The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, October 26, 1877, Image 1

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Tol. 3.
Astoria, Oregon, Friday Morning, October 26, 1877.
UTo. 122.
p rfl
give gaHi3 kSt2irox.
(Monday Excopictl),
Abtorian JJuMding, Caxs titrcct.
terms of Subscriptien:
dorvod ljy Carrier, per week.
?ant by mail, four month.....
izuiit by mail, cne year. ...
Tree of Postage to SuUscriburc.
.23 Cents
$. W
y ou
nBF Advertisements inserted by the year at
4,he rate of $1 ."V per -"inure per month.
Transient adverti.-ins, by tJio d.i.v or wool:,
fifty cents per juare for ouch ltt-uilion.
To City Subscribers.
There are such fre lucnt changes in (he rci
dencu of our city pntrons. ihnt wo j-hall feel
obliged to any who make such cbanyo if they
will report the .:iiue to thi:? office. UllionvNc
wof-htill not he roHiiwUc for failures of the
euirier to deliver the imjer pioiuptly and
regularly to them.
If we are to have the Dew public
school house next year it is time the rou
tine work was begun, so that the suc
cessful contractor may have an opportu
nitv to get the materials on the ground.
The. friends of Mr. Philip Condit
will regret to hear of his illness, at his
home on Clatsop plains.
Mrs. Carnahan of Clatsop, is quite
seriously ill in Salem, from the effects of
a pin scratch on her hand.
Mr. A. II. LiUle of Philadelphia,
gave us a call yesterday. We were much
pleased U see an old school mate, an un
usual occurrence now-a-days, and wish
him success in our burgh.
We were glad to see Charlie back
last evening looking so much recupera
ted. Young couples engaged will real
ize how beneficial it is for a young m:.n to
take a trip for his health.
Farmers and all others in want of a
cheap, durable pump, are recommended
to buy those Salem wood pumps. For
sale b;. Jackins & II awes. See adver
tisement. A pump may be seen in opera
tion in front of the telegraph office,
The carrier of the Daily Astokiax
started a flock of wild geese from J. C.
Trttllinger's orchard yesterday morning.
They Hew into Mrs. Trenchard's orch
ard, and when lie reached court-house
square the birds were just ready to alight
again at that place.
The causes assigned for the appea:
;ance of an unusual number of bear in
the settlements this fall, is owing to the
.scarcity of berries in the mountains.
Besides the destruction of Mr. Aber
nethyV) orchards, we. hear that bruin lias
been making raids in the stock pens of
various farmers in Pacific county. A
settler in the. Squemocqha valley lost live
hogs one night last week from bear.
It may be a species of amusement to
the sailors on boaid of ships in this har
bor to shoot at the gulls but if they are
2iot more careful somebody will be kill
ed. Yesterday a lady narrowly escaped
death frem a ball from the Abeona. If
,hip masters cannot put a stop to such
carelessness the pi oper authorities may
lie compelled to step in and see what the
strong arm of the law can do, to put a
.top to such practices.
Mr. Iliixford infonus us ihat In a
few short years, perhaps less than two
yoaifi, .Marion icounty will turn out as
line-cased fruit as any region of Ameri
ca, lie spent three weeks up there set
ting up a small cannery, and reports
that Mrs Kline, daughter of the late in.
Grceiwood. will have nine acres of the
.finest kind of blackberries, bearing fruit
for her cannerv within the time .speci
fied. "
Reports have been in icirculatic.22 to
the effect that Flem Chance, son of our
-accommodating P, M., had lost his life
bj drowning on the passage to Skipa
lion in a small boat a few days ago. It
turns out that Flem had a passion to
.shoot something, and went over to Clat
sop to try his rifle. The last heard from
him night before last wasio.the effect that
he had taken in a few of the feathery
tribe, and the story was corroborated by
.his return last evening with twenty-six
duck and nine geese. Good for Flem as
..a shootist.
Thi bee which Kinney's Astoria
tannery commence putting up to-day
will be what is known as compressed
corned beef. The cans are made square,
and the process is very different from
the usual inethod. The beef is first
.salted, th. it cooked and packed in the
tins, and alter wrds cooked in the tins.
It may be served hot or cold, and when
it conies out of the can resembles head
cheese. It is a very choice article. A
gentleman in the 'employ of Messrs.
Kinney, who has been in the employ of
eastern packing establishments, states
that he is greatly surprised to see the
quality of the beef he $s putting up here,
it is so far superior to anything they
have in the east. All the choice cuts of
the beef in the eastern packing estab
lishments are sold to the market.;, and
onlj the coarsest of the beef is canned.
Here all the choice parts are put up as
Along the Wharves.
Summer excursions to the forts have
The Chester got off in good shape
The Ancon did not go to sea until
The Leading Wind deserves a first
class charter.
The Adventurer finished loading
night before last.
The Astoria took the Drumclog to
bar-anchorage yesterday.
The BndelJ Day and Emily Chaplin
have both cleared for Queeiisiown.
The Ordway, with the Penshaw and
a barge left for Portland yesterday.
The Kufus E. Wood lies opposite
Hustler's dock, partly laden from Poit
land. The Kate L. llerron is ready and
waiting for a chance to lite out for Tilla
mook. The Buenos Ayres and Abeona were
yet swinging at anchor in the harbor
near the Nimbus yesterday.
The Yaruna looks like a clipper in
dry dock foot of Denton street. When
her new boiler arrives, and she is fixed
up and again takes to the water, she
will revive her name for fast running.
The hull is perfectly good yet for a num
ber of years.
Anvthiuafyou want that is nice in
the stat ioneryi ne, caif be found at Ad
ler's at the cheapest prices.
Those brackets (ire neat and cheap
at Adlers
Moner is scarce but you do uot
need much fnioney J trade at Adler's.
For your sleet music, go to Cor-
n art's: for ijiusfral instruments, go to
Cernarts: foVyour violin and guitar
strings, goto Cernart's: for everything
in the music line, go to Cornart's 'music
store. Ciicnanius street, next door to De
ment's drug store.
Tillamook canned clams for sale
at E. S. Larsen's.
Any person in want of building
materials froniBuney's wharf.during his
absence, can get the same bv applving
to T. S. Jewett, or A. Wing.
Genuine Louisiana Bull - dozers
(five shooters ). at Adler's.
Mrs. Arrigonni is furnishing good
rooms with board at from to $7 and
upwards per week, according to location.
Choice new sets of crockerv, verv
unique and nevel: also the self-righting
'spittoon." that always keeps upright,
just received and selling at prices to
suit the times, at 1. W. Case's.
I Joard and lodging can be had at
Mis. Munson's at reasonable rates.
The best cooking apples and pears
in the city are to be found at Bozortlys,
who also keeps a full stock of fresh veg
etables constantly on hand at the lowest
prices. Call and'be convinced.
You can always get fresh oysters
in every style and at all hours, day or
night, at thr Central Coffee Saloon. Con
comly street, between Denton and La
fayette. Thos. McFarland. proprietor.
Astoria Liquor Store, II. Marx &
Co.. proprietors. Sole agents for Charles
Bebsloek & Co., St. Louis, Mo. Ameri
ca's finest Stonewall whisky, Snow Hill
fire. Cooper whiskv. For sale bv all gen
eral dealers and saloon keepers. Depot
and Branch House of Marx & Jorgen
sen, Portland. Oregon.
Dry goods, millinery and notions
cheap for thirty days at the Bee Hive.
The Dance of Life, an answer to
the Dance or Death, at the Circulating
Dr. F- P. I licks, dentist, rooms in
Dr. Welch's building, on Squenioqha
street, offers his services to the public of
Peter Buncy is still in the market
with all kinds of 'building materials in
his line. Has just received 100.000 lath,
J.000 bushels of sand, and a large stock
of first finality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Denton street.
The End of a Bake.
The following particulars of the
death and burial of Sam. McDonald
is found in a special dispatcli to the
Chicago Times from Baltimere:
The deceased, though only twenty
nine years of ae, had, since attain
ing his majority and inheriting his es
tate of $500,000, led a life extraordi
nary for its profligacy. His father was
the millionaire, Wm. McDonald, owner
of Flora Temple, and his grandfather
Gen. McDonald, of Revolutionary
fame, and a commander of United
States forces here in the war of 1812-
14. Sam was precocious as a youth.
Efforts to educate him here and in
Europe were only partly successful,
although lie became an adept in the
manly art of self-defense, and a skill
ful gymnast. His twenty-first birth
day w:is celebrated by a magnificent
entertainment at his country seat,
1 'Guildford," now the residence of A.
S. Abell, of the Baltimore Sun.
Among the extravagant features was a
fountain from which sxrays of cham
pagne flowed. The company was the
elite of Baltimore society, which of-
If the astronomer Leverrier, who
was passing from life about the time
the moons of Mars were found, had
been still living, perhaps he would
have taken from that discovery fresh
hope of finding the so-called planet
Vulcan. This possible planet, conjec
tured by him and a few others to re
volve between Mercury and the sun,
is presumably larger, if it exist at all,
than the satellites found at last near
Mars. The Vulcanites will perhaps
pluck up their spirits from Mr. Hall's.
fered every attraction to the handsome
voung debutant. Rejecting these, he
found his pleasures among gamblers,
roughs and prostitutes, and entered
upon a career that disgraced himself
and his family. His father having
died, his mother, still a woman of ex
traordinary beauty, married Mr. De
Speyes, and now resides in Paris.
unitca dtates senator wnyte was
young McDonald's guardian, and made
every effort to reclaim him, but he
continued his vicious course. Finally,
in order to gratify more completely
his depraved tastes, he purchased
an estate at Terre Haute, Indi
ana, furnished it magnificently, and
within its walls held bacchanalian and
licentious revels. The most beautiful
women that he could obtain, and sport
ing characters were assembled at these
midnight orgies, and the scenes are
described as of the most revolting char
acter. The place soon become the
home of prostitutes and their pimps,
and was the terror of the town. In
1874 he returned to Baltimore on a
c i .i i r u,..r. visit, and while here he entered a sa-
.. Stoves and fa'l goods for house- . ' , a
ircs in great variety 'at L. P. Bich- loon and quarreled with Berry Amos a
sporting character. .During the quar
Mr. John Hancock, a settler welll
known in Walla Walla valley, has.
recently taken up a claim on the Alpo
wai, about four miles from the Snake
river, and reports that there is still
a large Amount of land in that neigh
borhood open to settlement. Persons
in search of good wheat lands are rec
ommended to visit that locality, as
without doubt in a year or two these
lands will become quite valuable.
With the building of light draft boats
to navigate the Snake river farmers
in that part of the country will be
able to ship their grain at a lower
figure than their Walla Walla neigh
bors, and this fact alone will greatly
enhance the value of the lands.
Three canneries will be putting up
beef next week. Messrs. John A. Dev
lin & Co., we understand, have com
menced. Kinney's Astoria cannery will
commence to-day. Hanthorne & Co..
will commence next week.
Our cow has arrived. She is a fine
little pet. A shot-horn, and a good
milker, less than two years old. She
dont look a bit like Welhelni's dog. The
ealf hasn't learned to drink yet. We
think of introducing him to Wilhelm's.
Nasby says that if it had been moon
light jsjght when his assistant went off
he could have told ir before it occurred.
He says that when you see a boy sitting
on the woodpile looking at the moon you
may know he meditates migration in
some direction.
Mr. Wm. Godfrey, an experienced
boiler m alter, wishes to enter upon his
business in Astoria. We hope he will
succeed in securing a favorable location,
as his would be a valuable acquisition to
the local industries of our fast rising
man te Co's.
The 'Dance of Life,' an answer
to the Dance of Death, by Mrs. .1. M.
Bowers. For sale at the City Book Store.
Board and lodging by the day or
week at the Astoria Deer Hall. Main
street, Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro
prietor. Single men feel like marrying
when they see the Medallion range at L.
P. Bichman & Co's.
...Fresh oysters in every style at
White wire good3 in every style,
at L. P. Bichman & Co's.
Dr. B. B. Freeland has located per
manently in Astoria for the practice of
iiciuisuy. umre in oiiiisicrs ouiiuiu,
on Cass street, next door to Tin: Asto
iiiax otlice.
i??"Photographs! The latest styles
taken at Shutter's new gallery, Cats bt-,
next to the Atori:m office.
iSr For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an easy shave, go to Gillespie at, Par
kkk House Baths. Hair cutting, hhum
pooning, and dyeing.
JBSLittle Yan lias reestablished
hiim-clf at the old corner, refreshed by his
bite journey to the Atlantic Mates, and
will a formerly attend to all orders in his
line us general jobber.
After this date, coin will be used for
change, and tickets dispensed with; all
drinks and cigars five and ten cents, at
the Chicago House, Main street, Astoria.
Astoria, Oct. a, 1877.
rel Amos was stabbed and killed. Mc
Donald was tried for the murder, but
by a skillful defense by Senator Whyte
w;is acquitted, although he was be
lieved by nearly all to have been the
murderer. Again efforts were made
to change his life, but without effect.
He returned to Terre Haute and re
newed his orgies, which were illustra
ted in some of the pictorials, showing
scenes of beautiful women, half nude
and intoxicated, enjoying the embra
ces of their paramours. About a year
ago he was dangerously ill, and Iris
mother returned from Paris. The last
effort was made to rescue him, but
without avail, as upon recovering he
renewed his licentious revels and sur
rounded himself with the vicious and
depraved of both sexes. His mother
visited him at his lodge, but even her
presence had no effect. He intrusted
her with 100,000, which 'she accepted
as a gift; but she subsequently refused
him 50,000. Apoplexy is said to
have caused his death. His princely
estate is supposed to have been almost
entirely squandered by his riotous
If you want to buy a watch on tick
do not ask Bergman & Berry to go se
curity for you. Ask Sam Harris, the
woultj-be partner of a mercantile firm
on Main street.
The editor of the Vancouver In
dependent, who is also a member of
the legislature, writes to hi3 paper as
follows: "The people of Seattle fail
ing in their terminus expectations. Ta
coma having earned away that honor,
are now casting around them for other
sources of greatness and metropolitan
importance. They are very anxious
for connection by wagon road with
Yakima and Walla Walla counties,
and to this end have recently organiz
ed a toll road company, and will ask
the legislature for an appropriation ot
ten thousand dollars to assist in the
work. I am informed the people of
Yakima county are willing and anxious.
to assist the project.
Grand Bep. Ezra St. John left Balti
more after the adjournment of the Grand
Lodge of Odd Fellows, intending to
visit Mr. W. S. Ladd in Vermont, where
he would receive the plans and specifi
c itions for some alterations which Mr.
well ;us the coarse, and when it is canned ; Ladd proposes to make to his Portland
For Glassware, Crockery, Powder and
Shot, Gun Wads. Percussion Caps, in
fact everything that is useful as well as
ornamental, go to J. W. Gearhart, who
sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered
free of charge.
A peculiarity of the defalcation
of Elijah Alliger, of the firm of Alli
ger Brothers, is, that 4none of the in
surance men of !M ew York or the offi
cers of the Commercial Union Assur-.
ance company of London, the company
he defrauded, charge him with the
guilt of intentional dishonesty. The
cause of all his trouble is said to have
been his credulous good nature, his,
utter inability to say no. If a friend
urged him to invest in a patent, he
could not resist: if another was in
trouble and needed a loan he was sure
to get it; and so, without gain to him
self, the dollars slipped away until he
suddenly turned out a defaulter to the
amount of about 140,000. The offi
cers of the English company now in
!New York city refuse to say anything
about him or his acts, or to make
charges against him, until his return
from Europe.
it turns out a solid mass of edible meat.
nice enough to set before a king. The
tanks at Messrs. Kinney's establishment
.were all full of meat yesterday under-
residence in the spring of 1K78.
We are in receipt of an interesting
letter from "a Xehalem Settler" on the
oing the corning process, and to-night road question, which we are compelled
t!ie first tank put down will be emptied, ' to consign to the waste basket as it does
and the second tank will be emptied to- not state to ns the name of the writer,
morrow, and by tomorrow night the pVe cannot depart from an established
first tank will be filled again. And so rule to print anonj'mous letters, however
ni the process will proceed, in a system-! interesting. Some things hv the letter
atic manner, so long as the Cojumbia j we do not endorse, but we are not re
river remains unobstructed by hae, ad- sponsible for the &ntiments and expres
mitting of the shipment of beef; cattle ' sions of correspondents, nor do we pub
f rom the bunch grass lands of eastern j lwh the name of a correspondent when
Oregon tolheslaughter house .near As- requested not to do so, but we want the
itopat . leforourQwnnurnose,
Canary Birds. for sale at Gilles
pie's, Parker hou-e baths.
Ship-ma sttek's Bkadixg Bkm. Mr.
Peter Wilheliu has permanently fitted
up a ship-masters reading room in con
nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria.
The latest shipping papers and home
ward and outward bound shipping lists
are kept on file. Telegraph otlice next
Having sampled Strauss' star ale
and porter, we can consistently recom
mend the article as a Xo. 1 neplusultra
quality. The best we have seen in the
cit .
Wheat King There is but one way
to compete with the .wheat ring at Port
land. Forma ring for pools on wheat
in store at Astoria. Wheat afloat at As
tiria is always on a par with wheat
afloat at San Frandseo JRecollect that
At Farns worth's boat shop in the
upper-town 7 and 8 feet oars are made
and sold at from 1 50 to 1 7.r per pair.
Mr. Farnsworth is prepared to turn out
fishing boats, and small boats of every
kind, from oak timber.
It would be difficult to gather a more
interesting congregation than those as
sembled at the "Gem" last evening to
"witness the exciting game of billiards
between -Pete' and a certain nautical
gentleman who was under Die impres
sion that he could get away with most
everybody who indulged in the fascina
ting game of billiards. But he met his
match, his superior in fact, who walked
away with him in a manner which must
add popularity to this popular resort of
nautical gentlemen temporally sojourn
ing with us. It is a noticeable fact that
gentlemen of the sea instinctively har
bor at the "Gem' where the shipping
lists of the principal ports of the world
are always on file, and other induce
ments tHat can be appreciated only by
those who visit there. As these periodi
cals are necessarily an extra expense to
the proprietor, wc trust he rill be
appreciative patr,qiizek . .
In July last, .Richard Shuck was
hanged at Owenton, Ky., for the mur
of his father-in-law. On the scaffold
he proclaimed lus. innocence, and said
others had committed the crime for
which he suffered. Shuck left a writ
ten confession, acknowledging his own,
connection with a band of outlaws
who, disguised as Ku-kluk, committed
many murders and robberies. Since
that event one ot the outlaws he named
was arrested in Henry county. This
fellow, Dave Carter, to save himself,
squeeled on the whole gang, confirmt ct
Shuck's confession in all particulars
and stated that he did not kill his
father-in-law. This statement of Car
ter produced a great sensation through-
out Kentucky giving, as is does, in
formation upon which four others have
been arrested, and the facts demon
strate the existence of a band of
I scoundrels numbering over a hundred,
whose depredations extend from fho
Ohio river to the Cu,mberlwad isoutn