kTX f vv 0) -flp -r mmn - si5W?- . Astoria, Oregon, Friday Morning, September 14, 1877. Vol 3, No. 86, r V glxs ailij st0imx. ISSUED EVERY MOBNESG, (Monday Excepted), M. C. IRELAND : PUBLISHER. Astorian Building, Cass Street. Terms of Subscription : Served by Carrier, per week 25 Cents Sent by mail, four months S3 00 Sent by mail, cno year. U 00 .Free of Postagtf to Subscribers. ttST Advertisements inserted by the year at the rate of Si 30 per square per month. Transient advertising, by the day or week, Gfty cents per square for each insertion. To City Subscribers. 'There are such frequent changes in the resi dence of our city patrons that ire shall foel obliged to any who make such changes if they will report the same to this office. Other wi-se we shall not bo responsible for failures of the carrier to delivor the paper promptly and regularly to them. Soggy. The weather yesterday fore noon was soggy, wet aud foggy the mellnachollyest day of the year. Cleared. The barkeutine Webfoot, with a cargo of lumber valued at $7,777 sailed from Knappton for San Fran cisco yesterday. Centennial, Stock. Those who bought stock in the Philadelphia Cen tennial show will get back onlv $1 75 on each share costing $10. For Lumber. The schooner Hayes arrived at Knappton yesterday under charter to load lumber for A. M. Simp son & Brother, San Francisco. Removed. Dr. Freeland yesterday removed his dental office into the new building built by Mr. Sinister, next door to the Astorian oilice. See card. New Front. The new front just put into the Armstrong building on the roadway improves the appearance of that row of tenements very much. Didn't Hear our Hand Offenbach Is very fond of repealing to his friends and admirers in Paris that he found no music in America except of his own band. Domestic Exports. The cargo of the Orizaba Sept llth, for San Francisco was valued at $25,350 GG. Besides 0.94(5 centals wheat, she took away a large quantity of other productions. Suspended. We have no banks nor life insurance corporations in Astoria to suspend operations, but the weather yesterday before noon was decidedly unlit for all out-door employments, and work upon streets and 1 he newest build ings temporarily subsided. Ship-master's Beading Boom. Mr. Peter Wilhelm has permanently fitted up a ship-master's reading room in con nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria The latest shipping papers and home ward and outward bound shipping lists are kept on file. Call and see him. Funeral Notice. The funeral of the late II. K. Stevens will take place to day at 10 o'clock a. m. The body was found last Saturday near Sand island, by some persons and temporarily buried there. Yesterday relatives of the de ceased secured the body, when it was prepared for burial on Clatsop to-day. Public Spirited. Seeing a good wagon rol d out of upper Astoria leading on towards Tongue Point, upon which a team can haul a good load, again re minds us of the lack of enterprise at .iionie. We must say that our upper- town neighbors possess very consider able of the quality lacking in Astoria public spiritedness. Yery Suggestive. In the London Exchange and Mart appears the follow ing unique advertisement: "A magnifi cent machine, made to my order this spring, cycle bearings, Carter's patent brake, &c., &c. ; cost me 10. Would ac cept handsome gravestone, to be erected in Lower Norwood Cemetery, in ex change. Short of cash only reason.'5 Full Fledged Jockey. The hack er of a horse in Sacramento bet $500 on a race and deposited pieces of. lead pipe, sealed to look like rolls of gold pieces. On being detected he argued that there was no fraud because his horse was sure to win anyhow; but that argument lid not satisfy the crowd, and he was compelled to test his horses speed to escape being mobbed. Fire Company Matters. At the annual election held by Astoria Fire company No. 1, the following offi cers were elected : Foreman John Burke. First Assistant P. Wilhelm. Second Assistant Henry Miller. President A. Yan Dusem Secretary N. Carnahan. Treasurer G. A. McGuire. Board of Delegates W. Chance, I. W. Case, Chas. Wright "What we are coming to. A new use for dynamite has been found by the fishermen on the coasts of Cornwall and Devonshire. In a report recently pre sented to the House of Lords it is siared the practice of destroying fish by means of dynamite is so common that it is feared the pilchards, mackerel, and her ring will not stand such treatment, but will leave the coast forever. There is talk of a bill to make the use of dyna mite for fish-killing purposes a criminal offence, punishable with imprisonment and hard labor. A difficulty in dealing the matter arises from the fact that the dynamite is general used beyond the three-mile boundary. New Soutii Wat.es. Besides the coal which we are now burning in As toria, New Soulh Wales has other mines. The returns of gold mining for 1876 show that in that colony, as in Vic toria, mining is a declining industry. The gold sent to the Sydney mint in 1870 was 73,454 oz. below that of the pre vious year. A more satisfactory ac count is given of the year's progress in coal mining, the value of the year's out put being 1.319,918, or very nearly the same as in 1875, notwithstanding the de pression that has been complained of in that industry. The aggregate value of the mineral products of the colony for 1S7 was 2,18.,095, an amount which if smaller than the results in former years still serves to show how large and varied are the mineral resources or New South Wales. Whither are we Drifting. A striking confirmation has been afforded of the correctness of the estimate that glaciers move from sixteen to eighteen inches a day in summer, and less than half that distance in winter. In 1820 a Bussian physician. Dr.IIamel, attempted the accent of Mont Blanc, when three of his guides were swept away by an -avalanche, and never more heard of. Some yeais later Prof. Forbes made some ob servations on the glacier toward which these guides were drifted In the ava lanche, and from the rate of glaciers movement he was led to predict that within forty-live years from the time of the accident some remains of the unfor tunate gides would be reaching the ter minus of the glacier in the immediate neighborhood of Chamouni. This came to pass. In the summer of 1SG1 human remains were found there which were identified as those of Dr. Hamel's party. Beautiful Laws. The attachment laws of Connecticut and other eastern states arc very remarkable when con trasted with similar procedure in other states. Any man who chooses to bring a suit against another can have the hit ter's property seized house, horses, or even perishable propei fcy, such as fruit or meat or can take possession of his store and close it up, without giving any security for the damage he ma y occas'oh and without any proof of the justice or even of the probability of the fairness of his suit. A beggar, utterly irresponsi ble, may thus proceed, or even a for eigner or a resident of a distant state. If the plaintiff, after thus proceeding, is defeated in the suit, he cannot be com pelled to pay for the damage he has caused. If his suit was utterIy without foundation he can only be sue'd for ma lic'ous prosecution, and if without proi erty even if a judgment were finally ob tained against him, it could, of course, not be enforced. Harvesting in the Yalley. Har vest work is being crowded to the ut most and it is generally remarked that this week will see a greater share of the crop gathered. This may be true of this immediate vicinity, says the Yamhill Beporter, but not of the upper pare of the county. J? armers are never so far advanced with their harvest work in the southern part of this county and the contiguous portion of Polk as they are in this section and have only made a fair beginning on the spring crop. The de lay there is attributed to ihe sea breezes which strike that belt of country through Salmon river pass, and retard the rapid maturity of grain although there is no injury done. The volume of grain in transit is greatly reduced this week, owing to the rushing of wTork in the fields, but by the middle of next week at least, we may expect to witness such a huge stream of wheat teams pouring to ward market as we have never witness ed before. We learn that considerable wheat has changed hands during the week at one dollar per busheL Farmers are moving cautiously, watching the eastern markets and crop reports closely, and .we notice that the most ob servant of them are disposed to sell when they can get what they hold as a reasonnble price. CITY ITEMS. eto-dav at 2:30 o'clock, at it's office, four doors west of . it Will De iuny liiustratisu. rawings, wet and dry prep- Admission free. B. B. Freeland has located per manently in Astoria for the practice of dentist?. Office in Sinister s building, on Cass street, next door to The Asto rian office. Perforated cardbonrd, all colors, 25 cents per sheet, at Adler's. "Opposition is the life of trade," and " Yarietv is the spice of life.'' Adler has a Utile or both, and all the school books, cheaper than the cheapest. ...Fresh oysters in every style at Schmeer's. Mrs. J. W. Munson is "prepared to take a few borders, with or without lodging. First-class billiard table for sale, cheap for cash. Inquire at the Occident hotel, Astoria. CO. H., or constantly on hand, the best stock of school books, at the City Book Store. Mrs. Dr. Burr, Homeopathic phy sician, has removed to her new residence four doors from Liberty hall. Mrs. Arrigoni is furnishing good rooms with board at from $G to $7 and upwards per week, according to location. When you want a line dress suit to fit you perfectly, get it at home, of Meade, whose reputation is a guarantee for success. Parties wishing a nice dish of oys ters will find them at the Pioneer res taurant. served by one that understands the business. Open during the day and all hours of the night. Peter Buney is still in the market with all kinds of building materials in his line. Has just received 100,000 lath, 2,000 bushels of sand, and a large stock of first nualitv of brick at his warehouse foot of Benton street. Griswolds Starch Finish and Lesh- er's Magic Cleaning Fluid for the instant removal of grease, paint, etc., from cloth ing, carpets, is also splendid for clean ing jewelrv and silver-plate, without in jury. Price 25 cents a bottle. Sold by J. W. Uearhart, Perfection Stonewall Whisky, hand-made sour mash ; Snow-hill Whis kv, fire cooper sweet mash; acknowl edged from its refined taste and delicacy of llavor to be beyond comparison the best in this country, sold at ttc Astoria Liquor Store by H. Mane -SftiCo .Water street roadway. iZ2"fPhotographs! The latest styles taken at Shustor's new gallery, Cass st., next to the Astorian office. JfiSfSan Francisco beer, Steilacoora beer, Astoria beer, bottled beer and En glish porter at the Chicago house, Main street, Astoria. N. "Wyman, proprietor. gSf For clean towels, sharp razors, and an easy shave, go to Gillespie at Par ker House Baths. Hair cutting, sbam pooning, and dyeing. 2JNewspaper advertising is a permanent addition to the reputation of the goods advertised, because it is a per manent influence always at work in their interest. BSLittle Yan has reestablished himself at the old corner, refreshed by his late journey to the Atlantic slates, and will as formerly attend to all orders in his line as general jobber. PscrThe Capital, on Main near Squemocqha street, "Wm. Appleby pro prietor, is one of the snuggest and most quiet places in the city, where the public can get the finest quality of wines, liquor and cicars. 2TWe publish birth, marriage and death notices freeot charge, but ex pect them to be sent to the office. The pay is not large enough for us to wear out our patent leather bots in searching for the particulars of gratuituous items ol any kind HThe sloop Magnet one of the finest passenger boats on the bay, under command of Capt. John K. Wirt, one of the most experienced masters employed in th&c waters, is ready for special trips anytime. We recommend the Magnet to anyone in want of a pleasure trip on the bay, or to points of interest about Astoria, during the summer season. Canary Birds. for sale at Gilles pie's, Parker house baths. Direct to Astoria. Mr. SI. Wise informs the ladies and gentlemen of As toria and vicinity that he has opened his store with a nice assorted stock of goods, which he proposes to soli at bed-rock pri ces for cash. Rpmember thn place, oppo site 11. F. Caufield's D;uc Store. CLEARING OUT SALE. The entire stock of B. namburger will be sold at immensely reduced rates in order to clear out balance, on hand prior to the arrival of new goods selected per sonally by Mr. Hamburger. The goods must be sold ; prices no object. Call and be convinced. Especial attention is called to the immensely reduced prices in our dress goods. 13. H ambi'kger. Main street, Astoria. T.PAtfl Mis. Drjyfi LiiberijgJi nr;nim( Notes and Comments. Recently mosquitoes drove a Pil atka (Florida) preacher out of his pul pit while he was delivering a sermon. A farm hand for harvesting is paid in central Italy seven cents a day, and considers himself a lucky man to find employment at that rate. The Washington monument is still sinking. If twenty centuries should ever look down from its sum mit their chief wonder will be what has become of its base. Mr. Ruskin is about to organize a number of excursions of working peo ple to places of interest throughout England, and will accompany them in the capacity of instructor. A Chicago minister went into bankruptcy last week. His assets were $250 of real estate, but in char ity he was rich. The Cliicago uni versity holds his note for $10,000 and a Baptist church one for $7,000. Tobacco cultivation in Germany occupies about 54,000 acres, according to a recent consular report, two-thirds of which are in the southern states, and the remainder in Brandenburg and Pomerania. The average crop is worth about $45,000,000, and the German empire, in spite of its enor mous consumption of the weed, ex ports far more than it receives. Those classic quotations which abound in speeches of a bygone day are now but rarely heard in Parlia ment. Greek quotations have almost entirely disappeared, and sentences from the Latin authors seem rapidly going out of fashion. As regards quo tations from British authors, they may now, it is said, be heard more fre ouetly in the Capitol at Washington than at Westminster. One of the old landmarks of Balti more, the city hall, on Holiday street, is soon to be torn down. It was built by Rembrant Peale in 1831, as a muse um, and was a popular place of resort for neaily seventeen years, when it was purclmsed by the common council. It was the first building in the city that was lighted with gas Mr. Peale charging a small fee in 1816 for the exhibition of carburetted hydrogen eras. Paradise valley is a farming sec tion of Humbolt county, Nev. , reach ed from Winnemucca over a stretch of desert and sage brush countrv such as Nevada in the main consists of. A traveler visiting the valley a short time since stopped at a farm house, and his host pointing out the country, said: "This is Paradise, and the next valley beyond here is Eden." "Yes," returned the traveler, "and it's hell between here and Winnemucca." Prof. Philbrick, superintendent of ihe Boston public schools, in his semi annual report, depreciates very strong ly the custom of bringing forward little children from the primary schools to speak pieces and smg at grammar school exhibitions. He sup poses the idea is borrowed from the Sunday school anniversaries, and claims that in both instances, in the interest of religion, morals and sound education, the practice should be at once suppressed. Mosenthal, the recently deceased poet and dramatist, and the author of the popular play, Leah, the Forsaken or, as it is called in the original, De borah, requested in his will that his medals and other decorations of honor be hung up in the synagogue at Cassel, Germany, but a conference of the rabbis of that province, called to de liberate upon the propriety of comply ing with this retjaes;, decid-jd against j it, on the ground that it would not be -in contormitv with their religious teaching and observances. The emigration of carpenters and other classes of mechanics from this country to England is not very exten sive. Twenty-five more carpenters, engaged under a three years' contract at good wages and short hours, left Saturday. The American consul at Liverpool reports that many Ameri can mechanics are arriving there, be sides those nnder contract; and he desires that the workmen of this country be warned against going there unless they have secured employment in advance. The waiters, porters, and gnides or Switzerland, an avaricious lot, spoiled by the extravagant fees of tour ists, are not satisfiedwith Dom Pedro. They awaited his arrival with joy, and are disgusted that he did not shower gold upon them. The Emperor is well acquainted with the various coins and currencies of Europe, and does not permit himself to be swindled. In point of economy he is said to resem ble Louis Philippe, of whom he is a relative. He even does not hesitate to reduce his traveling expenses by pur chasing excursion tickets when a good opportunity offers. The Chicago Inter-ocean says: 1 'No person ever had in Washington a handsomer turnout than Gen. Grant used to drive. He had a pair of horses which went before his carriage that could not be surpassed in any country. They cost $3,000, and were selected by their owner himself, who has as good an eye for the fine points of an animal as any jockey that ever handled a whip. When he loft the. LWhite- House, President Grant sent- them as a present to George W.Ghilds, A. M., of Philadelphia, and they are now pointed out as the finest team in Pennsylvania. But President Hayes has introduced into their stalk a pair of horses that look as if they came from a country livery stable, as they did Mr. Rogers, the President's private, secretary, paid $300 for them in Alex andria." What has the Inter-ocean to find fault about Can't Hayes economize with such comparison? The, country needs reform. Don't it Local and Domestic A building association in Pendle ton would be a public blessing. The town of Walla Walla is re co ering rapidly from the shock it re ceived during the Indian war and new brick buildings are going up all along Main street. The Seattle Intelligencer thinks that if the Puyallup hop growers would take as much pains to pack and bale their hops as those of California do, our hops would stand at the head of all. The boats of the Oregon Steam Navigation company will not be able to get away more than 28,000 tons of grain from Wallula this season, and that will leave at least 9,0 JO tons to be stored for the opening of naviga tion in February next. The river is falling rapidly. The independent steamer North west, Captain Stump's boat, is trying to get out the grain from points above Wallula, but it is exceedingly doubt ful if she can get above Tucanon or Penawawa; and forty tons are about all she can bring down till she strikes Umatilla. The East Oregonian has a sample of the Australian white wheat yielding fifty bushels to the acre. In that section of Umatilla it can be planted either in the fall or spring with entire success. The ground npon which the sample was grown was sown with wheat for live sn. evasive years, i- ast producing more jjan the first. v . 7 t