3 1 s ' (- Llc Suns stosftro. o ASTORIA SEP7.10. IS TScie TIle Astoria. SEPTEMBER. Vrcnn tables of United States Const Survey. J.'ifih Vi'ier. Low Wr er. ?ay. A.M. a. :. y n.y - 1 "Jl 4" j 3 2 07i 8 OH.... vC.'.'.'.Zl 2 ?.""". - 2 :J' s ::!.... U 3 W - :i ' 9 aJ- 12 - : ,,,Jl s "' 13 S JO 4 i '0 .!.... .. 8 10 .. 8 63 .. i) :m ..10 IS ..11 11 "li 18 .. 0 01 .. 1 10 2 21) jj. c : a -U u . J T: j... i n... !!... ST.""."!.- a " s :;! s 21- CLEAJiJlXCKS ASD DEPARTURES. CI.FAItBU. &ts, sir US4 fcws, Mckl S J? Sojjfc. T. SAii.Kn feihuiotiiou, WA. t Mawoa S V Spt 7. "Oatffonrf. fctr. CM tons. TJiom. Sitfm. Sept. 3. Uae. WJCKt ! to"5-Cow- M,Bor' s- " Sei)t Aw, sir 1S"9 I. IX-bapy. San Kmnoisao Sept fi jUUilVAIS FROM SEA. a i).-izba, s?. 121 to- JJno. F Sept. 8. Cii tf Chester. r., IHWUmis. Belles. S. V SeptS. & SMfeb. U-.li. 1Mb . Bk.S. F., to A!inrer. Br b 7i . Wte.XewcabiIe &'. fc. W.. via S. ., io l.-i for LttrojHs, kept, a Ortet!t lri?5!itos.S. F. Sejw.8. QMt s, Cr. ririn- 'i: ton, Smwlerland, to load iar ttrot, iei . . AMf rej,:V.HJI tM, Xoyos. S P, to load for Ghttut. hj't-S. JBijMik. 3b tons, Birr, fm Glasgow, via Ifon- oistim. iet . 5aTibldnbi:. P? oa, Forls, S. F.. to load for lloagi.o'i ; S !'i- . tlVdaw. Br. :;. IH02 ions, Olirer, S. P. to load ixa harw,?. &,- -J. K.reAA. Br sit v. 12 it, MCidt, S. F. to load for 2njie. An?. 39. TWMwr.bkt.SKftons.WlHMt'wrislit, S.F. AiikJo Ktasfctne. tan. Caitftless, fm Xiivorjeol, via )iojoa, July H. JMuiialo Iar4. Bb. MHam, Apor from Livor- ri jctoria, AlHil 2. a4oTeir. r, JU t4n. Gardiner, fai Sitka Foil. 2C. 1hiU in rortlaad. VESSELS OX THE WAY. eiiidi: v:ri i'ilot ox r.o,uri. Brfsb Per. I sli ,. !'5l tos, Clonients, S. F. to Iwm for lix-i Aut--'.. Iiv.tie L'nvis. WUmxrA. ir!sr.5 Sons. Waiker, S. F. to load huu- ner iar A ma ralia. v!.W:-2Mitoni. Adams. S. F. iiea Waif. br. i7J toua, 53 . F. io load lumber for 4tnU-.a, Au-. 7. Alos. lis. 87 Iojw, Hamilton, from Livorpool, Mm?. Stoeoa A-5. Frpwch bfc. 6i9 tod, Voisin, S. F. to io-d vrijw-i-t for Cork. JLJeeroU.K..-5ih !.H5toiis Iticu, S F to load for liKro ber..8, CaiuiMl i. B- mi. liT'. toaa, Matlierwn, S. F. to load Ir Cu-otve. O.K! Sar. Rr. .h. S ton. Tnjnan, S. F. to load tor ilarofM. ior:ter Sm bk 71 ton linksen fia Hull -F-ub- loU. i!&:un Castle. ST-J ion?. Anteel. f m Livorpool. -IIadoe.Ji.bk.7 tow, Darkie, S. F. to load for rJiirope. Ahs- -. T.a Escoce w. Kr sh. 99fi tons, Evaas, San Pedro, to load for Shroff. Itlouiit Lebanon, Bb Hall, from lionskong. May U i'ileriui t4u from IIonRkonp. August t.. riice Amadocs, lis liinskiS!, iCmncliP India, lliver indu-. IJr-li Km tons. Hewitt, S F to load for t'ori , Aa;. JTOT FATTi to fend for our Kcw Catalogue. It con tains valuable Infor mation for every person, contem plating the pur chase of any article for personal, family rkultural use. Free to any AddresB. 1?05TG031EKY WARD & CO., Original Grange Supply House, 227 it 229 Wabaih Ave. CHICAGO III. VTOTICE. rUvtled projM.ds will bo received by the uiidersivvl umil the 23th day of Sci 1e:ii1ei'. lt:77. at 12 o'clock m. i-cr" Building City Jail and other Buildings. J n accordance with ilansand specifications hi rtie inwids (.1 the underfilled. Bl'he c(Hii!ui;lce reserve the right to re ject auv or all bids. J ' D. K. WARREN, I. 15ROWN, V. H.PAGE. Com. on Health and Police for the City of Astoria. W-td OYSTERS I ff OYSTERS ! SERVED IrFEVERY STYLE AT SCEDZEIIRS C03fFECTff03TJEKY AND Refreshment Saloon. .All kinds of French, German and American Candies constantly on hand, vholas:de and retail at tiie lowest cash price. ALSO Wedding caks made to order on short notice. The lKitronase of the public is respectfully solicited. GEORGE W. CGRNART, 3)J2ALi:it IX P1SK IMPOKTKD XSIi DO MESTIC I liGARS 4?7T9BAGoO BOOKS, STATIONEPtY, NEWSPAPERS, BDiD CAGES, "WILLOW WTAP.E, ETC., ETC. SOAP, PERFUMERY, AflD NOTIONS. A FULL LINE OF MUSICAL GOODS AND SHEET MUSIC CONSTANTLY ON HAND. AJ.I ito Xieading: Xewspapers of the JSatlttii Constantly on Hand, North side of Chenamus street, between Cass and Mitia - - - astoiilv, Ohecox. COMMERCIAL AND SHIPPING. Ilwaco Steam Nav. Co. SUMMER NOTICE. THE ILWACO STEAM NAY. CO.'S STEAMER 5rfsCs 5L-i-. rl GEN. CANBY, Will leave Astoria on .Honrtuys, Tticmluvs. l'ri3a.v A nt urilaj'S At S.: A. M ., sharp, for I'ort Sicvc'ii-. Fori C':ui!.v, and tnvaco. Connecting with L. A. Looinis' stages for 0y- t rrvi 11 o i'a-saonscrs wihJRg to visit the F0KTI F1CATI0.N S A .N I) LHS J IT-UOUS Rj nt either Fort Stevens or Cape Hancock, rl)iappointncnti will have from one to three hours time, urol return to Astoria siinc day. Fare to Ft. Stevens ----.- oCcts " " Ft Canbu or Ilwaco - - 00 FOR TICKKTS, TOWAdE, 0!t CIIAKTEK, Aiwlv citlior .it the office of the tolfismity, Gray'.- uhaif, foot of Ueiiton street, or to the Captain on board. . . , . J. 1I.D. GUA, Agunt, Astoria, Uregon. Ry order of the President, nnTT: Astoria, Clatsop, Youngs River and Kr.&ppton. Until further notice the Steam Launoa id-. . fch JHV-rci SSSJ&.JH&.H tfW?s9UL A.C. FISHEK MaiVr. Will leave IIs'-.Iit's ubar. A.sh7ia. daily rxnMii Scl.tN. FOR SKTI' X )N LA N Hi M'. ar S oo -k a. H. rviiM !; v.-tue day. The SAM ui 1m- chart. 'HmI for freight or towintj to any jwit if the 'my. Jj"Fr iwuifular apply m board. For Towing. THE STEAM TUG s Tpf . IJOCHAU Master Will attoml to all kind of Towing on the Co lumbia river and ir butnrie. usJIflico in Tortland at Corbitt .t Maclcny's at Astoria, Occident Hotel, or on boaid. For Passengers and Towage. o The New Tug . tSL-j IP VAX WI3TIVI.S. -5. W. H. Whitcomb Maeter. 1'avins xccoinmodation for psicngors. and cnjcity for lir.t class towing, i offered for business to all point on the Columbia rivor and bay, at reasonable nta. 5-For particulars apply to Allen & Lewis. Portland, or to Trecchard & Upshur, Astoria, or on board. "if "ORCWN & 3IcCABE, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS, Portland ami Astoria, Oregon. fST On all bifritte&s entrusted to our care, j-alisfaetion suninleeil. I G. FAIUFOWL & SOX, STEVEDORES AMD 'RIGGERS Portland, Oregon. Ro&r by permission to Rogers. Meyers & Co., Allen it Lewi. 'orbit t itMacleay, Portland, Oregon. COLUMBIA RIVER J Offico at tho 0'JCIDKN'T HOTEL, Astoria, Oregon M. M. GILM AN, . REE1 U. A. SNOW, V. E. FERCHlitf richad hey: C.S.WRIGHT, Age Q IBS0N, HAMILTON & HIGGINS. kJ Provision and General -M Commission Merchants, Cor. Concomly and Benton streets. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. nmm & mmu lVi Successors to 0a.pt. Geo. Flauel IEAT.IERS 3TX iO) hip UhBS &i Qr0j!g. i. .' K PROVISIONS, mm, STEEL, COAL, Builders' and General Hard ware, SASH AND DOORS, At tiie 011EsaWisItccl WettJstioien Stand -OF- G-EOSGE ELAVEL, Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. IV TONEY KJEPT AT UOaIE IS A JLYL profit taved. Patronize Aitorians. MOTS. ISLm ;nt Ship Chandlers. ' -r" r" ILALliXAXDER. R. ALEXANDER & 00. EilPOllTERS OP AST) DEALERS IN W timXtt CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, CROCKERY, AND UWS kys&!a Cari'utlicr's Suildessp:. V.'atcv Street ASTOKIA. iW5"Also will attend to a general shipping and commission businoss. zfAgents for the best brands of California puro Liiuors. P. S. Country produco tsiken in exchange. ttODT. IIICiOIOTT. & WIioleale and GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, FRUITS, ETC. A FULL LLXE OF CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, TABLE CUTLERY, Etc, Etc. , which we will sell ClacnpcL lo- CASH flam :my otlicp House in tltc City. rtSBTGivc us a call at llickmott's old corner. the city. i3.:s:o"E7ox:Er TX CONSEQUENCE OF A CONTEMPLATED CHANGE OF THE FIRM IIAYE MA11KED PRICES DOWX TO THE LOWEST NOTCH, AND YILL SELL ARTICLES IX THEIR LINE AT GRI2a.TY 3EI3i.XC?.Z5. A,TEISU UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. TI-IIS IS THE TOIE TO Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc, at Cost ! ! Afi'LY TO 33I033.C3.03.332L I03?0'SJ Slain street, next door to tiie Wasliington Market. O 2l . Zj -L 33 DEALER IN Jt." q4 Jffi.22? a&5x5at ,ILL TUB LATE STYLES OF FINEST NOTE FAPEFxS, ENVEL OPES, Etc., ALBUMS, MUSIC BOXES, NOTIONS, TOYS, Etc. Chcnamus street, Astoria, Brown's Building, next door to the Whito House. rt3T GOLD PEXS ASD PEXCILS A SPEC I A LTV. C. E. JACKINS. SmmMwB Sueco-ors to C. E. JACKINS & CO., Cor- EVIain and Jeifersfcn Sts. - Astoria, Osegon, DEALERS IN Stoves, Granite Ware, and Tin and Pressed Ware, OF ALL KINDS. 33T Jobbing of every description promptly attended to. MAGNUS C. CROSBY. a Er a (Successors to Bailey & llichman.) DEALERS IN HOUSE FUnmSHING- GOODS, STOYES, TEN "WABE, T.1BLE CUTLERY, WOODEN WARE, TOYS, ETC. JOBBING IN TIN, SHEET IRON, AND COPPER A SPECIALTY. Keep also Lead Pipes, and 1,000 other things too numerous to mention. When you want a stove, trimmed from top to bottom in first ciass styie give us a can. Orders from abroad will rcceivo prompt attention. You will find us in Young's new build ins, north side ofSiuomoc iha street, Astoria, Oregon. E.PAPPJ1AHL & CO., PROPRIETORS, ryiHE UNDERSIGNED PROrRIETOESOFTHE COLUIBIA BREWERY -L jusst erected and placed in operation at xVbtoria, with to inform the public that we are now prepared to im an oruers ior:ispicnuiu arucio oi -y st. nT" "i,r3Tr? Having every facility fordoing . .r..,p.-jru-CT-y THE VERY BEoT CH A KACTER Oi-, AV0RK f A X "lQnJ-l arl TPIn'T? ? Mr. Papmahl being an Experienced in ewer, (. A'Ailli iJUtolUii JLPLtiifXb ifl-Tho COLUMBIA BREWERY WILL WARRANT SATIS r ACTION IX FILLING ALL Orders. Give us a trial. E. PAPMAHL & CO.. Astoria, Oregon. fl.TlAlJLVIX&Z'Tt'AZAiJ2C2Z-.'At ; Jm U D. K. Wauukn. C A. McGuike Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus and Cassstreets, ASTUUIA. OUJil.U.N. WJbtJKiilM 65 JM-CLrUXiiiJi, proprietors, ' Lpwri-T t A' -iiTT 'PTfP ATTFT fSucccxsors'to IIobon A Warren. ) T) ESPECTFI LL . CALL lb, A 1 -L J Wholesalo and Retail Doalcrs in all kinds of Fresh and Gured Meats! A full line of Eamily Groceries, CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. i" Butter, Eggs, Chceso, etc. constantly on hand. t$8 Ships supplied st tho lowestrates. E. LOEBENSTEDT. TZSkJyTfc'fkv &3, ! - v,, fpA7f?t!.j, Mu 'tSlZUXUCi H T. 15A1LEY. "8S, RL53 jrv S f5 n & S &&'&&&& ? Retail Dealers in Goods delivered free of charge, to any part of STOCK I I ?i &ECTK22 TOITI CIiOTJHlX. "Erg 1 fcrSTTW .Twrv ."". rswriifsTrTt 3 i, ft.a'&'.li,- W n &Lit E. R. HALVES. & Hawes 9 LOUIS P. R1CHMAN. e$L rf5? '.1 T31 FT ? Waslunffton Market, Main Street, Astoria Oregon, jzehgaIAN e jsebizy xC tfon of tho public to tho fact that the above Market wilUalways oc suppiiea FULL VARIETY REST QUALITY OF . FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supply ing shins. MISCELLANEOUS. BARBOUR'S IRISH FJLAX TITKEAIS AXD SALMON XBT TWINES. Karliour ISrothers. il9 Tine street, San Francisco. Ifenry XoyIc. Manager. d.w.tf DEUGGIST. ASTOSIA. - - OBEGOX. Carries a full Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Prescriptions filled with care Day or Night. xW Manufacturer of Fishermen's "Relief. A sure preventative of Chapped Hands, and euro for Fish Wounds. rtDcment's Florida ater, price )Q conts. PAIN ERADICATOR, The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Age I The Vorlil 3?ov, ami I iiles ivo lro- l,Ti' yi so Hiu'kMiird. NotliJnjc Ilcmniiis Siationary. Pat up in large bottles and for sale by druggists and dealers. It you liappon to Do in a locality where STEELE'S PAIN ERADI CATE) K cannot be obtained, send to the near est wholesale druggit, or the Agents, CRANE & BRIGHAM, Wholesale Druggists, San Francisco. iVR-lor sale in Astoria by R. F. Caufield and W. E. Dement. HE MOST EXTENSIVE AND Only First-class Stock, CAN BE FOOfD AT E, S. LAESEFS , Comer of CASS and Squemoqha Streets, AS rOP.IA, OREGON. v rtuw niToices BY EVERY STEADIER. v 'C V I A V V' AYxh v- ni. r - e. X r Vv $ a tP f lane Squcnioc'ilia stroet, between Washington and Polk streets. ASTORIA OREGON II5-IXKY ;5IiOU. Proprietor. rfiHE PR0PRIETORR!tINGS WITH HIM JL an cxpcrK'iieo of 2") years in this business, f id liavinK constructed vehicles of all dis- iption faun A 25k' of 1" Ponniis IVcisht TO Aii 8.500 Pound IVnjyon, Is prepared to puaranteo sati.-faction to any who may patronize him. lie will uso nono but the best materials, and will make wagons and carriages cpial ttyiny slioi in tbo country. iw"Person in wanibf work will save money by finding this shop. isU-BIacksmithing and ship work promptly attended to. HENRY SINDLllNGER, DEALER IN STOVES and TINWARE, JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. S3S02' On Snuemocnha street, between Main and Cass street, Astoria. Oregon. B. 3. Franklin, UNDERTAKER AND CABINET MAKER. Squcmocqha street, next door to Astorian street, next door to Iding, Astoria, Urogon. bull XHrAll work dono in a skilUul manner, on shori notice and at reasonable prices. jVJ- MEYER, , ASTORIA BREWERY, Having all the necessary machinery for first class work, skillful Brewers, and using none but tbo be-t quality of materials, rho Proprie tor is prepared to manufacture LAGER BEER in any quantity, from a singlo bottle to a bar rel, and put it up in good condition for sbirA mentor immediate use. 1 amities and keep ers of public houses promptly and regularly supplied. M. METER. Proprietor. K. SPELLKHER, BOOT and SHOE MAKER, .ASTORIA, OREGON. Has just received a splendid stock of LEATHER and TBIMINGS, The best in Oregon, and will now fill any order, at the lowbSt Drices. for the best and I finest of Boots and Shoes. AT nT A :wk n w & fk - A rt M& A C VTV y) CAXL A AND P w ,d m WB