(?) gft ailg si0imx. COMMERCIAL AND SHIPPING. It. ALEXANDER. E. LOEBENSTEDT. FOR SALE, TO LET, ETC. ASTORIA Skpi. 15, 1877 Title TuMe tor Astoria. SEPTEMBER. From tables of United Statos Coast Survey. lliKU Water. Low Water. Day. ii... 10.... A. M. i m. A. M. v. M. ... 7 35 0 481 ... 8 4K. 7 Wl 1 11... 2 ID... 3 21... 4 10... 5 01... r so... 0 05... 0 01 1 10 2 2fl 4 03 5 02 5 51 0 03 7 10 7 50 834 17 .. 9 JX) 8 flS.. .. 18 io 42 9 rr 10 11 24 ..10 41! -0 11 Si 11 27 2 .. o roi ,... 0 00 .. 0 47 O .-. 0 48. ..v. 1 22. 1 22j.... 1 'M.... 7 21. li4. 43. CLEARANCES ASD DEPARTURES. svn.KD BKcbfoot, Wet- 3(2 toiw. Wliee'vrright, S. F. Sppt 13 Kinclune. 700 tons, CnitnlebS, for Queenstown, Sept 13. -Tity of Chester. 8tr., HOfi tons,"Bolles. S. F Sept 12. Ajax, Ftr 1351 tons. Mackie. S F Sept. 11. Orir-aba, ts. 1241 tons. Johnson. S F Sept. 11. lalancthon. Met. 2SS tons Manson S F Sept 7. California, str. 74 tons. Thorn. Sitka. Sept, 5. ARRIVALS FROM SEA. Geo. W.Elder 1709 tons, Cora. Connor, S. F. Sept 14 te ves. 6ch. S F.. to load lumber at Knappton. SVpt 13. XIaidee.Br.bk,787 tons, Durkie, S. F. to load for t-uroDe. bept. 13. Kiver Indus Br bh 1856 tons. Hewitt, S F to load for Cork, Sept. 13 Aucon, str 1G10 tons, Debney, S. F. Sept 13. British Peer, Br ship, 1230 tons, Clements, S. F. to load for Uuropc Sept 12. Sea "Waif, brig, 273 tons, S.F. to load lumber for Australia, Sept. 12. Thomas Corwin. U. S Rev. Cutter. J. W. White, Com. from Alaska Sept. 12. British Monarch. Br. sh. 1263 tons. Banks. H. F.. to load for Europe Sept. 8. Adventurer. Br bk 716 tons.Braithwaite.Newcatle K. S. W., via S. F., to load for Europe, Sept. b Orient, brie 312 tons. S. F. Sept. 8. Oban Bay, Br.thip, 111 tons, Sunderland, to load for Europe, Sept . fi. Alden Besse, blc 811 tons, Noyes. S F, to load for China. Sept. (L Eskbank. BbfiOO tons, Barr, fm Glasgov, na Hon- olnlu. Sept . Garibaldi, bk. S70 tons, Forbes, S. F.. U load for Hongkong. Sept. 5. PaJ arena, Br. shim 1002 tons, Oliver. S. F. to load fm turope, bept. 4. Greta. Br ship, 1249 ton,, McCredie, S. F. to load for Europe, Aug. SO. Mountifs Laurel, Bb. fififltons, Agaew from laver pool ria. Victoria, pril 23. Gussie Telfair, str. 113 tons. Gardiner, lm Sitka Feb. 26. Laid up in Portland. VESSELS OS THE WAY. Domestic Ports. J,os ABgelefc, str, 4B3 tons. Alexander. S F Sept. 11. Rival, bk 290 tons. Adams, S. F. Sept, 10, Hazard, lwjg, 315 too;. Walker, S. F. to Joad lum ber for Australia. Foreign Ports. City of Nankin. Br sh. 9. '6 tons, MeLean. S F to lead for Liverpool, Sepi'. II, Candida. Br bh. 127! tons, Mathcrson, S, F. to load for Europe, Sep. 1', Abeofta, Bi.979 tons, Hamilton, from Liverpool, March 2ft. jiuenos Ayres, French bk. 6iV tons, Voisin, S. F. to load w h-at for Cork, jjeecrof t, British bh 1626 tons Rice, F to load for Europe Sept. 8, Pianapore, Br bk. 1074 tons. Hanson, S F, to load for Cork, owners account. Ciibralter Swe bk 761 tons Eriksen fu Hull Eng land Ilennetta, Ger bk, SjJ2 ons. Wobecken, S F, to load for Cork, lialton Castle. 478 tons, AngeJ, fm Liverpool. La Ehcocesa. Br fk- 996 tons, Evans, Sfl.n Pedro, to loftd for Europe. MounJfcLbAno8t JBb Hall, from Hongkong, May 14 J?jlgrim tbip fcom-JIongkong. August 4.. Prince Aiaadoes. Bs Linnkill, Karrjoche India, Sealed proposals ;ill be received by tbe undersigned until the 25th day of Scp teiulicr, 1877, at 12 o'clock i. ForiBullding City Jail and other Buildings. .u aoeordmice with I:uis and specifications Sn the liands of the uudensined. J2"Tle committee reserve the right to re ieet any or all bids. 3). K. WAPiREN. II. KKOWN, C. II. PAGE. Com. on Health and Police for the City of Astoria. 80-td OYSTERS! OYSTERS! SERVED IN'EVERY STYLE AT SCEDUSEKS CONFECTIONERY AND Refreshment Saloon. AH kinds of French, Germ:m and American Candies constantly on hand, whole-sale and retail at the lowest cash price. ALSO Wedding cakes made to order on short notice. The patronage of the public is respectfully .solicited. GEORGE W. eORiJART. DEALER IX FINK IMPORTED AND DO MESTIC fjlOARS&TflBACcO BOOKS, STATIONERY, NEWSPAPERS, BlltD CAGES, WILLOW ware, etc., irrc. SOAP, PERFUMERY, AND NOTIONS. A FULL LINE OF MUSICAL GOODS AND SHEET MUSIC CONSTANTLY ON HAND. All the leading; Xeivsimpere of the K&tion CoiiMtntly on Hand, North side of Chenamus street, between Cass and Main - - - Astoiua, Oi:egox. BILLS OF LADING, WAY BILLS, Receipts, and all kind of Commer cial Printing, done at tho Astoriun office. CALL, EXAMINE, ORDER.-SSfc .-y j- -. Ilwaco Steam Nav. Co. SUMMER NOTICE. THE ILWACO STEAM NAV. CO.'S STEAMER GEN. CANBY, 3 Will leave Astoria on Mondays, TtiCMlays, Fridays A Saturdays At 8.30 A. M., sharp, for Fort Stevens, For! Canity, and Ilwaco. Connecting with L. A. Loomis' stages for Oys tcrvillc. Passengers wishing to visit the ,.,,., FORTIFICATIONS AND LKJUT-IIOUsEa at cither Fort Stevens or Cape Hancock, (Disappointment) will have from one to three hours time, and return to Astoria same day. Fare to Ft Stevens 50cts " " Ft. Canby or Ilwaco - - $100 FOR TICKETS, TOWAGE, OR CHARTER, Apply either at the office of tho Company, Gray1 wharf, foot of Benton street, or to the Captain on board. J. II. D.GRAY, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. Dy order of the President, L. A. LOOMIS. Astoria, Clatsop, Youngs River and Knappton. Until farther notice tho Steam Launch jy&SL s.a.:&x, A. C. FISHER Master. "Will leave Hustler's wharf, Astoria, daily except Sumiavs, FORSKIPANoXLAXIMNCatS o'clock a. in., returning same day. Tho SAM can he chartered for freight or towing to any part of the bay. JSFor particulars apply on bor.rd. For Towing. THE STEAM TUG m. BOCIUU Master Will attend to all kinds of Towing on the Co lumbia river and tr butarics. .Ofiico in Portland atCorbitt & Maclcay's at Astoria, Occident Hotel, or on board, For Passengers and Towage. The New Tug . rLj KIP VAX WIXKLE, fTJT ? W. II. Whitcomb Master. Having iiccommodutions for passengers, and capacity for first class towing, is offered for business to all point's on tho Columbia river and bay, at reaeonablo rates. fcSFor particulArs apply to Allen & Lewis, Portland, or to Trcnchard & Upshur, Astoria, or on board. uTtf "DROWN & McCABE, STEVEDORES AND .RIGGERS, Portland nnd Asria, Oregon. p8 On all 'businefcS entrusted to our caie, Wilis faction guaranteed. T a. FAIRFOWL & SON, tj STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS Portland, Oregon. Ro&r by permission to Ropers. MeyorsJk Co., Allen i: Lewis, Corbitt JcMacleay, Portland, Oregon. s IBSON, HAAnLTON & HIGGINS. Ship Chandlers. Provision and General Commission Merchants, Cor. Concomly and Benton streets. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. TRBNGH1RD & UPSHUR Successors to Capt, Geo. Flavet DEALERS IN 8Mp6b3BtH6FY PROVISIONS, IRON, STEEL, COAL, Builders' and General Hard ware, SASH AND DOORS, LI3KT"I?S9 OILS C&30. C$3C At the 011 Established Well Jcnoion Stand -OK- GEORGE FLAVEL, Chenamus Street, AEtoria, Oregon. fc sm tjoT VATL to WWto f- send for oar Ke-r I V V H Catologse. It con 1 M H H tains valuable Info r I M B B matlon for every 1 BM BM H icrsK contem R BBkHL plating the pnr BaW VmBV chase of any article VMKm HHr forpcnocaLfamllj rlcHltural use. Tree to Hy Addrew. f ,OKTGOMEltY WAW CO., X- Original Grsage Supply Hoose, - sfTr-zhtz fc J u - rr TtfVSk. tfj JKJyK rrrTV r R. ALBXA3STDBE, & CO. IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IX CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, CROCKERY, AND General Merchandise. Carrnthcr'M Building, Water Street ASTOKIA. KSyAlso will attend to a general shipping nnd commission business. iAgents for the best brands of California pure Liquors. P. S. Country produce taken in exchange. ROI3T. HICKMOTT. Hickmoti Wholseale and GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, FRUITS, ETC. A PULL LINE OE CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, CUTLERY, Etc., Etc.. -WHICH AVE WILL SELL Cheaper for CASH than any other House in. the City. K3fiivo us a call at llickniott's old cornor. the city. XtlEIDTTOIIKrG- TN CONSEQUENCE OF A CONTEMPLATED CUASGE OF THE FIRM Mendelson Bro's HAVE MARKED PRICES DOWN TO THE LOWEST NOTCH, AND WILL SELL ARTICLES IN THEIR LINE AT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. '-THIS IS THE TIME TO Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc., at Cost ! ! Apply to 3flCO30LC3LljSC2a. lOaO'iS Main street, next door to the Washington Market. O -A. Boolis and Stationery, ISTotlons txxc3. To3Tj3w ALL THE LATE STYLES OF FINEST NOTE PAPERS, ENVEL OPES, Etc., ALBUMS, MUSIC BOXES, NOTIONS, TOYS, Etc. Chenamus street, Astoria, Brown's Building, next door to tho White House. B5T GOLD PEXS AXD PESCILS A SPECIALTY. C. E. JACKINS. Successors to C. E. JACKINS & CO., Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts. Astoria, Oregon. DEALERS IN Stoves, Granite Ware, and Tin and Pressed Ware, OF ALL KINDS. S" Jobbing of every description promptly attended to. MAGNUS C. CKOSBY. Li. P. Richman & Go. r (Successors to Bailey &, Richman.) DEALERS IN HOUSE FURNISHING- GOODS, STOYES, TIN WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, WOODEN WARE, TOYS, ETC. JOBBING IN TIN, SHEET IRON, AND COPPER A SPECIALTY. Keep also Lead Pipes, and 1,000 other things too numerous to mention. When you want a stove, trimmed from top to bottom in first class style give us a call. Orders from abroad will reccivo prompt attention. VTou will find us in Young's now build ing, north side of Suueinociha street, Astoria, Oreson. OC3XjXJ3VIDSI IBIELETVieJIJEI.Y, E.PAPMAHL & CO., PROPRIETORS, jJSTOEtljaL, OL3E2CS-OKr- rpHE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETORS OF THE COLUMBIA BREWERY JL just erected nnd placed in operation nt Abtorin, wish to inform the public that we are now prepared to fill all ordors for asplendid article of -r" r- t-n ii Having every facility for doing , r sr J2-i-Tfc.y THE VERY REST OHAltACTElt Oh WORK f A,I "Dvfflnrl "RT?T?T? f Mr. Papmahl being an Experienced Bi ewer, ( iiXLCL JDUlllcU JDiJjIi . CS-Tho COLUMBIA BREWERY WILL WARRANT SATISFACTION IN TILLING ALL Orders. Give us a trial. E. PAPMAHL & CO.. Astoria, Oregon. D. K. WAMIK.V. C. A. McGcibk. Astoria Market I Corner of Chenamus and Cass streets, ASTORIA. OREGON. WARREN & McGTJIRE, Proprietors, (Succemaorg to Hobgon A Warren,) Wholosalo and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT. VEGETABLES, ETC. W Butter, Eggs, Cheese, otc. constantly on hand. " Ships supplied at the lowest rat e. T. BAILEY. & Bailey, llotail Dealers in TABLE Goods dolivered froe of charge, to any part of STOCK. 9 t SECURE YOUIl CXOTHIXG. ABLE DEALER IN E. R. HALVES. LOUIS P. RICIIMAN. Washington Market, Main Xtreet, Astoria Oregon, lifRGMAN J) BERRY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of tho public to the fact that the abovo Market will always bo supplied with a EULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH ANDCURED MEATS ! "Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supply ing ihips. Jt? IBMI TpOR SALE. 15,000 Brick at tho Farmers' "Ware house, at 11 00 per thousand. Apply to J. BASSETT, 63-dlin Sovoy's Saloon Astoria. "T OTS EOR SALE OR RENT. Two lots, well situated on tho corner of Ilobson and Squemoqha streets, will be sold cheap for cash, or will be leased low on five years time. Inquire at this office. d-wtf rpo RENT. One Store and several Offtees in SmitU'H ISuildinp: on the roadway. For further particulars inquire at L. K.G. SMITH'S cigar stand. 7-21-dtf Cor. of Main and Chenamus. MISCELLANEOUS. BARBOUR'S IRISH IXAX THREADS ANT) SALMON NET TWINES. Barbour Brothers, 119 Pine street, San Francisco. Henry Ioyle, Manager. d.w.tf PAIN ERADICATOR, The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Age I The World Moves, and rules we Pre- grehs we ko Uuckwanl. .Nothing Remains stationary. Put up in large bottles, and for sale by druggists and dealers. If you happen to bo in a locality whero STEELE'S PAIN ERADI CATOR cannot bo obtained, send to the near est wholesale druggist, or the Agents, CRANE & BRIGHAM, Wholesale Druggists, Snn Francisco. BtSTFor sale in Astoria by R. F. Caufield and W. E. Dement. W. E. DEMENT, DRUGGIST, g ASTORIA, - - OREGON, Carries a full Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Prescriptions filled with care Day or Night. JK5" Manufacturer of Fishermen's Relief. A sure preventative of Chapped liands, and euro for Fish Wounds. fcSTDoraent's Florida Water, price 50 cents. a inc muoi CAiENdlVc CA T C! T ATJCTP-KTJCi Q )WL X-"1 JLLOUttOXliVO Comer of CASS and Squemoqha Streets, ASTORIA, W OREGON.! New Invoices va bt evebt STEAMER. CALL V - V A?&7 AND P. Afew H rx n.$ - m V4S J- - l 7 . - faion anfljCarriage Sloj. Squemocqha street, betwoen "Washington and Polk streets. AST0RTA OREGON HEXItST tfALLOU, Proprietor. rpiIE PROPRIETORDRIXGS WITn HIM A an experience of 25 years in this business, and having constructed vehicles of all dis cription from A lluprjsy of 125 Potmdtf IVeiffht TO An 8,500 Pound Wagon, Is prepared to guaranteo satisfaction to any who may patronize him. Ho will use nono but the best materials, and will make wagons and carriages equal to any sho, in tho country. K3TPersons in want of work will save money by finding this shop. UB-Blacksmithing and ship work promptly attended to. jyj MEYER, ; ASTORIABREWERY, Having all tho necessary machinory for first class work, skillful Rrewers, and using none but tho bett quality of materials, the Proprie tor is propared to manufacture LA GER BEER in any quantity, from a single bottle to a bar rel, and put it up in good condition for ship ment or immediate uso. Families and keep ers of public houses promptly and regularly supplied. M. MEYER. Proprietor. H. SPELLMIER, BOOT and SHOE MAKER, ASTORIA, OREGON. Has just received a splendid stock of LEATHER and TRIMINGS, The best in Oregon, and will now fill any order, at the lowest nriena. for thn best nnd finest of Boots and Shoes. k. df - AAi S3 A