C(J ii mmttn Vol. 3.. A.storia, Oregon, Sunday Morning, October 21, 1877. No. 118. . i v' glw aila .stedim, ISSUED EVERY MORNING, (Monday Excepted), . C. IRELAND : : PUBLISHER. AjJorian Building, Cass Street. Terms of Subscription : fccrvod by Carrier, per week .......2-1 Cents Sent by mail, four months. .- S3 00 Sent by mail, cne year... ... 5) 00 .Free of Postage to Subscribers. ttS" Amortizements inserted by the year at the rate of SI 50 per square per month. Transient advertising, by the day or week, fifty cents per squire for each insertion. To City Subscribers. Tberc are such frequenrt -chances in tho resi dence oF our city patrons that wo shall feci obliged to any who mcke such changes if they will rcpo je same to thisofiice. Otherwise we shall l be resionsiUc for failures of the carrier to deliver the luiper promptly and regularly to them. Still the banks are bursting here, tliere, e very wh ere. The British fftiip Rodell Bay arrived vlown yesterday to finish loading at As "toria. Send a copy of the "Weekly Asto cian to some friend in the east. Price onlytea cents in a wrapper, pelage paid. Mrs.D.C Ireland, corner of Court ;i.wl Cass street, wishes the services of a iady for two or three weeks to assist in femlly .sewing. Isaac S. Jones, of Oysterville, went ip the river yesterday on business. lie lias considerably enlarged Ids business Kf Jate in Oysterville. Mtesrs. Kinney will bring cattle to flic Cascades fr nn the bunch grass lands on foot, hereafter, thence t Astoria, di--vect by "beiges and steamex. Mr. Bill Poster allds W. M. Trcn gove, lias returned from a jaunt to "Walla Walla, Salem, and soforfii, and renewed operations 6ii his -old stamping grounds. m m Some folk say Astoria's exports amount to nothing. "We notice that As toria's exports of wheat so far this month amount to the snug little sum of $370,303 sure as you're a live man. Somebody said it was the River Lime, but it was so foggy none could ;see, hence somebody's word was taken and the Biver Lune was reported when it should have been Pizzarm. United States Marslial Burns took a fellow to Portland fioui Astoria yester day whose head resembled Bismark's bull dog's nose. Xtjyas fearfully cut up. The chap is .arrested foxjsejling liquor to J inuiane. Many sorrowing frieads followed J the remains of Master Thomas J. Duffy to the gwtve yesterda3r afternoon. The Mttle fellow -eauieover from his Knapp-J ton home to attend school, andwas sick but a few days. We sympathize wrtii the friends in their bereavement A San Francisco paper Is offering a ehromo for new subscribers. '-Mending his Net:" said to represent a Columbia river fishing scene. It looks about us much like a Columbia river fisherman mending his net, as Peter Wilhelm's dog resembles that cow Sieve Fairfield was going to send to us. The little Buenos Ayres, as small a vessel as that, could n't finish a load in Poitlnnd. See the exports column Would it not be nh if Portland was to succeed jn jubbingut Astoria as a port, of entry, when a little ship like the Bue- nos Ayres (049 tons register) cannot load to her deepest line up there ? ft The Portland Bee lias been wann ing the Shylocks in that town a bit In a double-headed leader we find the statement that the Mortgage Savings Bank has more debt than assets in Ore gon ; don't pay taxes ; its assets are away in the Rocky' Dundee, where tax-gatl-erers can't go; and then asks; "If Mr. Win. Beid should step out where would depositors get their money ? We have- n't time to telL Referring to the Wallamet, the Rec ord sajs: "The river is now at a fine boating stage, last evening there were four boats in sight at one time on their way up the river in search of freight" R. Jeff Morrison says Norton has been purchased with British eolonial bonds at 4 per een.t. or he'd never utter such .sentiments as that, unless -he meant to say that the bo'ats were stuck," and wouldn't get out of sight. Z.OCAI. JOTTINGS. Skimmed milk is bread and meat for poultry. Beaver Lodge has concluded to go it alone. The new steamer "Wide "West will carry 1200 tons of freight to a load. The schooner Louisa Morrison on the ISth arrived in the bay for oysters. 6,493,563 pounds of salmon were caught in the Sacramento the past year. Dcnnie Curran and Robert Marriott haw fitted up a fine boatman's landing on Flavel's wharf. Oysters come by steamer twice a week now from Shoal water bay to J. II. D. Gray, of this city. The writing school has closed, and the young folk must originate some new excuse to have a little walk .by moon light alone- V gly stories -are afloat concerning Sam Harris, late of this city. If reports are true Sau?:r2l is an egg in. which the germ of a gentleman has been spoiled. At the religious meeting-held at Dr Freehand's on Friday evening it was unanimously resolved to tender a hearty welcome and support to Rcv.W. C Chat tin who will shortly return to-conimence his duties. "What country in this world can pro duce finer weather, finer cabbages, leets, corn, wheat, fish, Hour, leather, coal, wood, timber, lumbcr,ships, hay, horses, cattle, sheep, swine, and politicians than Oregon. An Oregon politician can beat a Turk in almost any capacity. Complaint was lodged with the Au ditor yesterday because a street had been named after Berry. He said Berry hadn't been here long enough to be entitled to such distinction. Frank said he would see what could le done about it. Capt. Mudge proposed to insert 'DiP before it then drop the Berry, and say no more about it Double Edition. The Oregonian yesterday was a splendid double edition just like the Astofian to-day, (eight pages) only a trifle larger. The New Cornet Band. Lambert's cornet band is now fully organized with the following member.?: Geo. Boss, Geo. Wilder, P. Fox, Jas. O. Calahan, Win. Jacobson, II. W. Smith, Geo. Lam bert, leader; Chas. B. Turner, secretary: J. C. Bricket, treasurer. Valuabls Cabinet. The cabinet of X W. Virtue, Esq., at Baker city, says the Democrat, embraces the finest j collection of choice minerals to be found anywhere on the continent. The entire collection is worth nearly 10, O00. Among the specimens are some rare gems of richness from the Yirtue mine, which show amazing streaks of gold and tell the story of the great wealth of that ledge. Mr. Yirtue is very proud of this collection as well he may be, and takes great pleasure in showing his rare cabinet of minerals ard other specimens to strangers. Fearful Death. On the 4th of this month, ays the Boise Statesman, Ir. Daniel Clemmens and a number of other freighters were camped at Desert station, on the Kelton road not far from Boise. At this place the creek rung through a deep canyon, Clemmens started to go from one camp to another after night, and next morn ing it was discovered that he was miss ing. Search was -made and his bodv was found at the botiom of a perpen dicular rock bluff eighty feet high. Life was extinct and the body bruised and cold. The remains were taken to Boise city for burial. The deceased left a wife and several smaU children. Sudden Death. About two o'clock on Monday last a man approached Mr. Crawford, who was standing in front of his store on Front street, in Seattle, evidently with the intention of speak ing to him on some subject, but was unable to articulate, and appeared confused. Mr. Thornton, who was standing near at the time, asked him if he wished him to write out his com munication for him. The man made no answer, but suddenly turned round and fell against the door, but was caught by Mr. Crawford before he reached the floor, -when it w&s discov- i r jd that he was dead. Heart disease was probably the cause of his death. Deceased was named William Strong, and had recently been working in Burns' logging camp, and has the ap pearance of a man about 40 years of age. The body was conveyed to Rus sell's undertaking rooms, where an inquest was held by thd'poroner. CITY 1TEPKS. Ladies Look -So to Geo. W. Cornart's Look S get some of those hue paneiei is utz to, ou aim vis cents per box. Cigarette si have just received kers .attention! I invoice oi ine id cigarettes, to celebrated l'azaro be had at Corn art" ;rm .lo.- Tillamook at E. S. Larsen's. innediCku?rfor sale Any person in want of building materials" from Ruiz's wharf, during his absence, can get tluRsame by applying to T. S. Jewell", or A.Ving. Genuine imisTana Bull -dozers (five shooters), at'Adler's. the finest stock in the Citv, jusreceirid at Adler s. Notice. Just receiv- forated card board, red and other colors at 20 ledgers, record-books, books, just received ac ami Ad rriffonni is furnishing good- rooms with board at from S6 to 7 and upwards per week, according to location. Choice new sets of crockery, very unique and novel ; also the self-righting 'spittoon,'' that alwavs keeps upright, just received and selling at prices to suit the times, at I. W. Case's. Board and lodging can be had at Mrs. Million's at reasonable rates. The best cooking apples and pears in the city are to be found at Bozorth's, who also keeps a full stock of fresh veg etables constantly on hand at the lowest prices. Call and be convinced. ....You can always get fresh oysters in every style and at all hours, day or night at the Central Coffee Saloon, Con comly street, between Benton and La fayette. Thos. McFarland, proprietor. Astoria Liquor Store, IT. Marx & Co., proprietors. Sole agents for Charles Bebstoek & Co., St Louis. Mo. Ameri ca's finest Stonewall whiskv, Snow Hill tire. Cooper whisky. For sale by all gen eral dealers and saloon keepers. Depot and Branch House of Marx & Jorgen sen, Portland, Oregon. Dry goods, millinery and notions cheap for thirty -days at the Bee Hive. The Dance of Life, an answer to the Dance of Death, at the Circulating Library. Dr. F. P. Ilicks, dentist, rooms in Dr. Welch's building, on Squenioqha street offers his service to the public of Astoria. Peter Buney is still in the market with all kinds of building materials in his line. Has just received 100,000 lath, 2,000 bushels of sand, and a large stock of first quality of brick at his warehouse foot of Benton street The Dance of Life," an answer to the Dance of Death, by Mrs. J. M. Bowers. For sale at the City Book Store. Board and lodging by the day or week at the Astoria Beer Hall, Main street, Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro prietor. Single men feel like marrying when they see the Medallion range at L. P. Bichman & Co's. Fresh oysters in every style at aenmeers. White wire goods in every style, at L. P. Bichman & Co's. Dr. B. B. Freehand has located per manently In Astoria for the practice of dentistry. Office in Shuster's building, on Cass street, next door to The Asto hian office. jZSJ-Photographs! The Litest styles taken at Shutter's new gallery, Cass Bt., next to the Astorian office. gSx- For clean towels, sharp razors, and an easy shave, go to Gillespie at Par ker House Baths. HaircuttiDg, sbam pooning, and dyeing. BSTXittle Yan lias reestablished himteif at the old corner, refreshed by his I late journey to the Atlantic slates, and will as tormerly altcna to all orders in his line as general jobber. ANOTHER VICTORY GslIXED IX FA VOR OF SPECIE PAYMENTS. After this date, coin will be used for change, and tickets dispensed with; all rli-inL-c mill nirrer: fivo mifl fn fonte of 'the Chicago iTouse,Main street, Astoria. Astoria, Oct 3, 1877. SOMETHIXG NEW For Glassware, Crockery, Powder and Shot, Guu . Wads, Percussion Caps, in fact everything that is useful as well as ornamental, go to J. W. Gearhart, who sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered free of charge. Ship-master's Reading Room. Mr. Peter Wilhelm has permanently fitted up a ship-master's reading room in con nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria. The latest shipping papers and home ward and outward bound shipping li6ts are kept on file. Telegraph office next door. Canary Birds. for sale at Gilles pie'e, Parker house baths '!! r i. ire :wui nur.ori :roriie sjigans puzwqes, JT-ecerri! L.ades TakI ed atAdler's, pel whitf, blue, blacK ecu ner sheet .J. Full linef other blauK liar's. Linn Count Letter. T-sxt. 'Tult the beam from thine own eye before plucking the mote," etc. Linn County, Oregon, Oct. 18, 1877. Ed.tob Asterian: In a recent issue of a we(a)kly pub lication eminating from the southern part of tliis county, 1 find an article yclept "Railroad Interests," this rare tid-bit of critical bombast. "The press of Astoria and Portland are work ing zealously for the interests of those points, rcgaMless ofthe icel fare of the whole state. Having been cognizant of the course pursued by Tm ie Astorian, I wish to enter almost Vlecided protest against the accTwitionVof this pompously bom bastioiScribbleV. Farther on in this detectable article in speaking of the needs of the shite, I find the3e words, "we must have firect communication with tide water; we want direct com munication with the east;" the two things which the press of Astoria and Portland have been vigorously urging for years, and yefc this would be censor of the press finds in that action food for lils high-flown and sweeping casti gations. A more careful perusal of said arti cle reveals the cause of the envenomed shafts of this puerile scribblers spleen. Forsooth Astoria and Portland have not striven to obtain Congressional (!) aid for an Yaquina railroad, a pro posed road from Corvallis, on the Wal lamet, to Yaquina-bay, a road, though considered to be feasible, that has never been counted by its firmest friend as more than a local affair; a short cut to the sea to avoid the difi culties of navigating the Wallamet river; a road whose tide-water termi nus is a naroor yet untried ana or doubtful capacity. Compare the course of this person in so zealously advocat ing this local affair in such grand elo quent terms and pompous style, with the course of the ones he condemns in advocating a railroad connection with the east, and to extend to tide-water at Astoria, our well known and well proven commodious sea-port; and a port too that has extended water com munication with the interior through the Columbia and its tributaries. The Yaquina route, too, passes through a portion of country incapable of any extensive improvement, while an ex tension to Astoria would naturally pass through the rich Nehalem valley which even now is attracting the notice of prospective settlers, and would thus open it to immediate improvement. I say compare the action in the two cases and the unexampled wisdom (1) of this traducer is apparent at once. I would not be understood in this, as in any -manner condemning the Ya quina movement; every local improve ment should meet with the earnest support of those interested; and a road from Corvallis to the coast would undoubtedly be a decided improve ment; but when it is claimed that this proposed road is of such great stai e and national importance that those who have been advocating an exten sion of the Pacific "route to connect Oregon with the east, should drop their claims and turn their energies to the construction of this forty or fifty miles of local road, or be charged with the heinous crimo of not working for the interests of the state, the claim is so? ridiculously absurd as to provoke a smile of contempt and cast contumely upon the objects that the claimant wish to forward. Brevis. Up the Klaskani. Editor Asterun: The morning was clear and cool with heavy frost. Wo went to interview the bull who made such strenuous ob jections we were obliged to retire with out obtaining any information of in-' terest. Our host suggested we should go with him and witness an illustra tion of a passago of scripture. It was early yet and the sheep were not long out, though the'- had wandered a long distance from home seeking food. But the moment they heard their masters voice they came out from the woods on a brisk trot up to where we were standing, to lick the salt and receive the caresses they so richly deserve. It was a severe test of obedience but 'they obeyed promptly. We -visited eveiy department and found everything in first class order and a model of neat ness and systematic management. About this time we discovered that our boots had followed the example of some 'Frisco banks and "burst. " Con sidering the state of the roads this was rather discouraging, Mr. Gray, how ever, offered us the use" of saddle horses and we were soon off well mounted to enjoy the scenery, or anything else that was to be found. Just after ford ing the stream jon the way to Corno's, one sees a cliff of rocks seamed and scarred featured with miniature chasms and precipices and overleaning rocks; here blackened with shade, there over spread with glorious reflections of tho rising sun. Strangers involuntarily start, the first time they ride by the side of this cliff, for the rocks appe.-r to be just ready to fall. They are se cure, however, and one soon becomes accustomed to the sight. We reined up at Fairfield's and received our first lesson in the art of making pumpk'n pies and rather liked it. Then we in duced our instructess to pilot v around the country. A few moments sufficed to catch a horse, saddle up, and get under way, after cautioning the deputy cook not to burn those pies or kick the kittens. Away we went up lull and down lull, through small val leys rich in foliage, moss clad trees that reached to great height, moss clad rocks, ferns and wild flowers, the beauty of which was enhanced by the pretty autumn leaves scattered here and there. Dr. Wandory's fann is worthy, of special mention on ac count ofi the excellent condition of the road in that neighbor hood. We halted some distance beyond to enjoy the magnificent scen ery and rest the horses, after which we returned slowly, to lengthen the pleasure. We found the deputy cook asleep, pies burnt and the white kitten treading water in the well. It was a tempting chance to win a pair of gloves, but we forbore and fished oiio the kitten. Our appetites were keen and in a few minutes fresh trout, and biscuits, tea, fresh milk, etc., were smoking hot on the table, prepared by our instructress and pilot. Having done justice to this luscious repast we proceeded to instruct the deputy cook in the perplexing accomplisliment of riding without a side saddle. She de veloped such aptitude and courage that we were soon all off again to in spect Megler's farm and found it in excellent condition. Returning in time for supper we discovered that we had no appetite left and no wonder. Your humble servant returned to Gray's "by moonlight alone" to find a cheerful fire burning and more music before retiring. Next morning we started on our return trip under the impression that we were indebted t- several for much pleasure and recrea tion. We were favored with a fine clear morning and a beautiful ash breeze nearly the whole distance. It was an airday's journey and quite warm. One passenger was nearly Mik ed to death, and threatens to bring e. suit for extreme cruelty. We cor dially recommend Capt. Beard, and his "boat, to any parties wishing to visit this section of country, as a gen tleman who understands his business and is to be relied upon. Altogether, we enjoyed ourselves and propose to go again some Saturday afternoon and stay the rest of the week, B. Collision at Seattle. Tho Tri bune gives an account of a serious col lision at Seattle last Sunday night, in which the old steamer Annie Stewart, formerly of these waters was principal. She was steered out of her course in a fog, and instead oi standing off fcr port Blakoly ran directly toward Bell town, and the fog was so dense that the danger was not observed by men on the hurricane deck until they were into it. The Tribune says; The first warning they had was the scraping of the boat against the stern of the schooner Compeer, her stem at the same time carrying away the fastening lines of the schooner, and she plunged into the dock of the Seattle coal com pany. So great was the headway of the steamer that she broke, through three 12-inch timbers, broke off several piles, twisted out of placs over twenty others, and moved the upper trestl' -work so as to almost overthrow it. The shock was so great to the steamer that her whole upper deck, back to the pilot house, was broken loose and left with stem and hogchais, etc., on the piles and timbers of the wharf, the boom of the Compeer at the same time tearing off one end of the cabin. The Annie Stewart is a miserable tiling to steer, sheering off greatly at times, and to this is attributed the collision with the dock. It was very lucky as it was, for if the dock had not been there, she would have struck the schooner amid ships instead of the wharf and both vessels would have sunk in a moment, and many Jives and much propertv probably lost. Oregon has every Advantage enjoyed in civilized cnmitriey. Liberal 1 awe. "Good uehoob. . Moderate tax. Qnly nopjinal State debt.. . . . I " . , j $'? i V "fY