The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 08, 1877, Image 1

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- j"
Vol 3,
Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, September 8, 1877.
ITo. 81.
(pgpg $ rj
glis gnftg fcttm
(Monday Excepted),
Aatvrian JJuildiiig, Cms Street.
Terms vf Subscription :
served by Carrier, icr week 23 CoDts
Fcnthy mail, x'our months - j
(sent by mail, cno year. ' "U
Tree of Postage to Subscribers.
n" Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of ? ."U per ttarc per month.
Transient adverti-irur, by iheilav or -week,
fifty cents per -j,iarufor encli insertion.
To City Subscribers.
There are cuch fro?ticnt cl. an$rc in the resi
dence of our city iation tlitit ve shall fool
oltitecd to any who make si ii change' if they
will rcpoit the fame to thi- uce. Otherwise
wos-hall not be re-ponnblo f ir failure of the
cairier to deliver the papi r piomptly and
regularly to them. :
ICixcluxe. This vess
will .soon be
readv for sea.
JIoiB Again. Prof.
). Curtis re-
turned home by the A'y(K
ObaBay. The Claf hammer took
litis vessel in tow fr Ijranrul yester
day, also (he Aldcn Ness-?.
Ssivi; axk. Tl j i s ewl ha - , .
eargo on board. She passed
,rt of a
up the
river yesterday in tow of the Columbia.
At Jo:AirTo. The barkentincs
WebfootnndMelnnctlioiraiv ready for
ea at Rnappton Milhiutttbf: cargoes.
Seriously j ll.. Mr. Sehtussel. sen
ior of the "White House firm of Sehlussel
!c Kant Astoria, is ery serioiisij ill at
his rooms at the Occident
Picking Uiv Business ahttu shore
begins ip pick up a little. There i-s,ontc
prospect of i little ballast rvuel re Ore
'n yet this ;11 from foreign twrts.
A. 1 axb A. 31. There will lc a
.so. 7, A. F. and A. M.. at rheir lodge
room this evening at the tibial hour.
Woi k in the first-decree.
Hera IIeauu Fj:om. Th steam tug
(ten. Canby returned from towing the
llcra into GrayV, harbor on the rth, and
will return to-day with further supplies
jor Air. Hume " ho has located there and
began work.
Body Foi"M. VestetHlr). n: .ruing
the J)ixie Thompson picked up '!' 1rh1
of a man in the Wallamet and ktt it at
Gillihaifs landing, a few milis le3ow
Portland. The body kiokH( Hk' it had
been in the water .some time.
Snir-MAVJj;n- Jtj;AiXfi Iloov. Air.
Peter Wilbelm has permanenth fitted
up a ship-ma.-iers rending nnu in con
nection with the Cii'Wi saloon in A-4oria.
The latest .siiiipinuj pnper. aihi lenu'
Avanl and outward bound .shipping lUts
are kept on tile. Call and .set- him.
3Ioitxtain Lauicei.. This essel.
nartlj laden for Europe, arrived erter-
day in tr)w ot the Orha;, fr mi Portland.
She tsed ovii' .St Iibr bar with l(
feet, and from Columbia eit; carried
17:10 to Astoria, pilot Oilman on deck.
New Mlic Again we are under
obligations to Mr. Cornnrt for a .select
piece of new music "She's Just a Sweet
Bouquet," song and dance: e imposed
for and sung by Mile. M-arie Annee.
Sherman & Hyde, pstblisher.s. Mr. Cor
nart has about as tat?fcy a ston a-there
is in tiie city now. See special notice in
another column, and advertisement on
the second page.
Another Caxxery Afloat. Mr.
Robert Watson of the Tongue point
fishery, will proceed to Gray's harbor
to-day prepared to put up fish for the
market, it seems that our friends over
at Gray's harbor begin to awaken quite
a lively interest on the bay. We hope
real estate will not advance so outra
geously high as to prevent a settlement
of the country in consequence of this
spurt of local industries in that vicinity.
The Ray Fisheries. Astoria capi
tal is branching out We are pleased to
see it The canneries established on
Tillamook bay and Gray's harbor by
Astorians, will we hope be the means of
developing a more lively interest be
tween these places and Astoria. We
have always contended that there were
reciprocal advantages, obligations and
rights that ought to be fostered, and now
that these fisheries are started, acciden
gifrf though it be, we hope to see great
fcood result from the beginning.
Common Council.
Afc an adjourned meeting of the
common council held Thursday even
ing, present; councilman Brown, Fla
vel, Page and Warren. Proceedings
were as follews:
Of N. F. Mudge for indemnity of
$50 on account of moving driver, re
ferred to committee on streets and
public ways. .
Of Chief of police Ross, asking for
deputy, allowed to collect taxes.
Committee on streets and public
property made various reports showing
that several contracts were completed
for street work, but no one street is
yet finished.
Committee on fire and water re
ported bills received with shipping re
ceipt for the steam fire engine, and the
same were audited and ordered paid.
Lamp-lighter reported several lamps
broken and asked for authority to
compel persons breaking to make re
pairs good. Ordinance ordered.
City surveyor's report and report of
superintendent of streets adopted.
Report of city attorney on remon
strance of Hon. A. Hinman relating to
widening of Concomly street was
made by ordinance.
Report of the judges of the fire de
partment election was submitted, and
the council declared J. H. D. Gray
oiuutuu Giiitu triiguiura., .j. a. jL'uii.iiuii,ti
1st assistant, and C. J. Trenchard, 2d
assistant engineers.
Providing for sewer on Jefferson
street, from Washington to Cass
street, read second time.
Providing for widening of Concomly
street, read second time.
Warrants were ordered in payment
of various claims against the city.
The city attorney was instructed to
prepare an ordinance providing for the
grade of J3enton street.
The committee on streets and public
property were authorized to contract
with John Uobson for removal of
earth at intc: section of Benton and
Seventh streets, upon the basis pro
posed per cubic vard, payalie in Jan
uary 1379.
The same committee were instructed
to proceed and collect assessments for
street work, let contracts, etc., etc., in
all cases where they, in their judg
ment, consider it necessary.
Akkivai-s rnoM Sea. The past two
days has been an improvement upon the
past few months so far as foreign arri
vals are concerned. The.Eskbank, Oban
3.v, Alden Ue.sse and Ajax have gone
up to try St. Helen bar to-day.
Work Bkoux. Mr. Stone, one of the
contractors for the work at Tongue
point arrived in the city night before
last and took rooms at the Occident.
Work was legMi yesterday. Mr. J. E.
Smith has- tin contract for rthe pile
driving. Mr. Stone expects to complete
the work within the next sixty days.
For some days past the Commissioners
court of Clatsop county has been in
session at the Court-house, transacting
business for the dear people. The last
term of the Circuit-court was a very ex
pensive one, but it seems that it was un
avoidablejustice had to be done, as is
attested by the seven or eight convicts,
added to the list at the Oregon Peniten
tiary, fiom Astoria last month.
Cut ix Tin: I Ie ai. Mr. J. P. Miller
lfarrowly escaped serious injury a few
days ago, on Gray's river. He was pass
ing through the brush with a sharp axe
on his shoulder, when he stumbled and
fell headlong, and in the act of recover
ing himself, or at the time he fell, the
blad of the axe tov eJTcct in his scalp.
He bled profusely, but summoned aid
ami soon stopped the bleeding, and is
now recovering from the effects of the
Bucked too Hard. We regret to
learn that Major Hibbard and Capt.
Burns are bursted. Two years ago they
formed a partnership in San Francisco
and went into the stock business. They
got along well enough for a time, but in
the crash of a few months ago they were
broken all to pieces. Neither one came
out really worth a dollar. Both are
there yet and from all that we can learn
have been having a rather hard time of
it The major and captain are honor
able gentlemen and. both have estimable
families, and we much regret the mis
fortune that has befallen them. Stocks
are the great curse of the coast and
yearly ruin their hundreds and thousands.
vy&fc1. 0. 11.. or constantly on hand,
lejRat slock of school books, at the
ook Store.
MT7J. W. Munson is prepared to
borders, with or without
ten vou want a fine dress suit
u perfectly, get it at home, of
fc'hosc leptnation is a guarantee
..fresh ovsters in every style at
V large and cleganPlssortmcnt of
the best kind of cooking
, ranees,
parlor stoves, etc.. etc.. havi
ceived atL. P. Hichman &
en re-
If you
want a good stove, call am
t thi,
stock and prices.
Perfection Stonewall
hand-made sour mash ; Snow-hill Whis
ky, fire cooper sweet mash; acknowl
edged from its refined taste and delicacy
of llavor io be beyond comparison the
best in this country, sold at the Astoria
Liquor Store by If. Marx & Co., Water
street roadway.
Mrs. Dr. Burr. 1 Iomeopathie phy
sician, iias removed to her new residence
four doors from Liberty hall.
Peter Buney s still in the market
with all kinds of 'building materials in
his line. lias just leceived 100.000 lath.
J.uski bushels of sand, and a large stock
of first quality of brick at his warehouse
foot of Benton street
Mrs. Arrigoni is furnishing good
rooms with hoard at from (5 to S7 and
upward per week. accordingto location.
Parlies wishing a nice dish of oyster-;
will find them at the Pioneer res
taurant, served by one that understands
the business. Open during the day and
all hotn.s of the night
Merfach und von verschicdencn
aufgcford'Ti; darauf hinzuwireken urn
den hier ansaesigenDeinchen durch ein
club oder verein naeher untersichmit
einander zu verbinden. erlauhe ieh
mich himit cine versamlung vorzusehla
gen als den 1". September. 1S77, abends 8
uhr. in hanse des Herrn X. Weiman.
Sollte cs sjch dahcr der muehe lohnen
obiges zu bezwecken und gleicher an
sicht mil mir zu theilen so litt; ieh
hiemit i:ni zahlnichen zuspruch und
noeh eiinal meiue Deutschen lauds
leuten das zu behorzigen das ja jeder
weis. das der Deutsche name einen gu
ten klang ja weit ubcr den gauen u users
vaterlandes hinatts hat und das cs nicht
mehr wie unsere schuldigkeit ist fur
tins den namen Deutsch werih zu
izeigen uas heist nn strengstosinneues
worit. LOLIS GOETZ. billiard table for sale,
cheap for cash. Inquire at the Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Griswolds Starch Finish and Lesh
evs Magic Cleaning Fluid for the instant
removal of grease, paint etc.. from eloll -ing,
carpets, is also splendid for clean
ing jewelry and silver-plate, without in
jury. Price St cents a bottle. Sold by
J. W. Gearhnrt.
."Photographs! The latest styles
taken at Shunter's new gallery, Cats tt,
nc.t to the Astorian ofiice.
iJDr. B. R. Freeland h:is located
permanently in A-toria or the practice of
dentistry. O.lice next door to the stoie of
Maj. C. H. Pagc& Co.
flSan Francisco beer, Steilaconm
beer, Astoria buer, bottled beer and 3'hi
glish poitcr at the Chicago hou-e, Main
street, Astoria. N. "Wyman, roprietor.
5Sr" For clean towels, sharp r.izors,
and an cas-y shave, go to GilSe.-pio at Pau
K?:n Heusi: ILvtiis. Hair cutting, sham
))oonmg, and dyeing.
..-Newspaper advertising is now
rocogni.ed by busine-s men having faith in
thuir own wares, as the mo4 ellective
means for securing for their wares a wide
lecognitun of their incr.ts:.
TLittle Van has reestablished
himself at the old cornei, reiretied by his
late journey to the Atlantic i-tatcs, and
will a formerly attend to all ordeis in his
line a-jreneral jobber.
f"Schineer's Confectionery and
Rerre-hmeut rooms on Squcmocqha street
arc patronized by the people of A-toria
very liberally, and they ought to be so
patronized, because the eneiprie is cer
tainly a ciedit to the city. Ice-cream,
cake?, etc., are served to order.
XcSrThe Capital, on Main near
Squemoeqha street, Wm. Appleby pro
prietor, is one of the snuggest and mo-t
quiet places in the city, where the public
can get the finest quality of wines, liquors
and cbzars.
jrThe sloop Magnet one of the
finest passenjrer boats on the bay, under
command of Capt. John K. Wirt, one ol
the most experienced mn-ters employed
in thee water, is ready for special trips
anytime. Y recommend the Magnet to
anyone in wint of a pleasure trip "on the
bay, or to points of interest about Astoria,
during the summer season.
SWhile the advertiser eats and
sleeps, printers, steam engines, and print
ing presses are at work ior him, trains
and stages are taking hi.s words to evtry
corner of the country, to thousands ol
readers, all whom glance with more or
less interest at the message prepared for
them in the solitude of his office. No
preacher ever spoke to so large an audi
ence, or with so little effort, or so elo
quently, as you may with the newspaper
man's assistance, speak to the public.
a lewp
k ! J
if inspec
Notes and Comments.
A singular and frightful case of
poisoning at sea is reported in the
English papers. While the bark
Crown Prince of St. John, New
Brunswick, wts on a voyage in No
vember last from the Peruvian coast
to Falmouth, England, the entire
crew, fourteen in number, became ill
on account of the bad quality of the
pork supplied. The vessel was hove
to for a fortnight, and at the expira
tion of that time three of the men
went mad. Six men died on the
Falkland islands, whither the captain
had turned his course, and the rest of
the crew were sent into hospital. The
Crown Prince reached Southampton
on the OOtli of July and an investiga
tion has been ordered "by the authori
ties. The statistics of thepostage stamp
branch of the postal department of the
government are almost appalling for
numbers. The total number of stamps
of all kinds and denominations, inclu
ding stamped envelopes and newspa
per wrappers, issued y the depart
ment during the fiscal year ending
June 30, was 1,000,353,909, the value
of which was S2G,525,830 49 The
Postmaster-general recently ordered a
count to be made of all the stamps in
the vaults of the Continent:! Bank
note company. The result shows
that they have on hand 1S2,0M,1G0
stamps, worth 7,o(i0,S22 31. This
result xioves a net deficiency from the
balance shown by the books of the
contractors of G52 stamps, valued at
1S 7-1. the difference appearing in
onty o out or lzs items. rue com
pany have held the contract for print-
I ing stamps since Ma, 1S73.
It is some satisfaction
bo learn
The Hawaiian Gazette goes so far as
to express the belief that ic will prove
the physical salvation of the native
race, and that (Turing its continuance
for seven years the limit
ation w
the decrease of populati
probably cease and the tide of increas
ed industry and prosperity set in.
"We note," says the Gazette, '"great
X.1...1. ii. r -i i . i .
ma me American reciprocity treaty a. . (. one ami .J. v:. L-erguson.
Tt-;f!, !,n ii,iii..,'-ii 'zinnrle io l'lrnlir f J. It blionpurd. J. W. Suipr
. , , 7 R Mendleson were appointed a
oe or nriceriai neuenc to uie tauter, committee on uniiorm.
activity on each island of the group, on ror auling iiremen to reaentneu
particularly in every kind of agricul- ; I'-,r Wsol buildings on fire, or to es
; , , rm . ,. ., cape from burning buildings, is on e;ni
tural work. 1 his activity is not con- bition at the store of J. O. Bozarth,on
fined to those engaged in sugar or rice j Cass street.
culture, out importers, retailers, me
chanics and laborers of all classes
share in it. Nor are the importations
which are so rapidly increasing, con-
feel the magical influence of this great
measure and share directly or indi
rectly in its benefits."
1' T 1 ll -C I 1 tl
uneu oniy to inose troni America; out n-imet creek on liguier-. tins loo
TCiwdoiwi o,wi rvi,i,. e",ovrt in ih ! like old times when freight was sh;
f-i;, ,-i -i r i j.3 from San Francisco to ue rixvived '
andLnghsh and Gernim merchants , j . t;u.kI ,.hieh b0mutim
resident here, as well as Americans, meant ftwan island bar.
The Gux ai Rod -The Oregon pro-peiitv is to purchase all his goods
. ' abroad, and the easiest wav to make people
tity Enterprise says: "Parker ard . co nbrwid i to neglect to advertise aJ
has purchased a fine breech loading ' l-nie. m People who don't believe that
, ... , ,. . , , advertising pays should not complain u
shotgun winch cost the handsome sum ( pw!(s attracted by the liboialadvortic
ofS13G. He went out one day ie- i meiit of men bants in other pluces, go
cently to try the merits of his gun, abroad to do their trading.''
and bagged 15 pheasants and one j r- -nuin
grouse in a shore time. " The Telegi-ani
siv: 'Robert E. Bvbee, Esq. , Gen. J.
W. Sprague and T. A, Clarke, have
CilUll 1 1131 i CUCl 4 Ull tltt.(Jt.l UUlii lilt
.i, -;..i- ,.z.....i ,i;-..- ,.-.,. in.
manufactory at Ithaca, New iork, a
handsome six-splits bamboo fishing
elaborately f mpte. the
gate length being about ten ieet and
weighing but seven and one-half oun-
ces. They were manufactured by
Prof. Towler, one of the oldest and
most noted anglers of the empire
state, and cos
;t about 870 each. In
fact they lay over anything of the kind
ever introduced in this state and the
nossessors of them mav well feeL
proud of the outfit, while any mountain
or brook trout should feel delighted to
be taken out of the water by audi a
nobby rod.
Railhoad to Coos-bay. The Coos
bay News dtsire to know who is back
ing the proposed railroad niDvement
for a narrow gauge railroad from Rose
burg to Coos bay. In answer, the
Independant says: the entire people
of Douglas county. A survey of the
road is to be made at an early date,
the cost of the pmposed road ascer
tained, and then the facts connected
therewith and manner in which it is
proposed the road shall be constructed
submitted to the people. Douglas
county stands ready to contribute
$100,000 toward building the road at
any moment the contribution is asked
for, and we want Coos county to help
us in the enter pi ise.
Good Torn. The little steamer
Los Angelos arrived in San Francisco
on the 27, in excellent time, beating
the Ajax. This is not the fastest time
between the two ports, however, the
Orillamme having made it in 58 hours
and 10 minutes; the John L. Stephens
in 54 houra and 45 minutes, and the
George W. Elder in 53 hours. The
Elder is the fastest vessel on the route
to our notion; but we believe that the
Dakota, with a draft of thirteen or
fourteen feet, is the fastest ship out of
San Francisco in the whole Northern
trade, nor do we believe she ever was
a match for the Oregonian, now plying
in Chinese waters, but first designed
for the Portland route. Seattle Intd
ligence)'. Fire Matters.
At a meeting of Rescue engine com
pany No. 2. ot" Astoria, held Thursday,
Sept (5, 1S77. the following officers were
elected tor the ensuing year:
J. J). Merrvinan
(I. F.Parker....
K. IS. Iiawes ...
L. I). Colfiuan ..
...1st As't Foreman
2d As't Foreman
!.I. It Sheppard..
P. A. Tmllinger
Delegates. C. H. Stockton. J. W.Sur
pren.iuut and N. Clinton.
President Merry man appointed audi-;-
rynj and investigating committees us
Auditing committee. W. W.Parker.
i N. Clinton and G. W. Kea.
Investigating committee. C. Gilbert,
Alert Hook and Ladder company No.
1 will meet next Monday eeuing forthts
election of officers under the new law.
Perso:at.. Col. John M. Wilson
l)Jlu 1KS Jl l,r.-f feocittl iit yesterday, en
route from Fort Stevens, where he hart
i)Pcll ull 0fl-cja business in connection
with the United States engineering ser
vice. Fire Escape. A vety useful inven- .
r.. . . , . t
Lightering. We are informed that
the Ajax would not tackle St Helens
bar yesterday until she had been re
lieved of some of her freight at Colum
bia city, which was taken i;p the Wal
j-Foreibly is the c vse stated by
the Colorado Spiing Guzette: "Tin
easiest way for a citizen of a place to kill
, I ha
t ree:-iv t pei steamer Aia;c
! a yg
oee of musie:tl instruments.
on. i
ins. guitars, banjos, aeeorde-
; pi.gJelvte.. also a full Hue of the best
Italia nler nigs of all kinds: 1 also have a
'oiuj)lete stocks of sheet
t Yrj-.o. w Cokxajit.
i Agent for Sherman & Hyde's music
I house San FraneNco.
V Canauy Birds. for sale at Gilles-
, pie's, Parker hou'-o baths.
Direct to Astohia. Mr. M. Wise
informs the ladies and gentlemrn of As
toria and vicinity that ho has opened his
store with a nice assorted stock of goods,
which he proposes to sell at bed-rock pri
ces for cash. Remember the place, oppo
site R. F. Ciufield's Druz Store. '
" ii
y ji
ife ani X