The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, October 10, 1877, Image 1

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Vol. 3.
Astoria, Oregon, "Wednesday Morning, October 10, 1877.
No. 108.
mj.UA ijnrxn
iu..amjuis:i5ri:..'.,..i, - wi'J.'-.J.'x,':
1, ..,- W J .!-.,'
gTx i?al33 Jtetxainxt.
(Monthly Excepted),
J. c. IllEl.AND : : xUKL.lSIiElt. '
Astoria n Building, Cass Sired.
J crms of Subscription ;
served by Carrier, per week 'J-l Cents '
Sent by mail, four munlm?.
Sent by mail, cne year. ..
Tree of Postage to Subscribers.
y vu
nG5AdveilicinenL inserted by the year at
Uie rate of l ") per siusire pur month.
Tuincjontadveiti.-ins, by the day or week,
iilty cents pur s.jtiaielor each insertion.
To City Subscribers.
There arc such frequent changes in the resi
dence of our city patron that wo shall feel
obltjred to any who make such changes if they
will report the same to thisotiicc. Otherwise
wo fhall not bo rc-poiiblo for failures of the
oairicr to deliver the paper promptly and
ccgularly to them.
Sacked Spot. Omcer.s of the army
stationed at Atlanta have raised funds
.sufficient to pureha ;e tlie plot of ground
aipon wh'ch Tien. McPhcson waski'lcd. I
The spot has been marked with a Parrot
;gun firmly set in-the ground, and the lot i
enclosed with a substantial iron fence.
The trus which grew in the plot sail
"bear the marks of shot.
Xeat Little Globule. The moon
of Mas, wiiich has just been discovered,
is not oer ten miles in diameter or
thirty ni'les in. circumference, m that a
man could walk around the little globe
in a. day. It is the smallest known
world in the universe, and is disiant
from its principal only .T0,Ct)0 miles. Our
moon is 1M0.00I) miles oil.
Change Hoped Foic Mr. Warmau
Jias introduced a bill in the te-ritoriaJ
assembly askirg that ji-i.sdiei:on or the
District-court for Paciiic couiu be con
ferred upon that county. There is e any
kind of argument in justification of the
passage of this measure, and not one
word can be u.le-ed in opposition to it
nvith justice. We hope that House bill
Xo. 14 will pays.
Making Money. Jackson, Myers &
Co., of Muckiheo, a branch of the Itain
.ier company, of Oregon, says the Poiv
Townser.d Press, are doing a rushing
business in ihe way of canning salmon.
Mr. Myers informs us that they are re
ceiving ironi 1,730 to 4 .270 .salmon per
day, Paying Sj a hundred for them.
They put uj on an aeia::e :;oo cases per
la, and eNpect to ship to Europe this
season from 8.000 to lO.OOO cases.
Fat am Lean. Lro. Staat. of Polk
cpunty, has been over to Xaquina bay,
4ind the cJams he ate has given him a
.first class blylyake. and yet he says:
"those crabs Jiave not proven as disas
trous as those partaken of by .Senator
Mortem, at the expense of llolladay.'
.What a comparison, Lro. StaaLs. Look
ytit your lean, lank form, when compared
ito the portly frame of Senator Morton,
ns he appeared here.
SiNCir. It its-iid that a receiit''onvcrt
JLo the I. O. G. T-, in this city, sets down
to a game of pedro now just as ia(ur-
.iilty asbefoie, but if he gets sinched''
instead of promenading to the bar, as
we aie informed is the correct tiling he
puts his hand in his poi-kt and hands
the boys a cigar each, and then walks
out without waiting for the chromo with
which the gratified saloon keeper inten.
.ded to present Jii m.
Stakved to Dea-ii. Mr. Suiats,
writing from Yaquina bay, says: "On
.siscending an eminence tins morning 1
was surprised at the sight of three mon
uments meeting my astonished vision,
and on enquiry, I was informed they
were erected to tne memory or tnree
;distingujshed physicians who died .from
.starvation, or the effects of the healthful
condition of the locality,' And yet in
sprite of all this, Dr. La Dow has gone to
Sou foe Two Bits. Five thirsty
looking individuals .stepped up to !Nicks
.counter lately and asked in a low whis
per, SayJ will ycr treat us five for two
bits 'P Certainly, replied Xick. and im
mediately poured out the requisite num
ber of glasses of beer. AH drank sol
emnly and considerately. When finished
the spokesman said, "Well, heme's yer
two hits,'' and drew irom his right hand
pocket a curb bit that bore traces of sil
ver mounting, and from the left hand
pocket a bits that had once ap
parently ornaipented :tle mouth ,of .an
Narmy mule.
Death of Mrs. II. T. Spedden.- -Cipt.
ami M.s. .J. (J. Hustler of this city
yesterday received news of ihe death of
their daughter Maggie, Mrs. II. T. Sped
den. in Walla Walla, which place she
had just reached in hope of benefatio
her health.
Band Teachei:. AsLorla is in ni"
of a brass band, and Mr. Ceo. Lumber.,
a thoioulily compe.fU teacher, who
comes io us well recommended by the
press of Pugct .Sound, is desirous o."
meeting all Asiorians this evening atthc
oflice of P. II. Fo:,, who wish to develop
their mtiMCtil talent, and organize a first
c ass band.
Xew Yi:si:i s. The Coos bay Xevs
of the. Ul says: 'The new vessels C. II.
Merchant and Xoith Lend built at,
Marshiicld and Xortii Lend, put to sea
last Monday on their initial trip. The
Xorth Lend in chaiirc of Cipt. liobcr
Simpson (Old Capi. Lob) one of the own
er!, and the Merchant in charge of Cap
tain Lawrence. They are both splendid
looking vessels and a credit to Oregon."
At it Aoain. That hideous looking
bruite of a bull which we were rejoiced
to notice had been shipped to Australia,
sneaked away Irom his marine home
early yesterday movning and was
promptly on the scratch in his favorite
haui.t near the stove. Somebody who
has nerve enough will confer much
favor upon the community by introduc
ing him to a waleiy grave at the earliest
Special Session- The people of
.Siiislaw, Lane county, are about to peti
tion for an extra session of the Assem
bly (the Colony at Portland failed to gel
one) for the purpose of setting oir a new
county from a part of Lane, Douglas
and Benton. At pi esent there are no
precinct oili-ers at the Siuslaw, and thei e
is therefore no legal protection to the
person or property of its residents. "We
understand Mr. Barrett, who takes a live
ly interest in that country has forward
ed a petition for a mail route, contain
ing ;!00 signatures. If these matters are
taken in hand with a proper spirit, we
look to see a flourishing settlement fol
low the development of the resources
which theSiusla w undoubtedly possesses
Tin: The most power-
' fill tow boat on Paget. Sound and hail
ing from Victoria, Lritish Columbia, ar
rived yesterday near noon and remained
only long enough to wood up atFlavel's
wharf. She is bound for Portland with
22T tons of pigiron and salt, a por.jon of
the cargo oJ the Lritish ship IIo ion
Castk, which recently ained at Vic
toria. The Alexander is sharp and nar
iow model, is a copy of some English
tugthat hail from Liverpool. The hull
was built near "Sk'nners " on the Sound,
but all the rigging, engines, boiler, sky
lights, etc., were impoi ted irom Live:
pool. A disastrous fire at the storehouse
destroyed and damaged this imported
property to the extent of nearly ?.).000.
She has a cylinder of .thirty-eight inches,
with five foot stroke, surface hcuiuiir
boilers of one inch icon and disconnect
ing engines which enables her to go
ahead on one wheel and back on the
other, and make short turns. He ap
pearance in the these waters attracted
much attention from nautical citizens.
"We wish Capt. McAllister success, and
warm reception up the river.
Pushing On. The Sunday Welcome
of tlie 7th says: The Oregon Steam
Xaigaton I'ompany are building a
wharf and warehouse iu PorJand on
what is known as the bone yardpro
erty. The company own fie hundred
feet of riwr frontage, and the wharf and
warehouse they are now buUding win
be two hundred tuid sixty-live feetliout
age by one hundred feet in width and
two stories high, with roof co ered with
nil ami tlie building and whan beaig
isolated, will make it comparatively fiie
proof. Besides tlve.yvo drops or inclines
for loading freight from ihe warehouse
there will be three elevators, which w-H
be run by water, for discharging freight
from the steamboats either to the lower
or upper wharf at any sage of water.
It Is designed lomn the freight tTucks
on to the platform of the elevators,
thence to either of the wharves, ami .as
these elevators wil1 fit the gangways o
their steamboats, itis estimated, that by
using the two gangways corresponding
with two of tlie elevators that one hun
dred an&fif ly tons of freight qan be dis
charged per hour. We also understand
that it is the juitention of this con
pany to, erect a brick .fire proof ware
house Jtfie .-coming summer, to connect
with thisnvharf and the railroad track of
,the west s,ide .road
o let, inquire of Mrs. J. W.
lodg'ng can be had at
t leaso.iable rates.
.. .. i
in the c
ook:ng applesand pop s
e toiiu(
-iqiSioyxlk Ttesh veg-
v on hand.'Fbhe lowest
who als
pi ices.
net be convinced.
You ceil always geu fresh oysters
in even- Sijie and a. all hours, dV.y or
n'ght. at life Central Coffee Saloon. Con-coi.ilvsi-ect,
between Benton and La
.a eLe.
Vstoria Liquor Store. II. Marx &
Co., proorletors. Sole agents for Cha.-h s
Letatoctc & Co., Su Louis. M"o. Ame.'i
ca's linet Stonewall whisky. Snow Hill
lire. Cooper whisky. For sale by all gen
eral deaiers and saloon keepers. Depot
and Branch House of Marx & Jorgen
sjii, Portland, Oregon.
Stonewall Wlrskies, the best in
the world, for sale by Strauss. "Who also
has the finest and fies".est fruits from
California and Oregon farms.
Dry goods, millinery and notions
cheap for thirty das at the Lee Hive. answer to
the Dance of Death, at the Circulating
Dr. F. P. Hicks, dentist, rooms in
Dr. Welch's building, on Squemoqha
Mivet, offers his services to the public of
. . . .They all want it. They do ? Well
they can get a little of everything at
Adlei's store next door to tlie Wnite
....They all like it. What? Adlers
Innocent cigar! Smokers and dealers
will do well lo examine Adler's stock be
fore purchasing elsewhere. i!."5.000 just
received by Steamer for the wholesale
Peter Kuncy is still in the marke.
with all kinds of building materials in
his line. Has just received 100.000 lath. bushels of sand, and a large stock
of first quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street.
The "Dance of Life."' an answer
to the Dance of Death, by Mrs. .1. M.
Bowers. For sale at the City Book Store.
Board and lodging by the day or
week at the Astoria Beer Hall. Main
street. Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro
prietor. Persons wishing the services of
Dr. J. Welch, Dentist, will bear In mind
that business will necessitate his tempo
rary absence from the city for a time af
ter a few days.
Have you seen the Bismare stove ?
Xo? Thencall at once to-dav, upon L.
P. Bichman & Co.
...Fresh oysters in every style at
The ''Sunny Hearth" is what you
want for your private oflice. Call on L.
P. Bichman & Co. anil see it. Beautiful
...Mrs. Dr. Burr. Homeopathic phy
sician, has removed to her new residence
four doors from Liberty hall.
White wire goods in even' si vie,
at L. P. Bichman & Co's.
Dr. B. B.Freeland has located per
manently in Astoria for the practice of
dentistry. Ortice in Shuster's building,
on Jass street, next door to The Asto
itiAN oflice.
JCPliotographs! Tlie latest styles
taken at Shuster's new gallery, Cabs st.,
next to the Atoi inn office.
pr For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an e:iv shave, go to Gille-pio at Par
kku House Baths. Hair cutting, bham
poomng, and dyeing.
S?""Little Van lias reestablished
him-elf at the old cornet, refrehiul by his
late journey to the Atlantic states, and
will fts formerly attend to nil ordeis in his
line us general jobber.
After this date, coin will be used for
change, and tickets dispensed with; all
drinks and cigars live and ten cents, at
the Chicago House, 31a in street, Astoria.
Astoria, Oct 3. 1S77.
For Glassware. Crockery, Powder and
Shot, (lun Wads, Percussion Caps, in
fact everything that is useful as well as
ornamental, go to . I. W. (iearhart, Avho
sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered
free of charge.
Canary Birds, for sale at Gilles
pie't:, Parker houss baths.
Ship-master's Beaming Boom. rr.
Peter Wilhelni has permanently fitted
up a .hi-iuastaL''s reading room in con
nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria,
The latest shipping papers and home
ward and outward bound shipj ing lists
are kept on tile. Telegraph office next
iZ3Can't you get us anew subscriber
for The Astokian? It would lake but a
slight effort on your part to induee your
neighbor to subscribe. You will ndtntt
the necessity cf sustaining a newpoper
like this- in the country, and it is by your
efforts and will that it is to be sustained.
If every one of our subscribers would get
us another the paper vwoul& be jjreatly
benefited and you would not be i ijurca
nor discommoded in the leasU "Will you
try andjsend ua a new subscriber for the
ensuing year. Subscrjptioji3 4uay-ibegm
atury time.
.Bord and i
i ui'sts:
iv aeio
I kc m s'
Tabled. In the territorial council
on the Stli, the memorial praying for
the transfer of the land grant of the
Xortheni Pacific railroad to the Seat
tle mid Walla Walla railroad was tabbed
" Desert Lands." The commis
sioner of the general land oflice on the
8th, suspended all entries made under
the desert land law of July 25, 1S7G,
and will make investigation of the al
legations that under it valuable ara
ble lands been entered, in viola
tion of its provisions.
Fish Legislation. In the terri
torial assembly on the Stli, Mr. Hath
away introduced a bill to regulate the
taking of salmon in the Columbia river
and its tributaries, requiring the fish
ermen to give them three days unmo
lested run. Referred to committee on
fisheries, and 200 copies ordered
Suspended. The publication of the
Olympia Daily Courier closed with its
issue of the Gth inst. It says: "For
the past year we have given much of
our time to it, with no expectation
of recompense, and we have not been
disappointed. When we get a good
deal of leisarc time on hands we may
resume it. Till then, good bye."
Company Organized. The Blue
mountain and Columbia river Rail
road company, says the La Grande
Gazette, is now organized, with S. G.
French, president. It has now 100,
000 of its capital stock subscribed,
which has already been assessed 10
percent., making 10,000. The di
rectors of the company expect to be
able to grade at least ten miles of its
road this fall and winter, work to com
mence at the Columbia river by the
first of next month, if possible.
Improved Order of Red ,tf sn.
Gen. Alvord, Paymaster General in
tlie United States army, after recount
ing the bloody work of Joseph, and
his hostile followers in the Nez Perces
band of savages says: Joseph has en
deavored to cany on the war in a civil
ized manner. So far as I can learn,
wherever his personal influence ex
tended in the conflicts in Idaho against
General Howard, in the months of July
and August, no scalping was perform
ed, and the lives of women and chil
dren were spared. If any exceptions
occurred they appear to have happened
with small parties of Indians not under
the ejTes of Joseph. In the Bitter
root valley of western Montana he did
not interfere with the settlers. We
learn of no scalps being taken in his
fight with General Gibbon near the
I3ig-hole pass of the Rocky mountains.
After that, when he took possession
of the stage road from Salt lake to
Montana, he turned back the stage
and all its passengers without inter
fering with them. And now we learn
that on going east from that road to-
4ards the Yellow-stone valley he cap
tured two ladies and sent them back
unharmed to the settlements. We say
all honor to the Nez Perces! They
merit the applause of the whole chris
tian world; not for making war, but
for the mode of making it.
Then the General goes on to enquire
"whence all this comes?" We should
answer, "Because of the Improved
Order of Red Men," hut Mr. Alvord
says no, and explains that "it is the
effect of the missionary establishments
of the American board of commission
ers, for foreign missions. In 183G the
Rev. H. H. Spalding was established
at the month of the Lamvai. And this
is the legitimate fruit of that mission."
Tlie Kez Perces, since Lewis and Clark
wintered among them in the winter of
lSCi-5, have been warmly the friends
of tlie Americans; and have been fighfc-
ingon our side in many of the Indian
wars occurring in that region. .Joseph,
has w.ith hira only a portion of the
tr.ibe, perjiar ,ax$fc onc-.third. B.utjit
is one of the most melancholy inci
dents of the Indian wars, to find ap
portion of the faithful tribe so discon
tented as to commence hostiities. The
tribe has been remarkable for their in
telligence, docility j?nd their avowed
wish for education and civilization.
We do not wish at this time to go into
the causes which haTe led to this out
break, so painful to all who have
watched their history, but to signalize
this eflbrt of Joseph to have a civilized
war. No such attempt has ever before
been made, in the history of the red
men, so far as we are advised.
Mr. Bozoith who has been up the
river the past few days returned Monday
owning well supplied with fruits ard
vegetables he has been purchasing. Ilis
mammoth squash weighing 112 pounds
is attracting the attention of man v.
The social religious meetings which
have bijn some two months in vogue
have awakened interest among the mem
bers of all denominations in the city.
Two ineeuiigs are held each week and
all persons who may desire to partici
pate are cordially invited to attend. The
next galiei ing will be held at the house
of Mrs. D. K. Warren on next Friday
evening, at 1)4 o'clock.
On the ISth of last month the Rev.
Mr. Day passed through our city on the
way to Portland, and interior, from Dej
troit. Michigan. We notice tnat yester
diy the Rev. Mr. Knight passed through
on the way to Detroitrom, Salem. Both
gentlemen are ministers Oi. the Congre
gational church. It appears to be a
case of day and night changing pastors
to give more the benefit of different ligh .
on similar subjects.
Atiiocious A bulletin board on one
of our main streets announces that
'Helen's Cables'' are for sale. Whether
they are to be disposed of all together to
tlie highest bidder, or separately, as may parti uilarly fancy only
one, is not stated. If our offspring are
to be put up for sale its about time we
should follow the example of some
larger cities and establish a society for
prevention of cruelty to children.
Aele Defense. The Lafayette
Courier says that "lion. K.Cronin,
one of the abie counsel in the case of the
State vs. U. IL Little.leld, made one of
ihe most e.TceJve and eloquent pleas be
fore the jury tliac it has been our lot to
hear. Mr. Cronin is a very graceful and
fluent speaker, and dons not have to
hesitate for language to express his
idea. He brought out all the advanta
geous po nts of law, for the benefit of
his client, in a striking and forcible
Tak: Notice. .Mr. Editer: Please
notify those two thieves who broke in
to the warehouse or Badollett & Co. to
plunder, on Sabbath morning last, about
two o'clock, that if they are not already
smarting from a broken hide, that per
haps the ne::- attempt they will not get
off as welLThey will not catch watclmian
Lewis napping. Mr. Lewis made one
mistake; is instead of unlocking the
f.-ont door, he had passed around the
end of the house to the gangway, he
would have had them immediately un
der the muzzle of his revolver, and could
have captured them, or hurt them badly.
The interjection, oh ! uttered by one of
them at the hrs: discharge of the watch
man's pistol might indicate either a
wound or a fright, and perhaps both.
They were remarkably cautious in their
movements. It would appear, that after
forcing their way into the house by wa
ter from, they struct a match that they
might see how matters were arranged.
This flash of light Lewis discovered and
put his veto on the proceedings, and they
were extremely lucky to g .t off as well
as they did. p.
Send tiie Stamps. When you want
a copy of n nespnper send the valueof it in
stamps, then you will not be disappointed.
If you nie a correspondent or have an
advertisement in the paper, you are entitled
to a complimentary copy of the paper
containing it sent to your postoffice, at the
time of publication; for it takes time to
hunt ip a copy three or six months after
it ja published and time costs money in a
printing office, so send enough stamps to
pay the publisher for the paper and time
required to hunt it up. Another peint:
'When you write to a man for your own
information and benefit, and which you
jare satsfied would be of no interest or
benefit to him, inclose stamps to pay both
ipostajje-and Ihe value of the writing-ma te-rialut-ed,
and you will, very likely,j j;e.t
tfhe.ipfcnrm&tion desired.