V w (5J X g'Jxs axl3J Vstosiaa. 4fT ASTORIA OCT. 14, 1877 Tide Table ror Astoria. OCTOBER. From tables x'f United States Coasb Survey. High Water. Low Water. Iny. a. u r. M. a. m. p. m. V.l 0 01 -T, ICj U 08. 14 7 01 - G 17 0 41 0 12 jr 02 7 i:j l ::i l 18 1(5 5H. 8 l!l 2 31 2 SO 17.t I) 41 II 17! 3 1!) .'i "- IS M) 2. ..10 11 4 00. 4 2U 1! 11 00. 11 01 4 hi 5 21 -j) ii y;s n 47j r, :si. g 09 til o 04! o o" c m 22. o :r o 22 o . 7 :jo PORT OF ASTORIA. CLEARANCES AND DEPARTURES. o SUI,K1 Hsecroft.Hritlshsh-lGiGtons Rice, Liverpool Oc tolxjr 12. ARRIVALS FROM SEA. -3?romlor.scli. Moore, S F, Oct. 6. ?eo. Wilder 17U9 tons, Cora. Connor, S. F. Oct 12 "Orizalia, hS. 241 tons. Johnsoa. S F Oct 12 VJanta Cruz, etc. Leland.S. F. Oct. 11 NVf;jif0rnia,str.G74 tons.Tliorn.S. F. Oct, 10. vVIexander, steam tup, Victoria, OcL9. Slufus K Wood, ship, 1477 -tons, Davis, S F Oct 5. Santa Clara, bhFp, 1535ms,Tobey, S Ffto load for Europe Oct i. O W Coclirune, bark, 1105 tons, Given, 51 days fin Hongkong. Oct 4. Dianaporc, Br bk. 1074tons, Hanson, S F, to load for Cork, owners account. Oct. 3. 33odelBay, Hrtsli. 1W4 tons. .12 days fin Brisbane, Oct 2. Ximus.'sbip, 1302 toiivfjcomird. Hongkong, Oct 1 ."isprinsfinld. slup 1043 tons, Penrt, Hrugkong Sep tember 50 Pato, Br. sch.-65 tons, British Columbia, Sept 29 JJuenos Ayr, French Oik. (US tons, Voisin, S. F. to load wbestt for Cork, Sept. 2&. Kate L. Ilcrroa, scb, 26 tons, Thompson, Titla- mook, Sept. 24 Paclolus, sh. 104 tons, OoTcord, S. F-, to load for Europe. Sej?t23 Abeona. Bs.tf9 tone, Hamilton, from Liverpool, Sept 23. ZruiDclo, ErbklGlG tons, Wymaa, fm Otago,. Z., Sept 22. ileiiriette, Ger bt, tfW tons, Wobecktm, S F, to load for Cork Sept. 22. 43ea Waif, brig, 273 tons, Umpqua, Sept. 20. Adventurer. Br bk 716 tons.Braithwaite.Newcastle X. S. W.. via S. ., toioad for Europe.-Sept. b Alden Besse. bk. 841 tons, Nyes, S F, to load for China. Sept.fi. 5ussie'Telfair, str, 413 tons. Gardiner, fm Sitka Fob. 2& Lsm. uoin Portland. VESSELS ON THE Of. Ioraestie INwls. Arcbfoof,bkt.W2tons. Wbee'wrigUt, S.F.Srpt'iS Foreign Prts. Mma,Gerbk,94 tons. Lab. meyer. S F.Oct 3. Aberystwitli Castfe. Br.sh. tons, Harrrs, New castle, X. S.W. Aug. 20. Ulengf ull, Br sh, 1210 tons McCulloch, S F Oct 9 :Uenefactor, bk 18U tons, Hayden, Hongkong, Aug 24 City of York. Br sh. 1195 tons, Aiild, SFte load for Euro uo. Emily Chaplin. Br bk, Harris, Hongkong, Aug 30. Earl Granville. Br. bk.lW9 tons, Eeddie, S.F, to load for Europe Oct 4. Francis Thorp, Br h, 1346 tons, Buck, S. F, JBroughton.Br bk, tons. Edkins, Auckland. N Z Aug 18 Gibraltar Sre bk 764 tons Enkson fm Hull Eng land. iialton Castle. 478 tons. Angel, f ut Liverpool. Islcwood. Br bk. 1043 tons BrockVbairk. S F. Jan A. Falfcmburg, bkL3J0 tons, Hubbard, Hono lulu. Lowes water, Br bk, Hongkong. Sept 8. Leading Wind, ship, Higby, Hongkong. Spokon 20 das off by Xiiuue, Xa Escoccsa. Br sh. 91K3 tons, Evans, San Pedro, to load for Europe. -Mat tie Macleay. bk236 tonsP-ope, Honolulu JMount Lebanon, Bb Hall, from Hongkong, iCay if National, Frh, 851 tons, Mazon, S F Pilgrim sliip tons, Fowle, Hongkong, Sept 0. IMzzarro. Br, sh. 1331 tons Oollister, S. F. to load for Europe, Oct 4. Itiver Nith. Br sh, 1165 tons. Carpenter, S F isierra Nevada, bk tons, Roomer, Newcastle, N S W.Aug 9 Wood Hall, Br 'bk, ZH tons, Sibson, Hongkong, Aug 29, TOREIGN EXPORTS. SEPTEMBER. Valves. $4'J,000 00 8,78-1 07 5,812 53 16,082 50 To Liverpool per Lochinvar, Sent 1 : j.o Jiotwiuiu, per Matiu Macleay, SepL 1: To Honolulu per Falkinburg, Sep 5: To Victoria and Sanainw per r California, Sept 5: "To Quecnatown per Kinelunc Sep 11: To Qucenxtown per Mountain Laurel Sept IS: To Queentown per Greta, Sept 19; To Quceiuslownper Oban Ray Sep Sk 4i,593 74 441.S81 74 SO, lbO 82 GO ,875 Itl Total exports September. 1877. $311,311 58 OCTOBER, To Vessel ctls. 1 CorJt. per British Peer 3fi Hil 8 7.1.8R0 00 1 Cork, per Britteh. Monarch :7.307 74.5.V) 00 ' 2 Corlt, per Haidcc 24,535 451,425 00 '1 Quectustmen, per Candidal fiZi 48,4m 25 ii Liverpool, ' River IndH.i4,509 6,019 6 5 Cork, per Palawan .29.229 (iOr73 2J Total, 1st week October 184.59G $375,664 17 Previously reported- 311,311 r8 Total - - A SG8J.976 75 Hull, England, per City of Xanlcin: AVheat from Portland J6,70 ctls. SS7.417 r.o Astoria. 12.518 2-,0o7 42 $62,454 02 Totals. :;i,22i 11 QucenntoKiipcr Etlclmrik: Wheat from Portland 17,8. ctls... Astoria 14,535 " ... $37,5G!) 7. 3,112 50 Total 02,515 $40,6S2 2:1 12 To Liverpool per Bcccreff: Wheat, from Portland. 80,029 ctls... Astoria, 23,803 "... 64V21 00 49.988 00 114,009 00 Totals 51,402 Send tlie JPapcr Home. Single copies of the Wbkkly Astoriau neatly done up, with stamps to pre-pay postage affixed, for gale nt thin office. Send a copy to your friends in other parts of the world. Price, 10 cents a copy. Any friend who teels an intorest in the pros perity of this region.. is authorized to act as Agent for this jiaicr. in procuring subscriberr. COIiBIERCIAL. AND SHTPPING. "DROWN & McCABE, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS, Portland and Astoria, Oregon. pT On all business entrusted to our care, satisfaction guaranteed. T G. FAIRFOWL & SOST, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS K Portland, Oregon. Refer by pcrmi??ion to Tlogers. Meyers &, Co,, Allen fe Leivis. Corbitt A: Macleay, Portland, Oregon. QJIBSON, HAMILTON & HIGGINS. Ship Chandlers, rrovision and General Commission Merchants, Cor. Concomly and Benton streets. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. TftfiNGHARD & UPSHUR Successors to CapL Geo. Flavel TE.tXI-:KS IX PROVISIONS, IR0LT, STEEL, COIL, Bunders' and General Hard ware, SASH AND DOORS, 1ST A I Xi S , IZNTTS, OILS cfco- dbo. At the Old Established ivetc tcnown dcana i J -OF- GEORGE FLAVEL, Che nam u$ Street, Astoria, Oregon. Ilwaco Steam Nav. Co. SUMMER NOTICE. THE ILWACO STEAM NAV. CO.'S STEAM ER . GEN. CANBY, 2 Will leave Astoria on Mondays, TncMlny.t. Friday A Saturdays At 8.30 A.M., sharp, for Fori Stevens, Fori Canity, and Ilwnro. Connecting with L. A. Loomis' stages for Oys tcrvillo. Passengers wishing to visit the FORTIFICATIONS AND LIGHT-HOUSES at either Fort Stevens or Capo Hancock, (Disappointment) will have from one to three hours time, and return to Astoria gaino day. Fare to Ft. Steuens ----- 50cts " "' Ft Canby or Ilwaco - - $1 00 FOR TICKETS, TOWAGE, OR CHARTER, Apply either at the office of the Company, Gray7s wharf, foot of Benton Etreet, or to tho Captain on board. J. H.D.GRAY, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. By order of the President, L. A. LOOMIS. For Towing. THE STEAM TUG 3E333IT3BC, m. BOCHAU Master Will attend to all kinds of Towing on the Co lumbia river and tr butanes. ika-Offico in Portland at Corbitt & Macleay's at Astoria, Gem Saloon, or on board, For Passengers and Towage. 0 The New Tug BIP VAX WIKLE, ffojfc! W. H. Whitcomb Master. Having accommodations for passengers, and capacity for first class towing, is offered for business to all point on the Columbia ;river and bay, at reasonable rates. JSFor particulars apply to Allen & Lewis, Portland, or to Trenchard. &. Upshur, Astoria, or on board. oTtf Astoria, Clatsop, Youngs River and Knappton. Until further notice tne Steam Launch A. C. FISHER Master. Will leave Hustler's wharf, Astoria, daily except Sundavs, FOR SKIPANON LANDING at 8 o'clock a, m., returning same day. The SAM can be chartered for freight or towing to any part of the bay. J3?For particulars apply on board. HEW GOODS! NEW PRICES! GEORGE W. CORN ART, Is constantly receiving the finest assortment OP BLANK BOOKS. STATIONERY. OFFICE FIXTURES AND NOTIONS. ALL TllE LATEST PUBLICATIONS OF SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL IXSTRTCIKXTS. Agent for Sherman & Hydo's Pianos and Orpins sold on Installments. ALSO FIXE IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS AND TOBACCO, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. North side of Chenamus street, between Cass and Mam - - - Astokia, Okegox. - - JUST RECEIVED A NEW INVOICE" OF GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE LAMPS AED FIXTURES TTHIOH "YE OFFER AT A BARGAIN FOR CASH. FIUOXXR jfLKB FEED. CORNTER OF MAIN AND SQUEMOCQHA STS.3 ASTORIA, OREGON. O o I I Dry Goods ! Dry Goods ! Largest Stock Best Assortment, and Lowest in Price, Is the well .a.3ve:qtt:e.g-:e2:o.. r Our Assort in e nt in This season is unusually large and bought cheap. "We exhibit in our Dress Goods Department an assortment of Cashmeres, all shades, Tamise Cloths, Empress Cloths, Alpacas, A splendid assortment of Polanaise Cloths, Basket and Camals Cloths, Plain, Plaid, and Striped Waterproof. Red and White Flannels. PLAIN and PLAID OPErf A FLANNELS, TIES, RUCHES, FACHSE, Hosiery, Leggins, Knitted Hoods and Nubias, OUR CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS AND CARPETS Is complete in every department. This .stock lias been purchased personally bv Mr. B. Hamburger while in San Francisco lately and while in the market, taking the advantage of a dull season thereby secured nu merous bargains, and the .same ar,e now ottered at prices heretofore never thought of. Wc have determined this season to sell goods, and we are going to sell them, the prices will do it. "We can't and will not be undersold by any house in the city. Give us a call, and inspect our stock. B. IIA3IBUKGER. Main street, next to corner of Chenamus ----- Astoria, Okegox. B. ALEXANDER. R ALEXANDER & CO. IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN DRY GOODS CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES. HARD WARE, CIGARS AND Carrutlier's Bnildin, Water Street ASTOBIA. JJSTAlso will attend to a general shipping and commission business. CBAgents for tho best brands of California pure Liquors. P. S. Country produce taken in exchange. O j&. IEL X ABLER, DEALER IN Sooiks and Stationery, HSJc-tiozxjs and. Tors ALL THE LATE STYLES OF FINEST NOTE PAPEBS, ENVEL OPES, Etc., ALBUMS, MUSIC BOXES, NOTIONS, TOYS, Etc. Chenamus street, Astoria, Brown's Building, next door to tho Whito House. C2T GOLD PENS AND PENCILS A SPECIALTY. C. E. JACKINS. JfeaKta ' Successors to C. E. JACKINS & CO., Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts- - -, Astoria, Oregon. DEALERS IN Stoves, Granite Ware, and Tin and Pressed Ware, OF ALL KINDS. 53T Jobbing of every description promptly attended to. MAGNUS C. CROSBY. L. P. Rlchman & Co (Successors to Bailey &. Richman.) 1 DEALERS IN HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, STOYES, TIN WAEE, TABLE CUTLERY, WOODEN WARE, TOYS, ETC. JOBBING IN TIN, SHEET IRON, AND COPPER A SPECIALTY. Keep also Lead Pipes, and 1,000 other things too numerous to mention. When you want a stove, trimmed from top. to bottom in first class style give us a call. Orders from abroad will receivo prompt attention. Tou will find us in Young's now build ing, north side of Suueinocqha Btroet, Astoria, Orccon. COLUMBIA DBH.ESTVESH.TT, E.PAPMAHL & CO., PROPRIETORS, ASTORIA, OB.EGrQ3XT. rjHE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETORS CfF THE COLUMBIA BREWERY JL jusst erected and placed in operation at Astoria, wish to inform the public that we aro now prepared to fill all orders for asplondid article of y - Having every facility fordoing . .1 lrl.jrir'iilrTL, THE VERY BEST CHARACTER Ob' WORK ( JK 3 T -4.4.1 -. J "DTWD f Mr. Papmahl boing an Experienced Bi ewer, (. UlLll JJUbllcU. JjJhlhSSt i USTlho COLUMBIA BREWERY WILL WARRANT SATISFACTION IN FILLING ALL Orders. Give us a trial. E. PAPMAHL & CO.. Astoria. Oregon. :kt. lobb, MAIN ASTORIA, Near tho Invites atten tion to his STREET, OREGON Globe HoteL Stock of vases, jewelry and toys. General Merchandise Clothing, Boots and shoes Groceries and Provisions, Selected with special reference to tho As toria trade. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Highest price paid for Furs. Xew Goods by Every Steamer. N- LOEB ASTORIA OREGON TT 8P W i known House of QOOD8, E. LOEBENSTELN. V TOBACCO, CROCKERY, AND E. R. HAWES. LOUIS P. RICHMAN. C. II. HAW. A. W. KKBGUSOX. BAIN & FERGUSON, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, ASTORIA, OREGON. AR E. N 0 V PR EPARED with increased facilities to Furnish Plans b and Specifications, contract, erect bulidings, and do all first class work in a superior manner. M55" We keep on hand, and will furnish to order, all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS, Rustic, Fooring, Finishing Lumber, Mould ings, Sash, Doors, Newels, Balusters, etc., etc. iSTAll kinds of Job work done nt our Steam Mill, corner of Genevievo and Astor streets. KUTHAND RAILING it PORTLAND Prices. BUSINESS CARDS PRINTED Yery cheao. at THE ASTORLVN m Ifow fc3feS3 Uwtj 1 1 l.'TfjTnTiTjj FOR SALE, TO LET, ETC. TpOR SALE. The sloop Annie Devlin of Portland, cheap. Address. J. R. WILEY, 95-im Portland, Oregon. 50,000 FEET .SPRUCE X.TDIBER, And SKIP LINING for sale by 95-lm J. G. HUSTLER. TpOR SALE. The undersigned wishes to sell lots 3 and 4, block 112, Shively's Astoria : one good dwelling house hard tmished. a lartre well containing' water enough to supply ships, situated inside of the Farmers' warehouse, so-called, fronting on the Columbia river. For further particulars inquire at the Asro kiax otlice or to the owner on the place. J AS. J1CUAAA. September 28, 1S77. 29-im HpO RENT. One Store mid several Offices in Smith's BuiMinjr on tbe roadway. For further particulars inquire at L. K. G. SMITH 'S ciirar stanfl. 7-21-dtf Cor. of Main and Chenamus. TjlOR SALE. A Laundry in good running order and complete in every appointment : situated on Concomly street, Astoria. Said laundry has been in successful operation for the past three years. Or will lease the same for a term of from five to ten years, to responsible par ties. For further particulars inquire of J. T.BORCHERS, 97-dlm On the premises. MISCELLANEOUS CANDY FACTORY. the undersigned take pleasure to announce to their patrons and dealers in general that they have lately largely increased their fac tory and are now prepared to fur nish as good an assortment in their line as any house on the coast. Special inducements to cash custo mers. AlISET & HF.GELE, P. O. Box G4. 165 First Street. Factory on Alder Street, between First and Second Street, Portland, Oregon. , JSEW STORE! New Goods! New Prices!! J. STRAUSS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Groceries, Tropical and Domestic Fruits; r also, Crockery, Glass ware, Silverware, Table and Po eke t Cutlery . A full line of Willow-ware always on hand; a full stock of Cigars and Tobacco, Wines and Liquors. Parties in need of tbe above line of goods will consult their own interest by call ing before purchasing 'elsewhere. Prices low er than any other house in the City. SOUTH SIDE OF CHENAMUS STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON. SSTGoods delivered to any part of the- Uity irce of uhurge. BUY NONE BUT THE OT3W IMPROVED FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE, THE BEST - - WORLD For sale at the CITY BOOK STORE. Astoria Brewery Saloon, And Bottled Beer Depot ! MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. RUDOLPH EARTH, MICHAEL MYERS, Proprietors, The Best Ouality Lager Beer, FIYECENTS A GLASS. " The patronage of tho public is respect fully solicited. Orders for Lager, or Bottled Beor, in any quantity, promptly filled. G3T Free Lunch day and night. "NIL DESPERANDUM. " Lime, Brick, Sand lXXcX T.ATH; -Alio -Plaster ai Marble Drat AS CHEAP AS CAN BE LAfflED I ASTOBIA. Can be had in any quantity at my wharf. e-eAgcnt for sale of San Juan Lime. PETER RUNEY, Astoria. X I