' t Czt -w - gto ail jsiarfcra. ASTORIA, OREGON: D. C. IRELAND . Editor. FRIDAY Sept. 14, 1877 The engineers of Marseilles have discovered that since the opening of the Suez canal the level of the Medit erranean has sunk 3- inches. The Paris Journal des Alpes has T3een summoned before the correction al tribunal for publishing an insulting .remark relative to General Grant. In Sumatra the expedition of the Dutch Geographical society has dis covered a mountainous region of great beauty and fertility, peopled only by -a few wretched Malays. Among the patents recently issued are several to Sir. Holly, of waterwork fame, for his system, of warming a city by steam, supplied, as gas and water are now, through a series of mains. The following sound opinion about Sam Bowles is from the Hart ford Ceuranfc: "The Springfield Re publican was afraid somebody else was .going to do a mean thing, and so it hurried to get ahead. " AParis military tribunal has passed .sentence of death upon ItL Lyaz who .acted as deputy mayor of the twelfth arondissment during the commune, and was guilty of incendiarism and ordering illegal arrests. The site of the ancient city of Sybaris, in Catania, southern Italy, famous for its habits of luxury, is to be explored by the Italian govern ment. Excavations will begin this fall. Sybaris was destroyed by tli3 Cretans about 510 B. C. The steamers which watch over the Suez canal have been increased from two to four, in consequence of ihe mysterious arrest of an Armenian or Maltese, said to have been provided "with a chest of dynamite cartridges with the design of blowing up the canaL At the recent anniversary of the London Anti-cruelty-to-animals soci ety, Prof. Huskin said that he thought the society "had not sufficiently en deavored to promote affection to ani mals. It had been too much in the police court and too little in cottage and field." The strikes interfered seriously with the circuses and menageries that were traveling by railroads. Banmm's and Forepaugh's concerns were unable to move from near Chicago for a week, and their losses were very heavy. Other establishments were almost ruined. f The new oyster law of England went into effect on the 1st of Septem ber. It prohibits the sale of oysters known in ihe trade as "deep sea oys ters," between the 15th of June and the 4th of August, and any other des cription between the 14th of May and the 4th of August. A wooden model of Cleoxratra's needle has been placed in Parliament square, "Westminster, in order to as certain the eligibility of the place as a site for the monolith itself. It stands in front of the statue of George Can ning and between those of Earl Derby -and Lord Pahnerston. They have introduced in Ger many the novel idea of having bands to discourse sweet music at auction sales. Large crowds -come to hear the concert and are drawn into the vortex of bidding. Such an ingenious idea should have originated in the United States, and cannot long Lick of imita tors here. Mysore, the famine stricken principality of southern Lidia, to which Queen Yictoria alluded in her speech proroguing parliament, com ' prises an area of 27,000 square miles, and has a population of nearly 4,000, 000. Besides the common grains the province usually produces cinnamon, pepper, cardamon, coflee, raw silk, vthe betel nut. and sago palm. Grant a Burgess. The freedom of the city of Edin burgh -nras presented to ex-President Grant by Lord Provost Sir James EalshaTr, last week, Two thousand persons were present. In reply to the Lord Provost's speech, Gen. Grant said: "I an so filled with emotion that I scarcely know how to thank you for the honor ' conferred upon me by making me a Burgess of this ancient city of Edinburgh. I feel that it is a great compliment to me and to my country. Had I the proper eloquence, I might dwell somewhat on the history of the great men you have produced; of the numerous citizens of this city and Scotland that have gone to Amer ica, and the record they have made. "We are proud of Scotchmen as citizens of America. They make good citizens of our country, and they find it profita ble to themselves. I again thank you for the honor you have conferred upon me." Three cheers were then given for the youngest Burgess. ainckilteo Salmon. From the Seattle Intelligencer. "We are in receipt of a letter from George T. Myers, superin tendent of the Muckilteo salmon cannery, in which he complains of an article in last week's Snohomish Star, making some "references to allusions" (as Major Blake would say) upon the firm of Jackson, Myers & Co., for using labels prin ted with Columbia river salmon on their cans. These cans are put up in cases bearing the stencil mark of "Jackson, Myers & Co., dealers in Hermetically Canned Salmon, Muckilteo, "W. T.," on every case, and no attempt to sell them as any thing: but Puset Sound salmon has been made by the parties packing them for export. The Muckilteo affair is a branch of Jackson, Myers & Co.'s establishment at Kamier, Oregon, and is purely an experi ment. As far as the labels used by them are concerned, they were ordered printed in March, and did not arrive till August 5th, whereas the firm had everything at Muckil teo "red hofj "by 25th of July. Does any sane man suppose they would go that long without labels. This firm had a brand which al ready stood as well as any other Oregon brand of salmon in the San Francisco market; does any body suppose they would sacrifice the reputation of that brand by palming off an inferior article of iish? True, the Puget Sound sal mon lias not the oil of the Colum bia river fish nor so brilliant a color; but he has a finer grain and a m-ore delicate flavor. Though the Columbia river fish can be canned more easily on account of their size, yet the Puget Sound salmon are so much more plentiful that the balance is in favor of these waters. So impressed are they with, the importance of Puget Sound fisheries that they are con temr lating a removal of their works to fciamish where they will open next year on a much larger scale. So far, they have canned about 4,500 cases, equal to 210,000 cans, of which 1,519 cases have already beeti shipped to San Francisco by the JDakota, and 1,000 more are on tlie .Nellie to be transferred to the City of Panama on her arrival. Our salmon are deemed identical with those of the Fraser river and they have stood the test of the English, Scotch and Irish markets successfully for the past six years. Hen ce we have no fears of the out come. Five years hence, will see branches of all the leading; Colum- bia river canneries here. If they have good luck in Ma-, they can stay at home where their own in terests are; if they fail at home, Pugtt Sound offers a welcome to their industry. The Superintendent of the Govern ment; printing office lias issued a cir cular to Senators and Representatives rjqueiiting them not to lend their in fluence in. behalf of any person seeking appoin tment in the Goverment print ing office, as he intends in the future to run' the office according to his own judgment. Heirs and ftotes. Congress will meet on the 15th of October in special session. The bark Hindu is due at Port land according to the Oregonian. The Black Hills and Big Horn mountains are now free from hostile Indians. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A4nrtti!omn J The Astorimi has a AQ VertlSingi 1 larger circulation on the Columbia river than all other state papers combined. T S.WORSLEY. -De AUCTIO ISSON MERCHANT. Office t opposite Washingto rfcet. . BAIXT o'clock P. AT. Sales Day, Sa lOO'ClockA.HI. sell real estate, merchan- Will di?e, furniture, otc. Consignments respectfully solicited. Diagrams and terms to be had on application to the Auctioneer. B, S. WORSLEY SPECIAL SALE. On Sati morning. September 15. 1877. at 10 o hentire slock of groceries and iniscel ds of Huxford & LaDow's. at their Alain street, consisting of ;. Candies aps, iMuts, dies, Fruits, e, Notions, Hardwc Wooden Ware, Willow Ware. Glassware, The last grand opportunity. The sale will be continued until the entire stock is sold. Sale positive. Terms, CASH. B. WORSLEY, Auctioneer. "SEW TATLOR SHOP. GEORGE I.OVJETT, TAILOR. Benton street, (opposite the Custon House). Gents suits made to order in latest styles and warranted to in. 27-CJolhe.s cleaned and repaired. CANDY FACTORY. THE UXDERSIGXED TAKE PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE TO TIIEIll PATRONS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL THAT THEV HAVE LATELY LARGELY INCREASED THEIR FAC TORY AND ARE NOW PREPARED TO FUR NJST&GOaD AN ASSOKTMKNT IN THEIR LINfe AS ANY HOUSE ON THE COAST. Special inducements to cash custo- 3IERS. AMSKY & IIEGELK, P. O. Box 64. 105 First Street. Factory oh Alder Street, between First and Second Street, Portlnnd, Oregon. Great Reduction IN IE DEL X O DEJ 23 I I AT THE PIONEER Boot & sioR STORE Corner of Cass and Squemocqha streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. FOR, THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS I WILL SELL ALL MY LARGE STOCK OF Mens', Boys', Ladies', Miss es and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES At a coiisiderable reduction from previous prices, many kinds AT COST! C.J.SMITH, Prop. "NIL DESPERMTDina, Lime, Brick, Sand jXc3L XjTBC; ALIO t AS CHEAP AS CAN BE LAMED I ASTORIA. Can be had in any quantity at mv wharf. BAgent for salo of San Juan Lime. PETER EUNEY, Astoria. BILLS OF LADING, WAY BILLS, Receipts, and all kinds of Commer cial Printing, done at the Astorian office. CALL, EXAMINE, ORDER.- Nf&OOMH . o jtain sirco aP; Mh Ml SAI. J jFrom 7 ttf 9 f JE " Roeafar tmrdur.Jal tifetabrfsbnni miiiv "t . .V 'clacwi RneoJLcoo uiuBtauaon Teas, if Rjfoes coimi sujRirsf un Spiceft By -. K 1L. FOR SALE, TO LET, ETC. TfOR SALE. 15,000 Brick at tho Formers' Ware house, at SH 00 per thousand. Apply to J. BASSETT, 63-d lm Sovoy's Saloon Astoria. rpO RENT. One Store and several Offices in Smith's Ituildinjr on the roadway. For further particulars inquire at L. K. G. SMITH'S cigar stand. 7-21-dtf Cor. of Main and Uhenamus. T OTS FOR SALE OR RENT. Two lots, well situated on tho corner of II ohson and Squemoqha streets, will bo sold cheap for cash, or will be leased low on five years time. Inquire at this office. d-wtf MISCELLANEOMS. TJUGH STOOP, CARPENTER AND JOINER, AND GENERAL JOBBER. ASTOHIA, OREGON. IIouses built to order, and satisfaction guaranteed. J OHN BTJEKE. (Successor to Varwig & Burke). Plrnier, Gas and Steal fitter AND DKALER IN IRON AND BRASS GOODS. Also Agent for W. C. Wiltox Flavel's Warehouse, Astoria. T ATHS, BATHS, Hot, Cold, Shower, Steam and SULPHUR Baths Occident Hotel Shaving Saloon. NlEDERAUEtt & UHLEXHAltT, PROPRIETOF.S. &B Special attention paid to LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING eST Private Entrance for Ladies-SSa J. R. SPRPPARD. Late of Corvallis. C. H. STOCKTON. Late of Kalania. SHEPPARD & STOCKTON. HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE. AND ORNA MENTAL PAINTERS. ASTORIA..- ORESON. GRAINING A Specialty. KALS0M1NING, MARBLING AND GLAZING dono to order with neatness and dispatch. J"Leave your orders at tho NEW SHOP, on Main street, Astoria, Orejcon. BUILDING MATERIALS. JUST ARRIVED: 40,000 BRICK; .- 100 WINDOWS; AND 200 DOORS; WHICH WILL BE SOLD AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. BAIN & FERGUSON, Astoria, OroRira. Charles Heilborn, MANUEACTUKEU OF f Ffr And Dealer in FURNITUREand BEDDING. ALSO IMPORTER OF CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. "WALL PAPER, SHADES, etc. KTA11 kinds of repairing promptly at temlen to. and furniture inside to order. T"A. full line of picture mouldings and frames, biackets, window cornices, etc. JS'-Full stock and lowest prices, comer of Squemocqha and Main street, Astoria, WEST SHORE WILLS. Foot of CONCOMLY Street ROADWAY, Astoria, Oregon J. C. TRULLLNGER, - - Proprietor, of tbo abovo Jf ill Is aow prepared to fill all ordors, largo and small, for every kind of BUILDING LUMBER On satisfactory terms.- E. C. HOLDEN. 1. LATJGHERY. HOLDEN k LAUGHERY, ITPMOI.STEKEKS AXI PCRXI TUBE IXEAXiERS, At tho old stand HODDEN'S AUCTION ROOMS on Chenamus street. All kinds of upholstciy and cabinet work dono to order. 3Ianufacturer3 of Lounges, Spring Beds, AND Of any sizo and quality. Picture Frames and Furniture Manufac tured or Repaired by Experienced Workmen. BSTSecond hand Furniture bought and sold. Sxs fc nflB2 '1 s AUCTION SALES. E. C. HOLDEN, AUCTIONEER and COMMISSION AGENT CHENAMUS ST. ASTORIA, OREGON. Consignments respectfully solicited, bills col lected and returns promptly made. Regular Sales Day. Saturday, Refer By permission to C. S. WPTOITT WARREN & aicGUIRE Hon. J. Q. A. BOWLBY A. VAN DUSEN, J.W. GEAKHART. E, C. HOLBEN, Auctioneer. HOTELS AND EESTAUEANTS. Private Lodging House? Mrs. J. WMUNSON, Proprietress. CHENAMUS ST., ASTORIA. Choice Rooms (furnished) to let by the Month, Day or Week, at reasonable prices. RSTThi? is a uew, hard finished house, in a quSet locality, on tbo 2d block below the Custom-house; it is all newly furnished, and haiH been built rat and mouse proof.- Apply at tho small house next door. None but respectable persons need, apply. QCCIDENT HOTELr A. J. MEGLER, C. S. WRIGHT, Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. The Proprietors are happy-to announce tha tho above Hotel has been Repainted and Refurnished.. Adding greatly to the comfort of its guests AND IS NOW THE BEST HOTEL NORTH OF SAN FRANCISCO. S-H. CAKDWELL. C. H. PERKINS. Parker Souse Hotel, Corner Main and Concomly streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. Car dwell & Perkins. Proprietors. IiIIIS IS TnE LARGEST nOTEL IN AS . torio, new and now furniture, furnished! in first class style. The table will bo supplied with tho best the market affords. Accomodations to suit tho times, from SI 25 to S2 50 per day. Steamers and sail boats leave the wharves and slips near tho Hotel, daily for Fort Ste vens Fort Canby, Skipanon, Fort Clatsop Sea fcide. Ocean Beach, Knappton Chinook,. Unity, Oysterville and other places of resort in this vicinity. tt&5 There are now fivo large salmon can neries in Astoria, whioh employ over 1200 per sons in tho various branches of tho business,, making Astoria as it now is, a point of interest to visitors, independent of its cool invigorating summer climate. pAUFORNIA RESTAURANT WATER STREET ROADWAY. Opposite Oregon Steam Navigation Company Wharf ASTORIA OREGON The above new Restaurant will ho open from and "after to-morrow, Sunday. January 7th, 1S71, D. BUSAN ICH 4 CO. Proprietors.- A. BOISON. WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER. Main street, Parker's Building'. Astoria. & HAS JUST RECEIVED A FINE As sortment of Jewelry of tho latest styles, also a fine sssortmont of Gold and Silver Watches, which will bo sold at lowost prices,, and warranted from two to ton years. J&B"Particular attention pai&to repairing. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT, Chenajius Strkkt. Astoria. Tho public aro invited to call and leavv thoir orders. Splendid Lager 5 cent a glass. Free Lunch every night. WM. BOCK & Co., Proprietors. Oregon City Brewery Depot II. irUMISEL & MItO, Proprietors On the roadway, opposite 0. S. N. wharf. ASTORIA, OREGON. Besides tho colobrated Oregon City Boor,, will keep constantly on hand all kinds of tho finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars, at whole sale and retail. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guar anteed. Beer fivo cents a glass and a good free lunch. Astoria Brewery Saloon And Bottled Beer Depot ! MAIN STREET,AST0RIA. B TJDOLPH BARTH, MICHAEL MYERS, Proprietors The Best Ouality Lager Beerr FIYfTcENTS A GLASS. VS" The patronage of tho public is respect fully solicited. Orders for Lager, or Bottled Beer, iu any quantity, promptly filled. fi Freo Lunch day and nicht. BUY THOSE BUT THE XEW IM5KOTX3 FLORENCE SEWING ftlAGHiNE, THE BEST - - WOULD Eor sale at the CITY BOOK STORE. 2j?ap' J