t W r i in in iamPiiiiriri'ii - - nrnm'tmmmmntrmrmwrnnrmiru r.n fee &ilu Qsfaxtom. ASTORIA Sept. .3, 1S77 Tide Table lor Astoria. SEPTEMBER. From tables of United States Coast Survey. High Water. Iay. i'. it. Low Water. A. M. "S3 .. 5 20 4 42 10 JW It 0 21 f 41 0 00 11 18 2.1 - : fi 4SI 1 11 0 01 ?; .. 8 4S 7 .T3 2 19 1 10 17 0 59 8 W 3 21 2 2U CLEARANCES AND DEPARTURES. u 'li:ai:ed. 5vinolunc,,700 toss, Caitale&s, for Quccnstown. Sojit 11. SAILKD CUy of Chester, str., HOG tons. Bollos. S. F Sept 12. Aax, str 1334 tons. Mackic. S F Sept. II. "Orizaba, ss. 1244 tons. Johnson. S F Sept. 11. Malancthon, l)kt.2!J-i ton'.M.m&on SF Sept 7. California, 6tr. iui tons. Thorn. Sitka. Sept, 5. ARRIVALS FROM SEA. iti ih Peer, Br ship. 1230 tons, Clements, S. F. to tor L,urope bept VI. i"'iif. ht".TiZ tons. S. 1. to load lumber for Au-alia, bt'p,. VL ThoraaCo.-w'i. U. S Rev. Cutter. J. W. White, (Join, njom Al s .a SepU 12. Sritih A&parch. l.sh. 12(L') tons. Banks, S. F., to load fo' Jmpe M'pt. 8. i-dventurer?Ur bk 71 tons.Ilraithwaite.Ncwcastle X. S. W.. vidSS. F.. to load for Europe, Sept. b Orient, brig 312 Cms. S F Sort. 8. -Onan Bay, Br.hhipMUR tons, Sunderland, to load for Europe, Sept.fi. Aldpn Besso. bis 841 tons, Tvoycs. S F, to load for China. Sept. G. lbkbank. BbfiUO tons, Birr, fm Glasgow, via Hon olulu. Sept 6. Garibaldi, bk. 970 tons, Forbes, S. F.. to load for Hongkong. Sept. 5. frilmvan, Br. ship. 1002 tons, Oliver, S. F. to load fin Europe, Sept. 4. Tireta. Br ship. 1219 tons, McCredic, S. F. to load for Europe, A up. 3D. Webfoot.bkt.3tt2 tons. Wbee'wrisht, S.F. Aug25 Mountain Laurel, Bb. fiS9tons, Agnew from Liver pool via Victoria, April 23. Gnsiie Telfair, str. 413 tons. Gardiner, fm Sitka Feb. 2(5. Laid un in Portland. COaiMERCIAL AND SHIPPING. Ilwaco Steam Nav. Co. 5o B.ALEXA20)ER. E. LOEBENSTEIK. SUMMER NOTICE. THE ILWACO STEAM NAV. CO.'S STEAMER GEN. CANBY, 3 Will leavo AstoHa on Mondays, Tuesdays. Friday A Saturdays At 8.30 A.M., sharp, for Fort Stevens, Fort Canity, and : Connectinc with L. A. Looniis' stages i-cys- t tervillc Passengers -wishing to visit the .-. FORTIFICATIONS AND LIGHT-HOUfrES Rt either Fort Stevens or Cape Hancock, (Disappointment) will have From one to three hours tiuio, and return to Astoria same day. Fare to Ft. Steuens oOcts " " Ft. Oanby or Hwaco - - M00 FOR TICKETS, TOWAGE, OR CHARTER, Apply either at the offico of tho Company, Gray's wharf, foot of Denton street, or to tho Captain on board. J. II. D.GRAY, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. By order of tho President, ,, L. A. LOOMIS. R. ALEXANDER & CO. IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN DILY iliOS CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. V VESSELS ON THE WAV. Domestic Ports. JY-ticon, str 1640 tons, Debney. S. F. Sept 16. t;eo. W.Elder 1709 tons. Com. Connor, S. F. Sept 11 ilazzard. bri;r,295 tons. Walker, S. F. to load lum ber for Australia. Rival, bkiiW tons. Adams. S. F. Foreign "orts. Abeona, lis. 979 tons, Hamilton, from Liverpool, March 2.". Buenos Ayres, French bk. G49 tons, Voisin, S; F. to load wh-at tor Cork, fteccroft, British bb 1626 tons Rice, S F to load for Europe Sept. 8, City of Nankin. Br sh, 9SG tons, MeLean,S F to load for Liverpool. Candida. Br sh. I27i tons, Matherson, S. F. to load for Europe. DMtiapore, Br bk. 1074 tons. Hanson, S F, to load for Cork, owners account. Jibralter Swe bk 764 tons Enkscn fm Hull Eng land. Henrietta. Ger bk, 9S2 tons, Wobecken, S F, to lo.td for Cork. Ilalton Cattle. 478 tons, Angel, f m Liverpool. Ilnidee. Br, bk, 7K7 tons, Durkie, S. F. to load for Europe. Aug. 27. La Efococcsa. Br .sh. 896 tons, Evans, San Pedro, to load for Europe. Mount Lebanon, Bb Hall, from Hongkong, May 14 Pilgrim faliip from Hongkong. August 4.. Prince Amadoes. Bb Linskill. Karruche India, River Indu-, Brs.li 1S5R tons. Hewitt, S F to load for Cork, Aug. 30 O- SOT- FATT, to send for our Nev Catalogue. It con tains valuable infor mation for every person contem plating the pur chase of any article for personal, family ricultnral use. Free to any Address. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., v Original Grange Supply House, ZZl-AZSWabaskAvc CHICAGO Hi Astoria, CJatsop, Youngs River and Knappton. Until further notice the Steam Launch A.C. FISHER Master. Will leave Hustler's whan". Astoria, daily except Sundays, FORSKIPANON LANDING at S o'clock a. in., returning same day. The SAM c:m be chartered for freight or towing to any part of the bay. JSir-For particulars apply on board. For Towing. THE STEAM TUG W m. BOCHAU ..Master Will attend to all kinds of Towing on tho Co lumbia river and tr hutaries. ifcs,Oflicc in Portland at Corbitt & Macleay's at Astoria, Occident Hotel, or on board. MISCELLANEOUS. BARBOUR'S IRISH FI.AX THREADS AND S ALBION KET TWINES. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, CROCKERY, AND General MEeroIianciise. Cnrruthcr's Buildinjc, Water Street ASTORXA. fftTAlso will attend to a general shipping and commission business. i9Agents for tho best brands of California puro Liquors. P. S. Country produce taken in exchange. EOBT. niCOIOTT. T. BAILEY. Hickmott & Bailey, Wholseale and Retail Dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, FRUITS, ETC. A PULL LINE OF CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, TABLE CUTLERY, Etc., Etc. WHICH WE WILL SELL Cheaper for CASH than anj oilier House in the City. o C"Givo us a call at Hickmott's old corner. Goods delivered freo of charge, to any part of the city. Barliour Brothers, 119 Pine street, San Francisco. Henry Boyle. Manager. d.w.tf W. E. DEMENT, DBUGGIST. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON, Carries a full Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Prescriptions filled with care Day or Night. XES-Manufacturer of Fishermen's Relief. A suro preventative of Chapped Hands, and euro for Fish Wounds. 0SDement's Florida Water, price 50 cents. For Passengers and Towage, o Tho New Tug RIP VAX WINKLE, W- H. Whitcomb Master Having accommodations for passengers, and capacity for firtt class towing, is ofiered for business to all point on tho Columbia river and bay, at reasonable rate. tKor particulars apply to Allen A: Lewis, Portland, or to Tronchard &, Upshur, Astoria, or on board. btf "DROWN & McCABE, STEVEDORES AND "RIGGERS, JPM Portland and Astoria, Oregon. ggT" On all bubir.ets entrusted to our care, hatibfaction guaranteed. :o.:e:dtxox:nc3- sstooikl t F CONSEQUENCE OF A CONTEMPLATED CHANGE OF THE FIRM IKEendelscm Bro's HAVE MARKED PRICES DOWN TO THE LOWEST NOTCH, AND WILL SELL ARTICLES IN THEIR LINE AT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. TKIS IS THE TIME TO SECURE YOUR CIiOTIHXG. steei,e:s PAIN ERADICATOR, The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Age! The "World Moves, and L'nlcss vc Pro gress we ro Kucltunrd. Nothing Remain Stationary. Put up in largo bottles, and for sale by druggists and dealers. If you happen to be in a locality where STEELE'S PAIN ERADI CATOR cannot bo obtained .send to tho near est wholesale druggist, or tho Agents, CRANE & BRIGHAM, Wholesale Druggists, San Francisco. For salo in Astoria by R. F. Caufield and W . E. Dement. NPTICE- Sealed proposals will be received by Tne uiiuersisiieu inuii iiil- -ui uj ui hki tember, 1877, at 12 o'clock m. For Building City Jail and other Buildings. In accordance v ith plans and specifications in the hands of the undersigned. 25&-The committee reserve the right to re iect any or all bids. J J 3). K. WAKREN, JL BROWN, C.H.PAGE. Com. on Health and Police for the City of Astoria. M-td J G. FAIRFOWL & SON", STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS Portland, Oregon. Refer by permission to Rogers. Meyers & Co,, Allen & Lewis, Corbitt A: Macleay, Portland, Oregon. IBSON, HAMILTON & HIGGINS. s Ship Chandlers. cN . . . - . j5y Tl Z' . (-i...mI VT r rrovibiuu tuiu ueueiai - OoniLiiission Merchants, Cor. Concomly and Benton streets. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. TRENCHED & UPSHUR Successors to Capt. Geo. Flauel IEaTJEKS ev Gents' Furnishing G-oods3 Etc., at Cost ! ! Apply to C033-C3LolSC33. 332?0'S Main street, next door to the Washington Market. O j3l. 2ES. Xj A2DLE3EI, DEALER IN 3KTo-ti023.js and. Toys, ALL THE LATE STYLES OF FINEST NOTE PAPEBS, EJVYEL OPES Etc., ALBUMS, MUSIC BOXES, NOTIONS, TOTS, Etc. Chenamus street, Astoria, Brown's Building, next door to the Whito House. BST GOLD PEXS AND PENCILS A SPECIALTY. THE MOST EXTENSIVE AND WS T C! T ATJCJ-p-ftTJC! VJX JI-,, Ul J-lojujwjjxi io G V Corner of CASS and " Sqnemoqha Streets, O YM3X O R E G O N . ii Wf New Invoices A. YV f BY EEIlX j - STEAMER. A f?n - C9 e: n A T.T. Xxdf w""-"" t, xA'XJk .. W4 xtfr i, 2 CA n v y S ' C. E.JACKINST " "" ' "" "E.R.HAWES." OYSTERS I 'ff OYSTERS! SERVED INEVERY STYLE AT SOIDIfifiISS C02FECTI05EUT AND Refreshment Saloon, All kinds of French, German and American Candies constantly on hand, wholesale and retail at the lowest cash juice. also "Wedding enlccs made to order on short notice. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. GEORGE W. GORNART, 3)eaxei: in fink importer and do-sii:stic 1 u iCARS ff-Tg-ezr-r-irrytrrm BOOKS, STATIONERY, NEWSPAPERS, 3SIR1) CAGES, WILLOW WAKE, ETC., ETC. S0APt PERFUMERY, AND NOTIONS. FULL LTNE OF MUSICAL GOODS AND SHEET MUSIC CONSTANTLY ON 1LVND. .11 tlic jLcnclInjr Xeivspapcrs of tlic Xsition Constantly on Hand, Torth side of Chenamus street, between Cass and Main - Astokia, Okegon. BMpQbmdlepy. PROVISIONS, IRON, STEEL, COAL, Builders1 and General Hard ware, SASH AND DOORS, 330 a. X Xj s , At tlic OIlEstnlli?lictl Welllcnoion stana Jfi$ Jm -OF- G-EORG-E ELAYEL, Chenamus Street, Successors to C. E. JACKINS & CO., Cor- Main and Jefferson Sts. Astoria, Oregon. DEALERS IN Stoves, Granite Ware, and Tin and Pressed Ware, OF ALL KINDS. 53T Jobbing of every description promptly attended to. MAGNUS a CROSBY. LOUIS P. RICHMAN. Lrr I? Richman (Successors to Bailoy &. llichman.) DEALERS IN Astoria, Oregon. nr OTJIS HAGEN, Squemocqlia street, next door to the Episcopal church. Cabinet linker aad Un-Jcrfcrker tu Will tako orders for all kiu-k of NEW FURNITURE, and repairing promptly and neatly done, at low prices. M ONEY KEPT AT HOME IS A profit saved. Patronize Astonans HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, STOVES, TIN "WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, WOODEN WARE, TOYS, ETC. JOBBING IN TIN, SHEET IRON, AND COPPER A SPECIALTY. Keep also Lead Pipes, and 1,000 other things too numerous to mention. AVhen you want a stove, trimmed from top to bottom in first class style give us a call. Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention Tou will find us in Young's new build ing, north side of Squeniocqha street, Astoria, Oregon. ooxjTTMiox. :BX:Er7V'E2:o."sr, E.PAPMAHL & CO., PROPRIETORS, ASTORIA, OiFLIEG-OIKr. rpHE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETORS OF THE COLUMBIA BREWERY X ju&t erected and placed in operation at Astoria, with to inform the public that we are now prepared to fill all orders for asplendid article of -a- . tfi. "XT'Tpi? Having every facility for doing f --"fS . THE VERY REST CHARACTER Ob WORK f nA "Rmif "lorl T3!T?J? ? Mr. Papmahl being an Experienced Rievrer, ( iXLlt .DUbblcUL iJJ&IXlA DSTTho COLUMBIA BREWERY WILL WARRANT SATISFACTION IN FILLING ALL Orders. Give us a trial. E. PAPMAHL & CO.. . n Astoria. Oregon. ix-'m-imii mn n i HJMjJiWeSSXUJL.'JXUJCm D. K. Waurex. C. A. McGuike. Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus and Cassstreets, ASTORIA. 0 KEG OX. WARREN & McGUIRE, Proprietors, (Successors to Hobeon it Warren,) Wholcsalo and Retail Dealers in ali kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. b" Butter, Eggs, Cheese, etc. constantly on hand. B3T Ships supplied at the lowesttaies. Washington ."Market, Main Street, Astoria Oregon, BERG3IAN & JDEItRY EESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTBN t:on of tho public to the tact that tho above Market wilt always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will bosold at lowest rates, wholesalo and retail. Special attention given to supply ing ships. ap anljarriap Shop. Squeinocqha street, between Washington and Polk streets. ASTORTA OREGON" KEXKX HALTaOU, Proprietor. THE PROPRIETORBRINGS WITH HIM an experience of 25 years in this business, rnd having constructed vehicles of all dis i iption from A. Uusjjy of 125 Pounds IVeijjlit TO An 8,500 Pound IVajjon, Is preparod to guarantee satisfaction to any who may patronizo him. Ho will use none but the best materials, and will make wagons and carriages equal to any shoj in the country. BSfPorsons in want of work will save money by finding this shop. tia,Blacksmithing and ship work promptly attended to. HENRY SINDLINGER, DEALER IN STOVES and TINWARE, JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SHOP On Squemocqha street, between Main and Cns street", Astoria. Oregon. B. B. Franklin, "$W UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. Squomocqha street, next door to Astorian uuildicgv Astoria, Oregon. C35"AB work done in a skillful manner, on short notice and at reasonable prices. lyr MEYER, ASTORIAKREWERY, Having nil the necessary machinery for firsS class work, skillful Brewers, and using none butthobet quality of materials, the Proprie tor is prepared to manufuctuio LAGER BEER in any quantity, from a single bottle to a bar rel, and put it up in good condition for ship ment or immediate use. J-nmilies and keep ers of public houses promptly and regularly supplied. M. MEYER. Proprietor. H. SPELLRilER, BOOT and SHOE MAKER, ASTORIA, OREGON. Has just received a splendid stock of LEATHER and TJRIMINGS, The best in Oregon, and will now fill any order, at tho lowest prices, for the best and finest of Boots and Shoes. ,