The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, October 27, 1877, Image 1

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Vol. 3.
Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, October 27, 1877.
No. 123.
"t 'HI,, iM " tii"-jmj.
(Monday Excepted),
Aatoriaii Building, Cass Street.
Terms of Subscription :
fcerved by Carrier, per week .2-1
Sent by mail, four months
IScntby mail, cne year.
Tree of Postage to Subscribers.
.5:5 (H)
.. a 00
B3r"Advcrticaienis inserted by thoycar at
the rate of $1 .") per S'liiarc per month.
Transient adrortiinp, bv (lie day or week,
fifty cents jer s.jua e for each insertion.
To City Subscribers.
There arc such fro iiient chanpes in the resi
dence of our city pations that, tve ?hall feul
oblitred to any who make such changes if they
will report the same to thi-olsce. Other trite
wo shall not be rc-j.oji-iLIt' for failuies of the
earner to deliver the paper piozuptly and
regularly to them.
Tjrc Weekly Astoijiajn in vr,ii
pers for sale at the counting room of this
office to-day. Price 10 cents. .Semi a
copy to your friends in the East.
Very little freight is offering in
Honolulu. The, bark Discovery will
load for Honolulu at one of the Puget
Sound mills.
Judging from the amount of broken
Oina jibber made use of by Shn Ohcs
female tenants yesterday u rebellion in
the Chinese empire is imminent.
If reports are true one of the Clar
endon hotel proprietors. Poitland, will
soon have an accomplished laxly assist
ant, a partner for liTe. from a point not
3090 miles outride of Astoria.
Mr. J. W. RoMj, of he law firm of
Robb & Fulton of this city, leceived a
visit this week from Mr. Wm. Beeves of
Puget Sound, an old class-mate, and has
.accompanied him up the valley, to be
absent from home about three weeks.
Mr. Joseph Medley left a bouquet of
pear blossoms ;tf. our office yesterday,
which he plucked from a tree in his gar
den in this city. They remind one of
spring, and cause a fo-gcu ulness of such
storms as passed over the city night bt -
fore last
. .
Capt Wobcken who was left ill in
;San Fiancisco when the Ilenriette sailed
for this port has since died. Capt Brown
lias been promoted as master, and the
second officer of the Alma goes ;is first
officer of the Hnrieite in place of Capt.
Brown, promoted.
A Postal card of the 11th front east
St. Louis, informs us of the safe arrival
.there of It It Marion from this city.
Dick says lie aid not nave tune nor con
venience for dropping a line by the way.
but anived safe, and is enjoying him
self first rate.
The success with which Messrs. Al
len & Lewis have handled the codfish
cargo of the Pato, ought to stimulate
that trade in thciutiire. If canneries
were to order cargoes of codfish like that
they could be put upon the market in
various shapes with profit
Bozorlh has our corn 17 feet high,
from La Du's. The Or gonhm was com
pelled to acknowledge 4the corn"' was
just as we have suited. If the Oregonian
was honest and honorable itself in all
filings it would not so oiien need corrob
orative evidences, perhaps.
Damages to shipping, by the worst
storm Asloiia ever knew, night before
last amount to $.'375. We will wager a
new hat that the Portland dailies will
try to make it appear that the storm was
n d 1 of a blow, and actually hoisted
the Nimbus out of water and placed her
on the front porch of Col. Taylor's new
house, (or some other ridiculous posi
tion) where it required an outlay of thou
sands to repair damages. Who takes
this bet?
The committee on uniform, appoint
ed by Rescue Engine Co. No. 2, desire us
to state that the shirts ordered, aie com
pleted and members can have the same
by calling at the paint shop of Sheppaid
& Stockton, on Ma;n Street Those who
have not ordered can leave orders there
also. The committee wi&h to make a
linal report on uniform at tjienext meet
ing. A sample hat and belj has just ar
rived from New York, which taken in
connection with the shirt makes a nobby
suit and compares very favorable" with
t the handsome, steamer. The company
' propose giving a'gfand ball on Thanks
giving night in lull uniform, for the
benefit of the company; of which due
.noticetfvill be given,
Range lights for St. Ilelen bar are
now in order.
The Orizaba will leave here to-day
for San Francisco. J
Thunder, lightning: hail and rain,
night before last
Geo. II. Woodward is stirring up the
Oregon fever in Vermont
The Earl Granville lost two anchors
off the bar day before yesterday.
Invalids drink star ale and porter as
a tonic. Strauss has it at wholesale.
The Mattic Macley took a pilot off
toe bar on the 24th, and arrived yester
day. The Rufus E. "Wood was moored at
Flavel's wharf yesterday to receive bal
ance of cargo.
The cargo of the Palo has been ele
gantly put up for market by Allen &
Lewis of Portland. ,
Capt J. G. Hustler is confined to his
bis. room by a serious attack of chronic
1 heumatism.
The Mattie Mad cay came up from
Honolulu in l.J days. Pilot Staples
brought her in.
If it had n't been for the hail and
ram storm night before last we should
have visited Tongue point yeste'day.
If Bismark hail not sent Bull to Aus
tralia by the Sea Waif Jie would enter
him for a prize at the dog show in Trisco.
The gieat truth of the scripture,
'Behold iiow great a lire a little matter
kindleth,' don't apply to slab wood in
The bay was somewhat rough night
before last, but it did not prevent Thad
Barr from reaching the Occident shav
ing saloon yesterday.
We hope Uq citizens of Albany will
stand by their neat little Daily Observer.
It is a credit to Oregon journalism, both
as to make up and get up.
Work in the E. A, degree, at Tem
ple Lodge No. 7. A. F. A. M. this
evening. Besides which the petition of
Astor Lodge K. o" P. will be acted upon-
Mr. G. W. Cornart has again placed
us under obligations to linn by leaving
upon our table a new piece of music pub
lished by Sherman & Hyde. Thanks,
George, "may your shadow never grow
We are forever making blunders.
Now it is the Ordway for the Wonder.
Will Mr. Weidler please paint one of
those smoke stacks, so that people can
tell the Ordway from ihe Wonder?
It is expected that the Elder and the
Orizaba will both proceed to sea to-morrow.
This may be Commodore Connor's
last trip to Oregon, before bringing the
new steamship State of Oregon out from
New York.
The West Riding is reported to have
.struck on Clalsop spit yesleida coming
in. under the pilotage of Capt Clements,
who came up in her as coast pilot If
we arc not mistaken Capt. Clements has
been there before. We did not learn the
extent of damages done 4o the West
Riding, but it is possible more than the
loss of considerable chain and anchor.
We are pained to learn that Capt
Wm. Koerner. of this city, master of the
bark Sierra Nevada, was taken with
henionhageof the lungs on his arrival
at Honolulu, from Newcastle, X. S. W.,
three days before the Mallie Maeleay
sailed. A note rom CapL Hubbard of
the Falkiubtirg informs his relatives
here that recovery appealed to be almost
impossible. M Koerner is a son-in-law
of Mr. Charles Stevens of Astoria. Mrs.
Koerner is with her husband. They
lost their only child on the passage iroin
New York to Australia.
Saturday last says the Record, Mr.
Frank M. Bcwley received one of those
surprises that don't happen every day in
this wicked weild: and one that does
our heart good to record. About five
years ago Frank signed a note as indor
ser for a particular friend of his who
was starting in business in East Port"
land. Misfortune overtook the business
affairs of the East Portland mechanic,
and wheu the note matured Frank was
called upon to pay it? It cost him $o2G,
a goodly sum that Frank had scraped
together by hard work, but he paid it
without growling and charged it to "ex
perience account' Frank's friend drop
ped out of sight and for long years never
a word from him until last Saturday
when Cal. Scoville, of Wells, Fargo &
Co., drove up and got Frank's receipt for
a package containing $7r0, and a note
from his lriend, dated at Philadelphia,
stating that the balance would be forth
coming at an early day. Frank consid-
ers the money as good as found.
all on namburger for'cheap dry
See advertisement,
nythiiurvpu want that is nice in
the .stationewWiTu can bet mm at Ad
ler's at the tieape-sj prices.
Thosf brackets are neat and cheap
at Adlers.
Monly is tarce but you do no
need muchnonf to trade u Adler's.
TillaimwiR canned cla is for sale
at E. S. Larben's.
Anv person iilwant of buildi
materials fromRune whartduri
absence, can get the !
to T. S. Jewett, or A. lngr
Genuine Louis ana JlfinVdozers
(five shooters), at AdfT.v
Mrs. Arrigonm ifffurnishing good
rooms with board afrfrom ?( to $7 and
tipwards per week, according to location.
Choice new sets of crockery, very
unique and nevel: also the self-righting
".spittoon." that always keeps upright,
just received and selling at prices to
suit the times, at I. W. Case's.
Hoard and lodging can be had at
Mrs. Miinson's at reasonable rates.
The best cooking apples and pears
in the city aie to be found at Bozortlfs.
who also keeps a full stock of fresh veg
etables constantly on hand at the lowest
prices. Call aud'be convinced.
You can always get fresh oysters
in every style and at all hours, day or
night, at i li Central Coffee Saloon, Con
comly street, between Benton and La
fayette. Thos. MeFarland, proprietor.
Astoria Lb 1 or Store. II. Marx &
Co.. proprietors. ole agents for Charles
llcb.stock & Co.. St Loiiis, Mo. Amcri-
I ca s linest Stonewall whisky, Snow Hill
lire. Cooper whihky. lor sale by all gen
eral dealers and saloon keepers. Depot
and Branch House of Marx & Jorgen
sen, Portland. Oregon.
Dry goods, millinery and notions
cheap for thirty days at the Bee Hive.
The Dance or Life, an answer to
the Dance of Dea.'i, at the Circulating
Dr. F. P. Hicks, dentist rooms in
Dr. Welch's building, on Squeinoqha
street, offers his services to the public of
Peter Runev is still in the market
with all kinds of building materials in
his line, lias just received 100.000 lath,
2.000 bushels of sand, and a large stock
of lir-t quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street
...Stoves and fall goods for house
keepers in great variety at L. P. Rieh
nian & Co's.
The "Dance of Life," an answer
to the Dance of Death, by Mrs. J. M.
Bowers. For sale at the City Book Store.
Board and lodging by the day or
week at the Astoria Beer Hall, Main
street, Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro
Single men feel like marrying
when they see the Medallion range at L.
P. Richman & Co's.
...Fresh oysters in every style at
Sen nicer s.
White wire goods in every style,
at L. P. Richman & Co's.
Dr. B. R. Freeland has located per
manently in Astoria for the practice of
dentistry. Office in Shuster's building,
on Cass street, next door to Tin: Asto
mxs office.
.JSrPhotographs! The latest styles
taken at Shuster's new gallery, Cass bt,
next to the Astorian office.
f& For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an easy shave, go to Gille-pio at Par
ker House Baths. Hair cutting, &huin
pcuming, and dyeing.
tfSLittle Van has reestablished
himseif at the old corner, refreshed by his
late journey to the Atlantic status, and
will n- formerly attend to all ordeis in his
line as goncuil jobber.
After this date, coin will be used for
change, and tickets dispensed with; all
drinks and cigars Ww1 and ten cents, at
the Chicago House, Main street, Astoria.
Astoria, Oct .?, 1877.
For Glassware, Crockery, Powder and
Shot Gun Wads, Percussion Caps, in
fact everything that is useful as well as
ornamental, go to .1. W. Gcarhart who
sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered
fiee of charge.
Cxsxby Birds. for sale at Gilles
pie's, Parker house baths.
Smr-MASTEif s Reading Boon. Mr.
Peter Wilhelm has permanently fitted
up a ship-master's reading room in con
nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria.
The latest shipping papers and home
ward and outward bound shipping lists
are kept on file. Telegraph office next
door. ammtmm
3The corpse of a business mar
who had never advertised during ts
whole life, was secured by one of our
Eastern medical colleges and placed in a
dissecting repm, where the young would
be doctors went to work on him. They
found him very tough. He hid been so
close in nil his dealings that the very ar
teries and veins had become, in the latter
part of his life, so contracted that he had
not for years enjoyed good health. His
heart was black and calloused at the lower
end. He also bad a white liver, which
was very knotty in places, Business men
who do not advertise should take warninc
I frqm that poop unfortunate wretch,
The Workingmen's Platform.
Following is the text of the Chicago
workingmen's platform, as telegraphed
to the St. Louis Glebe:
Whereas, The two great political
parties of the United States, within
the pasFt-Scht or ten years, have failed .
to legishrfcfcAiTubehalf of the producing
WrreR E,lw labor was ordained bv
me command, and is the only true
of the peoples happiness and
prosperity, and the ome sure producer
of wealth, jiower anoTcivilization;
therefore, be it
Resolved, That we, the workingmen
of the city of Chicago and state of
Illinois, do hereby repudiate the re
publican and democratic parties.
J)C it further resolved, That we rec
ommend to the industrial classes of
the Union, whether agricultural, me
chanical or commercial, and all others
who sympathize in our views on im
mediate organization to promote the
general welfare and shape hencefor
ward the true policy and legislation of
the country, basing our action on the
following principles and purpeses:
1. That we demand the repeal of
the resumption act of January 14,
1S75; the remonetizatipn and free
coinage of the silver dollar, the per
petuation of the Treasury note as a
legal tender for all dues and demands.
2. Eight hours the standtird by
which wages shall be paid.
3. Arbitration committees for the
adjustment of all disputes between
capital and labor.
4. Prohibition of the nse of prison
labor by private emplo3Ters.
5. Prohibition of the continuance
of labor in factories and else
where by children under twelve years
of age.
G. Liberal application of the funds
for educational purposes.
7. Reduction of taxation and econ
omy in all governmental expenses,
whether federal, state or municipal.
8. Abolition of duties on the ne
cessities of life, the burden of which
is borne by the ncorer classes.
9. Opposition to chiss legislation.
10. The enactment of laws com
pelling employers to pay their employ
ees on or before the loth of each
month for labor performed in the pre
vious month.
11. The immediate improvement of
the water ways of the state and na
tion. 12. The reserving of the public land,
the heritage of the people, for the ac
tual settler; not another acre for rail
roads or speculators.
13. That evidence of indebtedness,
national as well as personal, be taxed.
14. The establishment of state and
national bureaus of labor statistics.
15. The prompt and effectual pun
ishment of official defaulters.
10. The removal of unjust technic
alities, delays and discriminations in
the administration of justice, and the
establishment of a more speedy pro
cess for the collection of wages.
17. A return to early principles by
letting the office seek the man, and a
firm refusal to support professional
Amende Honorable.
A few days ago, in our local jot
tings, there appeared an expression
which, we regret to say accused one cf
Ihe faithfully honest men of Portland
of embezzlement. The Columbian
calls the matter up, and we indorse
the remark it makes. Referring to
the same matter in one of Portland
dailies, the Columbian says:
One of our daily contemporaries
takes occasion to unjustly question the
honor and honesty of ex-school clerk
Murray, on the simple grounds that he
had made the same mistake that any
other book-keeper in existence might
make failed to enter up a check.
Because of this error the paper in ques
tion has reason to believe that there
are other discrepancies and meanly
casts stigma upon the name of one
who, while he is unfortunate is never
theless honest, as we candidly believe.
It is a very low species of journalism
that will purposely drag beforo the
public an unfortunate man and there
abuse him, becausejjof his very weak
At the time we referred to "the
three defaulting school clerks of Port
land district Iso. 1," we had not a
clear understanding of the case. We
regard Mr. Murray as one of most
strictly honorable men in this State.
If he were not such he would to-day
be rich (in filthy lucre), as his chances
for stealing have been inunense the
past afoten yearg,
Comity Roads.
-ow that Clatsop county 13 begin-
nmS to awaken a new interest in the
matter of public roads, the following
froni a correspondent concerning how
the thing was done in Michigan may
nofc hR ant of dte:
Where will yon find better roads
than there are in Michigan, and why ?
Because they had a practical system to
work upon. "When the state was new
the town commissioners received bids
and let out jobs, cutting ont the roads
four rods wide. And in a few years
all the timber was cut out and then
turn-piking was commenced. And
what was the result? Why, in a few
years Michigan could boast of having
good roads. Xo Ahere between here
and Astoria is as bad as I have seen it
in old Michigan, when she was new.
And such a thing as lawing in a coun
try where there are good roads never
was heard of.
There is much discussion in view
of the probability that diplomacy wiT1
secure peace in Europe during the
enforced suspension of operations by
the advent of winter. As to the fu
ture of grain, trusted western corres
pondents assert that a large proportion
of farmers are holding wheat for higher
prices, notwithstanding the London
Times significantly hints that they may
loose by the operation, in view of the
fact that while our shipments of grain
have thus far been smaller this year
than last, England has materially in
creased her supply. It is a question
whether, if the war be ended during
the winter, bredst tiff's will not have v.
heavy fall.
To Our Business Men. Follow the
advice given below, and vou are sure
to succeed in your business. Read it
and see if it is not sensible: "Blow
your own horn. Yes, gir3 it a good
bl;st, and let modesty blush if she
will. This false delicacy has been
the stumbling block of thousands of
real good and capable men. Make a
noise; it will attract somebody. Let
the world know that you are alive
and intend to drive things until you
get to the top of the hill and make :
fortune. To the men of energy ant'
perseverance mountains are but mob'
hills. ;Tis only the drones that fail.
They are always looking on the blaci.
side, predicting disaster, always com
plaining of hard times, always wait
ing for something to turn up. Snc"
men will never find good times, no
prosperity. Neither will they eve
find friends or admirers among firs -class
business men. If you woul :
succeed in anything, don't stand stil
Go ahead. Don't be afraid. Do somt -thing.
If you don't blow the hon
somebody else will, but not for you.
benefit except 'in a horn.1
The Leading Wind is the pretiie A
ship in port We can safely vouch ft .
this for we have inspected the craft aiu!
having some nautical experience w
know what we are speaking of. We en
erted ourselves to the utmost to discovi 1
a daw in her executive officers, and fai
ed, allnough we examined her ve:
closely abatt and between decks, even
the keelson. Everything was the ver
acme of seamanship. Cleanliness a -peaied
to bt the attainment desired, ai.
it was evidently attained, for she look,
as neat as a new pin, which natural"
reflects in a complimentary manner 1 .
the chief officer, Mr. Pinkham, a gentb
man so comteous that he must be kind
remembered to all of us. There are c. -riosiiies
aboard, also a lion, who is i. -miliar
to those employed, but no strang
er dares to go near the galley, for tl. .
ominous growl warns him not to tre-
pass. This same ferocious animal : .
useful, for by direction from the con -mantling
officev he will convey anythii.
that is wanted from forward to aft t c
vice versa. Such an attractive specimen
of naval architecture is sure to attra-"
the attention of shippers, and we wit
her success wherever she sails. Her el- -ganfc
cabins invoke complimentary e: -pressions
from all. And a more geni: l
commander would be difficult to obtain
in any couuhy. u.
D. D. Prettyman, of Salem, Orego
desires information regarding the pre
ent whereabouts of a paity of imm.
grants, who leCt Clarkcsville, Arkansa
the lolh of April last, under the leadei
s,hip of Rev. Jesse Marshall, bound fr
Oregon, s'nee which time nothing has
been heard form them, and h) Js feared
some calamity has befallen tftem.
' V