I LV w jps iQ Qstaxxnvu ASTORIA Sept. 19, ISw Temple .Lodge, No. 7, A. F. A. M. Regular Communication? first and lirird Saturdays in each month, at 7.30 ..Jl,l- .. if f tin IIU in AstfirilL. Members of the Order, in sood standing, are nvitcd to attend. Uy ordoi of tho W. Al. Beaver .Lodge No. 185, 1. O. O. F. Moot every Friday, evening. .gfc.. .it7i o'clock, in tncUUii l-cuow . x, o'ciock, in uicuuu x-wiiw" SficVsSi!5E Ccor. of Cass and ChonMuu&SSaf' cts, Astoria. Members of the er are invited to attend. B order, J. U, Hall streets Order Astoria Lodge No. 40, 1. O. G. T. . llogular Mooting every Tuesday livening ut7y. o'clock, at Good Templar's Hall, Ghcnjt mus" Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parkers Store. Members of the Order, in good stand ing, are invited to attend. Degree mooting lit Monday oaeh month. Uy order V . C. 1. Common Council. llcgular meetings first and third Monday evenings of each month, at M o'elock iY& Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meeting, must present the fcame to tho Auditor and Clerk on or before the Friday evening prior (o the Monday on which tho Council holds its regular meetings. Uy order of the Council. F. J . Tayi-ok, Auditor. Astoria Engine Co. No. 1. Regular month! v meeting will be held at the hall of tho Com pany, on the second Tuesday of ouch month, at 7 o'clock p. m. MS3-M p.m hers are exnocted to attend promptly, if not the usual finca will be iuiiKscd against them, unless legal excuse is offered. Uy order o f the Company, C. S. WRIGHT, President. 11. N. CvnxAirvN, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. L. K. G. SMITH. Cor. of Main and Chonamus street. ASTORIA OREGON Dealer in the choices brands of GSQARS AND TOBACCO, And all kinds of smokers article. Has just received a new supply of GENUINE MEERSCHAUM PIPES. Direct from Vienna, Wotcnholm's and other biandsof cutlery always on hand, 7-10-dtf T. S. JEWETT. U. S. KIMBALL. Draying & Trucking. T'l a iMlit?inAii li rt t. ng purchased tho inter- -, lT-7 M&ET est of tho aTzr.-'C; --?zr Astoria Truck & Dray Co., including Teams, Ychcclc?, etc, respectfully :.unounco that wo aro prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS "WITH PROMPTNESS, IN A CAREFUL MANNER lW Oiders mav bo left at tho Occident Hotel- JEWETT & KIMBALL. OREGOE BAKERY, llolladay's "Wharf, Main Street, Astoria, Ogn. DREAD, CAKES, PIES, PASTRY, CRACKERP,ETC. WILL DESERVED TO PATRONS of the Oregon Bakery of which C. Uinder deceased, was proprietor, tho samo as usual, by Mrs. CHARLES U1XDER. First Class Uakcr m ployed, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. All orders, large or nuall, promptly filled on short notice. i'at- lonage of tho public is respectfully solicited. MRS. C1IAS. BINDER. ARNDT & FERCHEFi, BLACKSMITHS AND MACHINISTS &M Foot of Washington Street, near lvinnc s' i unery, m ASTORIA, UllLUO-N.- HAVING SECURED AN ENGINE AND Lathe, and tho best of workmanship, we are now prepared to do ALL KIN DS OF CANNERY "WORK, ENGINE AND STEAMBOAT 'WORK OP ANY DES CRIPTION. rST Iforse-shocing, repairing, and all kinds of blacksinithing promptly attended to at rea sonable rates. H. BVIX. A. V. I'KRGUSOX. BA!K & FERGUSON, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, ASTORIA, OREGON. A RE NOW PREPARED . wit uu mcrcascu lacuiucs 10 JMJaM ,, .1 r-.;i!i' . ... II I Furnisn Plans asaws and Specifications. IeSses.- contract, orcet bulidings, and do all first class work in a superior manner. MST Wo keep on hand, and will iurnish to order, all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS, Rustic, Fooring, Finishing Lumber, Mould ings, Sash, Doors, Newels, Balusters, etc, etc. xtUAll kind- of Job work done at our Steam Mill, corner of Goneviovo and Astor streets. ifcd-HAND RAILLNG at PORTLAND Prices. MAIN ASTORIA, Near tho Invites atten tion to his STREET, OREGON Globe Hotel. Stock of vases.jowolry and toys. General Merchandise Boots and shoes Groceries and Provisions, Selected with special reference to tho As toria trade. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Highest price paid for Furs. New Gooils by Every Steamer. N. LOEB, ASTORIA OREGON lllils22 rssc KSqfcre LIWAM W-'U-WI rJMfvrrry?f-fr PROFESSIONAL CARDS. O. 1 BELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Notary Public and Commissioner of Dcods for California and Washington Territory. Astoria, Wresron. Offick Over Wolls, Fareo & Co.'s Express Office in Van Dusen's building, cor. Cass and Joflerson streets. U D. WLNTON", ATTORNEY AT LAY. Office in "Warren & AlcGuire's Building, ASTORIA, OREGON. yn-At. n. hatch, ai. d. Physician Surgeon and Accoucheur, Graduate of the Royal Collogo of Physicians, England. Membor of the Univosity of Califomia. Ollice Sflueinoj iha Mreet, near Cass, ASTOLIA, OREGON. M. BALLAS JENNINGS, Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician, OFFICE ON CASS STREET, ASTORIA, Next door to Capt. Rogers. ALL CALKS PROMPTLY ATTENDED to, day or night. D R. I. AT. SEVERN. Graduate University cf Pennsylvania. Office, Rooms No. 1 and 2 LARSEN-3 RUILDING, CASS STREET Astoria, Oregon. M RS. DR. RURR, Homeopathic Physician and Electrician. Late of San Francisco, and Graduate of the llomcopatnic School. Treats all chronic diseases and the di9es of v omen and children. Midwifery a specialty. Of fice nt her residence, four doors bolow Liberty Hall. TVR. F. CRANG, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ASTORIA, OREGON. Ofiice Room No. 7 Brown s building cor ner of Main ;.nd Chenanuis btreets. Dr. Cning v.-ill in future devote his whole time to the practice of ln rofe.vion. M RS. "WOODHAaI, Lato of tho City of Pari. Dress and Cloak Makine, and Cutting and Fitting, in the Latest Styles. 7"C:iss street, opposite the Congrega tional church. T OUIS HAGEN, Squemoc(ha street, next door to the Episcopal chinch. Cali3ict 3Ink?r and Uji'lcrlaUc-r iV21 W ill take orders for all lrir-5of NEW FUKNITFRE, and repairing promptly and neatly done, at low price?. H UGH STOOP, CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND GENERAL JOBBER. ASTORIA, OREGON. iV3"iroucs built to order, and satisfaction guaranteed. B. B. Franklin, UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. Squcmocqha street, next door to Astorian building, Astoria, Oregon. xAll work done in a skillful manner, on short notice and at reasonable prices. HENRY SINDLXNGER, . -DEALER IX- STOVES and TINWARE, JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SHOP On Squcmocqha street, botvrocn JIain and Cass street, Astoria. Oregon. XEV.' TAlXiOIl S2IOP. pEORGE LOVETT, Benton street, (opposite the Custon House). Gents suits made to order in latest styles and warranted to Jir. JS"CIothes cleaned and repaired. A. BOISON. WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER. Main street, Parker's Building. M Astoria. tiLtis&g' HAS JUST RECEIVED A FINE As sortment of Jewelry of tho latest styles, ateo a lino assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, which will bo sold at lowe:t prices, and warranted from two to ten years. ifciTParticular attention paid to repairing. JOHN BURKE. (Successor to Varwig Sc Burke). Plmto, Gas ai Steam litter AD DKAI.KU IN IRON AJJD BRASS GOODS. Also Agent for V. C. AYilcox Flavel's Warohouso, Astoria. 3TOT PAH to send for our New - Catalogue. It con V tains valuable inf or- lnation for every person, contem plating tne pur chase of any articls for personal, family ricultuntf -asc. Free to any Address, y H0WTG03IERY WAJtu vu., - Original Grange Supply House, - SJ7 cfc i WpfcHhJLvc, CHICAGO, 111. SilwfeSc &'i2Sm$&'0' fgfS tJlS& ij." m, v w.svuj'MirzwMxpsiiMiht9! Wbm WMte Ifoi IS THE REST SD CHEAPEST FTORE IN" THIS CITY TO FIND A LARGE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OE j Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Staple & Fancy Goods, Motions ALSO AN IMMENSE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING, FURNISHING- GOODS, SOQ-TS!,, SHQSS, ISA'S'S,. EXCS W V Don't fail to call on us before making vour purchases, as yoii will find it money in your pocket. Respectmlly lours, SCHLUSSEL & KANT, Cor. Chonamus and jMain streets, Astoria, Oregon. A. YAK DUSEN & CO. TALL PAPER, CHINA MATTING, AND HOUSE LINING, In quantities to suit, for sale cheap at A. Van DUSEN & Co.'s v-hite LEAD. BOILED OIL, TURPENTINE, NAILS AND SPIKES, Suitablo for street work, All for sale cheap at A. Van DUSEN & Co.'s. TUST RECEIVED. RUBBER ?L3EJM The bct in tho "World. Outside and inside white, and a great vari ety of shades in quart, ono gallon and five gal lon tins at A. Van DUSEX & Co.'s, Cass street. Astoria. Great Eednctioi in Prices ! Smm PMCHEf&S DOWN! New family Singer old price SG-1 00 Reduced to 50 00 Now laniily Singer, with drop leaf, drawers and cover, old price 7-1 00 Iteduced to 00 00 Other styles reduced in proportion. In addition to tho above reduction a discount of 10 per cent, "will be made on CASH SALES. Machines sold on tho installment plan on . liberal terms. A. Van Dusen & Co., Agents. ASTORIA, OREGON. - MISCELLANEOUS. I. W. CASE, Wholesale and Retail DEALER IN Assorted Merchandise of Every Description. BOOTS, SHOES, AND SlalPPEHS, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, C03IPRISING OVER SIXTY CASES, OF THE BEST QUALITY AT LOW EST POSSIBLE RATES. Everyone is Bragging that they Sell Goods very Cheap. So I determined to pivo up tho Retail Busi ness entirely, and am offering my goods AT COST ! No. 1 Diagonal Suits at Xo. 2 ' " " Light Pl.iid Suits, No. 1 Slfi 00 13 .")0 13 50 9 00 Drv Goods, Fancy Goods, Boot3 and Shoes, Jewelry; all description of Goods ntcot price. I also give, as inducement- to tho public and to merchants, t0 days' credit on satisfactory notes. SAX FRAXCISCO AUCTWy STORE, J. BLOOM, Astoria, Oregon. E. S. MERRILL & CO., Blacksmiths and Machinists, Capt. ROGEUS' OLD STAND -OT i ear Jixjixess uincc, KsT ASTORIA, - OREGON. $& All work in our line, heavy or light, done with neatness and dipntch. HORSESHOEING, "WAGON, AND Parui "Work a Specialty. HAVING SECURED THE SERVICES OF Mr. S. A. Gaines of Ivy., an experienced Farrier of 25 years in tho business and well known to Astoria horsemen, woarepropared to do shoeing in a manner to euro lameness or pro vent it in horses entrusted to our care. fc3All work warranted and at reasonable roes. aaaeaaess jj TKpL EDGAR, Corner Main and Chonamus Streets, ASTORIA '. OREGON. DEALKU i: THK CHOICLST BILVXDS OF Tobacco and Cigars, and the Genuine TV o s t e;n h o 1 m, and other English Cutlery. Genuine Hci'iMtau!!: I'iiiesjn Speciality. nar Fairchilds Gold Pens, iand all sorts of Stationery, Notious, Etc. O o o o O b o g Ob EL S3 c s IE C v - o o CO o O I Sg & c ; O 5 IT. 13 i D i fell o m s - r cp. 05 " o 5T Q lid a "3 3 o B' r E s. 2 H S o- - a 25 CD W n ss. i a CO CO a CO O i i o Q O o O GEORGE MACLEAN, BLACKSMITH. Water Street Roadway, Near Ilume's Cannery. Astoria, Oregon. Horseshoeing of Blacksmith dor. Satisfact and all kinds Ing dono to or- ion guaranteed Ship & Engino Work a Specsalty. 1 SEEZSOHSCSSr; THE ASTORIAN COLODT. THE dr.firj5raiiN''5i . SiiS-'SSa!' Climatic Joli Priniiiii Ofiee. IS NOW VELL SUPPLIED WITU New Material and Stock, And prepared to execute orders for POSTERS, BILLS OP FARE, PROGRAMMES, BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS RECEIPTS, PAMPHLETS And any other kind of 3?Viing: ITcatly and. Promptly he JLowest Living Trices QRarired. Printing in black, Printing in white. Printing in colors, Of sombre or bright. Printing for merchants, And land-agents, too ; Printing for any "Who've printing to do j Printing for bankers, Clerks, auctioneers, Pointing for druggists, For dealers in wares. Printing for drapers For grocers, for all, "Who will send in their jobs Or give us a call. Printing of pamphlets, Or bigger books, too ; In fact there are few tilings JBnt what we can do. Printine of labels, All colors we use, sirs, Especially fit for Our salmon producers. Printing by hand, Printing by steam, Printing from typeT Or from blocks by the reasi Printing of placards, Printing of bills, Printing of car-notes For stores or for mills ; Prirting of forms All sorts you can get Legal, commercial, Or houses to let. Printing done quickly, Bold, stylish or neat, At the Astorian Office,. On b'quemc-cqha street. ASTORIAN EUILDIKG, CASS STREET, ASTOHIA, OREGOX. pAPEE BAGS, "Plain Bottom," "Pntont Square' of best quality, to order, by tho packago or by tho 10J0, all sorts and sizes, at THE ASTORIAN OFFICE. JSSTGIVE US A CALL.3a The UrjBBER Stainp rHnu has fone, but he has oft his Patont Printing fli ces in overs busi ness houso in Asto ria. While wo could do a better job of work for tho people forless mon ey than ho has dono itt we admit that this is a free coun try, men purchase where they please, but when Blank Cards, Envelopes, Paper, etc.. aro wanted for their new stamps, let them call at The Atstorian Office and save cash. A e havo the finest stock ...OK... Papers and Cards, and Card Board, Paper Bags, Wrap ping Papers, Twine, Etc., Etc., in this State. Somo of it was imDorted direct from Pari. "HO XOt SEND AWAY -L-' IW Printing of nny kind un vou havo triad TIIE ASTORIAN Offi til CO m m$i$ farina. Devoted to tho Commercial and Mechanical interests of the Stato of Oregon and Territory of Washington. SOirDTrS PIFTH YEAR Affords srPlJSlIOIt Facilities to AtiW&llsers. KS" Send for ciraiars ad terms. Sample copy sent for ten ceil, K3T Throe conie3?f separate date5, with mi stamps to pay tho postalo for twenty -live ccnta. 3!P jE 3P TE "DAY THE PRINTER PROMPTLY for Jour Paper. It ia beat for all. f eyi-v--.t.TWr-r. SJrVSaLlil '?irs. i-v TasnEOKSCh PJU4" NpiftCT Mr- J&. sSn tJ. '.IJi. -x n r