The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 15, 1877, Image 1

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Yol. 3.
Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, September 15, 1877.
No. 87,
-HS5-S5 BS55- 5-5-5- 55!a: ?
glx gaxljj Qsizxizm.
(Monday Excepted),
A&turian Building, Cass Street.
Terms of Subscription :
berred .y Carrier, per week ..23 Cents
Kent by mail, four months : (Hi
Sent by mail, cne year. 9 00
Preo of Postage to Subscribers.
R55" Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of Si ."0 per square per month.
Transient advertising, by the day or week,
fifty cents per square for each insertion.
To City Subscribers.
There are such frequent changes in the resi
dence of our city patrons that wo shall feel
obliced to any who make ?uch changes if they
will report the same to this office. Uthcr wise
vre shall not bo responsible for failures of the
carrier to deliver the paper promptly and
regularly to them.
Workixgmex's Bally. See notice
of Lecture at the Com t-house this even
ing. zr::::-
Waxteix The want of a sewerage
system in Astoria was clearly demon
strated yesterday.
Married "We are no longer in doubt.
Bob Ilickmott will come home dupli
cated. See notice of the occurrence.
1 . your friends wish 3011 much joy
Auction Sale. Remember the auc
tion sale of groceries at the stand of
liuxford & LaDow, Main street to-day.
See advertisement and posters.
For Astoria. Out of all the clear
ances from San Francisco on the 10th
six vessels in number, five were for As
toria. The Ancon, Elder, Los Angels?
Candida, and City of Xankin.
Here. Crosbie & Scott. great com
edy, farce, Variety and olio company ar
rived by the Elder and will give their
first performance to-night at Liberty
hall. See ad in another column.
English Coal. The caigo of the
"German bark llenriette, Wobecken, is
from Liverpool, and consists of 1.244
tons coal, io Amnion, Caspari & Co. She
will be due at this port next week.
Public Schools. The first week of
the public schools of Astoria under the
new regime closed last evening. Pupils
and teachers appear to be equally well
pleased with the beginning of the term.
Barbarous. According to all ac
counts the person who found the body of
11. K. Stevens at Sand island last Satur
day is more of a barbarian limn civil Used
man. We are informed that he refused
to show the spot where he had buried
the body, unless Mrs, Stevens' friends
paid him $1Z 00.
Ocean Trade axd Travel. Three
Tegular trans-Atlantic steamships and
one extra vessel leave New York for
European ports to-day. A considerable
decrease is noticeable In the shipments
f freights, attributed partly to the ad
vance in freight rates. The quantity of
cram leaving New York now is fair.
The shipment of bepf is very small,
amounting only to about 800 quarters
the past week.
Uxiform Adopted. Rescue engine
company No. 2 held a special meeting
Thursday evening for the purpose of
adopting the report of the committee on
"uniform. ihe uniform consists of a
regulation fire liat black belt bound
with red. Mr. Shcppard, chairman of
.the committee has wrote east to ascer
tain the price and they will be had as
soon as they can be got here. The shirt
Is a beautiful design got npbySurpre
nant and Sheppaid and made bv the
kindness of Mrs. Stockton. The sliirt is
-of plain red flannel, large shield in front
-with the letter 11 on it, and black but-
umn. oumv imnj m lwitj i uiis liu'iii-
Some thirty or fortv of the mom-
iers nave ornercu their s nrls. The
boys mean business. All tney want is
the support or the citizens of Astoria,
nd your property is safe in their hands.
Pricely Incomes. Somebody has
iven (on paper) the princely income of
15.000 net per week to Capt.
S. Ct. ceeu. ana ineirassoe
:.. ?!?
K ik 11 e sfntcme n't k .rnwi1 5, Ji
SVa KnSKHn tlieof
Oregon Steam Navigation
come. ' 1 ne expenses or Handling such
a fleet of boats as are owned by this corn
pan v. keeping up repairs, wear and tear,
etc., could not by any possibility be
managed with the sum which this gen
orous scribbler allows them. Besides, if
it were so, who is more entitled to a
princely income in Oregon, than this
same Oregon Steam Navigation Company?
South Bend Mills Boiler Ex
Since the paragraph was written
which appears elsewhere, concerning
the explosion at South Bend on Thurs
day, we are in receipt of full particu
lars from Mr. J. H. Shannon, book
keeper for Messrs. Wood & Co. The
explosion occurred at 7:15 a. m. Two
of the three boilers exploding, causing
a fearful wreck of a portion of the
mill, and some of the surrounding
Edward Payne, killed, and the body
mangled beyond recognition.
John Scully, fireman, badly scalded
and both legs crushed. Probably
John Wood, proprietor, seriously
scalded, one leg broken and otherwise
badly injured.
Donald Boss, badly scalded about
the head and arms.
Joseph Goodell, seriously injured
by jumping from the mill floor to the
Drs. Balch and Hayes are in attend
ance upon the suffering.
None others were injured to any
extent. Everything is in a terrible
state of confusion.
The schooner Enterprise had finish
ed her cargo and was just swinging off
from the wharf when the explosion oc
curred. Capt. McAllep immediately
dropped anchor, and lent every assist
ance in his power.
Debris was thrown over a quarter of
a mile from the scene of the disaster.
Will send you further particulars by
mail. J. H. S.
Cards, Paper, Paper-bags, etc.
By the Geo. W. Elder yesterday, we re
ceived a heavy stock of all kinds of
cards, card-board, etc., which we are dis
posed to dispose of at a fraction above
cost Now is your lime to secure first
class articles in the printing line, at
second-class prices.
Relief to Writer. A correspond
ent of the New York Tribune says : "If
writers will place the pen in position
and put a short rubber band such as is
used in bundling papers, around the pen
holder and index finger, the pen will be
held in place without the aid of the
thumb and they may write without
cramping the hand.
Domestic Exports. The Ancon on
her last trip from Astoria carried the
following cargo : 818 sacks potatoes, 1,020
half, 1,711 quarter sacks flour, 9 boxes
eggs, 200 sacks oats, 242 sacks barley,
14.900 ctls wheat, 124 boxes apples, 131
boxes pears, 40 boxes prunes, 91 boxes
plums, 1 box fruit, 1 empty pipe, a boxes
nails, 1,000 cases and 1 keg salmon, 19
hides, 10 packages merchandise. Valued
at S4G,030.
Won't Go. A lady in Salem, says the
Statesman, has been trying all summer
to get a letter to her sister in Browns
ville, Tennessee, but up to the present
time she has failed, her letters going to
Brownsville, Oregon, thence to the dead
letter oflTye. Our Brownsville. Oregon,
postmaster ought to read carefully, and
our route agents ought to be able to see
the difference between Oregon and Ten
nessee. Lucky Spuds. The potato disease
has been raging in many parts of the
world, but it seems to have had little
effect in California, judging bv the num
ber of Murphys chosen to the legislature
on Wednesday of List week. P. W,
Murphy of San Luis Obispo has been
chosen Senator from the third district:
B. I). Murphy of San Jose from the
seventh district, and J. C Murphy from
the ninth (San Francisco) district J.
E. Murphy of Del Norte and K. W. Mur
phy of San Francisco have been elected
Assembly-sen. The last named is a
republican, all the others are democrats.
""Rah for the spuds.
So Home Like. The Xew York Tri
bune says: As usual, after a conference
j of railway managers, they have con
cluded on an apportionment scheme
which discriminates against rue com
! inerce of this citv both outward and in
ward, by giving lower rates on freight
to and from Philadelphia and Baltimore.
Freights from Boston are to he the same
as from here to Chicago, though the dis
tance from the Massachusetts capital is
a hundred miles greater. As usual,
also, a hope had been generally encour-
1 favor Xew York, it woi
unnmeiiii was 10
ould seem to be
I al,out time to have this tnin
S e railway -agnates.
are al
ways willing to talk and make promises
about benefitting the city. Measured by
the facts of their compacts, that talk is
:&5SNewsrarjer( advertising is a
permanent addition to the reputation of
the goods advertised, because it is a per
manent influence always at work in their
Wiftfcwire goods in every style,
at L. Mcjfiiman & Co's.
..Perforated cardboard, all colors,
25 cents per sheet, at Adler's.
Siagje men feel like marrying
when tkwsee the Diamond range at L.
P. EicKman & Co's.
"Opposition is the life of trade,"
and ''Variety is the spice of life. Adler
has a little of both, and all the school
books, cheaper than the cheapest.
....TJ'Sunny Hearth" is what you
wnt mQur private office. Call on L.
P. IvifTifcui & Co. and see it Beautiful
Fresh oysters in every style at
. . . .SjQfres and fall goods for house
keepejEpvgreat variety at L. P. Bich
manyfe;Cos. First-class billiard table for sale,
cheap for cash. Inquire at the Occident
hotel, Astoria.
JP,ve J011 seen ne Psmarc stove '?
No Vjfigfikn call at once to-day, uponL.
P.cjfman & Co.
C. O. IL, or constantly on hand,
the best stock of school books, at the
City Book Store.
Mrs. Dr. Burr, Homeopathic phy
sician, has removed to her new residence
four doors from Liberty hall.
....Mrs. Arrigoni is furnishing good
rooms with board at from $0 to 37 and
upwards per week, according to location.
When you want a fine dress suit
to fit you perfectly, get it at home, of
Meade, whose reputation is a guarantee
for success.
Parties wishing a nice dish of oys
ters will find them at the Pioneer res
taurant, served by one that understands
the business. Open during the day and
all hours of the night
Peter Buney is still in the market
with all kinds of "building materials in
his line. Has just received 100.000 lath,
2,000 bushels 01 sand, and a large stock
of first quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street
Dr. B. B. Freeland has located per
manently in Astoria for the practice of
dentisiiy. Office in Shuster's building,
on Cass street, next door to Tiie Asto
riax office.
Griswolds Starch Finish and Lesh
er's Magic Cleaning Fluid forthe instant
removal of grease, paint, etc., from cloth
ing, carpets, is also splendid for clean
ing jewelry and silver-plate, without in
jurv. Price 23 cents a"bottle. Sold by
J. W. Gearhart
Perfection Stonewall Whisky,
hand-made sour mash ; Snow-hill Whis
kv, fire cooper sweet mash; acknowl
edged from its refined taste and delicacy
of flavor to be bevond comparison the
best in this country, sold at tha Astoria
Liquor Store by H. Marx & Co., Water
street roadway.
35-Photographs! The Latest styles
taken at Shuster's new gallery, Cabs si.,
next to the Astorian office.
SFSan Francisco beer, Steilacoom
beer, Astoria beer, bottled beer and En
glish porter at the Chicago hou;e, Main
tstreet, Astoria. N. Wyman, proprietor.
spSS" For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an easy shave, go to Gillespie at Par
ker House Baths. Hair cutting, sham
pooning, and dyeing.
JSSTLittle Van has reestablished
himself at the old corner, refreshed by his
late journey to the Atlantic state, and
will as formerly attend to all orders in his
line as general jobber.
UST" The Capital, on Main near
Squemocqha street, Wm. Appleby pro
prietor, is one of the snuggest and most
quiet placet in the city, where the public
can get the finest quality of wines, liquors
and cinanj.
UWe publish birth, marriage
and death notices free ot charge, but ex
pect them to be .sent to the office. The pay
i not largo enough lor us lo wear out our
patent leather bots in searching for the
particulars of gratuituous items ol any kind
jSfThe sloop Magnet one of the
finest passenger boaU on Uie hay, under
command of Cupt. John K. Wirt, one of
the most experienced makers emplo3ed
in thee waters, is ready for special trips,
anytime. We recommend ihe Magnet to
anyone in want of a pleasure trip on the
bay, or to points of interest about Astoria,
during the summer season.
Canary Birds. for sale at Gilles
pie's, Parker bouse baths.
Direct to Astoria Mr. M. Wise
informs the ladies and gentlemen of As
toria and vicinity that he ha opened hi:
store with a nice assorted stock ol goods,
which he proposes to sell at bed-rock pri
ces fur cash, lvemember the place, oppo
site It. F. Caufleld's Drus Store.
The entire stock of B. namburger will
be sold at immensely reduced rates in
order to clear out balance on hand prior
to the arrival of new goods selected per
sonally by Mr. Hamburger. The goods
must be sold : prices no object. Call and
be convinced. Especial attention is
called to the immensely reduced prices
in our dress goods. B. Hamuui:geu.
Main street, Astoria.
Fire Matters.
Meeting of Board or Delegates.
The Board of Delegates of the As
toria Fire Department met at the en
gine room of Co. No. 1. F. J. Taylor,
president pro tern, B. Van Dusen, sec
retary pro tern.
The committee on credentials, Case,
Fulton and Stockton, reported the
following persons entitled to seats in
the beard:
Chas. Stockton, J. W. Surprenanfc,
J. Clinton, from Rescue No. 2; I. W.
Case, Chas. Wright, W. Chance, from
Astoria No. 1; F. J. Taylor, C. W.
Fulton, B. Van Dusen, from Hook
and Ladder No. 1.
The following officers were elected
for the ensuing year:
President, F. J. Taylor ; Secretary,
E. D. Curtis ; Treasurer, C.S.Wright.
Adjourned to meet at same place
Thursday evening, September 20, at
seven o'clock, for further business.
California Exports.
The following details show the amount
of grain and flour shipped from San
Francisco from July 1, 187G, to June J0,
Cental?, Value.
Amount shipped 10,olG,713 $18,5S,878
Ain't arrived at ues'ation lomo I8,l-W,555
Amount on the wav 167,4."5 43.123
Liverpool 102.S.T3 238.21)9
Cork lor orders 72,302 191 ,907
Breman 1,978 5,117
Amount shipped
Am't arrived at des'ation
tVmoimt on the wav..
Tiie Valley Chops. The wheat
crop of Benton county, from the best in
formation we can gather, is unprece
dentedly large, and the warehouses are
last iiUing up. although harvest seems
to be unusuelly late, caused partly, no
doubt, by the lerge aniout o grain
headed. In Linn county many of the
leading farmers will hereafter dispense
with headers and substitute self-binders.
Many of the farmers seem disposed to
hold their wheat for higher prices.
From ihe present outlook it seenis that
wheat, in Corvallis, should command at
least one dollar and fifty cents per
bushel. One dollar was paid at Halsey.
last Monday, and many farmers sold at
that figure, while others held for better
terms. Wheat pays at one dollar, but if
it is worth $2 2.1 per cental in San
Francisco the Oregon farmer could bet
on $1 f0 per bushel in store house at
Heavy Blows. Destructive torna
does occur in the western states with
sufficient frequency to be regarded as
somewhat characteristic of certain re
gions. High table-lands in the interior
of continents are more exposed to vio
lence from winds than any other por
tions of the temperate zones. Of the
exireme fury and strength of a tornado
no conception can be formed by persons
who have never seen it work. Against
its power, if fully displayed, no struct
ure of human hands can stand for an in
stant. There need be no surprise that
the bridge over the Missouri at Omaha
was torn to pieces when struck squarely
by a tornado, nor does the fact reflect
any discredit upon the bridge as a piece
of engineering. Fortunately, visitations
of this sort are comparatively unknown
to dwellers this side of the Kock Moun
tains. CANDinATES.-lt is currently believed
that anelcction was secretly held in As
toria last week to select a successor for
Brighain Young, and only but for the
following dispatch, the successful can
didate would nave sailed for Salt Lake
city by the Chester yesterday: "The
Tribune's Salt Lake correspondent pre
dicts not the disruption of the Mormon
church, but its abandonment of polyg
amy as a consequence of Brigham'.
Work Everywhere Wc are some
what curious lo know what it is that
makes times so dull in Astoria. Every
body appears to he busy and new houses
are started every day in the week, but
somehow or another business doesn't
pan out well and we .-ire called to note
the closing up of two more business
houses in the past few days.
Suit-master's Beading Boom Mr.
Peter Wilhclni has permanently fitted
up a ship-master's reading room in con
nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria
'Che latest shipping papers and homo
ward and outward bound shipping lisib
are keptm file. Call and see him.
' -,
A Sensation Disclosed.
A Villain Scales the Front of a Fashiona
ble ResldeHcc of this City, Gains Ac
('ens at Midnight to the Chamber of
Two Lovely Yomng Ladles and escapes.
Notwithstanding strenuous efforts to
suppress publication, we have privately
obtained the following particulars of an
outrage in fashionable circles that calls
for redress. Last week one of Astorias
most charming belles of blushing eigh
teen welcomed an equally prepossessing
and youthful lady acquaintance on a
brief visit from the east. After spend
ing a pleasant day indulging" the "lion
sights' of the sea-port city, where
the two had been the observed of the ob
served for their singular beauty, they re
turned home, and about 930 retired for
the night. In the 'irms of Morpheus'
tney peacefully reposed together on one
couch, "till the witching hour of night,"
when their peaceful slumbers were dis
turbed by a scratching at the window.
Horror! On the blind appeared the
shadow of a man ! -ImpossioleP they
ejaculated; but the end of the rope held
by the window sash too truly disclosed
the wretch's modus operandi. One
shrill cry and they buried their once
lovely but now pallid cheeks beneath
the clothes, tremulously whispering to
each other -'Oh, whut shall we do?'
Suddenly the silence was broken by the
raising of the window; the intrusion of
a head and shoulders, followed by rude
footsteps on the sacred threshold of that
chamber of innocence the fiend whis
ner'ng uIIush! Hush! Peace, on your
lves ! Amie, let not your gratitude fail
you to impress upon your young friend
that the White Sewing Machine has no
equal in the universe ! With a bound
the villain a.r,ain took to the rope, slid
down and effectually escaped. In the
interest of an outraged society, exchan
ges will please copy S. F. C7wo?ucZe,
September 9tli.
A'otes and Comments.
It is beyond doubt that Job was
well acquainted with Egypt. His
book describes the Nile with its rush
and flag, its hippopotamus and croco
dile, and it is therefore, supposed
that it was written in Egypt, or, at
least, after the author had made a long
stay in that country. The Abbe Vic
tor Ancessi, goes so far as to attempt
to prove that Job had copied or
adapted to the Semitic taste many
hieroglyphical documents; moreover,
he finds in them doctrines such as the
trinity, the resurrection of the body,
and even the idea of the redeemer, the
last two of which are mentioned, ac
cording to M. Ancessi, in Job.
When Field Marshal Von Moltke
was a simple colonel he astonished the
members of his mess by his regularly
taking ten Frederick d'ors out of his
pocket at the beginning of dinner, and
laying them beside his plate. Always
after dinner he re-pocketed the gold,
buttoned up his coat, looked sourly
around, and disappeared. It was re
solved to ask him the meaning of his
strange behavior. "Well," he said:
"I have noticed, from the time I
entered this regiment, that the con
versation at the table has always
turned on women, or cards, or horse
racing, and I have determined to
make a present of ten pieces of gold
to the first man who should start a
sensible subject. Ho one has yefc
earned them."
F. Tennyson, brother of the poet,
has written a letter on Spiritualism,
in which he says it is the grand subject
of the day, to which no other ap
proaches in importance. The psychi
cal and physical phenomena and un
questionably genuine facts, he thinks.
In London and elsewhere, "he says,
"spirits are incarnated for periods
vraying from a quarter of an hour to
three hours, and appear in the seance
rooms in the midst of the assembled
company clothed in habiliments palpa
ble and material, which under micros
copic inspection lose nothing of their
wonderful superfine spiritual texture,
whereas human fabrics under similar
conditions become cables and cart
ropes. Out of these garments por
tions may be cut before the tempo
rary organism dissolves into its origi
nal cerements, wliich it does even as
you are looking at it, and the rent in
the garment is instantly filled up, and
no appearance of the rapture is visi
ble." From the letter it would seem,
that spiritualism is a family matter
with the Tennysons.