The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 28, 1877, Image 1

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Astoria, Oregon, Friday Morning, September 28, 1877.
No. 98.
gTxs gjxxltj slcramx.
(Monday Excepted),
Astoria ii Jjuilding, Cass Street.
crms cf Subscription :
irerred by Carrier, ior week 25 Cents
Sent by mail, four month S3 00
iscnt'byinnii, cno year. - 9 00
Tree of Poata;je to Subscribers.
ttST Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rale of 1 oO per iiurc per month.
Transient julvcrli'ins:, ly tho day or week,
fifty -cents per square for each insertion.
To City Subscribers.
There are snh frcvjiicnt changes in the resi
dence jf our city patrons that to ?hall feel
oblisrcd to any who make such changes if they
will report the same to this office. Otherwise
we j-IkiII not bo responsible for failures of tho
carrier to delivor the paper promptly and
regularly to them.
Okegox Coxgi:i:.mi:n. Oregon,
since the organization of the territorial
trovernment, has Uecu represented in
congre.-s bv the follow inu persens:
Samuel . 'flmr-rfon. 1M:: .Joseph Lane,
irom 1X51 to 1.S58; L. F. (Jrover, &'$
J.ui.sinu Stout, 1SV.: Ge rge X. Shiel,
1WK): John li. M.-Bridc, is2; J. Jl. D.
Henderson, ltf.54; llufu-, Mai lory, 180(;
.Jus. S. Smith, 18.58; J. S. Sialcr, 1870;
Joseph (I. AVilson,l.S7l: J. W. Nesmith
vicc Wilson). isr;; L. F. L;uie, 1874: It.
"WilliaiiLS. jKTiL
Jack's Tjieatrk. AVe are not ad-
dicated to flattery says the Walla Walla
Watchman, but in saying that Mr.
John Jack with liis talented troupe is
giving ns better entertainments than
ever given here before, Ave simply tell
plain, sterling facts. The dramas
presented by Jiim are exquisite, edify
ing and above all moral and chaste.
Hence we wonder not at the immense
success with -which they meet, but to
appreciate their excellencies is to go
and hear and see them.
Change of Co.mmaxdeks Proposed.
The following dispatch from Gen
.Sheridan to Gen. Sherman, which the
latter kindly permitted the AValla Walla
T'nion to copy does not require comment
Like all of Sheridan's dispatches, it is
very clear, and pointed. Ir is as follows :
Chicago, Sept. W. 1877.
Gex. W. T. Sherman. Walla Walla,
W. T. Your dispatch received. Glad to
hear from you. Jt looks as if Sturgis
and Sanford. followed up by Howard,
Hart and Merritl. ho are in the vicinity
should exterminate Joseph before long
or cause his surrender. If they do not,
1 think we had better send for Madam
Potiphar and give her the iob.
P. JL Sheridan.
Lei ut. General.
An Elegant Steamer. The Oregon
iSteani Navigation company's, new As
toria steamer Wide West will be ready
for her trial trip by about the last of
.November. Without reception she has
the finest model of any "boat on this
enast. and with the powerful engines
that are in her will t-tjiml the fastest in
California. The Wide VfoM; in all her
departments will be furnished with the
object of anaking her handsome and con
venient. The state rooms are largt. and
when finished will be unequaled by any
steamboat on thi. eoaat. Each "room
will have stationary marble wash stands
with hot and cold water leading by
pipes to them. The ladies saloon will
Je a model of elegance. On the outside,
seats of approved style will be arranged
for the comfort of tra elers.
Attempted Suicide. The Phantom
on Sunday afternoon, says the Port
Townsnd Argus of the 21st, brought
down from Port Gamble, Capt. Lofgren
of the bark Emerald, who on the pre
vious day during a lit of insanity, at
tempted to suicide by cutting his throat.
He made a gash some five inches in
Jengtlt, cutting into the windpipe and
severing some of the blood-vessels. Ilis
wounds were dresssed by Dr. Houghton
of Port Gamble, who had scarcely fin
ished when the wounded man attempted
to tear off the dressings. He was then
secured, but on Sunday morning on be
ing released, he got hod of a pocket
knife and gave himself half a dozen cuts
in the abdomen and in the arm ; these,
however, are not of serious nature.
Capt. Lofgren wa conveyed to the hos
pital at this place for treatment
A Tacoma IIotev A correspondent
of the Sunday Welcome says: OnFr
day evening we left for Xew Tacoma
on the steamer Annie Stewart, arriving
there about nine o'clock, in ample time
to secure quarters iji the only hotel at
the landing in that place. Jf there is
anything one can appreciate, after see
ing that his baggage has been properl y
transferred, is to find that his family has
been shown to a badly situated room by
a rude young boer: and upon retiring to
bed with the knowledge that his time
of rest is limited if he wishes to proceed
on his journey the next dav, to find that
some foul-mouthed, blasphemous wretch
has been lodged in the adjoining room
separated only by a thin partition who
meanly and maliciously whistles, sinus
and throws boots around him for the sole
purpose of annoying those in the rooms
near him, without being interrupted by
any one connected with the hotel. Such
was our experience at this place, and we
freely give the keeper of the concern the
benefit of a fair recital of it.
Great Curiosity. One of the most
singular tilings on exhibition at the
Walla Walla Fair ground, says the
Union, is a perfectly formed horse
that was captured from Joseph on
Camas Prairie. The horse in color
and marking resembles a brindle cow,
and is as pretty as a picture. This horse
is the property of Mr. Frank Holt, of
Lewiston who is going to take him to
the Oregon State Fair.
A Xew Route. The success of the
American line of steamers between
Philadelphia and Liverpool has in
duced the merchants of the former
city to take steps looking toward the
establishment of a steam line to Aspin
wall. It is thought that the trade
with South America could be largely
increased thereby, and new markets
built up for the manufactured goods
so largely produced in Philadelphia.
Oregon Beef Sent to England.
The Dalls Mountineer says: We learn
that 400 head of large beef cattle were
driven from Eastern Oregon this last
Spring to some point on the Overland
railroad and then shipped by rail to
Chicago. They were purchased by
parties in Chicago, engaged in the
shipping of beef to England, and were
sent to Tew York and thence across
the ocean to "tickle the palates of the
Johnny Bulls." The cattle brought
$47 per head in Chicago.
The Mullan Road. -The Missou
lian reports that Gen. Sherman while
in that place, "after making inquiries
respecting the Mullan road, the route
he intended to take to Walla AValla,
remarked that the road was built
twenty years too soon; that the time
had arrived when it must be kept
open, and that a mail route must be
established along it; that civilization
and settlement followed mail routes,
and that people got into a habit of
traveling over the same roads upon
which the mails were carried.
Harrow Gauge Railroads. The
narrow gauge system of railroad con
struction which have been extensively
employed in India is said to have
proved very unsatisfactory, and is like
ly to be given up. It has been found
that the cost of transportation upon
roads of this character exceeds that
upon roads of ordinary width, while
the running expenses are almost as
large. The English Engineer, which
formerly endorsed the narrow-gauge,
now says that "any railway having a
gauge of less than 4 feet Si inches
must be a failure, save under circum
stances so rare as to hardly deserve
Ship-master's Heading Room. 3Ir
Peter Wilhelm has permanently fitted
up a ship-master's reading room in con
nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria
The latest shipping papers and home
ward and outward bound shipping lists
are kept on file. Call and see him.
Machine Mailing. We have just
added to and placed in working order
in the Astorian office, a machine for
mailing the papers after they are print
ed. This will enable the mailing clerk
to get the papers all into the mails fol
lowing the hour of publication, and it
will also prevent any mistakes from oc
curring. The name of each subscriber
is placed in type under the proper Post
office heading, and the machinery is so
constructed that every name must be
printed as it runs through the machine,
and as every Post-office is announced by
the tan of a bell as the type pass along
it is almost next to an impossibility to
make an error; but should our papers
fail to reach any office promptly when
due, we shall consider it a personal fa
vor to be informed of it immediately so
that we may find where the fault may
Lame Excuse. The Sunday Wel
come man thinks that because the Ore
gon Steam Navigation company have
not provided themselves with boats to
carrv off the Walla Walla wheat crop
this year, the Cascade canal ought not
to be built, ''because it shows that the
channel from Celilo up' had ought to be
improved firt. Bless us, man, there is
room on the Columbia river now "from
Celilo up' for a hundred boats more than
the Oregon Steam Navigation company
at present employ, and if there be no
obstacles at the Cascade to overcome
steamboats and bargee will be built by
scores for that trade, which will transfer
cargo at Celilo to steamers of six or
eight feet draft for Astoria, carrying a
thousand tons, nearly a ship load, direct
to the Sea-port. The upper Columbia is
now navigable, for one thousand boats
"from Celilo up." but becasue there are
not one hundred boats there to carry olf
the crops, is it any reason why the con
struction of the Cascade canal should
not be urged? Such wisdom as that of
the Sunday Welcome would answer yes,
most decidedly, but, thank goodness,
such is not the wisdom prevailing in, the
country at the present time.
..Lardvassortnient of Autograph
and Photograph albums, as well as a hne
assortment of 1 japetene, just received at
dlei5 oook siore.
Anothe Humbug," ,The Dance
of Ilife,' ,4rifliat wife of Aline, and
'That Husband of Mine, ' now in press;
be iceivfl in a few days atAdler's,
next Kne White House.
The latest styles of men's hats can
be found at Hamburger's.
Cashmere, silks, empress cloths,
Tamise cloths, alpacas; all latest shades,
with fringes and buttons to match, at
The largest and latest styles of
dress goods and waterproofs can only be
found' at 1 J. Hamburger's. Don't fail to
inspect them and depend upon it, prices
extremely low. See advertisement,
We have received an immense and
nice assortment of ladies' and child's
knit cloaks, saques, nubias, hoo&snice
goods and cheap at Hamburger's., Main
street, above Chenamus. See advertise
ment. Persons requiring furnished rooms
can be accommodated at Mrs. Muuson's
new lodging house.
Mrs. II. A. Derby has just received
some new trimmed hats by the last
Miss Brown intends opening a
private school at Arrigoni's hotel 1st of
October. Will also give lessons in music.
Terms, o0 cents per week, music S3 per
V full stock of the finest Parlor
Stoves and Heaters, for wood or coal,
will be sold cheaper than the cheapest
by Jackins & Hawes.
Board and lodging by the day or
week at the Astoria Beer Hall, Main
street. Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro
prietor. Persons wishing the services of
Dr. J. Welch. Dentist will bear in mind
that business will necessitate his tempo
rary absence from the city for a time af
ter a few days.
White wire goods in every style,
at L. P. Itichnian & Co's.
...Fresh oysters In every style at
The "Sunny Hearth" is what you
want for your private office. Call on L.
P. Itichnian & Co. and see it Beautiful
First-class billiard table for sale,
cheap for cash. Inquire at the Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Mrs. Dr. Burr, Homeopathic phy
sician, has removed to her new residence
four doors from Liberty hall.
Dr. B. It. Freeland has located per
manently in Astoria for the practice of
dentistry. Office in Shuster's building,
on Cass street, next door to The Asto
rian office.
Perfection Stonewall Whisky,
hand-made sour mash ; Snow-hill Whis
ky, fire cooper sweet mash; acknowl
edged from its refined taste and delicacy
of liavor to be beyond comparison the
best in this country, sold at the Astoria
Liquor Store by 11 Marx & Co., Water
street roadway.
."Photographs! The latest styles
taken at Shunter's new gallery, Cash st.,
next to the Astorian office.
BST'San Francisco beer, Steilacootu
beer, Astoria beer, bottled beer and En
glish poiter at the Chicago house, Main
street, Astoria. N. "Wyman, proprietor.
0r For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an cay shave, go to Gillespie at Par
ker House Baths. Hair cutting, sham
pooning, and dyeing.
3?Little Van has reestablished
himself at the old corner, refreshed by his
late journey to tho Atlantic slato?, and
will as formerly attend to all orders in hia
line as geneial jobber.
JCST'The Capital, on Main near
Squemocqha.atict;t, Vm. Appleby pro
prietor, is one of the snuggest and most
quiet places in the city, where the public
can get the Gnest quality of wines, liquors
and cigars.
SrWe publish birth,, marriage
and death notices freeot charge, but ex
pect them to be sent to the office. The pay
is not large enough for us to wear out our
patent leather bots in searching for the
particulars of gratuituous items of any kind
For Glassware, Crockery, Powder and
Shot, Gun Wads, Percussion Caps, in
fact everything that is useful as well as
ornamental, go to J. W. Gearhart, who
sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered
free of charge.
Canary Birds. for sale at Gilles
pie's, Parker house baths, .
Direct to Astoria. Mr. M. Wise
informs the ladies and gentlemen of As
toria and vicinity that he has opened his
store with a nice assorted stock oi goOds,
which he proposes to sell at bed-rock pri
ces for cash. Bemember the place, oppo
site B. P. Cautield's Drug Store.
Wheat "King. There is but one way
to compete with the wheat ring at Port
land. Forma ring for pools on wheat
in store at Astoria. Wheat afloat at As
toria is alwavs on a par with wheat
afloat at San Francisco. Kecollect that.
The Price of Wheat. Wheat
ought to be one dollar and fifty cents per
bushel all over the Wallamet valley.
San Francisco pays from $2 to $2 23 per
cental. A cental "of wheat is a bushel
and two-thirds of a bushel. Whiai
afloat at Astoria is alwavs worth as
I much as wheat afloat at San Francisc j
A very imfortunate occurrence is
the fire in the patent office at Wash
ington. It causes losses which never
can be wholly leplaced.
A vessel left a Scotch port recent
ly with 500 hogsheads of wine on
board. It is intended to take a twelve
month's voyage, the object being to
improve the wine by a passage through
the tropics.
One of tho Middlesex magistrates
in England has just declined an offer
of $4,500 for his collection of foreign
postage stamps, hut on the other hand
an extensive collection of 17,000 vari
eties was sold in London recently for
$4,000, which is believed to be the
highest price that such a collemion has
ever brought in England. In France,
however, the mania has reached a
higher pitch, for there an exception
ally complete collection was sold pri
vately for $15,000.
The Sultan is not so sick as he
was. At least he is well enough to
declare that he will listen to no over
tures for peace until the Russians re
tire from Bulgaria. As the .Russian
temper and prided are now aroused,
any other cessation of hostilities than
that interposed by the elements seems
at present impossible. Germany has
faitlifully fulfilled her assumed pledge
to Russia to prevent outside interfer
ence, and if Russia, dealing with the
Turks single-handed, cannot effect the
purposes of the war, she will have
henceforth to accept a second rate po
sition among European powers. It is
not probable, therefore, that Russia
will listen to peace propositions until
she has gained some substantial' suc
cess. In Vermont, the railroad is little
better than "a public convenience.
Four-fifths of the passengers carried
from point to point within the state
are dead heads, such as editors, re
porters, ministers, judges, legislators,
sheriffs, candidates for office, free and
easy women who have friends in the
railroad offices, and all that class of
persons who have "inflooens." Stock
holders of the roads, unable to obtain
dividends, provide themselves with
packages and books of blank passes,
which they sell or trade for ruin and
molasses, codfish, ginger, carpets,
curry-combs, worm medicine, hair-dye
or anything that is property. And
yet they are not happy, nor quite sat
isfied that the d. h. system is a com
plete success.
The experiment which was tried
last year of employing carrier pigeons
to bring early intelligence every morn
ing from the fishing ground, off the
Scotch coast, of the result of the nights
labor, is again being resorted to this
season. One of the birds is taken out
in every boat in the afternoon, and
after the nets have been hauled on the
following morning, the pigeon is dis
patched with a small piece of parch
ment tied round its neck, containing
information as to the extent of
the catch, the position of the
boat, the direction of the wind, and
the prospect of the return journey.
If there is not wind enough to take
the boat back, or if it is blowing in an
unfavorable direction, a request is
made for a tug, and from the particu
lars given as to the bearings of the
craft, she can be picked up easily by
the steamer. Most of the pigeons,
when let off from the boats, circle
three times round overhead, and then
sweep away toward the land with great
rapidity, generally flying at the rate
of a mile per minute. ,
The statistics relating to the ad
ministration of criminal law in France
during the year of 1875 have just been
made public. The number of persons
tried at the assizes during the jear
1875 amounted to 4,791, as against
5,228 in 1874. Of the accused 1,047
were described as wholly illiterate,
3,042 could not read and write; 202
, had, received superior education.
men were 4,008, the women 783. The
acquittals were 947, or over 20 per
cent. Of the persons convicted 33
were sentenced to death, 141 to penal
servitude for life, 975 to limited terms
of penal servitude, and the- remainder
to simple imprisonment, excepting
three, who were only fined. Out of
3,815 individuals convicted 1,817 had
previous sentences recorded against
them. With respect to the nature of the
offences, there were 396 prosecutions
for crimes punishable by death. All
the accused under this category were
found guilty, but 336 "with extenua
ting circumstances." Of the thirty
three condemned to death only twelve
were executed.
Keeping their Promise. On the
8th inst. the prairie between Lew
iston and Lapwai was set on fire,
destroying a large amount of hay
belonging to Mr. Holbrook, of
Lewiston. It is thought to be the
work of straggling parties of the
hostile Indians, as, they had long
ago threatened to fire the prairie
as soon as the grass would be dry.
Unless great care is taken the
Idaho Statesman expects to hear
of much property being destroyed
in this way.
Crazy Horse. This "hostile"
who was recently killed at Camp
Robinson, had, but although a
young man of but twenty-six
years of age, distinguished him
self as the fighting Chief of Sit
ting Bull's band, and in that ca
pacity served at the Custer mas
sacre. A few months later, he
came into the Agency with a por
tion of the hostile band. They
were all disarmed and disposed of
their ponies, and since that time
Crazy Horse has been charing un
der his helpless condition, and
lately made a break, tor. liberty, l
which ended in his death.
Spend Your Money at Home.
The following are the most forcible rea
sons why you bhould ipend your money at
lt, It is your heme: you cannot im
prove it much by taking it away to spend
or invent.
2d, There is no way of improving a place
so much as by encouraging good mer
chants, pood bchoolb and good people to
.settle among you, and this cannot bu done
unless you tpend your money at home.
3d, Spend your money at home, for
there is where you generally get it. It is
your duty.
4, Spend your money at home because
when it is necessary for you to get credit,
it is of your town merchants; you have to
get it, and they must wait for the money.
Therefore, when you have the cash, spend
it at home.
5th, Spend your money at home. It
will make belter merchants of your mer
chants: they can and will keep better
assortment nnd jell at lower rates than if
the only business they can do is what is
credited out, while the money goes to
other places.
Gth, Spend your money at home. Set
the example now. 'Buy your dry goods,
groceries meats, and everything at home,
and you will see a wonderfnl change in a
short time in the buMness outlook of the
place: therefore, deal with your home
7th, Speud your money at home. "What
do you gnin by going off? Count the
cost; see whnt you could have done at
home by letting your merchants have the
cash. Strike a balance and see if you
would not have been jut as well off, besides
helping your merchants.
8th, Spend your money at home. Your
merchants are your neighbors, your
friends; they stand by you in sickness
are your as.-ociates. Without your trade
they cannot keep your business. No
stores, then no banks, no one wanting to
buy property to settle on and build up
your place.
i253Repp, Damask, Satm-enameled,
Porcelain, Transpurent-emdo-scd, Mar
ble, and a great variety of tinted Bri.-toi
board, suitable Ibreh'gant cards for ladies,
and handsome cards for buMne3 men;
ju.-t received at Tiik Astoria office.
Call upon our Frank and leave your order.
The San pres? says: "Work
done in Tin: Asoria office, will vtand
alongside oi any city work. It is our in
tention to do jur-t a-s well by our patrons
as any city, give us the work to do.
Every dollar made in the office is invested
in the city. Patronize home industriea in
1 evei'3 Jine of trade, if j'ou would have
! your city pro-perou-.
iKWho wants to know ahout the
great State where the exports equal in
value $J7S ptr head of the entire popula
Hull lm 5' llll tn fl 1 Ti-alon fo 1. ..
AfiToniAN, the only Oregon paper, pub
, lib.ecl wholly in the interest of Oregon,
-i.1.. i .
r.a,TmA'm iri-nmiif i