C Sj: ' gfp &il3 &&&BX&CO. ASTORIA, OREGON : D. C. IREIiAXB Editor. FRIDAY Sept. 2S, 1877 Alaska Troubles. The Lackawana is yet at Port Town send where everything is peace and harmony, while up at Sitka, from all accounts we have, quite the reverse in the case. It is expected that a high old time will occur before the Califor nia can get back. Sitka Jack will prove to be another Captain Jack, or Joseph, as certain as the world. He has destroyed more for the govern ment already, since the departure of the troops from Sitka, than his black skin is worth, and his insolence is al most unbearable. When the Corwin went up to Sitka he wTent on board of her, took a survey of the surroundings and returned to shore informing "his people" that they could take all such ships as that was. The Lackawanna has a crew of 153 men, and a marine guard of eight, has a battery of two 11-inch pivots, eight 9-inch broadside guns on spar-deck, and one GO-pound rifle on forecastle. Length of ship, 257 feet; breadth, 38:6; tonnage 1030; and engines, 1000 horse power, nomi nal. She was built in 1861, and took a leading jart during the war in the attack on Mobile, and the conflict there with the ram Tennessee. If she was up at Sitka now, stationed there, she would be the means of saving many lives, and much treasure, by nipping the plans of Sitka Jack in the bud. There is little doubt but that Sitka Jack had determined on a fight, and set the day for it, before the Cali fornia left on her return upon the present voyage. A JJote of Warning. Under this caption the Bee of the 25th publishes a letter from a wide awake citizen, who overhauls the board of trade, gives their pedigree, and other facts as follews: I am not a little astonished to ob serve that the Oregonian has taken up the refrain ot the Portland board of trade and is expending its energies in the advancement of the interests of the N orthern Pacific railroad manage ment, a concern entirely inimical to the interests of the city of Portland and par consequence the state of Ore gon. Our citizens have been zealously working for years to secure congres sional aid toward the construction of the Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake railroad a line that would intersect the great Snake river valley and the fine agricultural lands embraced with in the section known as eastern Ore gon. And now, just as we are about to have all our hopes realized, the transfer of the lands forfeited by the Northern Pacific railroad to our favor ite trunk line, this so-called Portland board of trade resolves that the people of Oregon are alone interested in the success of the Northern Pacific line, and with impudent effrontery asks our senators and representatives to aid the enterprise. Now, while it is true that this board of trade numbers among its member ship some of our leading merchants, we hold that their voices are not heard in its councils, and that it is only the wooden-heads and the canine Shylocks who thus boldly speak out against the exrjressed will of the people. I liave had enough of the Portland board of trade's brayings, and publicly de nounce it as an institution inimical to the interests of our city, and one whose fulminations are as bombastic and im potent as those of a chamber of com merce composed of peanut venders. Yixdex. Portland, Sept. 25, 1S77. "Vindex is a little tough on the pea nut venders, but it is pretty well un derstood' that the Portland board of trade is, as an institution, not only inimical to the interests of Portland, but a direct injury to Oregon, and if it be true, as Yindex says, the lead ing merchants of Portland are not heard in its councils, but take a back seat for the wooden-heads and Shy locks, it strikes us that it is pretty near time for the sensible men of the city to assert their claims to vindica tion in some manner, because it they do not, the day will soon arrive when the bull dozed interior of Oregon and Washington territory will stand no mire foelishne: 6 from the Dundee sec retary of the "Colonial Assembly" wliich is about all that the board of trade amounts to. Colonial Assembly. Immense Importance of the Colony Its Exports, ob Paper Strangers reading the following would say at once that Portland must be an immense city for 15,000 inhabit ants. We extract from the published report of the committee of the Port land board of trade (the colonial as sembly), appointed to draft a memo rial to congress, recommending the extension of the land grant and the time for the completion of the North ern Pacific railroad. The report in full is as follews: Whereas, The Northern Pacific Railroad company is now applying for an extension of its land grant and the time for the completion of its road; and Whereas, The interests of the state of Oregon and the territories of Wash ington, Idaho and Montana impera tively demand that such an extension be granted, and Whereas, Portland, in the state of Oregon,is now a city of 15,000 inhabit ants, with an assessed property of 12,113,255, a port which during the year 1876, 215 sea-going vessels, with a registered tonnage of 167,662 tons entered, from which during the same period canned salmon, wheat, flour, wool, hops, etc., valued at over 10, 000,000 were exported, where two lines of ocean steamers, nine large and commodious sliips from and to San Francisco, and a line running to Pu get Sound, British Columbia and Alaska, fine, constant and ever in creasing business, where the Oregon and California Pailroad and the Ore gon Central Pailroad company have their terminus, and where sixty-two steamboats with a tonnage of 29,226 tons are hardly sufficient to transact the inland river trade, and Whereas, The south side of the Columbia river has been reported by experienced and competent engineers as not only practicable, but possessing many and great advantages over the country to the north of that river for the building of a railroad; and as the laws of commerce demand that the road should be located upon that side to transport the products of the rich est agricultural districts on the Pacific coast, viz: the counties of Stevens, Whitman, Columbia and Walla Walla in the territory of Washington, and the counties of Baker, Grant, Union, Umatilla and Wasco in the state of Oregon, to tide water, and because the conipany itself would be greatly bene fited by such location as the most steady and ample supply of freight and general traffic would be insured. Tlicrefore, The board of trade of the city of Portland would respectfully and earnestly recommend to the con gress of the United States that the ex tension of the land grant, and the time for the completion of the road of the Northern Pacific Railroad, as ask ed by that company, be granted; but that the Act granting such extension should require the said Northern Pa cific Railroad company to build its main line on the south side of the Col umbia river to the city of Portland, in the state of Oregon, and thence to Ka lama, there to connect with their road already constructed. The claim that Portland is entitled to credit for everything raised in this state and the adjacent territory of Washington, besides all that is "fished up" out of the Columbia river is pre posterous, and its recommendation that the line cross to Kalama, thence to Puget Sound, thus leaving the ter minus and sea-port to Puget Sound, is conclusive proof, isn't it, Bro. Nolt ner, that "Portland is as much inter ested in building up Astoria as As "torians themselves." We wish again to call the attention of Astorians to the necessity which exists for some united action at home this fall. Col. McCraken introduced a resolution which was adopted by the board of trade, as follews: That the secretary be, and is hereby instructed to print and forward a copy of this board's resolution in favor of the extension of the Northern Pacific Railroad land grant to every board of trade and chamber of commerce in the e:istern states, and ask them in the name of this board to pass similar res olutions to congress favoring the ex tension of said land grant. That resolution expressly shows the value of concerted action. Notwith standing that people "at home" under stand fully that the Portland board of trade "is an institution inimical to the interests of that city" and the state at large, it has been recognized by the national board of trade which met in Milwaukie Lost month, and its influ ence will be felt abroad. It has the power (and the inclination) to do mis- I chief, and unless something is done to counteract this influence, the whole country, dejending upon a railroad tcrmiiLUS and a sea-port in Oregon will be defeated in their purposes and dis appointed in their desires. Aphorisms. Judicious advertising always pays If you have a good thing, advertise it. If vou haven't, don't. If you don't mean to mind your own business, it will not pay to advertise. Never ran down your opponent's goods in public. Let him do his own advertising. No one can censure a man in business who does not advertise, if he has nothing worth advertising. It's a true of advertising as of anything else in this world. If it is worth doing at all. it is worth doing well. You can't eat enough in one week to last a whole year, and 3Tou can't advertise on that plan either. A large advertisement once, and then discontinued, creates the impression that the man has failed. Injudicious advertising is like fiVhing where there's no fish. You need to let the lines fall in the right place. If you can arouse curiosity by an adver tisement, it is a great point gained. The fair sex don't hold all the curiosity in the world. Eastern Okegox The Astorian is doing more for the interests of Eastern Oregon than any other paper in the State. If you have a friend or a relative in that section of this country, send him the pa per on trial. Only one dollar for four months. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Arhortieinrr , The Astorian has a nil Vol Llolllgil larger circulation on the Columbia river than all other state iajers combined. or Tillamook. AMEIt CA3TBY, .tched from Astoria to Tllla- lays. For freight or freight or passage AV. S. KINNEY. Astoria to ihexdox iiotbk.. OREGON. Knowles, Prop'rs. osite all the Railroad and Steamship Offices. kiss the House every five Minutes Coach In ami from the House. Pacific Coast Steamship Co- For San Francisco Direct STEAMSHIP k -A?. ANCOIvT, MJm DEBNEY- Commander. Will Leave Astoria for San Francisco, on Priday Morning, Sept. 28, 1877. Freight ami Pn.vsjigc cheaper thaw any Other Line. For freight or passage apply to J. G. HUSTLER. Agent Astoria. ATTENTION. On account of forming a new Partnership, all those in debted to us will please come forward and settle their ac counts; otherwise it will be Sfiven for collection. MENDELS0N & BRO. ") EQUAL TO THE BEST, AND Chcap as tno Cncapest, at Tim Astorian Office. NEW GOODS! NEW PRICES! GEORGE W. CORNART, Is constantly receiving the finest assortment OF BLANK BOOKS. STATIONERY. OFFICE FIXTURES AND NOTIONS. ALL THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS OF SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL TXSTRU3IEXTS. Agent for Sherman fc Hyde's Pianos and Organs sold on Installments. ALSO FINK IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS AND TOBACCO, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. NortKside of Chenannw street, between Cass and Mam Astoria, Orkoox. TMSSOLTJTION. The co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Classen &I)aviscourt, Astoria, Oregon, is iy iiuuuai coii-scui. un solved. The undersigned will continue the business as heretofore, at the Astoria Beer M., un,l .settle aU bills. Astoria, Oregon, Sept. 17. 1877 Sa-3w f apa aayarriap Shop. Snuemocqha street, betvroen "Washington and Polk streets. ST0ItTA OREGON HEXRV GAIiIiOU, Proprietor. rpHE PROPRrETORBRINGS WITI! HIM 1 an expenenco 01 : yeur? hi im uushiw, and having constructed vehicles of all dis cription from A Uusgy of 12-" Pounds Weight TO An 8.50O Pound. TVason, Is propared to guarantee satisfaction to any who may patronize him. Ho wilL uso none but tho best materials, and wiH mako wagons and carriages equal to any shop in the country. oas-Pcrsons in want of work will savo nioney by finding this shop. nS-Rlacksinithing and ship work promptly attended to. "DILLS OF LADING, WAY BILLS, J ICeceipts, nnu nu Kinnsoi ijommer- eial Printing, dono at tho Astorian office CALL, EXA31INE, ORDER: ree TIlifSTE J-bj GMXA Vnielisl mjmkjii aicwi iflpiyjut CEu PORTIANDu.. Zteoer SituaMnl onf StreefCarsfl ryf MISCELLANEOUS. BUY 0?HG BUT THE STEW DBPKOTED FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE, Till BEST - - WORLD For sale at the CITY BOOK STORE. J. H. B. GRAY, "Wholesale and retail dealerjin. FLOUR, FEED, OATS, HAY, STRAW, WOOI, etc., Also wholesale dealer in Shoaiwater Bay OYSTERS, Received fresh from the hed four times a week. On the wharf foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. F. S. MEADE, MERCHANT TAILOR, XSD Dealer in Gents Fine Furnishing CIIENAMUS ST., - - ASTORIA, OREGON FRENCII, ENGLISH and AMERICAN CLOTHS, CASSDIERES and VESTINGS, CONSTANTLY OH HAND. ARNDT & FERCHEN, BLACKSMITHS AND MACHINISTS X7E3- Foot of Washington Street, ck; tMifV nearKinnos' Fishery, tiwiV S ASTORIA. OREGON. HAVING SECURED AN ENGINE AND Lathe, and tho beat of workmanship, wo aro now prepared to do ALL KINDS OF CANNERY "WORK, ENGINE AND STEAMBOAT WORK OF ANY DES CRIPTION. Xt33i"IIorsc-shoeing, repairing, and all kinds of blacksmithing promptly attendod to at rea sonable rates. CANDY FACTORY. tiieutersig'ed take pleasure to announce to their patrons and dealers in general that they have lately largely increased their fac tory and are now prepared to fur nish as good an assortment in their line as any house on the coast, Special inducements to cash custo mers. AI.ISKY & JIEGEM5, P. O. Box G4. 1& First Street. Factory on Alder Street, between First and Second. Street, 1'ortluiMi, Oregon Astoria Brewery Saloon, And Bottled Beer Depot ! MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. B UJDOLPH BARTH, MICHAEL MYJERSr Proprietors, The Best Quality Lager Beer, FIVE CENTS A GLASS. tsr Tho patroaago of tho public is respect" fully solicited. Orders for Lager, or Bottlci Beer, in any quantity, promptly filled. t&r Free Lunch day and nfeht. E. S. JIERKILL & CO., Blacksmiths and Machinists. Capt. ROGERS' OLD STAND a ear .Express Uwce. ASTORIA, - OREGON. All work in our line, heavy or light, dono with neatness and dispatch. HORSESHOEING, WAGON, AND Farm "Work n Specialty. HAVING SECURED THE SERVICES OF Mr. S. A. Gaines of Ky.r an experienced Farrier of 25 years in Iho businos?. and well known to Astoria horsemen, woaro propared to do shoeing in a manner to curelamcnoss or pre vent it in horses entrusted to our cure. 3A11 work warranted and at roasonablo rocs. Great Reduction IN PRICES!! THE PIONEER "Roof & shqR STORE Corner of Cass and Squemocqha street. ASTORIA, OREGON. FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS I WILL SELL ALL MY LARGE STOCK OF Mens', Boys', Ladies', Miss es and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES Afc a considerable reduction from previous prices, many kinds AT COST! C.J.SMITH, Prop. TP 'mmemmamvgBSstm.Mjf AUCTION SALES. E. C. HOLDEN, AUCTIONEER and COMMISSION AGENT CHEXAMUS ST. ASTORIA. ORKGOX. Consignments respectfully solicited, bills col lected and returns promptly made. Regular Sales Day. Satnrrtay, Refer by permission to CS. WRIGHT. WARREN & McGUIRB JIo.v. J. Q. A. ROWLBY A. VAN UUSEN, J.W.KEAMIAUT. E. C. IIOLDEX. Auctioneer B. S. "WOKSLEY. AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANT. Office, on Main street opposite Washingtb .Market. SATJES IAIT,Y From 7 to 9 o'clock P. M. Regular Sales Day, Saturday, ait 10 O'clock A. 31. Will purchaso and sell real estate, merchan dise, furniture, etc. Consignments respectfully solicited. Diagrams and terms to be had on application to tho Auctioneer. B, S. WOKSLhY HOTELS AKD EESTATJEAKTS. UNION HOUSE. Cor. Squemocqlia and Lafayette Streets ASTORIA, OREGON. T1HIS HOUSE HAVING BEEN" JL newly re-painted and furnished, throughout Ls now open to the accommoda tion of the public. Eg""" The house being in new hands now can guarantee satisfaction. Koaril ami Iol2in per Koanl per "Week.. Week .$." M ..w. 4 WX MRS. M. E. TURNER, Proprietress. Private Lodging House? Mrs. J. W, MUNS0N, Proprietress. CIIENAMUS ST., ASTORIA. Choice Rooms (furnished) to let by the Month, Day or Week, at reasonable prices. QCCIDENT HOTEL, A. J. MEGLER, C. S. WRIGHT, Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon, Tho Proprietors aro happy to announco tho tho aboYe Hotel has been Repainted and Refurnished, Adding greatly to tho comfort of its gucst3 AND IS NOW THE BEST HOTELNORTB OF SAN FRANCISCO. R.R,CARDVISLL. C.tf. PERKINS Earlier House Hotels Corner Main and Concoraly stroots, ASTORIA, OREGON. Card-well fc PcrMns. Prapriotors. THIS IS THE LARGEST HOTEL IN AS toria. now and now furniture-furnished in first class stylo. The tablo will bo supplied with tHo best tho market afford?. Ascomodntions to suit tho times, from SI 2-1 to $2 ) per day. Steamers and saif boats leavo tho wharves f and slips near tho Hotel, daily for Fort Ste vens, bort Uanby, bkipanon, tort Ulatsop Sea Side, Ocean Roach, Knapptoa Chinook, Uni&, Oysterville and othor places of resort in this vicinity. tf35"Thore aro now fivo largo salmon can neries in Astoria, which employ over 1200 per sons in tho various branches of tho business, making Astoria as it now is, a point of interest t to visitors, independent of its cool invigorating summer climate. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS I SERVED IN EVERY STYLE AT SCIOIEEISS COOTECTItfXERY AND Refreshment Saloon. All kinds of French, German and American Candies constantly on hand, wholesale and retail at the lowest cjush price, ALSO ' "Wedding cakes made to order on short notice. The patronage of the public Is respectfnlly solicited. CENTRAL COFFEE SAXiOOsr. Concomly st., between llenton and Lafayette, ASTORIA, OREGON. THOMAS McFAlULAXD, Prop, CALIFORNIA RESTAURANT. WATER STREET ROADWAY. Opposite Oregon Stonui Navigation Company '3 ASTORIA OREGON The abovo now Restaurant will bo open from andaftor to-morrow Sunday. Jancary 7th. lhTii. D. DUSANICli Jfc CO. Proprietor. E C. HOLDEX. 1. LAUGHERY. HOLDEN & LAUGHERY, UPKOIiSTERERS ANI FUKXT , TURE IEAMBRS, At the old stand-IIOLDEN'3 AUCTION ROOMS on Chcnamus street All kinds of upholstery and cabinet work dono to order. Manufacturers of Lounges, Spring Beds, AND Of any sizo and quality. Picture Frames and Furniture Manufac tured or Repaired by Experienced Vorkmen. BS5SieoB.& handFurnitura bought and sold, 4. 1