cv )' gfe iXs statwm ASTOETA Sept. 16, 1877 GUILTY. BY ADDIK L. BALLOU. Bead before the working men'sMass Meeting. San Francisco. August 2G, I3i t. Guilty! Yer Honor, I do not deny it. . I did what I could, sir, to help on the not. The right or the wrong of it I don t defend; But where do these money sharps think it wm end? All the days of my life I was brought up to work, And those hands of mine ain't no hands to shirk. They be the willinest hands.I'll be bound. Nor stronger nor abler than them can be found. I be a man for peace, too; but if the right Can't come without it. then I'm for fight. The mouth6 of the children, they must be fed. For hunger, yer Honor, knows no law but bread. Just look at me. Judge. Do I look like a scamp, Because bem' hungry has made me a tramp? Do I look like a dead beat, t-kooein' to roam. If work could be had, and with comfort at homo? inwardly, was it? Well, likely it may be; But I never knowed fear, and I ain't no baby To go whinin' about; nor I ain't no sneak To pander and skulk when its blows that must speak. IVhv. I fit with Grant down the old Missisip. And 'twas there where the cannon's red hot iron lip tspuewed into my side such a foretaste of hell, And tore off my leg with a fragment of shell. I've stood picket duty with death like a ruffin. "Waist deep in the awainps, without a blanket or coffin To give decent rites to dy'n' when dead, 1 "With a daily allowance two slabs of hard bread. And T ain't the old soldier to discount the war, To help win or die is what 1 went for. Nor they won't complain, the dead, though in their graves. Of the forfeit they made to make freemen of slaves. It wassomethin'. no doubt to lie wastin' away Dead-alive in the prisons, without letters or pay; But I count it all in as a part of the cost. And if ecry Mctory ended it, nothin' was lost. We took that for glory, but our Waterloo met. With a tax upon labor to pay the war debt; With wages reduced to compete with cheap labor With Chinese for rivals and the ficcdmau our neighbor. Rights of property, sir? Why, all property gained h the right or the hand that by labor is stained ; Not the grasping monopolists, who selfishly hold The result ot the worker in letters of gold. While industry begs for a pittance for bread, That millions may pity aristocracy's head. Why, these ery railroads, with smews of steel. Were blood w rought from sinew s that quiver and feel. Shall they whose hands lifted the yoke off the slave Bend their necks to a yoke without effort to save Their manhood, their honor, the cheek of the wife, From the insults that crimson a beggarly life? We are cursed by contractors, till labor no more Means honest employment, and homes for the poor. If were idle, we're paupors; if wo work, we're slavos; If we strike out for justice, we're branded as knaves. And now, please yer Honor, I plead to the charge ; I'm guilty of dealiu' out justice at large. I knowye'll allow me one question of grace. Praj, what would jer Honor have done in my place? Scientiiic Adverlisiiu The Springfield Republican calls attention to the fact that ad -vertising on board fences and dead walls is being abandoned from a conviction of its general uselessness. The practice was rec ently denounced at the convention of Stove Manufacturers of the coun try, at Detroit, where the President said: If we would make the beat possible use of our money we should patronize ably con ducted and responsible newspaper:. He added: "the newspaper is immeasurably the best medium open to our trade; the most liberal and expert advertisers testify to its value, and in the employment oi its columns we would iiud a means of escape Irom wasteful uudignilied and ineffective methods." Live commercial men everywhere are fully sensible of the great ben efit derived from advertiing All the great fortunes, especially in the retail trade, have been made by that process. Advertising means the bringing home 10 the greatest number of people posible a knowl edge of the things which one has for sale. In large communities thou sands of persons find that they are in need of a certain article. There are miles on miles of stores where they will be sure to find it. Bi t they do not want to spend a large amount of time hunting for it. It is just at this point that the expert advertiser makes his hit. He has managed by some method of reach ing the public eye to impress the fact upon a majority of individuals that he is the man who has thearti cles sought to sell and on the most reasonable terms. They go strai ght to his store and make their purchase, while the small number that had not been impressed by his advertising go iloundering about till ihey obtain what they want. They fall to the tradebmau who has done no advertising. Ili. buis-ne.-s, ior this reaou. is one of acci deni. Ilis sole dependence is ioca tipn. But for some tune ihere ha; been a doubt as lo the best methods, ol diemiiiatii:ii the knowhtdire nec-e.-csny to suecv.-s in bu-inesas. at Ifar-l as reanH mii-cellaneou ad eit:ig. Bourd leuces and dead wai's' everywhere are coveivd v.'ith advertisement?. Tne panels ol FU'eet car.-: the antra hoc to the fer ries and aii places where there i- a constant gathering of the masses are filled with invitations to buy. Bat it is beginning to be a question whether any real benefit is derived from this practice. The purchaser who is caught by this method has to carry away in his memory the number and street. For this feat few are competent. A great many do not care to take so much trouble. Again, these advertisements are so scattered that the result is mental confusion. One brings away with him an idea in which all sorts of incongruous things aro mixed up. Impossible elephants and pre-Rap-haelite sketches do not help mat ters. The chances are that the de vice gets attached to the wrong thing. In addition to this, there is something akin to resentment in the minds of most persons at this unwarrantable intrusion on their privacy. There is a desire to look upon a fence, or a wall, or a land scape without being reminded that somebody has something to sell. The newspaper is open to none of these objections. Under the system of classification which now prevails, what is wanted can be reached in a moment. Besides, it is at home where the newspaper is that people makes up their minds to purchase. They are not, in one case in ten thousand, reminded by posters or rude paintings that they want something. They dodge the dodgers whenever that nuisance presents itself. If the fact could be got at, we think it would be found that not one buyer in a thousand has been attracted by all the taw dry advertising that is so liberally spread along the streets and roads leading through and to the city. For the reasons stated noihing else could be expected, for to fix on the mind the locality of one's buisuess and the articles one has for sale, more is required than a fence ad vertisement, which is neyer more than naif digested, if it is not abso lutely ignored through resentment. Temple .Lodge, No. 7, A. F. A. M. Regular Communications first nnd third Saturdays in each month, at7.o0 o'clock, i ii.. at tho Hall in Astoria. Members of tho Order, in good standing, aro nvitcd to attend. I3y ordci of the W.M. Beaver .Lodge No. 35, 1. O. O. F. Moot every Friday evening, s22?. at7 o'clock, in the Odd Fellow'? SjSsSlj Hall, cor. of Cass and Chenamus -arafe-streets, Astoria. Members of the fmvt Order aro invited to attend. By order, 2T. G, Astoria Lodge No. 40, 1. O. G. T. Regular Meeting every lucsday Evening nt7 o'clock, at Good Templar's Hall, Chena mus Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker's Store. Members of tho Order, in good stand ing, aro invited to attend. Degree meeting 1st .Monday each month. By order W. u. 1. Common Council. Regular meetings first and third Monday evenings of each month, at V o'clock fert" Persons desiring to havo matters acted upon by tho Council, at any regular meeting, must present tho samo to tho Auditor and Clerk on or before tho Friday evening prior to tho Monday on which tho Council holds its regular meetings. By order of the Council. F. J. Tayi.ok, Auditor. Astoria Engine Co. No. 1. TiAtMilnr rnnnflilv monf inr will I rJs be hold at tho hall ot the com pany, on tho second Tuesday of e.ipli month, at 7 o'clock n. m. ...w ........ ........... . ...-...... -, .. S3. f ll A... 1 A .lSkfktn1 f ' attend promptly, if not the usual fines will be imposed against them, unless legal excuse is offered. By order o f the Company, C. H. WIUGJIT, President. R. X. Cvrnahn Secretary. IVU .UUIUUUlilIU UAIIUWLVU IIS BUSINESS CARDS. ARNDT & FERGHEfa, BLACKSMITHS AND MACHINISTS .rvr Foot of N'a-hington Street, xvc w? near Kiniie&' Fishery. KsSrSk t-" A&ruKIA,UKKUOX.JSt HAVING SECUltED AX ENGINE AXD . Lathe, and the beat of workmanship, we are now prepared to do ALL KINDS OF CANNEHY "WORK, ENGINE AND STEAM liOAT "WORK OF ANY DES CRIPTION. xt,7"irorJc-5hoeinjr, repairing, and all kinds of Idacksuiithing promptly attended tout rea sonable latus. 20", MASH ASTORIA, Near the Invite atten tion ! his Clothing, OTTj-K, STREET, OREGON Globe Hotel. Stock of vae.,jcwelrv and toys. CojiraI Merchandise Boots and shoes Groceries and Provisions, Selected with special reference to tho As toria trade. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Highest price paid for Furs. Sew Good by Every Steamer. ft. LOHB3 ASTORIA OREGON 'Sl u &. t " I c I WW IS THE BEST AXD CHEAPEST STOKE IS" THIS CITY TO FIND. A LARGE AND ELEGANT ASS0KT3LEXT OF Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Staple & Fancy Goods, Notions ALSO AN IMMENSE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF MES'S AND BOYS CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, BGQTg,, S503LS, HATS, ETC. Don't fail to call on us before making your purchases, as you will find it money in your pocket. Respectfully Yours, SCHLUSSEL & KANT, Cor. Chenamus and Main streets. A. YAN DUSEN & CO. "TUALL PAPER, CHINA MATTING, AND- H0U5E LINING, In quantities to suit, for sale cheap at A. Van DUSEN & Co.'s OfHITE LEAD. BOILED OIL, TURPENTINE, ALSO NAILS AND SPIKES, Suitable for street work, All for sale cheap at A. Van DUSEN & Co.'s. -TUST DECEIVED. kllBBE: PAINT Tho bet in tho World. Outside nnd insido white, and a great vari ety of shades in quart, one gallon and five gal lon tins at A. Van DUSEN & Co.'s, Cass street. Astoria. Great MMon in Prices ! SEWING MACHINES DOWN! Xcw family Singer old prico $05 00 ltoduced to 50 0U New family Singer, with drop leaf, drawers ana cover, oiu prico io w Reduced to 0 00 Other styles reduced in proportion. In addition to tho above reduction a discount of 10 per cent, will bo mado on CASH SALES. Machines sold on tho installment plan on liberal terms. A- Van Dusen & Co., Agents. ASTORIA, OREGON. 3ELSCELLAXEOUS. I. W. CASE, Wholesale and Retail DEALER, IN Assorted Merchandise of Every Description. BOOTS, SHOES, AND A C03IPLETE ASSORTMENT, COMPRISING OYER SIXTY CASES, Or THE BEST QUALITY AT LOW EST POSSIBLE RATES. X., W, CASS, Everyone is Bragging that they Ssll Goods very Cheap. So I determine! to jrive up tho Retail Busi ness entirely, and am offering my jjoods AT COST ! No. 1 Diagonal Suits at vo. 2 " " " Light Plaid Suit-, "0. 1 $16 00 1S.0 13 5U 0 00 Dry Hood. Fancy (ioods, Roots and Shoes, Jewelry; nil description of Good-at cot price. 1 fttai jrive. as inducement.-to I he public and to merchants, uO days' credit on satisfactory notes. SAX FJtASCISCO AUCTIOS STOKE, J. BLOOM, Astoria, Oregon. E. S. MERRILL & CO., Blacksmitlis and Machinists. J& Capt-ROGEtU?' OLD STAND Jr3? &s.& . ear Express OlTicc. fcjr ?V y ASTORIA, - UKK(i6x. hzA-fr All tvurk in our line, heavy orlhrht, done with , nentnc and dispatch. nonsEsnoEisG, vagox, a'd Farm AYork a Specially. TTAVrXG SECURED THE SEttYrCES OF XJ. mt. i. A. Gaines of Ky., an experienced Jrarnerof '2t years in the business, and well known to Astoria horsemen, we are prepared to do shoeing in a manner to cure lameness or pre vent it in horses entrusted to our care. iST-All work warranted and at reasonable r8es. Astoria, Oregon. W M. EDGAR, Corner Main and Chenamus Streets, ASTORIA OREGON. DEALER IS THE CHOICEST BRANDS OP Tobacco and Cigars, and the Genuine AYostenholm, and other English Cutlery. Genuine 3Xeerlianm Pipes n Speciality. xjsr Fairchilds Gold Pens, and all sorts of Stationery, Motions, Etc. ?P TJ Co b o o . o O 3 VI Ul ?- Q S H2,o o ff en o S 5 c co Si 5P. H S s- H (-3 3 a O GEG3CE MACLEAN, BLACKSMITH. Water .Street Itoadway, Near Ilnine's Cannery, Astoria, Oregon. Horseshoeing of Blacksmith and all kinds ing done to or- ion guaranteed dei. Satisfact Pt Sliip & Er.sino vor3r a Specsalty. MISCELLAiNTE'OMS. TTUGH STOOP, CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND GENERAL JOSSER -ASTORIA, OllEGON. J03Houses built to order, an-3 satisfaction guaranteed. HENRY SINDLIKGER, DEALER IN STOVES and TINWARE, JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SHOP On Squcmocqha street, betweec Main and Cass stroots, Astoria. Oros&n. B B. Franklin, UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. Squemocqhn street, next door to Astorsra Duildicg, Astoria, Oregon. B53A11 work dono in a skillful manner, on short notice and at reasonable prices. TOILS' BUEKE. (Successor to Vnrwig & Burke). Rife, Gas anil Steam Fitter AND DKALEK I2T IRON AND BRASS GOODS. Also Agent for "SV. C. Wilcox Flavel'3 Warehouse, Astoria. "DATHS, BATHS, Hot. Cold, Shower, Steam and STJLPHUK Baths Occident Hotel Shaving Saloon. Nlederauei: & TJhlexhaut, Propeiistoks. R5T Special attention paid to LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING CSS" Private Entrance for Ladies tm J. R. SPErPARD. Late of Corvallis. C. H. STOCKTON. Late of Kalania. SHEPPARD & STOCKTON. HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE. AND ORNA MENTAL PAINTERS. ASTORIA . OREGON. GRAINING A Specialty- KALS0M1NING, MARBLING AND GLAZING dono to order with neatness and dispatch fiS"Leavo jour orders at tho NEW SHOP, on Main street, Astoria, Orecon. BUILDING 2V1ATERIALS, JUST ARRIVED: 40,000 BRICK; 100 WINDOWS; -AND 200 DOORS; TVHICH WILL BE SOLD AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. DAIN & FERGUSON, Astoria, Oregon. Charles Heilborn,. :maisttj:facttjeee of And Dealer in FURNITUREand BEDDING. ALSO IMl'OltTEK OF CAEPETS, OiL CLOTHS. "WALL PAPER, SHADES, etc. o 'All kinds of reimirinir nromntlv itt- teiuU'ii to. and funiiture made to order. S2rA full line of picture mouldings and fnimes. brackets, window eomiees, etc. SSFull tock and lowest prices comer of Squemoctriu nnd Main stieet, Astoria, WEST SHORE MILLS, r ... sh& Foot of CON COM LY Street im . '-'J2??' gS mt &ii & 'zzS&fiV Jg j.s4s Astoria. Oreson -i- -- " J. C. TRULLIGEPv, - - Proprietor- of the ahove iiill Is now prepared to fill all orders, large ami small, for every kind of BUILDING LUMBER On satisfactory terms. E. C. HOLDER. L. LAUCHERY. HOLDEN & LAUGHERY, U1HGIT35JRERS AXI 1TISXJ TUilE DEAJiERS, At the eld stand-IIOLDEX'3 AUCTION 110031 on Chenamus street. All kinds of upholsteiy and cabinet work dn to order. Manufacturers of Loiuigos, Spring Beds AND Of any size and quality. Picture Frames and Furniture Manufac tured or Repaired by Experienced Werkmen: OS-Second hnd Furniture bought and sh;l. fips. ," riiM'ifeiiu iiAB!I & w . .Bfcc uAt..i -y foCS. Y.--i3E: i-r -tJj4.i vt-".' -5 -wiwShs fcH-.t.jy . .-,,. MHfiMOiMMMHl