f0 .n g& &ilaj ste$m ASTOETA Sept. 28, 1577 OREGON'S GHANCE. From tho Oregon Statesman. Every indication now points to im proved times in Oregon. Crop Bros pects were never better and the promise of good prices is very flat tering. From Hon. G. "VV. Colby, the champion Granger of Northern California, we learn that the tide of emigration, from the Southern partis simply immense, all headed towards Uregon. uuc it is noc aione trom Calilorma tnat immigrants are com ing; they are coming by the hundreds fron Eastern States. uregon is no longer Known as a county in California, but as a State possessing vast natural resources and offering better inducements to set tlers than any other, of the States or Territories, of the United States. Sympathizing with California in her unfavorable prospects for crops for the coming harvest, yet her misfor tunehas had the effect to turn the tide of emigration towards Oregon where the crops never fail. Here tofore California has been enabled to hold out inducements to settle in that State; but now things have changed, not only the Eastern emigration, but also great numbers of Californiansare leaving their sun-parched homes for the land of occasional mists." Ore gon has natural resources for a rich and populous state, and all that is now required is development; to ac complish this it will take capital and muscle. One of the first things that should command attention, in such a way as to insure success, is railroad communication with the rest of the world. Thousands of emigrants are kept from coming to our state by rea son ol lhe hardships and expense of getting here. It is not for this pur pose alone that railroads are needed but for the general impulse the' will give business generally as well. Our state can never become permanently prosperous while sparsely settled. Our commerce at present is to small to command any considerable attention; hence we are food for mo nopolies. With increased population comes increased business and this in vites competition, all combined pro duces a market at remunerative prices. Now is Oregon's opportunity to move in such enterprises as will tend to develope her resourses. The tide of immigration is pouring in up on us the season has been favorable, and every indication points to better times. Then, while in the flood tide of prosperity, let enteprise and skill direct all things in the proper chan nels of continued growth and pros perity. Railroads cannot be built in a day, it takes time and means, the means are not easily obttained; com bined efforts alone can secure the necessary aid; therefore, in order to accomplish anything in that direc tion, under our present condition, it is necessary to concentrate. Se lect some one of the many needed routes and concentrate all efforts to accomplish the end then, with in creased powers, we may be able to take another, and so on till all that are needed have bocome accom plished facts. M Encourage Strangers. The fol lowing excerpt from the Statesman is worthy of reproduction. The word.-, ap ply to Abtorin, as well as Walla Walla. The Statesman says: " When strangers come here with means and propose to en gage in business, encourage them in all poible ways. If they desire a lot for building purposes, self it to them at a reasonable rate. If they wish to e?tablish a manufacturing enterprise, and require water power, don't nsfc them three times as much as the privilege is worth. If you do the chance is that they will sock some other locality, and leave you with unpro ductive property on your hands. Owing to want of foresight the woolen mills were driven to Dayton, and in the end have been the means of building up a formida ble rival to "Walla Walla. The origina tors of that enterprise desired to locate here, but finding that water power could only be had at an enormous outlay, they accepted the donation ol a mill site from Jesse Day, and built their factory at a town that then only had an existence on paper. The surest way to build up a town is to deal liberally with strangers. In the early settlement ol the northwest coast, Oregon-city had the lead and promised to be the chief town in the country. Holders oJ town lots taking advantage of this, held their property at oxtravagant figures. The result was the location of a town named Portland, and Oiegon-city speculators were left, out in the cold. Like begets like, and if a selfish policy killed Oregon-city, it may prove injurious to other, towns. "Welcome the stranger within your gate," is an o!d in junction, the wisdom of which is just as apparent now as when first uttered. Let Us welcome new comers, aid them in se curing locations, and in all suitable ways make them feel that we are joined with tnem in the bonds of a commo'i hu manity." The inhabitants of northwest and western Oregon, incluriinj; twelve coun lifj. of the State, and embracing the gieat valley of the Wallamet and its "fork-," enjoy seven months of spiirp, summer and autumn weather thatnre almost equal In southern or eastern Oregon for bright and cheerful weather and a bracing and healthy atmosphere. The five vintir months from -November to 3Iuich, bring a bountiful rain that pioduccs, in due season, un tailing crop-. These lains ic taid, but scarcely prevent, labor outside, in an$ department, and of 150 da3s of winter, at least a third ottheni aredry and bright. People who advertise only once in three months foig't that mo-t tolk? can't re member anything longer than about seven days. aOSCELANEOUS Temple Lodge, No. 7, A. F. A. M. Regular Communications first and Q third Saturdays in each month, at 7J20 Yy o'clock, p. m., at tho Hall in Astoria. sw .Members of tho Order, in pood standing, are nvited to attend. By ordoi of tho W. M. Beaver .Lodge No. 35, L O. (X P. Moot every Friday evening. -'. atTM o'clock, in the Odd Follow'? aA& Hall, cor. of Cass and ChenamusSsSsSIs? streets, Astoria. Members of tho ? Order aro invited to attend. By order, N. G-, Astoria Lodge No. 40, 1. O. G. T. Regular Meeting every Tuesday Eroning vxiy o'clock, at Good Templar's Hall, Cbena mus Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker's Store. Members of the Order, in good stand ing, aro invited to attend. Degree meeting 1st Monday each month. By order W. C. T. Common Council. Regular meetings first and third Monday evenings of each month, at 7 o'clock iW Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by tho Council, at any regular meeting, must present tho same to tho Auditor and Clork on or before tho Friday evening prior to the Monday on which tho Council holds its regular meetings. By order of tho Council. F. J . Taylor, Auditor. Astoria Engine Co. No. 1. Regular monthly meeting will bo hold at the hall of the Com pany, on tho second Tuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock p. m. t0"M embers are expected to attend promptly, if not the usual fines will bo imposed against them, unless legal excuse is offered. By order of tho Company, C. S. WR1U11T, President. R. X. Cvrnaiian, Secretary. Cemetery Notice. The undersigned Sexton of the Astoria Cem etery, in view of the fact that the cemetery grounds aie now permanently located, wishes all peiNons owning lots in the grounds to re port the number and block to him; also, all persons who have buried friends in the grounds at anytime, aie leque&ted to ad dict him through the Post-oflice, or call upon him at his cilice, and furnish him with a list, embracing, the name of deceased, age, when Imiicd. the lot or block upon which the bmial was made, and such other information as will enable him to bring older out of chaos. F. FERRELL, City Sexton. Astoria, Oregon, Sept. 20, 1877. BUSINESS CARDS. O. I BELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for California and Washington Territory. Astoria, Oregon, Office Over Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Expresa Oflico in Van Dusen's building, cor. Cass and Jefferson streets. Tp D. WINTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in "Warren & McGuire's Building, ASTOEIA, OREGON. M. DALLAS JENNINGS, Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician, OFFICE ON CASS STREET, ASTORIA, Next door to Capt. Rogers. A LL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED l. to, day or night. D R. I. M. SEVERN, Graduato Univorsity i f Pennsylvania. Office, Rooms No. 1 and 2 LARSEN'S BUILDING, CASS STREET Astoria, Oregon. R. P. CHANG, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ASTORIA, OREGON. OflEce Room No. 7 Brown's building cor ner of Main and Chenamus streets. Dr. Crang will in future devote his whole time to the practice of hi-, profession. GEIOIANIA BEER HALL ANI BOTTLE BEER DEPOT, Chf.n-.vmus Stuket. Astoeia. Tho public are invited to cill and leave their orders. Splendid Lager 3 conte a glass. Free Lunch every night. WM. BOCK. & Co., Proprietors. (JHARLES HEILBORNj MANUFACTURER OP And Dealer in FURNITUREand BEDDING. ALSO mrORTKK OF CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, "WALL PAPER, SHADES, etc. 5S7-A11 kinds of repairing promptly at tenden to. and furniture made to order. ESA full line of picture mouldings and frames, brackets, window cornices, etc. fc?Fnii htock and lowest prices, corner of Squemocqlui and Main street, Astoria, WEST SHORE MILLS. Foot of CONCOMLY Street ROADW AY, Astoria, Oregon J. C. TRULLINGER, - - Proprietor. of tho above Mill Is now prepared to fill all orders, largo and small, for overy kind of BUILDING, LUMBER On satisfactory terms. H. SPELLKIER, BOOT and SHOE MAKER, ASTORIA, OREGON. Has just received a splendid stock of LEATHER and TRIMWGS, The best in Oregon, and will now fill any order, t tho Iowo.t prices, for tho hit nn.i finest ot Boots and She - A ,...i . - UU IOCS. . I il i r i L Yi ii f it iwii tt WiB iKmSBff7 fheWH' IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST STOKE IK THIS CITY TO PJJSD- A LAilGE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OP Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Staple & Fancy Goods, Notions ALSO AN IMMENSE AND "WELL SELECTED STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING, FURNISHING- GOODS, BQQT S3EaE;a wzmji:&t ETa Don't fail to call on ua before making your purchases, as you will find it money in your pocket. Respectfulty Yours, SCHLUSSEL & KANT, Cor. Chenamus and Main streets, Astoria, OrPtron- A. YAK" DUSEN & CO. TX7ALL PAPER, CHINA MATTING, AND- HOU5E LINING, In quantities to suit, for sale cheap at A. Van DUSEX & Co.'s VTHITE LEAD. BOILED OIL, TURPENTINE, ALSO NAILS AND SPIKES,, Suitahlo for street work, All for sale cheap at A. Tax DUSEX & Co.'s. J UST DECEIVED. Tho bet in tho World. Outside and inside whito, and a great vari ety of shades in quart, ono gallon and fivo gal lon tins at A. Van DUSEX & Co.'3. Cass streot, Astoria. Great Keflictioii in Prices ! SEWiNG MACHINES DOWN! New family Singer old prico SGI 00 Reduced to 50 00 Now family Singer, with drop leaf, drawers and cover, old prico 71 00 Reduced to 00 00 Other styles reduced in proportion. In addition to tho abovo reduction a discount of 10 per cent, will bo niado on CASH SALES. Machines sold on tho installment plan on liberal terms. A- Van Dusen & Co., Agents. ASTOPvIA, OREGON. MISCELLANEOUS. I W: CASE, Wholesale and Retail DEALER EST- t Assorted Merchandise of Every Description. BOOTS, SHOES, AND S X X DR !E 33 3L SB, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, COaLPRISLNG OYER SIXTY CASUS, OP THE BEST QUALITY AT LOW EST POSSIBLE RATES. Everyone is Bragging that they Sell Goods very Cheap. So I determined to givo up tho Retnil Busi ness entirely,.and am offering my goods AT COST ! No. 1 Diagonal Suits at - $16 00 o.2 " 13 50 Light Plaid Suits, No. I 13 oO 4 2 9 00 Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Boots and Shoes, Jowelry;.all description of Goods at con price. I also givo. as inducements to the public and to merchants, iH) days' credit on satisfactory notes. SAX FBAJS'CISCO AUCTIOS STORE, J. BLOOM, Astoria, Oregon. T. S. JEWETT. B. S. KIMBALL. Draying & Trucking. v ng purchased tho intor- JfPPsir M of the SsisSfe; Astoria Truck & Drav Co.. .ncluding Teams, Ycheclcs. etc., respectfully annouuee that wo aro prepared to PILL ALL ORDEUS "WITH PROMPTNESS. IN A CAREFUL MAXNER ,, , 0rGrs may be loft at tho Occident "otol. JEWETT & KIMBALL. Washington Market, Main fitreet, Astoria Oregon, JBERGMAF & BERRY EESPECTFTJLLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of tho public to tho fact that tho above Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY JFRESH ANDCU1HED MEATS ! men will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention givon to supply ing ships. ffe(Pl iVtfltliflfS! W M. EDGAR, Corner Main and Chenamus Streets, ASTORIA OREGON. DKALKIZ IN THK CHOICEST BRANDS OK Tobacco and Cigars, and the G-enuine "Wostenholm, and other English Cutlory. Genuine Heersliuum lIpe a Speciality. 1KB" Fairchilds Gold Pens, and all sorts of Stationery, .Notions, Etc. o o o ' o TJ o b cs. o 5 g ffi tr. ta o S2.J o GEORGE MACLEAN, BLACKSMITH. Wator Street Roadway, Noar Hume's Cannery, Astoria, Oregon. Horseshoeing $&& an al inl& ofBlaoksmith jSkjfPl in dono to or dei. Satisfact AsSfcly in Euiranteed D. K. WjKUKX. L.. a. ii.vj !... Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus and Cassstreets, A STOUT A. DltEGON. I WARREN Ss McGTJIBE, Proprietors, Successors 10 J louMni ix tiarreit,j t Wiolesalo and Retail Dealers in all kinds ol CANNED mr jJutt KfS"Euttcr. Effes. Cheese, etc. constantly Oil UUliU, a s.ll-8 0 2. C1 9 w: k--3 2 PCS T 5 D d ml W v . Bd ,tiBil a 5 CH8 i 8. P o h- u m o M JZ3 3 I-. U 3 H 5H I S Q 9 g. , H 5 o Ft o g. Q t2j Ct . Fresh and Cured meats! A full line of Family Groceries?, p w tttt v vavr1 a ti 1 .v trrn n uu-uu, ji5" Sl.ip3 supplied at the Iow83t ates. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W H. H. HATCH. M. D. Physician Surgeon and Accoucheur, Graduate of tho Koynl Cnllppc of Physicians, England. Mowbrrof ino Unlvesity ofCaliforniH. Ofllce Squeuiocriha btreet, near Cass, ASTORIA. OREGON. M RS. DJX. RXJRR, Homeopathic Physician and Electrician. LatoofSan Francisco, and Graduato of tha Homeopathic School. Treats all chronic dfseases and the diseases 5"f women and children. Midwifery a flpecmlty Of fice at her residence, lonr doers belon Liberty Hall. M RS. "WOODHA3I, Late of tho City of Para. Dress and Cloak iffakins:, and Cutting and Fitting, in the Latest Styles, JSTnss street, opjiositc the Congrega tional cliurcli. "T OUIS HAGEX, Squemoc(ilm street, not door to the hpiseopal cliurcli. Cabinet lUalier and Ul?rtalfcx tfcB- Will tako orders for all kii. - of E'r FURNITURE, and repairing promptly anjJ neatly done, at low prices. TTUGH STOOP, CARPENTER AND J0!NERr AND GENERAL JOBBER. ASTORIA, OREGON. 5y"ITouse3 built to order, and satisfaction guaranteed. B. B- Franklin, UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. Squemocqha street, next door to Astoiian Tbuildir.g, Astoria, Oregon. B55.A11 work done in a skillful manner, on short notico and at reasonable prices. HENRY SIXDLINGEIL -DEALER IX- STOVES and TINWARE, JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SHOP On Sriucmocfjha stieet, betweca Main and Cass stroets, Astoria. Uregon. JSEW TAIX.OII SIlOl. GEORGE LOVETT, Benton street, (opposite the Ciuton Ilottse) Gents suits made to order in latest stvlea and warranted to fit. ""Clothes cleaned and repaiied. A. BOISON. WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER. Astoria. rilur.wiSyi HAS JUST RECEHTED A FINE As sortment of Jewelry of tho latest style, also a fino assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, which will bo sold-at lore?t pr!ccs and warranted from two to ten years. B"Farticular attention paid to repairing TOHtf BURKE. (Successor to Varwig ic Burked Plnmlier, Gas anil Steai Fitter AND DKALKR IS IRON AND BRASS GOODS. Also Agent for W. C. Wilco.x Flavel's Warehouse, Astoria. L. K. G. SMITH. Cor. of Main and Chenamus streot. ASTORIA--. OREGON Doalcr in the choices brands of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, And all kinds of smokers articles. Has juss received a now supply of GENUINE MEERSCHAUM PIPES. Direct from Vienna, Wostonholm's and other brands of cutlory always on hand. 7-lli-dtf OREGON" BAKERT, Holladay's Wharf, Main Street. Astoria, Ogn. BREAD, CAKES, PIES, PASTRY, CRACKERS.ETC. 7mXL BESERED TO PATRONS V V of the Oregon Bakery of which C. Binder deceased, was proprietor, tho same as usual, by Mrs. CHARLES BINDER. First Class Baker employed, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed! All orders, large or small, promptly filled on short notice. Pat ronage 01 iuq puoncisrespucuiuiy auiiuiitu. MRS. CHAS. BINDER. "OATHS, BATHS Hot, Cold, Shower. Steam and SULPHUR Baths Occident Hotel Shaving Saloon. PKOPRIETOl'.S 2"Special attenties paid to LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING O" Private Entrance for Ladjws" BUILDING MATERIALS. o JUST ARRIVED: 40,000 BRICK; 100 WJNDOWS; AN'D- 200 DOORS ; WHICH WILL BE SOID AS LOV AS ANY HOUSE IN OREUO. BAIN k FERGUSON, Astoria, Oregon. NOT AIZ. to send for onr New A cauuogne. it con v tains valuable Infor mation for every person contem plating the pur chase of any article frti npTJuinftl. famllT Sricultural use. Free t asr Acidress. -JKOKTGOMERY WABD A CO., V Original Grange Supply House, - 22? A Z$ WgUnhAv CMICACJO, I1L HE5Lr -t