C'2 d w5l Jr JU Jr JJ'JW' j lr. Yol. 3. A.storia, Oregon, Saturday Morning, October 13, 1877. No. 111. A .1 5!Jj.c Snxhx stesm ) CIS ISSUED EVERY MORNING, (Monday Excepted), I. C. ISEUXD : : PB1JLISHEK. Adurian Building, Cass Street. Terms of Subscription : fccrvod by Carrier, iwwk 25 Conis Sent by mail, four months - S3 W feent by mail, cue year. ..-. J wj Jrroo of Postage to fcubseiiber;. , nsr Advertisements inertod by the year at thcrateoftl-'J pt square per inontli. 1 Transient advertising, by the day or week, fifty cents per square for each insertion. . - To City Subscribers. There arc such frequent chanpes in the rcsi- dencoof ourcitv patrons that we shall feol blised to anv who make uch change" if they Mil report the same to thisortice. Otherwise wii shall not be responsible for failures of the ca.rier to deliver the paper promptly and regularly to them. I " Chief of Police Hoss has been sip-, umnfofl nrMiirtv TTiiifeil States "Marshal :jt Astoria. Fall salmon, larger, nicer and more of them than usual, are being caught in the customary manner this month. l-'""-'- ''-' I' J - --'W-. -W----W-. --, . Lambert's Cornet Band was organ ized Thursday evening, and we shall soon be favored with some public music. The Orizaba came in at daylight and 3eft at 9 a. m. for Portland. The Pacto lus has arrived down. The Elder came in yesterday afternoon, and proceeded to Portland. Friend Kofuxl assures us that "he still lives"' in Astoria, where he intends to remain until the last dog is hung, and will pay every honest debt lie owes. lie will soon re-open the Cosmopolitan. Fisherman goneially are bitter in their denunciation of the Colonial As sembly, of Portland, which proposes to .shorten the drift for salmon many miles m the Oregon side of the Columbia. We hear tli ere is a young man around iown looking for .a mother-in-law. Its something unusuaH for such an article to be sought for though we have heard of some that could be had for nothing, and j .blessings thrown in. Gee. W. Weidlers new steamer, Wonder, an exact counterpart jf the .1. Ordway, auade her appearance here yes terday. Like everything else that George W. puts his hand to, .she is as pretty as v picture, and has been made for service. The .extra amount 01 choir music yesterday was caused by their conster nation created by the brilliancy of Billy i ward the door 01 the car, wmen nau Emerson's posters. Young folks are in j been opened by his confederate. The ecstacies over the cowing treat, and r struggle! 1 and tried to scream, many a fond parent will be teased into 1 )ut Jlie vould-be kidnapper held his coming down with the "squivlent" for ha"d over tlie llttlc felow f mo"th m the child sucu a way to sme almost every 1 t . sound. The porter, however, screamed -At ten minutes past two o'clock ves- for l which xf veral gentle , , fi . i- 4- . 1 1 "" r men to lump out of their berths, one ierday afternoon two distinct hoeks of! , , J ,.,., nf.a i i.:,n an earthquake were sensibly felt in this city, oscillating from east to west. The supposition is that San Francisco has a new sensation, to relieve the monotony of bursting banks, and escaping stock gamblers. We invite fishermen and others in terested, to give us their views on the bill to protect salmon, published else where to-day, which the Portland Board of Trade (the colonial assembly) recom jpicndto Congress. Read it carefully, and tell us what you think about it. gen tlemen. Wey the office of Dr. B. Ik. Freeland t, recently and were both pleased a d' rpUfsedwith tsae system- .atic and he perfoifi ous manner in which ors. We notice that all the iiKtriiments he uses are of the r 1 'latest and most approved patterns, pre - SentinS a really oynameut-,1 appcanmc-e. His prices are uniformly low. and with - in the reach of all suffering from impel- feet or aching teeth. Undoubtedly he is a master workman, and one listening to his interesting conversation scarcely re-1 . . . ,. .. , .alizes he is undergoing an operation, ,that before the age of perfect mechan ism, was something to be dreaded. As the Dr. has settled here and already prpved himself a zealous citizen ju every thing that tends to the public welfare, we trust he wjil meet the support and encouragement he so heartily deserves. rS1 A. I 1 Li nns A I1UIV "iiAinf 1 is lis lab Sam Patch's Successor. From the Hoche.stcr Express. A reckless chap, calling himself Julius D. Rhodes, of Springville, Erie county, yesterday made a daring jump into Niagara river, in imitation of the feats of Sam Patch, who ilourishcd and was killed in this city some forty- live years ago;theCouricr thus describes his jump from a skeleton platform or tower, eighty-four feet high, built on the rocks near the foot of the inclined railwwy, Prospect Park: "This he did " - A- - "71";""1 ", ' "l the presence of at least two thousand pCOi,lc, who had congregated at cverv colimm'ndmijP 1oint. bTJfc divc "a graceful and e:isy one, and he came up smiling and struck out for a swim, A nfe.savin,, c0:it, made of cloth and ... n ., , ' .. . , . . lined with cork, capable of sustaining il(i weight of four ordinary people, was thrown into the water from a feriy barge. This lie put on and buttoned up with comparative ease. To demon- strate the practical value of the appa- , , - -r 11 i 1 it... ratus, his wife, a small, dark-complex- ir ned woman, in a blue flannel bath- i. snif jumped into the water from , JJ Lr . . . , an elevation of about fifteen feet, and enjoyed a ride down stream with her husband." llhodes intends jumping a distance of 194 feet some dav when the wind does not blow. He claims , I to have i made CO high leaps and dives from dilFerent altitudes, once a height of about 140 feet Joined to Oregon. Ilarmon En campment Xo. 2, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, British Columbia, has been placed under the jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment of Oregon. This makes thirteen subordinate encamp ments now in the jurisdiction. Graphic. The following note by Postal caul is fiom a well known Asto- rian : Boston. Sept. 24, 1S77. Dear Sir: 1 have been struck by sickness, pover ty and discontent, and by lightning; now 1 am struck with an uncontrollable deMre to get home. 1 leave by steamer of 28th instant. Poole. c Attempt to Kidnap Commodore jSutt. As the Union Pacific west bound passenger tram stopped at Co y,ad, in western Nebraska lately, a bold attempt was made to steal Com modore Nutt, who was on his way to San Francisco with a party of other dwarfs. A couple of stalwart and knavish appearing men, who took the train at Omaha and had tickets to Co- z paying the extra charge for riding in the sleeper, are supposed to be the parties to the affair. Just before the train arrived at the station, both of these men one a few feet ahead of the other moved toward the rear of the car, in which end the Commodore was sleeping. One stopped near the little man's berth, and the other stood near the door. As the tram came to a halt the rear man thrust his arms into 2s utt's berth and gathered him up ftiX JX.UI1 illlllZSj ctJIU. lIIUgu JiWLUJ iir- ! t-r-. niifl "kf-J noffi nr T"" Jl 1UIUIU M11J lVVl Ol..V-.l V.IA, i"ilUJ- per and the dwarf. The villain dealt the half-jisleep passenger a blow on the head wliich felled him to the floor. This gave another xiassenger time to come up who struck the desperado in the head with a slungshot, which stunned him and caused him to drop the Commodore, who by this time was making more lusty noise than all the women in the car, every one of whom, In concert with the men, were making a lively racket. The kidnappers sprang from the train and disappeared in the darkness. Great confusion existed on the train for some time, especially in the car where the bold act was -com- nutted, and every one siiook the uoin- 1 . . . 1 1 11. ,i modore s hand 111 congratulation over his fortunate escape. To Borrowers. Do you live in ! Oregon and borrow and read thi paper? ! lr-Vt" do do W tl.,inlc.it i:5 gt? ,If ;jg - "f "i . creditable enterpri-e. Just imagine that all were doing at you are now doing at ' this very moment reading a borrowed I PPr-bow long would there be such a ituiiiLTus u jiuwusijici viiiiuei 11 vuu aie too poor to pay for it, then we have nothing to taj ; but that class are very scarce in this country. A man who would read his neighbor's paper week after eek jut bepaute it don't cost him a cent, would yell, we were going to say teAlt but fix it lip o, sujt yourself Canahy BerdS; for &d at Gillet pije Parser hpuse b.ths. CITY ITEMS. Sale To-Day. E. Hol- iter for sale a variety oibl cond is at 11 a. 111. Eft.fERV Oyster?. Fresh lot of Eastern Qwicrs per steamer Elder at Sehnuranueinoeqha street. s. Arrigonni is furnishing good th board at from $fi to &f and per week, according to location. an he new art taught and pictures in the mot beautiful s,tyle, also s of fancv and ornamental work taught by Mrs. L. Ji. Comstock. See saninlc of the beautiful pictures at the IJce I live, w here you can learn terms and the time of classes. Ordors taken by .M. 11. Steers. If you want to enjoy a good laugh, go to Cofnart's. and net the latest book "tint. They all Do it. written by the Dan bury News man. Choice new sets of crockery, very unique and nevel: also the self-righting 'spittoon.' that always keeps upright, just received and .selling at prices to suit the times, at J. W. Case's. Picture frames, and brackets at Adler's. Silver, gold, and colored card board, at Adler's. Finest assortment of Papetiers, at Adler's. Musical Instru ment, at Adler's. "That Husband of Mine," at Adler's. "The Dance of Death"' at Adler's 'They all do it," at Adler's. Hoard and lodging can be had at Mrs. Munson's at reasonable rates. The best cookinu apples and pears who als(kcci)S a full stockof fresh veg in the city are to be found at liozorth's, etables constantly on hand at the lowest prices. Call and be convinced. You can always get fresh oysters in every style and at all hours, day or night, at tlie Central Coffee Saloon, Con comly street, between Benton and La fayette. Astoria Liquor Store. IL Marx & Co.. proprietors. Sole agents for Charles Bebstock & Co., St. Louis, Mo. Ameri ca's finest Stonewall whisky, Snow Hill fire. Cooper whisky. For sale by all gen eral dealers and saloon keepers. Depot and Branch House ot Marx cc Jorgen sen, Portland, Oregon. Dry goods, millinery and notions cheap for thirty days at the Bee Hive. The Dance of Life, an answer to the Dance of Death, at the Circulating Library. Dr. F. P. Hicks, dentist, rooms in Dr. Welch's building, oil Squemoqha street, offers his services to (lie public of Astoria. Peter Runey is still in the market with all kinds of building materials in his line. Has just received 100,000 lath, 2,000 bushels of sand, and a large stock of first quality of brick at his warehouse foot of Benton street. The "Dance of Life,' an answer to the Dance of Death, by Mrs. J. M. Bowers. For sale at the City Book Store. Board and lodging by the day or week at the Astoria Beer Hall, Main street, Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro prietor. Have you seen the Bismarc stove ? Xo? Theifcall at once to-day, upon L. P. Bichman & Co. ...Fresh Schmeer's. oysters in every style at The ''Sunny Hearth' is what you want for your private office. Call on L. P. Bichnian & Co. and see it. Beautiful stove. White wire goods in every style, at L. P. ltichman & Cos. Dr. B. It. Freeland has located per manently in A.storia for the practice of dentistry. Olfice in Shuster's building, on Cass street, next door to Tiik Asto riax office. ;ErPhotographs! The latest styles taken at Shu.ster's new gallery, Cuss si., next to the Atorian olfice. 35" For clean towels, sharp razors, and an ea.-y shave, go to Gille.pic at Par ker House Baths. Hair cutting, slmm poonmg, and dyoin. JE"Little Van. lias reestablished him.-e'if at the old corner, rufrohed by hi late journey lo the Atlantic hlnte?, and will a- formerly attend to nil orders in hia line u general jobber. ANOTHER VICTORY GsLIXED IX FA VOR OF SPECIE PAYMJiXTS. After this date, coin will be used for change, and tickets dispensed with; all drinks and cigars five and ten cents, at the Cliicago I louse, Main street, Astoria. X. WE1MAN. Astoria, Oct. .', 1S77. SOIIETIIIXG XEY For Glassware, Crockery, Powder and Shot, Gun Wads, Percussion Caps, in fact everything that is useful as well as ornamental, go to J. W. Gearhart, who sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered free of charire. Ship-master's Heading Room. Mr. Peter Wilhelm has permanently fitted up a ship-master's reading room in con nection wiui we vjcm oaiuim 111 AMuna. 'I'lio lofnf. liinninjr Tvmprs mill hnmu. wnnl and outward bound shinning lists a 1 1. 1 .-! - 1 are kept on file. Telegraph office next door. There is a good market in Oregon for agricultural products, owing to hort transportation to th,e. Pacifip Ocean, an4 direct exportation lo all parts o.f the world. Railroad facilities. Navigable river, including the gjeat Ccflumbi Colonial Legislation. Following is the text of a "William" for the protection of salmon, which passed the Portland Colonial Assembly on the 10th. It will be presented to the United States Senate for ratifica ratifica teon: Whereas, It is well known that the 0i,.. Du.:no ,.; i, ni. i- : . , .. " . . i, .. . . "u wluuw"Bil U1U 1ll uiu-imsm- ing in number to the public injury and so as materially tf affect the interest of trade and commerce; therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and JSbw.sc of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress Assembled: That it shall not be lawful to take or fish for salmon in the Columbia river or its tributaries by any means whatever, or in any year hereafter, during the months of April and Au gust; nor shall it be lawful at any time of the year to catch or fish for salmon by fish traps or similar appli ances. And any person or persons violating this provision shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars for the first offense, and for any sub sequent offense shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than one thousand dollars and imprisonment, at the dis cretion of the court, for a term not ex ceeding twelve months. Sec. 2. That it shall not be lawful to fish for salmon on the waters of the Columbia river or its tributaries dur ing the months of May, June and July of each year hereafter in any manner whatever, except by meshes of which shall not be less than eight and one quarter inches diagonally from one corner to the other when extended, and any person or persons violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined, for the first offense, not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, and for each subsequent offense shall, on conviction be fined not less than one thousand dollars and im prisonment, at the discretion of the court, for a term not exceeding one year. Sec. 3. That it shall not be lawful to fish for salmon by any means what ever below Smith's Point, in the State of Oregon, nor below Scarborough hill, in the territory of Washington, on the Columbia river, and any person or per sons violating this provision shall be fined not less than live hundred nor more than one thousand dollars for the first offense, and for any subsequent offense shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than one thousand dollars and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court, for a term not exceeding twelve months. Sec. 4. The District court of the United State3 for the District of Ore gon, and the District court of the Uni ted States for the Territory of Wash ington, shall have concurrent juris diction of all cases arising under this Act. Sec. 5. Any person or persons who shall first inform the United States District attorney (and through whose information a conviction shall after wards take place), of a violation of any of the provisions of this Act, shall be entitled to one-half of the fine which the person or persons contravening the law shall be compelled to pay. Sec. G. Any United States District attorney who shall fail, on information of a violation of any of the provisions of this Act, to take proper action to secure the arrest and conviction of of fenders, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor in office and fined in the sum of five hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 7. That this act shall not apply to the Government in its efforts for propagating salmon, nor to any regu larly organized company or society for the same purpose. A similar bill was read for the action of the Washington territory legislature, with the exception of the following section which is added: Sec. 8. That this act shall take ef fect simultaneously with and on the date prescribed in an act to be passed of a similar nature by the state of Or egon. REVENUE BILL. A bill for the purpose of raising a revenue from the men employed in salmon fishing on the Columbia river, and said revenue to be used for tlie propagation and protection of salmon, I " , . 1 -1 ,. 4.;i I WHS read ana on mouun l.uu wvci uuMi A - A . C Xt. UrtnMil -s lfrlll next meeting 01 mu uuiuu xw huvuh consideration. On motion Board adjourned. Eastern Oregon The Atorian i doing more for the interests of Eastern Oregon than any other paper in the State. f f you have a friend or a relative in that section of this country, send him the pa per on trinl Qnly on. dollar for four watte Our State Pun. From tliu Standard, Oct. 9. The "StatepFair is the great gala tune? of the people of Oregon. It is more of an event, socially, than the Pion eers' reunion, because while the latter only brings together the "old resident ers" as the phrase goes, and who have only to repeat to one another their oft told talcs of early adventure, the for mer infuses into an Oregon holiday new folk, new life, new character and a fresher audience for the old pioneers. It lacks the exclusiveness of the pio near reunion, and to that extent at least must be more attractive. In this con nection we will say that it is a very silly objection sometimes made by "old residenters" against joining the pio neer society, because people are admit ted who only came here in 1853. Why, says a "46-er," what do they know about pioneer life True, in some measure, but retailers of pioneer jokes must have fresh auditors occasionally you know. But no such objection exists as to the State Fair. If the weather had only proved dry the crowd would have simply been im mense. People from all over the state would have been there camping out with their wagons and furnishing a complete view of Oregon life. Many from the Territories wanted to come, but it is likely some of them have been deterred by the showery weather. However there is now a promise of fine weather and we may exxect quite a gathering by to-morrow. INVEST IN LANDS. Althoughan investment in Real Estate may not at once prove lucra tive and yield an immediate income to the purchaser, we have found, from many years experience, that all judicious investments made, either in farming lands or suburban property adjoining a growing and prosperous city like this, invariably result in & fine speculation, or at all events ir one that is doubly sure for a good paying investment. In the products of the soil all wealth has its origin. The indus trious fanner must a'.tviys have a market for his wares. What he has to sell are the absolute necessities of life, and he that does not produce them must obtain them of him who does. Whatever may be a man's business, however much money he may control, he must look to the tiller of the soil for that which will sustain life. There may be local derangements, but on the whole there is of necessity n market for every important product, and the producer must always be sure of his living, so long, at least, as he is the owner of the land he cultivates. In every department of life sunshine and shadow alternate, but if tlie foundation fails, the ruin of the? superstructure is inevitable. The possession of Real Estate is a substantial capital. If ones title id good, no thief can steal it; it needs no insurance policy to make it safe; nothing short of an earthquake can swallow it. A good farm or surbnr ban garden, with rich soil, judicious ly managed, whether its commercial gold value go up or down, is still the source of good and comfortable liv ing. Whatever else a man may possess, lie cannot afford to do with out Real Estate sufficient to make himself and family, if he has one, a good home. The inhabitants of northwest and western Oregon, includitu; twelve coun tiry. of the State, and embiaeing the great valley of the "Wnllainet and its ''forks" enjoy j-even months of spring, summer and autumn weather tlmtnni almost equal to southern or ea-tern Oregon for bright and cheerful weather and a bracing and healthy atmosphere. The five winter months, from November to March, bring a bountiful rain that produces, in due season, unfailing crops. These rains re tard, but Lcnrcely prevent, labor outside, in any department, and of 150 daya of winter, at leatt a third otthera are dry and bright. o The atmosphere of Oregon is pure and cheerful, warm and balmy; life is longer health is better and mo-e enjoyable, when the ordjnary laws of such are attended to, than in any state in the Union, or in any country in Europe. - SSays an exchange: "Any family man who tnys he is to poor to take a news paper should be indicted for obiaining a fumily under falae pretenses." .KNewapaper advertising is now recogzed by buinea mn having faith in heir own wares, a the mot effective means for securing for their wares a Yfido recognition of their merU: j . t ' itv