The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, October 02, 1877, Image 1

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?& Ji M Jv Jr M' li lr
Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, October 2, 1877.
No. 101.
! UJJI-V-l,l,rj:'J!rgU3jmjJJUL.XZg
.".-.wp.i,'-j-rgs ;.:-i.r unnr
JCTtc Jlniaax stwisra.
x c
(Monday Excepted',
A. "to rim v Building, Ois Street.
Terms of Subscription :
fcerved by Carrier, per week .23 Cents
eni by mail, four month? 53 W
boat by mail, cne your - 'J OU
Free of Pottage to .Subscribers.
xSTAdvcrti'-eincnii inserted by tbeycnr at
the rate of i 3') ifr imro ier month.
Transient advertiinir, by the day or week,
fifty cents jer senate for each iuseition.
To City Subscribers.
There are such frequent change in the resi
dence of onrcity jiations that wo shall feel
obliged to any who make uch changes if they
will report the -;unc to this, otlice. Uthei wie
we .-hall not be rejon.-ible for failures of the
carrier to deliver the iajcr promptly and
regularly to them.
The 3 dial em Country.
Fj:om China. The American ship
Pilgrim, Capt. Fowle, and thebark Bene
fractor. Capt. Ilaydcn. are due this week
at Astoria From Hongkong.
TitKAsuni:. By tlie Ajax on her last
trip out from here, .?1."0.000 in treasure
was shipped by Wells. Fargo & Co., and
on the Orizaba, at the same date, $100,000
was taken to .San Francisco.
Late Paim;i:. We are indebted to
pur-er Hughes oi the Ajax. and to the
olttcers of the Orizaba for late .San Fran
cisco papers, ami will endeavor to re
turn quid pnt 'iio.hcaidcs our thanks to
the "cntlemen.
2sew Stoui:. Messrs. A. C. Fisher
and Louis Wilson have opened a fine
tock of.gencral hardware ami outfitting
supplies, for ship as wHl a.- families at
the new store on the wharf, comer Ham
ilton and ChenamuWrecLs.
Going Bi:i.ow Our friend . Alex-
ander will be among the passengers by
Sir. S. W. Tallman, of this county,
in company with Indian Dick,recently
made an exploration of that pari of the
Xehalem country lying contiguously
with Westport and Knappa, and he
informs us with respect to his obser
vations, writing as follews:
"I have just returned after an ex
amination of the country along the
summit at the head of West's creek and
Gnat creek. That place is three miles
south of the "base line running east
and west from there to the crossing of
Gnat creek, where the township line
crosses (three miles) between ranges G
and 7 "w. 8 , near comer of sections
13 and 24 on said line; thence north
erly to Ross' logging camp (sec. 15,
7 w. t. S x.) three miles, thence two
miles east to the prairie and down the
Fisl iawk, making by fourteen mika
to the Kehalem river.
From the summit at the head of
West's creek to Gnat creek, the coun
try (six miles long by three miles
wide) is a smooth region, with the
finest fir timber in the world, well
watered, and a good wagon road can
be made the whole distance. From
the summit at Fish-hawk to Astoria,
and from Gnat creek to Wests, is the
prettiest country I ever saw.
From the prairie (Knappa) easterry
to Ross' camp (two miles); thence two
miles east and one mile south to the
crossing of Gnat creek; thence east
three miles and south two miles, to
the south side of Sec. 34, t. 8, . n.
G w., thence bear south on the divide
to the Fish-hawk, and from there down
said stream to the Nehalem.
1 will survev a road, jrratis. or cut a
Silver wrappers, free grat&to all
the merchants of Astoria at Corfarjs.
....The "Dance of Death'ind ie
-Dance of Life," an answer to the Dance
of Death, by Airs. J. aL Bowers. For
sale at the City Book Store.
We have on hand (50 pair of Mis
sion Woolen mills Blankets which we
offer for less than factory prices. War
ranted all wool at 15. Hamburgers.
Large assortment of Autograph
and Photograph albums, as well as a fine
assortment of Papetene, just received at
Adler's book store.
"Another Humbug,' "The Dance
of Life' "That Wife of Aline," and
"That Husband of Aline." now in press;
be received in a few days atAdler's,
next to the White House.
The largest and latest styles of
dress goods and waterproofs can only be
found at B. Hamburgers. Don't fail to
inspect them and depend upon it, prices
extremely low. See advertisement.
Persons rcnuiring-f urnished rooms
can be accommodated at Mrs. Munson's
new lodging house.
Miss Brown intends opening a
private school at Arrigoni's hotel 1st of
October. Will also give lessons in music.
Terms, r0 cents per week, music S3 per
V full stock of the finest Parlor
Stoves and Heaters, for wood or coal, I
will be sold cheaper than the cheapest
by Jackins & Hawes. t
Board and lodging, by the day or
week at the Astoria Beer Hall. Main
street, Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro
prietor. Persons -wishing the services of
Dr. J. Welch, Dentist, will bear in mind
that business will necessitate his tempo
rary absence from the city for a time af
ter a few days.
Have you seen the Bismarc stove ?
Xo ? Thencall at once to-day, upon L.
P. Kichman & Co.
the Elder to-day tor San Francisco. d u f mile (U miles),
whither he sroe for the purpose of lay- ,
ing in one of the finest late fall and will- alld if lfcls not as represented when re-
ter stocks that can be purchased.
Good Timi:. The American ship
Springfield, Cap!. Peart, which arrived
on Sunday, came over irom Hongkong
in 47 days, laden with -loo tonsof ballast.
She made a most excellent run from Car
diff to Hongkong. .Jul 17th.
I" Poyis Health. Air. Howard of
this city, who has been in very poor
healih for some time past, seeks the in
terior to-day for a time in the hope of
recuperating. He will be accompanied
by 31 rs. Howard, and we hope will find
the boon he seeks.
Ox Tin: Way. BcVide, the ship Pil
grim and bark Benefactor from China,
we have to announce the coming of the
British bark Broughton, Capt. Edkin.
from Auckland; and the bark Sierra
Nevada. Capt. Koerner. from Newcastle,
X. S. W.
ceiveu no cnarges win oe maae. j.
will construct the trail to the summit
of the X ehalem, and the settlers offer
to put it down the Fish-hawk. The
nearest point to Westport is four miles,
but I think I can turn south one mile
sooner on the base line (east and west)
and save an elbow. Indian Dick and
I want a lick at it, and if you will
keep the hounds oft, and encourage us
a little, you will see a good road into
Xehalem valley, the garden spot of
the ooast range, just so sure-asyou live.
I am a poor man, my bottom dollar
gone, or I woidd do the work alone.
S. W. Tallman.
...Fresh oysters in every style at
The4Sunny Hearth is what you
want for your private office. Call on L.
P. lliclnnan & Co. and see it. Beautiful
Mrs. Dr. Burr, Homeopathic phy
sician, has removed to her new residence
four doors from Liberty hall.
White wire goods in every style,
at L. P. Bichman & Co s.
Dr. B. B.Freeland has located per-
manentlv in Astoria for the practice of
dentistry. Office in Sinister building,
on Cass street, next door to The Asto
vaxs office.
Photographs! The latest styles
taken nt Shunter's new gallery, Cass st.,
next to the Astormn office.
RSTSan Francisco beer, Steilacoom
beer, Astoria bcefc. bottled beer and En-
sdish poiter nt tlipChicngo house, Mam
street, A.toria. jN.Y yman, proprietor.
Tin: Chain Fli:i:t. Our last years
grain fleet have now all reported at their
ports of destination except the Jamaica,
and the Dovenby. The latter may not
yet be considered due, and tlie former
we do not ever expect to hear from
again. The Alumina arrived at Cork on
t he 14th ult
L SiiOAiVATKi:-iiAY. A note from
a lady at Oysterville to our daughter iie-
furins us that a vessel has arrived there
to load with oysters for San Francisco.
Xo name was given. The schooner 1L
L. Tiernan was due there we believe,
and the Enterprise sailed for Shoalwa-ter-bay
on the 2.1th from San Francisco.
Haiti:k. This vessel was ready for
sea last night, but had not cleared when
we went to press.
Co.Mixr. ix. Two vessels were inside
the bar last evening, coming up, when
we went to press.
CAimA. This vessel, with Capt
Snow as pilot, arrived yesterday, draw
ing 10 feet, from Portland, in tow of the
Coal Cakgo.- The bark Sierra Xeva
da, owned by Mr. G. W. Hume of this
city, and commanded by Capt Win.
Koerner, sailed on the 7th of August for
San Francisco from Newcastle, X. S. W.
via Honolulu for orders. She is loaded
with coal on owners account, and if the
market justifies, will come to Astoria
i roin Honolulu.
Oil Becovkued. On Saturday we
received word from Capt. Xarbelt, at
Bay Yiew house, llwaco, and a note
from Mr. John Behems at Fort Canby,
informing us that several barrels of fish
oil had come ashore there, and in that
vicinity. We informed the owners of
the oil, and they took steps to save the
same. Xo advertisement was necessary
in these cases.
Smr-MASTEii's Beading Boom. Mr
Peter Wilhelni has permanently fitted
up a ship-master's reading room in con
nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria
The latest shipping papers and home
ward and outward bound shipping lists
are kept on. file. Call and see uiuu
Tug Edith. The Orfemian men
tions the fact that the steam tug Edith.
CaptBochau. made the round trip to
Portland and back from Astoria in 26
hours, towing the Buenos Ayres up.
Beady foii Sea. The ships British
Peer and British Monarch are both
ready for sea to-day. They are about
equally loaded, and sail for the same
port We shall watch their arrival out
with interest About one-half of each
cargo, it will be seen, is from Astoria.
At Hongkong. The American ship
Titan, apt Berry, has arrrived at
nongkong from Cardiff, on the 17th of
August Boston .lack was no doubt glad
to meet Capt Berry, but the letters of
the latter from Astoria did not stop all
the vessels at Ilongkong from coining to
Astoria. The Springfield has just ar
rived, and we 1 ave two more known to
be on tho way.
jv For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an ensy shave, go to Gille.pie at Par
ker House Batus. Hair cutting, lam
pooning, and dyeing.
JT7"," What is a dollar when you can
jret The Astouian far it four months,
regularly, including a pampl let telling
you ail about the great State of Oregon.
BSLittle Van has reestablished
himseif nt the old corner, refreshed by hi-
late journey to the Atlantic states, and
will a formerly attend to all orders in his
line as general jobber.
&3F The Capital, on Main near
Squemocqlin street, Wm. Appleby pro
prietor, is one of the nuggc-l and mo-t
quiet places in the city, where the public
can get the finest quality of wines, liquors
and cinari.
j?H5-Who wants to know about the
great State where the 'snorts equal in
value $37S per head of the entire popula
tion, send 1 00 to D. C. Ireland lor Thk
Astokian, the only Oregon paper, pub
lished wholly in the intero.-.t of Oregon.
Cannibalism has become a fre
quent incident in Madras since the
The Xational Library of France
isfthe largest in the world; considera
bly larger than that in the British
The total number of persons sup
ported by Government in Madras and
Mysore both on relief works and
gratuitously on account of the famine,
is over a million and a half.
Seven years ago William O'Brien
was murdered in St. Louis by Michael
Ryan, who escaped airest. O'Brien's
widow recently recognized Byan in
the street, grabbed him, and held him
until he was arrested.
The Grand Duke Nicholas allows
no pilfering by the troops under his
command. Any offender detected is
tried by court martial and shot. So
strictly is the order obeyed that Gen.
Zotoff himself had to do without chick
ens for some days because the Bul
garians refused to sell him a fowl for
hi3 private table.
Many of the African kings boasU
of an unbroken succession in their
families for thousands of years. They
are absolute despots, except when con
trolled by custom and religion; but in
general their government is liberal and
kind. Mohammedanism is professed,
but the fetish superstitions generally
prevail, and belief in witchcraft is
The inscription on the army and
navy monument in Boston, recently
dedicated was written by President
Elliot of Harvard, and is as follews:
"To the men of Boston who died for
their country on land and sea in the
war which kept the Union whole, and
maintained the Constitution, the grate
ful city has built this monument, that
their example may speak to coming
The English railroad companies
took years to discover that it is the
third-class passengers who pay.
At the outset of railroads, everything
was done to win the custom of the
first, and no change has been so great
in the management of English rail
roads as that which has taken place
in the policy and behavior of railroad
companies toward the third-class
passengers. In 1870 the receipts from
the third class were 1S( to every
100 from the first class. By 1875
283 from the third against 100 from
the first.
Clearing Out Sale.
Gen. Sherman expects to be pres
ent at the opening of tlie state fair on
T. L. Davidson'near Salem,raised
potatoes this year on the vines, like ,
tomatoes. They were of the savage
Mr. A. G. Walling, who left here
about five weeks ago to attend the
grand lodge, I. O. O. F., of the Uni
ted States, in Baltimore, as grand rep
resentative from Oregon, writes that
that body had completed its labors on
the 17th, and he would start home in
a few days.
A singular fatality seems to hover
over the bark Emerald, now loading
at Port Gamble, and whose captain re
cently attempted suicide, for although
she is but 25 years old, five of her
captains have lost xheir lives within
that time three being washed over
board and drowned and two having
been killed at the wheel.
Col. H. C. Hodges, now in charge
of the quartermaster's department at
Washington, now on a visit to Oregon
ma' be called an old Oregonian. He
came here a lieutenant in the fourth
infantry in 1852, and married the
daughter of Gov. Abemethy. He
takes the same interest in the develop
ment of the state as of old. All who
knew him in the olden time are glad
to meet him and wish him abundant
prosperity. He is here only on a brief
visit with his excellent wife, and will
return east by the Elder. Gov. Curry
informs us that time deals kindly
with the Colonel, and that he is tho
same good fellow without the least ap
parent change, as of other days.
D. C. Ireland, mayor of Astoria,
offers a reward of $20 for evidence
that will convict any one in that mun
icipality of giving or selling liquors of
any kind to minors. A vigorous ap
plication of the law in this respect
would be potential in abating this
great evil. Xo use to clamor for tem
perance legislation when the plainest
statutes already enacted upon the sub
ject are openly and flagrantly violated
and that not infrequently, with impu
nity. Selling or furnishing liquor to
Indians, minors, and habitual drunk
ards, keeping saloons open on Sunday,
gambling in all its forms, keeping of
brothels, these, at least, there are
stringent laws against, and, while they
remain inoperative for want of moral
strength to enforce- them, it is worse
than useless to encumber the statutes
with, others that look to the supprt s
sion of vice. New Northwest.
For Glassware, Crockery, Powder and
Shot Gun Wads. Percussion Caps, in
fact everything that is useful as well as
ornamental, go to .1. W. Gearhart, who
sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered
free of charge.
Canary Birds. for sale at Gilles
pie's, Parker house baths-
Eoyai.ta' Entertained. Bight
royally did Fescue engine Co. Xo. 2, en
tertain their guests at the Pioneer on
Saturday evening. It was a sort of a
jubilee meeting all 'round. The Hooks
and Xo. 1, and many a prominent citizen
1 enjoyed the repast, and the utmost good
feeling prevailed. We regret our ina
bility to attend, but hope that the depart
ment as a department, will always feel
as happy.
am YlH
nas jufti
lisler. ihc
nrsnAND OF
eft a lew copies oil
mred to take ord
Cornarts Xcws
n:. 1 have
book, and
)r more at
e Ladies o-f As
received, direct
following nc
Thee.." song and
song and chorus
Bouquet r ubJ
om the pub-
nusic : i
just as
ijrht Schottische, Introducing the
melody "O. i es, we wijbc dar ; etc., at
Cornart's Anisic Store.
of th$l
mi jrafi
sftiddn drtm
liavacVi oV
Prlf . TT
fcsiiiifcr-Prof. Wells, formerly
oa Collegiate Institute, Califor-
of the most nopularaud success
ors of penmanship on? the coast.
menee- a class at the Public
on Thursday evening, at 7
ji afternoon class, for ladies
will commence tne next
lock ifc.M.,. at the same nlace
ells' last class in California, be
fore coming to Astoria, numbered 120,
wnicn is saiu ro oe uie mrKesu numoer
ever assembled at once in that state for
,tUe-guxpose of acquiring penmanship.
We have on hand about 8500 worth
of books, pamphlets, maps, papers,
etc., etc., which we were foolish enough
to print at our own expense for the
benefit of Oregon. If these docu
ments were judiciously sent abroad, to
people in the Atlantic states, they
would be productive of some good.
We are tired of giving them away and
paying the postage on them besides
gratuitously, and have decided to sell
them for what the paper cost upon
which they are printed- If you have
any friend in Oregon, or out of it,
who wishes to hear about this immense
state, call at our ofifce and secure
copies of these books and papers,, and
send them where they will do the
most goocb
Walla Walla County. From re
turns of tlue assessor it appears that the
property valuation of Walla Walla coun
ty is as follows for the current year:
Ileal pstnte. farms, etc tl.H,..
City and town, lots
Personal property
Linn County. The Democrat re
fers with pride to the fact that Linn
county is out of debt, its warrants at
parr and this year's tax levy is only
14i mills on the dollar a reduction of
half a mill over any previous year.
jS"o other county in the state, with the
same amount of costly public build
ings,. can make such a showing.
.... l,27."i.S20
Total valuation
Value in 1870
.... 2,'JW,740
rncrease in one year - 0f,'o
There were in the county of certain
property enumerated the following r
r ' Number.
Hogs -
No of Acres of Timothy.
" Barley
1 10,990
.. 1,6M
.. 2;142.
.. G.K3
Ipulationr-Males w. .2,921 7""" . V " 7. V A V-
. 1'emalcs ........ .i,l30 -5fiX- ri,vert, includuigthe great Columbia..
Deserved. Referring to the new
city attorney of Portland, Mr. J. C.
Moreland, the Corvallis Gazette says:
"Having been personally accpiiainted
with. Mr- Moreland for many years,
we liave no hesitancy m recommend
ing him to those desiring professional
services in Portland. The mere fact
of his holding the responsible office, of
city attorney, is-evidence that he stands
at the head of his profession, in the
metropolis- of Oregon. All business
entrusted to liim- will be promptly and
faithfully attended" to.
The atmosphere of Oregon impure and
cheerful, warm and balmyr life f longer,,
health is-better and nmve enjoyable;. when
the ordinary laws of sueo are attended' to,
than in any state in the Union,, or in any
country in Europe.
There is a good market in Oregon for
agricultural products, owing to .-hort
transportation to the Pacific Ocean, and
direct exportation to all parts of the
world. Railroad facilities. Navigable-