The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, October 14, 1877, Image 1

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Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning, October M, 1877.
No. 112.
ri q
I vf J-
glxs grdls steiXe
(Monday E.ceptod),
Adorian Building, Cass Street
CIrurcli Directory.
Terms of Subscription
.23 Cents
Served bv Carrier, per week
Sent by mail, four months
Sent by mail, enc year.
Free of Postage to Subscribers.
.$5 00
fW Advertisements Inserted by the year at
the rate of $1 30 per square jer month.
Tranicnt adverli'-in::, by the day or week,
fifty cents ier square for each "insertion.
To City Subscribers.
There are such frequent changes in the resi
dence of our city patrons that wo shall feel
obliged to any who make such changes if they
cvill report the same to thisoflice. Other wise
avo shall not bo responsible for failure of the
carrier to deliver the paper promptly and
regularly to (hem-
The California sailed for Sitka yes
ierday. V - -V
Rev. Dr. G. II. Atkinson will preach
tit the Congregational clntreh this morn
ing and evening.
Rev. A. A. Cleveland, the well known
lecturer will commence his course of
lectures at Liberty hail this evening.
First Congiikgitionai. Church. By invita
tion of the member the Kcv. F. Elliott will
preach at 11 a. m., and 7 p. ji. Sunday
school after morning services. Scat free,
and cordial invitation U extended to all.
First Preshytkrias Church. Organized May
5th, 1877. Supply expected from the Uoard
of Domectic .Mission. Sunday school every
Sunday at one o'clock i. jj., al upper As
toria school house.
GurK (Episcopal) Church. Jtev. T. A. Hy
land, Rector. Scivicos at 11 a. m., and 7
p. il Sunday school at 0 o'clock a. m.
Ciupkt. ok thk Holy Innockxts. Services
(upper Astoria) alternate Sundays, at 3
o'clock p. u.. by the Nov. T. A. Hyland.
Sunday school every Sunday at9 o'clock a.m.
Str ok thk Ska Church. Rev. Father
Macken l'astor. Services it II o'clock a. m.
Sunday school at 3 o'clock p. m.
First Baptist Church. Kcv. J. G. Burchott,
I'.ostor. Preaching at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m.
In the nexv church on Astor street. Sun
day School immediately after morning ser
vices. All arc invited.
Mkthomst Skhvicus. Kcv. F. Elliot, Mctho?
lit miniver, will preach in the Congrega
tional church.
Fri kum'S ok Progress, A Free Conference
meeting will be held by tho society even'
Sunday evening at7 o'clock p.m. All aro
Pr oouEssr ve Tateum. Children's Lvceum
held at Liberty hall at 2 o'clock p. in., under
the auspices of the Society of Friends of
Progress. J. Korter, conductor.
the sewAIA
and geXI
of hisJSafwi
dys thou shalt work??
t iou snait so to i
ur Sunday reading,
t curars.
Fresh lot of
learner Elder at
fs er
jjid on
Viui t &
ail one
P. S. L.- & S. P. R. IT.
furnishing good
rom $ to S7 and
ccording to location.
The earthquake which passed over
our city early Friday afternoon called in
at Portland and gave them a severe scare-
The fire hoys of Rescue company
No. 2 came out in a torch light drill on
Friday night last and proved that the
new steamer is a decided success.
Spars for Enoi.axd. A Victoria
paper says the damages sustained by the
iron ship Cape Clear have been repaired,
find she will load spars for England.
Ir. E. C Ilolden made a very suc
cessful sale at his auction rooms on
-Clienamus street, at 11 a. in. At 2 o'clock
p. m. Mr. TI. sold a lot of furniture, etc.,
it sheriffs sale on Hustler's dock.
Titk Mukphy Movement. Arrival
of 1,C00 tons of potatoes from Utah
knocked the bottom out of the San Fran
cisco market very inopportunely for the
Puget Sound people, who had rustled
.around and bent all their available crop
to that market
"We are compelled to call attention
to a building on Squemocqha street built
on a foundation resting on iron pipes,
one of these pipes projecting across the
sidewalk causing accident, besides pro
fane language flying in the pure air in
this vicinity. Remove it
Gold in Xew York, 10?1?
Legal Tenders in Astoria buying 90; sell
ing i7.
Silver 3. per cent discount
Coin exchange on San Francisco prem.
Currency exchange on San Francisco per
cent premium.
Coin exchange on Now York percent, pre
mium. Telegraphic transfors on New York 1 per
cent, premium.
Currency exchange on New York J porcent
Astoria Marltets.
"Wh bat. Wheat afloat or wheat in store at
Astoria is always par with wheat alloat or in
store at San FrancKco.
"Wheat. Sales on hills of lading on board
ships freightoff $2 30(2 35 percental.
Flour. SuperOno $0 5057 00; Extra SS 50
7 50. Corn Meal H ctvt. $1 00; Buckwheat H
cwt- S 507 50.
Mill Fkkd. Bran $23 00 ton; Shorts
$33 00; Middlings $40 QO; Hay $10.
Oats. According to quality, prices range
from 05 to 70 cts t bushel.
Vlc eta blks. Potatoes COcQToc bushel;
Onions 2c ft lb.
Egos. 30(?35cts dozen. Chickens. $3(25
t3 dozen.
Mkats Bacon Uc16c for sides; I6cl8c
for hams; 12c for shoulders; smoked beef
10c; corned beef $7(5; bbl.; corned
pork 10c "el Ik
Lard. In tins and caddies 1520cts ft lb.
Butter. Choice roll 30cts; Eastern in tubs
20c; Oregon packed 23 cts ft lb. Cheese
Fruits. Apples, green, ft box C2J4(&75;
Dry ft lb Sets; Alden dried ft lb 10 cts; Plums
ft lb IS cts; French Prunes ft lb 12: cts; Zan
to Currants ftlb!2jcts; Citron ft lb G7cU;
Peaches ft lb 10(12 cts.
Eastern Oyste
Schmeers, Squa
....Mrs. At
rooms with bo,
upwards per v
The nevftfft tausht and pictures
painted in the most beautiful stvle, also
all kinds of fancy and ornameiual work
taught bv Mrs. L. B. Comstock. See
sample ei: the beautiful pictures at the
Bee Hive, where vou can learn terms and
the time of classes. Orders taken by M.
H. Steers.
Choice new sets of crockery, very
unique and novel; also the self-righting
"spittoon," that always keeps upright,
just received and selling at prices to
suit the times, at 1. W. Case's.
Picture frames, and brackets at
Adler's. Silver, gold, and colored card
board, at AillcrV. Finest assortment of
Papetiers, at Adler's. Musical Instru
ment, at Adler's. ''That Ilusband of
Mine," at Adler's. The Dance of Death''
at Adler's "They all do it," at Adler's.
Board and lodging can be had at
Mrs. Munson s at reasonable rates.
The best cookincr apples and pears
in the city are to be found at Bozorth'f ,
who also keeps a full stock of fresh veg-
ptabJes constantly on hand at the lowest
prices. Call and be convinced.
You can always get fresh oysters
in every style and at all hours, day or
night, at the Central Coffee Saloon, Con
eoinly street, between Benton and La
fayette. Astoria Liquor Store, IT. Marx &
Co., proprietors. Sole agents for Charles
Kebstock fc Co., St. Louis. Mo. Ameri
ca's finest Stonewall whisky, Snow Hill
fire. Cooper whisky. For sale by all gen
eral dealers and saloon keepers. Depot
and Branch House of Marx & Jorgen
sen, Portland, Oregon.
Dry goods, millinery and notions
cheap for thirty days at tlfe Bee Hive.
The Dance of Life, an answer to
the Dance of Death, at the Circulating
Dr. F. P. Hicks, dentist, rooms in
Dr. "Welch's building, on Squemoqha
street offers his services to the public of
Peter Euney is still in the market
with all kinds of building materials in
his line. Has just received 100,opo lath,
2.000 bushels of sand, and a large stock
of first quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street
The Dance of Life," an answer
to the Dance of Death, by Mrs. J. M.
Bowers. For sale at the City Book Store.
Board and lodging by the day or
week at the Astoria Deer Hall, Main
street, Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro
Have you seen the Bismarc stove ?
Xo ? Then call at once to-day, upon L.
P. llichuian & Co.
The dance at Liberty Hall, under the
auspices of the Children's Progressive
3yceuni, was a decided success. As
many as two hundred were in attend
ance and appeared to enjoy themselves
hugely. Everybody seemed bent on
having a good time and Ave have no
tloubt they diet Mr. Fox, the floor man
ager displayed great executive ability,
and itwas gratifying to see a nice lot of
people there. The children were amply
provided for and matrouized by Mrs.
J loss. The youngsters were the happi
est of the crowd, and" the little fellow
who disdained shoes dancedjeontinuous
Jy. lYe presume the Society will be so
well satisfied with the result, financially
speaking, that they will give our young
people another cltance at an early date.
State Faih Elkctiox. Following
is a full list of oflieers for the ensuing
year, c-bosen at the annual election on
Wednesday: President, M. Wiikins, of
Lane; vice presidents, John F. MiUer,
of Marion, and Joseph Hamilton, of
Linn ; secretary, E. Waits, of Marlon ;
treasurer, Ladd & Bush, Salem. Board
of managers, Ji. J, Morrison, Clatsop; E.
Stewart, Grant; Win. Barlow, Clacka
mas; Geo. Belgium, Lane; C. P. Burk
hart,Linn; J.G,Dasket, Polk; T. W.
Davenport Marioa; D. CStewart, Yam
bill; IL Hanson, Multnomah; William
Bigham, Wasco ; W. Cilyer, Jackson ;
A, Luelling. Washington; Joseph Kel
hay, Benton; W.J. Snodgrass, Union;
William Brown, Baker; Clark Bewley,
Tillamook; Hugh Fields, Umatilla: D.
Mattison, Coos; D. W. Chessman, Lake.
iJ What is a dollar when you can
get The Astobiak for it four months,
regularly, including a pamphlet telling
you ali bW the great State of Oregon,
...Fresh oysters in
every style at
San Francisco Markets.
By our latest advices by mail quotations for
leading articles of Oregon production aro as
follows :
Flour Superfine, S3 005 50; shipping ex
tra, 50 57 00; Extras in jobbing lots $7 37
Wheat Shipping 302 33; Milling $2 35
2 40 ft ctl. Sales of extra sacks shipping at
$2 35.
Barley Feed SI 551 63: Brewing Si 55(5
1 SO.
Lumbor $&12 for rough ; S101S for
dressed, lied wood cargo rates aro for rough.
Sl7dl8; 22J for dressed: $3b32 50 for rus
tic: Rustic, Ko. 1, $33; No. 2, $30; Siding,
$22 50; Battens and Furring, 1x2 ft lineal
foot, c
Leather Light solo Leather 2225c; me
dium do, 24c: heavy do. 20(S2Sc; choice tan
nages, lcgl 50o extra: Harness light, 2S30c:
medium. 30o2c; heavy Trace, 3487 50c; ex
tra descriptions range 2 505c in excess of
these figures; Wax, 1417c ft foot; Finished
Calf Skins. 00 aiK)c ft lb.
Oil Alaska Cod Liver Oil, 90c: Dog Fish
Liver Oil. G3c: Shark do. 65: Tanner's Oil.
Hides Dry Hides, 18c; Dry Kip and Calf,
12ui3e; Salt Hides, light 7Sc; heavy Steers,
9c; do Kip,7(o$c; Salt Calf. 8010c
Oatg Quotations for all grades aro from
$1 SVd-Z 00 ft eti. as to quality.
Wool Sales for the week about 1,000,000 lbs.
There has been a very active demand all tho
wook, so that now tho market hi swept nearly
bare of all excepting Oregon and someNorth-
rn ools. Oregon Wools are selling at 25
Potatoes $1 652 50 ier cental.
Onions J0ig55et3 per cental.
Mill Feed-$22 per ton; Middlings $34.
Hops CUoieo old 10gH cts; new 12J15
per lb.
Provisions Hams 12l4c; Bacon 1213c;
Shoulders 9c; extra mess pork clear $24 500
25. Beef do. 10 5010 75 per bbl.; Eastern
refined lard in tea l314c; fancy pails 14c;
10 lb tins 1314c per B.
Tallow ol4fs&ic ft E for ordinary, and 6J
sflc in shipping oror.
Honey -Choice while in frames 1510c; No.
2.12Hc; dark. 10Uc; straised. 1012
The "Sunny Hearth' is what you
want for your private office. Call on L.
P. ltichman & Co. and see it. Beautiful
White wire goods in every style,
at L. P. llichman & Co's.
Dr. B. R. Freeland has located per
manently in Astoria for the practice of
dentistry. Office in Shuster's building,
on Cass sheet, next door to The Asto
juax office.
;3-Photograplis! The latest styles
taken at Shuster's new gallery, Cas& st,
next to the Abtormn olhce.
$r For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an easy shave, go lo Gillespie at Pak-
keu House Baths. Hair cutting, hham
pooning, and dyeing.
BSTTattle "Van lias reestablished
hineif at the old corner, refreshed by his
late journey lo the Atlantic slates, and
will as formerly attend to all orders in his
line as general jobber.
Meeting of the Board of Directors
A meeting of the Board of Direct
ors of the Portland, Salt Lake and
South Pass railroad was held on Octo
ber 4, 1877, J. C. Hawthorne, Presi
dent, in the chair, C. H. Woodard,
Members present J. C. Hawthorne,
E. Jeffery, J. G. Glenn, C.P. Church,
J. M. Strowbridge, C. M. Wiberg, C.
H. Woodard, and W. W. Chapman.
E. J. Jeffery was unanimously elect
ed Treasurer.
The following preamble and resolu
tions were unanimously adepted:
Whereas, In view of procuring
Congress to require the Northern Pa
cific railroad company to construct
their road on the south side of the
Columbia river from Portland to Uma
tilla as a common road for both lines,
it was the purpose of the company to
demonstrate by actual survey and de
tailed estimates, the practicability and
comparative cheapness of constructing
a railroad on the south side of 'the river,
instead of oit the north, side, as now
located; and
Whereas, It has been pronvulgated
by the Portland Board of Trade "That
the south side of the Columbia river
has been reported by experienced and
competent engineers, as not only prac
ticable, but as possessing many and
great advantages over the country to
the north of that river, for the build
ing of a railroad ;,r and while there is
reason to doubt the correctness of the
statement of the Board of Trade, that
such survey has been made, except
from the head of the Cascades to Port
land, we deem it expedient, in view of
the statement of the JBoard of Trade,
to postpone a complete survey until it
can be ascertained at Washington, or
elsewhere, whether such statement is
correct, and whether the practicability
of said route is contested by the North
ern Pacific railroad compary; there
fore, Resolved, That the proposed survey
on the south side of the Columbia, for
the purpose aforesaid, ' be postponed
until the fact can be ascertained wheth
er the statement of the Board of Trade
before mentioned is correct; and that
the representatives of, this company at
Washington aceftain, at as early a pe
riod as possible, whether such state
ments are correct, and whether the J
Northei.i Pacific railroad company
dispute the practicability and compar
ative cheapness of constructing a rail
road on the south side of the Colum
bia from Portland to Umatilla, and
report with dipatch to the Board.
Resolved, That the Portland, Salt
Lake, and South Pass railroad com
appointed by the President of the
United States, shall determine to be
equitable and just, provided, that in
fixing the amount of compensation
that the company construction such
common road may receive from the
other, all public aid shall be taken into
Sec. 3. That either of said compain
ies which shall first make connection,
with the Columbia river at or near
Umatilla from its eastern terminus,
may proceed with the construction of
such common road.
Sec. 4. That if the Northern Pacific
railroad compay shall not, within six
months after the acceptance of the ex
tension law, commence the construc
tion of the said common section at
Portland, and build fifteen miles
thereof the first year, and twenty-five
consecutive miles thereof each year
thereafter, that in either event the
said Portland, Salt Lake and South
Pass railroad company shall proceed
to construct the same in like manner
and under like conditions as are or
may be applied to the same Northern
Pacific railroad company; and to the
extent that either company shall con
struct such common road, it shall be
entitled to the aid granted for the con
struction of such a common road and
to the compensation before mentioned
from the other company for its use.
Resolved, That the representative of
this company proceed immediately to
Washington and carry out as far as
possible the views of the board as ex
pressed in the several resolutions, and
be and they are rolling stock and
equipments for 200 miles of standard
gauge road.
J. C. Hawthorne, President.
0. H. Woodard, Secretary.
After this date, coin will be used for
change, and tickets dispensed with; all
drinks and cigars five and ten cents, at
the Chicago House, Main street, Astoria.
Astoria, Oct 3, 1877.
For Glassware, Crockery, Powder and
Shot, Gun Wads, Percussion Caps, in
fact everything that is useful as well as
ornamental, go to J. W. Gearhart, who
sells cheap tor cash. Goods delivered
free of charie.
Siiip-master'r Beading Room. 3Ir.
Peter Wilhelui has permanently fitted
up a ship-master's.readimr room in con
nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria.
The latest shipping papers and home
ward, ana outwara oouna snipping uses
are kept on file.
Telegraph ofilce next
Canary Birds. for sale at Gilles
pie's, Parker house baths.
Wheat Ring. There is but one way
to compete with the wheat ring at Port
land. Forma ring for pools on wheat
in store at Astoria, Wheat afloat at As-
pany, a corporation organized under
the laws of Oregon, do hereby petition
the honorable the Congress of the
United States, as follews:
Sec. 1. That the grant of the North
ern Pacific railroa I company may be
so re-adjusted as, without increasing
the appropriation of land or money,
the Portland, Salt Lake and South
Pass railroad, and also the main line of
the Northern Pacific railroad, may be
constructed; that is to say:
1st. That the grant on the north
branch of the Northern Pacific be
transferred to the Portland, Salt Lake
and South Pass railroad company, to
be located and applied on its line be
tween the Columbia river and Salt
Lake, under like regulations as are or
may be applied to the main line of the
said Northern Pacific, and upon the
further conditien:
2d. That this company will com
mence the construction of the section
of road between the Columbia river
and Salt Lake at or near Umatilla
within six month after its acceptance
of an act of Congress making the trans
fer of grant before mentioned, and
construct at least -twenty-five miles of
road the first year, and not less than
forty miles per year thereafter, and
shall make complete connection be
tween the Columbia river and the Pa
cific railroad at or near Salt Lake with-
Sec. 2. The economies in the public
expenditures hasten the construction
of Northern Pacific railroad, as well as
the Portland, Salt Lake and South
Pass railroad, through the Columbia
pass of the Cascade mountains; that
the Northern Pacific railroad may be
built on the south side of the Colum
bia river from the point of junction of
the two roads at or near Umatilla to
Portland, as a common road for both
lines, to be used upon such terms as
the two companies may agree upon;
or, if they cannot agree, as a commia
Bismarck and his Cigar. During
the great war between France and
Germany Prince Bismark, "the man
of blood and iron," was the actor in
an incident of a most suggestive and
gentle natuie. The Prince is said to
be a smoker ardently attached to the
"weed." He is reported to have said:
"That the value of a good cigar is best
understood when it is the last you
possess, and there is no chance of get
ting another." Most devotees of to
bacco in any form seem to delight in
their bondage to it, and to be misera
ble if deprived of it. It is said that
Bismarck had cherished his last cigar
all through a battle, in glad anticipa
tion of the luxury in store for him,
when he suddenly and gladly deprived
himself of the smoke-giving solace.
In his own words, "I painted in glow
ing colors in my mind the happy hour
when I should enjoy it after the vic
tory. But I had miscalculated the
chances. A poor dragoon lay holpless
with both arms crushed, murmuring
for something to refresh him. I felt
in my pockets, and found that I had
only gold, and that would be of no use
to him. But stay; I had still my
treasured cigar! 1 lighted it for him,
and placed it between his teeth. You
should have seen the poor fellow's
grateful smile. I never enjoyed a ci
gar so much as that one I did not
toria is alwavs on a Dar with wheat
afloat at San Frwicjsco, Recollect that, J sion of three competent penonj, to be
The Great Western line steamer,
Cornwall, from New York for Bristol
went ashore in the Avon, near Bristol,
on the 8th.
The New York World of the 8th,
has a long article going to show that
in almost every department of the
wholesale trade of that city, business
during September has been more sat
isfactory than for five years past. There
is great encouragement among mer
chants, and unusual preparations are
made for controlling business from re
gions which hitherto had only limited
relations with New York. Competi
tion is keen, and profits consequently
small. The only real exceptions to the
rule appears to be in hardware and
straw goods. A striking feature of the
revival is the free demand for luxur
ies. The sales of jewelry and dia
monds lately exceeded the most sangu
ine anticipations of merchants. There
is a total absence of speculation, and
the tendency seems to be supply legit
imate wants.
A Times special says: A Washing
ton Cabinet officer on the 8th intima
ted that President Hayes would rather
see a Southern democrat elected than
a JNortnern democrat, because he
thought the Southern democrats vere
mora conservative than their northern
brethren. He thinks an ex-Confederate
in tho Speaker's chair would go i
to ileal actional difficulties,
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