The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 09, 1877, Image 1

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Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning, September 9, 1877.
STo. 82.
tfggrflJiZ.H, l .X, UJK-X'a.'.V13L1!JL.7ig?.Li3U!.tJ!WvJWjaJ.'WM.':
glxs gailaj 5to?-ara,
(Atondy Excc;ted),
Ui-t?i JhiUdlny, Cass Street.
Terms of Subscription :
orvod by Carrier, per week
..25 Onts 5
front by man. lour months -
Sent by mail, cne year
Freo of l'ostage to Subscribers-.
.$: Os)
UV Advertisements inserted by tho yenr at
the rale of s-1 ."iu per .Ure per month.
Transient advertising, by the day or week,
fitly cents per square fur each insertion.
To City Subscribers.
There arc Fiich frequent clmnpcf in the resi
dence of uiircity pultons that ive .-"najl feel
obliged to any who iiikkc ;ich change if they
will report the same to this office. (Uheiwi-j
we sli8.Il not be responsible for failures of tne
canier to deliver the paper promptly and
regularly to them.
Going Home -Mr. 1. 0. Johnson
leaves us for Iris home at Willow ranche,
Modoc county. California, in a few days.
Sa.ii.kd. The 3lcIancthon has sailed
and the Wcbfool will sail from Knup
to for San Francisco on or about Wed
jiesdav next.
Locomotive. The Orient has an
other locomotive on board for ihc North
ern Pacific railroad, which will be dis
charged at Kaiama.
Coal, CAitoo. The Adventurer has a
cargo of "coals from Newcastle,' the
anma which will probably find ready
3urciiasci"s in Oregon.
Tjjaxks. The purser of ihe P. C. S.
S. Cos steamer Orizaba will please ac
cept our thanks for a full and complete
iHe of late San Francisco papers.
Our Cj:mkti:ky. V i.'-itors. 10 Ihe city
cemetery to-day v. ill find the grounds
greatly improved. All". C. L. Paiker is j
adding to the ailmetivencssof his lot by
Uae onxiion of a fine monument.
-- - 0r "N'kw Syi2a.mi:i:. Couneiinian
' IFeiTell. who returned yesterday, in
forms us that tlie new Meant lire engine
fetts been blockaded at Council Bluffs.
Jowa, by the fall of the Omaha bridge in
ihe recent tt.rnad.
Peter Yulhein hatfrtfffmenily fitted
up a ship-i5"t&Jer"s i'adjg room in eon
neeiion v. ItlnW (ffliilooyi is: Astoria.
Tlie htihppin' fff and honie
vardaiViuAjrd bou$?l shij.jdng lists
sire ktj.t oiin'e. Call ;y.l sv him.
Jkatii of "Mits. KiTi:i:. '-In the
midst of life we are in death. How
true. Mrs. Jennie E., wife of C. L. Kes
ter. esii of Oregon Ci:y. so recently here
on a vi:if. and over to Ilwaco and" Oys
lerville. died of heart diseaae on the J2d
ult., only a few days after her return
home from Astoria.
Op.kcox State Pahs. The adver
tisement of the State A gricultural So
ciety, in another column explains every
thing with resKct to Ihe '-annual tu
lnitlt at Salem, beginning on the .sth of
October. V7e hope the weather will be
line for all who desire to attend.
Not alt. Dbad (.'. W Lawson in
the Sratesman, says: "To show you
that' the fools are not all dead, please in
sert from to-davs dispatches: -The Tri
bune says the report is that Queen Yic-1
toria. Prince of Wales and ihe Duke of
Argyle are all investigators of spirit
ualistic phenomena, and furthermore it
is said 'thai the princess Ueatrice is a
very line medium.
Hostile. The Puget sound papers
cannot find anything too hostile to print,
against Goodall, Perkins & Co., for
.-ending their earners to Astoria. The
Couriv-r says : -Tlris northern const has
been the graveyard of aged and infirm
steamships long enough and we prefer
the owners of such craft should st ek
eJsewhcrefor living freights for their
floating collins.' Such jealous express
ions cant be helped, but in Astoria the
"Can Can" can be stopped.
Puget Sorxi) Fisir The Oregonian
suys that Mr. G. T. livers says 'that
somebodj on Paget sound says "fish are
liy-ge and run late in- Zybvember. It is
scarcely time for us to get the silver sal
mon in any quantity us they usually do
not run until the others have stopped for
a week or ten days. Indians all think,
and whiles predict, a good run until
November. We have, already packed
4.500 cases, and. tlie newr run of salmon
bids fair to be large. The silver salmon
are large and fat and deep red color, and
supexior- camied, to-Columbia river fish.'
The Can Can in Astoria.
The Salem and Portland press have
had considerable to say with respect
to to "Can Can," a traveling exhibi
tion of so called female minstrels, to
witness whose performances, the bills
say "positively no ladies will be ad
mitted." Yesterday an agent who
represents this exhibition called at our
ollice to leave an advertisement for an
exhibition to le given at Liberty hall
to-moiTow evening. We had formed
a decided repugnance to the exhibition
from Inning been shown, (by council
man Warren), one of the little yellow
dodgers, which may be considered
obsene, at least we think if you arc a
parent you would not like to have
such posters thrown around where one
of 3Tour little boj-s could pick it up and
cany it to the family fireside, hence
we presumptorily declined his adver
tisement and his money, and meeting
with members of the city council after
wards we were forced to bring it to
this attention, and the following letter
is the result of that interview:
To the Clfri Treasurer ami in the City A udi
tur and Clerk:
Gentlemen-: Yon are hereby no
tified that you are ordered not to issue
jury license to the proprietor or agent
of the Ida Cerito sensation show or
Madame Bentx's female -minstrels and
can can dancers, or Morgan's living
pictures. Yours, &c .
D. C. Irelanp. Mayor.
Hon. David Ingalls,
F. J. Taylor, es.
Astoria. Oregon. -Sept. s. 1S77.
To LtverjwMM, jer Lochinvur. . 1
WlnSfit-SI.-K ctl?
Ta !Lo:wlalu per MaUie 3e!e..S)tt,l.
Flour. 2U2orrel S 1.2 .r0
CaJc (iood. 1 5cai5... 1 25
I'titutoc". 1'2 jacks 2' Mi
'lhm, 2Wi Iti? M
i"abn(Mi,i"5 bills .1.0 00
8 cases 5-iJt iw
3Iiefc!lnnf0us mdc 2,! 3 "J2 S S.7S5 07
To Honolulu cr Falktnlmry, S;K S:
Flour. 50 bbl? ? : W
Salmon, 123 bbls J,0!2 m
HOpkg? S"Hl)J
J5 caso? TM M
Lumber. pms and bolts 2,42 Ttl
()a.ts Jtnd bran M5 tt;
Alisccllaneous mdsc 751" tn ?3,Sl2 55
To A'ictori and Xaniamo n sW Cal
ifornia, .Septmuer th :
Flour. 1V.2 bblp 5 J? ,77.0 .
Wheat, 112 centals 1,:E.'.J 71
Irsn. Meal and Mid-
dlinjrs. :n,71 V 010 OS
JMijcellanoous mdse ."",. l.v S1C,0S2 50
The Pxkxowx. Say a writer from
Seaside, in the Oregenian: "Pissing
along the shore, we come to the graves
of two unknown sailors, with no inscrin
tion save this: 'Found upon the beach.
April 1SG.V Here, perhaps. ujon a
foreign strand, a kind father, a tender
husband, ti ln'loved brother or son. lias
found an unwept grave: and wiiib the
waves chant their sad requiem above the
nameless dead, possibly in .-ome humble
home in a far-off land. their memories
still live and their names are not for
gotten." Lewis Kiveii Pj:o:u"e. The Levis
Piver packet made tlie port of Astoria
under very unfavorable circumstances,
night before last, but if we may be jvr
mitted to judge from the samples of fruit
left at our ollice, Mr. "MeCormick may
feel proud of hLs success in finding the
cream of tlie country. His boat, the Fl
len "MeCann, was heavily loaded and he
concluded to take the Gazelle, crossing
Cathlamet bav, when his small boat
swamped and he lost about SKW worth
of "the best the market could afford."
lie is not to be beat, however, ami after
disposing of what he had left; will re
turn and try it again. He has establish
ed himself "regularly in this trade, and
don't propose to allow himself to be
JSt-Ji is too late in the day to argue
to intelligent business men the ptopriciy
and necessity of advertising themselves.
The laet i too well organized now that
only those, houses which advertise judi
ciously prosper, tnd only thoe pull
through the haid times successfully which
keep their nattier and vares constantly
before the public eye. The experience of
every intelligent and educate I bu-iness
man is clear upon this point, and hence
the column? of a nsw.-paper, especially
in what nre called ''dull times, ,? will give
the roter of the business men of a place
who may be relied upon as intelligent,
prudent and enterprising. Only those
who understand the ait of advertising
(and it is an art), know that tle effective
mode v to kep the public constantly and
steadily apprised of wba't thy have kr
ssortiiient of photograph
II brackets at Adlcr's
ance or ueatn. "uuicr
dren." or the sequel to
."' -Tom Sawyer,"' "Lat
Mark Twain.' and Wav-
I'sl .N
eii .
eiieiis latent editions, at
book store next to the
CO. II., or constantly on hand,
the lxst slock of school books, at the
City 'look Store.
Mrs. .. W. "Mu'nson is prepared to
take a lew borders, with or without
...jWh'ii you want a fine dress suit
r-i nwtem jK-Vfe'-ily. get it at home, of
Ai2niovh'se reputation is a guarantee
Fresh oysters in every style at
Perfection Stonewall Whisky,
hand-made sour mash ; Snow-hill Whis
ky, lire eiMier sweet mash: acknowl
edged from irs relnied taste and delicacy
ofllavor to le beyond comparison the
best in this country, sold at the Astoria
Liquor Store by H. Alarx & Co., Water
street roadway.
Mrs. Dr. Jlurr. Homeopathic phy
sician, has removed to her new residence
four doois from Liberty hall.
Vi-U'Y lJnney is still in the market
with all kinds of building materials in
his line. Has just received 100.000 lath,
2.iK:j bushels of sand, and a large stock
of first quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of lientoh street.
Mrs. Arrigoni is furnishing good
rooms wiiii board at from ( to S7 and
upwards per week, according to location.
Parties wishing a nice dish of oyster.-
will find litem at the Pioneer res
taurant, serve I by one that understands
th business. Open during the day and
all hours of the night. .
Merfach unri von verjehiedenen
aufwfordert darauf hinzuwircken um
den hier an-aeigen!)eutschen (lurch ein
cluboder verein naeher untersiehmit
einatider xu verbindeu. erlaube ich
niich iiimii t-In" ers;imlung vor.ushla
gen als den 1"J Seitember. 177. abeitils s
uhr. in h.tuse ties Herrn N. Weiiuan.
ISollte es sich riaher d-rmuehe loltueu
obiiies Z5i U'zwccken unci gleicher an
sicht mil mir zu theik-n so 1 ittj 'wi
hiemit tun zahireichen zuspruch und
iitM'h eimal mMiic Deutsclten lands
leuten das zu behorigen -das jn jeder
weisz das drr Deutsche name einen gu
ten klang ja weit uber den gsiuen tin er--vaterlamJfS
hinaiLS Iiat uud laes nicht
itiehr wie uns"re schuldigkeit ist fur
tins den nai.ien Deittsch wer!h zu
zeigen das heist iin strengste sinne des
wortcs. LO L IS tJ OE'l'Z.
First-class'lnlliard table for sale.
cheap for cash, inquire at the Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Oriswolds St arc i Finish and Lesh
ers Matric Cleaning Fluid for the instant
removal of grease, paint, etc.. from cloth
ing, carpets, is also splendid for clean
ing jewelry anl silver-plate, without in
jury. Price Si cents a bottle. Sold by
J, W. Gearhari.
.ir-Photographs! The latest styles
taken at Shunter's w,v gallery, Cagb it.,
next to the Astorian ofiiee.
i Cr-Dr. B. P. Frechuid has located
permanently in Astoria !or the practice (if
donli-tiy. O.iice next door to the -tote of
iltij. C. II. Page & Co.
J&ys"an Francisco beer,Steihicoom
beer, A-torin huer, bottled l:er and .En
glish Hrter at the Chiwigo house, 3Iain
street, Astoria. N. "Wytnan, proprietor.
Tif" For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an ca.-y shave, iio to Gillespie at lu
keu Hoisk 1 Jatiis. Hair cutting, sham
poontng, and dyeing.
""'Little Van has reestablished
him.-c'f at the old corner, refreshed by his
late journey to the Atlantic slates, and
will as formerly attend to all orders in his
line a.- general jobber.
jSFSehnieer's Confe
Pfctre-hnient rooms on t$(:
are patroniwd bv the uec
vety liberally, and the' on
pntioni.(d, lxcaisc the en'r
tatniy a credit to the. cil3'.
cake-, etc., are served to ord
JOSTThe Capital, on Main near
Squemoeqha street, AVm. Appleby pro
prietor, is one otthe. snuggest and tnot
quietlaees in the city, where the public
can get tlie linest quality of wines, liquors
and cigars.
1 have just received pc
a large inviiee if musii.
such as violins, guitars, ha
ons, harmonicas, violin b(
peg. (... etc.. also a full
the best
Italian strings of .all kind
have a
large and complete si
music: i am alsoprepn
a liddle bridge up to a SI
v) piano.
Agent for S'
Hyde's music
li'jtise San Fnneic
Canary Bntns. for sale at Gilles
pie's, Parker house baths.
Direct to Astoria. Mr. M. Wise
informs the ladies and gentlemen of As
toria and vicinity, that he in opened his
store with a nice assorted stock of goods,
which he propose to bell at bed-rock pri
ces for cash. Iletnemrbcr the nlace. opdo-
i site R. P. Caufield'i Ding Store.
far n
ki'iil qi
.1 WDis
we lilpiwt
ttHtnery and
fcijiJeoha street
pWrntl Astoria
Jiffc be so
JMI nr I.TtM.- i
3 Ice-cream,
3 ne ().
si, j c-.rv
in it to sen "OJ
Tillamook County.
Ill accordance with your request
that some person would write up a
description and statement of the capa
bilities of Tillamook county, I submit
the follewing:
Iii geographical position Tillamook
county is bounded on the north by
Clatsop county, on the east by Wash
ington and Yamhill counties, on the
south by Benton county, and on the
west by the ocean, having a coast line
of about sixty-five miles and contain
ing something over 4(50 square miles.
It contains two b;i3s, named respect
ively Tillamook and Netarch; the
former being the larger of the two,
being about fourteen miles in length
and live in width, on an average; Jtnd
having eighteen feet of water on tne
bar at low tide, vide Kinglow's report
to the U. S. Coast survey.) The en
trance channel runs due east and west,
being perfectly safe for vessels drawing
from seventeen to twenty feet. The
anchorage is good, as the bay is pro
tected on the south and west by a
range of mountains and sand hills
which render it perfectly safe from
south and west gales.
Netarch bay is about the same in
length as Tillamook and about three
miles in width. The channel, in
starting from the bay, runs about
northwest until it reaches the bar,
when it turns rather abruptly to the
southwest. It is only safe for vessels
of light draft. . This bay is noted for
its oysters.
Both bays contain an 'abundance of
salmon, clams, crabs, pogies, iioim-
ders, torn cods, blue bass, ducks and
geese, while the rivers emptying into
them are well stocked with mountain
trout. About two-thirds of the county
is heavily timbered; in the low lands
and tlats flourish the spruce, hemlock,
cottonwood and alder, while on the
hills and mountains grow iuxuriantlv -
tlie fir and Larch interspersed with a
line growth "of cedar, among which
sport an abundance of elk, deer and
bear, to say nothing of coon, beaver,
mink, muskrat and fishers.
The county contains some of the
nnest land m the state, consisting of
prairie, river bottom and tide land;
the river bottom being the most pro
ductive and of which there is plenty
to be taken. Wheat, oats, barley,
iiax, potatoes and vegetables of all
kinds grow luxuriantly; apples, pears,
l,,l",,l .wiiv-iiiw.j, nwwuwnw,vmimiuj,
strawberries, and in fact all small
fruits do well, but the staple produc-
tion of Tillamook county is grass.
Timothy, red tup, orchard grass, blue
grass, and clovers of all kinds grow to
perfection, making it, as it is, the
2 J
iinest dairy county in the state. The
butter made hero is the best in the
Oregon market, and the amount made
is steadily growing every vear. Jit
order to develop this branch of indus
try and render it as it will eventual y
be the main business of the county, we
need the same plan and system as that
used so successfully in the state of
New York, namely, the establishing of
clioese ana butter lactones at proper
would be a surer investment than any
other branch of business m the state,
butter never failing to bring from 20
to ou cents per pouim wnoiesate :wm
is the average hole for the summer,
which, say at 20 cents per poun.t
would amount to $2,000 for 100 cows;
and sis it is calculated bv experts that
3 pounds of cheese cm be made to one
oi butter, we have the amount oi u,-
000 pounds which, sav at 12i cents
per pound would amount to 3.250,
to sav nothing c.f the pork made at the
-.. ,l . ? ., ;x i
same tune. Owing to , w ant ot capu. 1
or inclination, none of the citizens or
locauoiis; cacti lactoiy to consume uio it ex-president
njoncy invested m these factories Armi,i0,r ,'flnii
cheese trom 12 h to Scents per poum, st.imniered one a few words, his month
according to quality. Otis htmdiul' nT.ftfill i,;. ftvea i,ec.lrt0 covered
pounds of h-utter to any common cow , ikh fi!in i hevras carried to bed.
tne county have made any attempt ao ..winner fevers Unit prevail in th South
fhe business and it is for that reason em utot.. nor of' overwltclmed by
and capital to invest, would come and
establish himself here.
Fearing, Mr. Editor, that I am cei-
ting my article too long I will bring it
to a close f or this time and if accept r-
ble will trouble you at some futme
time. I wish to call the attention oi
L tO CaU me UoteilUOii oi
f0 evr.d oneniiP'S here
.nerative investment of
business men
tor tire renin i
.... . ?r nv Titi-vr.
Yours respectfully,
E. H. Coleman
nit I have called such particular at- t earthquakes that vtstt Cahlornia everv
... i .i i him fir nrop vMrs. nor vet hr tr; 11nn(U
tention to it, noi'ing mat some person j - j ; - - v . -, .--
i i i i r v i,' ,0. 'evprv filth or tentn year, not driKl up by
having a knowledge of the business,... ., ... ;, A ...,,. '...
Cliurcli Directory.
t'ransr, services at 11a. m., $md 74 "
Sunday school after iiftrniflS services, beats
Fiilst Prvsbytkri v (iasf i. Organized May
5iii, 1S77. Supply o&pcGtgd from tho Board
uf Domestic Missions. ttndny school ovary
Sunday at one o'clock r? it., at upper As
toria school house.
GRvcK(Efisrotvi. Cnracnl "Ror. T. A. Hy
laud, Kector. Services it Ha. mm and 7("
f. at. Sunday school at !Q"bck a. m.
CnvfKt. ok Titr: Holy IJkocknt. Services
(upper Astoii.O alterrafte Sundays, at 8
o'clock v. .m.. bj theKov. T. A. Hyland.
Sunday school every Sfimday at9 o'clock a.m.
Str ok tiik Si:.v Jyf7RC"- Tier. Fntlior
Macken Pastor. Stftpccs nt li o'clock a. m.
Sunday school at oclock c. st.
First II.vitist Ciiunun.- ttev. J. G. Burchett,
ra-tor. Services at 11 a. st., and i r.x.
Sunday school immediately after morning
nyScrvices in the Court-house. All are
requested to b' present to arrange for the
concert, by the Sunday school.
PnooKESSiVK Lyceuji. Children's Lyceum
held at Liberty hall at 2 o'clock p.m.. under
the auspices "of the society. Friends of
Progress. J. 'Cotter, conductor.
CSunday evenintc lecture by Mrs. C. M.
Stowe, will lecture at 8 p. nt., at Liberty 11L
The Baltimore Times says that
Ostnan Pasha is a Maryland republi
can, and stumped the state for Grant.
That's too thin.
The Xew York Times credits the
report circulated by Mormon dissenters
in Polo, Ills., that BrighaiiL Young's
death was by suicide.
Sew York Aldermen arc inquir
ing into the cause of the late fatal Sre.
They find that much of the los3 or
life and property was due to an insuf
ficient supply of water.
Gen. Crook and staff left Chey
enne on Wednesday last for Camp
Brown, from which xom ;l detach
ment of the 5th cavalry, under Gen.
Merritt. and a part of the 2d cavalry
went to intercept the Nez Perces.
Tlie next legislature of California
will be about ten majority on joint
ballot democratic. House will be
close. San Francisco elects demo
cratic mayor, five commissioners, and
superintendent of schools.
A meeting of the "apostles" was
held at Salt Lake city on the 6th;- re
take steps for the future management
of the Mormon Church. Two of the
twelv apostles. Orson Pratt and Jo
seph F. Smith, are in Europe, but will
return to Utah immediately.
The "Sew York Evening Pout
says that the lack of water at the scene
'... .1 II
of the Fatal nre was aue to tne small
size of the mains in the neighborhood,
Hydrants furnished only about fave
pounds pressure apiece, instead of 20
j r 2o. The heat of the ruins is such
that it will be impossible to dig m
them at present for bodies.
A dispatch fron Camp Xtobinson,
j"5th, siys: Crazy Horse was arrested
here last night, and is now a prisoner.
.StYomv-rivo neonie of Lame Deer's
; band surrendered at Camp Sheridan
i yesterday. They stated that the rest
of the band munibering 500, under
Fast Bull, will be in in four or live
' days.
---,- 4 . ,
A parj3 dispatch of the 4fch savs
Thiers died ot
oyancc. nc arose on
rvr and worked until
7.o0 wen )e wet fljr ftn lours VaIk
Q1 tne terrnce At noon he took
j i,mcheou wjtil r good appetite, but
towards the, end of the reoasfc he
His Thysicij:ns were sent for and in 20
lIimlttc; after ths ntt;vck he was dead,
Th- PHe o t Oregon are not burned up
four months in summer and frozen or
nowa in st nion:ii m wimer, nor mn-
lions of prene: tv swept away in a night by
overwhelming flood.-and devastating hur-
i rienm-s lh..y tre?ently rvre in tlie
i extern and western states ot the union.
! ThM. fl nfl .vr. -n lHnr oTWu rrlod
! t imttim.!V Crnvi-. in hundred, by the.
j rrj10 mmer diseases so des.
human life among children in tt
nie'ive to
states are almost unknown, in Oregon.
i lll'illtti; iti mijniL x-i ui i t in i ' A.bi4iiikiw
n m tr r nhili rnn in f ie at binrin
-TSThe slopp Magnet one of the
finest passenger boats on the nay. under
! command of Caj.t. John 1C. Witt, one of
juuiiiui.iiui m v.i... iwiui iv. in, line in
I the most experienced masters emuloved
, !"ws'JiTL PL"
iun unit. i u ii'(.jiuijit.'iiii me .TiiiK:n;i '
I : . . i ... . i
anyone in want of a pleasure trip on the.
nay. or to points of interest about A-tona,
during the summer season.
j i in .i .