cv tsta!93mi;.wxi.,t aa m' gto gailg stxrrxair. ASTORIA,. OC1. 18, 1ST? Tltfe- Talrtc lo-r Astrr. Prora "cadres x)f United States Oasst Sttvcy. High "Water, j Low Water. DflV. A.M. P.M.! A-JI. P.M. r.l 14. .-. Vi 17 IS..... in tLt Zll . ( 01. v 5 lfij .. 7 OJ e 17 . 5 02 7 III! .. S ."Mi., 8 30j . i 44 II 17 .10 29 10 111 n or. 11 M .11 SO 11 471 O Oil . C 33 0 22 ,11 OS- . fl 44 , 1 ?7 , 2 31 , 7, lit. . 4 -OS. , 4S5 . & :& , r. cr . c : - 12 a is 2 :w 3 .'2 4 29 5 21 f r, . PORT OF ASTORIA, CLEARAXCES AXD DEPARTURES. SWI.KO IVan.-ijr.nre, J5r i). 1074 tons, Hato5itt, Qvtcezr&lotra. Oct. 17. Oeo. V.i:idccMH13rS5Br,,ermnor, S. F. Oct I? Oricaba, &s. 2lHfsn. Johnson. S If Oct li California, sir. t774 tons, Thorn. Sitka Oct, 12. Alexander, steam tap, Victoria, Oct. 14. "Santii Urns:, tr. Lcland. S. F. Oct. 15 lieocroft.IJtftK'listi IRK tons Bice, 5,iTcrpool Oc tober 1 AKPJ VA LS FROM SKA. Piljn imf ship tonb. Firi, ilonr-koac, Oct I . Ajax. tr iyJ tons. Jtf icJcjo. S i? Oct li TiniiJChaplin. Br bk, 777 tons Harris, liouglronjr. Oil 14 Pes (paw, Ilr sb. 753 tons. Aire?, ttongl'on?. Oct 14 Jjuaifnj; Wind, Am sh, 12nStons, HieiJy, Honskoug Oct 13. Premier, f-ch. Moore, S F, Oct. 6. llufus E Wood. bip. 1477 tons, DaYis, S F Oct ft. Santa CJar.i.-ship, 1535 tons,Tsbej S Fto lo.-ulfor .Europe Oct 5. G "W Cochran, Kirk, 1105 tons, Ghcn, 1 daya fm Hongkuu. Oct 4. Uoilcl Hay. JJr sh. 141 tons. 52 days im Brisbj-nc, Oct 2. .Nimbus, ship, 1302 tons, Leonard. Hongkong, Oeti Springfield, ship 1013 tons, Peart, Hongkong Sep tember 21 Palo, Hr. sell JWi tons. I!ritih Colombia, Sept "23 Buouos Ayro. I'ronch bk.fiiS ton, Yoisin, S. F. io load "whi-sri lor Cork, .Sept. 25. Jiato 1j. HoiTn, fell, 2S tons, Thompson, Tilla mook, Sent 2J Pactolas,hh J4H tons, Colcord.S. F to load for iiiopc.!ept23 Abeona. lib. iu'J tons, Hamilton, from Liverpool, Sopt 'JT,. Drumnloc, Brbk HUG tons.AVyinan, fm Otago, X. Z., Sept 22. Honrictte. GT bk, Ri tons, "Wobeckcn, S F, t load for Cork Sept. 22. Sea V.iif, hrig,273 tons, Umpqna, Hept. 20. Adventurer. Hr bk 71G toivs.IJralthwaite.NewcftBtle X. S. V.. via S. "., to load for Kurope, Sept. 8 Alden UesM?. bk. 811 tons, Xoyes, S F, to load for China. Sept. fi. Gussie Telfair, sir, 413 tons. Gardiner, fm Sitka Feb. 2(5. Luid up in Portland. VESSELS OS THE WAT. Domestic Ports. Ancon, str 1G40 tons, Debney, S. F. Oct 16. City of Chester, str.. 110(i tons, IJollos.. S. F. Oct 1(5. Xorth liend, the new Oregon barkentine fm S F Oct 14, Wcbfoot, bkt. 3(2 tons, Wliec' wright, S. F. Srpt23 Forei5 Ports. Alma. Ger bk, 5)4(1 ton. Lahmcjer. S F. Oct 3. Absrvstu ith Castle. Hr. sh. tons, HarriB, Xcw- ctsile.X. S.W. Aug. 20. - Illsngfull, lirsh, 1210 tons JfcCulIooh, S F Oct 9 Lenefactor, bk fwO ton, Hayden, liongkong, Aug 24 City of York. Br sh, 1195 tons, Auld, SF to load tor Europe. Earl Granville. Br. bk. 1009 tons, Reddie, S. F, to load for Europe Oct 4. Francis Thorp. Br sh, 1346 tons, Buck, S. F. G Broughton. Br bk, tons. Edkins, Auckland, X Z Aug 18 Gibraltar Swe bk 7G1 tons Enksen fin Hull .Eng land. ilalton Castle. 478 tons, Angel, f m Liverpool. Iglewood. Br bk, 1043 tons, Brocklebank, S F. JanpA. Falkinburg, bkt3U0 tons, Hubbard, Hono lulu. Lovruswater, Brbk, Hongkong, Sept 8. La Escocesa. Hr sh. MM tons, Evans, San Pedro, to load for Europe. Alattie Macleay. bk'JSd tons Pope, Honolulu Mount Lebanon, Bb. Hall, from Hongkong, May 14 Xational, Fr i-h, 851 tons, Mazon. S F Pi7zirro. Br. s!i. 13S1 tons C'ollister, S. F. to load for Europe. Oct 4. Jliver Xith. Br sh. 1165 tons. Carpenter, S F SSierra Xevada, bk tons. Koerner. Xew castle, X S "VV. Aug 9 Wood Hall, lir bk,72l tons. Hongkong Aug 29, POREIGN EXPORTS. SEPTEMBER. Value. S4i,W0 1)0 S,7ST 07 5,812 5o n;,os2 r.o biji'fi 74 4-i.aSl 74 iiO.lMJ : OO.STo 10' To Liverpool per Lochinvar, Sept 1 : 2'o IIuii'Aulu, per Mattie Macleai, Sept. 1: 'To Hunolulu per Falkinburg, Sep 2: 'JCo Victoria and Xanaiiuo per tr California, Sept : if'o Qnecnstoirii per Kinclunc Sep 11: To QueeJifitvicn per Jloaatain Laurel Sept IS: To QuecntoirH per Greta, Sept 19: To QuceiibtoicnpcrVban Hay Sep S,: Total exports September, Ii......?.ll,ol 5S OCTOBER, To Vessel ctls. 1 Cork, per Jlriiidt Peer ay.KH S 73S0 0() 1 Cork, per JJriluJi Jilvnat chlii. ftft 74,550 00 zi Cork, per HaiJcc 2l.5.15 4:1,42) do 'J. QuccjistomL, per Caiidiilcr),iYi 4S,U0 25 3 LivcrpnuU Hirer Indu3l,M 0 ,01'1 w Cork, per Palawan 2!).22J (0,:7J 2-j Total. 1st week October. Previously reported -.. ...1S4,5!HJS:7",0'J1 17 - 3U,:;n 5b Totals. StiSi.y7.i7o 8 jr;d. England, vcr CHy of JV V' heat from rortland lb',701 ctls... " " Astoria 12,51S ... ankin: . S:jT,417 ri 2',0 ,7 42 $82,454 02 Totali 3121 11 Qntcnulonm per ErftbanJc Wheat, from Portland, 17,S'0 ctR. ' Astoria, 14,550 " .. S7,Ti9 7 :u,H2 50 Total S2.5I5 S'3S,(JS2 2i 12 To Liverpool per licccreft: Vhcat,from Portland, 80,'H9 ctls... Astoria, 2,803 ". Totals. 51,132 1G Quscnutojon per Dianaperc: Wheat from Portland 21,270 ctls... " Astoria 12,082 " ... Total 33,831 1C Liverpool per Pactnlus; "Wheat from Portland 1S.1S4 ctl..-18,'-&5 .v 04,1 00 iu;je9 oo 542,500 00 24.110 00 $oj,0(to 00 $rs,iS7 oo 34,310 00 72,533 00 OQOOSRCLL AND SHIPPING, T)KOWN & McCABE, ;M STEVEDORES .AND RIGGERS, Psrlfcma find Astoria, Oregon. 02" On rA 'oafcir.ess entrusted to our care, satisfaction guaranteed. T G. FAIRPOWL & SON, STEVEDORES AM RIGGERS Tjb Portland, Oregon. Ref&r by r-rn?cn to Rogers. Meyers & Co,, AUcn A: Lewis, Corbitt &Maclcayf Pvrtiand, Oregon. O IZJSOT, HA-UILT0N & HIGGLES. Ship Chandlers. &. Provision and General rMSjl Commission Merchants, Oar, Coaceraly and Benton streets. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. mmim & mm Successors io Capt. Geo. Flauel WEATLE5JS IJi atL PROVISIONS, IRON", STEEL, COAL, Builders' and General Hard ware, SASH AND DOORS, 3STAILS , -LXIXTT-S, OILS At s OSd K? wen icnown oia?ia j&ss -OF- GEORGE FLAVEL, Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. Ilwaco Steam Nav. Co. SUMMER NOTICB. THE ILWACO STEAM XAV. CO.'d STEAMER GEN. CANBY, AVill leave Astoria on Mondays, Tiii'Mlny.s. rriilay.s V Saturdays Att5.:t0A. M.,shjirp, for Fort Stevens, Fort C'anby, and Ilwaco. Connecting with L. A. Loomis' stnacs for Oys tcrville. l'asseneers wisliinir to visit tho FORTIFICATIONS AND LIGHT-HOUSES At cither Fort Stevens or Capo Hancock, (Disappointment) will have from one to three hours tinio, and return to Astoria same day. Fare to Ft. Stevens ----- 50cts " " Ft. Canby or Ilwaco - - $1 00 FOR TICKETS, TOWAGE, OR CHARTER, Apply cither at tho office of tho Company, Gray's wharf, foot of Denton strcot, or to tho Captain on board. J. H.D.GRAY, Accnt, Astoria, Oregon. By order of tho Prcsldont, L. A. LOOMIS. For Towing. THE STEAM TUG 3533DITH:, W m. BOCHAU Master Will attend to all kinds of Towing on the Co lumbia river and tributaries. ntiuOHico in Portland at Corbitt & Macleay's at Astoria, Gem Saloon, or on board. For Passengera and Towage. The New Tug cfafe RIP VAX YTIXKILE W. II. Whitcomb Master Having nccouimodalions for pnssenccrs. and capacity for first class tow ing, is offered for business to all points on tho Columbia 'river and bay, at reasonable rates. usrror particulars apply to Allen & Lewis, Portland, or to Trenehard A: Upshur, Astoria, I or on board. UTtf Astoria, Clatsop, Youngs River and Knappton. Until further notice ttie Steam Launch jM i js.l:m:, A.G. FISHER MsLsler. Will leave Fisher's wharf, foot of Hamilton .street. Astoria, daily except Sunday., FORSKIPAXOX LANJHXGatS o'clock a. in., returning same day. The SAM can be chartered for freight or tmvmg to any part of the bay. JSFor jiai-ticulai-s apply on board. EW SOGDS, NEW GOODS. Prices Lower Than Ever. GEORGE W. GQRNART, Is constantly receiving the finest assortment OF BLAXX I'.OOKS. STATIONERY. OFFICE FIXTURES AXD XOTIOXS. ALL THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS OF SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL JJ&k v XXSTKU30SXTS. Agent for Sherman & Hyde's Pianos and Organs sold on Installments. ALSO FINi: IJIPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS AS0 TOBAGGO, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Xorth side of Chenamus street, between Cass and Mam Astoki.v, Okegon. CASK STORE!! JUST RECEIVED A NEW INVOICE OF GROCERIES, QUEEiYSWARE LAMPS AND FIXTURES WHICH WE OFFER AT A BARGAIN FOR CASH. FXUO.'CrR &2STX FEED, CORNER OF MAIN AND SQUEMOCQHA STS., ASTORIA, OREGON. O i ! : H : O i ! I i B i Largest Stock Bsst Assortment, and Lowest in Price, Is the well known House of IB. IOC -A. 3VE DB TJ 3ES. C3- E5 3EL - owtw Our Ansort iiient in This .season is unusually lan;e and bought Department an :issortment of Cashmeres, all shades, Tamise Cloths, Empress Cloths, Alpacas, .A splendid assortment of Polanalse Cloths, Basket and Camals Cloths, Plain, Plaid, and Striped Waterproof. Red and White Flannels. PLAIN and PLAID OPERA FLANNELS, TIES, RUCHES, FACHSE, Hosiery, Lcggins, Knitted Hoods and Nubias, OUR CLOTHING, LOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS AXD CARPETS Is complete in every department. This stock has been purchased liersonallv bv Mr. IJ. Hamburger while in San Francisco latelv ami while in the market, taking the advantage of a dull scsison thereby secured nu merous bargains, and the .same are now offered at prices heretofore never thought of. Wc have determined this season to sell goods, and we are going to sell them, the prices wil do it. We can't and will not be undersold by any house in the city. (Jive us a call and inspect our stock. 3$. IIA3IIJUI5GER. Main street, next to corner of Chenamus ----- Astobia. Okf.cox. It. ALEXANDER. R ALEXANDER & CO. IMPOIlTEilS OF ASD DEALERS IX 2s r nr o CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, CROCKERY, AXD General C'arrutlicrVi IJiiildhi-. Water Street ASTOKIA. K"3"Also will attend to a general 'shipping and commission business. x3"Agents for tho best brands of California taken in exchange. C AR2j - 33 Xj E5 3EL, DEALER IX 3KTO"t032LS &33LC3- KUO'SrS ALL THE LATE STYLES OF FINEST NOTE PAPERS, ENVEL OPES, Etc., ALBUMS, MUSIC POXES, NOTIONS, TOYS, Etc. Chenamus street, Astoria, Brown's Building, next door to tho Whito House. US" GOLD J'JiXS AXD PENCILS A SPECIALTY. C. E.'jACKINS. Wi3 .1BU,, il?illjff1i J-y vs-y I-- JJfc Successors to C. E. JACKINS & CO., Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts Astoria, Oregon. DEALERS IX Stoves, Granite Ware, and Tin and Pressed Ware, OF ALL KINDS. Sr Jobbing of every description promptly attended to. MAGXUS C CROSBY. 1b. P. BlchmaR Co. (Successors to Bailey & lUchman.) DEALERS IN HOUSE rURKESHINGr GOODS, STOVES, TIN "WABE, TAJBLE CUTLERY, WOODEN WARE, TOYS, ETC. JOBBING IN TIN, SHEET IRON, AND COPPER A SPECIALTY. Keep also Lead Pipes, and 1,000 other things too numerous to mention. When you want a stove, trimmed from top to bottom in iirst chiS3 style gnc us a call. Orders from abroad will rcccivo prompt attention, i'ou will find us in Young's new build ing, north side of Squcmoe-iha street, Astoria, Orcson. COLUMBIA 33 S.23V57" JaS 1JL1T, E.PAPMAHL & CO,, PROPRBETORS, ASTORIA, OHL33CS-O20- HnilE UNDE1ISIGXED PROPRIETORS OF THE COLLtaD3IA BREWERY JL just erected and placed in operation at Astoria, wish to inform tho public that we are now prepared to fill all orders forasplcndid article of -j- rr- u i Having every facility fordoing JL.A,f- , VwrCj.sr6.; THE VElt V BEST CHAKAOTER Uc' WORK J i 3 TgrKl cxd TLTtlFQ T Mr. Papmahl heing an Experienced Bie-.ver, I -tliiil iJUbGlcCl J&ShltllA . jTho COLUMBIA BREWLRY WILL U'ARRAXT SATISCTI0X IX PILL1XG ALL Orders. Give us a trial. E. PAPMAHL & CO., Astoria, Oregon. 1ST. PilAIM ASTORIA, 333 a STREET, OREGON Globe Hotel. Stock of vases, jowolry and toys. General Merchandise Xcar tho Invites attcn tion to his Clothing, Boots and shoes jJM1 Groceries and Provisions, Selected with special referenco to tho As toria trade. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Highest price paid for Furs. New Goods by Every Steamer. N. LOEB, STORIA,,,., , OREGON 8p W in QOODS V chcan. AVe exhibit in our Dress Goods E. LOEBENSTEIN. d c 3?slmi3.slls puro Liquors. P. S. Country produce T -0 E. 11. HAWES. LOUIS P. PJCIIMAX. ivuuKLi rai-.tosa tuwimjuugtrtn-ia C. H. UAI.V. A. VT. FKHGUSON. BaIN & FERGUSON, ARCHITECTS ASTD EPILDERS, ASTORIA, UKEGOX. A HE XOAVPUEPABED with increased facilities to 5M3 - I IKTISV f Furnish PJans and Specifications. contract, eiect bulidinss, and do ail 0rstclas3 work in a superior manner. HkxT We keep on hand, and will turnish to order, nil kinds of BUILDING KATERIALS, Rustic, Foorinsr, Finishing Lumber, Mould ipgS S:ish, Doors, Xcwels, Balusters, etc., etc. t9All kinds of Job work done at our Sleani Mill, corner of Genevieve and Astor streets. HfflriiAND KA1LIXG at PORTLAND Prices. BUSINESS CARDS PRINTED Very chean. at THE ASTORIAN FOR SALE, TO LET, ETC. TpOR SALE. The sloop Annie Devlin of Portland? cheap. Address. J. It. "WILEY, !K5-im Portland, Oregon. 50,000 SPRUCE EUMBER, And SHIP LI2sTjStG for sale by 95-lm J. G. HUSTLES. TfOU SALE. The undersigned wishes to sell lots 3 and 4. block 112, Snively's Astoria : one good dwelling house hard finished, a large well containfng water enough to supply ships, situated inside of the! aimers' warehouse, so-called, fronting on the Columbia river. For further particulars inquire at the Asto kia" office or to the owner on the place. Jas. McCANX. September 28, 1877. 29-im nno pE-sTT. One Store and several Offices? in Smith's liuildingr on tho roadway. For further particulars inquiro at L. K. G. SMITH'S cigar stand. 7-21-dtf Cor. of Main and Chenamus. TpOK SALE. A Laundry in good running order and complete in every appointment : situated on Concomry street, Astoria. Said laundry has ueen m successnu operation ior me pasc three years. Or will lease the same for a teun of from Jive to ten years, to responsible par ties. For further particulars inquire of J. T.BOUCHERS, 97-dlm On the premises. MISCELLANEOUS CANDY FACTOSY.. THE ITNDKRSIGXF.n TAKE PI.KASUltE TO ANNOUNCE TO TIIEIK l'ATKONS AND DEALERS IN CKNEItAL THAT THEY HAVE LATELY LAnr.P:LY INCREASED THEIR, FAC TORY AND AllE NOW I'ltEPAUEI) TO FUR NISH AS OOD AN ASSORTMENT IN THItlR. LINE AS ANY IIOUSF. ON THE COAST. Sl'ECLVL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH CUSTO MERS. AlilSKY & IIF.GEL,!:, P. O. i:xm. 105 First Street. Factory on Alder Street, uctAveen First aud Second Street, Portland, Oregon. $izv steke: New Goods! New Prices!! J. STB.AXJSSr Wholesale and Retail Dealer in. Groceries, Trojiical and Domestic Emits; also, Crockery, Glass ware, Silverware, Table and Pocket Cutlery . A full line of Willow-ware always on band; a full stock of Cigars and Tobacco, Wines and Liquors, Parties in need of tbe above line of goods will consult their own interest by call ing before purchasing elsewhere. Prices low er than any other house in the City. SOUTH SIDE OP CIIEXAMUS STREET ASTORL, OREQON. t5TGoods delivered to any part of the City Free of CUiitqc. BUY 3TOXE BUT THE jffEW UIFUOITI) FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE, THE BEST - - WORLD For sale at the CITY BOOK STORE. Astoria Brewery Saloon, And Bottled Beer Depot ! MA1X STKEET, ASTOltlA. RUDOLPH EARTH, MICHAEL MYERS, Proprietors. The Best Quality Lager Beer, ITVlTcENTS A GLASS. fSST The patronapo of tho public i respect fully solicited. Orders for Lager, or Bottled Beer, in any quantity, promptly filled. jd iree Lunch day and niht. "",rKIL DESPSRABTDDEE. " Lime, Brick, Sand Plaster an9 Marl DM AS CHEAP AS CAN BE LAUDED II ASTORIA. Cm "be had in any quantity at my wharf. C5TAgent for salo of San Juan Lime. PETER RUNEY, Astu: :a. Totals.. ,., 34,539 4