(') 'I M HUM I HI I INI' " " I ' I Ml' mi T li Y T 7fl Mil i,j r , , mrf JW . JJlg& wl J 1&C5 k r l , .i v - Sk r Yol. "LL'-'-lLT"-!!: ' ' ' """ " ----'-"dlfyf-'" em- UB-i -U ...Jg.-afc-Jill j w BrB.m , , ., MBB.WMMiMg ..... -, Ann,r. a-n-v-v tTSr?.n? I -v. i -f. .... ?BWvvau, ISSUED EVERY MORNING, (Monday Excepted), C. IREZiAXS) : : PUUl.ISIIER. Axtoriun BvAkllng, Cits Sired. . t ernis of Subscription : fcorvoil by C.irricr, per week -i Conf. Soatby mail, four month? - J Sent 1)5' mail, cnc year - 'J w Free of Postage to .SuUrcnbois. i&T Advertisements inserted by the year at the rate of $1 3t) per square per montn. Transient advcrtieins, Oy the tiay or wcck, fifty cents per square for each insertion. To City Subscribers. There are such frequent change in tharesi tQonce of our city patrons thai w e shall Tcel oblisred to any who make ach change if they will report die same to tlii'iiet. Otherwise tve shall not bo responsible for failure of the carrier to deliver the paper promptly and regularly to them. AiunvEi). The Ajax arrived from San Francisco lnt evening villi the usual lot of passenger, and freight. The Oi'tside Fishesies. The Can by returned last evening from Tillamook county and will go to Gray's harbor to day. Married At the residence of the brides father in this city, on Monday evening,- Sept. 17th. Miss Ellen -Rogers, and My. P. Cherry. - Temperance Addresses. TV. R. Dunbar, G. "V. C. T.. is coming on the Orizaba. lie intends to remain awhile in Astoria, and daring his stay will de liver one or two lectures on temperance. Hold Hek. The Bee says : 3r. John Burk. formerly assistant foreman of No. "l,o this city, and a No. 1 fireman, has been elected foreman of the Astoria company which is to have the steamer. ''Hold her nozzle to the bank," Johnny. Still Oct. The bark Alumina, 12 days out from Astoria to-day, and the Dovenhy. 114 days out to-day. are me: iously looked for to arrive. The Doven by has been reported as arrived out once, and so also was the Alumina, but neither have done so yet. Single Men and Women. A Ken tucky newspaper says that an investiga tion of the records of that state shows that not a single man or woman within Its borders has been legally married. There are hundreds of single men and women in Oregon who would like to be legally married. Tiie Hop Yield. The Albany Reg ister says: "Hop growers talk largely of the extent of business on this coast. It is claimed that Oregon alone this year will ship a million "bales of hops. The business was an experiment ten short years ago and now is only in its infancy. The crop this year is very heavy and of good quality." The Sea Waif. This vessel which left Astoria at an early hour on Sunday for Umpqua, arrived there that same day before noon, discharged her cargo and passengers and started back yester day. This is pretty quick work. The ea Waif had a cargo of cannerv stock on board for her owner, Mr. GAV.Ilume of this city. Tidal. Ouservations. Capt. J. J. Gilbert, of the U. S. Coast Survey ser vice, with headquarters now at Kalama, is going to take a series of tidal observa tions during the low water season this fall. For this purpose he will establish tidal stations at five points on the river. At Oak Point, Rainier, St. Helens. Van couver and the Cascades. Capt. Gilbert Avas in Arancouver Tuesday morning. Hook and Ladder Company. The following Is the list of officers of Alert Hook and Ladder company No. 1, for the ensuing year, as elected at the regu he regu- 'lit. F. J. lar meeting Sept. 10th: President, Taylor; Secretary, J.O.Bozarth; Treas - iirer.B. aiiDusen; loreman, M. An- Exciianuing Signals. It appears that on the morning of September 5th, the German bark Almy from Hamburg for San Francisco, was off false Tilla mook Head, where she exchanged sig nals with the steamship Geo. W. Elder. The Elder reported her bound for Asto ria, but the master of the Almy knew better, and putting about, followed the Elder and ran into San Francisco with the steamer, on the same day, arriving there on the 7th, 156 days from Ham burg. If there are. tricks in all trades, this must be a trick of the sea. ! $! w&z gnm c aerson; isi. assistant, jl;. ij. uurtis; 2d sissistant, J. W. Gearhart; Delegates, F. J. Taylor, B. Van Dusen C. W. Fulton. Astoria, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, September 19, 1877. FOREIGN EXPORTS. To Liverpool, per LocHnvar. Sept. 1. Whot-2i. ctls ?, 00 To Honolulu iterMattie Maclej. Spt,l. Flour. 2i2 barrels 5 1.2ni -"VU Chso Good?, lOoeasos... 31 25 l'otatoer, 12 sucks !SW 00 Ham?, 2400 lbs 3i 09 Shon,3&' bWs 3tSS)00 80 cases TM Oi) Miscclljuieous mdc 2,313 82 S.TSo 07 To Honolulu ;r Fjdkmhurg, Sent. 2: Flour, m bbl 5 W0 0 Salmon, 12S bbls 1,012 00 1IU ikgs .. 1 & 8 case? 230 M) Lumber. ars and bolts 2,lM2 52 Oats and bran U5 03 Miscellaneous mdac 759 0U 5.S12 oo To Victoria and Nuniuno por sir Cal ifornia. System oer 5th: Fiour.l V bbls $ S.779 50 Wheat, 112 centals 1,323 71 Bran. Meal and Mid dlings. 85.7W lbs. S-iO OS Miscellaneous mdse..... 5. 03 J la 10,032 50' To Qucenstowti. per Kiucluno. Sept. 11. Wheat 23.:)J ctls- -10,39a 71 To Quoenstown per Mountain Laura!, September 8: Wheat, 22.35U centals -1,3S1 71 Domestic Exports. Per Ancon, S F, Sopt. 17, 23Ubbls flour Si ,300 00 13U2 cental wheat 3,502 10H8 caes salmon 7,0R 20 200 sacks potatoes , ) 5K) .. ojstors j H00 .. oats Y 2u0 .. bran J -105) boxes apples, otc.. about I 2,200 01 Total value. 11210 00 Outwaki) liouxD. By-thc Elder to day Senator Grover and Congressman Williams take their departure for Wash ington. Capt. J. C. Ainsworth is also a passenger, going east to attend a meet ing of the directors of the Northern Pa ciiic railroad. Col. John M. Wilson is also a passenger, going to attend a meet ing of the Board of Engineers, IT. S. A., ai'San Francisco. No Jamaica Tet. The British bark Jamaica, 700 tons register, which left here last November for Dunkirk with a cargo of wheat valued at :17.172, is to daj 2.S1 days out, and not heard from. The Jamaica was loaded by Mesrs.Cor bitt & Macleay, but as her cargo wa sold on bills of lading their interest; in her was transferred, hence none in Ore gon will loe should it turn out that the .ship is added to the long list of those gone down at sea with nobody lelt to tell the story. A CointECT Conclusion. Here is a warning for men too mean to advertise: One of this description wanted o sell some land, and so he put a written notice in one of the hotels the other day. A man who was inquiring for a small farm was referred to the written notice, when lie replied: "I can't buy land at a fair price of any man who does his ad vertising in this way. JleM steal the fence, the pump-handle and the barn doors before hel give up posession.'' JIUCKILTEO affairs. Uur man about town got on board the Zephyr yes terday, says the Seattle Intelligencer and in company with jolly Capt. Wright and the affable Barlow, three hours pas sed oft very pleasantly till he landed at Muckilteo. Here he found the cannery closed down for the day. but Mr. Myers said, '"wait till to-night and you will see some boats come in withsome fish worth having.' So he strolled about the beach for an hour and went up on the hill to look over the broad and glassy Sound dotted with trolling canoes in every di rection. About four o'clock in the afternoon, the canoes began to flock towards the cannery. One canoehad -M, another 48. a third had 52 and a fourth 4(5, all caught by trolling. But at last came in a large whaling canoe with six Indians fromTort Madison, where they had been hauling a seine. This boat had 408 fine large salmon, all "silver sides,' making altogether a total of 3U7 for the day. The Can Can and the Jubilee Singers. We are sorry to see two res pectable citizens like the Advocate and the Bee, step aside to throw mud at each other because of strangers such as the Can Can and the Tennessee Jubilee Sinners. It seems that the Bee is favor all to the Can Can, and from one of the "gobs" which it flung at the Advocate came words like these : "In the first place the Turners did not know the nature ot the performance until after they had let I the hall under written contract, and. in the second place, the letting of a public Imll fnr i vrtii nn' rMrfnnnniiPP fwliiph 1 more than one leading church member ( attended) is not more inappropriate than having a lot of minstrels sing sacnhgi ous songs in the very pulpit altar of the costliest church in the city." This whole difficulty has arisen from a weak ness in human nature, "the love of the glittering generalities'' and it may be "a dollar or so," which sometimes take the place of common sense in secular as well as in other places, and admits the "strangest kind' of strangers taking in and doing the most sensible metropoli tan writers. Perhaps if our brother of the Advocate had known the nature of the JiibiUe Singers as well before, as after the performance in "the costliest church in the eitv,' they would not have been allowed to do so. But the Bee ought to be ashamed Of itself for making any such comparisons. Have von read :,the Dance of Death?" I have not. JIae you one of "Helen's Babies V I have not. Have you '-Other Peoples Children?" No! Then whv ihe duce don't you get them ? All at Adlcrs. Board and lodging by the day or wifk at the Astoria Beer Hall, Main street. Astoria. Peter Daviscourt, pro prietor. ....A full slock of the finest Parlor Stoves and Ilcateis. for wood or coal, will be sold cheaper than the cheapest by Jackins & Ilawes. Persons wishing the services of Dr. J. Welch. Dentist, will bear in mind that business will necessitate his tempo rary absence from the city for a time af ter a few days. White wire goods in every style. at L. P. Richman & Cos. Perforated cardboard, all colors, 25 cents per sheet, at Adler's. ''Opposition is the life of trade," and "Variety is the spice of life."' Adler has a little of both, and all the school books, cheaper than the cheapest. ...Fresh oysters in every style at Schmeer's. Stoves and fall goods for house keepers in great variety at L. P. Rich man & Cos. Mrs. J. W. Munson is prepared to take a few boarders, with or without lodging. First-class billiard table for sale, cheap for cash. Inquire at the Occident hotel, Astoria. Mrs. Dr. Burr, Homeopathic phy sician, has removed to her new residence four doors from Liberty hall. Dr. B. R.Freeland has located per manently in Astoria for the practice of dentistrv. Office in Sinister s building. on Cass street, next door to The Asto rian office. Perfection Stonewall Whisky, hand-made sour mash; Snow-hill Whis ky, fire cooper sweet mash: acknowl edged from its refined taste and delicacy of flavor to be beyond comparison the het in this country, sold at the Astoria Liquor Store by If. Marx & Co., Water street roadway. .Photographs! The latest styles taken at Shuster's newugallery, Cass st., next to the Attorian office. JBST'San Francisco beer, Steilacoom beer, A&toria beer, bottled beer and En glish porter at the Chicago house, Main street, Astoria. N. "Wyman, proprietor. r For clean towels, sharp razors, and an-euiy shave, go to Gillespie at Par ker House Baths. Hair cutting, &ham pooning, and dyeing. JSSLittle Van has reestablished hiniteif at the old cornpr, refreahed by his late journey to the Atlantic state, and will a- formerly attend to all ordeis in his line as general jobber. liST The Capital, on Main near Squemocqha street, "Wm. Appleby pro prietor, is one of the snujreeat and mot quiet places in the cit3 where the public can get the fiuest quality of vine, liquor. and cigars. Canary Birds. for sale at Gillespie's-, Parker house baths. Direct to Astoria. Mr. M. Wise informs the ladies and gentlemen of As toria and vicinity that lie has opened his store with a nice assorted stock of goods, which he proposes to sell at bed-rock pri ces for cash. Remember the place, oppo site R. F. Caufield's Drug Store. S03IETIIIXG NEW. For Glassware, Crockery, Powder and Shot, Gun Wads, Percussion Caps, in fact everything that is useful as well as ornamental, go to J. W. Gearhart, who sells cheap for cash. Goods delivered free of charge. CLEARING OUT SALE. The entire stock of B. Hamburger will be sold at immensely reduced rates in order to clear out balance on hand prior to the arrival of new goods selected per sonally by Mr. Hamburger. The goods iiiiust be sold : prices no object. Call and be convinced. Especial attention is called to the immensely reduced prices in our dress goods. B. Hamrueoer. Main street, Astoria. 5-Newspaper advertising is HAnnAnAnt ,.Mit;.n t !, r,l..,lAtmn nf the cuods advertised, because it U a ne manunt influence always at work in their rinterest. 5The Salem Statesman expresses our views "to the point' in the following extract: 4,AVo have publ.sihed birth, marriage and death notices, free of charge, and shall continue to do so, provided they are furnished us for publication. When such notices are not furnished, we take it for granted that their publication is not desired . It .seems enough for us to give tho space in our colums without being com pelled to wear out boot leather in search of the items. We frequpntly hear of marriages, deaths, etc.. but ns the partic ulars are not furnished u, we cannot pub lish the same, and in some instnnces artiez take offence because of their non-appearance." ' According to recent statistics the inhabitants on the earth number 28 persons to every square mile of sur face. London is the most densely packed spot containing 3,4S9 ,428 souls more than some continental lrimr. kingdoms. Richmond, Virginia, is highly amused over the appearance of the Henry Clay statue, a work of art frightfully begrimmed with dirt, which has just received a pair of hands of snow white Italian marble, ordered by the general assembly to replace the mutilated ones. The great coal mine of Los Chris tales, at Cauquernes, in Chili, which has been lost for forty years, has been found and will in future be worked by English capital. It was abandoned at a time when the Chilians were in in surrection. It then filled irp with water and an avalanche slid into and over it, and for forty years its where abouts could not be ascertained." The London correspondent of the Liverpool daily Post states thac the homceopathists have discovered a cer tain remedy for seasickness. It is apomorpha. A very small dose of it taken once an hour in water will remove the qualms. They are so cer tain of its success that they are going to procure a gratuitous circulation of it among vessels that carry passengers. It is also useful for beasts whose suf ferings are often extreme. A stove dealer in Hartford has died of a slight cut made in one of his fingers by a piece of ordinary oxidized sheet zinc. The zinc inflicted a pois onous wound that in a f ew hours af fected the whole circulation and baf fled the efforts of physicians who were then summoned. Oxidized zinc, which is found in numberless houses, should therefore be handled as care fully as Woorara arrows or poisoned Chinese daggers. Count Moltke was recently asked by a German nobleman of high rank what course he thought the war would take, and if he did not predict the early and complete subjugation of Turkej. "Certainly," replied the field marshal, "the Russians will be victorious, only their leader must not lack the fours G's which every general requires. " ' What four G's P ' 'Geld, gelud, genie mid gluck" replied Von Moltke. (Money, patience, genius and good luck.) Salt Lake Tribune: The other day, while one of the late Brigham Young's numerous concubines was re turning to Provo from the funeral.she was comforted by a big Scandinavian saintess who was very much troubled over the prophet's sudden taking off. She thus consolingly addressed the widew: "Veil, Bro. Brickham ish tead. I yonst dink dat ish de pest dings he can do. " The widow looked sad and stuck her head out of the window, exclaiming "O, pshaw !" Newark Ceurier: For two or three years past the bronze statue of General Phil Kearney has been stand ing in an out of the way niche in the state house at Trenton. What its ul timate destination is to be none of our state officials seem to know or care. It was ordered by the state at a cost of 10,000, and intended to be placed in the rotunda of the national capitol at "Washington, but one of the high art critics who occasionally find their way into our state legislature thought he discovered a defect in the work of the artist and objected to the state paying for it. It was paid for, however, when delivered, and remains just where it was dumped. Austin Reveille : In sporting par- ! tl 1 ..1.1 Jl 1 ..i. .. a!i;uiUU a, ,Tum I ! 1 V- ' game WHO DdS SI1UU1 Stilus JU1U 43 S;iL- Med with small winnings; one who, when he gets a few dollars ahead, passes in his checks to be cashed and "jumps the game." A gentleman re cently from San Francisco sa-s that the stock market in that city is over run with "chubbers," who, as soon as a little rise in prices leaves them a small margin of profit, dump their stocks into the market and realize. The aggregate of stocks thus offered is large, and in the present sensitive state of the stock market the stocks thus thrown upon it break it like the last feather broke the back of the fa bled camel. It is to this cause that the gentleman attributes the sudden drops in the market immediately fol- 1 lowing a general rise in prices. STo. 90, IKLJA.Ji7MMrA3JJJi.J JW.IWBC Hale's Piano Factory Referring to the terrible and fatal fire at Hale's friano factory, New York, recently the Sun says: "Whether the value of the property destroyed bj- the burning was a million dollars, or more or less, is a matter of small ac count; but the loss of life is deplora ble, and the circumstances under which that loss occurred were such as to establish the certainty of guilty ncgligence in some quarter. The huge piano factory, eight stones high, in which the distressing scenes took place, and in which hundreds of work men were employed, was a mere shell, a mere rickerty sham of a building, put up in such a way as to imite sud den destruction by lire, or by a squall; it might, indeed, have been expected to tumble to the ground at any time tlirongh its own weakness. A similar building, owned by the same proprie tor, and standing on the same spot, actually tumbled some years ago, kill ing eight people; and the poor bricks gathered up in that wreck, bricks which had been run up with mud in stead of mortar between them, were again used in the construction of the concern which is now destroyed. This concern, moreover, was everywhere full of the most combustible material, dry lumber, shavings, varnish, pianos, and so forth. "What might have been expected In a few moments the small blaze burst into a blinding, roar ing, uncontrollable sea of flame, sweep ing in all directions, before wluch the building appeared to melt away, and from which many of the panic struck workmen were unable to escape. Such a building shobl 1 never have been al lowed to be put up, or to stand, or to be used as a factory, or in any other way. There are scores and hundreds of other sham buildings in ether cities that perpetually threaten the lives of those who occupy them. Local and Domestic. The Seattle Intelligencer is in formed that an expedition is about tu explore the streams flowing from Mount Rainier. It has very often been thought that gold could be found on the headwaters of the Puy allup or some of its tributaries, but no explorations haye as yet been made. We shall look with some anxiety for the result of their researches'. It has always been our idea that this coun try has never been half prospected and that when experienced miners give the Olympic range a good overhauling, they will find good recompense for their toil. That argentiferous galena exists in the Cascade mountains, is already beyond dispute. H. L. Sutton of Port Townsend has been found guilty of murder in the first degree. He has been taking some desperate chances to escape from jail but is still secure. Whisky and politics have brought him to ruin. The Ashland Tidings, m speaking of the rapid progress of the different sections of our state, takes a hopeful view of the future of southern Oregon. It says: Many of us who remember as but yes terday, the Day of the trail and the foot-log, And the flying pony express, Wlwii the antler'd pride of the forest, Yielded his skin for a dress. When blankets were parted for leggings, Tid with a buckskin theng: While over the mantle the rifle Hung from an antler's prong. May yet see developments which we even now little dream of. "Time keeps ringing its changes, "and we may yet ride the iron horse over ringing tracks of steel with more confidence than we did in early times our cayuse ponies over the mountain traite of southern Oregon, Ship-master's Reading Room. Mr Peter Wilhelm has permanently fitted up a ship-master's reading room in con nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria The latest shipping papers and home ward and outward bound shipping lists are kept on file. Call and see htm. s