The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 16, 1877, Image 1

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Cm jL
Vol. 3.
Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning, September 16, 1877.
m. 88.
gto ailxj tecim
(Monday Excepted),
Astoricui Building, Cass Street
Terms of Subscriptien:
.crved by Carrier, per week 25 Cents
Sent by mail, four months $3 00
Sent by mail, cne year. 9 00
Free of Postage to Subscribers.
fiS5" Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of $1 r0 per squurc per month.
Transient advertising, by the day or week,
fifty cents per square for each insertion.
To City Subscribers.
There are such frequent changes in the resi
dence of our city patrons that u-o shall feel
obliged to any who make such changes if they
will report the same to this office. Otherwise
we shall not foe rosponsiLlo for failure of the
cairier to deliver the paper promptly and
regularly to them.
Tnis Alice. This fine ami fashion
able river steamer, in command of Capt.
II. Empkin, paid Astoria a visit last
week, and is again expected here with
"wheat for export
Ax Axxi vj:ksai:y. Thirty years ago
last Thursday (September i:th). Mr. A.
Van Dusen of this city, landed from his
prairie schooner at Oregon city, the
plains across from Michigan.
Loaded. The Greta finished loading
at the Farmers' dock last night, and the
Mountain Laurel has also completed
her cargo. Both vessels will now soon
be off for European ports with some of
the golden grains from the fertile soil of
Oregon and eastern "Washington.
Explained. The parties who found Stevens on Sand
island, called upon us yesterday and say
that they did not refuse to show where
they had deposited the remains, and i
only asked the sum of Mr to reimbuise
them for ork done, which they claim
was absolutely necessary to secure the
remains from destruction bv birds.
Spiritualistic Colony. We learn
from a gentleman who has just arrived
from Tillamook county, that Dr. Smith,
late of Astoria, is in that part of the
country selecting lands for a colony of
our spiritual friends from this part of
Oregon. "We are infovmed thafr- the
colony with go prepared to carry on all
the elements that tend to build up weatlh
and fffitke their surroundings comforta
ble. Carriage House. J I. B.Parker let
the contract yesterday for a carriage
house So by 30 feet in size, two stories in
hight, to join his buildings just com
pleted in the burned district. "Work
will begin on the new structure to-morrow,
and be completed insfdc of thirty
days. This will make him a structure
over 200 feet in length, from C'oncomly
.street out over and u')on his wharf, near
the foot of Washington sheet.
Busy Scenes. Mrs. Wood worth, in
her letter to the interior press from As
toria impresses one fact upon the mind.
Hint the scenes are busy one.-, about As
toria. This is true, but w ill: all the work
going on money is a scarce commodity.
If Astoria had a surplus of capital to
invest in the grain trade, and develop
the interior, she would indeed rank high
as a commercial city. The great desire
of this public is roads and money to
place in the many profitable lines of
trade connecting the wagon with the
Going into Bustxksk. Ah Kow. a
leading spirit among the Chinese ele
ment of Astoria, lias taken a ten years' of ground at the fot of Washing
ton sfcrevr, and has already opened a
woodvar-I there from which he is sup
plying steamers. Ah Kow a s he sal
nih now to put up salmon all same as
white man, and he goes to China next
week preparatory Id putting up li-h next
year. H will have a wharf end cannery
erected during his absence, and expects
to laiuiJiis vessel at hi own dock on his
i'ettun from the flowery kingdom.
Ax A-toi'.ia JSoirooXEj:. IWore the
tides of October Messrs. J. H. ItuUer A
Co.. will have a schooner afloat, hailing
from Astoria, with a eaiKU-iiy for carry
ing at least 12X tons of freight. This
new vessel will be the fir.t step toward
relieving Astoria from a dependence
upon foreign capital ior our carrying
trade. Mr. Gutter informed us yester
day that he intended the new craft
.should plv regularly in the Tillamook.
Grays harbr. and Shoal water-bay trade.
iSh? is beilfc up from the frame ot the tug
IrierrhiMC, which was dismantled, and
relieved of her machinery about eigh
teen months ago. The new selsooner
v.iU be launched from the yard opposite
West Shore mills.
Komicat, KnosniE. If you want to
laugh and grow phat go and see Konii
cal Krosbie to-morrow night at Liberty
Personal. Mr. Fred Gere, well
known to all Astorians resident here
three years ago, is with the concert
troupe now exhibiting at Liberty hall.
A Good Diet,. The exhibition at
Liberty hall last evening Avas first class
in all particulars. An excellent bill has
been prepared for to-morrow night.
See programme.
Is Operation. "Within four days
after the arrival of the Hera in Gray's
harbor, Mr. G. "W. Hume had his build
ings up, kettles set and all in readiness
for packing fish.
Gray's 31 aeijor Fishery. Mr. G.W.
Hume of this city, who has established
a fishery and cannery establishment on
Gray's harbor, returned to Astoria on
Friday well pleased with his venture.
Another Cannery Afloat. The
brig Sea "Waif will sail to-day for Ump
qua with another outfit from Mr. G. "W.
Hume's Astoria cannery, prepared to
can salmon within three days after her
arrival at the new location.
To the Sea Side. Mr. C. Lienen
weber took his departure for Clatsop
yesterday. He expects to leave by the
Elder on Tuesday for California, for the
purpose of returning with his family
now absent on a visit to the golden
Loading at Knappton. The brig
Orient is at Knappton receiving a cargo
of lumber for San Francisco. The sch.
Hayes is also loading at Knappton for
San Francisco bay. Both of these ves
sels will have dispatch within a few
Recovering:. The friends (f Mr. J.
C. Trullinger will be pleased to learn
that he is rapidly recovering his health.
During the past two or three days he has
been able to walk over to his null, sev
eral yards distant from his residence.
House Moving. The store building
of Maj. C II. Page was raised yesterday
preparatory to its removal one block
westward ho! and upon the opposite
side of Hie street, corner of "Water and
Hamilton streets, neighbor to
Alexandea & Co.
Why Not'? The Oregonian, when
ever a vessel arrives at Astoria, says (for
instance): 'The British ship River In
dus has arrived -in iltc river.' Afraid to
sav Astoria. It would be better to say:
"The ship River Indus is stuck at St.
Helens bar." Why don't he do itV
Ship-master's Reading Room. Mr.
Peter Wilhelm has permanently fitted
up a ship-master's reading room in con
nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria
The latest shipping papers and home
ward and outward bound shipping lists
are kept on file. Call and see him.
Tillamook The new 1Kb
canning enterprise in which Dr. Aug C.
Kinney is at present engaged calls for
considerable lumber which is supplied
by the mill on Tillamook bav. Our in
formant says that there is almost every
facility at hand for the successful opera
tion of the woi ks there.
Tki.i50i:.viiiei fok. The line was in
working order yesterday and Captain
J Wave! U-legraphcd to the consignee in
a T.-,...;. i, .: ,...,., ....
to sec her new fire engine and wished to
have it forwarded by steamship imme
diately on arrival there.
Ix a Jam. When the river steamer
parsed Columbia City yesterday the ship
Kiver Indus was. aground and she had
s completely blocked the channel that
l lie British Peer and llaidee were un
able to ws, so ail three were in a jam
ne;r the future terminus of inland iiai
guioii for big -hip' on th Columbia.
il.n Dot So ? And imw. just to show
the iitileness of "the thing," we again
! quote from the Oreg.mian : "The brig
liaxtn: was to sji'l for Knappton in a
few du s to 1 ijid with lumber for Ails-
I troiia.
ii is nft that the Oregonian
4fvis Kji.;.pton moiv." that sueh blun
dering mention is made. The Hazard
will load at Astoria.
liirrrciynn.-The tug Columbia winch
took the Adventurer to Portland, start
ing up the same day that the Alice
started from here with the Briiish Peer
and llaidee in tow. has returned to As
toria and wHMted lvady for business
again. The Peer and llaidee were at
Columbia City ye54eTday. waiting for
the ISiver Indus to try her luck on St.
Helens bar.
ng the services of
t, will bear in mind
necessitate his tempo-
city for a tune at-
xls in
every style,
rdboard, all colors.
VlllPl 5.
feel like marrying
Diamond range at L.
m is the life of trade,"
aim " v ariewr is tne spice or are. ' AUter
liaSiJiJJiof both, and all the school
booksTcheaper than the cheapest.
The 'Sunny Hearth"' is what you
want for your private office. Call on L.
P. Riclnnan & Co. and see it. Beautiful
Fresh oysters in every style at
Stoves and fall goods for house
keepers in great variety at L. P. Rich
man & Co's.
Mrs. J. W. Munson is prepared to
take a few boarders, with or without
First-class billiard table for sale.
cheap for cash. Impure at the Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Have you seen the Bismarc stove ?
Xo ? Then call at once to-dav, upon L.
P. Richman & Co.
CO. II., or constantly on hand,
the best stock of school books, at the
City Book Store.
Mrs. Dr. Burr, Homeopathic phy
sician, has removed to her new residence
four doors from Liberty hall.
Mrs. Arrigoni is furnishing good
rooms with board at from . to .-?7 and
upwards per week, according to location.
When you want a fine dress suit
to fit you perfectly, get it at home, of
Meade, whose reputation is a guarantee
for success.
Parties wishing a nice dish of oys
ters will find them at the Pioneer res
taurant, served by one that understands
the busbies. Open during the day and
all hours of the night.
Peter Runey is still in the market
with all kinds of building materials in
his line. Has just received 100.000 lath,
l'.(mk) bushels of sand, and a large stock
of first quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street.
Dr. B. R. Freeland has located per
manently in Astoria for the practice of
dentistry. Office in Shustcr's building,
on Cass street, next door to The Asto
rian office.
Griswohls Starch Finish and Lesh-
er s Aiagie L leaning r luiuiortne instant
removal of grease, paint, etc.. from cloth
ing, carpets, is also splendid for clean
ing jewelry and silver-plate, without in
jury. Price '27) cents a. bottle. Sold by
J. W. Gearharl.
Perfection Stonewall Whisky,
hand-made sour mash ; Snow-hill Whis
ky, lire cooper sweet mash; acknowl
edged from its refined taste and delicacy
ofllavor to be bexond comparison the
best in this country, sold at the Astoria
Liquor Store by II. Marx & Co., Water
street roadway.
-Photographs! The latest styles
taken at Shunter's new gallery, Cass st.,
next to the Astorhm office.
JSSySan Francisco beer, Steilacoom
beer, Astoria beer, bottled beer and En
glish porter at the Chicago house, Main
street, A-toriu. 2?. "SYynian, proprietor.
.?" For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an ea-y shave, go to Gilletrpiu at Pau-
keu 1 Iousk Baths. Hair cutting, sham-
jwoning, and di'cmg.
ItSTLittle Van has reestablished
hiuitelf at the old cornei, reirelied by his
late journey to the Atlantic slatoa, and
will a- formerly attend to all orders in hi?
line a? jjcneial jobber.
2T The Capital, on Main near stieet, Ym. Appleby pro
prietor, i- one ol the snugga-t and mo-t
quiet place- in the city, wheie the public
can get the finest quality of wines, liquoi.
ad ciirar-.
Canary Eikds. for sale at Gilles
pie's, Parker house baths.
Direct to Astoiua. Mr. M. Wise
informs the ladies and gentlemen ofA--tuiia
and vicinity that he has opened hi?
store with a nice aborted -toe!: of good-,
which he propo-es to sell at bcd-:oek pri
ei lor cash. Kemember the place, oppo
site It. I Cautield's Dan: Mote.
- . , . , . .
-A uusuiess man should regard
nwveru-m us an investment wnien win
niwa biiujrmnny lold loturn-, though
some times distant; and this investment
should not 1k discontinued, unless h-wi-husto
diminish his tiadand h:olheis
occupy the hVid. While it i- readily con
ceded Umtadveit'singof some kind !.- an
actual necc--Uy, it cannot be denied thai
the be-t medium is a permanent new-paper.
There is no other method by which
the same number of jcaons can be
cached, or which ha? so much influence
uKn those who see the advertisement.
3B7ewspaper advertising is now
recognized by btisine-s mai having iaith in
their own wares, as the ino-t efll-ctire
means for securing for their are a vid
recosuiijon of their ne r'ta.
....ITIAUib Wlflill
Dr. J. Weitfli, Dnitft
tunc imsiJiess will
rary aojence irom trae
ter a fjfr days. g
...jRThite wiregoj
at US'. Kichman &JC
.Perforated A
Ti eiits ner sheet!
a:. Single niejf
vJluii thej see tJl
II Kicliman xm
Local and Domestic.
The little town of Parkersville is
thriving. Oprjosition merchants and
steamboats make plenty of business.
Occasionally a new settler drops in to
add his mite to the general stock.
Norton, on reading a show win
dow sign in a millinery store "Sani
tary Corsets for sale here," adds:
The next article of ladies gear that
will probably be advertised will read
"Medicated night-gowns for sale here. "
The Walla Walla Statesman: Pools
are selling in the eastern states, on the
race between Gen. Howard and Jo
seph. At last accounts Joseih -was
the favorite, and big odds were given
that the red man would get away with
the "hero of Gettysburg."
A "cullud pusson" was fined in
Salem last week for buying a bottle of
whisky for one James Sheridan, an
adjudged common drunkard. The
fine and costs amounted to $15 25.
He says he pays so much money to
learn that it was unlawful to sell
whisky to white men.
A. Baldwin, of Columbia county,
W. T., cut and threshed from forty
one acres 3,100 bushels of oats, and
the oats weighed forty-five pounds to
the bushel, raised upon land which
was returned br the surveyor upon
report as refused hill land. Thou
sands of acre3 were thus returned, but
will not always be refused. Strangers
will come by and by and snap at it.
The Portland Bee: A number of
frauds are going about the city trading
new gold (?) jewelry for old jewelry or
watches, or selling it very cheap.
Many have learned how thin the gild
ing is on the brass for which they
traded gold. People should remember
that ninety-nine times out of a hun
dred, there is fraud when a person
offers that which is valuable (?) for
that which is of little worth.
The Portland Standard: If wo
had thought for a moment; of the fact
that Harvey Scott was connected with
the Telegram ive might have known
that the dispatches we took from it
were frauds. He is a fraud himself
and whenever he can perpetrate one
he will do it. A man who saw the
penitentiary in view unless Gibbs was
removed and Deady scared, is compe
tent to do most anything.
The Marysville Appeal says the
paradise of California lays contguious
to the southern boundar' or Oregon.
Northern California, by her immense
crops of grjiin in a season of drought
in other parts of the State, has gamed
an enviable reputation for her produc
tiveness. This section has been dem
onstrated as the garden of the golden
gate a vast extent of territory capa
ble of producing annually millions of
solid wealth. The counties of Yuba,
Sutter, Butte, Tehama and Colusa
have no equals in farming resources,
and their prosperity is assurod in the
future. There are millions of acres
vet untilled within the territorial area
. - . , " . ,
I liame.d n? men with inod
urate means
and industrious habits may lind an
opening by which wealth can be ac
quired within a few years.
-A Mr. Schuyler, traveling through
San Joaquin valley thus describes a
portion of the ceuntry: A region of
more utter desolation cannot be im
agined. For forty-twu miles from
.Bantas to Hill's ferry there is not a
spear of green grass or blade of wheat
to be seen. Tho isolated ami-houses
dotted at intervals over the bleak and
barren plain wear an aspect of hope
less povertj-. Many of them are de
serted by their owners, who have
gathered then efiects together and
with their families have sought em
ployment and sustenance in other
more favored lecalities: Wulia Walla,
Oregon, and northern California. The
river is the dividing line between the
sands plains and the cvev loan:.
On the west side there is no .sand, but
Cuimilenci M the y;Vl... it extend?
t back for n.iles into ihe iiu- litir, and is
so light and rest Hnds so steadily to lb
pcraunsi' n of the 'zephyrs" occasion
ally blowing up the valley that, as the
stage drhex- expresses it: ''v. i:.ortgage
wouidn't hold on k.'
CLL-LIiiXt.' OCT iLIl.
The entire siwek of V,. Hamburger will
bcwihlr.t inmien-ely rrunoit rates hi
rder to clear out b.ia?:ee .u .jm d prioi
o thf a; rival of r.v gtt- se! aed -r-ftia!iy
by Mr. lt;t!":i.rgtr. '1 ' ted
iuu-t he sold : prire.- no oJet. Ca.l and
ciivineed. E-Teeial attention is
Mlkd : the fiunifiw i mluctd pnets
I in our dresii em-":-.- J. 5 Iamb? koku.
' . Main ttit Abtoria
Dansrers from the Dead.
From the Medical and Surgical Reporter.
That the dead should kill the living
seems a paradox; yet nothing is more
true. Indeed we venture to say that
every year in our land corpses inurder
more people than their assassins do.
Xot only have intraural interments poi
soned whole blocks and quarters, not
only has drinking water, contaminated
by grave yards, nearly spread disease
and death through country hamlets, but
before the process of decomposition
commences there is often a great and
pressing danger from infectious disease.
We quote a recent instance:
Dr. Goldie, the medical ofllcer of health, for
Leeds. England, in his report to local author
ity, .states that every one of thirty people
who attended the wake of an Irish girl who
recently died in that town from typhus fever,
were attacked by the disease ana no fewer
than nine of the cases ended fatally.
So strongly have the needless dangers
of exposure at funerals impressed the
medical mind, that the health board of
Xew York have issued a circular recom
mending that no public or church funer
als should be given to persons dying of
either diptheria, scarlet fever, measles
or whooping cough. In Chicago also,
where scarlet fever and diptheria have
been severe this past winter, the recom
mendation of one hundred medical men
in council was in these werds:
funerals of any
fy infectious or
ner that the sep
aration of tiie sick person from the well is the
most certain means of preventing the spread
of the disease.
A writer in the Baltimore Physician
and Surgeon last December, went so far
as to advocate the passage of a law on the
subject, the average American man
looking upon a law as a cure-all on every
occasion. He thought it should embody
the following provisions :
1. Whenever any one dies of contagious
disease, the publication announcing the death
should state the cause of death.
2. No person except the immediate family
should lie permitted to attend the funeral,
and the handling and burying of the body
should be intrusted to persons who devote
themselves to that business.
:;. AsuuScient number of carriages should
be kept for special purpose of attending fu
nerals, aim i lie uirmgoi iiiein ior o:ner pur
poses should be prohibited, under tho sever
est penalties. are good suggestions, but people
should learn and obey them out ot a nat
ural sense of sanitary propriety, not out
of obligation to a statiite.
Lucrum:. Mrs. Stowe will give her
last lecture in Astoria at Liberty hall
this evening, at 7:30 o'clock.
Quick Wokk. Mr. A. H. Sales of this
city, who has been oyer to Tillamook
bay setting the kettles for Kinney's can
nery, returned a few days ago. The
brick for the cannery arrived on a
Thursday and by Saturday following
Mr. Sales says they were putting up
fish. He reports that fish are not so
plentiful as they are expected to be later
m the season, but Air. Kinney had 400
eases ready for shipment when Mr.Sales
Later fkoji South Bund. By the
Gen. Canby which returned direct from
South Bend last evening, we received
another letter from Mr. Shannon,
informing us that Mr. Scully has died of
his wounds. Mr. Wood is slowly recov
ering and it is hoped will entirely re
cover, lie was thrown over the engine
and into the pit of the flv wheel, where
he was cru-hed badly. The machinery
is less hurt than was at first supposed.
Moiie Fit.tii. A gang of celestials
started the foundation of another house
over the swamp yesterday, on the cor
ner of C'oncomly and Washington street.
It strikes us as a matter of sfine
ouence, looking to the health of Antoria,
that the city fathers should compel
property holders who lease such ground
for such purposes to sufficiently drain
it. We remember that at the time prop
el ty on Chenamus street was leased t
Chine-e. a great deal was said alu;e
drahiu-je. Whether anything was done
r not we are not prepared to Fay. but it
is very certain that there is a mo-t
alomiuah!i stench arising from the.
closets and sinks of China-town and if
there is no law which a Chinaman is
bound tf respect, it is about time that
the owners of 7 he lot-, leased to them
were compelled to do something of a
purity ing nature. Complaint has leen
made time and again concerning these
sink-, ar.d beore any moie such cess
P' i -is aie created, the work of removing
xi.ting nuisances ought to begin.
Takk Yen: Lor at, Papkr. Do tha
city papers say anything in 'regard to
your own town? iNothing. Do they
enntain notices of your schools, ehurch-p-.
;'poven out- and hundred-' of other
haal oiatteis of interest which your
Ivme pap-i' publishes without pay"?
Xot 5n item. Do they ever say a word
'R'eriaied to draw attention to your
i'ouny and aid in its progress and en-revpr;-?
.S'ot a line. And there' are
men wh" take such contracted views of
hi- matter. Hint rnless they are gettrnf
:s man :-i:tare inch's of reading mai-
er ir their own as they do in a city pa.
j:er ih-v jhiuk they are not getting the
worrh vt their uiouey.
, 4
Jtia. fiiHi. V