The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 18, 1877, Image 1

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Astoria Oregon, "Tuesday Morning, September 18, 18
.ffo. 89.
To!. 3.
Site gails slovSatt.
"Sews and cics.
(Motkiay Excetietb,
.LsJoricit BnUdimf, Cos Shred.
Terms of Subscriptien:
.25 Cents
4 on
tsont by mail, cue year. - r w
Tree tf Post U 6tb.cnbrs.
fcervoil by Carrier, i-er wek..
QHt by-umil. hr inouUts....
Spalding lias furnished bonds to
the sum of 12,000 and is now at
large. Pimscy remains in jail.
The Sitting Bull commission have
started to consnlfc with the old scoun-
drel. They go by way of Ggden ana
1 Fort Shaw.
Josiah Briggs h;is been appointed
Postmaster at Netarts, Tillamook
count'. Oregon.
7.01S :U
tW A Avwd'eiMOMts inprtsl by tbo yoar itt
the ra t of 61 " lr siUr !r wonU.
TniiiHcnt adx-ertiH, by lv dv wr vrao.,
fifty cents per square for each insertion.
Oystees- Left LJeiiixd. The Aneon
went to sea Yesterday drawing 11 feet
i six t inches forward, and less than l
feci afi. but she could lake hut 2T tops or
fresh oysters on ihe wharf leavoiganout
as manV Ions that she eon hi not lake.
Per A neon, S F, Scot. 17,
2i bbl- flour
1 Y.K1 centals wheat
joas cases salmon -
sacks potatoes ,
."JW .. oysters
."00 .. U
.1 i. ...
7H .. whim- " 0 AAA nrv
iW boxes aiMio5, etc.. about 2,-3) Ui
Total value A 511,210 (JO
dand lodging by the day or
i.. i o:.ic;.i V.iiiif lljill "Mnin
ifea. IVier Daviscourt. pro
motes and Comments.
By Telegraph, Railroad and Steamships.
To City Subscribers
There nrcsacii frcjuent chan? in the resi
dence of our city iairuii
th.i Vf hsll feel
Ship-;maste::s Beaiuxo Boom. Mr.
Peter Wilhelm has permanently titled
up a ship-master's reading room in con-
ii'-ction wilh the Hem saloon in Astoria
. . j. Utalxi
II Jl.
I l. Jiril t
SImVcV J1t 1 1
1 .ljjfFwrhw.V
tock of the finest Parlor
eaters, for wmd or eoal,
heaper than the cheapest
wis tinir i ne services oi
At Bath, Maine, 'there are now to
be seen thirteen ships in variolic stages
of completion.
A correspondent of the Ils'ew York
Sun suggests Henry Ward Beecher to
fill the nlace of the dead Mormon
The story that Senator David
Dav;s had a cancer in his stomach is
now proved to have originated in
his having eaten a stuffed crab for
The Alaska fur company send
their skins, furs and ivory to England
. . :f jI.. .
. 1.1 n,1 Mf fik i.iilr L.Afli ?2.nV II tltO
XZ rnirttfesn metoUii"...!--. nthe:wi,c The latest shipping pancrs ami Home
wo lmll nut be rj-oo-tblo f.r failures oi i Wnrd and outward Dounu hiniiinnii ii.-u
cirricr v deliver the hi:i .itiiuiAly and ; ;ir(. on file. Call and see him.
rerulurly to tboiu. - . -- - rr
PLMiirivm sr. Th -;tlor. !eei
and so forth for ihe Greta were taker on
board last evening.
Tins Sam. During tii" teaowAy ab
sence of Captain A. C. Fi-liw, 'f;liSlii
Eugene Brock is at the hehnon theSni,i f; Vsori'
Baiioks. The Cook to(k the harges
1 Columbia's Cliief and Autocrat to Port
i land on the Kith. They came down with
the balance of cargo for the Mountain
Lnuivl and (iivlsu now fully laden, as
1 Portland would say "to their deepest
ines. ' e can truiiinmy saj so
uj'rMMis w.snuig me services oi -
Dr. .1. Welch. Dentist. wdlt bear in mind direct to be worked up. ihe beauties
that business will necessitate his ; tempo- . , AJaaka swindle is again shown
rary absence fiom the city for a time ai- OI Xlie a"
tor a few davs. in this and again we ask of what
Tine "VVbathisk. Yesterda:.
Death to Fi.kas. -The immense
weather was exactly such as :c -" j 15Umber of fleas about Astoria just now
led to make one feel like journeying l0 j ?-romarkable. and it is also a little re
the sea side. t u,arkable how quickly the army of tieas
zj -rrt - T can be destroyed by the use of a powder
BAiei:i. The frame for Alr C. h. iridbv Dement, the druggist, lie al-o
ikSiasj-eoruw of C'hcaa-. has an article which ir a certain remeiij
White wire goods in every style,
at L. P. Itichmau & Co's.
....Perforated cardboard, all colors.
:.") cents per sheet, at Adler s.
....-Opposition is the life of trade,'
mi -VjiriiMA- is the soice of life.' Adler
has a little of both, and all the school
books, cheaper than the cheapest.
...Fresh oysters in every style at
....Stoves and fall goods for house
keepers in great variety at L. P. Kich
ii'.sn & Co's.
..Mrs. J. W. Munson is prepared to
take a few boarders, with or without
....Firt-class billiard table for sale,
cheap for cash. Inquire at the Occident
hotel. AMoria.
benefit is the territory to Uncle Sam
t In Butte county, California, are
flumes aggregating 1G0 miles in length
and costing 8640,000, for the carrying
of lumber down from the mountains.
The water in them runs with great
velocity and force.
The city of Nankin, in China, is
lying under the prospective doom of
starvation from the drought, and
prayers printed on yellow paper cover
every Avail. Not long ago the town
I was visited by a severe conflagration,
Parker's new build
anus and Benton Erects, all up ye
. for the removal of rats.
Quack Jxtw:s. if
n clear and eo;cise picture
Lji-.KAr.YltKori.ATioxs. Thelibrar-
yoa"waltogri;iathe Congregational church Sun
re of quack dor- ! day school. Mr. Ferreil. has nwdc a very
at arrangement and classification of four doors from Libert hall
lorf uiqdn .f i;;K;. "n;;;i ; ,;v s
Have von seen the B'smarc stove? i the injured victims of which are sub
jected to the additional horror of being
doctored by native physicians. "The
idea," says a correspondent, "of at
tempting to cure burns by making the
wretched sullerers drink castor oil, and
then annoiting them with oil in which
? Then call at once to-ila . upon J-..
I. Rich man & Co.
....CO. 11.. or constat! lj on hand,
the best stock of school uWWSa,: the
City Book Store.
. . . .Mrs. Dr. Hurr, Homeopathic phy
sician. nasr'nioeo ooei new 11-mtvm.v
.Ken are re:;iiercu o i r(Him.- witii Doant at ironi "MTrr"V !lu
In subslitiiied. witii ihe pnnils or kl,w:ini; lrt.r v.eek.acc)rdingt!oi:!rion. I
nameand llnVer,V,hrS: -...Arties wishing a npftdWi of oys-l
.kontof thcsheir x 'testers will find thein at tlifouvr res-
PjSjriXG. Suckers are ao plentiM ia (lool) Tumpi-aiis AVo.k. -From
tiiD bsiy tliat tiiey are aultt Dy ' wi,ni w bear on the outside. Astoria
fials find lxiys in great ni;alitus wiliiout I jyKSCj indpeiidcnt Order of Cotnl Tcm-
tbe use of baiL y? is doing a good work for this
j rjr--:: 5IV ' aijiv mi'ccc. attend i w order in
Ax'cnox Salk. K:ociier the rsc- j ajj"it laudable endeavors. Tnere i not
leiruiiie nrojerty. 1,,,',,-ir hf siwls an oriranizathm as this
ion sale of real estate to-day by 15. C. a man living but knows t3e evils of in
loble:. See advisement .111
jwork of such an oruauizaiiou as nib
-:-. : ( Uh) Templars lodge tells how it can be
: Stoi!:;. Captain A. ,ioJle
Peter Bune istilli
with ail kinds .i buiMtn.
bis line, iias iut lee ied
j.Mn) hiusliels ot and. aiitl a
of first iiuality of brick ai 111:
foot of Benton street.
Since his return to Wash-
1... 1..V
in muiKfi i.,T x,.:n
..:..i.. :.. iiiu uii
iUn .!l - , L- .... : i.of
m:M Lifli i-n.rfr.ii Mo IS rtYMOrceU ilS aliiiv ui
Liuu tiviii, i iii"i.vyj. .w .-' - i i , i .. .
stock i r , i..i f; n.f. tl, nor.- before uieui
I.MM.',. 'HB V:lb Ji'Ul " """'"
Berlin is going through a terrible
real-estate collapse. Too many houses -have
been built, there are twenty thou
sand apartments vacant, and wide
spread distress and ruin overwhelm
realestate men who have done business
on borrowed capital.
It is the opinion of Col. Tom Scott,
the greatest triumph of American
statesmanship would be another amend
ment of the constitution providing for
tin increase of the federal army to pro
tect the Pennsylvania central railroad
and its connections.
Gen. Sigel says he dont fight mit
de "bread winners" of New York.
"In making this statement," says Gen.
Si'el, "I have no intention of ques
tioning the good standing and char
acter of the gentlemen whose names
are associated with mine in the said
commitlce, or of reflecting on the or
ganization which they represent, but
simply desire to protest against an
unwarrantable practice and to decline
the position to which I have beon
The English and German sections
of the workinginen's party of St. Louis
contemplate the prosecution of the
policemen who arrested members of
their order at Schiller's hall during the
strike. They intend to make a test
case, and see whether anybody can
be arrested for simply holding a meet
ing for the expression of free thought,
and they will also attempt the release t
of those now in custody by habeas
corpus. A committee has been appoin
ted to confer with the Grangers, on
the subject of a politica1 coalition with
ltluit party. The uongressmen ui
St. Louis are also to be visited, and
the need's of the laboring classes laid
I pie of New Nngland were somewhat
2 jcw ILu:iwaju
C. Fisher is at present in .an Francisco
purchasing a stock of hard-are for his
-new store on Chenamfls sti -;i.
Coi.-i.wox. The Clear was cut
xlowii to Hie water's eiWe ;asi Friday in
.Dr. 1?. K. Fivelaml has located per- co(i antt calculating, but lie was agree
B?. "IS i s;,'sU,i' imildinV. ! W l4 to imd then quite as
....-..,.,... -... ilnfii in 'Pit.' AiTi-Ji i. ...-.-. l wwlitl in f.iiftil l'eCCIltlOll
1)11 V. ilw IM VI. IIVAl uum i" a-.. - -- ilUillbV tlllll .wi.i- ." i.
I -ri. r "i .Srmvr. This noonlar lec
turer on the subject of spiritualism and
other scientific topics, has just closed a
course of lectures to increasing audien
ces at this idaec. Her high moral and
;,.i..ii..iu:ii iMiltnre ranks her amongst
the. outer Victoria harbor by the Doii'.i' i1(,r ,vnonents of the wants and
Nicholas coming in from San Frcncisco. needs of humanity and entitles her to
re,s)cctand encouragement where ever
Not "Room Fxoi(;!i. 'Die primary her lot may be cast. She left this morn
JL ; ' ... ... , , - . hTfor Victoria and the Sound, where
.department oflcbiie school of As- , " i J ' Cshevill meet wilh the sue-
loria is so croquet ii.ii n- j"f..jir vu.- , ccss j.lie jj0 wej reserves.
not all sitiendat the sani" hours, hence i '
some are received but half of each day. j Yankee Notions, ltc-It is a very
i; " ""l . j cojhmon thing to see the words4 Yankee
Gone to Tmseo.-E. S. Larsen went j noi otc;. at tie footof all advertise
below by the Anean jcstculay. intend-jjn(inL T nejm a rQat yariely of
ing to fill his store and siore-roonis with nrtieles too numerous to mentin: also,
a more complete stock than he now has, i toys, knick - knacks, and sometsmes
if nossihlc to find the arl'clcs in the bav ; -wooden nutmegs." But with lrencli--itv
to do it with, i ard & Upshur it would point to tneir
' ' tt excellent assortment of canned gooos,
KTiiniTirr Sxui Three differewt lines which range froin pork and beans aitcr
of business were represented on Cajit
uiax oiiice. , . . , , t .i of the President's party as it was pos
i irisvo as .-larcn consilium iji-nn- .i.,.rt ; t,.,,-.
er's Magic Cleaning Fluid for the instant jsible to be. hverywhcie m Ac.
. - . ..... ..!.. tt I . ,
England there was an appearance oi
thrift. Everyone was comfortably and
respectfully clothed, and during his
tour he saw no cases of extreme desti
tution." The author of the old song, "Lis-
removat oi grease, panu, cicuum i-u-tn-ip.
cariK'ts. is aiso splendid lor clean
ing jewelrv and silver-plate, without in-
v. iTice J. cents a uuilic. oum ij
J. V'.
Perfection Stonewall Whisky,
hand-made sour mash : Snow-hill YVhis
k. tire cooiicr sweet mash; acknowl
edged from it refined taste and delicacy
-" .".' . .!.
ofllavor to 5m' Iwyonil comnanJii uic -aTl-Jn..lwl ' which has
at Ltlr iv.sionu i iuii tu tiiu -'x""'0 j
Hustler's wharf yesterday by the stoi
age of roperr levied uMn by the
sTier'd? upon executions i.ssiied on civil
process for the recovery oi money.
Speum WirAi,E. Captain B. r. Ste
vens of the Varuna, reports having seen
two large sperm whale in -tide, near ?'o.
:; black buoy yesterday. They weiv
verv large ones and seemed to be en
joying themselves hugely, sporting and
iii old pv Fnirland stvle down to oat
meal porridge. Call and try their Yan
kee notions, etc.
Domestic Tew.okapy. Our old
friend Dr. O. P. S. Plummcr is working
una domestic telegraph for Portland.
It is a splendid tiling. It is a branch ot
service which may be counted as some
thing trulv saving in times of need.
This telegraphic alarm put up in cities
ot the size of Portland for instance, can
be ued. (by turning a key to designated
..imk, fnr:i ooliceinan. hack, messen
ger, doctor, exore.-s wagon, po-t boy, or
Goixg East. Mr. it. It. Marion of ; turn in an alarm of lire. The huter is
this city will be off on the next strainer ; the bwt of n). and wWflfnsj;
LOOU.SUUU.SOi Ui'""S j.i--. ;-.v
or two persons are in a house when it i
found to hive caugiu nrc. ium-i .' v
li in this eonntrv. sold
Liquor Store by if. Marx & Co., Water
street roadway.
jar-Photographs! The latest styles
taken at Shunter's new gallery, Cu st.,
next to the Astorian office-
jTan Francisco beer, Steilacoom
beer, Atoria beer, bottled beer and En-
gush porter at tne v.:nicago nouse, jxam
street, jVstoriu. N. Wymun, jiroprietor.
JSi-For clean towels, sharp razors,
niul mi pnsv shave, eo to Gillespie at Pak-
keu House Uatiis. Hair cutting, fcham
poonmg, and dyeing.
JSSTLittlc Van has reestablished
him.-eif at the old corner, lcfrcshed by bi
late journey to the Atlantic tlate?, and
will a formerly altend to all orders in his
line as jreneial jobber.
jg&"The Capital, on Main near
Squeinocqha street, Wm. Appieoy pro
prietor, is one ot the &m!ge.-L and most
quiet places in the cily, . jere the public
can get the finest quality of wines, liquors
and cirrars.
for a Uipaifd visit io friends in St. Louis.
Dick will be able to give people a good
idea of Oregon, naviug oeen inrougsi
various )ort!ous oi urc &i:ue, m
irough J tl, ,r1Ve the alarm, the fire may get he
arious yo:ui control, or if they remain and at
tempt to extinguish ilie flames, when it
: is too late, thev liml an aiarni must ue
p-i-vrvAT of Mi:s. W vss. The fu- siven the fire department. People so
? i m r wiv ii V.ip h! Situated are nonplused, and either alter-
neral of ilrs. A. L. ass will t.uve place native may provc disastrous; whereas.
on the arrival of the Orizaba, due to-day uv the domestic telegraph service, an
Canary Birds. for sale at Gilles
pie's, Parker house baths.
Direct to Astoria. Mr. r.I. Wise
informs the ladies and gentlemen ot A
toiia and vicinity thnt he ha opened his
store with a nice assorted stock oi goods,
which he propose to it'll at bed-rock pri
ee for cash, lb-member the place, oppo
site It. F. Caufield's Duij: Store.
from San Francisco. Mrs. Wasswas
greatly esteemed by the people of Asto-ria.-more
particularly all such as were
pioneers, so to speaK, v.'itn tier Here, and
nianv sorrowing hearts will follow her
tn her final rest in the lonely city of the
dead. Our sympathy is extended to all
in affliction.
ofivm nnnirt tie mvcn in a moment by
sinrpiv going to the hall or room where
the automatic box is placed and turning
the kev. There are few things of more
convenience in proportion to its cost
than this domestic service aiarni, and
we hope its introduction in tins city will
be accomplished.
The entire stock of B. Hamburger will
be sold at immensely reduced rates in
order to clear out balance on hand prior
to the arrival of new goods selected per
sonally bv Mr. Hamburger. Ihe goods
must be sold : prices no object C all and
be convinced. Especial attention is
called to the immensely reduced prices
in our dress goods. B. llAMiiLnrcEis.
Main street, Astoria.
been sung and whistled and played
and strummed and drummed and
banged and clattered all over the
world, with all possible variations, was
rinfc "Alice. Hawthorne," as the title
page announced, but Mr. Septimus
Winner of Philadelphia, who took his
mother's name as r.oin de plume. An
other of Ir. Winner's songs was the
subject of an amusing criticism in a
Phildelphia paper. Miss Caroline
llichings gave it there one evening
when she was singing in English opera
and the critic spoke of it as the "gem
of Mendelssohn's finest compositions .''
Another case of locking the stable
after the hut-se is stolen, is shown in
the verdicb of the coroner's jury in the
late fatal fire in Hale's piano factory,
New York, which rendered this after
noon, censures the owner of the
premises, on account of neglect to pro
vide adequate means for extinguishing
fires, and recommend that the author
ities compel owners of such buildings
to piovide tanks tilled with water anu
placed at the top of the buildings,
with standing pipes from the same
with hose attached on each floor, and
that all drying rooms be built strictly
fireproof ; further, that the commission
ers of public works cause to be prodd
ed larger water mains in that part of
the city.
The latest Charley Boss was not
thi Charlie wanted. Both Mr. and
Tilrs. Boss were positive that he is not
their child. Mrs. Ross says: "Peo
ple are very foolish. If a boy is found
about whose identity there is any
secrecy whatever, they jump right to
the conclusion that it must be my boy.
They never stop to investigate the
facts. Why, I have had five hundred,
yes, nearly six hundred cases brought
to mv notice from all over this country,
j Canada, and England, and in nine
cases out otten, wnen x run mum uu
they were either illegitimate children
or women running away with children
from their husbands." The last boy
was known as Augustus Lovenng, and
was found at St. Mary's, Ohio.
Burglars anu Footpads. It seems
that Portland is not the only locality
infested with these dangerous mem
bers of the San Francisco 'fraternity. "'
Oregon City has got 'em and the En
terprise tells of it this way: "The low
rates of fu-e between San Francisco
and Portland is filling our state with
the scum "of the golden state, and it
behooves our citizens to keep an eye
on their valuables and be prepared
ivirh firearms for the midnight visitor.
Several robberies were committed in
this vicinity last week. Last 'Thurs
day a man named Hodges, living on
the Sandy, was coming to this city and
a couple of road agents stopped him
near the Clackamas bridge and went
through his pockets and got 200. On
Friday morning about four o'clock, a
burglar visited the residence of Mr.
Hadaway, foreman of this office, but
making considerable noise, aroused
the host who routed him out. Satur
day evening while air. Stevens, agent
at the depot, was at supper, some of
these scoundrels broke into the oifico
nid took 29 95 out of the till. This
robbery w;is perpetrated in oxen day
light, while people were passing by,
aud it muss have been a desperate
character who took such chances. The
entrance was effected through the
window on the south side of .the
building, in plain view from the resi
dence of air. William Eudey."