z-J fto ail storiten ASTORIA. OREGON: D. C. IRELAND Editor. WEDNESDAY Oct. 24, 1877 Although the Brazilian law recog nizes the death penalty, the present Emperor has never yet consented to sign a death warrant. A "building has been erected near Brigham Young's grave for the shelter of a party of men who keep continual guard over it. The faculty of Lehigh University have just suspended three students and expelled three others, for hazing a freshman until he became dangerously ill. A Spiritualistic doctor in Phila delphia describes a death-bed scene, in which those assembled while sing ing a hymn had their spiritual eyes opened and saw the dead brother issu ing out of his mortal tenement, join ing his wife and children, and floating away. The Museum of the royal college of surgeons has jst received from the Hon. C. P. Berkeley the skeleton of a crocodile, shot by him in Egypt, six teen feet long. These animals are now very scarce below the Cataracts, and this particular one was well known as a man eater. While it has been generally claim ed that Manitoba has an unusually mild climate, the published statistics of the Canadian government show that it is one of the coldest inhabited por tions of British North America in win ter, and that the summer, although hhort, is very warm. The London Economist says that if any of the foreign creditors of Greece still entertain the expectation of dividends, the recent report of Mr. Wyndham, British secretary of lega tion at Athens, will go far to dispel it. The deficit in revenue this year is double what was anticipated, and the financial plight of the country is about as bad as it can be. The Chinese government has pub lished the journal of its English am bassador. The object is to familiarize the public mind with liberal views. The government is ahead of public sentiment, and desires railways, tele graphs, &c., but is compelled to hasten very slowly in the prosecution of such schemes. The journal evinces intelli gence and power of observation. Lord Aberdeen blundered terribly in his address as President of the social science congress. He argued against the continuance of a law of imprison ment for debt, which has, in fact, long been abolished, and advocated prison reforms which have been generally car ried out .already. The London Spec tator remarks .that this -sort of thing will never do, and the Timor thinks the address-inoifensive, butcnot-Tehat it ought to have been. The British admiralty have made several conspicuously unsuccessful at tempts to blow up the hull of the ship Forest, which was recently sunk, by the Avalanche in tho English channel. Shells were tried first, and then torpe does, all with so little effect as to bring much reproach upon the navy; and the papers want to know what a British man-of-war could do against an active hostile vessel, if it cannot break up a wrecked and motionless hulk. Mrs. Elizabetli Webber, who died of hydrophobia in Boston the other day, was bitten through the nail of the second finger of the right hand, on July 31, by her own pet dog. Pains in her arm appeared on September 28th,, which, she attributed to rheuma tismt they increased, and the physi cians" called it "a bad cold." Even after she turned away from water with aversion, and her throat had swollen frightfully, so that uhe gasped for breath, the -physicians persisted that it was not hydrophobia. She was'c&rried to the city hospital, strapped to a mat trass, and barking like a dog. She died in,tliree-quartera uf an hour after 1 her arrival- The -hospital physicians unanimously pronounced the .disease hydrophobia. NEWS OF THE MORNING. An explosion in a colliery near Glasgow occurred on the 22d, in which 233 men were killed. The New Orleans collector says it is all a confounded lie his business is not loosely attended to. Sitting Bull snubbed the commis sion. Why did n't they shoot liim on the spot like a white man. A proposition is on foot to buy one of the Mexican states. The pro position is sanctioned by Mr. Evarts. Gen. Sherman has arrived and is again so busy at home that he has no time to kiss pretty girls whom he meets. Morton, president of the Phila delphia Market-street railway compa ny, is held under bonds as a perjurer in swearing to false returns. The Woodruff expedition will not leave New York until June. John Roach has contracted to build a steam er expressly for the expedition, as the one spoken of first is not suitable. Aarif Pasha, the new Turkish ambassador to Paris, is instructed to state immediately on his arrival the terms on which Turkey would make peace, if the powers wish to mediate, in consequence of Mukhtar Pasha's disaster. The Chinese of San Francisco invite their countrymen to late sup roers. and then cut the poor devils to pieces with knives and hatchets. At least that is what was done Sunday night, to Check Eay. Through the Benton Democrat we observe that the Harrisbnrg Nucleus accuses The Astoria of throwing cold water on the Wallamet valley and coast railway enterprise. The state ment is false, and is as unjust as j is uncalled for. The Astorian has bat tered the shins of its brethren of the press on more than one occasion in de fense of the railway interests of Ben ton county. Perhaps if the Nucleus man would subscribe for The Asto riax and read its columns, he would be able to speak the truth upon this topic. We do not exchange with the Nucleus. If the Harrisburg Nucleus would work as hard for the interests of the people of the Wallamet valley as The Astoriax does, they could build that railroad to Yaquina bay themselves, without congresrional action, perhaps. Why don't the Nucleus support our efforts to gain for the farmers of Linn county the full value of their wheat. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A .nMi:s!.-ir The Antor.au has a AQ V6rtlSingi 1 larger circulation on the Columbia river man all other state papers combined. N OTICE. The society of Frier Progress and snirituiilLstsand all others i to promote the cause of the harnionia spiritualism are requested t ha! 1 t7H o,ciocJcp.LjWe to consider the nrnnrrcty Of osophy and tat uoeriy eYftninp. zinrsaid society and increasing its me na use- luine.s.s. By order of the directors, lli)-2t D. Qreg c SteaWship Company FraKbsn Direct. the United 'States Mails and Is, Fargo & (Jo's Express. g e, CaIx..S7 f Steerage.. S3 ''relfckt, er Th S l Stcamshin as JfttTM fr or Chesttr, Bolles . J- .Commander Will IcaTOWr T. & 1 Co.'s dock Astoria for above port on THURSDAT, Otor 25.X8T7. At G o'clock, A. M. For Freight or Twage.' apply at the office of tho W.T. &. Locki company. a P. UPSHUR, Arent. Pacific Coast Steamship Co.. For Sam Fraaciacs direct. STEAMSHIP ORIZABA, JOHNSON MuUr Will Leave Astoria for San Francisco, on S ATURD AY, Octolr 27, At 6 o'clock A. M . For freight or applyto ' Agent Astoria. nLs if TCUHlir Will i imp 33K ntuersfea Ikgalol IttMMI dm I I1 r . 'SPwrUMhHKS ijm&im NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, , A FACT . ANB emorsstrates it tkotb fully to ldge-of she public that It AT the iest Sefecisf Stock in tltc Cfty of Astorsu That his Goods are; givingbetter sat isfaction, and ius Prices as low- as any House in. Oregon Wc don't represent to-sell cheaper limn any one else. :is we have to pay for oujt goods,, but our expenses- are snilrnrt we are wilt ing to sell at very s,muU profits ; wz give you a Tirt Chiss article of good and as much of it for your money as auy one else- THAT 0TTC STOCK OF" G-3E. oaossaELXZEis. Arc complete. That our stock c Crociery.&temfPIaMwe' Is the largest and best assor ted in this lino. I -ilb guarantee to aIT cheaper than any other house. COMPU3E X.INTS OK FRUITS .AND VEGETABLES! ! Fresh receipts on every CALIFORNIA STEAMER. I have albtva full line of APPLES AKD PEARS i Consigned to me tAviec a vscek from Clackamas county, the best fruit growing county in Oregon. This frnit 1 offer wholesale or retail at very low prices. MY STOCK OF CIGARS IS T3E- And mobt romptete in. Astoria- I will sell them as lowas? theycan be Iwnglit in Portland or any when? else-iir jobbing. lots. In conclusion I will sur to thwe iii? the country, I will buy your product-at the-highest market price. I will pay the higher lnnrkc price lav Hides, Pklts, and Fuica m 6'sjft-- P. S. I would state that I make this a specialty, as I have an experienced liaryf to handle ihese goods, which enables me to pay more than any one else for Dry, Green and Sated Hides. Send in your orders aiI I will guarantee satisfaction. Yours truly, E. S. IAESEX- Newrocery House f .- og STRAUSS m SOD NAMUS STREET, REGON. JOW FULLVDPEX FOR BUSINESS. inest assortment of Coffees. Sugars, Flours. Teas, And all other staple goods of the best quality and at the cheapest cash prices. All the various Foreign and Domestic fancy hue of Preserves, Fruits, Jellies, Wines and Liquors. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. Also, a nice stock of Crocker j OlasHware, Table asd I'ocket Cutlery. t3yGivc me a call and iaspect my stock of goods. i i STKAUSS, NEW GOODS, HEW GOODS. Prices Lower Than Ever. GEORGE W. CORHART, Ls constantly receiving the finest assortment OF BLANK BOOKS. STATIONERY. OFFICE FIXTURES AND NOTIONS. ALL THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL JX8TRV3IEXTS. Agent for Sherman & Hyde's Pianos and Organs sold on Installment. ALSO FINK IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS AND TOBACCO, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. North side of Chenamus street, between Cav and Main - - - Astoria, Oregon. "NIL DESPERANDUM. Lime, Brick, Sand Plafeai MarUe Dist AS CHEAP AS1 CAN BE LANDED. E ASTORIA. Can be had in any quantity at my wharf. 3As:cnt for sale of San Jtjan Lime -.PETER BUNEY, Astoria ITxES w m M. er Every Jrv Wmvi tarftst ami 1 y: stkA ru side of ci: j ASTORIA,0 TS "V ThcyJ MISCELLANEOUS.- mm; oistk jsmtt th;s mzw FLOBENCE sewing machine; wl; isu the JTor 3I ai the- CITY BOOK STORE, Astoria Brewerv Saloon , A& Battled Beer Depot r MAIN STREET, ASTGRIuC irUDQLPlZ BRTTTr MICEAE& mYJSBSr JPz-qpiHGibrs.- ThcdBest Quality; LagesrBeeiv SIVE CENTS A GLASS- vfsr Trie ytttonsfrs of the xraoK-c Is-respcct-tbllyso8cited. Onlcre for Lager, orttottlei) Bccr.-in any auanfityvprompfclv filled1. JCjS" Free Lunch day and nichi. (xREAT KeDUCTIOK THE P&iltfEER Boot & shoE STOBfR Sornor of Cass f.& Squeroocqha streets. ASTORIA OREGON. F0R.TH&EEX2J THSRTY BAYS I WILL SELL. ALL MY LARGE. S50CK OF Mens7,. Boys',. Ladfes", Miss es and Children's. boots asd shoes Afc a cwnsideraWe yedwctioii from. previous prices, many kinds AT COST! C.J.SMITH. Prop., 0AKDY FACTORY. rrHE'uinratsiecKD taxe pleasure to JL AX3TOUNCK TO THHR 1'ATKONS- AND DKAXEKS IM f;E3TSRAr IUiVS THKV ilAA'K LATKL.Y LAIU;KL.VIXOKK.EDTHEllt. 1AC TOKT AST AKK NOW PKEI'AKED TO KUK NISK AS tUXD AN AiS03KKT IN OIBKIU LINK AS ANY HOUSE ON THE. COAST. SPKT1 AL INDUCEMENTS-TO CASIC QZS'ZO-MXKS- AU&KY 4c 1IF.GEUE I. O. Box CI. 185. First Slrect. Factory o Alder Street, bctveeH. First and Second Street, Portland, OresoH. LOUIS WILSON. F. A. FISHER. Wilson & Fisher DEALERS IX HAY, FEED, GROCERIES, AND Wharfage and Warehouse Storage. Corner Chenamus and Ilamilton Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. BUILDING JUST ARRIVED: MATERIALS. 40,000 BRICK; 100 WINDOWS; AND 200 DOORS; WHICH WILL BE SOLD AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. BAIN k FERGUSON. Astoria, Oregon. ARftDT & FERCHEN, BLACKSMITHS AND MACHLNISTS xy Toot of Washington Streot, x-cor near Kinney' i' Fishery. ASTORIA, OREGON. -o- HAVING SECURED AN ENGINE AND Latk.Rnd tho best of workmanship, we anrttovr prepared to do ALL KINDS OF CAN JS SKY WORK, ENGINE AND STEAMBOAT "SVORK OF ANY DES CRIPTION. tarHojae-fhoeintr, ropairin?, and all kind? of bUftks'siitbini: promptly attended to at reu soaaJble xatw. E. S. MERRILL dr CO., Blackimithi and Machinists. & Capt. ROGERS' OLD STAND ASTORIA, r OREGON. All work in our line, hoary or light, donowith neatness and dispatch. HORSESHOEING, "WAGON, AND Earm "Work a Specialty. TTAJING SECURED THE SERVICES OF JLJl Mr. S. A. Gaipes of Ivy,, an experienced Farrier of 25 years n the buahaesr, and well known to Astoria horspjxjen, wp are prepared to do sheeing: in a manner to pure lameness or pre Tontjt IP h.flfSQS eptf psted to our oaro. AU WPFft Wft?T4Pted and at reasonable raes. AUCTION SALES. E. S. HOL.BENr AUCTIONEER and COMMISSION AGEN7 CHENAMUS ST. ASTORIA. OK&tfUX. Ctanrao-Tts revert fully solicited, TtilXa- .jcV- lectest and return psomptly m&-. Kejrnlar Sales? Day. SaS-sirilayv i 3sfe? nnnrj3;o t C-S.WT.ISiIT, WARRBX .VrMrfftJXKiS. -WVA.VIJSKX. J.W.GKAHHART- B. g. ORSRLJBT. AUOTiaU & GffMMfSStOV MERCHAXK QfikcT.3a 31ujr stteo? s?p!:ti Wab.higto 1 ark at. j 3j?om 7 t9 Vclc-k P. iS- Rular Sales Pay,. ! Sitm'rfy.Mt iO O'GIodi j. T.- JWniipnrchastt nx1 sell Tsaicstatfe", jKercbusr' dikr fujaituTe. etc. ConsHsnft&ente MvipectfuRj 'clisIteiH DingrAins nniMcsmtitv ochad on apul&afldxt totba Auctioneer. RrS- AVORSLEY HOTELS A33-S2STAX7RA3TFf amavRpwELt. c. it. fekkixj? jParJie?' House Hotel,, C jraer Maui an. Concomiy sireoih, ASTORIA. ORJEt!(iX. ' CaTtl-nr oil &. Perkins, Proprietsrs- r rpilJS I&THE LARGEST HOTEL 1ST AS JL toritt. ao-w a.U ruivr faramtre, :urjU3ftccv' in. fijjtclasd stylo. Tlie ta-blo rttt bcfsuppJicd wifh th- ie?t tho? narkat affoxtL".. Asconvodnthms to auf th" thE'esfsoui'Sl i ft S2.jU per day. ijteaiiicra and sil oati jeava the wkarve nndslfincar tbo Hotel, dftiij- foe I'artisto vens, Fo?: C.mbyv Skiponon, Fwt CEataop Sea Side, Ocean Reach, Kntspptu:?, Ciiraouk Unity, OystexvJflV and otbcn pfaooj of rcsor? in this vicinity. 55Thero nro novrn70 larger ssihxo sar-ac-iles in Astorin, which easplnv over-I3)per ?ona in tho various branches of oho bnsine??1-. f niakfcg Astoria as it now is, a poihfeof interest ' n.vis93s. xaiiepcn don touts cool mvigyratinc?: UNIOS HOUSE" G5iS(jLueiJicqha and Laf;i ette Streets, ASTOHIA. OIlEfioX. i rilHIS HaeJSE HAYIN B8SEX Jfc newly r-nainteil and' t'iu-;iishe( I tbroinjchout uvitow opu to the acconuuoda- lion oi tne ynune-. Sir"'SiJr hwvB- beiajc m aew luvndsaow (e-.m gimnintsevitlstactiou. 'IImirl anil tediup: per IHxy ,M..W$1 (Mk SIiiiic-31cal . .. S3e- MTCS. M. E. TURNER, Proprietress "VCGIDENT IITEL A.J.MESLSR, C.S. WRIGHT,. Proprietors Asior.iar Oregon The-Piopnetofs aro happj to ann&iinK tho. tho aUare Hotel has been Repainted and Refurnished Adding grcaly to tho cocofort of its- cncst3 AND IS-KOW THE.BEST H0TELNRTJi OF SAN FRANCISCO. mzimi SERVED JW EVERY STYLE AT scimje:x& cexi?sicTioxEit: AND Refreshment Saloon. A3? kinds of Trench. German and American Cundfcs cottautly on hand, wholesale avl rataiL a$ the lowest easK priee. atso "Wedding eskes-mnde to orderonshort notice. Tlie patrou:ua of the public ia resixectfullv 1 boISwied. 1AUFORNIA RESTAURANT. WATER STREET ROADWAY. Opposite Oyeg&a SteaiaNavrgftt5an.Giopany'a Wharf ASTORIA OREGON The above mevr Restausaat w5i W ie from and after tor morrow, Sunday. Jasuary 7th, lSTU, 1.RUSANICU k CO. PropnoWw mHiB- EQI'AL TO THEBESTwVN Cheap as tho Cheapcsi. att Thb Astorian Okkick. E. C. HOLDEN. 1. IAVOHERY. HOLDEN & LAUGHERY, VFIIOI.STCREI1S AN3 FUXKI TURK JEAItERS, At tho old stand HOLD ENS AUCTION ROOMS on Chennmns street All kinds of upholstcty and cabinot work done to order. Manufacturers of Lounges, Spring Beds -AND- Of any sizo and quality. Picture Frames and Furniture Manufac tured or Repaired by Experienced Workmen. SSecond hand Furnituro bought aad sold. T ATHS, BATHS, Hot. Cold, Shower, Steam and SULPHUR Baths. Occident Hotel Shaving Saloon. NlKDERAUER & UhLEKIIAKT Proprietors. Sneoial attnnHnn nnid in T.A"nT"PS o CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING 9fW- Private EntranceforL3dies- J. R. BeKPPARD. Late of Corvallig. C. H. ST0CKT05. Late of Kalama. SHEPPARD & STOOiaOH. HOUSE, SIGN. CARRIAGE. AND ORNA- MENTAL PAINTERS. ASTORIA OREGON. GRAINING A sVkcultyKALSOMINING,. MARBLING AND GLAZING done to order with neatness and dispatch STLeave yoni orders athe NEW SHOP on Main street Astori3"0reson.. ff &Y&IERS! Z 'm