N r- "N reraKgryrjgiw.ir?.,riiyji g.l. grdJy gtccdmx, ASTORIA Sepj. 19, 1S77 Tide Ta;?e lor Astoria. SEPTEMBER. From tables of United State? Coast Survey. ili?h Water. Low Water. 2JJ.V. a. u !'. . . M. 1 M. w - T 3.I.. 3. .......... S 4.. :" it so.. v. io . .... r 4si. .... 7 331 . .... R SS. 1 11. 2 lit. :$ 21. .. 0 01- .. 1 10 2 2fl j ."!. 16 4 at J IV r ;:: j 5S1 $ n fj9 ' :i IV 11 24 1 41'... i-0 11 55 -11 271... 11 .. 0 201... ;.' .. 0 0') 0 47... .. 0 4Q 1 22... .. 1 22 1 :M... j 01. G 03 C 5r .. 7 21... 7 43... 7 m 7. in 8 31 OLE A RAXCES A D DEPART CUES. SUI.KU JIo:nta:n Laurel, lib. OsJitons, Agaew for Quccns- Arc a. str ISM tonp, I -taiey, S. F. Spt 17. Sv-. Waif, brie. 273 toa. Umpqua. Sopt. 18. Tem: (Jc.min. U. S liev. Cutter. J. W. V.Tiite, iJout. for Alaska hept. 17. f'.. of Chester, str., 1H tons, Holies. S. FSoptli ARRIVALS FROM SEA. o , str 1?-"i4 tons Maclric. S F Sept. 13. X'der 1703 tons, Com. Connor. S. r . bept 14 sch. S F.. to loud lumber at Kartppton. t'1- aid.mBr.bk.7s7 tons, Durkie, a. v. i wau ii h . -3L Sept. 13. O oi InoV, Brsh 1856 tons. Hewitt, S F to load o'C irn., it:pt. 13 Ur b Per. ISr hir. 1230 tons, Clomente, S. F. to load for Europe Sept 12. Uruiso Monarch, Hr.sh. 12C9 tons Banks, S. F., to hKd for Europe Sept H. Adventurer. JJr bl. 7!G tons.Bra!UraUo.NewcnsUo X. ii. W.. via S. b, to load for Europe, tjpt.b. Orient, brig 312 tons. S. 1". Sept.t. Kihm r.y, Br. ship. 11H tons, Sunderland, to load for Europe, Sept. C. Alien Hcuie.uk. 811 ton-, ?7oyos. S F, to load for Ciima. SerU (). J2s.bank. BbWK) tons, Barr, fra Glasgow, -na Hon- ulnlu. Sept O-a-il aldi, bk J70 tons Forbos, S. F..to load for IIsiiiKkonfi. Sept. 5. I'aJaw:n. Br. .hip. 1002 tons. OlheT, S. F. to load f:n Europe, Sept. 4. rrta, Br ship, 1240 tone, MtCrcdio, S. F. to load for Europe, Aug. 3tt. Gnsr-i-. Telfair, str. 411 tons. Gardiner, fm Sitka Fob. 2n. Laid ud in Porslaud. VESSELS OX THE WA Y. Domestic 5ors. GAlifa'Tiia, str. (m4 tons. Thorn. Sitka. Sept, Orizaha, ss. 1214 tons. Joanson. S F Sopt. 15 Santa Cruz, f tr. S. F. Sept 15. itival. bk2ihltons. Adams. S. F. Sept. 10. I f axard. bris, Sflii tons. Walker, S. 1". to load lum ber for Aufatraha. Forclu" Ir. City of Nankin. Br sh. 5)fi tons, MeLoan, S F to lij.id for ljivetiool, Sept. II, Cuadida, Br nil. 127S tons, MathcrMjn, S. F. to load for Europe, Scp. 11. Aboona, Bs.H7a tons, Hamilton, from Livorpool, iSarca2i. Kucno- Ayres, French bk. fil9 tons, Voisin, S. F. u load whi-at for Cork. i;wcroft, British sh 1C2G tons Rice. S F to load for Europe Sept. 8, jKananore, Br bk. 1074 tons, Hanson, S F, to load for Uorx, owners accouni. Gibraltcr Swe bk 761 ton Enteen fm Hull Ehr- tUl.ti. Henrietta, Ger bk, 582 tons, Wobeckon, S F, to load for Cork. Ilakon Cabtle, 478 tons, Ansol. fm Liverpool. La Ecoeesa. Be sh. 556 tons, lnns, San Pedro, to load for Europe. Mount Lebanon, Bb. Hall, from Hongkong, May 14 Pilsrim hhip from Hongkong, August 4.. 1'nacc Amadoes, Bb Linskill. ICarruche India, Paciolus,th. 101 tons, Colcord.S.F., to load for Eu-ope. "VTOTICE. Sr:iled propos:ds will be received by the undcisigned unl'.l the 25ili day of Sep leiiii.r. l'CT, at 12 o'clock si. Por Building City JatJ and other Buildings. in :ccardance with plana and specifications lit he haiuU of the undersigned. 5-The coinmittce rcaen e the right to re ieciaiiyoi all bids. XKWA1UESf 31. RKOWN, C. 31. PAGE. Com. on HesUtli and Police for the City of Astorhu W)-tl OYSTERS ! g OYSTERS ! SERVED 1NT.EVERY STYLE AT ISCilMEEKS COISFECTIOISERY AND Refreshment Saloon. All kinds of French, German and American Candies constantly on hand, wholesale and retail at the lowest cash price, ALSO "Wedding cakes made to order on short notice. The patro:i.ige of the public is lvspectlully solicited. 6E0R6E W. COHKART, DKAI.EK IX FINK KIPOKTED AND DO MESTIC GARS 4V, TOBAGO- azMjusssaszaacxat " ! i i tt-v-j BOOlvS, STATIONERY, NEVvTSPAPEilS, BIKD CAGES, WILLOW WAKE, ETC., ETC. SOAP, PERFUMERY, AND NOTIONS. A FULL LINE OF MUSICAL fiOODS AND SHEET MUSK' CONSTANTLY ON HAND. All the- Icatlins Xowspapers of tlie Xation Constantly osi Hand, North side of Chenamus street, between pass and Main - - - Astoima, Oregon. "DILLSOF LADING, WAY BILLS, j X.J lteccipis, auu an kiuus oi uoramer cial Printing, done at tho Astorian office. CALL, EXAMINE, ORDER.- Ac!l t.m V, K..J : a '.' v 1 1 COMMERCIAL A3D SHIPPING. Ilwaco Steam Nav. Co. SUMMER NOTICE. THE ILWACO STEAM NAV. CO 'S STEAMER GEN. CANBY, Ssfefefe "Will leave Astoria on Mondays, Ti:e,I:ty. r i-iriaj s ct SaiBniays -r ,". .TT ---jn rrt siovSlsT !? iXSS anil 5iaro. ' Connectrog u ith L. A. Loonus' stages lor Vi tcrville. I'as'cngers waning to visit me TT.C.T, FORTIFICATIONS AND LIGHT-HOI SE. at either Fort Stevon" or Capo Hancock, Passengers wishing to visit the f Ilisntnninili.An;. irill lirirn from onC tO tlirCC liours time, and return to Astoria same day. Fare to Ft. Sieuens 0cts " " Ft. Oanby or Ilwaco - - SI 00 FOR TICKETS, TOWAGE, OH CHAKTEIt, Apply cither at tho office of the- Company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street, or to the Captain on board. J. II. D.GRAY, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. By order of the President, A ,,.,. L. A. L00MIS. Astoria, Clatsop, Youngs River and Knappton. Until further notice the - IW Steam Launch COJt tSj A.C. FISHER Master. "Will leave Hustler's wliaif. Astoiia, thiily exrept Sundays, FOKSIvlFA'XONLvNDlNtratS o'clock a. m., returning same day. The SAM can he chartered for freight or towing to any part of the bay. fcSr'For particular s apply on board. For Towing. TUE STEAM TUG :ss:oxt:o:, si. R0CIIAU Ma.tr Will attend to all kinds of Towing on tho Co lumbia river and tributaries. tViL-Offico in Portland at Corbitt .t Muclcay 's at Astoria, Occident Hotel, or on board, For Passengers and Towage. o Tho New Tug . W ! l u? Jh-4 RIP VAX WIXKLE, g W. U. Whitcomb .Master. Having accommodations for passenger, and capacity for first cla&s towing, is ollred for business to all points on tho Columbia iriver and bay, at reasonable rates. J5fFor particulars apply to Allen & Lewi?, Portland, or to Trenchard & Upshur, Astoria, or on board. tf "DROWN & McCABE, - STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS, 1 Portland and Astoria, Oregon. $$" On all business entrusted to our care, satisfaction guarnnleed. J G. FAIRFOWL & SON, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS Portland, Oregon. Refer by permission to ltogers. Meyers & Co,, Allen fc Lewis, Corbitt fc Maclcay, Portland, Oregon. O IBS0N, HAMILTON & HIGGLNS. Shio Chandlers, ha Provision and General -33& Oommission Merchants. Cor. Concomly and Benton streets. ASTOPJA, - - - - OREGON. THEMARD k UPSHUR Successors to Capt. Geo. Flavel TEAI,ERS TS sr E.. -. . jy PROVISIONS, mOIST, STEfiL, GOAL, Builders' and General Hard ware, SASH AND DOORS, 353" J&. X X 5 ., PAIKTTS, OILS At tlic 01dE8ulIasIirt Wdltowum Stand -OP- GEOIiG-E FLAVEL, Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. GEIttlANIA KEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT, Chexamus Stkket. Astobia. Tho puhlic aro invited to call and loavo their order. Splendid Lager 5 cents a glass. Free Lunch every night. WM. BUCK i: Co. r Proprietors. iJll -'M.i.aieKUAMKitJBMiMfciBr ry:,3ijxfljwai;ri:&jcaii7,. mif .mKUna j'd vw, j jwawwa w. t-n.atita. ntJf.rvwsagi Kjucgrii R.ALEXA2TER. R. ALEXANDER & CO. IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IX T, p s??i; fEWi CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARD- WARE, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, CROCKERY, AXD tip". Cavratlicr'tf BuiItII:i;r. IVatcr street ASTORIA. fl-TTAlso will attend to a scncral shipping and commission business. xrsrAgcnt5: for the best brands of California puro Liquors. T. S. Country produce taken in exchange. RODT. inCOIOTT. n k? m t22U a? AVholseale and GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, " FRUITS, ETC A PULL LINE OF CROCKERY, GLASSWARE LAMPS, CUTLERY, Etc, Etc. WHICH WE AVILL SELL CHcapcr for CAS2I tluisi asaj- oIei SimE;c iw txac City, OtsrCtlvo us a call at llickinott's old corner. the city. TX CONSEQUENCE OF A CONTEMPLATED CHANGE OF THE FHtxM RAYE MARKED PRICES DOWN TO THE LOWEST NOTCH, AND "WILL SELL ARTICLES IN THEIR LINE AT Q-S&EAXSST REDUCE;!?, J&SEttM I I UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. TICS IS TEIF. TI32K TO Gents5 Furnishing Goods, Etc., at Cost ! ! fu J.J Apply to Itlain street, O j&. 3ES. 3j AIIjHB., DEALER IN 3, rV JThtt RT i5S! S ft ttl ALL THE LATE STYLES OF FINEST NOTE FAPEBS, E2TFEL OPES, Etc., ALBUMS. MUSIC BOXES, NOTIONS, TOYS, Etc. Chenamus stroet, Astoria, Brown's Building, next door to tho "White House. KiT GOLD J'JSXS AND PENCILS A SPECIALTY. C.E. JACKLNS. Ew ps1 (tS) m y jm'&j'j Succcfcsors to C. E. JACKLNS & CO., Cor- fJain and Jefferson Sts, Astoria, Oregon. DEALEKb IN Stoves, Granite Ware, and Tin and Pressed Ware, OF ALL KINDS. 53T Jobbing of every description promptly attended, to. MAGNUS C. CROSBY. (Successors to Bailey &. llichman.) DEALERS IX HOUSE PUniNTESHDTa GOODS, STOVES, TIN WAEE, TABLE CUTLERY, AVOODEN VATuE, TOYS, ETC. - JOBBING IN TIN, SHEET IRON, AND COPPER A SPECIALTY. Keep also Load Pipes, and 1,000 other tilings too numerous to mention. "When you want a stove, trimmed from top to bottom in first class style give us a call. Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. Tou will find us in Young's new build ing, north tide of Squemocqha street, Astoria, Oregon. Columbia. :o:o.:i53"m7':E2:fc3.3r? E.PAPMAHL&CO., PROPRIETORS, AST03E1IA, OHEG-03?3". rrHE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETORS OF THE COLtBEBIA BREWERY -L jubt erected and placed in operation at Astoria, with to inform the public that we are now prepared to till all orders forasplondid article of -- ya - i.u,i Having every facility for doing . . . ,B..f-ft,.lLjg-.gLi.-iCTfc.9 TUE VERY BEST OIIAKAGTER Ot 1V0RK ( ft A TZflnrl P"??P I Mr. Papmahl being an Experienced Bi ewer, 1 illlU. MVbbWU. Jii2lAi aarTho COLUMBIA BREWERY WILL WAKIIANT SATISFACTION IN FILLING ALL Orders. Give us a trial. E. PAPMAHL & CO.. Astoria, Oregon. D. K. Warrkx. C A. McGuihe. Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus and Cass streets, ASTORIA, OltKGON. WAUEEN & McGTJIRE, Proprietors, (Succenkors to Hobhon fc Warren,) "Wholcsalo and Retail Doalers in all kinds oi Fresh and Cured WleatsI A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. 3B- Butter. Eecs. Cheese, etc. constantly 1 on hand, . . cir Ships supplied at the Iowostrate3. E. L02BEXSTEIN, rar- 3 m ii J2a Kr-adLictE Retail Dealers in TABLE Goods delivered freo of charge, to any part of SSC'L'RE TOUH CIiOT3II5.T. next door to tlie Wa3lmigton Market. vWff2 Tr1" & E. E. HAWES. && mMmm & w vo9) LOUIS P. ltlCHMAX. P& aii&i tna an Washington Market, Main Street, Astoria Oregon, BEUGMCAN cC JBEJIRY EESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the public to the fact that the above Market will always bo supphod with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY cdpcu awn miPPD MEATS! "Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supply- ;. pMt,c ing ehips. T. BAILEY. FOR SALE, TO LET, ETC. T?OR SALE. X1 25.000 Rrick at tho Farmers' Ware house, at ?1 1 CO per thousand. Apply to J. EASSETT, . 03-dlm" Sovoy's Saloon Astoria. "T OTS FOE SALE OR RENT. Two lots, woll situated on tho corner of ITobson and Siiuomoqha streets, will bo sold cheap for cash, or will be leased low on live years time. Iijuuiro at this office. d-wtf rpO REST. One Store ami .several Offices in SinirSt's JJuildinjr on the roadway. For further pai ticulars inquire at L. K. G. SMITH'S cicar stand. 7-21-dtf Cor. of Main and Chonainus. AUSCELLASEOUS. SABBOUR?S AND SAIsMOy VJrJT T1F1XJES. jRnrlioui Itrotlicrs. 119 Pine street, San Francisco. IIeni'3 Doyle. Manager. d.w.tf PAIN ERADI CATOR, The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Age! The TJ'orlil ?.Soi e, ami 1'nless -vc Pro. grcs e no SJarkManl. otliiu; 5Uniaiiis Stationary. Put up in largo bottle, and for salo by druggistsand dealers. If you happen to bo in a locality where STEELE'S PAIN ERADI CATOK cannot be obtained, send to the near est wholeaalo druegist, or tho Agents, CRANE & BRIGHAM, Wholesale Druggists, San Francisco. rtSFor salo in Astoria by 11. F. Caufield and W. E. Dement. W. E. DECENT, DEuaaiST. 5& r.-ec ASTORIA, - 0EfiX. Carries a full Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Prescriptions filled with care Day or Night. fifS" Manufacturer of Fishermen's Keliof. A suro preventative of Chapped Hands, and cure for Fish Wounds. rtBDemont's Florida Water, prico T0 conts. THE rYIOST EXTENSIVE XSJ Or- I.... r:..J. 1 CU.--L. 'iit(&,V CAK EE FOUND AT jJ 'irt .. . h. S. LAESE3SPS Corner of CASS and Squemoqha Streets, && ASTORIA, OREGON W ICeiv Invoices o v r! tI BY E"ERY STJ3A3TER. J r- Y V CALL AM ww i 3 .. fapn aMCarriase Slop. Squcmocfiha atroct, between Washington and Polk streets. ASTOPJA OREGON MEXKY AIjTjOI:, Proprietor. rpiIE PROPRIETOR BRINGS "WITH IIIM i an experience of 2-1 years in this buines, and having constructed vehicles of all dis cription from A. ISuksS of 125 Pounds TVeiglit TO A3i fi,,"0O Pound WaKon, Is prepared to guarantee satisfaction to any who may patronizo him. lie will uso none but tho be3t materials, and will mako wagons and carriages equal to any shop in tho country. ii-Pcrsons in want of work will savo money by finding this shop. nSsJilaeksmithing and ship work promptly attended to. M. 3LEYER, ASTORIA BREWERY, Having all tho necessary machinery for first clas5 work, skillful Brewers, and using nono but tho be.t quality of materials, tho Proprie tor i3 propared to manufiicturo LAGER BEER in any quantity, from a single bottlo to a bar rel, and put it up in good condition for ship ment or immediate ine. Fa mi lie and keep ers of public houses promptly and regularly supplied. M.MEYER. Proprietor. H. SPELLMSEH, BOOT and SHOE MAKER, ASTORIA, OREGON. Has just received a splendid stocic of LEATHER and TJRIMIJVGJS, Tho best in Orej order, at tho lowest finest of Boots and Tho best in Oregon, and will now fill any , at tno lowest pnce3, for tho best and of Boots and Shoes. 41 V l