , - . "s s