The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 22, 1877, Image 1

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Yol. 3.
Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, September 22, 1877.
No. 93.
i II i J I T V ' 1i H i i-1"" "-'-
glxs Sails jvxaimi.
(Monday Excepted i,
J dorian EnUding. Caw Street.
Terms of Subscription?
Served hy Cnrricr, per week .-
ent by mail, four months
Sent by moil, one year. . -
Tree of Postage to Subscribers.
..$: 00
.. 0 00
ttAdvcrttacmcnt.! inserted by the year at
lbe rate of $1 ." por .ju:ire per month.
Transient advcrtMnr.'by the day r week,
fifty cents per square fice-ach insertion.
To City Subscribers.
There arc such frequent change in tlie resi
dence of our citv jMitrons thar we shall feel
obliged to any who make such changes if they
will report the same to tlii3 jfhec. Otherwise
we -hall not be responsible for failures of the
carrier to deliver the paper promptly and
rojfularly to them.
Trn: Wh.toxs. Wilton's dramatic
troupe i? playing i a hran ,K"V theatre
Jit Junction City.
lx Xkw Yokk. Mr. Jacob Kanim is
at present in New York city, IKi Liberty
street, but expects to he able to reach
Oregon bv tli" last of next month.
City Ckmktkkv "Matteus. We in
vite attention of aM er-ons interested,
to tin; notice in another column in res
pect to city cemetery matters.
Axotheic Victim. John tV. Bald
win, well known in Portland, fell a vic
tim to whisky and gambling on the 15)th.
"having ended his miserable life by tak
ing a dose of laudanum.
Close at Hand. The new steam
lire engine, purchased by the city coun
cil for the Astoria lire department, left
"San Francisco yesterday on the Ancon,
und arrive here on .Mondav.
A. F. and A. 31. A special meeting
of Temple Lodge Xo. 7, will be held tliis
(Saturday e wning, at 1H o'clock. Work
in the M. 31. Degree. Sojourning breth
ren are cordially invited to attend.
Three Sales To-day. At 10 o'clock
a. m. and at 7 p. m. to-day Huxford &
LaDow's, 1). S. Worsely auctioneer will
close out that stock. At 1 p. m. on Hus
tler s dock he will sell a lot of household
furniture on execution.
For. Sax Fkaxcjsco The Ajax will
leave Astoria at mx o'clock this morning
for San Francisco direct Purchase
your tickets of C. P. Upshur, agent on
the wharf at the office of the Wallamet
Transportation and Locks company.
The Second Ci:op. A man was em
ployed yesterday in curing the second
crop of hay from the lots of J. Win.
Welch in this city. The second crop of
grasses in this countv are fully as nutri
tious and nearly as bountiful as the first
this year.
The Brov Depot. We observe from
our residence that the work of construct
ing the buoy depot on Tongue Point for
the Thirteenth Light-houbc district is
rapidly assuming proportions. The
work goes on very rapidly, which attests
that it is in good hands.
Custom House Sale. The collector
of customs at Portland, Oregon, adver
tises a stack of articles for sale on the
third proximo, seized from the barks
Alden.Be.sse, Edward James and For
ward in May last, the Garibaldi in June,
and the Ivinclune last month.
White Clovei:. Farmer Gray of
Klaskanine is decidedly of the opinion
tnat white clover is indigenous to the
?,oil of-, 9reon- 1Ie Sliys that in some of
the wildest portions of this division of
the state, it comes forth spontaneously,
alter the lorest is cleared a wav
"Au BKVoiKTMr. R. R. Marion was
around yesterday bidding friends good
bye, as he leaves this morning for a
jaunt to the Atlantic stales on a visit to
the scenes of his childhood and the old
folks at home. Dick friends all wish
mm a sale trip and speedy return to
Attempted Bukglahy. An at
tempt was made last night to burg
larize the store and safe of Yee Yune &
Co. on Concomly street, by getting un
der the building and boring away the
flooring directly und r the safe. A Chi
naman hearing a strange noise tinder the
building, stepped out and blew the
alarm, and the would-be thieves de
camped, leaving their tools behind.
They were supposed to be Chinamen.
The Eat ata. -This handsome litt'c
steam yacht, now the property oOIcr&r.
Uadollet & Co., nt upper Astoria, is
hauled up for repairs after a very suc
cessful .season, and her machinery is
being taken out and thoroughly over
hauled. She will also receive a new
boiler before she again takes the water.
Change of Fimr It will be seen by
referring to an advertisement on the
second page, that Mendelson Kro. coi -template
a change of firm, and in order
to have everything m the square it will
be necessary to close up old accounts.
Parties indebted will please make a note
of this item and Mcndelsous advertise
ment. 'Home fhom the YVai:." A detach
ment of troops from the forts in this vi
cinity, who were sent to the front to cope
with the hostile Xez Percys, returned to
their garrison yesterday but alas, too
many of those brave boys who joined
the rank and file in the beginning were
left on the field in their graves. The tew
who return .speak in terms of praise of
their noble commander.
"Well and Handsomely Done.
The Jlecord thus alludes to manager
John Jack's bill and bulletins going up
in Salem : Mr. W. II. Taff. the thorough
going, energetic bill poster, of the Capi
tal city, is, with his assistants, engaged
in putting up the fine posters announ
cing John Jack's great company at the
Opera House, fair week. The bills are
gorgeous and tell of the rich feast in
store for those who visit that star place
of amusement carnival week.'
Col. Milleh. From all sources we
hear the most excellent reports concern
ing Col. MHIer in the campaign against
Joseph and his band of hostile savages.
Col. Miller won distinction in his ser
vices in the Modoc war also, and we are
informed that Gen. Howard is credited
with baying that if he could he should
have given Col. Miller command in
Idaho and Montana. We presume that
nothing but red tape stands in the way
of placing Col. Miller at the topmost
round as a brave commanding general.
The Bkig Ska Waif. This little
vessel owned in Astoria by Mr. G. W.
Hume, is entitled to the palm. She has
won the laurels for rapid work. Leav
ing Astoria at 8 o'clock last Sunday
morning she arrived at Gardner on Mon
day, and had all her passengers and
freight discharged, for Mr. II nine's can
nery, and was again at her berth at the
dock in Astoria on Thursday evening,
ready to load yesterday for another voy
age, "if any clipper ship can .show'a
better record than that for sailing, we
should be pleased to hear of it.
S. T. Church is a handsome steamer, be
longing to the Peoples Protective Trans
portation company; DocMcCully is the
purser. The new lighter .spoken of sev
eral days since as being built by U. B.
Scott & Co. for ''toting' wheat over
shoal water on the Wallamet was taken
up to Wheatland Inst Sunday and loaded
with 1800 bushels of the cereal. The
City of Salem, with 1400 sacks on board,
then took the barge in tow and started
for the metropolis where they arrived
safely, fully demonstrating that "some
things can be done as well as others.'
Baptist Sunday School Concent.
It having been announced that there
would be a rehearsal of the Baptist
Sunday school to-day at three o'clock in
the new church, at the request of Kev.
Mr. Burchett we give notice that the
time has been changed to 12 o'clock,
noon, to-morrow, as the workmen in the
church will not be ready to give it up at
the appointed hour. The concert will
be given in the new church to-morrow
evening at half-past seven o'clock. All
are invited to attend. All the pupils and
teachers are requested to be present at
the rehearsal, at 12 o'clock, noon.
Xoctuhxal Visit. Mr. Woodward
of this city who has established a board?
ing house on Tongue point for the ac
commodation of the hands employed
upon the buoy depot, reports a visit
night before last at his camp from two
very large sized cougars. The wild
couple probably wanted to find out what
was going on in their favorite haunts,
where they have so long been accus
tomed to going down to the waters edge
for a meal of salmon, sturgeon, sea lion,
or seal. Alas for these carniverous
quadrupeds of our forests, they are, like
the man who has lost his grip, fast play
ing out
Out of Office. The Mullett who
planned the Astoria Custom-house is ot t
of office now, and surrendering his re
publicanism, as a democratic paper puts
it, "in liis anxiety to put a mansard roof
on the Hayes administration.' has of
fered his services to the democratic
state central committee as a stump
speaker in the present canvas in Ohio.
It is needless to say his magnanimous
offer was refused. Democrats, as well
as republicans, are beginning to see that
proselytes of the stamp of this fellow
are only a curse to the party that accepts
of their services. Iligby wis a demo
crat in Ohio,
CHuxcli Direotory.
First Cosgrkgatiosal Church. "Rev. F.
Cranj?, services at 11 a. m., and 1XA r. m.
Sunday school after morning services. Scats
Itev. A. G. Daniels will preach at the usual
hours this a. in.
First Prksbyteri n May
ytli 1S77 Supply expected from tho Board
of Domestic .Mission:?. Sunday school every
Sunday nt ono o'clock r. m., at upper As
toria school house.
Grack (Episcopal) Church. "Rev. T. A. Ily
land, Jtector. Services nt 11 a. m., and 1XA
v. m Sunday school at ! o'clock a. m.
Chapel or thk Uoi.y Ixsockxt. Services
(upper Astoria) alternate Sundays, at 3
o'clock p. m.. by tho Kev. 'J'. A. Ilyland.
Sunday school every Sunday at9 o'clock a.m.
Stvr ok thk Ska Church. Itev. Father
Mnckcn Pastor. Services at li o'clock a. ji.
Sunday schbol at 3 o'clock p. ji.
First Baptist Church. -Kev. J. G. Eurchett,
Pustor. Services at 11 a. m and V, p. m.
In the new church on Astor street. Sun
day School immediately after morning ser
vices. Mkthooist Services. ficv. F. Elliot, Metho
dist ministor, will preach in the Confjrega
tional church Sunday evening, Sept. 2Jd, at
half-past seven o'clock.
Friends ok Progress, A Freo Confcrcnco
meeting will bo held by tho socioty every
Sunday evening o.tV6 o'clock p.m. All are
Pnor.KESsi vk Lyckum. Children's Lyceum
held at Liberty hall at 2 o'clock p. in., under
the auspices of the Society of Friends of
Progress. J. Korter, conductor.
rivate ,
fis Brown intends opening a
private A'liooJ at Arngonis hotel 1st of
Oetnbe Wyl also give lessons in music.
Terms ."iO cpnts per week, music $5 per
inonthl J
Laflics workboxes, a fine assort
ment reeivj!d per Ajax at Adler's book
store. I
"NeKon's Grand March" tfGather
ing Shell.sTfctJie Sea Shore,' and all the
latest soi is niH sheet music just re
ceived atornart's.
. . . $ou can have any piece of music
you -rijjJiwithout extra charge, by call
ing at (Iwrrt's. Astoria agent for Sher
man &Alyira"$ Music House, San Fran
ciscco. Have you read thc Dance of
Death '."' I have not. Have yon one of
'Helen's Babies?'' I have'not. Have
vou ''Other Peoples Children? No!
Then why the duce don't you get them ?
All at Adler's.
Board and lodging by the day or
week at the Astoria Beer Hall. Main
street Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro
Persons wishing the services of
Dr. J. "Welch. Dentist, will bear in mind
that business will necessitate his tempo
rary absence from the city for a time af
ter a few days.
White wire goods in every style,
at L. P. liichman & Co's.
Fresh oysters in every style at
Stoves and fall goods for house
keepers in great variety at L. P. Bich
man & Co's.
Mrs. J. AY. Munson is prepared to
take a few boarders, with or without
First-class billiard table for sale,
cheap for cash. Inquire at the Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Mrs. Dr. Burr, Homeopathic phy
sician, has removed to her new residence
four doors from Liberty hall.
Dr. B. B.Freeland has located per
manently in Astoria for the practice of
dentistry. Office in Shuster's building,
on Cass street, next door to The Asto
hiax office.
Perfection Stonewall Whisky,
hand-made sour mash ; Snow-hill Whis
ky, fire cooper sweet mash; acknowl
edged from its refined taste and delicacy
of liavor to be beyond comparison the
best in this country, sold at the Astoria
Liquor Store by H. Marx & Co., "Water
street roadway.
iSS-Photographs! The latest styles
taken at Shuster's new gallery, Cassst.,
next to the A&torinn office.
JSSTSan Francisco beer, Steilacoora
beer, Astoria beer, bottled beer und En
glish porter nt the Chicago house, Main
street, Astoria. jS. "W.vman, proprietor.
iZ2r "For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an easy shave, go to Gillopie at Par
ker House Baths. Hair cutting, ham
pooning, and dyeing.
JBSTLittle Van has reestablished
himseif at the old corner, refreshed by his
lute journey to the Atlantic slates, and
will as formerly attend to all orders in his
line a? general jobber.
BSTThe Capital, on Main near
Squemocqha street, AVm. Appleby pro
prietor, is one of the snuggest and most
quiet places in the city, where the public
can get the finest quality of wine, liquor
and cigars.
For Glassware, Crockery, Powder and
Shot, Gun Wads, Percussion Caps. in
fact everything that is useful as well as
ornamental, go to J. W. Gearhart, who
sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered
free of charge.
Canary Bisds. for sale at GiHes
pie'eV Parker house baths.
I ,ht'ii .4
IE you cannot on the ocean
Sail janiong the swiftest fleet,
Hocking on the mighty billows,
Laughing at the storms you meet ;
You can stand among the sailors
Anchored yet within the bay,
You can lend a hand to help them
As they launch their boat away.
If you are too .weak to journey
Up the mountain, steep and high,
You can stand within the valley
As the multitudes go by ;
You can chant in happy measures
As they slowly pass along ;
Tho' they may forget the singer,
They will not forget the song.
If you cannot in the conflict
Prove yourself a warrior tme,
If, where fire and smoke are thickest,
There's no work for you to do ;
"Where the battle-field is silent,
You can go with gentle tread,
You can bear away the wounded,
You can cover up the dead.
If you cannot in the harvest
Gamer up the richest sheaves ;
Many a grain, both ripe and golden,
Which the careless reaper leaves,
You can glean among the briars
Growing rank against the wall ;
And it may be that the shadows
Hide the heaviest wheat of all.
If you have not gold or silver
Ever ready at command ;
If you cannot toward the needy
ltcach an ever open hand,
You can visit the afflicted,
O'er the erring you can weep ;
You can be a tme disciple,
Sitting at the Saviour's feet.
Do not, then, stand idly waiting
For some nobler work to do,
For your heavenly father's glory,
Ever earnest, ever true ;
Go and toil in any vineyard,
Work in patience and in prayer ;
If you want a field of labor.
You can find it anywhere.
A Smashing Jeiit. A few days ago
the driver of the St. Charles coach, Port
land ran his team upon a celestial knock
ing him senseless. He compromised by
paying the doctors bill. Last Wednes
day he collided with an express wagon,
anil knocked it into smithereens. Geo.
Coggan, when informed of the accident,
volunteered to pay the cost of repairs.
At the time of the collision, the smaller
vehicle was occupied by three or four
men. all of whom were thrown out, and
two of the party slightly injured. The
driver was not to blame, surely it must
be tiiat he is suffering from the conta
gion of accidents which lately visited
The "Meek-Eyed Celestial. It is
just as natural for a Chinaman to steal
as it is for a sponge to absorb water. The
Bee tells us that for nearly a year past
Charlie Kaiser of the Wallamet view
park, has been missing articles from his
place the aggregate amounting to con
siderable. During this time he has had
a moon-eyed celestial working for him,
with a countenance as innocent as a
new-born babe. Charlie, however, sus
picioned he was not as innocent as he
appeared, and therefore watched him.
lie was detected in stealing two garden
hoes, a nitchfork and a dozen grain
sacks, which he disposed of to parties in
this city, and Ah Jim has been arrested
and phiced in durance vile, and the sto
len articles have in most cases been re
covered. Machine Mailing. We have just
added to and placed in working order
in the Astorian office, a machine for
mailing the papers after they are print
ed. This will enable the mailing clerk
to get the papers all into the mails fol
lowing the hour of publication, and it
will also prevent any mistakes from oc
curring. The name of each subscriber
is placed in type under the proper Post
ofhee heading, and the machinery is so
constructed that every name must be
printed as it runs through the machine,
and as every Post-oihWis announced by
the tap of a bell as the type pass along
it is almost next to an impossibility to
make an error; but should our papers
fail to reach any office promptly when
due, we shall consider it a personal fa
vor to be informed of it immediately so
that we mav find where the fault may
Ship-mastek's Heading Uoom Mr
Peter "Willielm has permanently fitted
up a shiiHnaster's reading room in con
nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria
The latest shipping papers and home
ward and outward hound shipping lists
are kept on file. Call and see him.
Direct to Astoria. Mr. M. Wise
inform?- the ladies and gentlemen of As
toria and vicinity Unit he has opened his
store with a nice assorted stock ! good.
which he propo-es to ip11 at bed-rock pri
ces for cash. Remember the place, oppo
site It. F. Caudeld'e Diug Store.
Death, of Senator Bogy.
Dispatches yesterday announce the
death of Senator Bogy of Missouri, on
the 20th. The governor of that state
will be called upon to appoint a suc
cessor, as the legislature will not meet
for a year to come. It is rumored that
governor Phelps will resign in order
to secure the place for himself, on. ap
pointment by the lieutenant governor.
The political complexion of the senate
will not be changed in either event.
Senator Bogy's term would have ex
pired in 1879 if he had lived. He
was one of the most enterprising and
enthusiastic men of his state, and it
will be difficult to fill his place af
Express Roh"hery.
There is no further news of the ex
press robbers. Of the money stolen,
S40,000 was consigned to "Wells, Fargo
tvjCo. New Jork, and 820,000 to the
New Yoik National Bank of Com
merce. The money stolen from the
passengers aggregated nearly 2,000.
Yellow Pevor.
A sailor died of yellow fever on
board a schooner in Portland, Maine,
on the 20th. Fifteen l ew cases and
seven deaths are reported from Jack
sonville, Florida, and a number of
cases at Fernandina.
Kentucky Fends.
The Maupin-Breman feud in Madi
son county, Kentucky, broke out
afresh in Kingston on the 20th. Four
of the vandetta were killed.
Gen. Sherman is expected to
arrive in Portland to-day.
The taxable property of Mult
nomah county is 10,029,905.
The sheriff of Humboldt coun
ty, California, arrived in Oregon by
the Orizaba, in search of some
thieves who stole horses in that
county a few months ago. The
suspected men are said to be with
Howard, fighting the hostiles.
Should this be true, Mr. sheriff will
have a very exciting and and inter
esting pursuit.
The Jacksonville Times ex
plains the object of Gov. Chad
wick's visit to southern Oregon.
Several years ago, there was loca
ted in southern Oregon, under
what is commonly called the five
hundred thousand acre grant, thou
sands of acres of land, which are
of no value to the state, lying as
they do, in many cases, on exten
sive beds of rock and on barren
mountains. In his recent visit to
Lake county, Governor Chadwick
had it in view to ascertain, by per
sonal observation, the nature of
the objection to these selections,
with the intention of presenting
them to the proper authorities, in
order to obtain in lieu of these
worthless tracts other selections,
lands available for purposes of ag
riculture and valuable for their
timber. AVe sincerely hope the
Governor may be successful in
carrying out his object.
FirTE-:x 3Iir.Es of Birds. Yester
day there appeared on the river opposite
Astoria, and as far as the eye could reach
in the direction of the ocean, s continu
ous line of bird , flying first up and then
out. The numiicr it would be impossi
ble to estimate, and the cause of their
migration in this direction is equally as
well unknown. The singular incident
attr; ced general remark,
A full stock of the finest Parlor
Stoves and Heaters, for wood or coal,
will be sold cheaper than the cheapest
by-jackjus & It awes,