The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, October 24, 1877, Image 1

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Vol. 3.
Astoria, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, October 24, 1877.
No. 120.
a-TL'-f M'.Ti'- '"'-" '1'iuii.iMiLJiu.amr
HW J. I iWW'MJJJ-.',
sraasgs&a $ r
w3p w Jl JV Jr Jw J- lr
g&e ii33s stoxlmx,
(Monday Excepted),
Aiuriwi Buildhmrj, Cass Slr-eci.
Terms of Subscription :
Zcrvcd by Carrier, per week .21 Cent?
Sum by mail, four months - ? 00
Scut by ninil, cno ye:ir. 'J 00
Free of Postage to .Subscriber?.
napAdvcrtiocmciits inserted by the year at
the late of $1 "') per nuirc pur month.
Triniunt advei tiMnsr, by the d:iy or week,
fiSty cents per square for each insertion.
To City Subscribers.
There are such frequent changes in the rc-i-dencu
of our city patron that we i-lialj feel
oblized to any who make mc1i change- if they
vrill report the to tlii office. Otherwise
we .-hall not bo repon-.ble for failuto of the
earlier to deliver the paper pioaiptly and
l egularly to them.
C. II. Dexter lias established an Ore
gon headquarters hi .San Francisco, near
the ncv. .stock exchange. All old web
fnoters, will call up&n Charlie whi they
go to "Frisco.
Mr.Seeley of the independent tcam
ii Ohio and Cilyof Salem, went below
oil tlie A neon for the machinery for two
new boats for tlie Wal lamet U. B. Scott
te Co. have proves; themselves the most
Successful steamboat men in Oregon.
Speaking of fine forest treec. Mr.
Stickles informs us that he cut one out
of the road from Brookfield to tlie Grays
-river -settlement recently, which meas.
nred eight foet in diameter, and was a
.'dear stick for 1-0 feet to the first limb.
A tree. cut at one of the camps of the
Moody mill, on Burrard inlet, furnished
even logs, each twenty-four .'feet long.
The largest was r feet ) inche and the
smallest: feetii inches in diaiaetw. It
wa 174 feet to the first limb, and the
seven logs ipade 24.540 feet of lumber.
The San Francisco Bulletin says the
new Oregon steamship lias been named
tate of Oregon. St'.te of Suspense
would be more appropriate, if they ex
pect to run her to Portland, as the steam
ers are now putting in about one half of
llieir time on -shoals above Astoria.
The session laws of "Washington
territory for l.s(K) provide a penalty for
any person putting up salmon, who fails
-to specify on the package where the
xunevyas put up, by whom put up, and
whether spring or fall fish. And any
person putting up fish without the cor
rect brand is liable to punishment on
romplaint, for a misdemeanor.
The Chinese road tax on the Colum
bia river, in Pacific, Clatsop, Wahkiacuin
iind 'Columbia .counties, if it could be
-collected, would in each -district furnish
,-work enough, if properly applied, to
ipake excellent roads. Thus far this tax
has not been collected. :Wc hope it will
lie collected hereafter, Wrhite men have
to pay, and it is not a matter of injustice
to the celestial lo'niakcdtfm pay also.
We wish-the state of Oregon would
pass a to the '.bill now pend"
ing in the territorial assenrbly. providing"
that employers, shall be held responsible
for the road tax of Okinese and all
other employes, and that-tUe .same shaH
be paid when the countyjassossinent is
made. The law should also provide that
.road taxes on property above a certain
tuni to be specified. should be paid in
casit. As the .law is generally when
such taxes in work -the supervi
sor has no funds for supplies necessary
to carry on the vork, a deficiency in
which is often.tanlantount to a -ayispen-.sion
of opcratioiu.
Referring to thceiass of steamers in. on the Columbia rver by the Oregon
Stream Navigationcompany, a waiter to
t he press of San Francisco says: These
river boats are paragons of comfort, and-,
one wishes they were built to breast the
ocean waves as well as the placid waters
of these great rivers., -for their large
roomy state-rooms, elegantly-furnished;,
the cosy saloon, with its bright wood
lire and comfortable sofas and rockers ;
-the table, well filled wit.h .everything to
itempt the epicure, form too often a great
contrast to the cramped and narrow
quarters of the crowded ocean steamers.
As we steamool.ctown the mist, the huge
hulks of many a great ship, anchored in
the stream waiting for the load of wheat
which it was .to ibear tto far-off Europe,
peered from then: niantles of .fog for ,a
traonent,.frad wece again lost to sight. '
Steamer pilots are kept busy on the
river now.
Mud everywhere abounded in As
toria yesterday.
The Orizaba yesterday morninge
ported splendid weather outside.
Wood will not be taken on subscrip
tion to this paper after next Saturday.
Lane county is furnishing a great
many immigrants for eastern Oregon.
John said his bread was ''dark" yes
terday, because the weather was so
cloud?. .
The North Bend is as handsome as
any vessel that has yet been built in
There is so much talk about making
silver a legal tender, why not try copper.
It is cheap.
Attend the spiritualists meeting at
Liberty hall this evening. See notice in
another column.
The Edward James came in without
a pilot yesterday. She had to come or
Grand Bep. A. G. Walling and wife,
returned from the Atlantic side by the
Orizaba yestciday.
Astoria did n't have all the shake to
itself on the 12th. It tore the ground up
in portions of the Cascade range.
The magnitude of the "Welch hill
water works can only be understood by
a personal visit. The water we are sill
using now comes from a spring under
the large reservoir.
We were startled at the announce
ment in an up river paper that Mount
Hood had disappeared, but our nerves
were quieted when we found out that it
was the name of a .saloon, closed up by
the sherilt.
Did you ever hear of a publisher in
Oregon tluit ever got a cent of c;ish out
of an eastern advertising agency? Those
agencies Jinn beat the savings banks
bursting. "Who pays for W. F. Evans &
Co."s advertising ?
The British steamer. Alexander,
which left this port of the 14th, for Vic
toria, ran on a reef at the entrance to
Victoria harbor, and was considerably
damaged. On Tuesday she was report
ed nearly on her beam ends.
The ptissengers by the Edward
James report dull times in Honolulu.
The James comes in ballast of salt, the
Mattie Macleay (due) will have a light
cargo. The Falkinburg is probably on
the way before this, 'though her cargo
was not in sight when the James left.
Yesterday we had a very pleasant
visit with Mr. C. II. Stickles, of Brook
field, supervisor of that road district in
Pacific county. He informs us that he
has now nearly one-third of the road cut
out, from Brookfield to Grays river set
tlement, and that the road passes through
a splendid section of country well
adapted to settlement
Ye Sorenaders.
Editor Astouia'n :
A party of gentlemen, most of whom
were American Captains in port, were
about last night -arousing the peaceful
slumbers of the natives with sweet mu
sic. The music was furnished by Messrs.
Corwin, Dean and White and proved to
be acceptable. Mrs. Steers place was
first visited but met with no apprecia
tive response, so the party wended their
way to the Occident and succeeded
in arousing 'Aleck," who soon appeared
and with customary gallantry invited
all to refresh in a handsome manner.
He volunteering to assist All proceeded
to Capt Flavei's and rendered sweet
music, but failed to (arouse anvone.
The same-may be said of Capt. II.
Brown's mansion. Bather depressed ac
the lack of an appreciative audience the
musical navigators squared away for
Capt Johnson's anchorage and there, met
with a hearty reception. The Capt.
turned out on call, and immediately
realizing the danger ahead, call all
hands on deck to provide for these noc
turnal pirates. Midst ilje din of charm
ing music and general conversation
Capt Givens gracefully passed around
iiie cake and wines, a faint voice from
an inner chamber was nearqto say, "Uh,
1 do hope the gentlemen will enjoy them
selves, the music is delightful.' An
other voice, oi.e of authority, shouted
forth, "Yes! pitch in gentlemen and
make the most of it" i'he amount of
fruit cake, iiice pie. and w.tue demolished
i)y the party would be difficult to.esti
mate; but we can vouch ftsr it being en
joyed. A toast was offexed for Mrs.
Johnson and responded to, -afterwards
some songs we're sung in which all
joined heartily, then more instrumental
music and the" mauraders made sail for
their respective destinations, or ships,
full imbued with an idea that Astoria
was one of the most hospitable ports
they had ever visited.
Pito Bono Puclico.
The atmocphece of Oregon injpureand
cheerful, warm and balmy; life is longer,
health is better &n more enjoyable, When
the ordinary laws.of.sueh are attended to,
than fn any ftatean .tlie Unwn, oj tin any
Vnything you want that is nice in
the stationery line, can be foi ml at Ad
ler's at the clleapest prices.
Those brackets are neat tnd cheap
at Adlers.
Money is scarce but jondo not
need much money to trade at Adler's.
For your sheet music, go" to Cor-
nart'.s; for musical instruments, go to
Cernart.s: for votir violin ad guitar
string-, goto Cornart's; for i. cry thing
in the music line, go to Corna'tfs music
store. Cnenainus street, next (Joor to De
ment's drug store.
Tillamook canned clams for sale
at E. S. Lar.sen.s.
Vny person in want of building
materials fromBuney's wharfs 'tiring his
absence, can get the same bj applying
to T. S. Jewett, or A. "Wing. 3
Genuine Louisiana B 11 - dozers
(five shooters , at Adler's.
Mr.s. Arrigonni is furnishing good
rooms with hoard at from .-(J to $7 and
upwards per week, according i location.
Choice new sets of cnj.cery, very
unique and novel; also the s-ff-righting
'spittoon," that always kccL upright,
just received and selling a?-prices 10
suit tlie times, at I. "W. Case'sJ
Hoard and lodging canlbe had at
Mrs. Munson's at reasonable itites.
The cooking appli and pears
in the city are" to be found aif-Bozortlfs,
who also keeps a full stock ofresli veg
etables constantly on hand arthe lowest
prices. Call andbe convinceil.
You can always get fn)sh oysters
in every style and at all hours, dav or
night, at llw Central Co Tee Saloon. Con
comly street, between Benton and La
fayette. Thus. McFarland, proprietor.
Astoria Liquor Store, If. Marx &
Co., proprietors. Sole agents for Charles
Helfetock & Co., St Louis. Mo. Ameri
ca's finest Stonewall whisky, Snow Hill
fire. Cooper whisky. For snle by all gen
eral dealers and saloon keepers. Depot,
and Branch House of Marx & Jorgen
sen, Portland, Oregon.
Dry goods, milliuery and notions
cheap for thirty days at the Bee Hive.
The Dance of Life, an answer to
the Danceof .Death, at the Circulating
Dr. F. P. Hicks, dentist, rooms in
Dr. Welch's building, oh Squemoqha
street, offers his services to the public of
Peter Kiuiy is still in the market
with all kinds of building .tutorials in
his lim Has fust nveiveti Ion Oft) lntli.
2,000 bushels of sand, ai la-:e stock
of first quality of bru.k.ns 5h v. .uehouse
foot of Benton street
The ''Dance of Life," an answer
to the Dance of Death, b Mrs. J. M.
Bowers. For sale at the City Book Store.
Board and lodgifg by the day or
week at the Astoria Beer Hall, Main
street, Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro
prietor. Single men feel like marrying
when they see the Medallion range at L.
P. Bichman & Co's.
...Fresh oysters in every style at
r... "White wire goods in every si vie,
at L. P. Bichman & Co's.
Dr. B. B. Freeland has located per
manently in Astoria for the practice of
dentistry. Office in Shuster's building,
on Cass street, next door to The Asto
riax office.
j&3Photographs! The latest styles
taken at Shunter's new gallery, Cas st,
next to the Abtorian office.
ySS" For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an cnjy shave, go to Gillopie atPAR
kkr House Baths. Hair cutting, sham
pooning, and dyeing.
JGSTLittle Van has reestablished
hiueif at the old corner, refreshed by his
late journey to the Atlantic state:, and
will a- formerly attend to all orders in his
line us general jobbor.
After this -date, coin will be used for
change, and tlekets dispensed with; all
drinks and cigars five and ten cents, at
the Chicago House, Main street, Astoria.
Astoria, Oct 3, 1K77.
For Glassware, Crockery, Powder and
Shot, Gun Wads, Percussion Caps, in
fact everything that is useful as well as
ornamental, go to J. W. Gearhart, who
sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered
free of charge.
Canary Birds. for sale at Jilles
pie's, Parker house baths.
Godb Advice. The following piece
of good advice we clip from the
L m isville Courier Journal, follow it
closely and see if it will not apply
just as well as it would elsewhere:
"Don't sit down afursay "damn the
Dutch." Do like they do. Get tip
and go to work. If things ain't lively
enough, put your shoulder to-the
wheel of commerce and trade and in
getting the road wagon of old fogyism
but of the mire. Hitch the mule of
energy in the shafts, take the whip
of enterprise in your hand, and make
the dust fly along the road of pro
gress. Get up dod blast" your lazy
bodies, advertise your business, let
the people throughout country know
who you ard and, what you've got to
5,ell, andj our word for i yoUU have
something to do and think bout this
fall than to sit and wait for .business
vto and.,tevissbxe jDutcJti.
Salmon Fishing Laws.
Editor Asteiuan:
There seems to be considerable excite
ment over the Portland hoard of trade
salmon biU, published in the Oregonian
of the 11th. I have fished on the Colum
bia river off and on ever since 1817, and
I know that there is not one salmon now
where there were hundreds then. I fish
ed at what is known as Harrington's
point in 1S17, with a seine thirty fath
oms long; and there were many times in
"the month of July that we could not
haul the seine on shore (there would be
so many fish m it), until we would lift
the seine from the bottom and let out a
portion of the salmon. If you would
put a seine in the water of that length
now you would not et a .single fish.
What is the reason ? It is simply be
cause the fish have diminished at such a
rate that they are not in the river to
Now my remedy for the protection of
the salmon would be to have Congress
pis restrictive laws; say for five years,
or until we see whether the hatching
process will be a success or not I don't
believe in saying that there shall not be
any traps or seines used on the river, but
I do think there should be laws passed
saying that the slats or brush on a trap
shall not be less than four inches apart;
and that the mesh for seines shall not be
less than five inches and that the meshes
for gill nets shall not be less than eight
and an eighth inches ; and that no one
will be allowed to seine below Scarbor
ough hill in Washington territory, and
not below the wharf at Fort Stevens in
Oregon; and that gill nets shall not drift
below a line running north and south
from Astoria ; and that there shall be. no
kind of fishing done for salmon in any
tributary of the Columbia river; and
that there shall be no fishing done above
Cape-horn or Boosler-roek, on the Col
umbia river, and that no one will be al
lowed 'to fish .011 or before the first day of
May, or after the l.lth day of July. 1
would give the first run which conies in
April a chance to the head waters
of the Columbia. And X would give the
last run a chance to spawn between the
mouth of the river and the Cascades,
which they most all do; very few of
them getting above that point before
they are ready to deposit their eggs as
the millions of young salmon that you
could see along the shores of the lower
river five years ago was sufficient proof
for any unpiedjudiced mind.
1 have caught salmon after the 15th of
July at Tenas Ilahee which is twenty
five miles above Astoria, that were
spawning. With a law made by Con
gress as I have suggested, the salmon on
the Columbia will run forever, withouc
any artificial means of raising fish. But
the greaJ; trouble with getting a law
passed of any kind is that we are a sel
fish people and are not looking to thcfiv
ture of our state, but want every fish
caught xow, so that the salmon will be
like the mastadon, a thing of the past.
1 do not think that the man who signs
his name Fisherman" in the Oregonian
of the 20th, knows what he is writing
about when he-says, "two weeks in May
would do more to propagale salmon than
all the month of August" He may, be
correcUn one thing for there are many
seasons that the salmon do not run in
August I beg leave to differ with him
in relation to the enemies of the young
salmon. I have been on the head waters
of a good many tributaries, of tlie Col
umbia where 1 have seen salmon spawn
ing, and I know that they have thou
sands of .enemies in the way of trout
that feedjupon the young fish. In fact
there are trout that you cannot catch
with a hook "without you bait with young
fish. But you could bait with a young
fish all along the lower Columbia and
then fish for a week and. you would not
gee a bite. So I think that the farther
the salmon goes from the ocean (or the
mouth of the river), the more enemies
they have. In my opinion there are a
great many more young salmon reach
the ocean that" are spawned below the
Dalles than of those from above. When
salmon lay their eggs, they hide them
from other fish by covering them up
with sand or grayeh, and I think after
they are hatched they have very few en
imies on the lower river; and I was
very much pleased when I heard that
Professor Stoiie had located his hatch
ing house below the Cascades.
Shtp.-jtaster's Beading Boom. Mr.
Peter Wilhelni has, permanently t fitted
up a shiprinaster's reading room in con
nection with kthe Gem saloon ?n Astoria.
The latest shipping papers and homer
ward and outward boun shipping lists
are kept xm file, Telegraph btne next
Seeking the Penitentiary.
The Eew York Shipping List says
it has been remarked that there are
more young men learning trades in
the penitentiaries than there are outside
of them, and a Boston paper tells of
a young man who offered to bind him
self as an inmate of the States Prison
for two years if he might by such" a
course secure the benefit of appren
ticeship to a trade. Two prominent
reasons may be assigned for this re
markable state of afiairs the distaste
of the youth of the period to prtform
manual labor, and the arbitary action
of the trade-union in limiting the
number of apprentices a master me
chanic may have in his employ. The
decline of the apprentice system is
also largely a consequence of the per
ciniuos system of trying to make clerks
and professional men out of material
that nature intends for blacksmiths, '
carpenters, brick-layers, machinists,
boot makers, tailors and other me
chanics. Our youth have in late j'ears
been taught to believe, that labor is
degrading, and that to do nothing for
a livelihood or to live by one's wits,
is more becoming the society in which
they expect to move and have the re
spect of. It is high time that all such
ridiculous notions were discarded,
and an earnest effort made to get back
to first principles of honesty and in
dustry with its unfailiug reward.
Major J. O. McKay of Honolulu ,
surprised u by- calling last evening.
The Major looks as though the Islands
agreed with him. He came in a pas
senger on tlie Edward James yesterday
(eighteen days from Honolulu) in
tending to purchase cattle and horses
for the improvement of the stock .of
Hawaiian Kingdom. He leayes for
the valley this morning.
The sophomore class of Kenyon
college, Ohio, has been suspended for
four weeks for hazing. The faculties
of Dartmouth and Princeton express
firm determination to put a stop to
hazing. William and Mary college
has been in danger of suspension, in
conseqnence of pecuniary difficulty;
but aid has been extended by friends,
and sessions will be commenced for
another year.
The French free masons have long
been divided upon the question as to
whether abelief in the ''Grand Archi
tect of the Universe" should be a
dogma of their order. At the recent
masonic convention in. France, the
second clause of the constitution, which
ran thus: uFred masonry holds' to
the principle of the existence of God
and the immortality of the soul," was
altered by an immense majority to
''Free Masonry holds to the principle
of an absolute freedom of conscience,
and to the brotherhood of mankind.
It excludes no one on account of his
The German newspapers of the
United States are ruthlessly showing
up the notorious Dr. Paul Schceppe,
who came so near being hanged for
murder in Pennsylvania, and whose
evil doings, by reason of his being of
Teutonic nativity, iptereat these jouir
nals peculiarly. After his release from
imprisonment in the Quaker slateJie
went west, and since then has been
figuring under different names, once
assuming the noble title of Count
Schulenbergj in Cincinnati, Chicago,
St. Lonis and New York. Part of the
time he has been in newspaper offices,
where he worked .in editorial capaci
ties until exposed, and .part of the
time in"" Joliet, Illinois, where he at
tained the honor of serving a term in
the state prison. In. Cincinnati, ho
.earn near persuading a prominentf-ac-tress
in a German theatre to indrry
.SSNTewspaper adyeftisin is noV
mcflgnizrdoy btirines mpp having .
iheir own, warps'. a . the. ,mn.t, efttetjvQ .
meanV'for nocurinjf for theif wares an ?v4
cognition oi tbeir racr'trl
- --