The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 12, 1877, Image 1

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Yol. 3.
Astoria, Oregon. "Wednesday Morning, September 12, 1877.
JSTo. 84.
JSg! (
P Saolax 5:tadmL
(Monday Excepted),
-rlsfon-an liuUdiiiy, Cass Sired.
Terms of Subscription :
fcerved by Carrier, per week 1'j Cent
Sent by mail, four months S- 00
.Sent by mail, cue year ' 0U
Tree of Postage to Subscribers.
HKT Advertisement inserted by die year at
the rate of 1 o'i per ? jitare per month.
JIinicnt adveitHnjr, by the da or week,
Cfty cents per square for each inset lion.
To City Subscribers.
There are such frequent changes in the resi
dence of our city nation that we s-hnll feol
biised to any who make such changes if they
will report the same to this office. Otherwise
we shall not be responsible for failure of the
carrier to deliver the paper promptly and
regularly to them.
shipping News. We aim to keep
our readers posted with respect lo ship
ping matters, and refer to the daily cor
rections on the third page.
Xot Coming. The Orcgoiiian says:
The British hark Cape Clear, retried as
coming to this port lo load wheat, lias
mailed for Burrard inlet for a lumber
A Thing of t;iu Past. The Stand
ard of Sunday morning lat, says: The
Can Can is a thing of the past We
oakl very well have dispensed with its
Wild (tEKse. The first Jloek of wild
j?eese on their southern flight which ha
been observed this fall, passed over As- j
., l
iorin yesterday. Last year the first was
observed on tile 2GlIi of Augu-t.
Construction Paktv. W. F. Lowe,
George W. Couser, and Bolert Crane, a
eonstruction party on tiie West rn Un
Ut: 'J'eiegTaph coinpanv line fnun Port
land, to Astoria, arrivel ir
yesterday, i
A Clatsoi' Gii.i, Caitci:ki. The
Port Townsend Argus of ih 7th. pub
lishes the marrige in Diiohouiisii cfcy.on
Sunday, Aug. 2fith,liy Bev. T.W. MeCoy.
of "Mr. Ja Austin, of Miohomish coun
ty, and Miss Fannie Lleriaaii, of this
On the Sound. The Modoc was not
badly damaged when she went al?re
on Paget Soiaid recently. The Whist ler
io over there also. The coal of Seattle
turnishes business for the coasters which
opposing steamship interc.-ls ha e driven
from the Columbia river.
Sinr-:iASTi:ii'.s 11i:aiing Boom. Mr.
Peter Wilhelm has permanently fitted
lip a ship-master's reading room in con
nection with the Gem saloon in Astoria
The latest shipping papers and home
ward and outward bound shipping lists
are kept on file. Call and see him.
Odd Fellowship. During the fifty
eignt years that have passed since Am
erican Odd Fellowship was established,
over $00,000,000 have been collected, of
which upwards of $22,000,000 have been
expended for the relief of those entitled
to it Some 720,000 brothers have been
aided. '-
Personal. C. W. Ganong, wife and
two children, Wm. Marshall and J. P.
Blanchard and daughter are passengers
bv the Chester to-day from Oregon city
for San Francisco. These are ail of our
old tillicums, and we are glad to hear
have return tickets in their pockets,
which insures their return to Oregon.
"Favokakle Mention." The fol
lowing is perhaps what is termed '-favorable
mention' of the Can Can troupe.
"We copv from the Portlaud Telegram of
Sept atli: 'Again last evening the
b'hoys, old and young, were out in full
torce to viewr uic nijsieiies
(Inn. The troune will make their last
appearanee m this city this evening in
an entire change of programme, inc.ud
ing the customary sparring match and
the ever attractive Can Can."'
Interesting Lectukus. Rev. T. L.
Elliott of the Unitarian church, Port
land, who has but recently returned
lrom the holy land and Jerusalem in
answer to many requests botii from his
own congregation and from citizens, has
begun a course of sermons or discourses
upon the nations, institutions and his
torv of Europe, the first of the series
was given last Sunday evening. Subject,
T ypes of Travelers one meets in for
eign lands.' We should be well pleased
if Mr. Elliott could visit Astoria occa
sionally and discourse upon some of the j
topics suggested iy his oriental tour. i
n 1
To Liverpool, per Lochinvar. Sept. 1
Wheat 2M00 ells-
M.'HMI 00
To Honolulu porMattie JIacleay, Sept.l
flour. 2t)2 barrel S 1,2nS ."iU
Ua5e Wood, 10.) cases.
Potatoes 1V2 sacks
Jlams 2!W
Salmon, CS J bbls
b'J cases
Miscellaneous mdc...
051 -J.
:jsi oi)
3,3S0 00
a on
2,315 32 S,7So 07
To Honolulu per Falkinlmr;?, Sept.2:
Flour, GU bbl5 5 .MW W
Salmon, 125 bbls . 1,012 W
lUinkgs SH 01
:i cases .. 220 W)
Lumber, spars and bolts 2,0-12 02
Oat and bran 1H0 IK
Miscollaneous mdse 'M 00
To Victoria and Xxniamo per str Cal
ifornia. Sf ptenibur ch :
Flour. 1V2 bbls S S,77i) 50
W heat, 112 centals 1,825 71
Lran, JMcal and Mid
dlings, 3-vT.i It.?- M0 OS
Miscellaneous mdse. ZJM) 13
To Queenstown. per Kiuclune. Sept. 11
heal 2:.:ii ctls-.
5.S12 51
10,052 GO
14J,.7 71
Tin: Pinci: of Wiiiia'i. Wheat
ought to be one dollar and fifty cents per
bushel all over the Wallumet valley.
.San Francisco pays from ?2to;r- 2."i per
cental. A eental of wheat is a hu.siicl
and two-thirds of a bu-hei. Wheat
afloat at Astoria is always worth as
much as wlieat afloat at San Francisco.
Paskngkh-- not Pa-i:nci:i:. A.
G. Walling, whose, name was published
in the passenger list from San Francisco
to Portland, ha gone cast on husinc-s
connected with the Crand lodge, Jmle
pendeil Order of Odd Fellow-, conse
quently that reiort like many otliers
which bring the publishing of passenger
lists by steamers into bail repute. va
premature and the information incorrect.
Dj:atii of Mns. A. D. . The
telegraph informs us that Mr-. A.D.
Wass died in San Franei.-eo at three
o'clock on Monday last. J:rt before
Capt. W;iss leit San Frane'wo on his
lat trip up by the Orizaba. Mr-. W. felt
so much better that she thought .-he
would return with him on the present
voyage, but ala-, all .-nch hope is bla-t-iir
Captain Wa-- was informed b' tel
egraph on Monday that hi- wife wa .
much wrs. but llie news of her death
j did iiet reaeh Astoria until about an
hour afier hi- departure ye-terday.
Fiu:Nrn Win: at. Mr. .1. . llibb-. of
Yamhill county harvested "Hef bushels
of wlieat from 11 aci;es, one day la-t
wee:. This is a little over ta)'-4 bushels
to the acre. This wheat is of the French
variety, brought to Oregon by Mr. Kin
ney on hi- return from Euro)"", last j ear.
anil it is likely that all those unusual
yields which we see mentioned every
now and then come from the same va
riety of j-eed. Mr. II. i.- de-irons of
hearing fiom other farmers regarding
this grain. Other farmer-, doubtless,
woulti like the same information. We
will cheerfully publish any information
on the subieet.
Take Torn Local rAn:n. Do the
city papers say anything in regard to
your own town? Nothing. Do they
contain notices of your schools, eliurcli
cs, improvements and hundreds of other
local matters of interest which your
home paper publishes without pay?
Not an item. Do they ever say a wonl
calculated to draw attention to your
county and aid in its progress and en
terprise? Not a line. And there are
men who take .such contracted views of
this matter, that unless they are getting
as many square inches of reading mat
ter in tficir own as they do in a city pa
per they think they are not getting the
worth of their money,,
Machine Mailing. We have just
added to and placed in working order
in the Astorian office, a machine for
mailing the papers alter they are print
ed. This will enable the mailing clerk
to get the papers all into the mails fol
lowing the hour of publication, and it
will also prevent any mistakes from oc
curring. The name of each subscriber
is piaceu in type unuer tne proper 1'ost
oflice heading, and the machinery is so
constructed that every name must be
printed as it nws through the machine,
and as every Post-onice is announced by
the tap of a bell as the tvpe pass along
it is almost next to an impossibility to
make an error; but should our papers
fail to reach any office promptly wnen
dee, we shall consider ic a personal fa
vor to be informed of it immediately so
.MrsB. Hamburger sailed yesterday
ineisco. whit her "pie goes to
.nne siorsiaor i" laii ami
IloweverLfi the mean-
to wait on
your wants in the dry
ock of 13. Hamburger will
be sold
nenselv reducecV rates in
to the
"tut balance on hfmd prior
oiSnew goods&eletted per-
Ilambtlraef. The goods
prices nrbbiect. Call and
be convinced Especial attention is
called to the immenselv reduced prices
in our dress oods. I. II.vMnr rrer.
Main street, Astoria.
lor ban, ilte
purcnaaE j.
VlIllClf BKUlfe.
time'DJttve will
yoiwnuR supply
QVW .ui..illo "it
Tiriil fir f nr hmir lino
criti &..
toi ef
life smd
vsters in every style at
ssortment of photograph
nil brackets at Adler's
W. Munson is prepared to
borders, with or without
t-class billiard table for sale.
clapjm eash. Imiuire at the Occident
CO. J.. or constantly on hand,
the best tock of school books, at the
City Book Store.
Mr.-. Dr. Burr, Homeopathic phy
sician, has removed to her new residence
four doors from Liberty hall.
Mr.. Arrigoni is furnishing good
rooms with board at from (' to -S7 and
upwards per week, according to location.
When you want a fine dress suit
to fit ou perfectly, get it at home, of
Meade, whose reputation is a guarantee
for succis.
Parties wishing a nice dish of oys
ters will find them at the Pioneer res
taurant, served by one that understands
the bu.-incs-. Open during the day and
all hours of the night.
Peter Buney is still in the market
with all kinds of 'building materials in
his line. Jias ju.-t received 100.0'JO lath.
2.0W bushels of sand, and a large stock
of lir-st quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street.
....-The Dance of Death.'' '-Other
People- Children, or the seouel to
"Helen's Babies." "Tom Sawver. "Lat-c-t
Sketches of Mark Twain,"' and Wav
erly ami Dickens' latest edition.-, at
Carl Adler's book store next to the
White House.
f Iriswolds Starch Finish and Lesh-
er".- Magic Cleaning Fluid for the instant
rcmo al of grease, paint, etc.. from cloth
ing, earpet.-, is also splendid for clean
ing jewelry and silver-plate, without in
jurv. Price 2-" cents a bottle. Soltl by
J. W. Gcarhart.
Perfection -Stonewall t hisky,
hand-made sour mash ; Snow-hill Wins-
kv. lire cooper sweet mash: aeknowl
edged from its refined taste and delicacy
of ilavor to be beyond compari-on the
be-t in this country, sold at the Astoria
Liquor More by 11. Marx & Co., Water
street roadway.
Mrs. C. M. Stowe, clairvoyant phy
sician, biisine.-s and test medium, ha:
coneluded to remain with us another
week at the request of many citizens of
Astoria, and will lecture Thur.-day eve
ning if the hall is not engaged, of which
due notice will be given, and Sunda
eve as usual, and will give daily sittings
at ingalls' building.
Merfach und von verschiedenen
aufgeforderl darauf hinzuwircken um
d"ii hier ansacsigenl)eutehen (lurch ein
club oder verein naeher unter sieh mit
einander zu verbinden, erlaube ieh
mich himit eine versamlung vorzuschla
gen aisden IS September, 1.S77. abends S
uhr. in hause des ilerrn N. Weiman.
Sollte es sich daher dermuehe lotinen
obiges zu bezweeken und gleicher an
sichl mit mir zu theilen so bitte ieh
hieinit um zahlreichen zusprach und
noen eimai nieine ueutsenen lanus
Ieuten das zu bchorzigen das ja jeder
weisz das der Deutsche name einen gu
ten klang ja weit uber den gaiten unsers
vaterlandes hinaus hat und das es nicht
mehr wie unscre schuldigkeit ist fur
tins den namen Deutsch werth zu
zeigen das heist imstrengstesinne des
wortes. LOUIS GOETZ.
3-Photogi-aphs! The latest stylos
taken at Sh lister's new gallery, Cass at.,
next to the Attorian office.
SD-Dr. B. B. Freeland has located
permanently in Astoria lor the nr.icticeof
denti-try. Ollice next door to tne itore of
Maj. C. II. Page & Co.
STSan Francisco beer,Steilacoom
beer, Astoria beer, bottled beer and En
glish porter at the Chicago house, Main
street, Astoria. N. "Wyman, proprietor.
&s For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an easy shave, go to Gillespie at Par
ker House Baths. Hair cutting, sham-
pooning, and dyeing.
ESTLittle Yan has reestablished
himself at the old corner, refreshed by his
late journey lo the Atlantic slates, and
will as formerly attend to all orders in his
line as generaljobber.
JGSTThe Capital, on Main near
Squemocoha street. AVm. Appleby pro
prietor, is one ot the snuggest and most
quiet places in the city, where the public
can get the finest quality of wines, liquors
and ehiars.
The sloop Magnet one of the
finest passenger txata on the bay, under
command of Capt. John K. Wirt, one of
the most experienced masters t m ployed
in thec waters; is ready for special trips
anytime. Wo recommend the Magnet to
anyone in want of a pleasure trip on the
bay, or to points of interest about Astoria,
during the summer season.
Canary Birds. for sale at Gilles
pie's, Parker house baths.
Direct to Astoria. Sir. M. Vvise
informs the ladies and gentlemen of As
toria and vicinity that he ha. opened his
store with a nice "assorted stock of goods,
which he proposes to sell at bed-rock pri
ces for cash, flemember the place, oppo
site Pv. F. Caufield's D;u: Store.
Schniefjjr T
fraijrand vft
..Mrs. .W
talAia lev
... I' I vIS
Local and Domestic.
The river steamer S. T. Church is
too large for the present stage of wa
ter u the Wallainet.
3Ir. D. D. Prettyman has receiv
ed a bronze centennial medal for his
ninety-day wheat exhibited at Phila
delphia last year. This medal re
wards his ' enterprise in cultivating
wlieat in the best possible manner.
A portion of Grass valley in Was
co count- was burned over last week,
extending for forty miles from north
to south and about twenty miles from
east to west. The loss of grass we
fear will be greatly felt by the people
in that locality.
"iL-. George Beishaw sent Mr.
Schulze a bushel of white velvet
wlieat the finest ever raised in Oregon.
The wheat was sowed last December
and yielded forty bushels to the acre.
The size and color of the berry are
remarkable, and it has probably no
On the night of August 30. the
bktne. Modoc went ashore at Cresenfc
bay, remaining there nearly all night.
She was finally got off, with little or no
damage, other than the loss of a part
of her false keel, and the opening of
some of her seams causing her to leak
George F. Simpson, superintend
ent of the Farmers' warehouse, Al
bany, last week sold 40,000 bushels of
wheat to Henry Ilewett & Co. ; Gas
ton, Ferry & Son also sold about 16,
0U0 bushels, and C. D. Simpson about
2o,0U0 bushels. Other lots have been
sold, fully enough to bring the amount
up to about 100,000 bushels, at SI per
The Lackawana sailed for Sitka,
after all, instead of Port Townsend.
It seems that just at the last moment
before sailing her order was counter-
nianded and she was directed to pro-
ceed to the region named. This
change was made, it is presumed, on
account of a change of opinion in re-
gard to the locality where she was
most needed.
Wc call the attention of our
nappy to say
it acted like a charm and gave almost
instant relief.
Mrs. Markley of lower Alsea, in
Benton county, shot and killed a largo
cougar at tliat place recently. She
was out in search of her cow, when the
dog with her started a cougar which
was immediately treed. Mrs. M. went
back to the house, a distance of about
one-fourth of a mile, and secured a
rifle and revolver, then returned 2nd
shot.the animal which still kept the
tree by the dog.
At La Conner they have the
harvesting system reduced to a science.
For instance, on Monday morning of
las1, week says the Mail, the barley
was standing uncut in the field of Mr.
J. S. Conner and on Tuesday evening
it was ground and sacked and for sale
at the store of Mr. L. L. Andrews,
and on "Wednesday night it was laid
down at the Seattle market, some fifty
mil H,.f,.o J
miles distance.
The Standard says: Our friend
Frank Hodgkin has resigned his po
sition as city editor of the tail organ
for one more congenial and remuner
ative on the Dee. He will assume
control of the local columns of that
journal to-morrow morning, and will
make it an interesting spicy paper.
Frank is an industrious fellow, mid a
racy, newsy, and sparKlmg writer.
Whatever merit the rl elegram possess
ed was owing solely to Ins excrcioim,
and now that he has left it, we see
nothing to recommend it to public
Hoodiumism has taken a fresh
start at Olympia. Last Sunday night
the boys at that place and Tnmwater
let themselves loose for mischief. Mr.
E. Sylvester had some fruit in boxes
destroyed; Rev. J. K. Thompson had
a peach tree ruined; General Milroy
had the front windows of his hou&s
broken in and Dr. Ostrauder had a
large show window in his drug store at
Tumwater demolished, besiaes other
readers to the advertisement of
0-....1. : . i:-. .. a..4. ,..:n i.
found in this week's issue. Several 0.r.e,n tef V, 11-ltlon. company
weeks afro, savs the Dalles Mountain-! ch wf u0:lfc lluUler' h:i3 Iiraved ,th
.i .. ! i 11:1111 11 :iit:itii nr 11:1 villi iii
ecr, we were troubled with a swelling ! S l!r S,P carpenters ana c
,c.V !.. i. l 1 .. . ; menced work on the new whari-
viw,. w.. ;.wi..rf r rv,. Tbi-i intended lor the upper Cascades. T
i::.. iv i. :. ii... , out-look for plenty of work w
J.lll-i.lllll. II W lllb JIltllKt .J kltlt UilOl t
acts. Rev. Mr. Thompson and Gen.
Milroy have olfered rewards for the
offenders. The municipal authorities
should see that the persons who com
mitted these acts are punished..
-On the 14th inst. ColH Gates wiU
ofFer for sale at the office of the board
of commissioners of the Dalles and
Sandy wagon road, at The Dalles,
Wasco county, Oregon, $30,000 of
State warrants of the state of Oregon,
payable in gold and silver coin, to be
i paid out of the funds arising from the
live per centum of the net proceeds of
the sales of public lands in Oregon,
and out of the funds arising from the
sales of swamp, overflowed and tide
lands of the stp.te. Payment to be
made in gold coin on delivery of the
warrants. X" o bid will be considered
for less than fifty cents on the dollar.
These warrants will be of the denomi
nation of 500 and will draw interest
at ten per cent, per annum, and are
made receivable in payment for any
of the tide, overflowed and swamp
lands of this state.
A Suggestion. A correspondent
of the Oregonian. wants to see the
names of the streets in Portland paint
ed en the lamps. He suggests, that
in order cto save expense to taxpayers
ana to allow strangers who are enjoy
ing our hospitality to share in this
good work, I would suggest that yov,
propose to all the preachers in Oregon
and Washington territory, and Sand
wich Islands, that on thanksgiving
day a collection be taken up in all the
churches for this purpose. I speak
j advisedly when I say all these places,
for are not all interested m the im
provement of this the second city on
this coast I
Plenty of Work. At the Oregon
Steam Navigation company's work
shops over on the "Island" all hand
are kept at work. In the machine and
i blacksmith shopi they are preparing
the machinery for the new light draft
. boat which is to be finished in '"'thirty
' chvys," at Oelilo; also the iron work for
the cars buildirg at the Cascades and
i ,.i i :,-j ...- i.i
I i"0 T,' 1UU ,BIT ou T
i juua iiiLiui;jiu Li' iuuiuui; stt:uiii-uuiis
ana rauroaas. ur. jonn noiiana, me
;ood wages for carpenters, machin
ists, and strong, muscular laborers is
I very good at this time, in fact never
was better. holies Jiouniaineer.
Spend Your Money r-t Home.
The following are the most forcible rea
sons why you should spend your money at
1st, It i? your heme: you cannot im
prove it much by taking it away to spend
or invest.
2d, There i- no way of improving a placo
so much a' by encouraging good merchant-,
200J schools and good people to
settle among 3'ou, and this cannot be done
unless you spend your money at home.
3d, Spend your money at home, for
there is where you generally get it. It h
your duty.
4, Spend your money at homo because
when it is necessary for you to get credit,
j k of yo.irtown merchants you havo to
get it, and they must wmt for th money.
Iherciore, when you have the cash, spend
it at home.
5th, Spend your morey at home. It
will make better mevehant of 3'our mer
chints; they can and will keep better
assortments and sell :il lower rates th,an if
the only business they can do is what is
credited out, while the money goes to
other places.
0th, Spend your money at home. Set
j the example now. Hoy your dry good
groceries, meats, mid everything at heme,
and you will see a wondurml change in a
sho;t time in the business outlook of tho
place: therefore, (L-al with your homo
met chants.
7th, Speudy.nirmonpyatl ome. "What
do yuu gain by going" oil? Count tho
eol;see what you vouM havo done at
home by iettiiiE your merchants have the
cash. Strike a balance and h if vou
would not have heeM ju-t a w eii off, besides
helping your mei chants.
Sth, Spend your numey at home. Your
m.-uliatith me your neijjhbers, your
friend-; they .-ia-i'd bv vou'in sickness
are your usM.eiat.-sr "Without trade
they cannot ke-p your business. No
-tuie-, then no bank-, no one wanting to
uny p-opniy i0 scU.o on uiiU bl.ld