The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 13, 1877, Image 1

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171 9
Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Morning, September 13, 1877.
No. 85.
T vlt
gto 8i3g stxra&m.
(Monday Excepted),
Astorian Building, Cass Street
J crms of Subscription :
fcorved bj' Carrier, per week 23 Cents
;ent by mail, four months S Oil
Sent by mail, cne year - 5) (K)
Free of Postage to Subscribers.
K5T Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of $L 5'J per square per month.
Transient advertising, by the day; or week,
fifty cents per square for each insertion.
To City Subscribers.
There arc such frequent changes in the resi
dence of our city patrons that wo shall feel
ubligcd to any u ho make such changes if they
will repoi t the -ame to this office. Othei wise
we shall not be rcponsible for failures of the
carrier to deliver the paper piomptly and
regularly to them.
Steamers. The Ancon from San
Francisco on Monday and the George
W.Elder on Tuesday, are coining, both
as usual loaded with passengers.
The British Pki:i:. This magnifi
cent ship, which is under charier to load
wheat for Europe arrived yesterday.
.She will carry a large and valuable
Tin: Baptist Ciiui:cii. Our friends
fl the lirbt Baptist church of Astoria ex
pect to worship in their new edifice on
Ator street next Sunday, or a week
from Simdav.
Attijacti ve Carl Adler's show win
dow, on Chenamus street, is about the attractive display of leading fancy
articles of trade that can be found any
where. Jt is tempting to the purse.
Oysters. Mr. Lucas, of the Pioneer
Restaurant yesterday rccei ed some of
the finest oysters that ever grew in the
Shoalwater bay. These he will serve to!
patrons oi me noneer, in evciy siyie.
County Coukt. County Court is
still in session. The principal business
of the week has been the examination of
finances. About Ss.OOO in warrants has
been ordered to liquidate claims against
the county.
Coming Home. County treasurer J.
W. Gcarhart, who is absent on business
in San Francisco, is expected home by
the Elder. During his absence the duties
of his office have been carefully atl ended
to by Mr. C. Brown.
Lectuhe. Mrs. Stowe will lecture
this evening at Liberty hall. Mrs.
Stowe is a very popular and deserving
lecturer. Her .subject for the evening
will be an interesting one upon pio
gressive topics of the day. She will also
lecture on Sunday evening at 8 o'clock.
Siiip-masteh's Heading .Room. Mr.
Peter WHhelm has permanently fitted
up a ship-master's reading room in con
nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria
The latest shipping papers and home
ward and outward bound .shipping lists
are kept on file. Call and see him.
Waltlusra Road. The county-court
nt its session this week took the first
steps toward, getting a wagon road out
of Astoria, by appointing Messrs. Jo
seph Iliggiijs, John Williamson and F.
Ferrell viewers, to locate a road to Wal
luska bridge.
For South Bend. The steamer Gen
eral Onby will leave for South Bend
this morning, under charter to Messrs.
R. Watson & Co., who have transferred
their cannery operations from Monte-
sano to that point. "We are glad to hear
that the prospects for fish on Shoalwa
lerbayare equally as good as at Grays
Jail Matters. There is but little
"hope that a new jail will be ordered by
the county authorities this year. The
Sheriff lias full possession of the county
jail now, and it will be temporarily re
paired and used until the finances of the
public are better adapted for the con
struction of a better building for such
The Thomas Conwix. This elegant
new steamer in the United States reve
nue marine, under command of our fel
low townsman Captain J. W. White, ar
rived at this port yesterday afternoon
from Alaskan waters. The Corwin is a
beautiful steamer and nothing that has
baen said respecting her model or con
struction has in the least been exaggerated.
"Our Clatsop Burns."
In the Chlco Enterprise, August 31. Mrs.
Becroft pays the unassuming bard of Clatsop
the following compliment :
Oregon has produced several poets of note,
but it remains for your correspondent to in
troduce to the brotherhood of the tuneful lays
the "Clatsop Burns." as he is called, w no
dwells amid the solitudes of Tillamook Head ;
a man of modest habits and unsLssum'mg
manner. It was only after considerable
cr:uasion that he could be prevailed upon to
repeat the admirable poem which is .subjoin
ed. Vikuge.
"When spring her verdant lobe displays,
The robin tunes his cheerful lays,
All nature see.ns to chant the p"aise
Of April's genial sen.
The wild bee plies his busy trade.
The small birds waible in the .shade.
And bright the hues in dale and glade,
A year is born !
For then the young of every kind
Feel life's young morn.
The sunny showers of blushing May
That wash nil wintry chills away.
Like pearl dios, hang on blade' and spray
In blight prismatic hues ;
And flowers of every tint adorn
The bush and shrub and prickly thorn,
And sweetest zephyrs kiss the mom
With balmy lips,
As o'er the daisy star-sown lawn
The milkweed trips.
Then Summer in her gayer dress
With cooling bieee our blows caress,
And birds with richer notes express
In cheerfi'lness their thanks
To Him who hath their tables spicad
"With luscious berries golden reel,
As we should for our daily bread,
"With grateful hearts :
Though many evils nature brings,
More good impaits.
Then in a dress of russet gray
Young Autumn speeds her welcome way.
In color rich though not so gay
As llowei -bespangled .lime ;
But rich with every blessing fraught
For which we'e toiled with hand or thought,
And nature's greatest artist wrought
In mystic cell ;
But how he ("'id it is a tale
That none can tell.
And older Autumn dressed in sere,
Tells us the age of this our year ;
That aged Winter- drawing near.
With locks and beard ;
Who'll lose the araees of his youth,
And m his passion know no ruth
But stoim as if in vc-y truth
He w ere possessed
Of some dire demon from the north,
With icy eic-4 ;
He'll turn the face of nature pale
With iy gailaids. snow and hail.
And ruthless glut the reeking swail
With chilly sleet and rain ;
And recKs lie little now our nocks
May bide his din and baneful shocks,
But thanks lo nature's bounteous crops
They'll weather through.
And bleat for joy the Old Year dead
And gi eet the ew. Clatsop.
District Attorney. Raleigh Stott,
esq., district attorney for this district
will until further notice be represented
in Clatsop county by General 0. F. Bell.
City Jail. The attention of con
tractors is referred to the advertisement
in another column, calling for proposals
for the construction of a city jail.
Toxeri: Point Work. The Rip Tan
Winkle left a raft of spiles at Tongue
Point yesterday morning for the new
buoy depot for Thirteenth Light-house
'Cablegrams." The report that the
Aluimna had arrived at Liverpool ir7
days out proves to have been incorrect,
and now it is reported that the Dovenby
has arrived out. We shall wait and see
if this be correct.
Discharged. The Adventurer hav
ing been relieved of enough of her cargo
of coal at this port to enable her to
reach Portland, will start up to-day
with Captain Snow as pilot.
Sea Waif. The brig Sea Waif,
which arrived yesterday, has a part cargo
of salt on board to her owner. Mr. G. W.
Hume of this city. She will load with
lumber at Mr. Hume's mill for Australia.
New Residence. Yesterday Mr.
lleadington iiegan the construction of
another neat residence on West-sixth
street for Dr. Adams, dentist, of San
Francisco, who is to soon remove here
and locate with his family.
Domestic Exports. The City of
Chester yesterday took a valuable cargo
to sea from Astoria, consisting of 1.000
cases of salmon. 280 barrels flour, lO,bTo
centals wheat, a quantity of wool, bar
ley, oats, fruit, etc in all valued at 40,
172 GO.
At the Dock The steamer Alice
yesterday afternoon placed the British
ship Greta alongside the Wallamet rive r
Canal and Locks company's dock where
she will receive the balance of her cargo
for Europe.
Three More. To-day three more
vessels are added to the fleet of foreign
ships to load at this port for Europe,
chartered in San Francisco. The Hen
rietta has a cano of coal on ooaid from
Newcastle, New South Wales, which
J will be disposed of in tills market-
ted cardboard, all colors,
leer, at Adler s.
ition is the life of trade,"
is the sniee of life. Adler
if both, and all the school
aper than the cheapest.
h oysters in every style at
Mrs. J. W. Munson is prepared to
take a few borders, with or without
First-class billiard table for sale,
cheap for cash. Inquire at the Occident
hotel, Astoria.
CO. II., or constantly on hand,
the best stock of school books, at the
City Book Store.
Mrs. Dr. Burr, Homeopathic phy
sician, has removed to her new residence
four doors from liberty hall.
When you want a fine dress suit
to fit you perfectly, get it at home, of
Meade, whose reputation is a guarantee
for success.
Parties wishing a nice dish of oys
ters will find them at the Pioneer res
taurant, served by one that understands
the business. Open during the day and
all hours of the night.
Peter Runey is still in the market
with all kinds of 'building materials in
his line. Has just received 100,000 lath,
2,000 bushels of sand, and a large stock
of first quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street.
Griswolds Starch Finish and Lesh-
er's Magic Cleaning Fluid for the instant
removal of grease, paint, etc., from cloth
ing, carpets, is also splendid for clean
ing jewelry and silver-plate, without in
jury. Price 2.") cents a bottle. Sold bv
J. W. Gearhart.
Perfection Stonewall Whisky,
hand-made sour mash; Snow-hill Whis
ky, fire cooper sweet mash; acknowl
edged from its refined taste and delicacy
of flavor to be beyond comparison the
best in this country, sold at the Astoria
Liquor Store by if. Marx & Co., Water
:trcct roadway.
Mrs. C. M. Stowe, clairvoyant phy
sician, business and tot medium, has
concluded to remain with us another
week at the request of many citizens of
Astoria, and will lecture Thursday eve
ning if the hall is not engaged, of which
due notice will be given, and Sunday
eve as usual, and will give daily sittings
at Jngallss building.
Merfaclfe und von verschiedenen
aufgefordert cuauf hinzuwireken urn
den bier ansacstgcnDculschcn (lurch ein
club oder erem naeher untoi?,sichmit
einander zu wrjrindcn. erhmbo- ich
mich himit einesnamlung vorzusehla
gen als den l.i bcVcnfecr, 1S77, abends 8
ulir. in liaise de llabnt N. Weiman.
Sollle es sich (later tlenuuehc lohnen
obiges zu hezweclt'ii untrkrieicher an
sicht mil mir zu theilcn t bitte ich
hiemit urn zahlreiAen zuspweh und
noch eimal nieine YDeutsclie&lands
leuren das zu hchorftgen das ja-jeder
weisz das der Deutsclv name eineirgu
ten klang ja weit lihcridcn gauen unsers
vaterlandes hinaus hafl und das es nicht
mehr wie unsere schuldigkeit ist fur
uns den nainen Deutsch werth zu
zeigen das heist im strengste sinne des
wortcs. LOUIS GOETZ.
iRS-Photographs! The latest styles
taken at Shutter's new gallery, Cass st.,
next to the Astorian office.
3?Dr. 13. R. Freeland has located
permanently in Astoria lor the practice of
dentis-try. Oilice next door to the ttore of
Maj. C. H. Page & Co.
JBSFSan Francisco beer, Steilacoom
beer, A-toria beer, bottled beer and En
glish poitcr at the Chicago house, Main
street, Astoria. !N. "Wyman, proprietor.
3 For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an eas-y shave, go to Gillespie at Par
ker House Batus. Hair cutting, sham
pooning, and dyeing.
BSTLittle Van lias reestablished
himt-eif at the old corner, refreshed by his
late journey lo the Atlantic slates, and
will as- formerly attend to all orders in his
line as general jobber.
EST The Capital, on Main near
Squemocqha street, Wm. Appleby pro
prietor, is one ol the snuggest and most
quiet places in the city; where the public
can get the finest quality of wines, liquors
and cinars. ,
3The sloop Magnet one of the
finest passenger boats on the b:i3T, under
command of'Capt. John K. Wirt, one of
the most experienced masters employed
in thee waters, is ready for special trips
anytime. We recommend the Magnet to
anyone in want of a pleasure trip on the
biy, or to points of interest about Astoria,
during the summer season.
Canary Bums. for sale at Gillespie's-,
Parker houe baths.
Gold Coix. The county court have
instructed the tax collector to take i.o
more silver than the laws of Congress
compel him to take, in future payment
of taxes.
Direct to Astoria. Mr. M. Wise
informs the ladies and gentlemen of As
toria and vicinity that he has opened his
store with a nice assorted stock of goods,
which he propo-es to sell at bed-rock pri
ces for cash. Remember the, place, uppo
site R. F. Cftulicftl'a D:i Stole.
uIG per a
it II W v ill 11JH
lvJTl-f rJk
uiauvo, v. yp.
Santa Claiia, California, 1
September 5, 1877.
Santa Clara valley is claimed by the
people here as the garden spot of Cali
fornia, and indeed it is a beautiful sec
tion of country and usually very pro
ductive. The valley is about eighty
miles long and from ten to twenty miles
in width. In many parts it is highly
cultivated and ornamented with trees
and beautiful shrubbery, and presents to
the eye a beautiful view.
Santa Clara, where I now am, is situ
ated about in the center of this valley;
contains about four thousand inhabit
ants; has seven denominal
of each kind; has a Roman Catholic col
lege, and a seminary for girls; their
buildings are extensive and indicate
permanence and wealth. The town is
completely covered with shade trees,
and being perfectly level one can only
take in at one view the immediate sur
roundings. The streets on either side
are set with trees not over ten feet apart
which afford a grateful shade to the pe
destrian. The streets are on a water
level and perfectly hard and smooth so
that one span of horses may with ease
haul two loaded wagons attached to
each other. It is less dusty here than in
the Wallamet valley in a dry season.
The soil is not as light and the dust not
as easily stirred up. I have rode the
whole day in a buggy over the country
without suffering from dust. This is the
quietest town of its size that I was ever
in. and had I an income of a thousand
or two a year, I would like to make it
my home at least for a time. The nights
are cool and the mornings delightful,
though the days are perfectly yellow
from sunrise to its sitting.
I have not seen a cloud since I entered
the state. If you ask a person when it
rained last, they looked surprised and
say "I don't remember." You ask when
they expect rain, they say: '-Between
this and winter." Fruit is in abundance
here and constitutes a material portion
ot food for the people.
The stock seem to have very dry pick
ing and eat everything that comes in
their way except the wood piles, which
are rather too expensive as wood costs
eight dollars per cord. They seem to
eat the dry stubble and grass, lying
upon the ground, with a good appetite ;
however, when you go into the meat
markets j-ou see but little fat upon the
carcasses. We don't find Oregon beef
and mutton here.
The state election was held yesterday,
on which occasion the town was filled
with people, perfect order and decorum
prevailed. In the forenoon 1 was at the
polls in Santa Clara and in the afternoon
at San Jose, which is but three miles
distanr, and I did not see an intoxicated
man, nor a contentious broil among the
crowd about the polls. However, I
think they are a rather fast people in
California from these facts: On my
way to the post office one evening, I saw
in the street a small crowd of boys and
two of them were engaged in a pitched
battle, while the others seemed to greatly
enjoy it. The were not scratching and
clawing like boys, but stood up like men
and boxed with considerable science. I
looked on for a moment, and then
thought of the blessing pronounced on
the peace maker, and concluded to in
terpose. On my approaching them they
suspended operations, and the specta
tors gathered around me to see what 1
had to do in the matter. I tried to con
vince the boys that they were both
wrong, and in a measure succeeded, for
the one who seemed to have had the ad
vantage in the battle, turned and walked
away, notwithstanding the calls from
the spectators to come back and have it
out. On my return from the post office
I saw a funeral procession pass
ing on a full trot. From these observa
tions I conclude that the Californians
are fast in early life and at last, in their
passage to the grave. P.
The entire stock of 15. Hamburger Mill
be sold at immensely reduced rates in
order to clear out balance on hand prru-
to the arrival of new goods selected per
sonally by Mr- Hamburger. J he goods
must be sold : prices no object. Call and
be convinced. Especial attention is
called to the immen.-ely re:li:cd prices
in our dress goods. IMIam:: : J:!.,
iiain K:ret.t. Aav'r. ..
Work for EreryhodT.
From the "ew Northwest.
Circulate petitions for a lGth amend
ment, to enfranchise the women, 7iofc of
one State alone, but of all the States and
Territories. Woman's right to a voice
in the government under which she lives
IS a natlirjll rirrlif. onil nmcf hn miovon-
teed to her by the Fedeial Constitution.
Aow is our tune to knock at the doors of
Congress and plant this rirjht deep in
the lundamental law of the land.
Petitions for a sixteeuin amendment
for woman's enfranchisement, from 10,
000 L nited States citizens, from twenty
two states, have been presented in open
House and Senate by 31 Representatives
and 29 Senators since January 19, 1877.
The friends of woman suffrage in both
houses, who intend to advocate tlw
amendment in the new Coimress, desire
its friends to sustain them by mammoth
petitions from every quarter. Circulate
this petition through the autumn and
winter up to January 20, 1878. Obtain
the names of all who have signed simi
lar petitions to the present Congress,
and as many more as possible, liead
the petitions with such well-known
names as you wish to have appear in the
Congressional Record. Fill the blanks
for State, town and county, that mem
bers may refer to their own districts in
presenting petitions. Have all the
names signed plainly with ink on two
copies of the petition, one for the House,
and one for the Senate. Ask each sign
er to remit at least ten cents to the
Treasurer of the National Woman Suf
frage Association. Mrs. Ellen E. Sargent,
No. 1 ,":!: De Sales street. Washington,
1). C, to defray expenses of classification
for presentation to the 4."th Congress.
Every name received before December
1, 1877, will be classified with its appro
priate State and county petitions, and
piesented by the appropriate Represen
tative and Senator. Send with the peti
tions name and post office address cf
each one who obtains signatures, so the
officers may know the workers.
Cut this out, and paste it at the head of
a sheet of.paper and go to work. Put
the names of men on the right, and wo
men on the left of your petition, and
trace evey name carefully in ink:
rnriTiox for woman suffrage.
To the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives, In Congress assembled:
The under&igncd, citizens of the United
States, residents of the State of .
county of , town of , earn
estly pray your honorable body to adopt
measures for so amending the Constitu
tion as to prohibit the several States
from disfranchising United States citi
zens on account of sex.
Up to Snuff. Portland commercial
writers are up to snuff. They report
the Sea Waif to load salmon at name's
mills. They must think Hume is grind
ing out salmon by the cargo. Another
one reports that the Davapord is an
nounced to load wheat from here on
owners' account. Look again, brothers,
you'll find it on the .3d page.
Heavy Damages. We understand
that the commander of the A jax assessed
damages at S1.",000 in consequence of a
collision by the Orizaba, at the dock in
this city on the morning of the 11th.
The surveyors appointed to assess dam
ages placed the sum at a nominal
amount. No injury to speak of occurred
and the collision was purely accidental.
Ox the Way. A country paper up
in Oregon is informed that the Pacific
Coast Steamship company's steamer
Santa Cruz is now on the way to this
port from San Francisco with a cargo of
powder, coal oil and other explosivo"and
inflammable materials. She brings no
passengers. Her return cargo will con
sist principally of beef cattle, which will
be shipped to San Francisco, to supply
the markets of that city.
The Greta. This ship is at her
moorings in the Astoria harbor ready to
complete her cargo for Europe. Captain
H. A. Snow hrousht her from Portland
! on l( feet without touching bottom. It
strikes u that is the correct way to d'
things. S lying there is wafer en nigh to
carry 17 feet or 17 feet, then filling a
siiip up to that draft, does not make the
channel any deeper and only causes
"cuss words"' when she has to be light
ered to get down the river past Colum-
Election Frauds. There are other
frauds loose in the country besides the
Can Can. A San Francisco dispatch
says : Yesterday, Rodgers the defeated
candidate for sheriff, applied to county
clerk Reynolds for permission to place a
guard in his own interest over the bal
lot boxes deposited in the clerk's office.
The request was granted under condi
tion that Rodger's competitor, Ntman,
should have a similar prh ifege. The
county clerk also put a man on guard,
and the city delegated a policeman
for a similar purpose, and all four
of them are now watching the bal
lot boxes and each other. To-morrow
Rodgers will notify the board of
sitDervisors of his intention to apply to
the county court for a recount. There
seems little room v doubt tbnthe le
t mis 'wq been 1 1 iiied to j c nsiriera-
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