J O) Efea u h- Jl glxs uiltj Qsiexxmx ASTOHIA Oct. 24. 1877 PORT OP ASTORIA. Tislo Tnblc lor Astoria. OCTOBER. From tables of United States Coast Survey. High Water. Low Water. Day. a. M. I. M. A.M. 1U.. 21... 11 Tk -11 47j. . 5 32 . fi 05 . a :w; ..... . 7 02 . 7 31 . 8 05 . 8 4J . fl 43 .10 47 . 0 09 . 6 Oil . m , 7 3G . 8 14 . 8 55 . I) 35 .10 21 .11 12 ! 1 55 0 041. 0 : 0 22. 1 17 .. 0 50 . '2i 'Si J( 2 01.... 2 47.... n 33.,.. 4 31.... o 31.... t 35. .. 1 1G 1 531 2 41 3 38 S., i. 4 43 1 5 521 Cl.EARAXCES AXD DEPARTURES. Cr.KA UKI). Buenos Avfrs. Freucb bk. faB tons, Voiain, Falmouth-Oct '20 Drumclog, Btbk 1016 tons. Wynian, Cork, Oot IS SVll.Kft Ancon. tr 1650 tons. Debney, S. K. Oct 22. A.ix. str 13'4 tons. Mackic. S F Oct22 J-Jea Waif, brig, 273 tons. Mi4bourn. Oct 'il Santa Cru?,, atr. Leland, S. F. Oct. 15 ARRIVALS FROM SEA. Edwp-d tfames, bk 52S tons, C'Brien, Honolulu, iwdua Ogt 23.T Orijtaba, a. 244 tons. Johnson. S F Oct 23 :sorth Bend, the new bkt Hondlett SFOct 22, iilljbkC Williams, SF Oct 22 Fris Thorp. Br sh 1346 tons.Buck, SF Oct 22 flvbd. Br bk.lU77 tons. Brocklobank, SF. Oct22 Ttfjgnt. brig 312 tons. S. F. Oct. 21. I;ftyiif York. Br sh. 1195 tons, Auld, S F to load fof Eurouo Oct 21. 'OTfv of Madriws. Br eh S99 tons. Grainger, N. Z. Oct, 21. Pizzarro. Br, sn. 13"1 tons Collister, S F. to load for Kurope. Oct IH. City of Chester, str.. HOG tons, Bolles. S. F. Oct ID. Kllcr Bank. BrSh 1171 tons. Cottier, SF Oct 18 Alma. Ger bk, 940 to'ia, Lahmeyer. S F. Oct 18 Wigton, Br.bk, 7fi5tons Ifaihwn. Shanghai, OctlG. Vilgrim hip. 1)37 tons, Fowle, Hongkong, Oct 17. JJmily Chaplin, Br bk, 777 tons Harris, Hongkong, Oct 14. Penliaw, Br ib, 753 tons. Airey, Hongkong. Oct 14 Leading Wind, Am oh, 12USlons, Higby, Hongkong Oct 13. Itufus E Wood, ship, 1477 tons, Davis, S F Oct 5. Santa Clara, ship, 1535 tons.Tobey, S F to load for Europe Oct 5. G W Cochrane, bark, 1105 tons, Given, 51 days fm Hongkong, Oct 4. ftodell Bay, Br sh. 1CS4 tons. 52 days f ra Brisbane, Oct 2. Ximbus, fihip, 1302 tons, Leonard. Hongkong, Oct I Springfield, thlp 1043 tons, Peart, Hongkong Sep tember 30 Pato, Br. sch. 55 tous. British Columbia, Sept 29 Kate L. Herron, sou, 26 tons, Thompson, Tilla mook, Sept 21 Abeona. Bs.i)79 tone, Hamilton, from Liverpool, Sept TO. Henricttc, Ger bk, 9S2 tons, Wobecken, S F, to load for Cork Sept. 22. Adventurer. Br bk 716 tons.Braitlrwaitc.Newcabtlc Jf. is W via S. F, to load for Europe, Sept. S Aldcn Bcsse, bk. 841 tons, Xoyes. S F to load for China. Sept. 6. -Gussie Telfair, str, 413 tons. Gardiner, fm Sitka Feb. 2G. Laid uu in Portland. VESSELS OX THE 'Al'. Iotueslic lortt. California, etr. G74 tons, Thorn, Sitka Geo. W.EIdcr 17U9 tons, Com. Connor, S. F. lVebfoot,bkt,3G2 tons, Whee'wright, S. F. Sfpt25 Foreign Ports. Vbervfitwith Castle. Br. sh. tons, Harris, New jcat'tle,. S.W. Aug. . JflltttoOill, Br sh, 1210 tons McCulloch. S F Oct 9 itfuttetaiere, Br bk 1021 tons, Ogilrio, S. F. iaonofaotoK; bk GOO ton, Hayden, Hongkong, AKgi'4 SE&cvtL Britth. Hongkong Sept 8. jHariGraptfillfl.j2cbk.1009 tons, Reddle, 8.F, to loadibr EurqpeCtet 4. (G Broxigt.toa.Jtit b.t tons. Edkin, Auckland. KJC At 1 tGibralter.Ssra bk 5C6ccc Enksen fin Hull Eng land. $ tHa&cjc Castle, 7Scjm.f VL tsa. Liverpool. ase JuJEjtlkipbarg. bkiiW iasx. Hubbard, llono- tL.ov&iy.&'.vz.JSrXk.ilcMskQix. &t&t . &,& j&cQceea ilr kU.. S3S ton. Exaa, Ota. Pedro, to Ujkd ior gfirope. Mitts Jcle&?.;hk iX-ttsss Zcpe. HaiK&da -JSIEt'Uefcscos, Bb.Hali. froa Uocgbftrx. 3tty 14 aiicnal, 3?c h, Ull tvrw. iCaron. F 3?irer Xith.ik- ik. llSS&onz. Eickerdt. SFOct U irr LuncErSfa. lHi teas Ecbtou. SF Sierra. Ksirada, .bk lexis. Koerjeit, JXexcuttiA. X ' ti Mr. AtlgS jFood Hx, J5r bk.ZM xcbc fiocckeag Ajaf $Z SVeiC idie. rBi 5X3 Xcsa. ISoare. " Qd i. SingLe4Kftpie6f 4e Weekly Astoreaj? neatly done up. with btamps to pro-pay stage aisled, fcr stele -et ihU ciBce. iend t. copy to T-our friends la other parte of the world- rrifteu 10 oents a copy. Any fri-ead &o iads sn Enteceat ic tie pr-os-tority of tics x&oex. 2s sMtbaxizt4. to act as gent&rhisjiaimc.iii.procuriaic tubcribert. For Towlngr. OlIE 8TEAM TOG WjlBOCIUU- .Mtr "WU atteni la all kinds oT-Tomns oa dkelk- ks-0ffice AQ Portland act Corbitt k Madams jat AsioriK, (ieca Saloon. iftrQa boai, For Fassexers asd Toward. - o - iEhe N'or- Tu Kit TAX WIXKf .K. W. IL Wkitoa&3s. Uzeter. JLsving Jiee&atiaodRtioas. far passensrers. And capacity for fkat diss towe. is offered for Ibuxiness to all points on tbe Usluialsca. dver .and baytru6wi.Wera.t. f3?rot pftrt&salAT apply to AIleJb"iewis. Portland, or Ut Tronckard i- I3p&urt Astoria, rfrm board 07tf stcri, CUtsop, Yoxss Rlarr and Kn&ppto, Uata further stSe U teatn launch A. C. FISHER Hasten Will Icare Fishers wharf, foot of Hamlltoa street. Astoria, dally except Su4y fOit2SKXPAXOXLA30)N6at8 oJeek: a.. in., r&aratog e day. The SAM can be chartered for treSgfcfc Rowing to any ygct f ihft ay. "For particwlars any) on ho,axd, FOREIGN EXPORTS. SEPTEMBER. Values. S4'j,j00 00 8,785 07 5,812 55 16,082 50 4G,o'J3 74 4(5,381 74 80,180 82 GO ,875 10 To Liverpool per Jjochinvar, Sevt 1: To Hoiritilu, per Mattie Macleay, Sept. 1: To Honolulu per Falkinburg, Sep 2: To Victoria and Xanaimo per utr California, Sept 5: To Qucenxtoicn per Kinclune Sep 11: To Qitccnstown per Mountain laurel Sept IS: To Quctmtown per Greta, Sept 10: To Qucenbtoicn per Oban Ray Sep 2h: Total exports September. 1877 $311,311 5S OCTOBER, To Vowel ctl?. 1 CorA-, per Rritish Peer 3G.W51 S 73,880 00 1 Cork, per British Monarch 37.307 74,555 0.1 2 Cork.iHirHaitlcc 24.535 40.42G 25 2 Qitccmtown, per Ca;itua23,055 48,4l'.MHi 3 Liverpool, ' Rircr rjidiA34,5W 0 ,013 2(j CorU, per Palawan 2U220 (0,:7 4 17 Total, l.t week October 184,5!KiSS7",(5w) CO Previously reported 3U,3u 5S Total Sl)8'i.07J75 8 Hull. England, per City nf Xanltin: Wheutfrom Portland J8,7a" ctls... $37,117 50 " Astoria 12.51S ... 2-",a"7 42 Totals 31,22:1 $02,454 02 11 Quccmtnwn per Eshhank: Wheat, from Portland, 17,8 0 ctls... 37,5';o 73 Astoria. 14,550 " ... 31,112 50 Total 32,515 $0S,082 21 12 To Liverpool Kr Bcccrejt: Wheat, from Portland, 30,029 ctls... 04,321 00 Astoria, 2 5,803 "... 4!),9b8 00 otals 51,432 114,30'J 00 1G QuMiutoum per Dianaperc: Wheat from Portland 21,270 ctls... $42,500 00 " Astoria 12.0S2 " ... 24.110 00 Total 31,351 $6o,GG(5 00 1G Liverpool per Pactelu: Wheat from Portland 18.181 ctls... $3S,1S7 00 10.355 ... 31,310 00 Totals 34,539 $72,533 00 19 Mclbourn, per Sea Waif: Lumber from Astoria 214 m ft.... $2,125 00 19 Cork, per Drumcleg: Wheat from Portland 21,028 ctls... $55,409 77 Astoria 9.347 " ... 21.030 37 Totals 33,375 $71,500 14 20 Falmouth, per Bucno Ajrc: Wheat from Portland IS, 132 ctls... $34,500 00 " Astoria 5,577 " ... 11,710 00 Totals 22,000 $40,210 00 COMMERCIAL AND SHIPPING. "DROWN & McCABE, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS, Portland and Astoria, Oregon. $S- On all buinos entrusted to our care, satisfaction guaranteed. T G. FAIRFOWL & SOST, J iT4 STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS tlft Portland, Oregon. Refer by permission to Ropers. Moyors& Co, Allen & Lewis. Co rbitt& Macleay, Portland, Oregon. s IBSON, HAMILTON & HIGGINS. Ship Chandlers. Provision and General Commission Merchants, Cor. Concouily and Benton streets. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. TBBNCR1RD & UPSHUR Successors to Capt. Geo. Flauel DUAT.EItS IN bipMbmikity PROVISIONS, IRON, STEEL, COAL, Builders' and General Hard ware, SASH AND DOORS, xaLX3fir!r,s, oxxs At the Old KiIUftke4 WeUJ&Wicti Stand -r GEORGE FLAVEL, Chenamus Street, Astoria, Orero. Ilwaco Steam Nav Co. SUJOCEJ& NOTICE, THE ILWACO STEAM 2TAV. CGis STEAMER GEN. CANBY, W5U lear Astoria on KaaftQ'x, -Tuesday. FrlHay ASklardaya At JKJ)0 A- K., sharp, for Tart Stevemx 'rt C-xHby, and Ilwac. ConQectUs viik U. A. Loorais' stages far Oya tarriU. Passeafers truki&g to visit the FORTIFICATIONS AND LIGHT-IIOUSES li. cither Fort Stevens or Capo Hancock. (DisappoXotsxefit) vill have from ono to three hours time, ant return to Astoria same day. Fare to Ft Stevens ----- 50cts " " Ft Canty or Ilwaco - - 7 00 flOR TICKETS,. TOWAGE, OR CHARTER, Apply c.tier at Ae office of the Coaapaay, Gry wharf, foot of Beaton street, ortotho Captain oa beard. J.H.D.GRAY,Airent, Astoria, Orecon. "brtfdecf4ke President, L. A. LOOMIS. JUST RECEIVED A NEW INVOICE OF GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE LAMPS AND FIXTURES "WHICH "WE OFFER AT A BARGAIN FOR CASH. FI.OUa AM D. FEED. CORNER OF MAIN AND- SQUEMOCQHA STS., ASTORIA, OREGON. o Q r ! 33fry Goods ! Largi est Stock Best Assortment, and Lowest in Price, Is the well EC l 3VE 33? Our AHort ment in ill This season Is unusually large and bought cheap. "We exhibit fn our Dress Goods Department an assortment of Cashmeres, all shades, Tamise Cloths, Empress? Cloths, Alpacas, A splendid assortment of Polanaise Cloths, Basket and Camals Cloths, Plain, Plaid, and Striped Waterproof. Red and White Flannels. PLAIN and PLAID OPERA FLANNELS, TIES, RUCHES, FACHSE, Hosiery, Leggins, Knitted Hoods and Nubias, OUR CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS AND CARPETS Is complete in every department. This stock has been purchased personally by Mr. B, Hamburger while in San Francisco latelv ami while in the market, taking the advantage of a dull season thereby secured nu merous bargains, and the same are now olfered at prices heretofore never thought of. "We have determined this season to sell goods, and we are goinjr to sell them, the iprices wil do it. "We can't and will not be undersold by any lionsu in the city. Give us a call and inspect our stock. B. HAMBURGER. Main street, next to corner of Chenamus ----- Astokia, Oiieoox. R. ALEXANDER. R ALEXANDER & CO. IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN bet CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS WARE," CIGARS AND Cnrruther's Building, Water Street ASTORIA. ff7Also will attend to a general shipping and commission business. cAgents for tho best brands of California puro Liquors. P. S. Country produce taken in exchange. O .A. DEL Xj -A. ID Xi 3ES lO., DEALER IN ALL THE LATE STYLES OF FINEST NOTE PAPERS, ENVEL OPES, Etc., ALBUMS, MUSIC BOXES, NOTIONS, TOYS, Etc. Chenamus strcot, Astoria, Brown's Building, noxt door to tho Whito House B- GOLD PEXS AXD PEXCILS A SPECIALTY. C.B.JACKIJS. Successors to C. E. Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts. Astoria. Oregon. DEALERS IN Stoves, Granite Ware, and Tin and Pressed Ware, OF ALL KINDS. S3T Jobbing of every description promptly attended to. MAGNUS C. CROSBY. Li. P. Richman & Co.. (Successors to Bailey Sc Richman.) DEALERS LN HOUSE FUBNISHING GOODS, STOYES, TIN WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, WOODEN WARE, TOYS, ETC. JOBBING IN TIN, SHEET IRON, AND COPPER A SPECIALTY. Keep also Lead Pipes, and 1,000 other, things too numerous to mention. When you want a stove, trimmed, from top to bottom in first class style give us a call. Orders from abrtadwill"receiv prompt attention, i'ou Kill find us in Young's new build ing, north ride of cqaemocqna street, Astoria, Orecon. COLUMBIA DBH.3E3VTE!3ELir, E.PAPMAHL. it CO., PROPRIETORS, ASTORIA, ORBaOW. TilJETJNDERSIGNED PROPRIETORS OF THE COLUMBIA BREWERY .. jUbt erected nnd placed in operation at Astoria, wbh to inform the public that we xre-now prepared to fill all orders for asplendid articlo of . . HavibeoTry facility for ioins t ffu THE VERY BEST CIIAHACTER OF WORK f J 7) j j 'DTI'EI'n I Ur. Papmahl boinff an Experienced Bx ewer, ( AHfl JBOttlBCl JJJ&Eili ! CrASitlEWEKY WILLWARgANT SATISFACTION IN FILLING ALL Orfers. Gx e us a trial. . PAPMA1IL & CO.. c Astoria, Oregon. IS3V LOEB, MAIN ASTORIA, Near tko STREET, OREGON Globe Hotel. Stock of vafcesoowblry aad toys. Gcueral Merchandise Invites atten tion to his Clothing, Boots and shoes Groceries and Provisions, Selected with special refarenco to the As toria trade. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Highest price paid for Fnrs. New Qedtt hy Every Steamer. N. LCEB, ASTOEIA.... ..OREGON 0&O5kSVV VISSHiUvkSJ tt 8P W i i Dry known House of XT Xt C3- S3 DEL - eOPi 7y, E. LOEBENS2EIN, on V AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARD- TOBACCO, CROCKERY, AND E. R. HAWES. Itowfi JACKINS & CO., LOUIS P. KICUMAN. C II. BXIX. A. V. KKBGCSOX. BAIN & FERGUSON, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, ASTORIA, OREGON. ARE NOW PREPARED with increased facilities to Furnish Plans and Specification. contract, erect bulidines, and do all first class S-H '"Donor manner. W e koop on hand, and will furnish to order, all kinds of BUIIJJING MATERIALS, Rustic, Foorinar, Finishing Lumber, Mould ings, fcash, poors, Newels, Balustors, etc, etc . "G"All kinds of Job work done a tour Steam Mill, corner of Genevieve and Astor streets. n-xiAND RAILING at PORTLAND Prices. BUSINESS CARDS PRINTED Very cheap, at THE ASTORIAN Mmw WrTi?rn"1?ii'4 !nt IlLOhtiillliH f! FOR SALE, TO LET, ETC. F OR SALE. The sloop Annie Devlin of Portland, cheap. Address. J.R.WILEY, as-lm Portland, Oregon. 50,000 FSBE SPRUCE X.U3IBER,. And SHIP LINING for sale by i 95-lm J. G. HUSTLER. - TpOR SALE. The undersigned wishes in spll lnte a :md 4. hlonk 119 STiivpIv'o Vcfnr-Jo rnn crnrwT 112, shively's Astoria : d'lling house hard finished, a large well ctmuimiiig waier enougn to supply snips, situated inside of the Farmers' warehouse, so-called, fronting on the Columbia river. -torturther particulars Inquire at theAsTO kia olllce or to- the owner on the place. Jas. McCAKX. September 28, 1877. 29-lmJ rro rent. One Store and. several Olllces in Smiths Building- on tho roadway. For further particulars inquiro at L.K.U. SMITH'S cigar stand. -21-dtf Cor. ofMnin and Chenamus. TTOR SALE. JE? A Laundry in good running order and complete in every appointment ; situated on ' Concomly street, Astoria. Said laundry has been in successful operation for the past three years'. Or will lease the same for a term" of from five to ten years, to responsible par ties. For further particulars inquire of J. T.BOKCHEKS, 97-dlra On the premises. BUSINESS CARDS. o. E. BELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Notary Public and Commissionop of Deeds for" California antr asningtbn Territory. Asto-ria, Oresou. Otfick Over 'Wells. Far?o&Co.rs Express' Ofilce in Van Dusen's buildinar, cor. Cass and Jefierson streets, mp. U D. WINTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in "Warren & McGuire's Building, ASTORIA, OREGON. D R. I. M. SEVERN, Graduate University i f Pennsylvania. Office, Rooms No. 1 and 2. LARSEN BUILDING, CASS STREET Astoria, Oregon. D R,. F. CRAN?;- PHYSICIAM AND SURGEON,-. ASTORIA, OREGON. Ollicc Room No. 7 Brown's building cor- ner of Main and Chenamus streets. Dr. Ciang will irr future devote his whole time to the practice of his profession. M. DALLAS JENNINGS, Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician,- OFFICE ON CASS STREETrASTORlA, Next door to Capt. Rogers. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED to, day or MuKt. TNTERPRETER. X The undersicned fs familiar with the- Russlan, Norwegian. Swedish and other languages, and oilers life services to the pub lie as an interpreter in suits at law. contracts, etc., in which foreigners and citizens from, the north of Europe who cannot speak Eng--lish well, arc interested. CHARLES HARRISON, Astoria.- . nno whom itf may concern. Notice is hereby given that all persons? are forbid tresspassing upon, or in any way occupying anv portion of the land or, beach surrounding TONGUE POINT, or upon any part of the Henry Marlin land claim in Clat sop councy. State of Oregon, -without permis sion from the undersigned ; and also from setting out fires upon said claim, whereby the standing timber mav In any wav be Injured. VANDUSEN & "BROWN. Per A. VanDusek. Astoria, Oct. 5, 1877. tf G ERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT, Chkxamus Strkkt. Astoria. The public are invited to call and leave their orders. Splendid Lnger 5 cents a glae?. Free Lunch every night. WM. BUCK. &. Co.. Proprietors. MESS BEEF. A Really Fine Article for Sale w. BY Capt. Narbett, Ilwaco. E&"For samples and particulars inquire at Trenchard & Upshur'u or at SIbson, Hamil ton & Higgius, Astoria. Charles .Heilborn, MANUFACTURER OP ' And Dealer in Hi2f FURNITUREand BEDDING ALSO IMPOKTKU OF ' CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, WALL PAPER, SHADES, etc. 82-AU kinds of repairing promntly at- . tenden to. and f uniiture made to onfer. 3yA full line of picture mouldings and frames, brackets, window cornices, etc. JS'-Fiill stock and lowest prices, comer Qf Squemocqha. and Main street, Astoria, . WESTSHORE.MILLS. Foot of CONCOMLY Street ROADWAY Astoria, Oregon J. C. TRULLINGER, - - Proprietor o Is now proparod to fill all orders, lafgaVtB3k small, for evory ki4,$L v- 9 BUILDING LUMBER On satisfactory twrmi. 4 .wjnl i ' .?